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First set: ARTICLE 1732.

Common carriers are _____, _______, ______ or _____engaged in the _____of carr ing or trans!orting !assengers or goods or "oth, " #and, $ater, or air, for com!ensation, offering their ser%ices to the !&"#ic. Vigilance Over Goods ARTICLE 1733. Common carriers, from the ______ of their "&siness and for_____of !&"#ic !o#ic , are "o&nd to o"ser%e e'traordinar di#igence in the ______ o%er the goods and for the ______ of the !assengers trans!orted " them, according to a## the circ&mstances of each case. (aitdo ____ e'traordinar di#igence in the %igi#ance o%er the goods is f&rther e'!ressed in artic#es 173), 173*, and 17)*, +os. *, ,, and 7, ____ the e'traordinar di#igence for the safet of the !assengers is f&rther set forth in artic#es 17** and 17*,. ARTICLE 173). Common carriers are _______ for the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods, &n#ess the same is d&e to an of the fo##o$ing ca&ses on# : -1. ______ , _______ , ______ , _____ , or other _____ ______ or _________/ -2._____of the !&"#ic enem in $ar, $hether ________ or ______/ -3. Act or ______ of the ______ or _____ of the goods/ -). The ________ of the goods or _______ in the _____ or in the ________/ -*. _____ or act of com!etent !&"#ic a&thorit . ARTICLE 173*. In a## cases other than those mentioned in +os. 1, 2, 3, ), and * of the !receding artic#e, if the goods are #ost, destro ed or deteriorated, common carriers are !res&med to ha%e "een at ______ or to ha%e acted neg#igent# , &n#ess the !ro%e that the o"ser%ed e'traordinar di#igence as re0&ired in artic#e 1733. ARTICLE 173,. The e'traordinar __________ of the common carrier _____ from the time the goods are ____________ !#aced in the ________ of, and recei%ed " the carrier for trans!ortation &nti# the same are de#i%ered, _______ or ________, " the ______ to the consignee, or to the !erson $ho has a right to recei%e them, $itho&t !re1&dice to the !ro%isions of artic#e 1732. ARTICLE 1737. The common carrier3s ____ to o"ser%e e'traordinar di#igence in the %igi#ance o%er the goods remains in f&## force and effect e%en $hen the are tem!orari# _________ or stored in ________, &n#ess the shi!!er or o$ner has made &se of the right of ________ in _______. ARTICLE 1732. The e'traordinar ________ of the common carrier contin&es to "e o!erati%e e%en d&ring the time the goods are stored in a $areho&se of the carrier at the ______ of destination, &nti# the ______ has "een ad%ised of the ______of the goods and has had ______ o!!ort&nit thereafter to remo%e them or other$ise dis!ose of them. ARTICLE 1734. In order that the common carrier ma "e _______ from res!onsi"i#it , the nat&ra# disaster m&st ha%e "een the ______ and on# ca&se of the #oss. 5o$e%er, the common carrier m&st e'ercise _____ di#igence to !re%ent or minimi6e #oss "efore, d&ring and after the ______ of f#ood, storm or other nat&ra# disaster in order that the common carrier ma "e e'em!ted from #ia"i#it for the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods. The same _____ is inc&m"ent &!on the common carrier in case of an act of the !&"#ic enem referred to in artic#e 173), +o. 2. ARTICLE 17)7. If the common carrier ________ inc&rs in de#a in trans!orting the goods, a nat&ra# disaster sha## not ______ s&ch carrier from res!onsi"i#it . ARTICLE 17)1. If the shi!!er or o$ner mere# ________ to the #oss, destr&ction or deterioration of the goods, the !ro'imate ca&se thereof "eing the neg#igence of the common carrier, the #atter sha## "e #ia"#e in _____, $hich ho$e%er, sha## "e __________ red&ced. ARTICLE 17)2. E%en if the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods sho&#d "e ca&sed " the _______ of the goods, or the fa&#t of the _____or of the containers, the common carrier m&st e'ercise d&e di#igence to ______ or #essen the #oss. ARTICLE 17)3. If thro&gh the order of !&"#ic a&thorit the goods are _______ or destro ed, the common carrier is not ________, !ro%ided said !&"#ic a&thorit had !o$er to iss&e the order. ARTICLE 17)). A ________ "et$een the common carrier and the ______ or o$ner #imiting the #ia"i#it of the former for the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods to a _______ #ess than e'traordinar di#igence sha## "e %a#id, !ro%ided it "e: -1. In ______, signed " the shi!!er or o$ner/ -2. 8&!!orted " a _______ consideration other than the _______ rendered " the common carrier/ and -3. Reasona"#e, 1&st and not contrar to !&"#ic !o#ic . ARTICLE 17)*. An of the fo##o$ing or simi#ar sti!&#ations sha## "e considered ________, &n1&st and contrar to !&"#ic !o#ic : -1. That the goods are trans!orted at the _______ of the o$ner or shi!!er/ -2. That the common carrier $i## not "e #ia"#e for an #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods/ -3. That the common carrier need not _______ an di#igence in the c&stod of the goods/ -). That the common carrier sha## ________ a degree of di#igence #ess than that of a good father of a fami# , or of a man of _________ !r&dence in the %igi#ance o%er the mo%a"#es trans!orted/ -*. That the common carrier sha## not "e _________ for the acts or _______ of his or its em!#o ees/ -,. That the common carrier3s #ia"i#it for acts committed " thie%es, or of ro""ers $ho do not act $ith _______ or irresisti"#e threat, %io#ence or force, is ________ $ith or diminished/

-7. That the common carrier is not res!onsi"#e for the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of goods on _________ of the defecti%e _______ of the car, %ehic#e, shi!, air!#ane or other e0&i!ment &sed in the contract of ________. ARTICLE 17),. An agreement #imiting the common carrier3s #ia"i#it ma "e _______ " the shi!!er or o$ner if the common carrier ref&sed to carr the ______ &n#ess the former agreed to s&ch sti!&#ation. ARTICLE 17)7. If the common carrier, $itho&t 1&st ca&se, _______ the trans!ortation of the goods or changes the ______ or &s&a# ro&te, the ______ #imiting the common carrier3s #ia"i#it cannot "e a%ai#ed of in case of the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods. ARTICLE 17)2. An agreement #imiting the common carrier3s #ia"i#it for ____ on acco&nt of stri9es or riots is %a#id. ARTICLE 17)4. A sti!&#ation that the common carrier3s #ia"i#it is #imited to the _____ of the goods a!!earing in the "i## of _____, &n#ess the shi!!er or o$ner dec#ares a greater %a#&e, is "inding. ARTICLE 17*7. A ______ fi'ing the s&m that ma "e reco%ered " the o$ner or shi!!er for the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods is %a#id, if it is reasona"#e and 1&st &nder the circ&mstances, and has "een _____ and free# _____ &!on. ARTICLE 17*1. The fact that the common carrier has no ______ a#ong the #ine or _____, or a !art thereof, to $hich the contract refers sha## "e ta9en into consideration on the 0&estion of $hether or not a sti!&#ation #imiting the common carrier3s #ia"i#it is reasona"#e, ____ and in consonance $ith !&"#ic !o#ic . ARTICLE 17*2. E%en $hen there is an ______ #imiting the #ia"i#it of the common carrier in the %igi#ance o%er the goods, the common carrier is dis!&ta"# !res&med to ha%e "een neg#igent in case of their #oss, destr&ction or deterioration. ARTICLE 17*3. The _____ of the co&ntr to $hich the goods are to "e trans!orted sha## go%ern the #ia"i#it of the common carrier for their #oss, destr&ction or deterioration. ARTICLE 17*). The !ro%isions of artic#es 1733 to 17*3 sha## a!!# to the !assenger3s "aggage $hich is not in his !ersona# c&stod or in that of his em!#o ee. As to other "aggage, the r&#es in artic#es 1442 and 2777 to 2773 concerning the res!onsi"i#it of hote#:9ee!ers sha## "e a!!#ica"#e. Safety of Passengers ARTICLE 17**. A common carrier is "o&nd to carr the !assengers safe# as far as h&man ___ and foresight can !ro%ide, &sing the _____ di#igence of %er ca&tio&s !ersons, $ith a ___ regard for a## the circ&mstances. ARTICLE 17*,. In case of _____ of or in1&ries to !assengers, common carriers are !res&med to ha%e "een at fa&#t or to ha%e acted neg#igent# , &n#ess the !ro%e that the o"ser%ed e'traordinar di#igence as !rescri"ed in artic#es 1733 and 17**. ARTICLE 17*7. The ______ of a common carrier for the safet of !assengers as re0&ired in artic#es 1733 and 17** cannot "e dis!ensed $ith or _______ " sti!&#ation, " the !osting of ______, " statements on ______, or other$ise. ARTICLE 17*2. ;hen a !assenger is carried ________, a sti!&#ation #imiting the common carrier3s #ia"i#it for neg#igence is %a#id, "&t not for $i#f&# _____ or gross neg#igence. The red&ction of fare does not 1&stif an #imitation of the common carrier3s #ia"i#it . ARTICLE 17*4. Common carriers are #ia"#e for the death of or in1&ries to !assengers thro&gh the ______ or $i#f&# acts of the former3s em!#o ees, a#tho&gh s&ch em!#o ees ma ha%e acted "e ond the sco!e of their a&thorit or in _______ of the orders of the common carriers. This #ia"i#it of the common carriers does not_____ &!on !roof that the e'ercised a## the di#igence of a good father of a fami# in the se#ection and ________ of their em!#o ees. ARTICLE 17,7. The common carrier3s res!onsi"i#it !rescri"ed in the !receding artic#e cannot "e _________ or #imited " sti!&#ation, " the !osting of notices, " statements on the tic9ets or other$ise. ARTICLE 17,1. The !assenger m&st o"ser%e the di#igence of a good father of a fami# to a%oid _______ to himse#f. ARTICLE 17,2. The __________ neg#igence of the !assenger does not "ar reco%er of damages for his death or in1&ries, if the !ro'imate ca&se thereof is the neg#igence of the common carrier, "&t the______ of damages sha## "e e0&ita"# red&ced. ARTICLE 17,3. A common carrier is res!onsi"#e for in1&ries s&ffered " a !assenger on acco&nt of the $i#f&# acts or neg#igence of other !assengers or of strangers, if the common carrier3s ______ thro&gh the e'ercise of the di#igence of a good father of a fami# co&#d ha%e !re%ented or _____ the act or ______. Common Provisions ARTICLE 17,). <amages in cases com!rised in this 8ection sha## "e a$arded in accordance $ith Tit#e =>III of this ?oo9, concerning <amages. Artic#e 227, sha## a#so a!!# to the death of a !assenger ca&sed " the _______ of contract " a common carrier. ARTICLE 17,*. The _______ ________Commission ma , on its o$n _____ or on !etition of an interested !art , after d&e hearing, cance# the ______ of !&"#ic ______ granted to an common carrier that re!eated# fai#s to com!# $ith his or its d&t to o"ser%e e'traordinar di#igence as !rescri"ed in this 8ection.

ARTICLE 17,,. In a## matters not reg&#ated " this Code, the ______ and o"#igations of common carriers sha## "e go%erned " the ____ of Commerce and " ____ #a$s. 8ET 2: ARTICLE 1732. Common carriers are !ersons, cor!orations, firms or associations engaged in the "&siness of ______ or trans!orting ______ or goods or "oth, " #and, $ater, or air, for _______, offering their ser%ices to the !&"#ic. ARTICLE 1733. Common carriers, from the nat&re of their _____ and for reasons of _____ _______, are "o&nd to o"ser%e e'traordinar di#igence in the %igi#ance o%er the _____ and for the safet of the ______ trans!orted " them, according to a## the circ&mstances of each case. 8&ch e'traordinar di#igence in the %igi#ance o%er the goods is f&rther e'!ressed in artic#es 173), 173*, and 17)*, +os. *, ,, and 7, $hi#e the e'traordinar di#igence for the safet of the !assengers is f&rther set forth in artic#es 17** and 17*,. ARTICLE 173). Common carriers are res!onsi"#e for the ____, _______ or _______ of the goods, &n#ess the same is d&e to an of the fo##o$ing ca&ses on# : -1. F#ood, storm, earth0&a9e, #ightning, or other nat&ra# disaster or ca#amit / -2. Act of the ______ _______in $ar, $hether internationa# or ci%i#/ -3. Act or _____ of the ______ or o$ner of the goods/ -). The character of the goods or ______in the !ac9ing or in the containers/ -*. @rder or act of _______!&"#ic a&thorit . ARTICLE 173*. In a## cases other than those mentioned in +os. 1, 2, 3, ), and * of the !receding artic#e, if the goods are #ost, destro ed or deteriorated, common carriers are !res&med to ha%e "een at fa&#t or to ha%e acted_______, &n#ess the !ro%e that the o"ser%ed e'traordinar di#igence as re0&ired in artic#e 1733. ARTICLE 173,. The e'traordinar res!onsi"i#it of the common carrier #asts from the time the goods are _________!#aced in the !ossession of, and_______ " the carrier for trans!ortation &nti# the same are de#i%ered, act&a## or_______, " the carrier to the_______, or to the !erson $ho has a right to recei%e them, $itho&t !re1&dice to the !ro%isions of artic#e 1732. ARTICLE 1737. The common carrier3s d&t to o"ser%e e'traordinar di#igence in the %igi#ance o%er the goods remains in f&## force and effect e%en $hen the are _______&n#oaded or _____in transit, &n#ess the shi!!er or o$ner has made &se of the _____of sto!!age in transit&. ARTICLE 1732. The e'traordinar #ia"i#it of the common carrier contin&es to "e _______ e%en d&ring the time the goods are stored in a $areho&se of the carrier at the !#ace of_________, &nti# the consignee has "een______ of the arri%a# of the _____and has had reasona"#e _______thereafter to remo%e them or other$ise dis!ose of them. ARTICLE 1734. In order that the common carrier ma "e e'em!ted from ______, the nat&ra# disaster m&st ha%e "een the !ro'imate and on# ____of the #oss. 5o$e%er, the common carrier m&st e'ercise d&e _______to !re%ent or minimi6e #oss "efore, d&ring and after the occ&rrence of f#ood, storm or other nat&ra# disaster in order that the common carrier ma "e e'em!ted from ________for the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods. The same d&t is_________ &!on the common carrier in case of an act of the !&"#ic enem referred to in artic#e 173), +o. 2. ARTICLE 17)7. If the common carrier neg#igent# ______in de#a in trans!orting the goods, a nat&ra# disaster sha## not free s&ch carrier from________. ARTICLE 17)1. If the shi!!er or o$ner mere# contri"&ted to the #oss, destr&ction or deterioration of the goods, the !ro'imate ca&se thereof "eing the _______of the common carrier, the #atter sha## "e #ia"#e in damages, $hich ho$e%er, sha## "e e0&ita"# ______. ARTICLE 17)2. E%en if the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods sho&#d "e ca&sed " the character of the goods, or the fa&#t _____of the !ac9ing or of the containers, the common carrier m&st ______d&e di#igence to foresta## or ______the #oss. ARTICLE 17)3. If thro&gh the order of ______ _________the goods are sei6ed or_______, the common carrier is not res!onsi"#e, !ro%ided said !&"#ic a&thorit had !o$er to iss&e the_____. ARTICLE 17)). A sti!&#ation "et$een the ______ ______and the _____or o$ner #imiting the #ia"i#it of the former for the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods to a degree ____than e'traordinar di#igence sha## "e %a#id, !ro%ided it "e: -1. In $riting, ______ " the shi!!er or o$ner/ -2. 8&!!orted " a %a#&a"#e _______other than the ser%ice rendered " the common carrier/ and -3. Reasona"#e, 1&st and not contrar to !&"#ic !o#ic . ARTICLE 17)*. An of the fo##o$ing or simi#ar sti!&#ations sha## "e considered &nreasona"#e, &n1&st and contrar to !&"#ic !o#ic : -1. That the goods are trans!orted at the ris9 of the o$ner or shi!!er/ -2. That the common carrier $i## not "e #ia"#e for an #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods/ -3. That the common carrier need not o"ser%e an di#igence in the ______of the goods/ -). That the common carrier sha## e'ercise a ______ of di#igence #ess than that of a good father of a fami# , or of a man of ordinar _______in the %igi#ance o%er the mo%a"#es trans!orted/ -*. That the common carrier sha## not "e res!onsi"#e for the _____or ______of his or its em!#o ees/

-,. That the common carrier3s #ia"i#it for acts committed " thie%es, or of ro""ers $ho do not act $ith gra%e or _______threat, %io#ence or force, is dis!ensed $ith or diminished/ -7. That the common carrier is not res!onsi"#e for the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of goods on acco&nt of the ______condition of the car, %ehic#e, shi!, air!#ane or other ______&sed in the contract of carriage. ARTICLE 17),. An agreement #imiting the common carrier3s #ia"i#it ma "e ann&##ed " the shi!!er or o$ner if the common carrier ref&sed to_____ the goods &n#ess the former agreed to s&ch_________. ARTICLE 17)7. If the common carrier, $itho&t 1&st ca&se, de#a s the trans!ortation of the goods or______ the sti!&#ated or_____ _______, the contract _______ the common carrier3s #ia"i#it cannot "e a%ai#ed of in case of the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods. ARTICLE 17)2. An agreement #imiting the common carrier3s #ia"i#it for de#a on acco&nt of ______or riots is %a#id. ARTICLE 17)4. A sti!&#ation that the common carrier3s #ia"i#it is #imited to the %a#&e of the goods a!!earing in the____ of #ading, &n#ess the shi!!er or o$ner dec#ares a greater %a#&e, is_______. ARTICLE 17*7. A contract fi'ing the s&m that ma "e reco%ered " the o$ner or shi!!er for the #oss, destr&ction, or deterioration of the goods is %a#id, if it is reasona"#e and 1&st &nder the circ&mstances, and has "een ____and free# ______&!on. ARTICLE 17*1. The fact that the common carrier has no com!etitor a#ong the_____ or ro&te, or a !art thereof, to $hich the contract refers sha## "e ta9en into consideration on the 0&estion of $hether or not a sti!&#ation #imiting the common carrier3s #ia"i#it is_____, 1&st and in consonance $ith !&"#ic !o#ic . ARTICLE 17*2. E%en $hen there is an agreement #imiting the #ia"i#it of the common carrier in the %igi#ance o%er the goods, the common carrier is dis!&ta"# _______to ha%e "een neg#igent in case of their #oss, destr&ction or deterioration. ARTICLE 17*3. The #a$ of the co&ntr to $hich the goods are to "e trans!orted sha## ______the #ia"i#it of the common carrier for their #oss, destr&ction or deterioration. ARTICLE 17*). The !ro%isions of artic#es 1733 to 17*3 sha## a!!# to the !assenger3s "aggage $hich is not in his !ersona# c&stod or in that of his em!#o ee. As to other "aggage, the r&#es in artic#es 1442 and 2777 to 2773 concerning the res!onsi"i#it of hote#:9ee!ers sha## "e a!!#ica"#e. Safety of Passengers ARTICLE 17**. A common carrier is "o&nd to carr the !assengers safe# as far as h&man care and_______ can !ro%ide, &sing the &tmost di#igence of %er _______!ersons, $ith a d&e _____for a## the circ&mstances. ARTICLE 17*,. In case of death of or ______to !assengers, common carriers are !res&med to ha%e "een at fa&#t or to ha%e acted neg#igent# , &n#ess the !ro%e that the o"ser%ed e'traordinar di#igence as !rescri"ed in artic#es 1733 and 17**. ARTICLE 17*7. The res!onsi"i#it of a common carrier for the safet of !assengers as re0&ired in artic#es 1733 and 17** cannot "e _____$ith or #essened " __________, " the !osting of notices, " ______ on tic9ets, or other$ise. ARTICLE 17*2. ;hen a !assenger is carried_______, a sti!&#ation #imiting the common carrier3s #ia"i#it for neg#igence is %a#id, "&t not for _______acts or gross neg#igence. The _______of fare does not 1&stif an #imitation of the common carrier3s #ia"i#it . ARTICLE 17*4. Common carriers are #ia"#e for the death of or in1&ries to !assengers thro&gh the neg#igence or _____acts of the former3s em!#o ees, a#tho&gh s&ch em!#o ees ma ha%e acted "e ond the ______of their a&thorit or in %io#ation of the orders of the common carriers. This #ia"i#it of the common carriers does not cease &!on !roof that the e'ercised a## the di#igence of a good father of a fami# in the _______and s&!er%ision of their________. ARTICLE 17,7. The common carrier3s res!onsi"i#it !rescri"ed in the !receding artic#e cannot "e _______or #imited " ______, " the !osting of notices, " statements on the tic9ets or other$ise. ARTICLE 17,1. The !assenger m&st o"ser%e the di#igence of a good father of a fami# to a%oid in1&r to himse#f. ARTICLE 17,2. The contri"&tor neg#igence of the !assenger does not "ar reco%er of _______for his death or in1&ries, if the !ro'imate ca&se thereof is the neg#igence of the common carrier, "&t the amo&nt of damages sha## "e e0&ita"# red&ced. ARTICLE 17,3. A common carrier is res!onsi"#e for in1&ries s&ffered " a !assenger on acco&nt of the $i#f&# acts or neg#igence of other !assengers or of strangers, if the common carrier3s em!#o ees thro&gh the______ of the di#igence of a good father of a fami# co&#d ha%e _______or sto!!ed the ___or omission. Common Provisions ARTICLE 17,). <amages in cases com!rised in this 8ection sha## "e a$arded in accordance $ith Tit#e =>III of this ?oo9, concerning <amages. Artic#e 227, sha## a#so a!!# to the death of a !assenger ca&sed " the _____of ______ " a common carrier.

ARTICLE 17,*. The _______ _______ ________ma , on its o$n _____or on !etition of an interested !art , after d&e hearing, cance# the certificate of _______ _______granted to an common carrier that re!eated# ______ to com!# $ith his or its d&t to o"ser%e e'traordinar di#igence as !rescri"ed in this 8ection. ARTICLE 17,,. In a## matters not reg&#ated " this Code, the rights and o"#igations of common carriers sha## "e go%erned " the ______ of ______and " _______ _____. SET 3 Art. 1732. Common carriers are persons, corporations, firms or associations 1._______ in the business of carrying or transporting passengers or goods or both, by and, !ater, or air, for 2.______, 3.______ their ser"ices to the pub ic. Art. 1733. Common carriers, from the #._____ of their business and for $.______ of pub ic po icy, are %._____ to obser"e e&traordinary di igence in the "igi ance o"er the goods and for the safety of the passengers transported by them, according to a the circumstances of each case. Such e&traordinary di igence in the 7._____ o"er the goods is further e&pressed in Artic es 173#, 173$, and 17#$, 'os. $, %, and 7, !hi e the e&traordinary di igence for the (. _____ of the passengers is further set forth in Artic es 17$$ and 17$%. SUBSECTION 2. - Vigilance Over Goods Art. 173#. Common carriers are responsib e for the )._______, 1*._______, or 11.______ of the goods, un ess the same is due to any of the fo o!ing causes 12._____+ ,1- . ood, storm, earth/ua0e, ightning, or other 13.__________ or ca amity1 ,2- Act of the 1#._______ in !ar, !hether 1$.________ or ci"i 1 ,3- Act of omission of the shipper or 1%.______ of the goods1 ,#- The 17_______of the goods or defects in the 1(_______ or in the containers1 ,$- 1)_______or act of competent pub ic authority. Art. 173$. 2n a cases other than those mentioned in 'os. 1, 2, 3, #, and $ of the preceding artic e, if the goods are ost, destroyed or deteriorated, common carriers are 2*.________ to ha"e been at fau t or to ha"e acted neg igent y, un ess they pro"e that they 21._________ e&traordinary di igence as re/uired in Artic e 1733. Art. 173%. The e&traordinary responsibi ity of the common carrier 22._____ from the time the goods are unconditiona y p aced in the 23_______ of, and recei"ed by the carrier for 2#________ unti the same are de i"ered, 2$______ or 2%._________, by the carrier to the consignee, or to the person !ho has a right to 27_____them, !ithout pre3udice to the pro"isions of Artic e 173(. Art. 1737. The common carrier4s duty to obser"e e&traordinary di igence o"er the goods 2(_________ in fu force and effect e"en !hen they are temporari y 2)_______ or stored in transit, un ess the shipper or o!ner has made 3*_______ of the right of stoppage in transitu. Art. 173(. The e&traordinary iabi ity of the common carrier 31________ to be operati"e e"en during the time the goods are stored in a !arehouse of the carrier at the p ace of 32_________, unti the consignee has been 33_____ of the arri"a of the goods and has had reasonab e opportunity thereafter to remo"e them or other!ise dispose of them. Art. 173). 2n order that the common carrier may be e&empted from 3#_______, the natura disaster must ha"e been the pro&imate and 3$_______ cause of the oss. 5o!e"er, the common carrier must e&ercise 3%_______ di igence to pre"ent or minimi6e oss 37_______ , 3(______ and 3)_______ the occurrence of f ood, storm or other natura disaster in order that the common carrier may be e&empted from iabi ity for the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods. The same duty is #*_______upon the common carrier in case of an act of the pub ic enemy referred to in Artic e 173#, 'o. 2. Art. 17#*. 2f the common carrier neg igent y #1______ in de ay in transporting the goods, a natura disaster sha not free such carrier from responsibi ity. Art. 17#1. 2f the shipper or o!ner #2_______ contributed to the oss, destruction or deterioration of the goods, the pro&imate cause thereof being the neg igence of the common carrier, the #3_______ sha be iab e in damages, !hich ho!e"er, sha be e/uitab y ##______. Art. 17#2. E"en if the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods shou d be #$______ by the character of the goods, or the #%_______ nature of the pac0ing or of the containers, the common carrier must e&ercise due di igence to foresta or #7______ the oss. Art. 17#3. 2f through the order of pub ic authority the goods are #(_______ or #)______, the common carrier is not responsib e, pro"ided said pub ic authority had $*_____ to issue the order.

Art. 17##. A $1______ bet!een the common carrier and the shipper or o!ner imiting the iabi ity of the $2_______ for the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods to a degree ess than e&traordinary di igence sha be "a id, pro"ided it be+ ,1- 2n !riting, $3_____ by the shipper or o!ner1 ,2- $#_______ by a "a uab e consideration other than the ser"ice rendered by the common carrier1 and ,3- $$_______ , $%_______ and not contrary to pub ic po icy. Art. 17#$. Any of the fo o!ing or simi ar stipu ations sha be considered $7________, $(______ and contrary to pub ic po icy+ ,1- That the goods are $)__________ at the ris0 of the o!ner or shipper1 ,2- That the common carrier !i not be %*_______ for any oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods1 ,3- That the common carrier need not obser"e any di igence in the %1________ of the goods1 ,#- That the common carrier sha e&ercise a degree of di igence ess than that of a good father of a fami y, or of a man of ordinary %2_______ in the "igi ance o"er the mo"ab es transported1 ,$- That the common carrier sha not be responsib e for the acts or omission of his or its %3_______1 ,%- That the common carrier4s iabi ity for acts committed by %#_______, or of %$________ !ho do not act !ith gra"e or irresistib e threat, "io ence or force, is dispensed !ith or diminished1 ,7- That the common carrier is not responsib e for the oss, destruction, or deterioration of goods on account of the defecti"e condition of the %%______, %7______, %(______, %)________or other e/uipment used in the contract of carriage. Art. 17#%. An agreement imiting the common carrier4s iabi ity may be 7*______ by the shipper or o!ner if the common carrier refused to carry the goods un ess the former agreed to such stipu ation. Art. 17#7. 2f the common carrier, !ithout 3ust cause, de ays the transportation of the goods or 71______ the stipu ated or usua 72_____, the contract imiting the common carrier4s iabi ity cannot be a"ai ed of in case of the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods. Art. 17#(. An agreement imiting the common carrier4s iabi ity for 73_______ on account of stri0es or riots is "a id. Art. 17#). A stipu ation that the common carrier4s iabi ity is imited to the "a ue of the goods 7#________ in the bi of ading, un ess the shipper or o!ner dec ares a greater "a ue, is 7$ ______. Art. 17$*. A contract fi&ing the sum that may be 7%______ by the o!ner or shipper for the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods is "a id, if it is reasonab e and 3ust under the circumstances, and has been 77______ and free y agreed upon. Art. 17$1. The 7(______ that the common carrier has no competitor a ong the ine or route, or a part thereof, to !hich the contract refers sha be ta0en into consideration on the /uestion of !hether or not a stipu ation imiting the common carrier4s iabi ity is reasonab e, 3ust and in 7)_______!ith pub ic po icy. Art. 17$2. E"en !hen there is an agreement imiting the iabi ity of the common carrier in the "igi ance o"er the goods, the common carrier is (* ________ presumed to ha"e been neg igent in case of their oss, destruction or deterioration. Art. 17$3. The (1 _______ of the (2_________ to !hich the goods are to be transported sha go"ern the iabi ity of the common carrier for their oss, destruction or deterioration. Art. 17$#. The pro"isions of Artic es 1733 to 17$3 sha app y to the passenger4s (3 _______ !hich is not in his persona custody or in that of his emp oyee. As to other baggage, the ru es in Artic es 1))( and 2*** to 2**3 concerning the responsibi ity of (# _______ sha be app icab e. SUBSECTION 3. - Safety of assengers Art. 17$$. A common carrier is bound to carry the passengers safe y as far as ($ ______ care and foresight can pro"ide, using the utmost di igence of "ery (%_________ persons, !ith a due regard for a the circumstances. Art. 17$%. 2n case of (7 _____ of or ((_______to passengers, common carriers are presumed to ha"e been at fau t or to ha"e acted neg igent y, un ess they pro"e that they obser"ed e&traordinary di igence as prescribed in Artic es 1733 and 17$$. Art. 17$7. The responsibi ity of a common carrier for the safety of passengers as re/uired in Artic es 1733 and 17$$ cannot be dispensed !ith or ()_______ by stipu ation, by the posting of notices, by statements on tic0ets, or other!ise.

Art. 17$(. 7hen a passenger is carried )*_______ , a stipu ation imiting the common carrier4s iabi ity for neg igence is "a id, but not for !i fu acts or gross neg igence. The reduction of )1 ______does not 3ustify any imitation of the common carrier4s iabi ity. Art. 17$). Common carriers are iab e for the death of or in3uries to passengers through the neg igence or !i fu acts of the former4s emp oyees, a though such emp oyees may ha"e acted beyond the scope of their authority or in "io ation of the orders of the common carriers. This iabi ity of the common carriers does not cease upon proof that they e&ercised a the di igence of a good father of a fami y in the )2 _______ and )3_________ of their emp oyees. Art. 17%*. The common carrier4s responsibi ity prescribed in the preceding artic e cannot be )# _______ or imited by stipu ation, by the posting of notices, by statements on the tic0ets or other!ise. Art. 17%1. The passenger must obser"e the di igence of a good father of a fami y to a"oid in3ury to )$ ________. Art. 17%2. The contributory neg igence of the passenger does not bar reco"ery of damages for his death or in3uries, if the pro&imate cause thereof is the neg igence of the common carrier, but the amount of )% _______ sha be e/uitab y reduced. Art. 17%3. A common carrier is responsib e for in3uries suffered by a passenger on account of the !i fu acts or neg igence of other passengers or of strangers, if the common carrier4s emp oyees through the e&ercise of the di igence of a good father of a fami y cou d ha"e pre"ented or )7 ________ the act or omission. SUBSECTION !. - Co""on rovisions

Art. 17%#. )(_____ in cases comprised in this Section sha be a!arded in accordance !ith Tit e 89222 of this :oo0, concerning ;amages. Artic e 22*% sha a so app y to the death of a passenger caused by the breach of contract by a common carrier. Art. 17%$. The <ub ic Ser"ice Commission may, on its o!n motion or on petition of any interested party, after due hearing, ))________the certificate of pub ic con"enience granted to any common carrier that repeated y fai s to comp y !ith his or its duty to obser"e e&traordinary di igence as prescribed in this Section. Art. 17%%. 2n a matters not 1**_______ by this Code, the rights and ob igations of common carriers sha be go"erned by the Code of Commerce and by specia a!s.

SET # SECTION !. - Co""on Carriers #n$ SUBSECTION %. - General rovisions Art. 1732. Common carriers are persons, corporations, firms or associations 1. ______ in the 2. ________ of carrying or transporting 3. _______ or #. _____ or $. _____, by and, !ater, or air, for %.________, 7.________ their ser"ices to the pub ic. Art. 1733. Common carriers, from the (. _____ of their business and for ).______ of pub ic po icy, are 1*_____ to obser"e e&traordinary di igence in the 11______ o"er the goods and for the 12______ of the passengers transported by them, according to13 ____ the circumstances of each 1#______. Such e&traordinary di igence in the "igi ance o"er the goods is 1$_______ e&pressed in Artic es 173#, 173$, and 17#$, 'os. $, %, and 7, !hi e the e&traordinary di igence for the safety of the passengers is further set forth in Artic es 17$$ and 17$%. SUBSECTION 2. - Vigilance Over Goods Art. 173#. Common carriers are1% _______ for the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods, un ess the same is 17_____ to any of the fo o!ing causes 1(_______+ ,1- . ood, storm, earth/ua0e,1)________, or other natura disaster or 2*______1 ,2- Act of the pub ic enemy in !ar, !hether 21_______ or ci"i 1 ,3- Act of omission of the 22_______ or o!ner of the goods1 ,#- The 23_______ of the goods or 2#________ in the pac0ing or in the containers1 ,$- =rder or act of 2$________ pub ic authority. Art. 173$. 2n a cases other than those mentioned in 'os. 1, 2, 3, #, and $ of the preceding artic e, if the goods are 2% ______ , 27_______ or 2(_________, common carriers are 2)_______ to ha"e been at

3*________or to ha"e acted neg igent y, un ess they 31_____ that they obser"ed e&traordinary di igence as re/uired in Artic e 1733. Art. 173%. The e&traordinary 32________ of the common carrier 33______ from the time the goods are 3#_________ p aced in the possession of, and 3$________ by the carrier for transportation 3%_____ the same are de i"ered, actua y or constructi"e y, by the carrier to the 37_______, or to the person !ho has a 3(_____ to recei"e them, !ithout 3)_______ to the pro"isions of Artic e 173(. Art. 1737. The common carrier4s #*_____ to obser"e e&traordinary di igence o"er the goods #1_____ in fu force and effect e"en !hen they are #2________ un oaded or stored in transit, un ess the shipper or o!ner has made #3_____ of the right of ##_______ in transitu. Art. 173(. The e&traordinary #$________ of the common carrier #%_______ to be #7_______ e"en during the time the goods are stored in a #(_______ of the carrier at the p ace of destination, unti the consignee has been #)______ of the arri"a of the goods and has had reasonab e $*_______ thereafter to remo"e them or other!ise $1_______ of them. Art. 173). 2n order that the common carrier may be $2________ from responsibi ity, the natura disaster must ha"e been the $3______ and $#_____ cause of the $$_____. 5o!e"er, the common carrier must $% ______ due di igence to pre"ent or $7________ oss before, during and after the $(________ of f ood, storm or other natura disaster in order that the common carrier may be e&empted from iabi ity for the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods. The same duty is $)_______ upon the common carrier in case of an act of the pub ic %*_____ referred to in Artic e 173#, 'o. 2. Art. 17#*. 2f the common carrier %1______ incurs in %2______ in transporting the goods, a natura disaster sha not %3______ such carrier from responsibi ity. Art. 17#1. 2f the shipper or o!ner mere y %#________ to the oss, destruction or deterioration of the goods, the pro&imate cause thereof being the neg igence of the common carrier, the %$_______ sha be iab e in damages, !hich ho!e"er, sha be %%_______ reduced. Art. 17#2. E"en if the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods shou d be %7_______ by the character of the goods, or the fau ty nature of the pac0ing of the %(______, the common carrier must e&ercise due di igence to %)______ or essen the oss. Art. 17#3. 2f through the order of pub ic authority the goods are 7*________ or destroyed, the common carrier is not responsib e, pro"ided said pub ic authority had 71______ to issue the order. Art. 17##. A _______ bet!een the common carrier and the shipper or o!ner 72________ the 73______ of the former for the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods to a 7#______ ess than e&traordinary di igence sha be 7$_____, pro"ided it be+ ,1- 2n !riting, signed by the 7%______ or 77_______1 ,2- Supported by a 7(______ 7)_________ other than the (*_______ rendered by the common carrier1 and ,3- >easonab e, (1______ and not contrary to pub ic po icy. Art. 17#$. Any of the fo o!ing or simi ar stipu ations sha be considered (2_________ , (3________ and (#______ to pub ic po icy+ ,1- That the goods are transported at the($ _____ of the o!ner or shipper1 ,2- That the common carrier !i not be (%_______ for (7_____ oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods1 ,3- That the common carrier need not ((_______ any di igence in the ()______ of the goods1 ,#- That the common carrier sha )*________ a degree of di igence )1____ than that of a good father of a fami y, or of a )2______ of ordinary )3_______ in the "igi ance o"er the mo"ab es transported1 ,$- That the common carrier sha not be responsib e for the acts or omission of his or its )# ________1 ,%- That the common carrier4s )$_______ for acts committed by )%______, or of )7_________ !ho do not act !ith )(______ or irresistib e threat, ))______ or force, is 1**_________ !ith or diminished1 ,7- That the common carrier is not responsib e for the oss, destruction, or deterioration of goods on 1*1_______ of the defecti"e 1*2________ of the car, "ehic e, ship, airp ane or other e/uipment 1*3______ in the contract of carriage. Art. 17#%. An agreement imiting the common carrier4s iabi ity may be 1*#______ by the shipper or o!ner if the common carrier 1*$_____ to carry the goods un ess the former agreed to such stipu ation. Art. 17#7. 2f the common carrier, !ithout 1*%______ cause,1*7 _______ the transportation of the goods or 1*(_____ the stipu ated or usua route, the contract 1*(______ the common carrier4s iabi ity cannot be 11*______ of in case of the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods.

Art. 17#(. An 111 ______ imiting the common carrier4s iabi ity for de ay on account of 112________ or 113_______ is "a id. Art. 17#). A stipu ation that the common carrier4s iabi ity is imited to the 11#_______ of the goods 11$_______ in the bi of ading, un ess the shipper or o!ner 11%________ a greater "a ue, is 117_________. Art. 17$*. A contract 11(________ the sum that may be 11)_______ by the o!ner or shipper for the oss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods is "a id, if it is reasonab e and 3ust under the 12*_______, and has been 121_______ and 122_______ agreed upon. Art. 17$1. The fact that the common carrier has no 123_________ a ong the ine or route, or a part thereof, to !hich the contract refers sha be ta0en into consideration on the 12#______ of !hether or not a stipu ation imiting the common carrier4s iabi ity is reasonab e, 3ust and in 12$_____ !ith pub ic po icy. Art. 17$2. 12%______ !hen there is an agreement imiting the 127_______ of the common carrier in the "igi ance o"er the goods, the common carrier is 12(______ 12)______ to ha"e been 13*_____ in case of their oss, destruction or deterioration. Art. 17$3. The 131______ of the 132______ to !hich the goods are to be transported sha 133______ the iabi ity of the common carrier for their oss, destruction or deterioration. Art. 17$#. The pro"isions of Artic es 1733 to 17$3 sha app y to the passenger4s 13#_______ !hich is not in his 13$_______ custody or in that of his emp oyee. As to 13%______ baggage, the ru es in Artic es 1))( and 2*** to 2**3 concerning the responsibi ity of 137________ sha be app icab e.

SUBSECTION 3. - Safety of


Art. 17$$. A common carrier is 13(_______ to carry the passengers 13)________ as far as human care and 1#*_______ can pro"ide, using the 1#1________ di igence of "ery 1#2_______ persons, !ith a due 1#2______ for a the circumstances. Art. 17$%. 2n case of 1##______ of or 1#$_______ to passengers, common carriers are 1#%______to ha"e been at fau t or to ha"e acted neg igent y, 1#7_____ they pro"e that they obser"ed e&traordinary di igence as 1#(_____ in Artic es 1733 and 17$$. Art. 17$7. The responsibi ity of a common carrier for the safety of passengers as 1#)______in Artic es 1733 and 17$$ cannot be 1$*______!ith or 1$1______by stipu ation, by the posting of 1$2_______, by 1$3______on tic0ets, or 1$#_______. Art. 17$(. 7hen a passenger is carried 1$$______, a stipu ation imiting the common carrier4s iabi ity for 1$%_______ is "a id, but 1$7_____ for 1$7______ acts or 1$)______ neg igence. The 1%*______ of 1%1______does not 3ustify any imitation of the common carrier4s iabi ity. Art. 17$). Common carriers are iab e for the death of or in3uries to passengers 1%2______ the neg igence or !i fu acts of the 1%3_____ emp oyees, a though such emp oyees may ha"e acted 1%#______ the scope of their authority or in 1%$______ of the orders of the common carriers. This iabi ity of the common carriers does not 1%%_____ upon proof that they e&ercised 1%7____ the di igence of a good father of a fami y in the 1%(_____ and 1%)______ of their emp oyees. Art. 17%*. The common carrier4s responsibi ity prescribed in the preceding artic e cannot be 17*______ or 171______ by stipu ation, by the posting of notices, by statements on the tic0ets or other!ise. Art. 17%1. The 172_______ must 173_____ the di igence of a good father of a fami y to 17#_____ in3ury to 17$______. Art. 17%2. The 17%_______ neg igence of the passenger does not 177_____ reco"ery of damages for his death or in3uries, if the 17(________ 17)_______ thereof is the neg igence of the common carrier, but the 1(*_____of 1(1_____ sha be e/uitab y reduced. Art. 17%3. A common carrier is responsib e for 1(2______ suffered by a passenger on account of the !i fu acts or neg igence of other passengers or of 1(3_______, if the common carrier4s emp oyees through the e&ercise of the di igence of a good father of a fami y cou d ha"e 1(#_______ or 1($______ the act or omission. SUBSECTION !. - Co""on rovisions

Art. 17%#. 1(%_______ in cases 1(7______ in this Section sha be 1((_______ in accordance !ith Tit e 89222 of this :oo0, concerning ;amages. Artic e 22*% sha a so 1()_______ to the death of a passenger caused by the 1)*_____ of 1)1_____ by a common carrier. Art. 17%$. The 1)2___________ may, on its 1)3_____ motion or on petition of any 1)#_________ party, after due 1)$_____, 1)%______ the certificate of pub ic con"enience granted to any common carrier that 1)7______ fai s to comp y !ith his or its duty to obser"e e&traordinary di igence as prescribed in this Section. Art. 17%%. 2n a matters not 1)(________ by this Code, the 1))______ and 2**_______ of common carriers sha be go"erned by the Code of Commerce and by specia a!s.

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