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The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Analysis Joshua Adauto University of Texas at El Paso

Many people, if not all, hurt and feel terrible if e see animals bein! mistreated, hether if it be from malnourishment, abuse, or "ust overall ne!lect# There are many city run or!ani$ations that do their best to try and prevent and stop such atrocities from happenin!, ho ever, there is one or!ani$ation in the United States that has been runnin! theirs for nearly t o hundred years all for the movement to prevent animal cruelty# This or!ani$ation that % am spea&in! about is &no n as The American Society 'or the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, other ise &no n as the ASPCA# (hether it be from their disturbin!ly saddenin! advertisements, or hether it be from the posters and billboards posted precariously around the city, everyone has at least heard about the ASPCA# This or!ani$ation as founded in )*++ by a man by the name of ,enry -er!h after itnessin! horses around .e /or& City bein! mistreated and hipped by their handlers # This man0s thou!ht as on the belief that animals are entitled to &ind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans, and must be protected under the la , and very soon after in the same year, the .e /or& le!islature enacted this special act to help prevent more cruelty to animals# This soon became the very first humane or!ani$ation to investi!ate crimes a!ainst animals# 1i&e many or!ani$ations in the United States, this is a non2profit or!ani$ation, meanin! that they are not funded by the U#S# 3overnment, much less the city

le!islatures# They receive most, %f not all, their fundin! from donations from the citi$ens# They receive said donations from runnin! advertisements via television that often pull on the heartstrin!s of Americans# Throu!hout many of these ads, they often contain small video clips of often small puppies and &ittens either sho n in shelters or sho n ith obvious si!ns of ne!lect# Accompanied ith these 4depressin! si!hts5 is music that is often also thou!ht of saddenin! as ell# To this day, there is no site ith an exact number of ho much the ASPCA has raised, but an estimate from their ebsite predicts that hundreds of millions has been raised to support the cause# ,o ever, li&e ith all charitable or!ani$ations, there are people that often thin& that a lot of the money raised for these or!ani$ations, never ma&es it to said or!ani$ations# That is not all true thou!h# 1i&e many charitable or!ani$ations as ell, they have to 4 dip into5 their donations fund for the expenses they incur from havin! to run all these advertisements and other events# A!ain, there is no clear and concise ans er to ho much 6in a percenta!e or in a dollar amount7 actually !oes to the animals# Many forums around the internet ar!ue that the ASPCA receives a little under 89: of their donations and the rest is used for business purposes# ;ther ebsites claim that they do not receive anythin! close to that< to be more specific, the percenta!e bein! only about )#=:# The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has not made an official amount or percenta!e that actually !oes to the cause to help these animals in need# This minor confidentiality ar!ument hurts their credibility in such a ay that these s&eptics do not ant to !ive to ards this charity and ould rather !ive to their local humane shelters instead of this or!ani$ation# Alon! ith this 4confidentiality conflict5 there are also many states claimin! that they are not receivin! the fundin! or help needed from the ASPCA, to be more exact, .orth Carolina# %n a ne s story published by (>A1 6a ne s station in >alei!h7 on .ovember )), ?9)), they ran a story by the name of 4@onatin! to ,umane Society, ASPCAA Money mi!ht not !o to .C#5 Throu!hout the

ne s story, it has been stated that a lot of the donations, if not all, does not !o to ards aidin! those or!ani$ations on .orth Carolina# %n conclusion, the ASPCA plays on the emotions of the Americans to receive their donations, mostly throu!h their saddenin! advertisements and events# There is not an exact dollar amount, much less a percenta!e amount of hat actually does !o to helpin! the animals a!ainst this cruelty# 1astly, there is a debate ith .orth Carolina and the ASPCA and their humane society in >alei!h hy they are not bein! funded#

>eferences ASPCA, 6?9)B7, About the ASPCA, >etrieved from httpCDD usDabout2the2aspca -ro der, C#, Eerr >#, ,inchcliffe E#, 6 ?9)), .ov# ))7, Donating to Humane Society, ASPCA? Money might not go to NC, Retrieved from: http://www.wral.com/news/local/wral_investigates/story/10410881/ #aspca#or!Dabout2

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