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When transistors are used in digital circuits they usually operate in the: A.active region B.breakdown region C.

saturation and cutoff regions D.linear region Answer & E planation Answer: !ption C "hree different # points are shown on a dc load line. "he upper # point represents the: A.$ini$u$ current gain B.inter$ediate current gain C.$a i$u$ current gain D.cutoff point Answer & E planation Answer: !ption C A transistor has a of %&' and a base current( )B( of %' A. "he collector current( )C( e*uals: A.&'' A B.& $A C.&' $A D.& A Answer & E planation Answer: !ption B A current ratio of )C+)E is usually less than one and is called: A.beta B.theta C.alpha D.o$ega Answer & E planation Answer: !ption C With the positive probe on an ,-, base( an oh$$eter reading between the other transistor ter$inals should be: A.open B.infinite C.low resistance D.high resistance Answer & E planation Answer: !ption C

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