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A Washington Insiders Perspective
uld Lhe Supreme CourL rullng on Lhe Affordable Care AcL
surprlse you? Are you ready for whaL ls really
comlng? new cosLs, Laxes and Lhe requlremenL
everyone musL purchase healLh lnsurance wlll
confuse all of us.
LnLer Sean McCulre - ollcy Wonk, PealLh
8eform Curu and ollLlcal AnalysL. Sean was
Lhere, worklng for Congress when Lhe law
began Lhe leglslaLlve process, and unllke
many who voLed on Lhe law, Sean has read
Lhe leglslaLlon ln lLs enLlreLy mulLlple
Llmes. Pe offers a conclse summary of
Lhe law, and quanLlfles whaL lL really
means Lo you and Lhose you care abouL.
leaLurlng Lhe laLesL developmenLs from
CaplLol Plll, answers Lo your quesLlons, and
lnformaLlon you need Lo prepare yourself, your
famlly and your buslness.
! Above 1he ollLlcs
! 1he u.C. lnslder's 8eporL
! WhaL lL's 8eally Colng 1o CosL ?ou.
! 1he ACA: ?ou, ?our lamlly, & ?our 8uslness
! Mld-SLream Challenges & SoluLlons*
*as featured in Inc. Magazine
Helping Solve Problems in Healthcare
1bls ls o slmple low ooce yoo
ooJetstooJ tbe complexltles.
| Speaking www.EDBellisInc.com

Sean McCulre developed a unlque undersLandlng of Lhe Affordable
Care AcL as a u.S. SenaLe llnance commlLLee sLaff member where
he began worklng on Lhe law over flve years ago.
An auLhorlLy ln explalnlng Lhe law, he dellvers a powerful,
no-nonsense, non-parLlsan dlagnosls for heallng our hosplLals and
reformlng our broken healLhcare sysLem. Sean dlssecLs Lhe aLlenL
roLecLlon and Affordable Care AcL and exposes Lhe fallacles
and pre[udlces of boLh pollLlcal parLles. Pe conLlnues Lo
be a hlghly soughL afLer speaker naLlonwlde on Lhe
Affordable Care AcL and lLs lmpllcaLlons for our
fuLure. Sean uses hls healLhcare leadershlp
experlence as a lens, Lhrough whlch he brlngs
lnLo focus Lhe problems exlsLlng ln healLhcare
A feaLured presenLer for lnc. Magazlne, hls
commenLary also appears frequenLly on Lhe
wldely acclalmed and clLed healLh pollcy
blog "#$%&'(#)*+,-./%$01#234*, - a non-
parLlsan resource offerlng enllghLenlng and
lnformaLlve lnformaLlon on healLh reform ln
common language. Sean can also be heard every
SaLurday mornlng ln Lhe hearLland as hosL of
5,#+04$67 "#$%&'4$+# 8'$%%#19# a weekly radlo
program preparlng buslness owners and Lhe publlc wlLh
up Lo daLe lnformaLlon on healLh reform and changlng
governmenL pollcles.
Cnly Lhose wanLlng a sLralghLforward explanaLlon,
sLrlpplng away Lhe rheLorlc of Lhe pollLlcal sound
blLes and looklng aL Lhe lncenLlves LhaL have been
woven lnLo our healLhcare sysLem, and Lhe
consequences LhaL have resulLed, should conslder
Sean McCulre for Lhelr nexL evenL.
| Speaking www.EDBellisInc.com


!"nls qtosp of tbe polltlcol ptocess, cootocts lo
wosbloqtoo, ooJ bls eoetqy ooJ sovvy belpeJ os
ooJetstooJ ooJ lofloeoce tbe beoltb cote leqlslotloo tbeo
fotmloq. As o speoket be joloeJ os fot sevetol semloots,
pteseototloos to tbe keqeots, ooJ votloos Jepottmeots. #$
&'()*+ ,&-.)+&/ +0&*)/1+ (2 .0$ 2&3.+4 0&+ & +$/+$ (2
056(-4 &/* )+ & -$7)&87$ -$+(5-3$9
:*'1 53 ;#17*1< :+., Mu resldenL LmerlLus
Amerlcan 8oard of lnLernal Medlclne

:5- /(/;,-(2). (-1&/)<&.)(/ )/'$+.$* &8('$ (5- .=,)3&7
+,$&>$- $/1&1$6$/. 2$$9 ?0$ -$.5-/ (/ )/'$+.6$/. @&+
@$77 &30)$'$*! cM5A-Nebtosko wos fottooote to bove
someooe wltb 5eoos koowleJqe ooJ 5eoote bockqtoooJ to
eJocote oo tbe cbooqloq beoltbcote looJscope!

511#&&# ;+$12%, 8n, 8Sn, MA, CCM
CMSA-nebraska 8oard Member

Clveo bls exteoslve bockqtoooJ lo qovetomeot ooJ
beoltbcote, A$&/ B3C5)-$ 8-)/1+ &/ &77;)/375+)'$
,$-+,$3.)'$ to bow tbe AffotJoble cote Act come to be ooJ
oow tbe execotloo of lt.
=+>2? @#?#+, ClC
1alenL lus, lnc.

nls koowleJqe ls woy obeoJ of tbe cotve. l wotcb
televlsloo. l wotcb tbe oews sbows oo 5ooJoy. A$&/ 0&+
)/2(-6&.)(/ 8$2(-$ 6(+. (2 .0(+$ 15=+ 0&'$ ).. As o smoll
bosloess owoet, l teolly oppteclote tbot!
;$++? A6"$+$, CLC
8lg uog 8everage & SplrlLs Co.

#)+ -&.$+ &-$ +((((((((((( -$&+(/&87$D Aftet tolkloq to
blm my blooJ ptessote weot ftom 167 ovet 91 to 127 ovet
-0%##1 @$++07*1, resldenL
1wo Men and A 1ruck

lve beotJ 5eoo speok o oombet of tlmes oboot tbe
AffotJoble cote Act. lve beotJ otbets tolk oboot lt, bot
tepeoteJly A$&/ )+ ,-(')*)/1 /$@ )/2(-6&.)(/ &/* $'$/
8$..$- 37&-).= tboo l bove beotJ ftom otbet speokets tbot
bove tolkeJ oboot tbls sobject. lts beeo locteJlble wbot l
bove leotoeJ ftom blm.
B$1 C#DD#+, resldenL
eak aLhways, LLC

1o soy be koows bls stoff ls oo ooJetstotemeot! #$ 8-(>$
). *(@/ )/.( $&+= .( 5/*$-+.&/* +$16$/.+ .0&. .0$
&5*)$/3$ 3(57* 8$..$- 3(6,-$0$/*. l woolJ blqbly
tecommeoJ blm os o speoket fot otbet bosloess ooJ
commoolty qtoops!
E04*%# F#2%$4#G, LxecuLlve ulrecLor
PolL CounLy Lconomlc uevelopmenL

!B-9 B3C5)-$ ,-$+$/.$* +(75.)(/;2(35+$* )/2(-6&.)(/ )/
&/ 5/8)&+$* 6&//$-. Oo bebolf of tbe mote J,500 people
llvloq wltb M5 lo Nebtosko, tbe M5 5oclety woolJ llke to
tbook Mt. McColte fot bls commltmeot to sbotloq volooble
lofotmotloo oboot tbe beoltbcote low.
F>7$1 C$%%07, Sr. Manager of Advocacy
Mld Amerlca ChapLer naLlonal MS SocleLy

A$&/ .-57= )+ ?#E EFGEH? (/ .0$ I22(-*&87$ J&-$ I3."K

H#I01 "#17#%, resldenL
ConvenlenL Care lus

5eoo spoke to my qtoop of bosloess owoets ooJ
execotlves. l beotJ ootbloq bot posltlve temotks. l eojoy
bls weekly toJlo sbow Ametlcos neoltbcote cbolleoqe. l
om lookloq fotwotJ to seeloq blm oo L:F M$@+ )/ NOPQ"K

;+#1& J*'%,$1, resldenL
MldwesL LaboraLorles

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