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Chapter 42 Future Directions The New Twenty-First Century Scenario The new science is revolutionizing the way we conduct

t science and the way we will: Prevent disease and diagnose and treat patients Also allow the nurse to point to the particular patients reason for a disease (eg: MI whether the person can regulate CA ! "A co#pared to nor#al persons$ %ave the #echanis# identified on the way that enzy#es (such as lipase$ either wor& correctly or incorrectly in the #eta'olic process( The scenario 'egins and ends with the generic infor#ation (whether the concerns of the nurse are prevention diagnosis sure or reha'ilitation$( The types of IT needed to support these new approaches to healthcare are grid technologies high perfor#ance co#puters and ro'ust integrated infor#ation syste#s 'ased on standards( A President and a Secretary of Health Decree Acceleration By computerizing health records, we can avoid dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs, and improve care. - )eorge *( +ush ,tate of the -nion Address .anuary /0 /001 Modern technology has not caught up with a major aspect of healthcare and we have got to change that 2n April /3 /001 the announce#ent of Presidents +ushs ground'rea&ing %ealth Infor#ation Technology (%IT$ Plan was #ade during his speech at the A#erican Association of Co##unity Colleges Annual Convention in Minneapolis M"( The president set a 405year goal for a #a6ority of A#ericans to have 7%8s when and where they are needed( 7%8s that are designed to share infor#ation privately and securely a#ong and 'etween healthcare providers when authorized 'y the patient( 9avid .( +railer M9 Ph9 the first "ational %ealth Infor#ation Technology Coordinator a su'5Ca'inet level post at the 9epart#ent of %ealth and %u#an ,ervices (%%,$ on May : /001( Michael ;eavitt ,ecretary of 9%%,< in May /00= he indicated that he will unveil a plan to lead colla'orative state efforts to create a digital health care environ#ent(

We will need ,!!! more physicians and ,!!! more nurses prepared in information sciences to move in this direction. - 9r( Charles ,afran the for#er President of A#erican Medical Infor#ation Association (AMIA$ A Nation s Health !nfor"ation Technolo#y Plan$ The federal govern#ent to accelerate the identification and adoption of voluntary standards necessary for the safe and secure sharing of health infor#ation a#ong health providers( Increased #oney for de#onstration pro6ects involving #odern electronic records syste#s that test IT and esta'lish 'est practices for wider adoption including a dou'ling of de#onstration pro6ect funding to >400 #illion in the President +ushs 'udgets( Creating federal incentives and opportunities that encourage healthcare providers to use electronic #edical records( Se%eral Dri%ers of &ore !nfor"ation Technolo#y Today %ealthcare and hospitals are increasingly investing in IT to deal with several issues( A#erican %ospital Association and Cap )e#ini study forecasts top issues: Patient safety 8ising costs and li#ited access to capital( ,carce la'or pool of nurses Co#ple?ities of healthcare conditions Co#ple?ities of #edical reporting Co#petitions Trends Toward 2'('$ 9e#ographics the graying of A#erica )rowth in Chronic 9isease 7#erging infectious disease threats Changes in health5see&ing 'ehavior toward the internet @ocus on Auality B focus on IT ,ecurity and 'iodefense )enetic revolution

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