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nd different ethical perspectives in business R Allsop 7/5/1 DATE TO BE HANDED IN 11/!"/1

The work for this assignment must be submitted in accordance with the instructions given at the end of the assignment. You are reminded that late work will not be accepted for assessment. Please read the following state ents and ti!" if #o$ $nderstand and agree% #la$iaris% occurs &hen a person uses another person's &or( or ideas and clai%s that the) are their o&n* #la$iaris% can ta(e the for% of direct+ &ord,for,&ord cop)in$ or the theft of the substance or idea of the &or( -t is pla$iaris% if - atte%pt to pass so%eone else's &or( off as %) o&n+ even if - have chan$ed so%e of the ori$inal &ords or ori$inal structure or the ori$inator of the &or( has $iven %e per%ission -t is pla$iaris% if - do not %a(e a clear distinction bet&een %) o&n co%%entar) and the vie&s+ .uotations and co%%entar) of others b) clearin$ referencin$ the% as such -t is pla$iaris% if - use .uotations+ ideas or co%%ents of another person+ but fail to reference the% correctl) because - can't re%e%ber the ori$inal source of the infor%ation - understand that if - &or( &ith another on the assi$n%ent+ - %ust clearl) %ar( the sections of &or( &hich &ere prepared to$ether+ and that &hich is %) o&n &or( - understand that to avoid pla$iaris% - %ust ensure that - correctl) reference an) paraphrases or .uotations used &ithin %) &or(*

St$dent De!laration
- declare that all the &or( sub%itted for this assi$n%ent is %) o&n &or( or+ in the case of $roup &or(+ the &or( of %)self and the other %e%bers of the $roup in &hich - &or(ed+ and that no part of it has been copied fro% an) source* - understand that if any part of the &or( sub%itted for this assi$n%ent is found to be pla$iarised none of the &or( sub%itted &ill be allo&ed to count to&ards the assess%ent of the assi$n%ent*

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Date wor" handed in

R Allsop

#a$e 1

April /!1 0ohort 1LO12

Assess ent Brief

Tas" ' 3ou have been as(ed to &rite a report about business ethics+ in &hich )ou %ust4

1*1 1*/ 1*

E5plain &hat is %eant b) 6eontolo$ical 7 8eleolo$ical ethical approaches* E5plain+ usin$ an e5a%ple of )our choice+ ho& these / approaches differ* E5plain ho& tradin$ fairl) or creatin$ $ood &or(in$ conditions can affect operational activities*

S$( ission date


Learning Outcomes covered by the foregoing questions (This is for information as you must only answer the questions above):

1.1 1." 1.#

ex lain the bac!ground and develo ment of theoretical ethical a com are and contrast absolute and relative ethics


ex lain the ethical issues which can affect the o erational activities of a business

R Allsop

#a$e /

April /!1 0ohort 1LO12

Merit descriptors

Exemplar indicative characteristics Centres can identify and use other relevant characteristics. This is NOT a tick list.

-n order to achieve a learner %ust4 )

erit the

8he learner's evidence sho&s+ for e5a%ple4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 effective :ud$e%ents have been %ade co%ple5 proble%s &ith %ore than one variable have been e5plored an effective approach to stud) and research has been applied relevant theories and techni.ues have been applied a ran$e of %ethods and techni.ues have been applied a ran$e of sources of infor%ation has been used the selection of %ethods and techni.ues/sources has been :ustified the desi$n of %ethods/techni.ues has been :ustified co%ple5 infor%ation/data has been s)nthesised and processed appropriate learnin$ %ethods/techni.ues have been applied the appropriate structure and approach has been used coherent+ lo$ical develop%ent of principles/concepts for the intended audience a ran$e of %ethods of presentation have been used and technical lan$ua$e has been accuratel) used 9 9 co%%unication has ta(en place in fa%iliar and unfa%iliar conte5ts the co%%unication is appropriate for fa%iliar and unfa%iliar audiences and appropriate %edia have been used*

identif# and a**l# strategies to find a**ro*riate sol$tions

sele!t+design and a**l# a**ro*riate ethods+te!hni,$es

*resent and !o


9 9 9

a**ro*riate findings

Distinction descriptors

Exemplar indicative characteristics Centres can identify and use other relevant characteristics. This is NOT a tick list.

-n order to achieve a distin!tion the learner %ust4 ) $se !riti!al refle!tion to e-al$ate own wor" and .$stif# -alid !on!l$sions

8he learner's evidence sho&s+ for e5a%ple4 9 9 9 9 conclusions have been arrived at throu$h s)nthesis of ideas and have been :ustified the validit) of results has been evaluated usin$ defined criteria self,criticis% of approach has ta(en place realistic i%prove%ents have been proposed a$ainst defined characteristics for success autono%)/independence has been de%onstrated substantial activities+ pro:ects or investi$ations have been planned+ %ana$ed and or$anised 9 9 9 activities have been %ana$ed the unforeseen has been acco%%odated the i%portance of interdependence has been reco$nised and achieved ideas have been $enerated and decisions ta(en self,evaluation has ta(en place conver$ent and lateral thin(in$ have been applied proble%s have been solved innovation and creative thou$ht have been applied receptiveness to ne& ideas is evident effective thin(in$ has ta(en place in unfa%iliar conte5ts*

ta"e res*onsi(ilit# for anaging and organising a!ti-ities

9 9

de onstrate !on-ergent+lateral+!reati-e thin"ing

9 9 9 9 9 9 9

R Allsop


April /!1 0ohort 1LO12

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