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Gagal jantung sulit dikenali secara klinis, karena beragamnya gambaran klinis serta tidak spesifik dan sedikit tanda-tanda klinis pada tahap awal penyakit. Perkembangan terkini memungkinkan untuk mengenali gagal jantung secara dini serta perkembangan pengobatan yang memperbaiki gejala klinis, kualitas hidup, penurunan angka perawatan, memperlambat progresifitas penyakit dan

kelangsungan hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis dan biaya obat penderita Gagal Jantung di RSUP.H.Adam Malik Medan tahun 2009. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan desain Cross Sectional study, diambil secara total sampel. Data diperoleh dari catatan rekam medik pasien Gagal jantung di RSUP.H.Adam Malik pada tahun 2009. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penderita Gagal jantung sebanyak 142 orang. Dengan jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah laki-laki yaitu 86 orang (60,6%), dan perempuan sebanyak 56 orang (39,4%). Terbanyak pada kelompok usia 60-70 tahun sebanyak 40 kasus (29,6%). Lama rawatan terbanyak adalah 610 hari sebanyak 44 kasus (31,0%) dengan nilai rata-rata lama rawatan selama 7,6 hari. Penggunaan Biaya terendah yang di keluarkan sebesar Rp. Rp.4800,-

dengan jenis obat furosemid tab 40mg, spironolakton dan KSR 600mg, serta yang paling banyak Rp. 91.100,- dengan jenis obat NaCl 0,9%, furosemid inj, KSR, ISDN, Captropil 12,5mg, bisoprolol, Spironolakton dan Plavix. Dengan nilai ratarata pengeluaran biaya obat perharinya yaitu Rp.22.750,00. Kata kunci: Gagal jantung, jenis obat, biaya obat

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Congestive heart failure in difficult to diagnose clinically, due to unspecific conditions and few of the clinical symptoms in early stage of the disease. The recent developments unable to diagnose congsative heart failure in erly stage and the recent development of treatments unable to improve clinical conditions, and quality of life, to decrease daily care, to slow down progrestivity of the disease and to improve survivel of life. The purpose of this study is to determine the type and cost of drug in patients with congestive heart failure hospitalized in RSUP. H. Adam Malik Medan during year 2009. This research used descriptive research method with cross sectional design by the total sampling methode. The data was obtained from medical records of patients with congestive heart failure in RSUP. H. Adam Malik during in 2009. The results of this study showed that the patients with heart failure were 142 peoples. With the largest gender was male 86 (60,6%) men and female was 56 (39,4%) people.The Most of them were in 60-70 years of age group as many as 40 (29,6%) cases. The longest time of hospitalization were 6-10 days in 44 (31,0%) cases with an average time of hospitalization were 7,6 days. The lowest cost that was issued for medication by Rp. 4800,- with drug type tab 40 mg furosemide, spironolacton and KSR, and the largest cost for medication were Rp. 91.100,- with drug furosemide inj, NaCl 0,9%, KSR, ISDN, Captropil, Bisoprolol, Spironolacton and Plavix. With value average drug expenditure was Rp. 22.750,- daily

Key word: heart failure, drugs, drug costs

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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