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Japanese Civilization: Midterm Review First Tip: Look At Broad Issue o Beginnings of Japan o How do we define Japan 6 THEORIES

ES Tendency to assume that Japan is homogenous and agrarian and static but not true Agrarian (Not True modern infrastructure found) Isolated (Not True interaction with the Chinese) thalossocracy trade between Japan and the intercontinental Asia countries Nature o How do you explain the feminity/masculinity Compare between time periods Give examples o Kojiki o Genji

Time Periods: 1. Jomon/Yayoi o What is Japan o Readings: Kojiki (gender issue: Amaterasu state priestess) and Goddess of Water Creation myths Imperial myths These are different explanations from the archaeological evidence our choice to argue which one 2. Kofun o Horserider Theory o Kofun tombs the huge size is not native to Japan replicated everywhere To have such a large tomb, you need manpower In Yayoi period, there existed separated, isolated communities What does that tell you about the political community of the Kofun period? o State formation - one single political party? To show their alliance, follow the burial methods 3. Asuka/Nara o State sponsored arts Manyoshu o Prince Shotoku 17 articles o How did the Japanese state establish its authority? (During the Kofun period, we see a state emerging but how do they establish its legitimacy?) Culturally we are superior

Creating literature (also how it was different then the Chinese) Buddhism Buddhist Temples o The civilized things to do United country religious idea to strive towards Marriage politics Imperial Family Yamato o Underneath it many clans o Soga o Fugiwara Imperial Myth - Authority of Amaterasu

4. Heian o Readings: Tale of Genji, Pillow Book, The Woman who Admired Vermin different perspectives about the idealized females and males should be like o Genji The characteristics of good women and good men Calligraphy Appearance Sense of modesty Beauty practices Blackened teeth Psychological Novel Very nuanced description of the emotions of the characters o Pillow Book Critical Of her own experience Of how people thought vs. how people were depicted Diary What do men do that is despicable? When men leave in a hurry When men pretend to know more than they actually do o The Woman who admired Vermin Did not practice any beauty practices Which shows what Japan wanted from women during the Heian period o Court Practices Political marriage no love; emperor has a number of empresses and concubines Why couldnt Genji rise to power/emperor seat? o Mothers father died so there was no political clout Power rested on mothers family because they raised the kids o Kanpaku A regent system a member of the family that guides the young emperor make decision Traditionally an elder from the mothers family

To combat this system: insei o Emperor A abdicates early on in their life (every 4 to 6 years there was a new emperor) Retires o Then becomes a monk Not part of the imperial court system o Emperor B takes control Fujiwara Clan ends up the most successful in this system o But even in them there are internal fractions

5. Kamakura o Readings: Tales of the Heike Good Male Warrior talks about suicide, honor, bravery, courage Women Warrior was marginalized Motives: Drowning of the emperor with his grandmother Acts of bravery Examples of Masculine Behavior Dress Style Coils o Protect warriors against the arrows Helmets o Impracticality o Ascetics > Impracticality Weapons Hojoki Honen COMPARE TO TALE OF GENJI Tale of Heike: announcing of the name o the ways of they present themselves with honor

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