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Juliana Mavellia Malcolm Campbell English 1103 3 October 2013 Yes or No to GMOs


I was walking in the familiar, crammed aisles of the supermarket doing some muchneeded grocery shopping. The refrigerator at home was looking a little low on fruits and vegetables so I decided to go to those aisles first. Out of habit, I started looking for the fruits and vegetables that had the organic label. For the past few years my family has been eating strictly organic food, because recently they have been hesitant about eating other foods that are genetically modified (GM), or could be GM and not be labeled as such. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are organisms, such as food crops that have altered genetic material through artificial insertion of genes from bacteria, viruses, and other animals (Environmental Commons). By manipulating the DNA of common food crops, engineers can make the crops have larger yields, added nutritional value, self-produced insecticides, and resistance to herbicides, such as Roundup, that are able to kill other naturalgrowing plants (Natural Health). Engineers can obtain a desired characteristic through a process called mapping, which they can identify and isolate the gene that triggers a certain trait. The gene then goes through a process called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in order to copy the desired gene so that it can be inserted into plant tissues and other target organisms (AusBioIndustry). As I grabbed the organic apple, I began thinking, Are there really any concerning risks to eating GM foods? Why go through the hassles of looking for a more expensive type of food


when GM foods are just as nutritious, maybe even more so? I have never really questioned my familys views on GM foods, because it seemed obvious to me. Of course, I would want to eat something naturally grown. However, could technology provide advantages in food production that could be useful for our health and the environment? I picked up the GM apple in the other hand, weighing each apple in my hands as I contemplated which apple to take home. GM foods were first introduced in the United States in the mid-1990s, but have been available commercially since 1994 when Calgene, a companu in California, introduced the FlavrSavr tomato. The FlavrSavr tomato was the first genetically modified crop available to the public, in which it was altered to slow down its decomposition after being picked. Although it was later removed from the market when Monsanto bought the company due to controversy ober Monsanto refusing to label it as GM (The New York Times). In spite of this genetic modification has become widespread in the United Sates with 93 percent of soybeans, and 88 percent of corn being genetically altered (Better Nutrition). The United States is one of the largest producers of GM products, with 70 percent of foods in grocery stores containing byproducts of GMOs (Natural Health). This increase in GM food production causes concern for the environment because with this increase comes the increase of Roundup Ready Crops, which are crops designed to be tolerant to glyphosate, an active ingredient in Roundup (Young). Even though many GMO activists agree that the use of Roundup has increased, they argue that it is less toxic than the herbicides used previously. On the other hand, many counter that GMOs pose a threat to the environment because GM plants could cross-pollinate with another species of crop or wild plant. This contamination may create a public health threat with the creation of superweeds which could require farmers to use an increased amount of stronger herbicides. This increase in toxic


chemicals to the environment could result in the extinction of rare species of plants that allow nature to have biodiversity. Pamela Ronald, Ph.D., professor of plant pathology at the University of California, reaffirms that organic production and genetically engineered crops have coexisted side by side for 20 years, and both types of crop production are thriving. Still, the National Research Council claims that an overuse of Roundup Ready is presently causing crosspollination, and therefore causing an increase in superweeds (Natural Health). Many GMO activists agree that GM foods can be detrimental to the environment, but only if they are not managed correctly. They conclude if monitored correctly, GM crops require fewer pesticides and herbicides. PG Economics concluded that countries that have been using GM crop production methods have reduced their use of pesticide and herbicide by 15 and 20 percent respectively (AusBioIndustry). However, GM crops require such little pesticides because they already have insecticides built into them. Therefore causing us to question whether there is harmful health effects induced by the consumption of GM foods. Many corporations, and regulation agencies like the FDA, USDA, and EPA argue that there is no evidence of harmful side effects in consuming Gm foods (Better Nutrition). Other numerous studies have been conducted that agree that there are no adverse side-effects as well. The EU Commission, the executive body of the European Union, financed 81 studies over a 15-year period to determine whether GM products were unsafe. No evidence was found that proved that GM foods were causing harm to humans (AusBioIndustry). Conversely, others such as non-GMO activists and some physicians claim to have evidence that there are potential side-affects of GM foods. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), an organization made up of physicians, declared that there are serious health risks associated with eating GM foods that include infertility, immune system


problems, accelerated aging, disruption of insulin and cholesterol regulation, gastrointestinal problems, and even organ damage through on-going experiments involving rats. The organization also completed a study on humans, which revealed that in some people, the herbicide-resistant genes from soybeans transferred into the bacteria DNA of the intestines. A non-GMO advocate and author of Genetic Roulette, Jeffrey M. Smith explained that, This means that long after we stop eating GMOs, we may still have potentially dangerous GM proteins continuously produced inside of us (Better Nutrition). Amy Dean, D.O., a internal medicine physician at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and president of the AAEM states that she is worried over the increasing numbers of autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis (Natural Health). The new proteins created by GMOs may activate the immune system and make the body attack itself, which can increase the risk of GMO-induced food allergies. However some disagree with Deans assessments such as, Steve L. Taylor, Ph.D., co-director of the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program at the University of Nebraska, who sates, The products on the market today have been thoroughly assessed for allergenicity, and theres no allergic risk. Therefore, presently there are no GM foods that have been distributed in the market that been shown to cause harm to humans. Yet Taylor does mention that this might not the case for future GM foods (Natural Health). In other words we really dont know what the side-affects of Gm foods will be in the future 20, 30, 40 years from now, which makes me a little hesitant to stray from organic food. It is a little frightening to think that many people who are experiencing allergies could be reacting to GM foods, and be wrongly diagnosed. Even thought these conclusions are not proven, they involuntarily arise in the back of my mind when buying a Gm food product.

"#$%&&'#!,! Although many agree with Taylor that Gm foods are being rigorously tested, others argue

that this no the case. Many claim that GM foods are being regulated inadequately by the FDA, EPA, and the USDA due to these agencies considering genetic bioengineering as traditional agriculture. Even though companies must consult with the FDA, there is no requirement to test the food before distributing it on a large-scale, unless a Life Science company considers the genetic insertion a food additive (Environmental Commons). In addition, due to no mandatory labeling, consumers could be eating Gm foods and not even know it. Due to disagreement over the benefits and drawbacks of GM foods, there is much controversy over labeling. According to the Better Nutrition, 90 percent of American want GM foods labeled, and more than a million people signed the Just Label It petition that asked the FDA to implement mandatory labeling. In addition, in California, one million voter signatures were submitted to place GMO labeling initiative on the ballot last year. However, corporations like PespiCo and Coca-Cocla spent millions of dollars to fight the effort (The New York Times).

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