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Maliheh Free Clinic

Serving the medical needs of the uninsured in the Greater Salt Lake area
Keaton Wiley
Thai Nguyen
Tyler Gunderson

Reversing The Cycle
! Inability to afford health
insurance due to financial
! Free medical services available
for uninsured and low income
! Improve patient quality of life
and reverse the cycle of poor
health care
Nature of the Need
! Donations are the primary source of funding that keeps the clinic in operation
! Volunteer fundraising efforts support clinic needs
! Resources advertise the mission of the Maliheh Free Clinic
Our Purpose
! Increase awareness of clinic
needs through individual
accounts of clinic experiences
! Perform one on one interviews
with patients receiving medical
! Formulate success stories as an
additional resource for potential
The Plan
! Create an interview process with
volunteer coordinator
! Conduct weekly patient interviews
! Construct success stories to implement
in fundraising materials
A major goal of the Privacy
Rule is to assure that
individuals health information
is properly protected while
allowing the flow of health
information needed to provide
and promote high quality health
care and to protect the public's
health and well being.

Name: |__________j Age: |____j
City: |____________________j Patient Since: |______j

|_____j has been a patient at the clinic since 2uu7. |_____j, who lives in West valley,
tiavels two houis via public tianspoitation to come to the clinic. In 2uu7 |_____j lost
his job !"# %& '#!()*+ ,#*-&.- anu coulu not affoiu to seek meuical attention he
uespeiately neeueu. Be hau no income anu uiun't know wheie to tuin. Foitunately,
in 2uu7|_____j founu the Naliheh Fiee Clinic anu since then he has been ieceiving
quality healthcaie, is able to get %/# '#!()*%(&. /# .##!-, anu now has a meuical
"Theie have been some bau uays anu Naliheh has been a blessing foi me. I woulun't
be heie without Naliheh." |_____j cieuits the amazing volunteeis foi the gieat seivice
at the clinic. "I have seen wonueiful uoctois, I love Naliheh, anu I am giateful foi all
they pioviue - they'ie a lifesavei."

Our Writing:
One on one interview
conducted at Maliheh Free

Name: |____________j Age: |__j
City: |____________________j Patient Since: |____j

|_______j has been a patient of the clinic foi five yeais. She is a New Yoik native, who
appioacheu the clinic because she was sick anu coulu not affoiu health caie
seivices. |_______j uiu not know about hei !"#$%&! ()*&!+, !$%*&-&$% until she
became a patient at Naliheh. She saiu, "The clinic basically saveu my life, I became
moie awaie of my own health, anu knew I neeueu to take bettei caie of myself." A
tiagic family event occuiieu shoitly aftei hei uiagnosis, which also stiengtheneu
|_______j's commitment to take contiol of hei health. She was neivous at the
beginning of hei tieatment anu now feels absolutely comfoitable with each of hei
uoctois. |_______j believes the volunteeis at Naliheh Fiee Clinic help the patient feel
"Eveiyone has been nothing but wonueiful heie. When I fiist came | to Naliheh Fiee
Clinicj I was teiiifieu, anu then eveiything was explaineu to me anu I was tieateu
piofessionally. Ny self-esteem impioveu along with my health." |_______j cieuits hei
clinic neuiologist foi the motivation she neeueu to achieve hei weight loss goal, she
stateu in hei own woius, "he always has my back." |_______j is giateful foi the
seivices anu supplies the clinic pioviues foi hei neeus on a uaily basis. Bei husbanu
anu two uaughteis now attenu Naliheh foi theii ()*&!+, %))*.. When |_______j was
askeu to uesciibe the clinic with one woiu she pauseu foi a moment, then smileu as
she confiuently ieplieu "Nuituiing".

Our Writing:
One on one interview
conducted using a
translator at Maliheh Free
Name: [..] Age: [..]
Patient since: [] City: [.]

At the age of [..], [..] has been experiencing a severe pain in the legs when walking or
standing. Without medical insurance, [..] was reluctant in seeking proper check-up and
medical services for his leg pain. He is depressed since the pain in the legs has affected his work.
His wife, who used to be a patient at Maliheh Free Clinic, recommends him that Maliheh is a
place that provides medical services to people without insurance. [..] made his appointment
immediately, and there, he was diagnosed with spinal stenosis. The narrowing of the spinal was
caused by osteoarthritis, or wear and tear arthritis, of the spinal column and discs between the
vertebrae. The doctors at Malliheh put him in a constant care after learning of his symptoms.
Besides taking medicine, he was instructed to daily exercise since it is very important in the
treatment of this disease. After two months of treatment, [..]s legs condition has been
improving. He is so grateful for his family, friends, and the team at Maliheh for treating his
symptom. Maliheh Free Clinic has changed my life. Despite being a free clinic, it gives me a
full support. The doctors and the staffs are very nice and treat me with utmost care. I think it is a
good decision that the clinic was made. The clinic helps people like me who does not have health
insurance or cannot afford for medicals services.

Our Writing:
One on one interview
conducted at Maliheh Free
name: [____________] Age: [__]
ClLy: [______] aLlenL Slnce: [_____]

[___] has recelved medlcal aLLenLlon for years now, buL lL has noL always been from Lhe Mallheh lree
Cllnlc. lf ever Lhere were medlcal concerns, he would seek aLLenLlon from lMC. Whlle worklng, [___]
recelved healLh beneflLs whlch asslsLed hlm wlLh medlcal bllls. lor over a year now, [___] has been ouL
of work. AlLhough he has losL hls [ob, he has reLalned hls medlcal lndlsposlLlons. [___] sLlll requlred
medlcal ald. WlLh hls flnanclal blnd, he had no cholce buL Lo Lurn away from many cllnlcs. 1he Mallheh
lree Cllnlc however Look hlm ln wlLh open arms. [___] spoke of hls appreclaLlon Lowards Lhe cllnlc
saylng, lL lsn'L abouL Lhe money here, and Lhey genulnely wanL Lo help me".
[___] had been recelvlng LreaLmenL for a skln dlsorder, among oLher Lhlngs for several years aL lMC.
lnLeresLlngly enough lL wasn'L unLll he spoke wlLh a docLor from Lhe Mallheh cllnlc LhaL he was acLually
able Lo flnd a correcL dlagnosls for hls skln condlLlon. 1hls was someLhlng LhaL surprlsed [___]. l was
uslng olnLmenL for years LhaL only helped relleve some of my lrrlLaLlon" [___] sald. l wenL Lo Mallheh
for Lhe flrsL Llme and Lhey gave me someLhlng LhaL compleLely goL rld of lL". When asked for hls
LhoughLs on why Lhe physlclans aL Lhe Mallheh dlagnosed hls condlLlon correcLly where oLhers could
noL, [___] sald lL was because Lhe docLors had so much experlence. lL's a free cllnlc so Lhe docLors have
many paLlenLs. 1hey musL see Lhese sympLoms all day and know exacLly whaL Lo do, and whaL has
worked for oLhers." 1hls knowledge was someLhlng LhaL [___] ls eLernally graLeful for. 1he peace of
mlnd knowlng lf Lhere ls ever a concern, he can depend on Lhe Mallheh Cllnlc
saved my life
quality healthcare
a blessing for me
amazing volunteers
great service
wonderful doctors
changed my life
utmost care
peace of mind
I love Maliheh
We express our gratitude to
Maliheh Free Clinic and its
volunteers for this
opportunity to serve in a
fundraising capacity
We hope our efforts will
provide an additional tool for
future donations and help
clinic workers fulfill the
mission of Maliheh
Tyler, Keaton, and Thai

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