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+Actividades Mdulo 3 Ingls 2 Parcial

Tema 4
1. Pon la preposicin que corresponda

en :


en frente de:

detrs de:

al lado de


Tema 5 Age Restrictions In Britain, if you want to go to a pub, you dont have to be over 18 years old. You can go to a pub with the permission of the owner. However, to buy or consume alcohol in a pub you have to be at least 18 years old. ome city pubs, clubs and bars, set their own entry age, usually !1 years old. "nder 1#s can go into pubs $with the permission of the manager% but they have to be with an adult $a person at least 18 years old%. 1# and 1& year olds can drin' alcohol $beer, cider or wine% with a table meal and of course, they have to be accompanied by an adult. (nly the adult can buy alcohol. "nder age people mustnt buy alcohol, it is illegal Drun enness )eople who are drun' mustnt buy alcohol. *he pub mustnt sell alcohol to them. It is also illegal to drin' alcohol is some designated areas, such as city centres.

!. "ee el te#to y di si las siguientes preguntas son verdaderas $TR%&' o (alsas $)A"*&' 1. People under 21 mustnt go to some pubs in Britain. 2. People under 16 mustnt go to pubs. There are no exceptions. . 16 and 1! "ear olds mustnt drin# some beer $hen the" are ha%ing a meal. 4. People $ho are drun# can bu" alcohol. &. People mustnt drin# alcohol in cit" centers. 6. 'f "ou are dri%ing( "ou mustnt drin# alcohol. !. 'n Britain "ou mustnt smo#e inside pubs. ). 1! and 1) "ears old mustnt bu" tobacco( but the" can smo#e. +. ,ompleta las (rases con -.%*T/ y uno de los verbos de la tabla. *s# lose $ear tell phone %isit 1. +ou ,----- -----. a cap to go s$imming. 2. /haron is angr" $ith "ou. +ou ,----- -----. her and sa" 0sorr". . ' am a bit fat. ' ,----- -----. $eight. 4. 1ur grandparents are %er" lonel". 2e ,----- -----. them. 4. +ou sa$ the accident and no$ "ou ,----- -----. the truth to the police. &. ' $ant to go to the concert( but ' ,----- -----. for permission first.

0. &scribe 1oraciones indicando tareas que debas hacer en casa. %tili2a el verbo modal -must/. . . . . . . .

5. Rellenar el hueco con la (orma correcta de la e#presin de obligacin 3A4& T5. Presta especial atencin al su6eto de la oracin y al tiempo verbal $para ello7 mira las e#presiones de tiempo y otros verbos en la oracin'. 1. 'f "ou $ant to lose $eight( "ou ,----------. eat more %egetables and fruit. 2. +ou ,-----------. come to 3ohns birthda" part" if "ou don4t $ant to. . +esterda" ' ,----------. put on m" coat because it $as %er" cold. 4. 2e ,----------. $ear a uniform at school. 2e could $ear the clothes $e $anted. &. +ou ,----------. bring "our passport or the" $on4t let "ou on the plane. 6. Peter ,----------. get up earl" tomorro$ because its /unda" !. +our parents ,----------. come if the" don4t $ant to. ). /all" ,----------. ta#e life more seriousl". /he is al$a"s ha%ing fun. 5. 1range 6uice in cartons isnt good. +ou ,----------. ma#e it "ourself. 17. 8ast $ee# $e ,----------. fl" to 8ondon because there $as an important meeting there. 8. &scribe 1oraciones indicando tareas que debas hacer en el traba6o7 si no traba6as elige una pro(esin cualquiera. %tili2a el verbo modal -have to/. . . . . . . . 1. %tili2ando el verbo modal -mustn9t/ indica 5 prohibiciones que debamos cumplir. &# :e mustn;t drive drun . . .

. . . . <. =ntenta poner las siguientes palabras en dos grupos distintos $los nombres contables e incontables' a banana a glass of $his#" orange 6uice tea chocolate ca#e mushrooms an omelette cheese red $ine a tomato biscuits chic#en soup chips fruit a cup of coffee beer 9ountable :ncountable

>. Rellena los huecos con $some or any'. /ue $ent to the cinema $ith of her friends; 3ane doesn4t ha%e friends. <a%e "ou got brothers or sisters= <ere is food for the cat. ' thin# "ou should put flo$ers on the table. 9ould "ou chec# if there are calls on the ans$ering machine= ' don4t $ant presents for m" birthda". >id the" ha%e ne$s for "ou= '4m hungr" ? '4ll ha%e sand$iches. There aren4t apples left. 1?. Rellena los huecos con $a lot o(7 much7 many'. 1. I have $++++++++++% brothers and sisters. I have , brothers and sisters. !. *here were $++++++++++% people at your party. ,. I dont have $++++++++++% information about the e.am. /. am bought $++++++++++% mil'. 0o you want some1 -. he doesnt have $++++++++++% time, so please be 2uic'. #. 3e had $+++++++% cereal this morning for brea'fast. 3e dont want any lunch. &. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat $++++++++++% vegetables. 8. $++++++++++% children have to wor' at a very early age. 4. 3hen I am famous, I am going to earn $++++++++++% money. 15. *here isnt $++++++++++% hot water, so have a 2uic' shower.

Ten en cuenta la presentacin7 ha2lo en (olios7 a boli a2ul o negro respetando los m@rgenes7 buena caligra(Aa $escritura' y sin (altas de ortogra(Aa. Recuerda que es un traba6o individual y se te valorar@ en consonancia a tu es(uer2o.

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