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WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

*ART ! ) +E(ERAL

!.! A.

RELATED DOC,ME(TS Dra-.n/s and /eneral prov.s.ons o0 the Contract1 .ncl2d.n/ +eneral and S2pplementar3 Cond.t.ons and D.v.s.on ! Spec.0.cat.on Sect.ons1 appl3 to th.s Sect.on.

!.2 A. B.

S,MMAR4 Sect.on .ncl2des electr.call3 operated sect.onal doors. Related Sect.ons5 !. Sect.on 26!!# 7Select.ve Demol.t.on7 0or removal and d.sposal o0 e8.st.n/ sect.onal doors. 2. D.v.s.on 2& Sect.ons 0or electr.cal -or9 .nvolv.n/ lo- volta/e -.r.n/1 cond2.t1 hoo9)2p o0 operators1 controls and accessor.es 0or connect.on to e8.st.n/ po-er s2ppl3 at e8.st.n/ :2nct.on ;o8 locat.ons1 as re<2.red 0or a complete and 0.nal .nstallat.on.

!." A.

ACTIO( S,BMITTALS *rod2ct Data5 For each t3pe and s.=e o0 sect.onal door and accessor3. !. Incl2de constr2ct.on deta.ls1 mater.al descr.pt.ons1 d.mens.ons o0 .nd.v.d2al components1 pro0.le door sect.ons1 and 0.n.shes. 2. Incl2de rated capac.t.es1 operat.n/ character.st.cs1 electr.cal character.st.cs1 and 02rn.shed accessor.es. Shop Dra-.n/s5 For each .nstallat.on and 0or spec.al components not d.mens.oned or deta.led .n man20act2rer>s prod2ct data. !. Incl2de plans1 elevat.ons1 sect.ons1 and mo2nt.n/ deta.ls. 2. Incl2de deta.ls o0 e<2.pment assem;l.es. Ind.cate d.mens.ons1 re<2.red clearances1 method o0 0.eld assem;l31 components1 and locat.on and s.=e o0 each 0.eld connect.on. ". Incl2de po.nts o0 attachment and the.r correspond.n/ stat.c and d3nam.c loads .mposed on str2ct2re. 6. Incl2de d.a/rams 0or po-er1 s./nal1 and control -.r.n/. Samples 0or In.t.al Select.on5 For 2n.ts -.th 0actor3)appl.ed 0.n.shes. Samples 0or ?er.0.cat.on5 For each t3pe o0 e8posed 0.n.sh1 .n man20act2rer>s standard s.=es.


C. D.

!.6 A. B.

I(FORMATIO(AL S,BMITTALS @2al.0.cat.on Data5 For Installer. Sample Warrant.es5 For spec.al -arrant.es.

!.$ A.

CLOSEO,T S,BMITTALS Ma.ntenance Data5 For sect.onal doors to .ncl2de .n ma.ntenance man2als. ! .!!#$ %"&!" ' !



WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

Installer @2al.0.cat.ons5 An ent.t3 that emplo3s .nstallers and s2perv.sors -ho are tra.ned and approved ;3 man20act2rer 0or ;oth .nstallat.on and ma.ntenance o0 2n.ts re<2.red 0or th.s *ro:ect. Re/2lator3 Re<2.rements5 Compl3 -.th appl.ca;le prov.s.ons .n the B2.ld.n/ Code o0 (e- 4or9 State and ICC A!!A.!.


!.A A.

WARRA(T4 Spec.al Warrant35 Man20act2rer a/rees to repa.r or replace components o0 sect.onal doors that 0a.l .n mater.als or -or9mansh.p -.th.n spec.0.ed -arrant3 per.od. !. Fa.l2res .ncl2de1 ;2t are not l.m.ted to1 the 0ollo-.n/5 a. Str2ct2ral 0a.l2res .ncl2d.n/1 ;2t not l.m.ted to1 e8cess.ve de0lect.on. ;. Fa.l2re o0 components or operators ;e0ore reach.n/ re<2.red n2m;er o0 operat.on c3cles. c. Fa2lt3 operat.on o0 hard-are. d. Deter.orat.on o0 metals1 metal 0.n.shes1 and other mater.als ;e3ond normal -eather.n/ and 2seB r2st thro2/h. e. Delam.nat.on o0 e8ter.or or .nter.or 0ac.n/ mater.als. 2. B. Warrant3 *er.od5 One 3ears 0rom date o0 S2;stant.al Complet.on.

Spec.al F.n.sh Warrant35 Man20act2rer a/rees to repa.r or replace components that sho- ev.dence o0 deter.orat.on o0 0actor3)appl.ed 0.n.shes -.th.n spec.0.ed -arrant3 per.od. !. Warrant3 *er.od5 ! 3ears 0rom date o0 S2;stant.al Complet.on.


2.! A.

MA(,FACT,RERS1 +E(ERAL So2rce L.m.tat.ons5 O;ta.n sect.onal doors 0rom s.n/le so2rce 0rom s.n/le man20act2rer. !. O;ta.n operators and controls 0rom sect.onal door man20act2rer.

2.2 A.

*ERFORMA(CE RE@,IREME(TS +eneral *er0ormance5 Sect.onal doors shall meet per0ormance re<2.rements spec.0.ed -.tho2t 0a.l2re d2e to de0ect.ve man20act2re1 0a;r.cat.on1 .nstallat.on1 or other de0ects .n constr2ct.on and -.tho2t re<2.r.n/ temporar3 .nstallat.on o0 re.n0orc.n/ components. Str2ct2ral *er0ormance1 E8ter.or Doors5 Capa;le o0 -.thstand.n/ the des./n -.nd loads. !. Des./n W.nd Load5 As .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s .n accordance -.th a2thor.t.es hav.n/ :2r.sd.ct.on -.th a m.n.m2m ,n.0orm press2re Cveloc.t3 press2reD o0 2 l;0Es<. 0t. C#& *aD1 act.n/ .n-ard and o2t-ard. a. Bas.c W.nd Speed5 # mph. ;. Importance Factor5 !.!$ CCate/or3 I?D. c. E8pos2re Cate/or35 B. 2. Test.n/5 Accord.n/ to ASTM E "" or DASMA ! % 0or /ara/e doors and compl3.n/ -.th the acceptance cr.ter.a o0 DASMA ! %. ". De0lect.on L.m.ts5 Des./n sect.onal doors to -.thstand des./n -.nd loads -.tho2t ev.denc.n/ permanent de0ormat.on or d.sen/a/ement o0 door components.


DECEMBER 2 !" %"&!" ' 2

! .!!#$

C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES AIA MasterSpec a. ;. 6.

WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

De0lect.on o0 door sect.ons .n hor.=ontal pos.t.on CopenD shall not e8ceed !E!2 o0 the door -.dth. De0lect.on o0 hor.=ontal trac9 assem;l3 shall not e8ceed !E26 o0 the door he./ht.

Opera;.l.t3 2nder W.nd Load5 Des./n overhead co.l.n/ doors to rema.n opera;le 2nder des./n -.nd load1 act.n/ .n-ard and o2t-ard.

C. D.

W.nd;orne)De;r.s Impact Res.stance5 *rov.de /la=ed sect.onal doors accord.n/ to DASMA !!$. Se.sm.c *er0ormance5 Sect.onal doors shall -.thstand the e00ects o0 earth<2a9e mot.ons determ.ned accord.n/ to ASCEESEI A as noted .on Dra-.n/s. !. Component Importance Factor5 !.$.

2." A.

DOOR ASSEMBL4 FDRAWING DESIGNATION OH-1G F2ll)?.s.on Al2m.n2m Sect.onal Door5 Sect.onal door 0ormed -.th h.n/ed sect.ons and 0a;r.cated accord.n/ to DASMA ! 2 2nless other-.se .nd.cated. !. Bas.s)o0)Des./n *rod2ct5 S2;:ect to compl.ance -.th re<2.rements1 prov.de Model CA)22 as man20act2red ;3 Haas Door or compara;le prod2ct ;3 one o0 the 0ollo-.n/5 a. Clopa3 B2.ld.n/ *rod2cts. ;. Ra3nor. Operat.on C3cles5 Door components and operators capa;le o0 operat.n/ 0or not less than 2$1 c3cles. One operat.on c3cle .s complete -hen a door .s opened 0rom the closed pos.t.on to the 02ll3 open pos.t.on and ret2rned to the closed pos.t.on. A.r In0.ltrat.on5 Ma8.m2m rate o0 .66 c0mEs<. 0t. at a press2re o0 at least !.$ACps0D -hen tested accord.n/ to DASMA ! $. Al2m.n2m Sect.ons5 F2ll v.s.on -.th man20act2rer>s standard .$ ).nch1 non/la=ed panels across ;ottom sect.on o0 door. Trac9 Con0./2rat.on5 H./h)l.0t trac9. !. & ).nch h./h l.0t panels as .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s. Weatherseals5 F.tted to ;ottom and top and aro2nd ent.re per.meter o0 door. !. *rov.de com;.nat.on ;ottom -eatherseal and sensor ed/e. W.ndo-s5 As .nd.cated on Dra-.n/sB .nstalled -.th /la=.n/ o0 the 0ollo-.n/ t3pe5 !. Ins2lat.n/ +lass5 Tempered. Co2nter;alance T3pe5 Tors.on spr.n/. Man2al Door Operator5 *2sh)2p operat.on. !. Cha.n)ho.st operator -here .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s. Electr.c Door Operator5 !. ,sa/e Class.0.cat.on5 Electr.c operator and components capa;le o0 operat.n/ 0or not less than n2m;er o0 c3cles per ho2r .nd.cated 0or each door. 2. Operator T3pe5 As .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s to match e8.st.n/. ". Sa0et35 L.sted accord.n/ to ,L "2$ ;3 a <2al.0.ed test.n/ a/enc3 0or commerc.al or .nd2str.al 2seB mov.n/ parts o0 operator enclosed or /2arded .0 e8posed and mo2nted at % 0eet C2.6 mD or lo-er. 6. Motor E8pos2re5 Inter.or1 clean1 and dr3 mo2nted a;ove % 0eet C2.6 mD. ! .!!#$ %"&!" ' "







H. I.




WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

$. &.

A. %. J.

a. Inter.or1 -et or h2m.d mo2nted at % 0eet C2.6 mD or lo-er. Emer/enc3 Man2al Operat.on5 *2sh)2p or Cha.n t3pe as .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s. O;str2ct.on)Detect.on Dev.ce5 A2tomat.c photoelectr.c sensor -.th electr.c sensor ed/e on ;ottom sect.onB sel0)mon.tor.n/ t3pe. a. Sensor Ed/e B2l; Color5 Blac9. Control Stat.on5 Inter.or)s.de mo2nted. a. Secondar3 controls at Rad.o Room -here .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s. Other E<2.pment5 *orta;le1 rad.o)control s3stem.

Door F.n.sh5 !. Al2m.n2m F.n.sh5 *o-der)Coat F.n.sh as selected ;3 Arch.tect 0rom man20act2rer>s 02ll ran/e to match e8.st.n/.

2.6 A.

DOOR ASSEMBL4 FDRAWING DESIGNATION OH-2G Steel Sect.onal Door5 Sect.onal door 0ormed -.th h.n/ed sect.ons and 0a;r.cated accord.n/ to DASMA ! 2 2nless other-.se .nd.cated. !. Bas.s)o0)Des./n *rod2ct5 S2;:ect to compl.ance -.th re<2.rements1 prov.de Model CHT)2 !& as man20act2red ;3 Haas Door or compara;le prod2ct ;3 one o0 the 0ollo-.n/5 a. Clopa3 B2.ld.n/ *rod2cts. ;. Ra3nor. Operat.on C3cles5 Door components and operators capa;le o0 operat.n/ 0or not less than 2$1 c3cles. One operat.on c3cle .s complete -hen a door .s opened 0rom the closed pos.t.on to the 02ll3 open pos.t.on and ret2rned to the closed pos.t.on. A.r In0.ltrat.on5 Ma8.m2m rate o0 .66 c0mEs<. 0t. at a press2re o0 at least !.$ACps0D -hen tested accord.n/ to DASMA ! $. Installed R)?al2e5 !A.&& de/ F 8 h 8 s<. 0t.EBt2. Steel Sect.ons5 K.nc)coated C/alvan.=edD steel sheet. !. Sect.on Th.c9ness5 2 .nches C$! mmD. 2. E8ter.or)Face1 Steel Sheet Th.c9ness5 . !&L hot)d.pped /alvan.=ed. a. S2r0ace5 Flat. ;. S2r0ace5 Man20act2rer>s standard r.;;ed1 te8t2red. ". Ins2lat.on5 CFC)0ree pol32rethane1 02ll3 encaps2lated. Trac9 Con0./2rat.on5 H./h)l.0t trac9. !. & ).nch h./h l.0t panels as .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s. Weatherseals5 F.tted to ;ottom and top and aro2nd ent.re per.meter o0 door. !. *rov.de com;.nat.on ;ottom -eatherseal and sensor ed/e. W.ndo-s5 One ro- at he./ht .nd.cated on Dra-.n/sB .nstalled -.th /la=.n/ o0 the 0ollo-.n/ t3pe5 !. Ins2lat.n/ +lass5 Tempered. Co2nter;alance T3pe5 Tors.on spr.n/. Man2al Door Operator5 Cha.n)ho.st operator. Electr.c Door Operator5 !. ,sa/e Class.0.cat.on5 Electr.c operator and components capa;le o0 operat.n/ 0or not less than n2m;er o0 c3cles per ho2r .nd.cated 0or each door. ! .!!#$ %"&!" ' 6



D. E.




I. I. J.



WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

6. $. &.

A. %. L.

Operator T3pe5 As .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s to match e8.st.n/. Sa0et35 L.sted accord.n/ to ,L "2$ ;3 a <2al.0.ed test.n/ a/enc3 0or commerc.al or .nd2str.al 2seB mov.n/ parts o0 operator enclosed or /2arded .0 e8posed and mo2nted at % 0eet C2.6 mD or lo-er. Motor E8pos2re5 Inter.or1 clean1 and dr3 mo2nted a;ove % 0eet C2.6 mD. a. Inter.or1 -et or h2m.d mo2nted at % 0eet C2.6 mD or lo-er. Emer/enc3 Man2al Operat.on5 Cha.n t3pe as .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s. O;str2ct.on)Detect.on Dev.ce5 A2tomat.c photoelectr.c sensor -.th electr.c sensor ed/e on ;ottom sect.onB sel0)mon.tor.n/ t3pe. a. Sensor Ed/e B2l; Color5 Blac9. Control Stat.on5 Inter.or)s.de mo2nted. a. Secondar3 controls at Rad.o Room -here .nd.cated on Dra-.n/s. Other E<2.pment5 *orta;le1 rad.o)control s3stem.

Door F.n.sh5 !. Ba9ed)Enamel or *o-der)Coat F.n.sh5 Color and /loss as selected ;3 Arch.tect 0rom man20act2rer>s 02ll ran/e. 2. F.n.sh o0 Inter.or Fac.n/ Mater.al5 F.n.sh as selected ;3 Arch.tect 0rom man20act2rer>s 02ll ran/e.

2.$ A.

STEEL DOOR SECTIO(S E8ter.or Sect.on Faces and Frames5 K.nc)coated C/alvan.=edD1 cold)rolled1 commerc.al steel CCSD sheet1 compl3.n/ -.th ASTM A &$"EA &$"M1 -.th .nd.cated =.nc coat.n/ and th.c9ness. !. Fa;r.cate sect.on 0aces 0rom s.n/le sheets to prov.de sect.ons not more than 26 .nches C&! mmD h./h and o0 .nd.cated th.c9ness. Roll hor.=ontal meet.n/ ed/es to a cont.n2o2s1 .nterloc9.n/1 9e3ed1 ra;;eted1 sh.plap1 or ton/2e).n)/roove -eather)res.stant seal1 -.th a re.n0orc.n/ 0lan/e ret2rn. 2. For .ns2lated doors1 prov.de sect.ons -.th cont.n2o2s thermal);rea9 constr2ct.on1 separat.n/ the e8ter.or and .nter.or 0aces o0 door. Sect.on Ends and Intermed.ate St.les5 Enclose open ends o0 sect.ons -.th channel end st.les 0ormed 0rom /alvan.=ed)steel sheet not less than . &6).nch) C!.&")mm)D nom.nal coated th.c9ness and -elded to door sect.on. *rov.de .ntermed.ate st.les 0ormed 0rom not less than . &6).nch) C!.&")mm)D th.c9 /alvan.=ed) steel sheet1 c2t to door sect.on pro0.le1 and -elded .n place. Space st.les not more than 6% .nches C!2!# mmD apart. Re.n0orce sect.ons -.th cont.n2o2s hor.=ontal and d.a/onal re.n0orcement1 as re<2.red to st.00en door and 0or -.nd load.n/. *rov.de /alvan.=ed)steel ;ars1 str2ts1 tr2sses1 or str.p steel1 0ormed to depth and ;olted or -elded .n place. !. Ens2re that re.n0orcement does not o;str2ct v.s.on l.tes. *rov.de re.n0orcement 0or hard-are attachment. Foamed).n)*lace Thermal Ins2lat.on5 Ins2late .nter.or o0 steel sect.ons -.th door man20act2rer>s standard CFC)0ree pol32rethane .ns2lat.on1 0oamed .n place to completel3 0.ll .nter.or o0 sect.on and press2re ;onded to 0ace sheets to prevent delam.nat.on 2nder -.nd load1 and -.th ma8.m2m 0lame)spread and smo9e)developed .nde8es o0 A$ and 6$ 1 respect.vel31 accord.n/ to ASTM E %6. Enclose .ns2lat.on completel3 -.th.n steel sect.ons and the .nter.or 0ac.n/ mater.al1 -.th no e8posed .ns2lat.on. Inter.or Fac.n/ Mater.al5 Man20act2rer>s standard mater.al compl3.n/ -.th the acceptance cr.ter.a o0 DASMA ! A1 -.th .nd.cated th.c9ness. Fa;r.cate sect.ons so 0.n.shed door assem;l3 .s r./.d and al./ned1 -.th t./ht ha.rl.ne :o.nts and 0ree o0 -arp1 t-.st1 and de0ormat.on.



D. E.



DECEMBER 2 !" %"&!" ' $

! .!!#$


WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

Sect.ons5 E8tr2ded)al2m.n2m st.le and ra.l mem;ers -.th d.mens.ons and pro0.les as .nd.cated on Dra-.n/sB mem;ers :o.ned ;3 -eld.n/ or -.th concealed1 !E6).nch) C&)mm)D m.n.m2m d.ameter1 al2m.n2m or nonma/net.c sta.nless)steel thro2/h ;olts1 02ll he./ht o0 door sect.onB and -.th meet.n/ ra.ls shaped to prov.de a -eather)res.stant seal. !. Al2m.n2m5 ASTM B 22! CASTM B 22!MD e8tr2s.ons1 allo3 and temper standard -.th man20act2rer 0or t3pe o0 2se and 0.n.sh .nd.catedB m.n.m2m th.c9ness . &$ .nch C!.A mmD 0or door sect.on !)"E6 .nches C66 mmD deep1 and as re<2.red to compl3 -.th re<2.rements. 2. Re.n0orce sect.ons -.th cont.n2o2s hor.=ontal and d.a/onal re.n0orcement1 as re<2.red to st.00en door and 0or -.nd load.n/. a. Ens2re that re.n0orcement does not o;str2ct v.s.on l.tes. ". *rov.de re.n0orcement 0or hard-are attachment. Sol.d *anels5 Al2m.n2m sheet1 compl3.n/ -.th ASTM B 2 # CASTM B 2 #MD1 allo3 and temper standard -.th man20act2rer 0or t3pe o0 2se and 0.n.sh .nd.cated1 not less than . $ .nch th.c91 set .n cont.n2o2s v.n3l channel reta.ned -.th r./.d1 snap).n1 e8tr2ded)v.n3l mold.n/s or -.th r2;;er or neoprene /la=.n/ /as9et -.th al2m.n2m stop. F2ll)?.s.on Sect.ons5 Man20act2rer>s standard1 t2;2lar1 al2m.n2m)0ramed sect.on 02ll3 /la=ed -.th &) mm)th.c91 clear acr3l.c /la=.n/ set .n v.n3l1 r2;;er1 or neoprene /la=.n/ channel and -.th remova;le e8tr2ded)v.n3l or al2m.n2m stops.



2.A A.

TRACJS1 S,**ORTS1 A(D ACCESSORIES Trac9s5 Man20act2rer>s standard1 /alvan.=ed)steel trac9 s3stem o0 con0./2rat.on .nd.cated1 s.=ed 0or door s.=e and -e./ht1 des./ned 0or l.0t t3pe .nd.cated and clearances sho-n on Dra-.n/s1 and compl3.n/ -.th ASTM A &$"EA &$"M 0or m.n.m2m +& CK!% D =.nc coat.n/. !. *rov.de trac9s con0./2red 0or the 0ollo-.n/ l.0t t3pes5 a. ?ert.cal L.0t Clearance5 & L m.n.m2m headroom M !!)!E2L clearance to str2ct2re. *rov.de complete trac9 assem;l3 .ncl2d.n/ ;rac9ets1 ;rac.n/1 and re.n0orcement 0or r./.d s2pport o0 ;all) ;ear.n/ roller /2.des 0or re<2.red door t3pe and s.=e. Slot vert.cal sect.ons o0 trac9 spaced 2 .nches C$! mmD apart 0or door)drop sa0et3 dev.ce. Slope trac9s at proper an/le 0rom vert.cal or des./n trac9s to ens2re t./ht clos2re at :am;s -hen door 2n.t .s closed. Weld or ;olt to trac9 s2pports. Trac9 Re.n0orcement and S2pports5 +alvan.=ed)steel trac9 re.n0orcement and s2pport mem;ers1 compl3.n/ -.th ASTM A "&EA "&M and ASTM A !2"EA !2"M. Sec2re1 re.n0orce1 and s2pport trac9s as re<2.red 0or door s.=e and -e./ht to prov.de stren/th and r./.d.t3 -.tho2t sa/1 s-a31 and v.;rat.on d2r.n/ open.n/ and clos.n/ o0 doors. !. S2pport and attach trac9s to open.n/ :am;s -.th cont.n2o2s an/le -elded to trac9s and attached to -all. S2pport hor.=ontal Cce.l.n/D trac9s -.th cont.n2o2s an/le -elded to trac9 and s2pported ;3 laterall3 ;raced attachments to overhead mem;ers at c2rve and end o0 trac9s. a. Repa.r /alvan.=ed coat.n/ on trac9s accord.n/ to ASTM A A% . Weatherseals5 Replacea;le1 ad:2sta;le1 cont.n2o2s1 compress.;le -eather)str.pp.n/ /as9ets o0 0le8.;le v.n3l1 r2;;er1 or neoprene 0.tted to ;ottom and top o0 sect.onal door 2nless other-.se .nd.cated. !. *rov.de motor)operated doors -.th com;.nat.on ;ottom -eatherseal and sensor ed/e. 2. *rov.de cont.n2o2s 0le8.;le seals at door :am;s 0or a -eather)t./ht .nstallat.on. W.ndo-s5 Man20act2rer>s standard -.ndo- 2n.ts o0 t3pe and s.=e .nd.cated and .n arran/ement sho-n. Set /la=.n/ .n v.n3l1 r2;;er1 or neoprene /la=.n/ channel 0or metal)0ramed doors and elast.c /la=.n/ compo2nd 0or -ood doors1 as re<2.red. *rov.de remova;le stops o0 same mater.al as door)sect.on 0rames.





DECEMBER 2 !" %"&!" ' &

! .!!#$

C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES AIA MasterSpec !. Ins2lated do2;le stren/th /lass.

WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

2.% A.

HARDWARE +eneral5 Heav3)d2t31 corros.on)res.stant hard-are1 -.th hot)d.p /alvan.=ed1 sta.nless)steel1 or other corros.on)res.stant 0asteners1 to s2.t door t3pe. H.n/es5 Heav3)d2t31 /alvan.=ed)steel h.n/es o0 not less than . A#).nch) C2. !)mm)D nom.nal coated th.c9ness at each end st.le and at each .ntermed.ate st.le1 accord.n/ to man20act2rer>s -r.tten recommendat.ons 0or door s.=e. Attach h.n/es to door sect.ons thro2/h st.les and ra.ls -.th ;olts and loc9 n2ts or loc9 -ashers and n2ts. ,se r.vets or sel0)tapp.n/ 0asteners -here access to n2ts .s .mposs.;le. *rov.de do2;le)end h.n/es -here re<2.red1 0or doors more than !& 0eet C6.%% mD -.de 2nless other-.se recommended ;3 door man20act2rer. Rollers5 Heav3)d2t3 rollers -.th steel ;all);ear.n/s .n case)hardened steel races1 mo2nted -.th var3.n/ pro:ect.ons to s2.t slope o0 trac9. E8tend roller sha0t thro2/h ;oth h.n/es -here do2;le h.n/es are re<2.red. *rov.de ").nch) CA&)mm)D d.ameter roller t.res 0or ").nch) CA&)mm)D -.de trac9. *2shE*2ll Handles5 E<2.p each p2sh)2p operated or emer/enc3)operated door -.th /alvan.=ed)steel l.0t.n/ handles on each s.de o0 door1 0.n.shed to match door.




2.# A.

LOCJI(+ DE?ICES Cha.n Loc9 Jeeper5 S2.ta;le 0or padloc9.

2.! A.

CO,(TERBALA(CE MECHA(ISM Tors.on Spr.n/5 Co2nter;alance mechan.sm cons.st.n/ o0 ad:2sta;le)tens.on tors.on spr.n/s 0a;r.cated 0rom steel)spr.n/ -.re compl3.n/ -.th ASTM A 22#EA 22#M1 mo2nted on tors.on sha0t made o0 steel t2;e or sol.d steel. *rov.de spr.n/s des./ned 0or n2m;er o0 operat.on c3cles .nd.cated. We./ht Co2nter;alance5 Co2nter;alance mechan.sm cons.st.n/ o0 0.lled p.pe -e./hts that move vert.call3 .n a /alvan.=ed)steel -e./ht p.pe. Connect p.pe -e./hts -.th ca;le to -e./ht)ca;le dr2ms mo2nted on tors.on sha0t made o0 steel t2;e or sol.d steel. Ca;le Dr2ms and Sha0t 0or Doors5 Cast)al2m.n2m or /ra3).ron cast.n/ ca;le dr2ms mo2nted on tors.on sha0t and /rooved to rece.ve door)l.0t.n/ ca;les as door .s ra.sed. Mo2nt co2nter;alance mechan.sm -.th man20act2rer>s standard ;all);ear.n/ ;rac9ets at each end o0 tors.on sha0t. *rov.de one add.t.onal m.dpo.nt ;rac9et 0or sha0ts 2p to !& 0eet C6.%% mD lon/ and t-o add.t.onal ;rac9ets at one)th.rd po.nts to s2pport sha0ts more than !& 0eet C6.%% mD lon/ 2nless closer spac.n/ .s recommended ;3 door man20act2rer. Ca;les5 +alvan.=ed)steel1 m2lt.strand1 l.0t.n/ ca;les -.th ca;le sa0et3 0actor o0 at least $ to !. Ca;le Sa0et3 Dev.ce5 Incl2de a spr.n/)loaded steel or spr.n/)loaded ;ron=e cam mo2nted to ;ottom door roller assem;l3 on each s.de and des./ned to a2tomat.call3 stop door .0 e.ther l.0t.n/ ca;le ;rea9s. Brac9et5 *rov.de anchor s2pport ;rac9et as re<2.red to connect stat.onar3 end o0 spr.n/ to the -all and to level the sha0t and prevent sa/. B2mper5 *rov.de spr.n/ ;2mper at each hor.=ontal trac9 to c2sh.on door at end o0 open.n/ operat.on.



D. E.



DECEMBER 2 !" %"&!" ' A

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C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES AIA MasterSpec 2.!! A. B. MA(,AL DOOR O*ERATORS +eneral5 E<2.p door -.th man2al door operator ;3 door man20act2rer.

WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

*2sh)2p Operat.on5 L.0t handles and p2ll rope 0or ra.s.n/ and lo-er.n/ doors1 -.th co2nter;alance mechan.sm des./ned so that re<2.red l.0t or p2ll 0or door operat.on does not e8ceed 2$ l;0. Cha.n)Ho.st Operator5 Cons.st.n/ o0 endless steel hand cha.n1 cha.n)poc9et -heel and /2ard1 and /ear) red2ct.on 2n.t -.th a ma8.m2m "$)l;0 C!$$)(D 0orce 0or door operat.on. *rov.de allo3)steel hand cha.n -.th cha.n holder sec2red to operator /2.de.


2.!2 A.

ELECTRIC DOOR O*ERATORS +eneral5 Electr.c door operator assem;l3 o0 s.=e and capac.t3 recommended and prov.ded ;3 door man20act2rer 0or door and 7operat.on c3cles7 re<2.rement spec.0.ed1 -.th electr.c motor and 0actor3) pre-.red motor controls1 starter1 /ear)red2ct.on 2n.t1 d.sc t3pe ;ra9e1 cl2tch1 remote)control stat.ons1 control dev.ces1 .nte/ral /ear.n/ 0or loc9.n/ door1 and accessor.es re<2.red 0or proper operat.on. !. Compl3 -.th (F*A A . 2. D.sconnect Dev.ce5 Hand)operated d.sconnect dev.ce or mechan.sm 0or a2tomat.call3 en/a/.n/ cha.n)and)sproc9et operator and releas.n/ ;ra9e 0or emer/enc3 man2al operat.on -h.le d.sconnect.n/ motor -.tho2t a00ect.n/ t.m.n/ o0 l.m.t s-.tch. Mo2nt d.sconnect dev.ce and operator so the3 are access.;le 0rom 0loor level. Incl2de .nterloc9 dev.ce to a2tomat.call3 prevent motor 0rom operat.n/ -hen emer/enc3 operator .s en/a/ed. ". Des./n operator so motor ma3 ;e removed -.tho2t d.st2r;.n/ l.m.t)s-.tch ad:2stment and -.tho2t a00ect.n/ emer/enc3 a28.l.ar3 operator. 6. *rov.de control e<2.pment compl3.n/ -.th (EMA ICS !1 (EMA ICS 21 and (EMA ICS & CType 4DB -.th (F*A A 1 Class 2 control c.rc2.t1 ma8.m2m 26)? ac or dc. $. Coord.nate -.r.n/ re<2.rements and electr.cal character.st.cs o0 motors -.th ;2.ld.n/ electr.cal s3stem. &. All components to have corros.on res.stant coat.n/s. Bas.s)o0)Des./n *rod2ct5 Model H $ )2! Heav3)D2t3 Iac9sha0t electr.c operators ;3 L.0tmaster. !. Motor shall ;e !E2 horsepo-er1 2 % volts1 s.n/le phase1 cont.n2o2s d2t31 -.th .nstant reverse and a2tomat.c reset thermal overload. Motor shall ;e ,L l.sted. Motor shall compl3 -.th (EMA 6%1 open dr.p)proo0 constr2ct.on. 2. *r.mar3 red2ct.on .s an a2to tens.on.n/ pol3)? 0le8 ;elt that does not re<2.re ad:2stment. Secondar3 red2ct.on .s ;3 cha.n and sproc9et. All mov.n/ sha0ts shall .ncorporate ;all ;ear.n/s. ". D2t3 c3cle shall accommodate standard 2sa/e1 2p to & c3cles per ho2r d2r.n/ pea9 2sa/e. 6. Cl2tch shall ;e ad:2sta;le d.sc t3pe. $. Bra9e shall ;e DC d.sc t3pe -.th selecta;le *ro/ress.ve Bra9.n/ 0or smooth stopp.n/. &. L.m.t s3stem shall ;e ma/net.c t3pe prov.d.n/ a;sol2te pos.t.on.n/ -.th p2sh to set and remote sett.n/ capa;.l.t.es. The l.m.t s3stem shall rema.n s3nchron.=ed -.th the door d2r.n/ man2al operat.on and s2ppl3 po-er .nterr2pt.ons. A. Control s3stem shall ;e a m.croprocessor ;ased -.th rela3 motor controls on a s.n/le ;oard. Th.s s3stem -.ll .ncorporate a !& character l.<2.d cr3stal d.spla3 CLCDD to d.spla3 the s3stem stat2s. Th.s s3stem shall ;e capa;le o0 mon.tor.n/ and report.n/ on a var.et3 o0 operat.n/ cond.t.ons1 .ncl2d.n/5 c2rrent operat.n/ stat2s1 c2rrent command stat2s1 motor movement stat2s1 c2rrent error stat2s C.0 appl.ca;leD1 ho.st .nterloc9 stat2s C.0 appl.ca;leD1 e8ternal .nterloc9 stat2s1 26?DC stat2s. a. The control s3stem shall 0eat2re a dela3)on)reverse operat.n/ protocol. ;. The s3stem shall .ncl2de ma8.m2m r2n t.mers .n ;oth d.rect.ons o0 travel that l.m.t motor r2n t.me .n the event the cl2tch sl.ps or some other pro;lem occ2rs. c. It shall .ncl2de prov.s.ons 0or the connect.on o0 a 2)-.re mon.tored photocell s3stem as -ell as standard 2)-.re sens.n/ ed/es1 photocells or other entrapment protect.on dev.ces. d. The s3stem shall .ncl2de prov.s.ons 0or connect.on o0 s.n/le andEor ");2tton control stat.ons. ! .!!#$ %"&!" ' %




WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

%. C.

The s3stem shall .ncl2de prov.s.ons 0or connect.on o0 an eternal ")-.re rad.o controls and related control dev.ces. 0. The control s3stem shall .ncl2de on ;oard open1 close and stop control 9e3s 0or local operat.on. /. Trolle3 operators shall .ncl2de an .nherent secondar3 reversal s3stem. h. The control s3stem -.ll .ncl2de a rad.o rece.ver that .s d2al 0re<2enc3 c3cl.n/ at "!$Mh= and "# Mh= capa;le o0 stor.n/ 2$ s.n/le ;2tton andEor 2$ open)close)stop transm.tters -.th the a;.l.t3 to addEor delete transm.tters .nd.v.d2all31 .dent.03 and store act.vat.n/ transm.tter IDCsD. .. Control act.on shall ;e constant contact close 2nt.l a non)entrapment dev.ce .s .nstalled1 to allo- 0or select.on o0 momentar3 contact. Mo2nt.n/ shall ;e center)mo2nted.

L.m.t S-.tches5 E<2.p each motor.=ed door -.th ad:2sta;le s-.tches .nterloc9ed -.th motor controls and set to a2tomat.call3 stop door at 02ll3 opened and 02ll3 closed pos.t.ons. O;str2ct.on Detect.on Dev.ce5 E<2.p motor.=ed door -.th .nd.cated e8ternal a2tomat.c sa0et3 sensor capa;le o0 protect.n/ 02ll -.dth o0 door open.n/. Act.vat.on o0 dev.ce .mmed.atel3 stops and reverses do-n-ard door travel. !. *hotoelectr.c Sensor5 Man20act2rer>s standard s3stem des./ned to detect an o;str2ct.on .n door open.n/ -.tho2t contact ;et-een door and o;str2ct.on. a. Sel0)Mon.tor.n/ T3pe5 Des./ned to .nter0ace -.th door operator control c.rc2.t to detect dama/e to or d.sconnect.on o0 sensor dev.ce. When sel0)mon.tor.n/ 0eat2re .s act.vated1 door closes onl3 -.th s2sta.ned press2re on close ;2tton. 2. Sensor Ed/e5 A2tomat.c sa0et3 sensor ed/e1 located -.th.n astra/al or -eather str.pp.n/ mo2nted to ;ottom ;ar. Contact -.th sensor act.vates dev.ce. Stops and reverses do-n-ard door travel. Connect to control c.rc2.t 2s.n/ man20act2rer>s standard ta9e)2p reel or sel0)co.l.n/ ca;le. a. *rov.de electr.call3 t-o)-.re act2ated a2tomat.c ;ottom ;ar. Remote)Control Stat.on5 Momentar3)contact1 three);2tton control stat.on -.th p2sh);2tton controls la;eled 7Open17 7Close17 and 7Stop.7 !. *rov.de 02ll)/2arded1 s2r0ace)mo2nted1 heav3)d2t3 t3pe .nter.or 2n.t -.th /eneral)p2rpose1 (EMA ICS &1 Type 4 enclos2re1 at areas e8posed to veh.cle -ash.n/ mo2nted at % 0eet C2.6 mD or lo-er. 2. Operat.on Se<2ence5 Overhead doors shall accept separate remote and close re<2ests and have a dr3 contact clos2re ava.la;le 0or door closed stat2s. a. O-nerNs Mechan.cal Controls Contractor shall prov.de .nterconnect.on to e8ha2st 0an1 -h.ch r2ns cont.n2o2sl3 -.th the overhead doors open to no more than &).nches a;ove the 0.n.sh 0loor -hen the local hand)o00)a2to s-.tch .s set to hand. The e8ha2st 0an .s o00 -hen the local hand)o00)a2to s-.tch .s set to o00. When CO2 or (O2 /as .s detected and the local hand)o00)a2to s-.tch .s set to a2to1 the overhead doors are opened to no more than &) .nches a;ove the 0.n.sh 0loor1 then the e8ha2st 0an .s ena;led. When the /as d.ss.pates1 the e8ha2st 0an .s d.sa;led and then the overhead doors are closed. Rad.o)Control S3stem5 Cons.st.n/ o0 the 0ollo-.n/5 !. Three)channel 2n.versal coa8.al rece.ver to open1 close1 and stop doorB one per operator.




2.!" A.

MATERIALS1 +E(ERAL Electr.cal Components1 Dev.ces1 and Accessor.es5 L.sted and la;eled as de0.ned .n (F*A A 1 ;3 a <2al.0.ed test.n/ a/enc31 and mar9ed 0or .ntended locat.on and appl.cat.on.

DECEMBER 2 !" %"&!" ' #

! .!!#$


WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

Compl3 -.th (AAMME(OMMA>s 7Metal F.n.shes Man2al 0or Arch.tect2ral and Metal *rod2cts CAM* $ ) &D7 0or recommendat.ons 0or appl3.n/ and des./nat.n/ 0.n.shes. Appearance o0 F.n.shed Wor95 (ot.cea;le var.at.ons .n same p.ece are not accepta;le. ?ar.at.ons .n appearance o0 ad:o.n.n/ components are accepta;le .0 the3 are -.th.n the ran/e o0 approved Samples and are assem;led or .nstalled to m.n.m.=e contrast.


2.!$ A.

AL,MI(,M FI(ISHES Ba9ed)Enamel or *o-der)Coat F.n.sh5 AAMA 2& ". Compl3 -.th coat.n/ man20act2rer>s -r.tten .nstr2ct.ons 0or clean.n/1 convers.on coat.n/1 appl.cat.on1 and ;a9.n/.

2.!& A.

STEEL A(D +AL?A(IKED)STEEL FI(ISHES Ba9ed)Enamel or *o-der)Coat F.n.sh5 Man20act2rer>s standard ;a9ed)on 0.n.sh cons.st.n/ o0 pr.me coat and thermosett.n/ topcoat. Compl3 -.th coat.n/ man20act2rer>s -r.tten .nstr2ct.ons 0or clean.n/1 pretreatment1 appl.cat.on1 and m.n.m2m dr3 0.lm th.c9ness.


".! A.

EOAMI(ATIO( Ta9e 0.eld d.mens.ons and e8am.ne s2;strates1 areas1 and cond.t.ons1 -.th Installer present1 0or compl.ance -.th re<2.rements 0or s2;strate constr2ct.on and other cond.t.ons a00ect.n/ per0ormance o0 the Wor9. E8am.ne locat.ons o0 electr.cal connect.ons. *roceed -.th .nstallat.on onl3 a0ter 2nsat.s0actor3 cond.t.ons have ;een corrected.

B. C.

".2 A.

I(STALLATIO( Install sect.onal doors and operat.n/ e<2.pment complete -.th necessar3 hard-are1 anchors1 .nserts1 han/ers1 and e<2.pment s2pportsB accord.n/ to man20act2rer>s -r.tten .nstr2ct.ons and as spec.0.ed. Trac9s5 !. Fasten vert.cal trac9 assem;l3 to open.n/ :am;s and 0ram.n/1 spaced not more than 26 .nches C&! mmD apart. 2. Han/ hor.=ontal trac9 assem;l3 0rom str2ct2ral overhead 0ram.n/ -.th an/les or channel han/ers attached to 0ram.n/ ;3 -eld.n/ or ;olt.n/1 or ;oth. *rov.de s-a3 ;rac.n/1 d.a/onal ;rac.n/1 and re.n0orcement as re<2.red 0or r./.d .nstallat.on o0 trac9 and door)operat.n/ e<2.pment. Access.;.l.t35 Install sect.onal doors1 s-.tches1 and controls alon/ access.;le ro2tes .n compl.ance -.th re/2lator3 re<2.rements 0or access.;.l.t3. *o-er)Operated Doors5 Install a2tomat.c /ara/e doors openers accord.n/ to ,L "2$.




DECEMBER 2 !" %"&!" ' !

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WESTMERE FIRE DISTRICT Overhead Door Replacement

En/a/e a 0actor3)a2thor.=ed serv.ce representat.ve to per0orm start2p serv.ce. !. Complete .nstallat.on and start2p chec9s accord.n/ to man20act2rer>s -r.tten .nstr2ct.ons. 2. Test and ad:2st controls and sa0et.es. Replace dama/ed and mal02nct.on.n/ controls and e<2.pment.

".6 A.

ADI,STI(+ Ad:2st hard-are and mov.n/ parts to 02nct.on smoothl3 so that doors operate eas.l31 0ree o0 -arp1 t-.st1 or d.stort.on. L2;r.cate ;ear.n/s and sl.d.n/ parts as recommended ;3 man20act2rer. Ad:2st doors and seals to prov.de -eathert./ht 0.t aro2nd ent.re per.meter. Al./n and ad:2st motors1 p2lle3s1 ;elts1 sproc9ets1 cha.ns1 and controls accord.n/ to man20act2rer>s -r.tten .nstr2ct.ons. To2ch)2p *a.nt.n/5 Immed.atel3 a0ter -eld.n/ /alvan.=ed mater.als1 clean -elds and a;raded /alvan.=ed s2r0aces and repa.r /alvan.=.n/ to compl3 -.th ASTM A A% . !. To2ch)2p dama/ed coat.n/s and 0.n.shes and repa.r m.nor dama/e. Clean e8posed s2r0aces 2s.n/ non)a;ras.ve mater.als and methods recommended ;3 man20act2rer o0 mater.al or prod2ct ;e.n/ cleaned.

B. C. D.



".$ A.

DEMO(STRATIO( En/a/e a 0actor3)a2thor.=ed serv.ce representat.ve to tra.n O-ner>s ma.ntenance personnel to ad:2st1 operate1 and ma.nta.n sect.onal doors. !. Re0er to D.v.s.on ! Sect.on PCloseo2t *roced2res and Demonstrat.on and Tra.n.n/.L E(D OF SECTIO( %"&!"

DECEMBER 2 !" %"&!" ' !!

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