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Clare Paronich, Samantha Esposito EduG 789- Final Paper Part I Teresa is the eighth grade student who

we chose to test using the W !T" Teresa attends the #rsuline School in $ew %ochelle in Westchester" The #rsuline School is a prestigious pri&ate Catholic School that is well 'nown (or its ad&anced curriculum and challenging academic programs" Teresa is a highl) moti&ated student who is similar to her sister *illian" She wants to stud) education when she attends college" She li'es to read (iction, non(iction, and (air) tale +oo's" She (eels that her strongest su+,ects are -istor), English and Science" t was clear that Teresa was not a student that struggled in school" n (act, she does e.tremel) well in school" Teresa is a well-+eha&ed student who pa)s attention in class and gets all o( her wor' done in a timel) (ashion" t is o+&ious that school is her (irst priorit)" !lthough she pla)s sports li'e &olle) +all, she does not let that inter(ere with her studies" !lthough Teresa is an e.ceptional student, her reading comprehension scores were e.tremel) low at her grade le&el, according to the W !T" We attri+ute this to the (act that these tests were administered a(ter school" t is &er) li'el) that she was tired, uninterested in the

su+,ect/passage or trul) has di((icult) comprehending at her grade le&el" Teresa also had some di((icult) pairing the &oca+ular) words" -er recepti&e &oca+ular) score was also &er) low" We can ma'e the assumption that she is reading +oo's that are not challenging her and there(ore, she is not retaining grade le&el &oca+ular) words"

Teresa scored per(ectl) on the reading comprehension portions that were +elow her grade le&el" She started struggle once she got to a+out the si.th grade le&el, +ut her scores were nowhere near +elow a&erage" For some reason, when she too' the reading comprehension test (or her grade le&el, her scores were low" We were surprised +) how low the) were since Teresa did she was an a&id reader" There(ore, we do not thin' the W !T was accurate in testing Teresa0s reading comprehension s'ills" Writing1 Teresa did well on the writing portion o( the W !T" !(ter re&iewing her writing piece we ha&e gi&en Teresa 23 out o( 24 according to the ru+ric on the essa) composition su+test" 5ur suggestions are to practice her grammar" We suggest using we+sites li'e 6rainP5P, which has &ideos that teach grammar to students a+out her age" She struggled when using contractions" She particularl) struggled with the contraction 7its"8 Teresa was con(used a+out how to use it and used it wrong throughout the entire writing piece" We were also a+le to ha&e Teresa pro&ide us with two writing samples +oth prompted and unprompted" 6oth pieces again were well written" The prompted writing piece was stronger than the unprompted sample" We (irst administered the unprompted writing piece which she could write a+out an)thing she wished" 9ath1 5n the mathematics portions o( the W !T Teresa scored a&erage on all e.cept the math pro+lem sol&ing su+test" T)picall), pro+lem sol&ing is something that most students struggle with" !lthough, Teresa is an eighth grade student she completed the entire su+test" She was a+le to answer all o( the pro+lems at her grade le&el correctl)" 5nce Teresa reached the math

pro+lems at a twel(th grade le&el she +egan to struggle which is understanda+le" We did notice (or the ma,orit) o( the pro+lem sol&ing :uestions Teresa did need to use a pen and paper to help her with her wor'" n addition, the last part o( the test is simpl) sol&ing num+ers and operations" She struggled mostl) with the pro+lem sol&ing" t was di((icult (or her to read the pro+lem and (igure out what the pro+lem was as'ing" This is not a surprising since Teresa did not score well on the reading comprehension part o( the W !T" There(ore, we conclude that Teresa needs to practice her reading comprehension in order to enhance her &oca+ular), comprehension, and pro+lem sol&ing s'ills in mathematics" Part II EP Goals

Within one )ear, Teresa will learn and appl) reading strategies such as the use o( conte.t clues and supporting details to impro&e reading comprehension with 7;< accurac) or

+etter" Within one )ear, Teresa will use supporting details to understand the setting o( the stor) with 7;< accurac) or +etter" Within one )ear, Teresa will use conte.t clues and 'e) math terms to help sol&e (or math word pro+lems with 7;< accurac) or +etter" Within one )ear, Teresa will master multiplication ta+les to :uic'l) sol&e multiplication pro+lems with 7;< accurac) or +etter" Within one )ear, Teresa will use supporting details and de&elop strong topic sentences (or writing pieces with 7;< accurac) or +etter"

=esson Plan 3

GOAL: Students will use supporting details to understand the setting o( the stor)" Essential :uestions1 What is the setting o( a stor)> -ow can we identi() the setting o( stor)> -ow does the setting a((ect the stor)> -ow can )ou (igure out the setting o( a stor)> OBJECTIVES:
o o o

Students will +e a+le to identi() the setting o( a stor)" Students will +e a+le to recogni?e the signi(icance o( a setting" Students will +e a+le to ma'e connections using the setting o( stories"

STANDARDS: %eading Standard (or Grade 2 7" #se in(ormation gained (rom the illustrations and words in a print or digital te.t to demonstrate understanding o( its characters, setting, or plot" 3" !s' and answer such :uestions as who, what, where, when, wh), and how to demonstrate understanding o( 'e) details in a te.t"


Connection/ Relevance/ Background @ The students ha&e +een learning a+out stor) elements prior to this lesson" Then the teacher will do an acti&it) with the students where students ha&e to sort phrases that are either time or places" 5nce that is (inished, the teacher will +egin +) writing setting on the +oard and the de(inition o( it" Then the teacher will discuss with the students the setting o( a stor)" Motivation- The teacher will create se&eral (lash cards with descriptions o( settings on one card and the name or picture o( a character on another" For e.ample, one card might descri+e a castle and a pump'in carriage, while the other card might ha&e a picture and name o( Cinderella" The students can match the setting to the character" !s )our students matches up each pair o( cards, as' him or her how she 'nows that the two go together" DEVELOPMENT: The goal o( this lesson is to teacher students to determine the setting o( a stor)"

Aoca+ular)- Setting- the time or place o( a stor) Time- when the stor) is ta'ing place, the e.act time or time period o( a stor) Place- where the stor) is ta'ing place

Students will +e gi&en independent wor'sheets to do in their reading groups" !ll the wor'sheets will +e di((erentiated" Three groups: For the lower groups1 Students will +e gi&en a wor'sheet where the) ha&e to match the picture o( setting to the title o( the stor)" BThe stories are well 'nown and common to second graders"C

For the medium group1 Students will +e gi&en a wor'sheet where the) ha&e to create the setting Ba time and a placeC when gi&en a genre Bwhich was discussed in pre&ious classesC For the higher group1 The) will +e gi&en a wor'sheet that re:uires them to recall stories +ased on the setting pro&ided" Summary- To close the lesson, someone (rom each group will share what the) ha&e ,ust completed" Then the teacher will tell the students that the) will +e reading a stor) tomorrow and will ha&e to (ind the setting o( that stor)" DIFFERENTIATION/ MODIFICATION: Visual and Auditory- Students will ha&e &isuals on the +oard that illustrate time and place" Kinesthetic- Students will ha&e the opportunit) to acti&el) participate in classroom acti&ities +) coming up to the +oard and wor'ing in groups" Interpersonal- Students will +e a+le to wor' in groups i( the) choose" Intrapersonal- Students will +e a+le to wor' independentl) i( the) choose RESOURCES:

6rainpop"com Common Core Standards

=esson Plan 2 GOAL: Within one )ear, Teresa will use supporting details and de&elop strong topic sentences (or writing pieces with 7;< accurac) or +etter" ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS:

What ma'es a strong topic sentence> -ow do we construct topic sentences> -ow do we include supporting details that coincide with our topic sentence> OBJECTIVES:

Students will construct topic sentences" Students will create strong topic sentences" Students will re&ise writing pieces to add details"

STANDARDS: Write opinion pieces on topics or te.ts, supporting a point o( &iew with reasons and in(ormation" a" ntroduce a topic or te.t clearl), state an opinion, and create an organi?ational structure in which ideas are logicall) grouped to support the writer0s purpose" +" Pro&ide logicall) ordered reasons that are supported +) (acts and details" c" =in' opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses Be"g", consequently, specificallyC" d" Pro&ide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented"

PROCEDURES: Connection/Relevance/Background- Students will +e learning how to create strong topic sentences and to add supporting details to their writing pieces" The teacher will do an acti&it) with the students that re:uire them to edit writing pieces and decipher +etween wea' and strong topic sentences"

Motivation- To engage the students in the lesson, the teacher will read a stor) 76uc'le #p>8 The students will +e as'ed to state the main idea o( the stor) +ased o(( o( the topic sentence and supporting details" DEVELOPMENT: Teacher will e.plain that strong paragraphs ha&e a topic sentence" This topic sentence is what the paragraph is mainl) a+out" 5(ten, it is the (irst or last sentence in a paragraph +ut sometimes it is in the middle o( the paragraph" will model the strateg) o( (inding the sentence that the paragraph is mainl) a+out in order to identi() the main idea" will read the (irst two paragraphs o( 76uc'le #p>8 Bpro&ided in 6oo's and PassagesC and identi() the sentences that are the main idea Bor the topic sentenceC in the paragraphs"

!s'1 -ow did (ind the main idea o( the paragraph> Students should respond that )ou loo'ed (or the topic sentence in the paragraph that summari?es what the paragraph is

mostl) a+out" Teacher will continue reading the passage 76uc'le #p>8 and use the strateg) o( identi()ing the sentence that tells us what each paragraph is mostl) a+out" Students will wor' with partners to identi() and underline the main idea o( each paragraph" We will

discuss how we determined the main idea o( each paragraph" Teacher will use the strateg) o( reading all the sentences in a paragraph to identi() the main idea o( each paragraph" Three groups o( students will +e pro&ided with separate tas's that re:uire them to identi() and underline the main idea o( each stor)"

DIFFERENTIATION: Tier 1 (A !"e #ra$e %e"e%&- Will ha&e to create a topic sentence and pro&ide three supporting details (or that topic sentence +ased o(( a picture pro&ided"

Tier ' (O( #ra$e %e"e%&- Will +e gi&en a topic sentence and one supporting details and will +e re:uired to write two more details" Tier ) (Be%!* #ra$e %e"e%&- Will +e gi&en a short stor), the topic sentence will +e identi(ied and the students will +e re:uired to underline the supporting details" RESOURCES:

http1//www"readwor's"org/sites/de(ault/(iles/+undles/lessons-grade4-main-idea"pd( Engagen)"org

Strategies/ nter&entions that were success(ul1 Through the use o( graphic organi?ers Teresa was a+le to impro&e her writing s'ills as well as wor' on se&eral reading strategies to impro&e her comprehension" 5&er the past couple o( months Teresa recogni?ed the importance o( planning out her writing" She was a+le to decipher +etween good and +ad writing pieces and reali?e what made a writing piece well written" Teresa also was a+le to impro&e her math s'ills +) practicing her multiplication ta+les" This was e&ident +) the increase her timed math tests that were gi&en to her wee'l) towards the end o( our meetings" Teresa also +egan to recogni?e 'e) math terms in word pro+lems and identi() what the pro+lem was loo'ing (or" Through o+ser&ations we were a+le to see that Teresa was a+le to recogni?e good writing pieces" She also was a+le to +etter comprehend reading passages" Each wee' Teresa completed graphic organi?ers with more detail and accurac)" Throughout the (inal wee's Teresa was re:uired to complete a writing piece" !s we wor'ed on it each wee', Teresa created stronger topic sentences and was a+le to add more details" -er (inal piece impro&ed drasticall)"

Part III !s our time with Teresa has come to an end, we recommend that she 'eeps up the good wor'" 5ur suggestions (or (urther impro&ement would +e to continue wor'ing with graphic organi?ers to plan out her writing pieces" We also recommend she uses these organi?ers to help her comprehend reading passages" Teresa should also continue to wor' with her multiplication (lashcards to ensure her (acts are internali?ed" To continue to success(ull) wor' on math word pro+lems, we suggest that Teresa ta'es the time to underline 'e) math terms and identi() what the pro+lem is loo'ing (or +e(ore sol&ing it"

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