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I think I have an idea of what you need Dane sincerely hoped not. Ill leave first, Keeley said, picking up her raincoat. We dont want to e seen together. !ood idea. Dane felt foolish a out the cloak"and"dagger stuff, ut that didnt keep hi# fro# ad#iring her ass as she strolled away. $he paused and looked over her shoulder to catch hi# staring. %e gave a fee le little wave and her lips curved in a s#all s#ile. &hen she pushed out the caf's door and disappeared. Dane e(haled loudly. %ad Keeley tried to arouse hi# on purpose) If so, shed done a good *o . %e did have ig appetites, and not *ust for fine food, ut for fine wo#en. +nd now he had the sneaking suspicion that he could eat a whole can of cherry filling off another wo#ans ody and it wouldnt have the sa#e i#pact on hi# as the earlier sight of Keeleys pink tongue licking her finger clean thanks to that cherry tartlet.

Dear ,eader, Keeley Davis, the heroine of$e( y the -u# ers, popped onto #y co#puter screen as I was writing #y previous ook,.are -ecessities. /ne of the e(otic dancers says she needs a costu#e receipt for her accountant, a for#er e(otic dancer herself. + stripper"turned"accountant intrigued #e. I had no na#e, no physical description, only that she was a s#all"town girl deter#ined to lift herself out of a difficult ackground. .ut I had *ust the

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html #an for her0a# itious, rawny Dane Weiss, a far#"raised, world"traveling usiness consultant. Keeley is all those girls we vaguely wonder a out after we leave high school0the girls of who# little is e(pected, e(cept to drop out of school and work unskilled *o s. What if one of those girls surprised everyone y getting her education and a great career) + surprise to everyone e(cept herself, ecause she always knew she was tough enough, s#art enough and rave enough to succeed. %eres to all the girls who #ake it and the people who help the#1 2arie Donovan 3.$. I# delighted to hear fro# #y readers. 4isit www.#ariedonovan.co# to enter fun contests and learn #ore a out #y upco#ing ooks. $56 .7 &%5 -82.5,$ 2arie Donovan

&/,/-&/ 9 -5W 7/,K 9 :/-D/+2$&5,D+2 9 3+,I$ 9 $7D-57 9 %+2.8,! $&/;K%/:2 9 +&%5-$ 9 &/K7/ 9 2I:+- 9 2+D,ID 3,+!85 9 W+,$+W 9 .8D+35$& 9 +8;K:+-D +./8& &%5 +8&%/, 2arie Donovan, an award"winning author, is a ;hicago"area native who got her fill of tragedies and unhappy endings y #a*oring in opera<vocal perfor#ance and $panish literature. +s an antidote to all that gloo#, she read ro#ance novels voraciously throughout college and graduate school. Donovan has worked for a large su ur an pu lic li rary for the past nine years as oth a cataloguer and a ilingual $panish storyti#e presenter. $he graduated #agna cu# laude with two achelors degrees fro# a 2idwestern li eral arts university and speaks si( languages. $he en*oys reading, gardening and yoga. .ooks y 2arie Donovan %+,:5=8I- .:+>5 ?@A0%5, ./D7 /B W/,K

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C@?0%5, .//K /B 3:5+$8,5 CDE0.+,5 -5;5$$I&I5$ &o #y #other, a self"#ade wo#an, whose ravery continues to this day, and to all the girls shes helped.

;hapter E ;hapter ? ;hapter C ;hapter A ;hapter F ;hapter G ;hapter D ;hapter H ;hapter I ;hapter E@ ;hapter EE ;hapter E? 5pilogue E +,5 7/8 $8,5#y reast i#plants arent ta("deducti le) &he lond o# shell sitting across fro# Keeley Davis tapped her acrylic nails on the rich rown #aple desk. &hat e(otic dancer in Indiana got hers deducted and they werent that #uch igger than #ine. Keeley turned away fro# her laptop screen, where she was reviewing $ugars ta( return. &a( season was finally wrapping up, and none too soon for a poor, worn"out accountant. $orry,

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html $ugar0itd e a long shot. &he ta( court is cracking down on what they regard as frivolous deductions and I dou t we could get it past the#. We can write off your costu#es and the tinted late( nipple #akeup, ut thats a out it. -o personal care like tanning, #anicures or hair e(tensions. +nd we cant appeal) I only got the i#plants for professional reasons, you know. $ugar pursed her pink glossy lips. Keeley had known her friend and client too long to fall for her act. $he peered over the tops of her glasses. +nd you get no personal enefits fro# the#) $ugar s#acked her ar# playfully. /h, all right, you naughty girl. I didnt lose any nerve sensation fro# the surgery and #y last oyfriend and I did en*oy the#. &hought so. Keeley pushed her glasses ack up her nose to focus on the co#puter again. +nd if we #ake an issue over this, the I,$ #ight want to look in to how #uch of your cash tips youve een reporting as inco#e. Keeley wasnt a novice to I,$ audits, ut didnt e(actly en*oy the#, either. %##ph. $ugar acked down, like Keeley thought she would. +s a certified pu lic accountant, Keeley couldnt take part in ta( evasion in the for# of under"reporting garter or !"string tips, ut she had a good idea that $ugar salted away her own personal cash stash, and who could la#e her) Keeley would do the e(act sa#e thing in the sa#e situation. .ut Keeley was on the straight and narrow, *ust taking the figures $ugar gave her and plugging the# into the ta( progra#, although so#eti#es she raised an eye row at an o viously low figure. $ugar would revise it upward without linking. Keeley added in a couple of last"#inute e(penses $ugar had rought over today. $ugar, not one to sit still for any period of ti#e, paced around the s#all office. %er long legs took her rapidly fro# one terra"cotta fau("painted wall to the other, the eige .er er carpet #uffling her sneaker" clad steps. :ike so#e dancers, $ugar had foot pro le#s and only wore high heels onstage and on dates. Keeley rotated her own rown"pu#p"clad foot under her desk. %er shoes #atched her hair, her eyes, her *acket and her skirt. $he was a ig rown wren in co#parison to her flashier lond friend, ut accountants couldnt e(actly sport cleavage &"shirts and #idthigh deni# #iniskirts. $ugar stopped to eye a pair of watercolor prints of Blorence, Italy. Keeley had never een there, ut the red tile roofs #atched the whole rich, &uscan, trust"#e"with"your"finances the#e she wanted to e#phasiJe. +fter all, accountants working in ,enaissance Blorence had invented dou le"entry ookkeeping. Keeley printed the return and eyed it one last ti#e efore passing the pages to $ugar. ,ead these over efore I file electronically.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html $ugar sat and speed"read through the papers. $he looked as if she was ski##ing, ut Keeley knew she was tallying every nu# er to the penny. $he finally raised her lond head and s#iled. I suppose thats as good as it gets without writing off the reast i#plants. Keeley shrugged, pal#s upward. If you really want #e to try -o, I guess not. +fter all, pigs get fat, ut hogs get slaughtered. $ugar signed the otto# page for her own records. &hats right. Keeleyd heard that saying #ore than once growing up in downstate Illinois. -ot that there had een enough to even get slightly plu#p on. /ff it goes to 8ncle $a#. $ince youve #ade your Kuarterly pay#ents, you dont owe any #ore than usual. Whoopee. Ill have to schedule #yself at Briskys a couple #ore nights to #ake up for it. If any of your clients work for the I,$, charge the# dou le. +nd now that Keeleys highest" earning season was al#ost over, shed have to save her #oney to #ake it last as long as possi le until ne(t winter. $ugar passed the papers to Keeley. .y the way, Keel, I reco##ended your accounting services to an old friend of #ine. /h, who) &hat #ight help tide her over while she uilt her client ase. $ugar grinned. .inky .ingha#. .oy, when you said Lold, you werent kidding. I thought he croaked last fall after hot"tu ing with that dancer fro# ;hicago !entle#ens ;lu . +nd why on earth would .inky .ingha#, illionaire, need accounting services fro# her fledgling usiness) +live and kicking. %es still one of her regulars, in and out of the clu . Keeley #ade a face. .inky fancied hi#self Kuite the ladies #an and had the #oney to #ake it so. $ugar was .inkys occasional ar# candy, especially when he wanted to scare his children and grandchildren into thinking he was going to leave his #oney to her. %e was lucky they hadnt had hi# declared legally inco#petent and locked hi# up so#ewhere. $ugar laughed. Dont look at #e like that. +side fro# dancing for hi# at Briskys, I sure never spent any ti#e naked with hi#, hot tu or no. &hats a relief. .inky .ingha# was older than dirt and twice as ugly. Keeley was glad to hear $ugar hadnt slept with the old goat. 7oure telling #e. -ot even all of his #oney would e enough. Bor such a financial genius, he sure wasnt thinking with the right head. 4iagra, a hot tu and a previous heart attack) Why didnt he *ust step in front of a us) 3otentially less fatal and definitely less e# arrassing.

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7ou know .inky is incapa le of e# arrass#ent. $ugar raised a perfectly Brench"#anicured finger. 3ersonally, no. .ut professionally, yes. &hats why your na#e ca#e up. $he leaned over the desk. 7ou a solutely cannot tell anyone what I# going to tell you. 3ro#ise) Keeley narrowed her eyes. I cant e party to anything illegal, you know that. %er friend shook her head. -ot illegal0not so far. $o far) $ugar, this doesnt sound good at all. Its a out .inkys co#pany. %e thinks one of his e(ecutives is stealing #oney fro# the trust funds. Keeley gave an astonished whistle. .ingha# .rothers was the granddaddy of ;hicagos financial co#panies, #anaging hundreds of #illions of dollars since efore the EI?I stock #arket crash. Its possi le, of course, ut there are so #any safeguards to theft. &hese huge co#panies have hundreds of people overseeing the ooks. .inky grew up with those ooks, and he has a gut feeling theyre ad. %e went into the office several ti#es to poke around and says the at#osphere is pure poison. %###. Keeley turned over possi ilities in her #ind. Why doesnt .inky call for an audit) +nd flush his co#panys reputation down the toilet) -ot to #ention his fa#ilys reputation. %ot"tu hi*inks are one thing, ut #issing #oney is unforgiva le. Keeley nodded. + whiff of scandal and the co#pany would otto# out. It had happened efore to ;hicago financial fir#s, usually involving ankruptcy, corporate dissolution and prison ter#s. $o what does .inky think I can do) I cant e(actly walk in off the street and look at the ooks. It would take #onths for a whole tea# of auditors to e(a#ine everything. %e has a s#aller, specific group of accounts to audit first. When I told hi# youd co#pleted a certificate in forensic accounting, his wrinkly little face *ust lit up. %e said his representative would e in touch to get you inside for a covert audit. + covert audit) Despite her #isgivings, Keeleys investigative antennae perked up. $he loved digging for #oney, ever since she was a kid checking the couch for loose change. $o youll do it) .inky knows a solutely every ody and can get you on the fast track if he reco##ends you to his friends. +nd you know you can ill hi# a undle. .inky would pro a ly e(pect her to ill a respecta le hourly consultant fee. $he wouldnt gouge hi#, ut she could legiti#ately ill #ore for doing the audit on the sly, and pro a ly e(pert

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html witness fees as well if it eca#e a #atter for the courts. +lthough shed worked her way through school and had no student de t, she did have o ligations. Ill listen to what his representative says. Did he say who that is) -o na#es were #entioned, *ust that he was one of .inkys prot'g's and totally trustworthy. Keeley snorted and $ugar giggled. 2en were so naive.-o ody was totally trustworthy, especially when large su#s of #oney were concerned.

IW/8:D %+45 .55-happy to co#e to your office, .inky. Dane Weiss leaned over the s#all ta le to shout into his elderly friends ear over the pulsing rock #usic. /r your condo. 3enthouse, rather, overlooking :ake 2ichigan and the rest of the city. .inky had an entire floor in :akenheath &owers, one of ;hicagos #ost e(clusive uildings. .ut .inky preferred a different kind of penthouse0the kind with naked wo#en in it. +nd #iss the lunchti#e show at Briskys) +t #y age, I cant stay awake for the evening show. %e cackled and gestured e(pansively to the nu ile chicks cavorting a ove the# on the runway. /ne flipped over and slid down a pole using *ust her thighs, and Dane winced. %ed never figured how they did that without friction urns, ut pro a ly so#e trick of the trade involving a y powder. It wasnt as if he were a stranger to these places, having worked his way through grad school as .inkys driver<personal assistant, ut he did his est to ignore the uffet of fe#ale flesh literally spread in front of hi#. %e wasnt there for a lap dance0not that .inky would #ind if he did partake. +lthough the lunchti#e dancers werent Kuite the +"string tea# in their !"strings, .inky didnt care. With his overtipping, he was the life of the party. %ere, sweetheart, this is for you. %e slipped a fifty into the nearest girls garter. Dane tried to stop hi#, not ecause .inky had to watch his pennies, ut ecause the other girls spotted 8lysses $. !rants earded scowl and flocked to .inky like seagulls on a leftover sandwich. &he other custo#ers gru# led as all the entertain#ent clu#ped around the oldest and richest patron in the clu . .inky passed each of the# a fifty, accepting their coos and cheek pinches. /f course the old repro ate knew the# all y na#e. Dane checked his watch. %ed do a out anything for .inky, ut sitting in a titty ar wasnt the est use of his ti#e. .esides, Danes fashion designer sister .ridget still occasionally #ade costu#es for her stripper friends here and would give hi# hell if she caught hi#. $o#ething a out eing a hypocrite for co#plaining how she had put herself through school sewing specially designed outfits for the dancers. &i#e to #ove this #eeting along.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Dane raised his voice and gestured at the disgruntled #o across the runway. /kay, girls, thanks for visiting, ut we have usiness to discuss. %is #eaning was clear. Dane figured his lond ulk helped put the point across. &he dancers slinked off, .inky staring wistfully after the#, his white hair #ussed and cheeks #arked with five different sets of lip prints. Dane, Dane, Dane, #y oy. &here is no usiness so urgent that one #ust disappoint the ladies. Dane wanted to say that the ladies were only disappointed y not getting another fifty in their garters, ut kept his co##ents to hi#self. /n the phone, you said this was urgent. .inky sighed, his shoulders drooping. I did invite you here for a reason0 esides the entertain#ent. &his was one of the only places I go where I a# reasona ly certain that none of #y staff attend. Dane nodded in agree#ent. .ingha# .rothers was, to put it charita ly, a traditional financial organiJation.%ide ound andstuffy were other less charita le descriptions. .ut despite its #oldy" oldie air, it had an i#pecca le reputation. .inky was still the chair#an of the oard despite his se#iretire#ent. Whats up, .inky) %is friend leaned in. I think one of #y e(ecutives is stealing fro# the funds entrusted to us y so#e of our oldest and #ost vulnera le clients. &hat *olted Dane out of his co#placency. &he trust funds) .ingha# .rothers #anaged #oney for the richest fa#ilies in the nation, not *ust ;hicago. .inky nodded, #isery apparent on his Kuivering lip. It #ight even e ;harlie. ;harlie) 7our ;harlie) ;harles +ndrew .ingha# 4I was .inkys grandson and a total prick, ut Dane had never figured hi# for a thief. .ut hes the chief financial officer. Why would ;harlie steal fro# his own co#pany) Doesnt he #ake over ten #illion a year) It #ay not e the #oney, Dane. ;harlies always la#ed #e for his fathers death. .inky sighed. +s if I ever had any control over =uint. ,eckless, foolish oy. I thought having a son of his own would settle hi#, ut sadly that was not to e. Dane lew out a long reath. Bor .inky this wasnt only professional, it was personal. Da#n. Who else knows a out this) I asked a friend for advice. $hes very savvy and gave #e the na#e of a forensic accountant who can audit the accounts, if it co#es to that. ;an you trust this friend of yours not to la ) /f course. $ugar Mones and I have een dear, dear friends for years. Despite his low #ood,

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html .inky #anaged to leer convincingly. $ugar Mones) Dane fought ack a groan. $ugars #ind was one giant usiness plan. $he pro a ly knew to the penny how #uch #oney .inky had stuffed into her garter over the years. 3lus co#pounded interest. 7ou know her) Whoops, now .inky was getting territorial on hi#, like a #iniature white poodle protecting a favorite sKueak toy. Dane held up his hands in a gesture of appease#ent. 3urely usiness. $he #odels for #y sisters lingerie co#pany. :ovely1 .inky ea#ed, his face crinkling into a #ap of wrinkles. Briends again. Ill have to get her to #odel for #e. Dane figured #odeling lingerie was #ore clothing than $ugar usually wore. .inky, what do you want #e to do) Welco#e a oard, youre #y new controller"in"training. Danes *aw dropped. .ut you already have a controller. Do you think hes involved in the #issing #oney) !lenn) -o, of course not. %es wanted to retire for so#e ti#e now ut hasnt found a successor to his liking. -ow he has. Dane nodded. !lenn would do whatever .inky wanted. +fter all, .inky was still the oss. 7oure etween consulting *o s, correct) +s usual, .inkys sources were accurate. I do have so#e downti#e. .ut he planned on sleeping in for once in his life, seeing the sights of ;hicago and getting laid. -ot necessarily in that order. + pretty runette swiveled y, her legs going for #iles and her long hair playing peeka oo with her fir# rown nipples. $he caught Danes eye and tossed her hair ack to reveal a killer pair of high, round tits. .inky nudged hi# and passed hi# a fifty. /n #e, dear oy. Dane de#urred ut .inky insisted, and Dane found hi#self offering the ill to the stripper, who wiggled her hips to sit on her high heels. %e slipped the #oney into her garter, his finger ski##ing across her fir# thigh. $he ran her tongue around her lips and lew hi# a sultry air kiss. :ater, she #outhed and #oved off when no #ore tips were forthco#ing. I think she likes you1 .inky crowed.

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Dane rolled his eyes. /f course she liked hi#, or rather liked .inkys #oney. %e shifted uneasily on the chair and ad*usted his pants. Da##it, the naked girls were finally starting to get to hi#. %e gave the runette strippers ass one last wistful gaJe and turned to .inky. %e owed the older #an a great deal, and now was the ti#e to pay hi# ack. 2ay e it would e a Kuick task to find the thief and then Dane could get to his personal usiness. /kay, .inky. &ell #e everything you know and how to get in touch with $ugars friend. .inkys shoulders slu#ped with relief and his rown eyes #isted over. &hank you. Dane sighed and flipped open his .lack.erry. 7ou #ight not thank #e if it turns out to e ;harlie. .inky shook his head fir#ly, the fun"loving rou' replaced y the hard"nosed usiness#an. -o one steals fro# .ingha# .rothers and gets away with it. 5specially not a .ingha#.

K55:57 +-$W5,5Dher ringing phone. !ood thing $ugar hadnt convinced her to play hooky after treating her to lunch at the istro around the corner. %ello) Keeley Davis, please. $peaking. .ut *ust arely. &he deep #asculine voice on the other end of the phone was #aking her speech processes a it fuJJy. 2y na#e is Dane Weiss, and so#e #utual friends suggested we get in contact. +h, yes, .inkys lieutenant. !eeJ, he was #aking it sound like a lind date setup. +lthough if he looked as good as he sounded ack to the cloak"and"dagger stuff. %ow sweet of the#. $he leaned heavily on the wordsweet to see if he was Kuick enough to understand. $weet as $ugar, if you can afford it. $he s#iled at his dry tone. %ed pro a ly #et $ugar efore, especially if he was a personal friend of .inkys. +nd you cant afford it) &here are certain things a #an doesnt need to pay for. Keeley sat ack in her chair and fanned her face. %ow true. $he was a out ready to give it up for this guy and shed only een talking to hi# for thirty seconds. Bor the sake of her now"staid, ;3+ self, she hoped he was #arried, twice her age or gay. /r ald. -o, ald would e fine as long as he kept talking. Well, so#e ody needed to keep talking. $he realiJed their conversation had tapered off into a long, awkward pause while shed een panting over hi#.

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%e see#ed to realiJe the sensual ent of his words and hastened onward. Id like to #eet with you to discuss this pro*ect. Where would e good for you) $he could think of several places where Dane Weiss #ight e good for her ut shoved those thoughts to the ack of her #ind. 7oure #ore than welco#e to co#e to #y office. Id rather we #et in a social setting. &his is Kuite sensitive #aterial and I dont want to e seen visiting an accountants office. $ure, I understand. :ets #eet at the coffee shop a few locks fro# #y office. $he gave hi# directions to her favorite place. $ounds great. %ow a out three oclock) &oday) It was already past one. Definitely. I want to #eet you as soon as possi le. Woof. Down, girl. +ll right, three oclock. %ow will I know you) -ow it really sounded like a lind date. I have a white shirt and red tie on today. 7awn. $o did every other usiness#an in the city. What, no rose in your lapel) /ops, her s#art #outh went off again. -o, Ill have it etween #y teeth. %is deadpan co#e ack startled her into laughter. %ow will I know you) I have rown hair in a un, a rown suit and glasses. .oy, that sounded oring. $he frowned at her outfit. -o ti#e to go ho#e and change. /h, well. $he was near the end of ta( season and didnt have #uch clean laundry anyway. /kay, Keeley. Ill see you at three. $ee you, Dane. $he hung up and dru##ed her nails on the desktop. -o ti#e for a #anicure, either, noting her uffed natural fingertips. /h, well. It wasnt as if she needed stripper nails like $ugars anyway. ? K55:57 38$%5Dthrough the akery door and dangled her wet u# rella over the #at. + spring sKuall had roken over the city after her intriguing phone conversation and had driven rain under her u# rella, spattering her glasses and pulling da#p strands of hair loose to straggle

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html along her cheeks. $he pro a ly looked like so#ething the cat dragged in, ut after all, accountants didnt get paid for their hairdos, *ust what was under it. &he teenage girl ehind the counter greeted her with a slight 3olish accent. 7u#, she loved 5astern 5uropean akeries. -one of that low"fat, high"fi er, no"taste nonsense. 2ay e one treat. $ince she was sitting at her desk #ore and #ore, she had to e careful of her car intake. %##, chocolate chip cookies, donuts, sweet rolls, apple crisps and0ooh, cherry tarts. With a delicious sense of irony, she ordered the tart and a skinny latte. $he put her change in the tip *ar and carried her coffee and sweet to a ta le on the side wall, where she could watch the door without eing in its direct line of sight. + tall potted plant locked her a it, ut shed #anage. $he placed a napkin on her lap and carefully it into the tart, the flaky crust reaking apart on her tongue. &he cherry filling was etter than the usual canned pie filling, with vanilla and al#ond e(tracts #i(ed in. Delish. $he really needed to treat herself #ore often. +fter all, a few e(tra #inutes0or hours0on the elliptical trainer would take care of it. -ot Kuite three oclock. Keeleyd have ti#e to finish her tart and get down to usiness with .inkys uddy, Dane. &he ell over the glass door chi#ed, and she peeped though the leaves like $heena, =ueen of the Mungle, siJing up her prey. ,owrrr. + ig lond guy walked in, lack trench coat dripping on the floor #at. %e flipped his wet hair off his forehead and wiped his eyes. Keeley couldnt e(actly tell at this distance, ut she guessed they were pro a ly lue. %e had the total -ordic"god, lusty"viking"raider look going on, pro a ly several inches taller than her own five foot eleven and three Kuarters. %e ordered a drink and took his change with a ring"free left hand, pro#ptly dropping the coins into the tip *ar. -ot a cheapskate. &hen he s#iled at the girl ehind the counter, and di#ples popped up in his cheek. $he lushed and sta##ered, and Keeley shifted in her seat.;o#e on, open that trench coat. $he wanted to see if he had a gut like other ig guys often did. +s if hed heard her #ental egging, he undid his coat uttons. -o way.-o way . &he tri# lond hunk wearing a white shirt and red tie couldnt e .inky .ingha#s right"hand #an. $hed i#agined so#e older guy in his forties or fifties who *ust happened to have a voice as se(y and sinful as dark chocolate. &his guy was so#e coffee *unkie popping in for his afternoon fi(. +s if hed felt her astonished stare, he turned to #eet her eyes. Keeley froJe, hunter eco#ing the prey as he stalked toward her through the coffee shop. Bor a ig guy, he #oved easily through the #aJe of ta les with a loose"hipped stride. %e stopped ne(t to her ta le and stared at her. %is eyes were lue, after all0cool lue like a spring sky. Is this seat taken)

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+s one final test, she raised an eye row. I dont know. Do you have a rose) %e grinned. $orry to disappoint, ut its i#possi le to drink coffee with a ste# etween #y teeth. .ingo. Dane Weiss) $he stood and had the unusual sensation of looking well up into a #ans face. + welco#e change fro# having short guys staring into her cleavage. Keeley Davis. 3leased to #eet you. %e set his coffee on the ta le and enfolded her hand in his own large one. %er fingers, al#ost always chilly, tingled as he war#ed the#. I hope you havent een waiting long. Must long enough to get herself all hot and othered. -ot at all. It was nice to get out of the office for a reak. I usually push #yself pretty hard. 2e, too. %e released her hand, and she #issed his war#th. 2ind if I sit) .e #y guest. $he nodded at the seat across fro# her. %e sat on the s#all wooden chair, testing his siJe on it first efore settling all the way. It looked like a childs chair under hi#. ;herry tart) What do you #ean) $ugar hadnt told .inky a out her, had she) $he pro#ised she wouldnt. %e gestured at her pastry. I see you like cherry tarts. /h. 7es. -o reason to get defensive. &heyre #y favorites. 2ine, too. I grew up on a dairy far# in Wisconsin, and we have several cherry trees in the orchard. 2y #o# #akes the est cherry *a#, pies, tarts, you na#e it. I dont think Ive ever had fresh cherry pie. $hed #ostly grown up on snack pies her #other had rought ho#e fro# the convenience store. 7ou dont know what youre #issing. &he fruit e(plodes on your tongue, a it tangy at first, ut then #ellowing into pure sweetness. Keeley tried not to gape at hi#. 2y !od, the #an should e narrating erotica audio ooks. ;herries e(ploding into pure sweetness on his tongue) $he really, really wanted to see that tongue in action. 7ou sound like you #iss it. Would you like so#e of #ine) $he pushed her plate toward hi#. /h, no, I couldnt eat your sweets on you. /h, yes, he could. ,eally, go ahead. Its a ig tart. +nd so, apparently, was she. /ld ha its

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html died hard. %e s#iled at her the way hed s#iled at the teenage counter girl. Briendliness, ut nothing #ore. Must a s#all taste. $he didnt want friendliness. $he wanted hi# to feel the sa#e achy awareness that he was stirring in her. +nd during ta( season, of all ti#es. &ake as #uch as you want. .ig #en like you have ig appetites. %e gave a Kuick link at that state#ent, ut roke off half the tart and took a ite with white teeth that had o viously received a ove and eyond the reco##ended daily allowance of dairy products. 2###, not as good as 2o#s, ut still delicious. Isnt it) $he swirled her finger through the cherry filling and slowly sucked it clean. %e sipped his coffee, the only hint of interest a slight flaring of his nostrils. !ood grief, the only way she could e any #ore o vious was if she un uttoned her oring, off" white louse and flashed hi# her rack. .ut she did ad#ire self"control. $uch a rare Kuality in a #an.

D+-5 D,+-Khis coffee, hoping his rain"da#pened hair would #ask the fact that hed started sweating at the sight of Keeley sucking cherry filling off her finger. $o a out the pro*ect. 7es. $he flipped open her leather" ound notepad, all usiness now. &ell #e whats going on. %e Kuietly filled her in on .inkys suspicions of his grandson and she nodded as she took notes. I see, she egan. &he su *ect of your investigation is the chief financial officer who has access to pretty #uch every account in the co#pany, ut other people o viously have access as well. 7eah, thats right. +nd you) Do you have access to those accounts) $he gave hi# a hard stare. +ny girlfriends who work there and have access to those accounts) %e grinned. $he was no fool. .ut if he were the thief, he would never hire a sharp cookie like her. -o, no girlfriends who work there. Ive never worked there efore and have had a solutely no access to any of their funds. I will as soon as I start as acting controller, ut if you take the *o youll e a le to look over #y shoulder and keep #e on the straight and narrow. I was wondering how you were going to get #e in. /r can you download the accounts for #e to look at off"site)

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html -o, youll have to do the audit on"site. It #ight tip the thief off if I co#e on oard as controller"in"training and start taking specific account infor#ation ho#e right away. $o Ill co#e in after hours and audit) -ot e(actly. Dane took a deep reath. .inky suggested you work at the co#pany as #y e(ecutive assistant. $he looked as if shed swallowed a cherry pit. 7ou want #e to e your secretary) 2y e(ecutive assistant, he corrected, knowing se#antics were futile. %a. .ig difference. $he cru#pled her napkin and tossed it on the ta le. -ot good. If she turned hi# down, hed have to find another reputa le accountant, delaying .inkys peace of #ind even further. &he audit is your first priority. .elieve #e, I# not going to send daily #e#os or write the co#panys annual report. &hatwould e fun. LDear estee#ed clients of .ingha# .rothers, please disregard any #inor discrepancies in your holdings. We are working diligently to discover which of our trusted e(ecutives has his or her hand in the till. $incerely, the #anage#ent. %e laughed. $ure, it was an awful situation, ut her hu#or helped lighten things. Keeleys regretful e(pression was o vious. Id really like to help you, ut I dont think it would work. Ive #et ;harlie .ingha# several ti#es at financial networking events. I dou t hed recogniJe #e i##ediately, ut he would if I spent all day in his office for several weeks. Da#n. Dane frowned. %e hadnt considered that. :eaning ack in his chair to give the situation so#e thought, he i##ediately straightened when one of the legs creaked o#inously. ;offeehouse chairs were either #ade for skinny city guys who su sisted on caffeine alone or wo#en like the one sitting across fro# hi#. %##. 8nder that ulky rown *acket, her tucked"in white louse revealed a slender waist and her long skirt showed so#e fir# calves, if not her thighs. $he cleared her throat and his gaJe flew to her face. Instead of the de#ure lush he e(pected at his less"than"su tle e(a#ination, she #erely looked sardonic. Did you get a good look) -ot hardly, ut he wasnt going to say that. Dont take this the wrong way0 /h, I love it when #en start a sentence withthat disclai#er. /kay, okay. %e acked off. What I was going to ask, have you usually worn outfits like that when you #et ;harlie .ingha#)

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html -o, he took #e to pro#. /f course, hes seen #y work clothes. $he peered over her glasses at hi# as if he were an idiot, ut he forged onward. What if you had different clothes) What) -ot accountant clothes0younger, lighter outfits. 2orerevealing) %er voice dipped into the husky range. $he rushed her fingers over her louses top utton and unfastened it. $he crossed her legs under the glass"topped ta le and hiked her skirt to her knee. $hed uncovered #ay e three inches of skin in total, ut Dane still found it arousing. $he leaned forward, her attention totally on hi#. Dane, do you want #e to play dress"up for you) 2ore like a #akeover, he #anaged to say, wondering where the se("kitten persona had co#e fro#. Must as Kuick as he wondered, she switched ack to frowning ;3+. + #akeover) Who do you think you are) 3yg#alion) 3rofessor %enry %iggins) &he guys fro#=ueer 5ye for the $traight !uy) %ey1 I #eant disguise, not #akeover. 8h"huh. 7ou know, like wearing contacts instead of glasses, #ay e letting your hair down, wearing less rown %is voice trailed off into a silent sigh. %ed handled this situation with all the finesse of the far#"fresh hayseed he used to e0or even worse, his dads ull ;aesar. :ook, I# sorry. I understand if you dont want to take this *o after this awkward eginning, ut if you do want it, its yours, disguise or no. %er eye rows pulled together. 7ou dont know #e, and youre trusting #e with such a ig pro*ect. I did check you out. 7ou did) +nd what did you find) I verified your credentials, lack of cri#inal record, the asics. +h. $he nodded, rela(ing the tiniest it. %ad he #issed so#ething) %is 3.I. had done a routine check on her. &hen he looked at her cal# e(pression and decided to drop it. 2ay e shed gotten into trou le as a teenager, records he didnt have access to. 8nless shed done *uvie ti#e for e# eJJle#ent, he didnt really care.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html +nd $ugars reco##endation carries a lot of weight. &hat wo#an is a walking financial calculator. Instead of reassuring her, she frowned again. %ow do you know $ugar) +h, she was pro a ly wondering if he was one of $ugars lap"dance clients. -ot fro# her work, at least not directly. $he #odels for #y sister .ridgets lingerie line. $he grinned. /h, yes. L.ras y .rigitte. 7eah. &hats it. $illy fake"Brench #arketing ploy, ut sales were taking off. Ill have to look for so#e of her designs when I# shopping. Bor #y #akeover. It took hi# a second. 7ou #ean youll do it) &hats great1 $he raised a sli# hand. Dont get all e(cited yet. .inky .ingha# is going to pay #e ig"ti#e. %ey, he wouldnt e(pect anything less. .inky was used to paying wo#en lots of #oney. %er ne(t words proved she knew .inkys ha its as well. I dont accept cash, especially tightly rolled fifties. %e can write #e checks at the eginning, #iddle and end of the audit, with additional illing if I get involved in legal proceedings. +nd hell pay for any clothing you #ay need to do the *o . $he raised an eye row. + clothing allowance) 2ay e Iwill get one of your sisters pricey ras. $ugar says theyre so co#forta le, you practically feel naked. + naked Keeley) I#ages of Keeley undressed like the runette stripper fro# Briskys tu# led around his head. %e never #i(ed usiness with pleasure, and .inkys usiness was i#portant. Dane didnt need to ask hi#self what was wrong0he already knew. Dane) %er Kuestioning voice roke into his confusion. %ere, take a napkin efore your pants get stained. What) %e looked in horror at the paper napkin she offered hi#. $ure, she was turning hi# on, ut he wasnt even close to staining anything. With an e(asperated sigh, she dropped the napkin on the ta le in front of hi# and soaked up a puddle of coffee. 7our cup is leaking. /h. %e didnt realiJe hed cru#pled his paper cup while i#agining her naked. %e gra ed #ore napkins and #opped the #ess. :ucky hed al#ost finished his coffee. $o, Keeley. &a( season is al#ost over. When can you start working at .ingha# .rothers)

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html +pril fifteen is ne(t Wednesday. +fter that, I need a couple days off to shop and catch up on #y sleep. Ive een getting y on four or five hours a night, and I want to spend all day in ed if I feel like it. .oy, did he feel like spending all day in ed with her. %e nodded rusKuely. Will the following 2onday work for you) 2onday, it is. !ood. Ill courier over a check for your advance and clothing allowance, and Ill e(pect you at HN@@ a.#. sharp at .ingha# .rothers. Wear your new clothes. $he raised an eye row. 7es, sir, 2r. Weiss. Ill practice #y shorthand over the weekend in case you want to give #e your dictation. 2an, did she have to use that word) -ot necessary. %e passed her his usiness card. 2y cell nu# ers on the front. ;all #e with any Kuestions. I think I have an idea of what you need. %e sincerely hoped not. $he stood, shi##ied her skirt to #idcalf and picked up her raincoat. %e rose and they shook hands again. Ill leave first. We dont want to e seen together. !ood idea. %e felt foolish a out the cloak"and"dagger stuff ut that didnt keep hi# fro# ad#iring her ass as she strolled away. %er plain rown pu#ps had enough of a heel to add *ust the right a#ount of wiggle, and the watery sunlight lit the strands of cara#el"colored hair that escaped fro# her un. $he paused efore opening the door and looked over her shoulder to catch hi# staring. %e gave a fee le little wave and her lips curved in a s#all s#ile. &hen she pushed out the door and disappeared a#ong the usy pedestrian traffic. Dane e(haled loudly. %ad Keeley een trying to arouse hi# on purpose) If so, shed done a good *o . &alking a out his ig appetites hadnt helped any, either. %e did have ig appetites, and not *ust for fine food, ut for fine wo#en. .ut now he had the sneaking suspicion that he could eat a whole can of cherry filling off another wo#ans naked ody, and that wouldnt have the sa#e i#pact on hi# as the sight of Keeleys pink tongue licking her finger clean. Da##it, da##it, da##it. C ;/-&,/::5,"I-"&,+I-I-!for .ingha# .rothers) Danes est friend and future rother" in"law +da# %ale drank his dark !uinness eer and raised a lack eye row.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html 7ep. .inky .ingha# offered #e the *o a few days ago and I accepted. I #oved #y stuff into one of their corporate apart#ents until I find a per#anent place. /r until the audit was finished and Dane could #ove on. %e gestured to the artender to ring hi# another ottle of WOlf rPu, a Wisconsin eer rewed not too far fro# his parents far#. %e was drinking the original rew ecause that was what the ar carried, ut his favorite variety was Wolfies %oney Weiss, a honey"flavored pale ale. +da# shook his head. I have to ad#it, I cant see you working per#anently for any co#pany, #uch less the#. I thought ;harlie .ingha# tried to punch you once. +da# was a financial analyst for another ig ;hicago co#pany and knew the local heavy hitters. 7eah, the keyword istried. Dane drank so#e eer and they oth laughed. ;harlie .ingha# was a health clu #onkey, good for swinging off the ars ut not #uch else. I was attending the sa#e charity function as his grandfather and ;harlie #ade a drunken crack a out .inkys date. 3ro a ly younger than ;harlie, +da# co##ented. $till, not the thing to do to your fa#ily, especially in pu lic. %e was upsetting .inky, so I said so#ething to hi# and he took a swing at #y *aw. %e #issed y a #ile, so I pinned his ar# ehind his ack and poured hi# into his li#o to go sleep it off. !ee, Dane, I can see why youd *u#p at the chance to work there. $i(ty"hour weeks in so#e land office, fossiliJed usiness practices and a chief financial officer wholl sta you in the ack with his secretarys letter opener if you drop your guard. + real drea# *o co#pared to your last few #onths freelancing for that up"and"co#ing +sian fir#. +da# rolled his eyes. ;o#e on, whats up) Dane #unched on so#e peanuts and considered what to say to +da#, who was part of the sa#e industry and not uninterested in such an e#inent co#pany. Ba#ily or no, .inkys confidentiality ca#e first. .inky asked #e to co#e a oard. %es not getting any younger, you know. %es not, ut his dates are1 +da# caught Danes warning glance and grinned. /kay, okay. I know .inky took you under his wing when you were a roke 2.+ student. I owe hi# a lot, and now its ti#e to pay hi# ack. %is tone indicated it was a closed su *ect. /kay, Dane. +da# reached for so#e pretJels and gaJed at the ase all ga#e on the &4. &hey were in a ar where the guys fro# the neigh orhood stopped for a few rews efore heading ho#e. Despite +da#s polished city" oy appearance, he ca#e fro# a si#ilar lue"collar ackground. !eeJ, would you look at that) &he .rewers are losing to the ;u s again. 3athetic. %e turned to Dane. Well, .inkys lucky to have so#eone like you at his side. 2en in his position often dont have any allies without their own agendas. 7oure a loyal #an. :oyal) Dane supposed he was, although hed never thought of it that way. :oyal, dependa le Dane. -ot the #ost e(citing description, ut it eat eing a rude *erk like ;harlie.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html What kind of #an did Keeley like) /ver the past several days since their coffee #eeting, hed caught hi#self looking forward to seeing her to#orrow #orning. %e hoped shed ought so#e outfits that showed off her ody a it #ore. If ;harlie thought she was only working there ecause Dane was interested in her, ;harlie would have even #ore reason to drop his guard. +s long as Dane didnt drop his. 3ro le# was, he could instantly i#agine Keeley taking his dictation naked and flat on her ack on the conference ta le. /r #ay e in the copier roo# against so#e paper cartons. /r sitting in a ig leather office chair, her ankles draped over the ar#s. %e didnt know why he was so attracted to her, considering he usually went for wo#en who were o viously se(y and not afraid to show it. 2ay e it was those flashes of se("kittenhood popping out fro# her uttoned"up accountant persona. +nd the way she swung her ass fro# side to side when she a solutelyhad to know he was watching her. %e ru ed his hand across his face. 7ou okay) +da# nudged his el ow. 7oure all red. +# I) %e knew he was, *udging fro# the heat in his cheeks. Kind of war# in here. If you say so. &he ars air"conditioning was turned to frigid te#peratures thanks to a #id" +pril heat wave. Bortunately, his friend let it drop. .ridget will e glad youre going to stay in ;hicago for a while. 7ou can help us plan the wedding. /h, goody, can I) Dane gave hi# a sidelong glance. It had taken so#e getting used to that his a y sister was living with and would e #arrying +da#, Danes for#er ar uddy and cha#pion chick"scoring wing#an. +da# cleared his throat. +fter all, we want you to e #y est #an. 7ou and your rother, that is. ;olin and #e) +re you sure you want #e) +fter all, I did try to strangle you when I learned you were dating .ridget. 2ore than *ust dating actually, ut those events were etter left un#entioned. %ey, whats a little strangulation etween rothers) +da# *oked, ut his dark eyes were serious. +da#, ever since you and ;olin were roo##ates at college, Ive always thought of you as a rother. 2arrying .ridget *ust #akes it official. +da# swallowed hard and clapped hi# on the shoulder. &hanks, uddy. -o pro le#. Dane nodded and slapped hi# on the ack in return. /kay, ig e#otional #o#ent over. 2ay e they could catch the end of the all ga#e.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html 7ou know, this engage#ent and #arriage thing is pretty cool. Dane gave a Kuiet sigh. .ack to the e#otional stuff. 7ep. I #ean, after all these years of knowing you guys and knowing your sister and having it all co#e together so were all together0its pretty cool. +da# grinned like a goof all. ;ool, he agreed. ;ool, if incoherent. What inning was the all ga#e in, anyway) -ow that youre staying put for #ore than one week, #ay e you can #eet so#eone, too. &hat got his attention. !eeJ, +da#. Dont go all sKuirrelly on #e. I# glad for you two, ut now is not the right ti#e in #y life to go looking for anyone. +da# would soon know that Danes ti#e in ;hicago would only e long enough to finish his investigation and #ove on. Dane already had so#e feelers out for his ne(t consulting *o . :ove co#es when you least e(pect it, +da# intoned, the eige !uinness foa# on his upper lip ruining the senti#ent. What are you, a greeting card poet) Dane shook his head. +da# had to e drunk to spout such sappy crap. %is friend s#irked. :augh if you want, ut you know the old saying0the igger they are, the harder they fall. +nd you are one ig guy. &hat refers to eing punched in the *aw, not falling in love. +da# grinned and socked hi# in the shoulder. &ake it fro# #e. 7ou wont e a le to tell the difference.

W%+& $%/8:D W5 D,I-K &/)$ugar hoisted her utterscotch"vanilla #artini high in anticipation. Keeley lifted herli#oncello cocktail in response. &o the end of ta( season1 &o the start of a new ta( year with lots #ore #oney1 $ugar slugged ack her drink and Keeley followed suit, the tart liKuor puckering her lips. 7u#. &he trendy ar they were drinking in #ade the coolest cocktails. $ince it was $unday night, the crowd was a it lighter, ut #ore casual than Briday or $aturday night. &he weekend was asically over, so people were #ore rela(ed and not trying so hard to hook up with each other. &hanks for treating #e to dinner and drinks, Keeley. Its fun to get dressed for a girls night out. I got stuck working Briday night and last night, so I could use a reak efore #y 2onday #orning class.

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&hanks for suggesting we co#e here, and youre welco#e. Its the least I could do after you treated #e to lunch last week. +fter getting .inkys first check, she had a it of reathing roo#. .ut that was lunch, not dinner and drinks. 7ou #ust have had a great ta( season. /r #ay e .inkys gig panned out and youre doing his audit) $ugar swiped so#e utterscotch sauce off the ri# of her #artini glass and licked her finger. Keeley hesitated, client confidentiality keeping her fro# spilling her guts. /h, co#e on, Keel. 7ou know .inky tells #e everything. $he dug in her purse and held up her cell phone. I can call hi# to give you per#ission if that would #ake you feel etter. If you want to know that adly, go ahead. $ugar pressed a couple uttons, and .inkys na#e popped up on her phone screen. %es on your speed dial) Keeley whispered. +nyone with eight or nine Jeroes in his ank account is on #y speed dial, $ugar whispered. %ello, .inks, sweetie, how are you) .inky was apparently fine and wanted to tell $ugar all a out it. Keeley slugged ack the rest of herli#oncello while $ugar #ade appropriate cooing noises. &hat was the trou le with dancers seeing custo#ers outside of the clu . &hey got way too involved with each others personal lives, and things could get #essy. /n the other hand, .inkys fraterniJation with strippers had landed Keeley a *o with hi#, so who was she to co#plain) .inky, I# here with #y good friend Keeley, ut shes superprofessional and wont tell #e athing a out your situation until you give her the green light. $he listened and handed the phone to Keeley. %e wants to talk to you. %ello) .inky .ingha#, here. 3lease feel free to take $ugar into your confidence, #y dear. $he has one of the est usiness rains Ive run in to. In fact, on that unfortunate day when she steps down fro# her entertaining career, Ive told her she can have carte lanche of positions at .ingha# .rothers. &hank you, 2r. .ingha#. I take #y clients confidentiality very seriously0 /f course you do. ;ould you ask $ugar when shes ne(t scheduled to perfor# at Briskys) Keeley rolled her eyes ut did as he asked. Wednesday. Ill e looking for you, .inky1 she called into the phone.

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5(cellent. !ood ye, and good luck, Kelly. .inky hung up. ;lose enough, as long as his check cleared. $o who is .inkys #ysterious prot'g') $ugar leaned closer over her glass. 7ou know hi#0Dane Weiss. I start working with hi# at .ingha# .rothers to#orrow. 2y, oh, #y, .ridgets rother1 $ugar whistled. +nd how is the very virile viking these days) Keeley wondered if $ugar had ever een close to Danes virility. 7ou know hi# well, then) Ive #et hi# a few ti#es at .ridgets functions, ut never outside that. $he giggled and wiggled her perfectly groo#ed eye rows. Dont worry, sweetie. %es not a regular of #ine. In fact, he thinks I# a ad influence on his sweet little sis. $he ca#e to ;hicago fresh fro# the fa#ily far# and fell in to designing stripper outfits for rent #oney. /f course, thats how she got her ig reak, ut thats neither here nor there to hi#. %e disapproves of the whole usiness. Dane doesnt like strippers and hes a friend of .inkys) Keeley asked skeptically. .inky does enough usiness at Briskys to list their address on his ta( return. 7eah, considering how #uch #oney he spends there, &ony the #anager would offer .inky a lap dance hi#self to keep hi# happy. Keeley shuddered at the idea of short, fat &ony gyrating a ove .inky in his shiny gray suit and open"neck lack shirt, his gold chains glittering. I need another drink to get that picture out of #y #ind. $ugar hailed the waiter, who practically vaulted over three ta les to get to her. %e took their reorder and galloped ack with their drinks. Keeley took a sip of herli#oncello cocktail. $he loved the fresh le#on liKueur, a grown"up version of theel cheapo powdered le#onade she and her sister drank on hot su##er days when they were kids. :acey used to set up ela orate le#onade stands for the neigh orhood kids while Keeley kept a protective eye on her. +t least the le#onade stand had never een ro ed, unlike the convenience store where their #o# worked. Dane Weiss had grown up on a dairy far#. $he et he never had to worry if his dad was going to co#e ho#e fro# the arn or if a cow would pull a pistol on hi#. &hat was a pretty heavy sigh, Keel. $ugar, an e(pert at reading peoples #oods, eyed her over her #artini ri#. Dont worry a out this gig with Dane. %es a real straight shooter. Keeley shook her head. If hes such a straight shooter, I dont know how this will all turn out.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html $he leaned over the ta le. I# going in undercover as his secretary. 8ndercover or under the covers with Dane) $ugar whooped. %a, ha. +lthough she had definitely considered the second possi ility. Dane was so ig, so strong and handso#e$he drank #ost of herli#oncello to try to cool off. If you dont want hi#, Ill give hi# another try. 2ay e he likes londes. %ands off, honey, Keeley snapped without thinking. $ugar giggled. Well, well. I havent heard that tone of voice fro# you in a long ti#e. Must slipped out, she #u# led. +nd she couldnt even la#e the cocktails, since it was only her second. Keeley, darling, please put yourself first for once. 5ver since weve known each other, youve een all work and no play. %elping your sister, putting yourself through school and finally taking that dreadful ;3+ e(a#0how #any hours was it) Bifteen long, torturous hours sitting in front of a co#puter ter#inal. 8gh. $ugar shuddered. +nd I thought #y 2.+ classes were ad. $o when was the last ti#e you got any) +ny what) $leep) $ugar was right. $he had een going nonstop for #onths. 7ou knowwhat. /h,that. &hats een kind of low on #y priority list lately. Well, rewrite your priority list withthat at the top. 7ou could do worse than Dane Weiss to have so#e fun with. %es single, handso#e and really strong fro# that clean, dairy"far# up ringing. %es uilt like a ull. +nd pro a ly hung like one, too, Keeley answered without thinking. $hed seen a it of a wiggle under his Jipper during her dou le entendres at the akery. &here you go1 $ugar patted her hand. &hank goodness, a sign of life after all. I dont know, $ugar. Ill e working with hi# for several weeks and it could e awkward ringing se( into the eKuation. -onsense. Itll add to the spice. Bear of discovery is a #a*or turn"on for #en. 7ou know that. Keeley did know that. ;ould she put herself first for once) +nd would Dane even e receptive

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html to her) I dont know. 2ay e he wont e interested in #e. 2ay e Ive lost #y touch. 3uh"leeJe1 /nce youve got it, you never lose it. Ditch those oring rown dust rags you call clothes and lighten up. Must ecause youre an accountant doesnt #ean you have to dress like a #anila file folder. &hats what Dane said. In fact, .inkys paying #e a clothing allowance to disguise #yself so ;harlie wont recogniJe #e fro# previous networking events. ;lothing allowance) $ugar straightened. %ow #uch) + undle. .ut I havent had ti#e to spend it since I got stuck filing a unch of ta( e(tensions this weekend. I do have enough old outfits to get #e through a few days at .ingha# .rothers. 7our old outfits) $ugar raised her eye row. I still fit in the#, you know. !eeJ, it wasnt as if shed porked up. -ot e(actly office wear. I know that. -o ody will suspect the newest i# o secretary of auditing the accounts, and esides, Dane told #e to wear #ore revealing clothing. %e had no idea what he was in for to#orrow. Danes the oss. I know youll knock his socks off. Keeley drained her glass. 2ay e Ill knock his pants off instead.

K55:57 8-:/;K5Dthe door to her second"floor walk"up apart#ent and hung her waist" length rown leather *acket on a hook in the narrow foyer. $he walked into the s#all kitchen with its #etal EIF@s ca inets and tossed her keys on the gold"speckled Bor#ica counter. %er vintage EI@F greystone was one of the few uildings left untouched y the renovation ug sweeping through the 8krainian 4illage neigh orhood. %er landlady lived downstairs and had successfully resisted her sons atte#pts to #ove her into an assisted living ho#e and sell out to a reha er. /f course, once everything was overdeveloped, 8krainian 4illage would lose the Kualities that #ade it a fun place to live0reasona le rents, decent parking and a laid" ack, yet hip at#osphere. Keeley gra ed a ottle of water fro# the fridge and headed into the edroo# to decide what on earth to wear on her first day as an undercover i# o. $he opened the tiny closet and reached past the white"and"crea# high"neck louses, rown, lack and gray suits, and the sensi le neutral pu#ps and su dued silk scarves, to the clothes she

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html never wore any#ore, ut hadnt een a le to let go of. $he pulled out skintight sleeveless tops in fuchsia, red and li#e"green, skirts so short they were illegal in certain *urisdictions and the literal kicker, four"inch high stilettos and platfor# heels in lack, white and clear plastic :ucite. If i# os ever got together and wrote a dress code, she could co#ply perfectly. $he stripped off her khaki pants and crea#"colored louse and e(changed the# for a low"cut white top, lack #iniskirt and lack open"toed heels with rhinestone ankle straps. $he took a few e(peri#ental steps across her edroo#, her old sashay falling into place. &he heels were higher than she was used to, ut the rhinestones still sparkled nicely, if not as #uch as they had under the stage lights. $he stopped in front of the #irror. $o#ething was out of place. &he clothes were okay, her od still fairly decent, ut it was the hair. &oo runette. $he reached up to the top shelf0easy to do in her platfor#s0and picked a round white o(. .lowing the dust off, she set it on her ed and studied her e#phatic hot"pink printing on the top.3roperty of ;herry &arte111 $he shook her head at the *uvenile writing. +t least she hadnt drawn hearts to dot the e(cla#ation points. $he re#oved the lid and lifted out her a solutely favorite red"haired wig, its lu(uriant waves cascading over her hands. .renda $tarr"red. ,ita %ayworth"red. +nn"2argret"red. +nd of course, stripper"red. 3ulling the wig on, she tucked her hair under it and stared at her reflection. %ello again, ;herry, she said to herself. .et you thought youd never co#e out of retire#ent. Bor it had een the infa#ous ;herry &arte, Keeleys alter ego, who had paid for her accounting degree y aring it all for the oys at the :ove $hack. It was ironic, to say the least, that shed use ;herrys persona for what could e the iggest accounting *o of her career. +nd it was all thanks to Dane Weiss and his need for a i# o forensic accountant. $he couldnt wait to see his face when his new e(ecutive assistant started work to#orrow #orning all tarted up. /r rather, ;herry"&arted. A ,8--I-! :+&5 W+$not the way Dane wanted to start his pseudocareer at .ingha# .rothers, ut hed stayed awake late going over the ackground #aterials fro# .inky. 3ro a ly a whole lotta nothing, ut he always needed to know a out the #a*or players efore he walked into a new place. Dane paid the ca ie in front of the :a$alle $treet skyscraper that housed .ingha# .rothers and punched the elevator utton to take hi# to the offices on the upper floors.

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It was a long elevator ride, and he yawned, partly to pop his ears and partly ecause he needed to. 5ven after he went to ed, hed drea#ed of the runette stripper fro# Briskys. -ot particularly unusual for a guy whod een celi ate for a few #onths, ut the part that had really woken hi# up sweating and hard was when she turned to face hi#. It had een Keeley Davis looking at hi# with a se(y, co#e"hither look. +nd he was the guy who had asked her to dress se(ier for the office) !ranted, it was to fool ;harlie .ingha#, ut Dane was the one who would e working with her fifty or si(ty hours a week. &he elevator doors opened and he stepped into the cool gray lo y of .ingha# .rothers and approached the #iddle"aged receptionist with her apricot hel#et of hair. -o teenage, nail"filing receptionists for the#. &his lady had pro a ly een the co#panys telephone operator since the age of plug"in switch oards. 2ay I help you, sir) Dane introduced hi#self and Kuickly found hi#self in possession of a photo ID adge and directions to his new office. $he showed hi# how to swipe hi#self in through the security syste# and, presu#a ly, the ti#e clock as well. %e thanked her and passed into the offices, threading through several colu#ns of cu icles and pushing through the door #arked with his na#e. %e stopped in surprise. + #o of guys stood around the desk where, he sur#ised, Keeley sat. Mudging y the way their acks were to hi#, he guessed they werent waiting to greet hi# with a rounding chorus of Bor %es a Molly !ood Bellow. 8nless she was running the office etting pool, Dane would ga# le that they were all chatting her up. !ood #orning. %is loud tone cut through the noise. &he #en *u#ped away guiltily, parting like the ,ed $ea to reveal a redhead. +nd what a redhead she washer long, glorious waves falling over her shoulders and her reasts, rushing the edges of so#e !rand ;anyon"deep cleavage flashing fro# a tight, white louse. Where was Keeley) !ood #orning, 2r. Weiss, the redhead purred. /h, dear !od, itwas Keeley. $hed #ade her haJel eyes look wider and greener, her coy rushing of eyelashes dark on her cheek. $he even had a little ;indy ;rawford #ole near the corner of her #outh. ,eal or drawn on, he didnt care. It was a point on a #ap, leading the way to her full, red lips. $he s#iled at the #en flanking her. $orry, oys, playti#es over. :ooks like the oss is here.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html %er husky tones rolled over the #ale crowd, pulling the# further into her spell. %e had to clear his throat and glare pointedly at the outer door. &hey straggled out, so#e giving hi# nasty looks, so#e gaJing longingly at her. %e was sure to e one popular guy at .ingha# .rothers. %e gra ed Keeleys el ow and steered her into his inner office. %oly cow, where was the rest of her skirt) $he had to have at least twelve inches of visi le thigh. %er lack #icro"#icro #ini arely covered her ass when she was standing. If he started at her knee and stroked upward on those fir#, toned thighs, he could slip his hand under that skirt with roo# to spare. !ood #orning, 2r. Weiss. I# your new assistant, ;herry, she singsonged. %ow do you take your coffee) Ice"cold and down his pants, thats how. What the hell is this getup) 5(actly what you asked for0younger and lighter. -onaccountant clothes. %e sat on the edge of his desk, fla ergasted. 7eah, hed asked for it, all right. .ut what had he gotten) 7oure so far fro# accountancy, youre not even the sa#e species. Where on earth did you get that outfit) + little so#ething I had in the ack of #y closet. 7eah, right. Whered you go shopping, the stripper store) 7ou #ean the store where your sister gets her design ideas) %er tone was syrupy sweet. %e ru ed his *aw. $he had hi# there. /kay. .ut attracting attention wasnt what I had in #ind. %e lowered his voice and leaned over to her. %ow are you supposed to conduct a covert audit when no ody can take his eyes off you) &hats the plan. $he gave hi# a sly s#ile. Its like a #agicians sleight of hand. 7ou distract the audience with flashy stuff on top while the serious usiness goes on elow. Blashy stuff on top) %is gaJe was drawn to the low"cut vee of her louse. %er cleavage had so#e kind of gold glitter lotion highlighting the full curves of her reasts. &he lotion was perfu#ed, too, as he greedily inhaled her war#, se(y scent. &he ase of her throat #oved as she swallowed hard. Dane) $he snapped her fingers in front of his line of sight and pointed to her face. 8p here. %e grudgingly looked up and eased away fro# her. $orry a out that. 7our plan worked too well on #e. 7eah, well, youre a #an, arent you) %er deprecating tone ru ed hi# raw. $o#e #en, like #e, for e(a#ple, can think of other

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html things esides Lflashy stuff on top. %e could, couldnt he) Bunny, $ugar didnt #ention you were gay. -ot that theres anything wrong with that. $he gave hi# a sy#pathetic look. %e was speechless for several seconds. !ay) $he thought he #ight e gay) &hen he saw the corners of her full red lips pull into a tiny s#irk. +h, playing ga#es with hi#. Well, he could play, too. -o, I# not gay. I *ust go for a different type of wo#an. -o offense to you, of course. -one taken. %er s#irk disappeared as Kuickly as her clothing in his i#agination. $o what type do you go for) she asked. 8# %e couldnt very well tell her the truth, which was that he liked tall, leggy runettes. +nd tall, leggy redheads. 3etite londes. &hat would get her good. +ccording to his sister, tall runettes always hated short londes, especially when short londes took all the tall guys. +nd he was tall. $he curled her lip delicately. +nd you dont get a crick in your neck ending over those petite londes) %e shrugged. -ot everything is done standing. .ut anyway, ti#e to get to work,;herry. $ee if you cant find a pad of paper so we can #ake so#e notes. Keeley didnt Kuite sto#p off to her desk, ut her gait was definitely stiff. %e eased into his chair so she couldnt see how her tight ass in the tiny skirt was #aking hi# stiff, too.

35&I&5 .:/-D5$,#y ass. Keeley yanked open her desk drawer and found a yellow legal pad.-ot everything is done standing. &hat ig o( would sKuash one like a lond ug. $he hoped he stayed awake long enough after se( to let the girl roll clear. $he et Dane liked eing on top. .ossy guys often did, until they were shown the advantages of eing on otto#. %er nipples tightened under her thin white top and her lack thong was eco#ing suspiciously #oist. %##. 2ay e thinking a out how Dane liked to have se( wasnt the est way to spend her first #orning at the office. +nd he was waiting for her. $he gra ed a felt"tip pen so as not to leave indentations in the paper elow. &he old trick of ru ing pencil over the pressed"in #arks still worked, and she didnt trust anyone here. $he closed the drawer, ut efore she could return to the office, trou le arrived in a two" thousand"dollar suit. +nd you are) ;harlie .ingha# raised a lack row.

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!ood #orning to you, too, creep. I a# ;herry $hoot, shed forgotten to think of a last na#e for her alias. $hed never needed one efore. ;herry $#ith. ;herry) %owinteresting. %is tone i#plied that ;herry was the goofiest na#e ever. +s if he hadnt lost his virginity to so#e snooty road na#ed .uffy, 2uffy or &ri(ie. +nd you actually workhere) +t .ingha# .rothers) 7es, indeed. I# the e(ecutive assistant to the new controller"in"training. Dane Weiss. %e said that with the sa#e lip curl as so#eone would say dog doo. Dane #oved ne(t to her, his presence an instant co#fort. %ow long had it een since anyone had acked her up) !ood #orning, ;harlie. I see youve #et #y e(ecutive assistant, ;herry. .inkys grandson gave her an insolent once"over. ,ude little shit. $he took a great deal of pleasure in looking down at hi# fro# her towering :ucite high heels. Why a# I not surprised, Weiss) &rust you to find the flashiest assistant possi le. %e laid on the wordassistant with a snotty tone. Keeley fought the urge to roll her eyes since shed heard it all efore, and fro# nastier speci#ens than hi#, ut what was interesting was Danes reaction. + flush roiled up his neck and onto his face, the tips of his ears reddening. Was he e# arrassed) &hen she saw his clenching fists. -ope, angry. ,eally angry. &his young lady is #y e(ecutive assistant. 7ou #ay call her 2iss, uh $#ith, Keeley supplied. /r etter yet, dont call her anything at all. If you have so#ething to say, you tell #e, instead of othering her with your ad attitude, ;harlie. Keeleys eyes widened so fast her fake eyelashes popped loose at the edges. Dane was defending flashy, trashy ;herry. %ow sweet. Dont call #e ;harlie1 &he dark"haired #an was turning a #atching shade of red. 2y na#e is ;harles +ndrew .ingha# the $i(th, and you call #e 2r. .ingha#, da##it1 2r. .ingha# is your grandfather, ;harles +ndrew the $i(th. 2ay e Ill call you ;huck. Keeley s#othered a grin at the outraged e(pression on ;harlies face. ;huck was even worse than ;harlie. I# on to you, Weiss, he said, hissing Danes last na#e. 7ou think you can waltJ in here and

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html con #y senile coot of a grandfather, ut you cant fool #e. 7oure up to so#ething, and Ill keep #y eyes on you until I find out e(actly what. %e shot his fancy Brench cuffs and strode out of the office. Keeley laughed. Way to fly under the radar, Dane. I thought for a second the two of you were going to have a real honest pissing contest here in the office. Dane spun ack to her, the lood sinking fro# his face and returning it to his nor#al color. Weve had words efore. -o1 $he pressed her hand to her oso# in #ock surprise. +nd here I thought you had a special gift for #aking friends and influencing people. /r didnt they teach you that in usiness school) %e #otioned her into his office and closed the door. ;huckles was rude to his grandpa and his grandpas lady friend. I gave hi# a rushup on the rules of etiKuette. 3ro a ly .inkys date was $ugar or one of her friends. !ood grief. %ow #any stitches did he need) -one. 6"rays) -one. ;lean pairs of underwear once he got ho#e) Dane urst out laughing. -one. ,eally, he took a poke at #e and I shoved hi# into a li#o. &oo ad. I# sure he #ust have deserved a utt"kicking at various points in his life. $orry. %e e(tended his pal#s upward. %es still .inkys grandson. +nd our only suspect at this point, she #ur#ured. 7ep. Dane Kuirked a corner of his #outh. 7ikes, the #ans di#ples were lethal. $he randished her felt"tip pen. Despite your reservations, #y disguise worked. &heres no way ;harlies going to think I# anyone ut so#e i# o secretary youre offing. &rue. 7oure no i# o secretary. Keeley waited for hi# to respond to the part a out offing, ut he *ust gave her a slow, laJy s#ile. :ets get to work, shall we) Well leave the offing discussion for another ti#e.

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D+-5W5I$$$office, #ay I help you) Keeley stuck out her tongue at the sultry fe#ale voice on the other end reKuesting a lunch #eeting with Dane. It was yet one #ore fe#ale upper" #anage#ent type panting after hi#. /ver the past week, Dane had enough lunch invitations to eat seven ti#es a day. I# sorry, 2r. Weiss is tied up with #eetings the rest of the week. $he had no idea whether or not he was, ut there was no way he was going for three"hour lunches while she was stuck in the office. $he and Dane had een in .ingha# .rothers orientation for several days with no access at all to the accounts. If she had to sit through another 3ower3oint presentation on co#pany culture, shed throw one of her lethal shoes straight through the pro*ection screen. When she hadnt een pinching herself to keep awake, shed surfed the co#panys intranet to fa#iliariJe herself with the antiKuated accounting syste#s, policies and procedures. Who was that) Dane leaned against the door*a# , his ar#s crossed over his chest. &oday he had on a navy" lue shirt that really rought out his eyes. $he hadnt othered to note the wo#ans na#e and had forgotten it as soon as the receiver clicked. $hell call ack if its i#portant. %e laughed. $uJanne in accounting and .ar ara in hu#an resources each told #e they wanted to have a lunch #eeting with #e when #y schedule cleared. I didnt know #y schedule was that full. &hats whyI# here, 2r. Weiss, so you dont need to worry your i#portant self a out your schedule. $he threw ack her shoulders in her low"cut lack louse and shook her fake red #ane. %e closed the outer office door. $o#e people #ight think youre trying to keep #e all for yourself. Was she) Despite her ig talk to $ugar, Keeleyd had reservations a out getting involved se(ually with Dane Weiss while she was working for hi#. 2ay e her diso edient su conscious was utting in again. +nd so#e people, like #e, want to get started withother i#portant pro*ects. $o#e people are tired of getting air"conditioning drafts lown up their office" inappropriate clothing. %e shook his head and s#iled. I hope your clothing allowance is enough to hold you over. :ike I told you, I got these fro# the ack of #y closet. ,ight, right. %e winked, o viously not elieving her. Well, if you need #ore shopping

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html #oney, let #e know. I# good, thanks. $he pro a ly had another si( or eight outfits she hadnt worn yet. %ope you like li#e"green and fuchsia. &ogether) %e looked confused. %ardly. I# dressing a it flashy, not like a circus clown. &he sacrifices we #ake for our careers. +nd heres another one. -ow that !lenn, the current controller, feels I# up to speed, Ive een cleared to have account access. Were going to have so#e late evenings this week, starting tonight. Working late with Dane) + little shiver ran through her. %ere at the office) 7ep. We need to start with your ean"counting #agic. What if I have a hot date tonight) $he didnt, ut wanted to keep hi# on his toes. I wouldnt e surprised, considering the way you look. %e leaned down. I knew youd e a distraction the second I saw you sitting ehind this desk. 7ou did) Whose reathy voice was that) /kay, now her su conscious had knocked her conscious unconscious and locked it in the supply closet. 5very #orning, I have to chase at least three or four guys out of here. 7oure never going to e a le to get anything done during regular hours. $o she didnt distract hi#) $he wasnt so sure a out that. I guess Ill have to cancel #y date. Disappointing, ut Ill survive. Ill #ake it up to you. %e passed her chair on his way to his desk. $he couldnt help sneaking an eye"level glance at his ass, the cheeks fle(ing under his thin Italian charcoal wool trousers. %ow) %e stopped, giving her a good view of his Jipper. /h, for 6"ray vision. /rder in whatever youd like and Ill have the sa#e. 7oure on. Ill have it delivered at si(. !ood. Well work in the corner conference roo#. %e continued into his office and was Kuickly engrossed in the contents of his laptop screen. Keeley turned ack to her own co#puter and noted the ti#e at the little clock in the corner. -ot even lunchti#e yet. $uddenly, si( oclock see#ed a long way off. $he snuck a glance at Dane,

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html his lond rows drawing together as he focused on whatever he was looking at. $he only wished hed paid that #uch attention to her. /h, hed een friendly and polite to her the past week theyd een working together. ;onsidering her over"the"top, not"#uch"on"top clothing, shed half e(pected hi# to e part of the parade of drooling nu# skulls traipsing through her office on the stupidest of prete(ts. Did ;herry have a stapler to orrow) Did ;herry have any pink sticky notes) Did ;herry need a can of pop fro# the reak roo#) ;herry didnt need a thing. It was Keeley who needed a ton of things. $he needed to get started on her audit, needed the #oney fro# .inky to help pay :aceys dor# ill for ne(t fall, and needed to get a life so#ewhere along the way. &hinking, she ounced her pencil eraser on the desk. Despite the fact that shed regularly pranced around in front of strange #en wearing nothing ut a !"string, se( was so#ething she took seriously. $haring herself with a guy opened all sorts of vulnera ilities. $hed seen what had happened when her #other had so#ewhat accidentally0#ostly on purpose0gotten pregnant with :acey to keep :aceys dad around. %adnt worked. /n the other hand, she hoped she was s#arter than her #other, and she sure wasnt looking for a last"ditch effort to sink her claws into so#e guy for the ne(t eighteen"odd years. +ll Keeley wanted was so#e te#porary fun and ga#es. Dane had successfully uprooted hi#self fro# his far# ackground and would pro a ly e off like a shot once their pro*ect was co#pleted. Kind of a uilt"in escape clause for the oth of the#. $he peeked over her shoulder, noting the readth of his shoulders tapering to that tri# waist. %e was certainly the est"looking #an shed run into for a long while. Dane suddenly looked up fro# his co#puter, sensing her glance. Do you need anything, ;herry) Binally, the right person was asking that Kuestion at the right ti#e. $he s#iled at hi#. -o, not yet. .ut ask #e later. F .+,.5;85) D+-5inhaled the spicy"sweet scent greedily as he found Keeley in the conference roo# unpacking takeout o(es. It had een #onths since he had had a decent ar ecue dinner. I thought we were eating those ;hinese leftovers fro# last night. /ver the past four evenings, Keeley had surprised hi# with ;hicago deep"dish piJJa, ;hicago"style hot dogs with pickle spears and celery salt, huge su sandwiches and the est ;hinese food hed tasted outside %ong Kong. -o, I gave the leftovers to the ho#eless guy who sleeps outside the office uilding. I had a craving for a pulled pork sandwich and coleslaw. $he opened a o(. +nd you looked like a #an who likes a full sla of ri s. /h, #an. I love ri s and slaw. %e surreptitiously patted his elly to #ake sure it wasnt

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html starting to hang over his elt. %e wasnt urning off four thousand calories a day doing far#work any#ore. Definitely so#e ti#e on the tread#ill and in the weight roo# downstairs was called for. %ave a seat, then, and eat. $he passed hi# the ri s and a cup of coleslaw. -o, you sit. 7ouve een arranging our dinners all week, so let #e take of this. %e pulled out a lack leather conference chair and gestured for her to sit at the ig polished wood ta le. $he gave hi# a KuiJJical look, as if no one had ever held out her chair for her. /kay, Dane. $he sat and s#oothed her tiny red skirt over her thighs. :ucky skirt. %e distracted hi#self y passing her several paper napkins to protect her clothing and popped open her sandwich o(. 2##, looks good. %e gra ed a fork for her fro# the white plastic carryout ag. 7ou can try so#e if youd like. $he sipped at her soft drink. +hh, caffeine. I dont want to eat your food on you. I have plenty. Instead of handing her the utensil, he sat ne(t to her and forked a #outhful of tender, saucy #eat and offered it to her. &ry yours efore it gets cold. %er green eyes widened in surprise ut she opened her shiny red lips and closed the# around the fork. :ucky fork. $he closed her eyes and sighed as if shed een kissed really long and really hard. %is #outh watered, and not fro# the ar ecue aro#a. %ed een fighting his attraction to her ever since hed #et her, ut now he was wondering if he should have his head e(a#ined to e in a hurry to get away fro# this eautiful wo#an. 7u#. &hats even etter than usual. 7ouve gotta try it. $he pulled the fork fro# his slack grasp and scooped up so#e ar ecue. /pen, Dane. %er wrist tre# led a it, so he cupped it to steady it. %er pulse was thready under his fingers, giving away her state of #ind. $o he wasnt the only one feeling this pull. %e forced hi#self to eat and #anaged to avoid dropping sauce on hi#self. Binally, he pushed ack fro# the ta le. 7ou really outdid yourself. &hanks, I al#ost roke a nail dialing the ar ecue *oint. $he lifted a red"tipped finger. It was a close call. -o, I #ean not *ust for the food, ut for agreeing to do this, Keeley. $hhh. $he put her finger to her lips. ;herry, re#e# er)

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html ;herry. %e had forgotten to call her y her alias. %er nearness was #aking hi# sloppy. I know youve gotten a lot of unwanted attention here, and youve een a real sport. &hats #e, a tea# player. $he stood and threw away the o(es and ri ones. Wiping off her hands with a wet wipe, she turned ack to hi#. +lthough all the accounts Ive looked at so far see# okay, I get a funny feeling. Bunny, how) &he other accountants hed co#e across had a solutely no intuition or i#agination whatsoever. Keeley shook her head. I cant e(plain it. I think .inkys pro a ly right a out so#ething eing wrong. &heres a weird vi e here in the office. It re#inds #e of the place where I worked while I was in school. 2oney was #issing, and the e#ployees were all scared of the assistant #anagers nasty te#per. .ut it wasnt hi# who was stealing. I hoped it was hi#, ut it was the ookkeeper, a #ousy little chick who wanted the dough for reast i#plants. Dane choked on his pop, the car onation urning the ack of his throat. $he stole #oney for those) $o#e wo#en feel inadeKuate with s#all reasts. Keeley shrugged. I guess she wanted to learn what it was like to have ackaches or loss of feeling to her nipples. %e held up his hands in not"Kuite"#ock horror. Whoa, whoa, too #uch infor#ation. +nd you a close friend of .inkys. $he shook her head. &sk, tsk. $urely you dont think all those e(otic dancers have een naturally lessed in their cup siJe) I guess I never thought a out it. I dont think Ive ever dated any ody with i#plants, at least that I knew a out, he Kualified. $he gave hi# a skeptical look, ut he was only telling her the truth. +nyway, Dane, the point is that people will steal ig #oney for what you and I think would e stupid reasons. 2y accounting professors told us, LIf youre going to steal, steal ig. &he penalty for stealing fifty dollars is as ad as stealing five thousand. 5ach single theft is often a federal felony count and can carry up to several thousand dollars in fines and five years in prison. Dane whistled. $everal thousand in fines wouldnt other ;harlie .ingha#, ut hard ti#e in the federal pen would. Did that ookkeeper go to prison) Keeley #ade a face. -o. &urns out she was so#e odys cousin, so it was all handled privately. .ut other peoples #oney0 $he shrugged. &hat *o was a restaurant"type place. :ots of cash co#ing and going and no one was interested in opening the ooks for the authorities.

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/h. &hat wasnt the pro le# at .ingha# .rothers0their worry was the ad pu licity and potential loss of client confidence, especially if ;harlie was the ad guy. Did you audit those ooks, too) 7eah, in #y downti#e. $he laughed. &his audit is a piece of cake co#pared to that. -o drunken custo#ers, no earsplitting #usic, no puddles of eer on the floor. $ounds like a great place to work. It wasnt the est ut it paid the ills and got #e through school. Keeley sat in her chair and flipped open her laptop. 7ou said .inky had a ad feeling a out the trust accounts) / viously she wanted to get ack to work, so Dane pointed to the accounts .inky had flagged. $ee what you can find. Whatever it is, its slipped through the safeguards here. $he arched an eye row at hi#. /r so#eone here is slipping it through on their own. &rue. Dane turned to his own laptop, deter#ined to follow Keeleys good e(a#ple. +lthough he realiJed he was *ust playing the role of controller"in"training, Dane found hi#self #aking lists of what he would change if he actually had the *o . !lenn, the real controller, had een with the co#pany for close to thirty years and was content to do things the way theyd always een done. /n the plus side, .ingha# .rothers had a fir# reputation and solid financial practices, aside fro# the possi le disastrous e# eJJle#ent. .ut +da# had een right. .ingha# .rothers was fir#ly stuck in so#e other decade, and Dane wasnt sure which. 3ro a ly the fifties or early si(ties0the financial structure was clunky and the accounting syste#s outdated. %e was no forensic accountant like Keeley ut he had found several places where stealing fro# .ingha# .rothers would e easier than taking candy fro# a a y. +t least a ies put up a sKuawk, and the .ingha# accounts were silent as the grave. Dane shook his head. %e didnt la#e .inky0after all, the #an was in his seventies and not fa#iliar with all the latest practices. .ut ;harlie wasnt doing his *o , either. Was it laJiness or #ore deli erate) %e didnt know. .ut as long as .inky was paying hi# a controllers salary, Dane could e useful. 5nergy rushed through hi#. 2ay e he could leave so#e ideas for the ne(t real controller to i#ple#ent0 etter accounting practices, #ore efficient internal reporting and accurate corporate ta( planning. /n the surface, it wouldnt e any different than any other consulting *o . +fter all, once Keeley gave hi# the results fro# the audit, he was free to leave again, #ay e to 5urope this ti#e. 3lenty of co#panies needed consulting advice on how to deal with the changing 5uropean econo#y. &hat was what hed wanted ever since he was a kid. -o #ore cows, no #ore cow shit0*ust hi#

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html with his well"worn passport, traveling the world. + tapping noise startled hi# out of his reverie. Keeley, her eyes narrowed, stared at her co#puter screen, her pencil eraser eating on the desk. $he looked up at hi#. $orry, Dane. It helps #e think. /kay. &he #ore she thought, the faster shed finish and then it was on voyage. Without Keeley. %e frowned at that uneasy notion. Why was Dane scowling at her) Keeley scowled ack. $he was going as fast as she could and her lack of progress was starting to piss her off. If the pencil tapping others you, say so. Keeley wasnt interested in trying to tiptoe around so#e guys ad #ood. $he didnt get paid to *olly #en around any#ore. -o, no, its not that. %onestly. %e still looked like so#eone had stolen his favorite !reen .ay 3ackers foot all *ersey. Whats with the grouchy look) Must thinking. !eeJ, cut #e a reak here. Does #y every e(pression have to e analyJed) !et over yourself1 :ike I want to know whats going on in that cra y head of yours. $he glared at her co#puter screen. It was there, eyond her reach.;o#e on, you thief. 7ou #ade a #istake so#ewhere. Keeley) %is soft voice roke her concentration yet again. What) $he whipped around, ready to snap at hi#. I# sorry. %e still looked grouchy, ut a it sheepish at the sa#e ti#e. :isten, I know weve een putting in fourteen"or fifteen"hour days this past week, you #ust e eat. I# fine. $he turned ack to her co#puter. %e thought this *o was hard. %a1 $he sat on her ass all day, and the only tired part of her was her #ouse finger. %is ig hand ca#e to rest on hers, stopping her #ouse"clicking. $he startled, and he s#iled at her. 5nough. Whats enough) :ook, Keeley. Its Briday night. &his audit isnt so#e iron"#an endurance test. &he accounts will still e there 2onday. 7ou hope, she *oked, ut he was right. It has een a long week. 7ou #entioned you had to cancel a date earlier to work late. 7ou still have ti#e to call the guy

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html and reschedule for tonight. %e e(a#ined her face closely. -o, not tonight. %e didnt need to know her date had een i#aginary. Keeley slipped a pencil under her red hair and scratched her head. Ill pro a ly go ho#e and take off this stupid itchy wig. &ake it off now. Ive only seen you once as a runette. Dane. $he frowned at hi#. +nyone could co#e y, and then what) 5(plain you have a fetish for redheads and thats why I wear a wig) Dont e silly. %e shrugged. 7oure right. :ets finish so you can go ho#e and get out of those clothes. $he #uffled a snicker, and he gri#aced. &hat didnt Kuite co#e out right. -o, thats okay. $he pushed her chair away fro# the ta le and lifted her leg to show hi# one torturous high heel. Ive een wearing these :ucite #onstrosities for over twelve hours today. I# going to file a co#plaint with occupational health and safety if I cant take the# off soon. $he rotated her ankle to relieve so#e foot pain when she caught his hungry lue stare eating up the sight of her. 7ou have great legs, he rasped. &heyve een driving #e nuts since the coffee shop. ,eally) 5ven covered y #y ugly rown outfit) 7ep. %e nodded. I could tell y the way you walked0al#ost like a dancer. Keeley lowered her leg. %ow #uch to tell hi#) $he stuck with partial truth. I was a dancer in high school #usicals and was on the po#"po# sKuad. I knew it. %e gave her legs a lingering glance and shook his head as if recalling hi#self to professionalis#. ;o#e on, Ill drop you off at ho#e. /n 2onday, well pick up the audit where we left off. .efore Keeley could wallow in her disappoint#ent, she heard a sound near y and stood. &he conference roo# was situated in a corner for less office noise, ut there was little warning of any ody co#ing. =uiet, Dane. It was pro a ly *ust the cleaning crew. Dane looked over her shoulder. =uick, its ;harlie. ;harles +ndrew .ingha# 4Is dark head crossed a cu icle divider two rows away. Dane egan closing #anila files, ut Keeley had a etter idea for throwing ;harlie off the track. %e e(pected the worst, so shed give it to hi#. $la##ing her laptop screen shut, she hopped onto the conference ta le, sitting on the paperwork. ;o#e here. $he hooked her supposedly great legs around Danes and pulled hi#

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html close, yanking his #outh to hers. %is surprised###ph Kuickly turned into a pleased hu# as he enthusiastically dove into the kiss. %is lips were fir# and war# as they clung greedily to hers. Keeley gave a #oan and eagerly opened under his testing tongue. %e dipped it into her #outh and she sucked on it eagerly. %is ig hands scorched her shoulder lades through her thin louse as he settled into the cradle of her thighs. $he wiggled her otto# closer, her #iniskirt hiking up her thighs. 3apers hit the floor and scattered ut Keeley didnt care. +fter all, none of the# said;harlie .ingha# is a ig, fat crook . Dane pressed hot kisses down her neck and Keeley cried out in pleased surprise as he dropped his hands, sKueeJing and cupping her ass. /h, yeah, Dane1 %is erection pressed against her inner thigh. 7ou like that, dont you, Kee0 $he #uffled his slipup with a hard kiss, and none too soon. Well, well, 2r. Weiss. ;harlie .ingha# stood in the door, a nasty e(pression on his face. 2y grandfatherdid teach you everything he knows. .anging the secretaries was one of his favorite pasti#es as well. Dane looked up fro# Keeley, his lust"softened gaJe sharpening at ;harlies accusation. &oo ad your grandfather didnt teach you #anners. %e re#oved his hands fro# her utt ut didnt step away fro# her. ;herry and I were leaving. If you have anything to say to #e, save it for 2onday. ;harlie sputtered for a second ut apparently decided not to press the issue. Keeley hopped off the ta le, locking ;harlies view of Danes erection. $he tugged her skirt down and stacked files, hoping the #en didnt notice her tre# ling hands. 7ou havent heard the end of this, Weiss. !randpa #ay have gotten away with this kind of thing ack in the day, ut ti#es are different now. 7ou have five #inutes to clear out efore I call security. ;harlie glared at the# and sto#ped away. Bor what, ;harlie) Working late on a Briday) Dane called after hi#. Keeley shook her head. :ets go efore he changes his #ind. +re you sure he cant fire us) 3ositive. Dane stuffed the papers into his case while she shut off her co#puter. .inky hired #e, .inkys the only one who can fire #e. ;huckles knows that da#n well. Which is why hes so ticked off. 7oure winning the pissing contest and he hasnt even unJipped his pants.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Dane stopped his packing and roared with laughter. Keeley, you do have a way with words0 hasnt unJipped his pants. %e tapered off into an uneasy chuckle as he o viously realiJed the condition of his own Jipper. &here was an awkward pause and they oth usied the#selves clearing out the conference roo# and getting their things. &he specter of their kiss loo#ed etween the# as they rode to the parking garage, Dane only reaking the silence long enough to ask her where she lived. %e sure was one close#outhed son" of"a"gun tonight. 5(cept when he had it open to Brench"kiss her. Keeley shifted uneasily in the leather seat of his lu(ury sedan in a futile atte#pt to relieve the ache etween her thighs. Dane looked over at her once hed pulled out of the garage into the dusky evening. 7ou okay) $ure. -o, she wasnt. Idiotic #an. $he guessed shed have to spell out everything for hi#. Do you think ;harlie suspects #e) -o. %e stared straight ahead, the streetlights flashing over his face in a pattern that #ade it difficult to read his e(pression. $he tried again. I dont think so, either. I #ean, walking in on us with #y legs wrapped around yours and your tongue in #y #outh0what was he supposed to think) %is knuckles whitened around the steering wheel and he #ade a choking sound. 5ncouraged, Keeley continued, +nd when you gra ed #y ass, that was the #aster touch. &he only way we could have een #ore o vious was if we were actually having se(. 7ou know, #e flat on #y ack on the conference ta le, #y knees in the air while you0 %er sentence was cut off y the rakes screeching and her seat elt locking. Dane had al#ost run a red light. %e swiped a hand over his face. !eeJ, Keeley. $orry. $orry for al#ost getting the# into an accident ut not sorry a out teasing hi#. I didnt #ean to e# arrass you. &urning to her, his eyes were shadowed. I# not e# arrassed. Bar fro# it. %e started to lean over to her, ut the car ehind hi# eeped. $hit1 %e sto#ped on the gas pedal, his rapid acceleration tossing her against her seat. &hey were co#ing to the on"ra#p to the Kennedy e(pressway that would take her ho#e, and Keeley didnt want to end the evening eing dropped in front of her greystone uilding. $he considered inviting Dane in to her place, ut Kuickly discarded that idea. $hed never let any #an she was dating into her place and wasnt ready for Dane to e the first.

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Dane. $he laid her hand on his forear# and i##ediately his #uscles tensed. Why dont we stop for a drink so#ewhere to rela() $he spotted the ar where shed had drinks with $ugar and pointed. &hey have good #artinis and its early enough that it wont e e(tre#ely crowded. +re you sure) %e gave her a skeptical look. Ive een working you hard all week. I# a ig girl. I can take it. I et you can. %is tone was ad#iring as he swerved into a near y parking lot. 7oure a real go"getter. Do you always get what you want) %##. &hat was a tough Kuestion. /n the one hand, life hadnt given her a free pass on anything. .ut on the other hand, tonight she was leaving a well"paying gig in a fancy car with a se(y #an she wanted to seduce. 2ay e the planets were finally aligning for her. &onight, I think Ill get everything I want. G -/& 56&,525:7crowded, huh) Dane shouted ack at her as he ulldoJed a path through the #o of happy"hour revelers, triu#phantly setting their drinks on the last e#pty ta le in the ar. %e was actually glad to e around a unch of people. Keeley didnt know it, ut shed arely #ade it out of the car without hi# pouncing on her. Was that kiss in the office purely for ;harlies enefit, or had she een waiting for a chance to kiss hi#) It had definitely #orphed into so#ething real for hi#, ut he couldnt tell what she thought. Keeley shrugged and picked up her key li#e #artini. Ive never een here after work. Dane looked around. &he place was packed with yuppies whod o viously co#e straight fro# the office, *udging fro# the nu# er of suits. 2ost of the wo#en had added so#e red lipstick and un uttoned their *ackets to reveal so#e slinky undergar#ents, ut they were no co#petition for Keeley. $he stood out a#ong the gray and lack wool like a long"legged fla#ingo a#ong crows. -o #atter. Dane hoisted his #artini and clinked hers on the ri#. &o our pro*ect. &o our pro*ect, she echoed, sipping the pale green drink. 7u#. +#aJing what they call a #artini these days. %e shook his head and took a sip of his own. -owthis is a true #artini. $he peered over at his drink. What kind of #artini did you get) &he old classic. !in and ver#outh over a couple of olives. $haken or stirred)

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+ctually whipped Kuite soundly for eing naughty. $he let out a giggle, the first genuine one hed heard fro# her red lips. $he occasionally laughed, ut it was #ostly cynical or polite laughter. 7ou should do that #ore often. What) $he turned her gaJe ack to hi# fro# where shed een scanning the roo#. :augh #ore often. :ifes not that serious. $ays the #an who works eighty"hour weeks and al#ost starts fistfights with upper #anage#ent. $he had hi# there. Well, do as I say, not as I do. +nd what do you say I should do) $he lifted the slender curl of li#e peel garnish fro# the ri# of her glass and dipped it into her #outh, rotating her tongue slowly around its spiral. Danes #outh went dry and he sipped so#e of his own drink. I say you should tell #e why you kissed #e. &alk a out looking a gift horse in the #outh, ut he wanted to know if it was solely for ;harlies enefit or if shed wanted to kiss hi#. +h, the conference roo# kiss. $he stared thoughtfully at hi#, her haJel eyes unreada le. 7es,that kiss. +nd her thighs gra ing hi# and his hands gra ing her, ut they oth knew what he #eant. Must then, the lights di##ed and an o no(ious"sounding DM lared over the crowd, cutting off Keeleys response. +pparently this ar had dancing on Briday nights. Dane savagely crushed an olive etween his teeth. !ood grief, what kind of sap was he, asking a se(y wo#an why shed kissed hi#. -e(t thing he knew, hed e asking her how she felt a out hi# and where she thought their relationship was going. 2ight as well call hi# Dana and slap a long lond wig onhis head. %e slugged ack the rest of his #artini. %e either needed to take his chances with her or take her ho#e. /ut of the corner of his eye, he caught her yawning. !uess that #eant he should take her ho#e. %e stood so rapidly his chair skittered. ;o#e on, youre tired. Ill take you ho#e. $he looked puJJled. &hen the #usic started and she perked up her ears. Dane listened for a couple seconds. /h, yeah, :ove $hack y the ."F?s, the national anthe# for singles ars throughout +#erica. It had originally co#e out when he was in #iddle school, ack when he wouldnt have known what to do with a wo#an if shed parachuted naked into his edroo#. Didnt look like #uch had changed. Keeley stood and e(tended her hand. :ets dance.

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Dance) /h, #an. $he didnt know what she was asking. %e was such a ad dancer his sister"in" law had actually adgered hi# into taking lessons efore her wedding to his rother. &he lessons hadnt worked. .ut to keep Keeley near hi# for even a while longer, hed dance the cha"cha slide. /r even that 72;+ song. 8#, okay. %e took her hand, followed her to the tiny dance floor and took a deep reath. %ere goes nothin. $he s#iled at hi#, her high heels ringing her to al#ost eye"level with hi#. %ed never danced with such a tall girl efore, ut realiJed it wasnt a ad idea. +t least he didnt have to worry a out crushing her underfoot. ,ela(, Dane, she shouted over the ."F?s whooping it up. %e gave her what he thought was a rela(ed s#ile, ut she giggled again. /kay, Ill show you. +nd with that, it was as if shed flipped that se("kitten switch. $he rolled her hips onelessly, her shoulders #oving in the sa#e rhyth#. %e didnt even try to dance, *ust stood in awe. %er eyes were closed in pleasure as she sang along with the #usic. $he didnt *ust #ove like a dancer, she reallywas one. $he opened her eyes to see hi# standing there like a du# ass. ;o#e on1 she urged hi#. &ry1 %e tried his est to #ove, ut it was hopeless. %er full reasts *iggling under her tiny top and the curves of her ass under that #icro"#iniskirt kept distracting hi#and every other guy within twenty feet. When he wasnt watching Keeley, he was throwing nasty looks at the #ore latant starers. &he song ended and #oved into another hard"thu#ping dance tune. 4ogue y 2adonna) .oy, this DM was in a ti#e warp, ut Keeley o viously didnt care as she spun into a series of daJJling turns. Dane didnt know eans a out dancing, ut she sure knew her #oves. &hat downstate high"school po#"po# sKuad #ust have een glad to have her. %e could tell she really en*oyed dancing. %er face was tilted upward in what could only e called a *oyful e(pression, a wide grin cutting across her face. When had Dane last felt anything close to pure *oy) 3ro a ly when his nieces and nephew were orn, ut aside fro# that) $ad to say, he couldnt re#e# er. 2adonnas last vogue faded away and Keeley clapped and cheered, perspiration #aking her skin glisten like gold under the lights. When one stray drop trailed its way etween her reasts, Danes last itsy" itsy vestige of control snapped and he pulled her close. %er ody fit perfectly against hi#, heat radiating etween the two of the# that he didnt think

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html was entirely the result of her e(ertions. %e cupped the nape of her neck with his hand, the rough edge of her wig fueling his resolve to see her pretty rown hair again. $he looked at hi# and licked her lips. &hat was all the invitation he needed. %e dove onto her #outh and she eagerly opened under hi#, all sweet"and"sour fro# her drink. %e ni led on her lower lip and ran his tongue along her ridge of white teeth. %e i#agined those lips and teeth rasping along his ody and groaned. $he #oaned in return, resting her hands on his chest right a ove his thundering heart. Dane had een half"afraid to kiss her in the worry that the kiss in the office had een for show. .ut here on the crowded dance floor, Keeley responded with as #uch eagerness, as #uch sweetness. %e kissed her soft cheek, her fir# *aw and the tender skin ehind her ear. $he clutched at his lapels, her reath hot on his face. $o#eone *ostled Keeley, reaking their e# race. Dane reluctantly lifted his #outh fro# the s#ooth colu#n of her neck. .reathing hard, Keeley rested her forehead on his shoulder as another dance tune started. Dane needed to get her out of the ar and so#ewhere private. &he #usic was drilling through his rain and his cock was trying to drill through his pants. Keeley refused to #eet his gaJe, trying to get the# ack to the dance lesson. :oosen those hips and youll do fine. $he actually gra ed his hips and tried rocking the# ack and forth. %e put his hands over her wrists and leaned down. If you dont stop gra ing #y ass in pu lic, I wont e responsi le for the conseKuences. %e purposefully rotated his pelvis into hers so she could feel what shed done to hi#, his erection nestling against her elly. %er eyes widened and she paused for a second. 2ay e you need a private dance lesson. Was she offering what he thought) I have #usic at #y place. %e waited an(iously for her response. + s#ile curved her lips. +ll right, lets go. %e fought ack a whoop of delight. %e #ight e a klutJ when it ca#e to dance #oves, ut there were other #oves he dide(tre#ely well.

!//D &%I-! W5have a parking garage under the uilding, huh) Dane guided Keeley to the lo y elevator and nodded at the night door#an in his silver"tri##ed navy" lue unifor#. $he nodded and tried to ignore the utterflies dancing around in her sto#ach and concentrate on her surroundings for distraction. &he whole lo y was designed with lots of stainless steel and glass with sofas in varying shades of lue.

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Keeley had never een in :akenheath &owers, not knowing anyone ut .inky who could afford the place. .inky #ust really value Dane to house hi# here. ;overed parking was pro a ly the least of the a#enities. &hunder oo#ed outside the glass doors. $he looked ack. I cant elieve how fast that stor# lew in. It had started right after they left the clu , forcing her to let Dane concentrate on his driving. -o #ore innuendos0Keeley wanted to spend the night with Dane, not the local 5.,. staff. &he elevator arrived and the door#an called after the# to have a good evening. %e neednt have een concerned a out that. Dane pressed the utton for the si(ty"third floor and Keeley watched the nu# ers count as they cli# ed. +nother huge crack of thunder reached their ears and the lights went out, the elevator skidding to a stop. Keeley stu# led, ut Dane caught her efore she fell. 7ou all right) $ure, fine. -ot really. $he hated dark, enclosed spaces. &he e#ergency phone rang and Dane fu# led with the little co#part#ent door. %ello) %e listened for a few seconds. 7es, were okay. What happened) Keeley stood froJen in her sKuare foot of elevator carpet. Dane finally hung up and reached for her, finding her shoulder. &here you are. &he door#an says the uilding lost power ut the elevators e#ergency rakes kicked in. We should e on our way in a few #inutes. /kay. $he hated how s#all and frightened her voice was, ut couldnt help it. Dane gathered her into his ar#s. Dont e scared. Well e fine. %e kissed her on the forehead, *ust like he pro a ly kissed his sister. Keeley couldnt help the tears that egan to flow. It figured. &he first #an shed wanted to seduce in #onths, if not years, and here she was stuck in a s#all dark place too petrified to even #ove. %e heard her sniffle. /h, hey, no crying. %e ru ed his hands over her ack, and rushed his lips over one wet cheek, then the ne(t. Dont cry, sweetheart. I# here. Ill take care of you. Keeley stopped crying, shocked y his words. $he couldnt re#e# er the last ti#e anyone had taken care of her. -ot her #other, never her father, and her sister had een too young. Dane #isunderstood her silence. &here, thats etter. +s soon as the elevator starts, Ill take you ho#e. 3ro#ise.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html What a sweet #an. %er desire for hi# roared ack, #ultiplied y his tender concern. $he unclenched her fists and wrapped her ar#s around his neck. &hank you, Dane. +nd she kissed hi#. -ot like the Kuick, urgent kiss for ;harlies enefit, ut a slow, tender kiss where their lips clung and parted several ti#es, learning each others taste and scent. %e had wonderful lips, s#ooth and war#, his stu le sensitiJing her #outh until she could feel every dip and curve of his. %e see#ed content to let her e(plore his #outh, following her lead. %is reathing sped, ut he had lots of patience. %e thu# ed the nape of her neck. :ets get this wig off, Keeley. I want to know how your soft, wavy hair feels under #y hands. 3ro a ly not so great. Its een pinned up all day. Dont care. %e ni led at her ear. Its you. Its real. &he real her. Despite his rave words, she didnt think he was ready for that. .ut shed wanted to take off the wig since lunchti#e. $he loosened the #esh cap and lifted it off, setting it carefully on her laptop case on the floor. %e felt his way around, pulling out her hairpins and #assaging her scalp with his long, strong fingers. $he whi#pered with pleasure and rolled her neck. /h, that feels good. I want to #ake you feel good. %e ran his hands through her hair and cupped her head. $he was in a very vulnera le position, ut with hi#, she didnt #ind. In fact, she even went on tiptoe and gave hi# a soft kiss. $#ile for #e, she whispered against his lips. 7ou cant see it in the dark, Keeley, he whispered, o viously not wanting to wreck their inti#acy, either. 3lease, sweetheart. %is ar#s tightened around her. I s#iled as soon as you called #e that. $ure enough, his #outh had widened under hers. $he took her chance and dipped her tongue into oth deep di#ples racketing his cheeks. Whatcha doing) %is tone was indulgent. 7ou have the cutest di#ples. Ive wanted to stick #y tongue in the# ever since we #et at the

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html coffee shop. %e groaned and carefully eased his hips away fro# her. Keeley, if you keep talking like that, I# not going to take you ho#e. $he closed the gap etween hi# and acked hi# against the wall, her reasts pushing into his chest. 2ay e I dont want you to take #e ho#e. 2ay e I want you to take #e here. $he held her reath. $hed never een so lunt with a #an, ut Dane see#ed to e a guy who responded est to luntness. %e didnt say a wordQ instead he kissed her again. &his ti#e their kisses were fast and hot as he trailed his lips over her neck, nipping and sucking at her sensitive skin. $he Kuickly un uttoned her louse and urged his head downward, glad shed worn her supersheer #icro"fi er ra today. $ince they were in the dark, touch was everything. %e eagerly co#plied, rushing his face over her reasts in the silky fa ric. $o nice and soft. 2y est ra. %e chuckled. -ot the ra0whats in it. %e cupped her reasts with his ig hands. Wonderful. %is thu# s traced laJy patterns over her nipples, tightening the# un eara ly. $he tottered on her high heels a it and he spun her around so her ack rested in the cold #irrored wall. &ell #e one thing, a y. %is tone was husky and inti#ate. +nything. $he was falling under his seductive spell now. + roken claustropho ic elevator was turning out to e the est thing ever. &ell #e what color your nipples are. %e pinched the# and she gave a little gasp. I# a out to suck on the# and I want to i#agine their color as they harden and swell in #y #outh. $he shuddered. %is erotic" ook"narrator tone was ack, #aking her hips twitch against his. %e re#oved his hands. I wont suck you unless you tell #e. +nything ut that. 8#. $he thought frantically if fuJJily. $hed certainly seen enough of the# over the years and under stage lights, too. What color were they) /h1 :ight rown. 4ery good. %e put his hands on her and she sighed with relief and anticipation. %e popped the front clasp to her ra and her reasts swung free, ut not for long. Dane took one in each hand and groaned. Must like I thought0you have the s#oothest skin. 7oure sweet, she whispered. -o,youre sweet. %e rolled her nipples etween his fingers. I was hard for you in the coffee

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html shop and to have you in #y office every day with these se(y louses. Do you know how #any ti#es you asked #e to look over your shoulder at the co#puter and all I wanted to do was slide #y hands under your shirt) I wanted you to, she confessed, panting slightly as his grip tightened. +nd there are a lot of things I want to do to you, he pro#ised. %e kept his pro#ise and sucked a nipple into his #outh. $he tightened her fingers in his hair, arely keeping her alance as he swept his tongue around her in a laJy pattern. Birst one nipple, and then the other, he #oved ack and forth, curving his free hand around her ass. %e dropped to his knees, his hot reath level with her elly utton. Keeley groaned. +h, Id love to eat you right now, ut I want to e a le to take #y ti#e when I lick your sweet pussy. Instead, he put one hand on each of her ankles and slowly slid his pal#s upward, #assaging her calves and shins, tickling the ack of her knees until she giggled. %e #oved up the acks of her thighs and she Kuickly got serious. %e eased his hands under her stretchy #iniskirt and gently snapped her thong strap. + dancers ass in a thong. %is ig hands cupped her are otto#. I can die happy now. 7ou etter not. $he deli erately rolled her hips in her est stripper #ode ever, since it was sincere and not pretend. I intend on oth of us eing alot happier in the ne(t few #inutes. $he urged hi# to his feet. -ow, Dane. .ut I havent touched you that #uch. I havent touched you, either, ut I think were #ore than ready. $he dragged his hand to the front of her panties where they oth felt her #oisture. -ow, Dane, she repeated. $he heard the clink of his elt and rustling clothing. %e turned away fro# her and fu# led in his ag for protection, which he Kuickly donned. Keeley yanked her stretchy skirt around her waist and stripped off her thong. %e pressed her into the wall again and groaned, his erection #assive on her elly. Keeley, our first ti#e should e so#ewhere nice. 7ou deserve everything good. $he cupped his face in her hands, running her thu# s over his cheeks. -o di#ples0he #ust e serious. I deserveyou , and I want our first ti#e to e right now. .esides, if I could actuallysee that #onster cock of yours co#ing at #e, I #ight screa# and run away. %e choked out a laugh. 7oure wicked. I like wicked wo#en. %e had no idea. !ood. $he gripped his erection and guided it to her pulsing clit. $he ru ed

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html his tip over her, causing hi# to *erk in her hand. %e raced his hands on the wall on either side of her shoulders and dropped his head, reathing heavily. /kay, Keeley. I cant wait any longer. $lowly, she shifted her hips so he prodded her gently and stopped when she tensed. It had een a long ti#e for her, and he was #uch larger than she had e(pected. ,ela(, a y. %e nuJJled her hair, his reath hot in her ear. 7oure so hot and slick, I can slide right in. $he closed her eyes and let go of the fearful tension, keeping only the lovely sensual pressure. %e inched in, filling and stretching her, stopping every few seconds to #ake sure she was okay. Keeley couldnt stand the gradual pace any#ore and hooked her leg around his, pulling hi# in to the hilt. &hey oth cried out as he thro ed inside her, her face uried in the crook of his neck, his resting on her hair. 3erfect, he whispered. 7oure the perfect siJe for #e. $he had never een so co#pletely filled, her pussy clenching around hi#. %e gave a little gasp. Do that again. $he co#plied, sKueeJing hi# with every single #uscle she could. 7esss, he hissed, eginning to pu#p in and out of her, the ase of his shaft hitting her clit with every stroke. $he thrust ack at hi#, #eeting hi# stroke for stroke. +h, were perfect togetherthe right height to fuck standing, especially with those craJy shoes. Dane was turning out to e a se("talker, and Keeley loved it, his strea# of words #aking her even hotter. 2ore, she co##anded when he stopped talking. 2ore of this) %e sped his thrusting. /r this) %is ig finger rushed her clit. 7es1 +nd talk dirty to #e. %is low chuckle ru# led through her. I dont know if I can. 7ouve had #e hard as a rock, and now that were finally together, all I can think of is #aking you screa# #y na#e. Dane, she #oaned. %e ru ed her clit faster, his road chest heaving as well. :ouder. %e thu# ed her nipple with his other hand. $o soft and sweet. I want to see you in #y ed wearing nothing ut those shoes. $he shuddered as his hips *olted into hers. &hen what)

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&hen I# gonna spread those se(y legs of yours wide open and see if your pussy tastes as great as it feels. &he i#age of her naked under his #outh #ade her #oan. $he et he would tend to her with all the detail he showed with everything else. 7oure close, arent you) 3lease, tell #e youre close. 8na le to speak, Keeley nodded into his shoulder. %old on, a y. %e let go of her reast and raced hi#self on the elevator wall. Keeley couldnt hold ack a cry as he charged into her, his ig head hitting all the *uicy spots deep inside her. &hey were #aking the elevator shake, ut she didnt care. Dane was with her, inside her, around her, and he would keep her safe. %is finger pressed her clit one last ti#e and his na#e urst fro# her lips in a screa#, *ust as hed pro#ised. $he pulsed around his cock, the shock waves rushing into her elly, reaking over her reasts until she thought shed drop to the floor. $he tossed her head ack, greedily inhaling how his se(y #usky scent #i(ed with her own. If the elevator plunged to the ase#ent, at least shed go with a s#ile. .ut Dane had other ideas. %e #oved his other hand to the wall. 3ut your legs around #y waist and hold on, he groaned. $he co#plied, too drained to protest. %e took her full weight without flinching. $he really had to get a look at those #uscles of his. $he was no skinny"#ini. -ow that he wasnt holding ack to wait for her, he really let her have it, his heavy, tight alls slapping her otto# as he pistoned in and out. +h, Keeley, so se(y, so sweet, so tight, he chanted. %is se( talk, co# ined with his rapid thrusting, was #aking her hot again. %er every sense was heightened, the war# #usky s#ell of their love#aking, the heat of his ody, the sound of his voice. $he rotated her hips against hi# as if she were doing a lap dance, her clit u#ping his shaft. $o wicked. %e was starting to gasp now, close to his own orgas#. 2aking #e hard, waking up hard, that ass, those tits. %e groaned as Keeley licked the salty colu#n of his neck, his cock swelling even fatter inside her. Dying to see you $he was dying to see hi#, too, dying to see his face as he ca#e, dying to see the rod that was giving her such pleasure. Keeley tre# led as another orgas# pulsed through her, her nails digging into his rock"hard shoulders as she arched away fro# hi#. Dane ellowed her na#e and erupted, his hips pounding into hers until the elevator shook again. %is cli#a( lasted forever,

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html *olting her pussy with aftershocks. $he rested her face on his shoulder, shaken y their love#akings intensity. Binally, he stilled, his reath still fast and rasping. %e nuJJled her face until he found her lips. $he kissed hi# ack, a kiss that was surprisingly innocent, considering he was locked hard inside her. &he elevator ounced and Dane wrapped his ar#s around her. Keeley gasped. Its okay. &heyll pro a ly get us #oving soon. Dane kissed her forehead. .ut we should pro a ly dress. I cant e(actly carry you to #y condo sitting naked on top of #e. Why not) $he deli erately sKueeJed hi#. %e retaliated y giving her a light s#ack on the ass. .ecause no ody sees you naked ut #e. %ell, I havent even seen you naked yet. Keeley flinched and rela(ed. Water under the ridge. It wasnt as if she planned an encore perfor#ance at the :ove $hack anyti#e soon. $a#e goes for you. Deal. %e kissed her forehead and eased her legs to the floor, helping her regain her shaky alance. + few #o#ents later, Keeley had #ade herself as presenta le as possi le ut decided to forego the wig. &he lights in the elevator turned on and she caught a gli#pse of herself, sweaty and disheveled, her hair sticking up in clu#ps where the pins had co#e free. 8gh. What) Dane, on the other hand, looked as if hed *ust taken off his tie after a long day at the office. What will the neigh ors think) Dane grinned. &heyll think I# the luckiest $/. in ;hicago. D D+-5 DID-& ./&%5,offering Keeley a grand tour of his condo. %e set her laptop and wig on a foyer ta le and scooped up her not"unsu stantial person. Dont hurt yourself, Dane. I# not one of those petite londes you clai# to prefer. %e grinned at her as he carried her down a #ar le"tiled hallway. I thought that #ight get you. I actually love runettes. %e ran his tongue along her ear. &all, se(y runettes who dance for #e and take #e standing in an elevator. $he shuddered and slipped her hand inside his open collar. %is chest was hard and war#,

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html unching as he alanced her weight easily. $he was glad he had started to seduce her again. &hings were less awkward if they could delay or even avoid the now"that"weve"had"craJy" elevator"se("where"do"we"go"fro#"here) conversation. &he only place Dane was going was the edroo#, apparently. %e shouldered open the door to the dark roo# and dropped her on the ed, where she landed in a poof of slippery edding. $he heard his fast reathing and the rustle of his clothing. Dane, turn the light on. %e groaned. I# not sure thats a good idea) Why) Do you have a weird tattoo) /r #ay e a irth#ark or a scar. -ever #ind0we can leave the light off. -o weird tattoos. %e sounded a#used. Its this edroo#0a #a*or #ood killer. $eeing you will #ore than #ake up for it. 7ou #ay want to reserve *udg#ent. %is shadow crossed the rectangle of light fro# the door and the roo# was illu#inated in all its froufrou glory. Wow. Keeley linked at the si("foot"wide crystal"and"gold teardrop chandelier in the center of the roo#. &he ed where she lay was an ela orate four"postered white fra#e co#plete with gilding all around. &he edding was real gold silk, co#plete with several tasseled and e# roidered gold"and"white pillows. + #atching gold"upholstered divan sat in the corner along with a pair of spindly gold"and"white chairs. 3ink floor"length curtains and a large pink rug added a dash of color. 7eah. Wow, Dane said sourly, crossing his ar#s over his un uttoned shirt. I swear that I had nothing to do with this #onstrosity. .inky said his interior designer planned this as a ladys elegant oudoir. Keeley tried to #uffle her giggles ut they ca#e out as a loud snort. .oudoir0I feel like a #istress to a Brench king. 7eah, all it needs is a harpsichord in the corner and wed e in 4ersailles. Dane stopped glaring at the pink curtains and focused on her. /n the other hand, this chandelier does throw off a out five hundred watts0plenty to see each othervery well. %e slowly pulled off his shirt. Keeleys #outh went dry. Dane had a typical far#ers tan0his chest was pale in co#parison to his ar#s and neck0 ut #y, oh, #y, he was uilt. + lifeti#e of tossing hay and herding cows had given hi# #uscles on top of #uscles. %is road chest was covered in golden hair, and his wide ri s tapered into a flat sto#ach and co#pact waist. %e undid his elt uckle and slowly slid it free fro# the loops. &he stray thought passed her #ind that he was perfor#ing an e(cellent striptease for an a#ateur.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html &hen he dropped his pants and Keeley i##ediately gave hi# professional status. !ood thing he had such rawny thighs and calves to support his huge cock. $he was a#aJed theyd fit so well together their first ti#e0and in an elevator, no less. %e was already aroused again, his erection pointing to his elly utton. $he licked her dry lips. %e swallowed hard and his cock *erked, a silver ead appearing on the tip. 7ou like what you see) /h, yeah. $he couldnt take her eyes off hi# and pressed her thighs together to ease the thro ing etween the#. Keeley, honey, he rasped. &ake off your clothes. /h. $hed een so caught up in hi#, shed forgotten. Bortunately, she didnt have #uch to take off. $he #ade Kuick work of her shirt and ra, kicking off her skirt until it got tangled on her heels. %e strode toward her and pulled the fa ric free so all she wore was her shoes. $he was sitting on the foot of the ed. :ie ack, he co##anded. $he co#plied, eager to have hi# again. %e unstrapped her shoes and rested her feet on his thighs. :ifting one foot, he #assaged the arch. Keeley #oaned at the une(pected pleasure. 7ouve had a long day on those poor feet of yours and then going out dancing. %aving wild se( with #e in the elevator. %e #oved to the all of her foot, his strong fingers hitting every nerve ending possi le. $he #oved restlessly on the duvet. With one foot in the air, she couldnt ease her #ounting desire. %is husky voice continued, Dont worry, a y. I dont intend for either of us to leave this ed for a very long ti#e. We #ay not even #ake it in to the office on 2onday. %e #oved to her other foot. &his weekend Ill #ake it up to you. %e swept his hand up her calf. 5very inch of your se(y golden ody will feel #y attention. $he couldnt stand it any#ore and caressed herself, ru ing a hand over her elly and her reasts. $uch soft skin, he #ur#ured, kissing the hollow ehind her knee. $he *erked in arousal. $uch pretty reasts, so full and round. %e ni led his way up her thigh. 7ou didnt tell #e the truth, though. What) $he tipped her head to look at hi#, kneeling etween her thighs, his lond hair a halo under the right crystal chandelier. &ruth a out what) %ad he learned a out her past) $urely not, since he was licking his way up her legs. 7our nipples. &heyre not rown0theyre cara#el, sweet like the rest of you, and I# going to eat you up. %e dropped his #outh to her clit and she screa#ed in delight.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Keeley had never een pleasured like this efore. Dane worked her like a hard candy, licking and sucking as if she were the est treat ever. &re#ors spread fro# his #outh into her elly, her reasts, her throat, #aking her reath sKueeJe and catch at his touch. %e was really into her, #aking little hu#s of satisfaction. %is lond stu le prickled her already sensitiJed inner parts. %e slid his ig hands under her ass and lifted her #ore fully into his #outh, his tongue darting into her pussy as he ru ed his nose over her clit. $he cla#ped her dancers thighs around his face and heard a #uffled chuckle. %e lifted his face for a second. I# gonna #ake you screa# #y na#e. %e dove ack and pressed one thick thu# inside her pussy and the other against her otto#, all the while his #outh working its #agic on her clit. %e gave one ig shi##y with his tongue and Keeley e(ploded, her ack pulling into a tight ow off the ed as he continued to pleasure her. $he screa#ed his na#e loud enough to rattle the chandelier, ut he cla#ped her to his #outh and his hands until she was hoarse. $he finally slu#ped into the ed as he straightened and pulled on a condo#. $he wondered vaguely where he got ones that fit. %e parted her legs and positioned hi#self etween the#, his face red with e(ertion and lust. Without saying anything for once, he slid into her and they oth groaned when he hit ho#e. Did that hurt) he asked an(iously. -ot at all. $he gave hi# what #ust have een a very feline s#ile and wrapped her legs around his waist. !o on, 2r. Weiss. I# very happy to take your dick0/ops, dictation. 7ou are so ad, Keeley. I knew you were teasing #e. %e sped his thrusts a it. I wanted you since we #et. Drea#ing of you. %ot, hard, nasty drea#s. -asty) Keeley shuddered in pleasure. %is thick cock was ru ing her !"spot inside. $he heard of eing a le to co#e with only intercourse sti#ulation ut hadnt done it efore. If anyone could do it for her, it was Dane. ,eally nasty. :ike youre a stripper and dancing for #e. %e gri#aced in pleasure as she flinched and inadvertently sKueeJed hi#. :ike were at the office and you suck #e off ehind #y desk. %e dipped his head and it her earlo e. Keeley groaned and dug her fingers into his ass. What else) %aving se( with Dane ca#e co#plete with its own soundtrack and narration. It was like eing the star of her own se(y #ovie. I take you into #y private office athroo# and fuck you on the sink. 2onday. What) %e lifted his head in se(y confusion.

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&en oclock, 2onday. Instead of a coffee reak, well have a fucking reak. %e gave a #oan. ,eally) 7oud let #e do that to you in the office) $he adopted ;herrys slightly reathless voice. Id let you do anything to #e, 2r. Weiss. %ey. %e stopped thrusting, #uch to her displeasure. $he wiggled a little to get hi# going again. Keeley. :ook at #e. $he opened her eyes at his stern tone and he stared at her, a serious e(pression on his handso#e face. :ets #ake this clear0Dane Weiss is #aking love to Keeley Davis, not ;herry Whoever" she"is. %ere, at the office0wherever. ,ight) ,ight. %er eyes sla##ed shut so he couldnt see their sudden da#pness. $he opened her eyes again and tried to lighten the #ood. .ut Iso wanted to pretend I was in ed with a lusty far#hand. %e roared with laughter and #oved gently inside her again. $orry, a y. &hats no fantasy0 thats who I a# in real life. 5(cept wed e upstairs in the arn on a pile of hay. Why, Dane, it sounds as if youve done that efore. %i# #oving over her in a ig cushy ed of hay, not wanting to get caughtfor one craJy second, she al#ost invited herself to Wisconsin so she could screw hi# silly in a arn. I plead the Bifth, honey. $he lifted her hip and cupped his alls with one hand. 4e haf vays of #aking you talk. $he stroked hi# gently, and his sac tightened. /hhhIll say anything you want. %e lifted one of her legs to rest on his shoulder and plunged deep. 7ou like that) $he nodded, groaning as the ase of his shaft hit her clit over and over again. %e raced hi#self over her ody, #oving with the sa#e ferocity and deter#ination that shed seen at the office protecting her fro# ;harlie. %er cli#a( spun and coiled until it roke her wide open and she fell apart under hi#. Bour cli#a(es in such a short ti#e was a record for her. Dane was rapidly approaching his own cli#a(, his alls taut and hot in her hand. %e let go in the sa#e second and urst into her, pulsing. Keeley, oh, Keeley, he continued shouting her na#e several ti#es in a se("roughened voice. $hed never heard it sound so wonderful. %e collapsed on her in a puff of silk co#forter. Bor a couple #inutes, the only sound was their noisy reathing. %is weight was heavy ut co#forting, as if nothing ad could ever get past hi#.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Binally Dane rolled onto his ack, taking her with hi#, his erection still hot inside her. $he rela(ed on his chest, playing with the golden" lond whorls of hair. %e kissed the top of her head. Keeley) %is tone was studiedly casual. Did you really have a date tonight) $he lifted her head and s#iled at hi#. $o, superconfident Dane wasnt so self"assured when it ca#e to her. &hat was good. $he wasnt a sure thing any#ore. +nd risk having to e(plain #y red wig) -o, thanks. I dont #ean as ;herry. +s Keeley, youre even #ore eautiful. %e ski##ed a hand across her cheek. +#aJingly, she felt herself lush. $he hadnt lushed in years. Well, I was too usy to date during ta( season and too tired after it. !od less the I,$, he said fervently. $he giggled. I wouldnt go that far. %ow farwill you go) %e leered at her and tickled her sto#ach. $he sat up on his ody and gra ed two handfuls of hard pecs, ru ing her thu# s over his rown nipples. %e groaned and thrust into her and she rotated her hips on hi#. +s far as you want and further than you can i#agine. H D+-5 W+:K5D D/W-the office hallway 2onday #orning, hu##ing under his reath. %e realiJed it was +eros#iths :ove in an 5levator and grinned. &hank goodness for 2idwestern thunderstor#s. %e passed y ;harlies office and waved cheerfully at 2rs. %o son, the secretary whod een at .ingha# .rothers for at least thirty years. $he eckoned hi# in, and he co#plied. What can I do for you today) $he looked over her shoulder at ;harlies inner office. 2r. .ingha# wants to see you as soon as possi le. Dane narrowed his eyes. 3ro a ly to tear hi# a new one a out #aking out with Keeley in the office. %e s#iled reassuringly at the older lady and walked past her into the inner office. Whats up, ;harlie) .inkys grandson looked up fro# his paperwork. ;lose the door, Weiss. Dane shut it, knowing the secretary would overhear their sure"to" e"loud discussion anyway. %e sat in the visitors chair across the desk with a neutral e(pression on his face.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html ;harlie shot to his feet and waggled his finger at Dane. 7ou are playing with fire and I dont intend to see .ingha# .rothers get urned in the process. .inkys grandson should have #a*ored in theatre in college instead of usiness ad#inistration, given his over lown dra#atics. %e continued, 7ou dont see #e #essing with #y secretary, do you) Dane was hard"pressed not to guffaw. +lthough 2rs. %o son was well"preserved for her age and carefully dyed her hair straw erry" lond, she was old enough to e ;harlies #other. ;harlie realiJed the stupidity of what he said and turned even redder. 7ou know what I #ean1 %e paced ack and forth across the plush &urkish carpet that had pro a ly een unrolled y #inions of the first ;harles +ndrew .ingha#. 7ou are opening this fir# to all sorts of pro le#s when you get se(ually involved with su ordinates. I dont consider her #y su ordinate at all, he said i##ediately. It was true. If anything, Keeley was too good for hi#. ;harlie ticked off his argu#ents on his fingers. ;o#plaints to hu#an resources, filings with the 5Kual 5#ploy#ent /pportunity ;o##ission, civil lawsuits. %undreds of #illions of dollars have een awarded to plaintiffs in se(ual harass#ent suits0do you want to see .ingha# .rothers ankrupted) Dane sighed. %is ne#esis was correct, for once. /f course not. .ut I swear it wont cause a pro le# for the co#pany. Keeley wasnt technically an e#ployee, eing privately contracted y .inky. If it #akes you feel etter, that episode in the conference roo# on Briday was a oneti#e thing. 7ou dont have to worry a out catching #e #essing with her. .ut you are seeing her outside work. It was a state#ent, not a Kuestion. Dane shrugged. 5ven if he lied and denied it, ;harlie wouldnt elieve hi#. Were oth single adults. ;harlie e(ploded and slapped the desk. Da##it, Weiss1 $hes the type of slutty gold digger that would string you along and then string us out to dry. Dane leaped to his feet and sla##ed his fists down as well, his face a out si( inches fro# ;harlies angry one. If you ever call Kee0;herry that again, I will eat the crap out of you. ,ight here in the office. ;harlie sputtered, ut Dane held fir#. 7ou know Ill do it, and your grandfather will ack #e up. %e knows how disrespectful you are to wo#en. Dane straightened and walked out. ;harlie sto#ped after hi# and stood ne(t to 2rs. %o sons desk, still spitting #ad. 2ark #y words, Weiss0the ones who will sleep with their osses will do *ust a out anything to co#e out on top.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Dane looked over his shoulder and shook his head. $everal other staff #e# ers had witnessed ;harlies last words, including his own secretary. 2rs. %o son sat froJen, her face pale and her #outh co#pressed into a tight line. Dane #outhed an apology, sorry he and ;harlie had drawn her into their ugliness. &hey had drawn in Keeley as well, since the office gossip would fly a out her. %er assess#ent of their #ale acri#ony as a pissing contest had een right on the #ark. Dane was afraid he and ;harlie had oth peed on their shoes during this one.

K55:57$ !:+-;5kept straying away fro# her open files and to the co#puter clock. $hed pro#ised Dane a special treat at ten oclock 2onday, ut wasnt sure hed take her up on it at the office. $he hadnt seen hi# yet this #orning since hed had #eetings scheduled. -ine"forty"five. 5ven her work couldnt keep her #ind off hi#. $preadsheets. %is strong ody spread on the fine 5gyptian cotton sheets at his condo. ;alculations. %ow #any ti#es had he #ade her co#e as opposed to his own cli#a(es) + ratio of two"to"one, at least. -u# ers. %ow #any ti#es would they #ake love efore they were finished with their pro*ect) /r finished with each other, #ore likely. Dane strode into the office. %ello, 2iss $#ith. %e rushed past her into his own office and closed the door. Well. :ooked like Dane had so#e 2onday #orning regrets. It figured. $he stared at the co#puter screen, the nu# ers lurring a it. $he didnt dare cry, not only for her own self" respect ut ecause her eyelash glue and #ascara would flood her cheeks. ;herry) %is voice ca#e over the interco#. What is it, 2r. Weiss) 3lease co#e in here. I need to talk to you. ,ats. $he closed her audit software and linked a couple ti#es efore *oining hi#. 7es) We need to talk, ;herry. %e sat ehind his ig desk, his tone as usinesslike as it could e. $he grudgingly did as he asked and walked to stand ne(t to hi#. If youre going to reak things off, at least have the decency to do it outside this office. What) %e looked startled. .reak things off)

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&hats why youre acting funny, why you called #e in here, isnt it) $he gave hi# a cool look. +fter the weekend we had) %e narrowed his eyes. 7ouwant to call it Kuits, dont you) -o. I thought you did, walking in like you did. /h, that. %e leaned ack in his chair and gave her a serious look, devoid of any laughter theyd shared over the past three days. I had a nasty #eeting with ;harlie, and I dont want to e(pose you to any #ore gossip than you already are. Is that all) she scoffed, relieved. $hed een on the receiving end of #ore gossip than he could i#agine. $he s#iled. %e was trying to protect her reputation. %e frowned, pro a ly at her levity. /f course not. I thought us dating would e a good cover for our activities, ut its causing you unpleasantness. Bro# now on, nothing ut professional detach#ent here at .ingha# .rothers. $he traced a finger over the lapel of his charcoal *acket. We need to stick with the original plan. If people dont think I# sleeping with you, they #ight start to wonder what Ia# doing here. Keeley, he whispered. 7ou should know I hired you for your Kualifications, not ecause you were the se(iest wo#an Ive ever #et, though you are. I would have asked you out when the audit was over, ut when I kissed you Briday Ikissedyou. +nd not *ust ecause ;harlie was there. I wanted you, Dane. + whole lot. $he stroked his red silk tie up and down. I showed you all weekend how #uch I wanted you, and I still want you. %ere and now. &he ornate clock on the wall chi#ed ten. &hey oth looked at it. Keeley said, Its that ti#e. +re you going to #ake #e reak #y pro#ise) Dane caught her slender wrist gently, sure she could feel his heart pounding under her hand. $he was a te#p"tress, re#inding hi# of her se(y pro#ise. I can wait, he said ravely. Must eing close to her was #aking hi# craJy. I know you can, ut do you want to) $he leaned down, her low"cut top showing hi# fir# reasts encased in lack lace. %ave you ever done it at work) %e couldnt take his eyes off her reasts. -o. Work was work, and fun was fun. %e didnt #i( the two. 8ntil now. Keeley straightened and turned, focusing his attention on her curvy ass. -ow that he knew what she looked like naked, he was a goner at work. %ed need lead"lined underwear to keep fro# eing hu#iliated y his per#anent oner.

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$he gave hi# a sly s#ile. Ill e in your private athroo# freshening up. $he sauntered away and left the door a*ar. Dane spun his chair and hurried after her. $he was already leaning against the granite countertop and deli erately looked at his Jipper. &hat didnt take long. %e closed and locked the door ehind hi#. 7ou knew it wouldnt. -ow what are you going to do a out it) &his. Without warning, she dropped to her knees in front of hi# and reached for his elt uckle. 7ou dont have to do this. %e caught her shoulders ut she ignored hi# and unfastened his pants, e(posing his navy silk o(ers. %is dick strained against the fa ric, al#ost *u#ping free in its eagerness to reach her. Dane, *ust stand there and let #e do the work. -o touching. %er glossy red lips puckered and she kissed the tip of his shaft through the silk. %er delicate touch nearly collapsed his knees and he raced hi#self on the sink. /h, Keeley %e was startled to hear the hoarse neediness in his voice. Dane Weiss, well"known usiness hard"ass, was reduced to a weak"kneed wuss. $o#ehow, over their long se("packed weekend, she had never put her #outh on hi#. 3ro a ly ecause he was too usy taking her fro# a ove, elow and ehind. $he ru ed her cheek over his cock like a kitten eing petted. %er hot reath feathered through the fa ric. I love silk on a hard #an. I et a ig #an like you needs the e(tra roo# in o(ers. $he gently spread open the front of his shorts and coa(ed his penis through. &he cool office air hit his overheated flesh, and he hissed out a reath. %e stared at her, the sight of his dick sticking fro# his usiness suit decidedly strange. Bor a second, it was as if he had a different wo#an with hi#, and his erection flagged for a #o#ent, with Keeley wearing her red wig and overdone #akeup and clothes. .ut then she looked up with her rapt stare and plu#p lips, erasing his sense of disconnect. $he sat ack on her heels. 7ou are so se(y, Dane, dressed in that thousand"dollar Italian suit, gold cuff links and red silk tie, the epito#e of #ale usiness power. +nd now, with your hard cock showing your se(ual power. $he shivered in arousal, her pupils starting to dilate, leaving only a green ri#. %e hooked his hands under her ar#s, intending to set her on the sink and pound into her, not caring at this point if the whole office heard the#. ;o#e here, a y, and let #e show you #y power.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html $he enfolded her red lips around hi# and all his so"called power went down the drain. %er hot #outh #oved slowly up and down, as she wrapped her hand around the ase where her #outh didnt reach. $he slid her other hand under his alls, cupping and sKueeJing the#. 7ou like playing with #e, sweetheart) $he nodded, her grip tightening slightly. %e sighed in content#ent, knowing this was arousing her al#ost as #uch as hi#. I like it, too. Did you like #y alls slapping on you when we were fucking) $he gave a little reathy #oan, the vi rations fluttering along his length. %e gripped the countertop for dear life, ut she stopped and lifted her #outh fro# hi#. %e al#ost cried in disappoint#ent. Keeley glared at hi#. $top talking, Dane. 7oure not in charge now. In charge) 7ou know what I #ean. +ll that se( talk #akes #e craJy for you. It does) %e started to grin. $he #ust have not liked that since she gripped his alls a it tighter. $orry. I wont do it any#ore. &his is for you, all for you. $he darted out her pink tongue and licked a ead off the slit. 2##. Wonder what #ore would taste like) %e shuddered in desire, #aking #ore fluid coat his tip. 7u#, looks like Ill find out. $he spiraled her tongue around his lood"purpled head. 3lease, a y, suck #e. Ill do anything you want, he egged her. .egged her) %e never egged wo#en to do anything. &hey were eager to pleasehi#. .ut she sucked his cock hard into her hot wet #outh and he egged his little heart out. /h, dont stop. $he didnt, working hi# with her lips, tongue and even teeth as she let hi# know who was oss now. %is hips thrust helplessly as she controlled his rhyth#, controlled his arousal. %is entire world shrunk to his thro ing erection slipping in and out of her te#pting #outh. Weiss1 Danes eyes flew open at ;harlie .ingha#s irate ellow. Keeleys lips spread in a sly s#ile and resu#ed speed. Dane it ack a groan of renewed e(cite#ent. ;harlie anged on the athroo# door. +re you in there, Weiss) Dane didnt dare reathe. Keeley had slipped a finger ehind his alls and was pressing on an agoniJingly erotic undle of nerves. %e tensed, teetering on the edge of orgas#. %e looked at his cock and she had #arked hi# with her red lipstick and it was the se(iest thing hed ever seen. /h, no, oh, no, if he ca#e and ;harlie heard hi#, hed know, hed know e(actly what Dane was

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html doing, he was co#ing, co#ing, co#ing hardhe shuddered and gasped silently, spilling helplessly into Keeleys welco#ing #outh. $he swallowed hi# easily, his *uices #aking his dick slide even #ore./h, yes, se(y Keeley, take #e, never let #e go, oh, a y, suck #e dry. ;harlie called to so#eone passing the office. If you see 2r. Weiss, tell hi# I want to see hi# right away. +rrogant $/., he #uttered. %is steps faded as he left. Dane could only pant and cling to the sink for several seconds after ;harlie left. Keeley licked the corners of her #outh. 7oure delicious, Dane. I could eat you up. %is knees weakened all over again. %ed een called lots of things, ut delicious was a first. +nd eating hi# up) %ot da#n. Dane) +re you all right) Keeley stood and looked at hi# in concern. 7ou arent saying anything. +nd we oth know thats unusual. I# fine, he #anaged to gasp. It was a lie. %e was anything ut fine. $he looked great, e(cept for so#e s#eared lipstick. $he went on tiptoe to hug hi# and started to kiss hi# efore pulling ack. Whoops, I #ight get so#e lipstick on your collar. $he laughed #errily. +lthough I think #ost of it wiped off so#ewhere else. $he washed and dried her hands riskly. Ill go fi( #y lipstick and get you a cup of coffee fro# the reak roo#. &hat should give you enough ti#e to get to your desk. /kay) %e nodded du# ly. +fter she slipped out the athroo# door, he turned to face the #irror and reeled in shock. %is face was sweaty and al#ost purple fro# iting ack his cries, his hair sticking up in da#p clu#ps. %is #akeup"s#eared dick still *utted through the fly of his da#p o(er shorts and was sensitive to the point of pain, as he realiJed trying to clean off $uperstay lipstick with paper towels that he planned to hide in the a solute otto# of the waste asket. %e could have used his private shower ut had no change of clothes and was afraid the staff #ight wonder why their new controller needed a shower at E@N@@ a.#. on a 2onday #orning. Dane Jipped as est as he could and stared at his gri# e(pression. $o #uch for his hotshot talk a out not #i(ing usiness with pleasure, leaving se( out of the office and in the edroo#. %aving a #ind" lowing orgas# into his se(y pseudosecretarys #outh with his i##ediate supervisor in the ne(t roo# was definitely a career first for Dane. +nd the frightening thing was, he couldnt wait for her do it again, e(cept of course for the ;harlie part. When Dane went off the rails, he did it in a ig way. Keeley had certainly shown hi# who was oss, and it wasnt Dane Weiss.

K55:57 ;/8:D-&keep a ig grin off her face as she strolled through the rows of cu icles

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html toward the office kitchen where the coffee was usually fresh. $he carried Danes giant 8niversity of Wisconsin #ug to the sink and rinsed out the dregs of his first cup of the day. 7oure the new controllers assistant, right) Keeley turned to see a petite wo#an dressed in .ingha#"approved attire, a charcoal"gray usiness pantsuit with a white louse under it. %er lond hair was clipped into a ponytail at the nape of her neck. &hats right, I# ;herry. I figured. -ot #any wo#en would dare wear a fun outfit like yours to a #orgue like this. .y the way, I# &eddy. Keeley cocked her head in surprise to hear such heresy. !lad you like it. Ive got #ore where this one ca#e fro#. ;ool. &eddy turned her ack to Keeley and lifted her ponytail. $hed had her hair uJJed short a couple inches a ove her nape and a hollow"eyed skull tattoo sat right elow her hairline. $ee, youre not the only re el around here. I *ust crush #y sense of personal individuality to #ake a oatload of cash to pay off #y student loan vultures. &eddy leaned in close. If you think that tats cool, you should see the one right a ove #y ass. -o, thanks. Keeley couldnt help ut laugh. .ut hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. +int that a fact. Working at the Binancial Bir# of the :iving Dead isnt a drea# co#e true, ut I# learning a lot fro# these geeJers. $o#eday, Ill start #y own fir#. :ook #e up when youre ready. I have a friend you can talk with. &eddy and $ugar would e a perfect fit. &hen you can #ake a ton of #oney and throw it around like the #en here #ust do, Keeley fished around. &eddy shrugged. 7oud think so, ut #ost of these guys have e(pensive cars, e(pensive ho#es, e(pensive wives and e(pensive girlfriends0so#eti#es all four at once. %##. &alkative &eddy could e a gold #ine of infor#ation. I suppose people can dig the#selves out of their #oney pro le#s. +nyone who was roke efore now and isnt now) 7eah, funny you should #ention that. .o in accounting was always co#plaining a out his kids college tuition ills, ut he *ust got ack fro# a fancy 5uropean ,iviera cruise. $aid he inherited so#e #oney fro# an aunt. .oy, I wish I had a rich aunt. .o fro# accounting was a out to have his financial records turned upside down. &eddy sighed. 7ou and #e oth. .ut hey, so#eday well have loads of #oney and we can look ack and wonder how we ever worked here. $he caught sight of the clock. /h, well. .ack to the salt #ines. I# at e(tension DFA if you ever want to go out after work. I know this great ar

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html with superhot guys whodont work here. B7I, I wouldnt touch #ost of the younger guys here with a ten"foot cattle prod. .unch of pigs. I know the type. Keeley already had her own superhot guy, ut &eddy would e fun to hang out with. +side fro# $ugar and a couple of girls fro# the :ove $hack, Keeley hadnt hung out with anyone since her ;3+ graduation. ;all #e at Dane Weisss office. Id like to get together. &hats right, you work for hi#. &eddy winked at her as she poured herself a cup of coffee. I can understand if youre too usy to go out. Keeley laughed. Ill #ake ti#e. Must let #e know. Will do. &eddy lifted her #ug in a toast and left the kitchen. Keeley turned ack to the coffee #achine and filled Danes giant #ug with the last of the coffee. $he wanted to give hi# so#e ti#e to recover, so she usied herself #aking a new pot. &he look on his face when shed finished pleasuring hi# with her #outh could only e descri ed as stunned, ut Keeley was stunned herself. $hed never done anything so wild, so wanton. :ost in thought a out Dane as well as her ne(t step in investigating nouveau"riche .o , Keeley carried the coffee #ug plus so#e sugar and stirrers out of the kitchen. $he knew now that Dane liked his coffee sweet. $he approached !lenn the controllers office and was surprised to hear his voice pleading with so#eone over the phone. %e #ust have een using his secretarys phone in the outer office. -o, dont do that. Ill have your #oney, I pro#ise. Keeley strategically dropped her sugar packets and coffee stirrers onto the floor *ust out of visual range, ut well within hearing. $he knelt and slowly gathered coffee stirrers as !lenn continued, I understand Ive put you in a ad position, and elieve #e, Ill #ake it up to you. 3lease, *ust a few #ore days. 2y wife will divorce #e if this doesnt go through. &he other person #ust have agreed to an e(tension ecause !lenn thanked hi# fervently efore hanging up. Keeley finished picking up her supplies and found a trashcan for the stirrers. $he caught !lenns eyes as she passed and nodded politely. %e nodded ack, his face still tense and drawn. Keeley hurried ack to her office, e(cited to tell Dane of the new avenues for their investigation ut didnt see hi# at his desk. Dane) $he poked her head into his athroo#, ut he was gone. Well, that was okay. $he would get started on the high"end accounts !lenn and .o had access

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html to. Beeling energiJed, Keeley logged into her software and went to work. When Dane got ack, she could show hi# they were finally #aking progress. Dane didnt reappear until close to one oclock. %ello, 2r. Weiss. %is e(pression was as stor#y as the evening theyd gotten stuck in the elevator. ;o#e into the office, please, ;herry. $he stood and followed hi#. %e closed the door ehind her. Whats going on, Dane) %ad ;harlie overheard Dane in the athroo#) Keeley hadnt #eant to cause such a potentially co#pro#ising situation, ut she had also wanted to regain so#e of the control shed given up y #aking love with Dane. %e gave her a sour look. ;harlie, either in his infinite wisdo# or else #ore likely petty revenge, has infor#ed #e I a# going to :ondon on the red"eye tonight. I wont e ho#e until $aturday. /h. -o fun with Dane for the ne(t five days. L/h is right. I dont want to go, ut I cant refuse. $he nodded. It would look strange. +fter all, he is your oss for the ti#e eing. +nd how is your pro*ect co#ing) Do you have anything yet) .inky got #e copies of ;harlies financial records, ut theyre co#plicated thanks to all his invest#ents and inheritances. I did find several large cash withdrawals starting right after the new year. ;harlies a creature of ha it, so they stick out. $he also filled hi# in on !lenns and .o s #oney situations. ;all the 3.I. and get hi# to pull their ank records. %e leaned close to her. ;o#e with #e tonight. %ave you ever seen :ondon) :ondon) %er only trip outside Illinois had een across the river to $t. :ouis. Id love to, ut %is lue eyes lost their sparkle. Its not that I dont want to go. I cant. I dont have a passport, she ad#itted al#ost sha#efully. ,eally) $he shook her head. %ed pro a ly worn out several passports fro# all his traveling.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html %e rested his hand on her shoulder. Would you have co#e with #e otherwise, sweet Keeley) + solutely. /f course, considering how craJy they were for each other, they pro a ly wouldnt have seen #uch of :ondon, ut %e groaned and sKueeJed her ar#. I# going to #iss you. 2e, too. $he looked at his handso#e face and a lu#p of disappoint#ent hardened in her chest. %e s#iled at her. Dont look at #e like that, or I #ay tell ;harlie to take his :ondon trip and stick it. :ook at you like what) $hed tried her est to hide her growing feelings for hi#. %e ru ed his thu# daringly across her cheek ones. With your sad green eyes.

$he gave what sounded even to her an unconvincing laugh. ;o#e on, Dane, its only for a few days. I have plenty to keep #e usy while youre gone0;harlies accounts and now .o s and !lenns. !ood. -ow it was his turn to look unco#forta le. I know we didnt have a chance to discuss this yet, and I certainly dont want to #ake things awkward, ut0 he took a ig reath 0you should know I a# not planning to look up any old girlfriends or see anyone while were in this kind of a relationship. What kind of a relationship do you #ean) %e caught her teasing tone and rela(ed. + hot, se(y relationship where we cant keep our hands off each other and cant stop thinking a out each other. I agree. +s if any other #an she #et would #easure up to Dane. &hey spotted 2rs. %o son passing the office and Dane pulled his hand off her. Bine. 3erhaps you could do a favor for #e while I# away on usiness, 2iss $#ith. Water your plants) .ring in your #ail) -ot Kuite. %e handed her a key chain, lowering his voice. +s soon as #y plane touches down at /%are $aturday, I# going to call you. I want you to go to #y place and wait for #e naked in #y ed. Will you do that for #e) 5ntranced, she could *ust nod wordlessly. $weetheart, knowing Ill e with you as soon as I get ho#e will e the only thing that gets #e through this trip.

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Inadvertently, she glanced at the athroo# door, and he followed her stare. I wish I could, a y, ut I have to go ho#e and pack for #y flight. I understand. $he did understand, #entally sending ;harlie .ingha# to the devil. $tay safe, Dane. Ill see you $aturday. :eave your phone on ecause youll e hearing fro# #e. %e stared at her #outh. ;onsider yourself kissed good ye. Ill #ake it up to you $aturday. .ye, Dane. $he #ade her way to her own desk, cheerfully waving hi# off when he left a couple #inutes later. &he rest of the workweek stretched ahead of her in a #ind"nu# ing, se(ually arren ore. +fter several #inutes staring lankly at her #onitor, Keeley reflected on the downside of eing good with nu# ers. &hat #eant she could figure pretty #uch to the hour how long Dane would e away fro# her. &hat was a distur ing idea. :ess than three days after first sleeping with the #an and she was counting the #inutes until his return. /f course after they finished .inkys audit, Dane would e off on another *o and Keeley would easily e a le to calculate when he would co#e ack. -ever. I I%+45-& .55- /45,since you painted your place, Keeley. $ugar Mones looked around the living roo# as she lounged on Keeleys red"cushioned futon &uesday night. Who would think that purple walls would go so nicely with the red) Keeley looked up fro# the reakfast ar where she was arranging so#e ha# #ini"Kuiches and puff pastries stuffed with feta and spinach. I painted it last &hanksgiving weekend. 7ou really havent een over since then) -ope. %er friend shook her head, accepting a straw erry #argarita fresh fro# the lender. Weve #ostly seen each other at #y loft or your office. Keeley went to the kitchen and carried the appetiJer tray to her glass"topped chro#e coffee ta le. I# sorry a out that. I never realiJed I was eco#ing such a her#it. $ugar waved her apology away and snagged a Kuiche. Dont worry a out it, Keel. I know you were super usy with your usiness, and I had a pretty heavy course load this past se#ester anyway. /nly one #ore se#ester to go for #y 2.+. !ood for you. Keeley, etter than any ody, knew how hard it was to work her way through school, especially dancing craJy hours late into the night.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html I# going to start a consulting usiness focusing on the entertain#ent industry here in ;hicago. -ightclu s, ars, even the strip clu s. +re you interested in #ore accounting clients) 7oure a out the only one I know who can #ake heads or tails out of so#e of those ooks. Which set of ooks) &he ones for the I,$ or the real ones) Keeley asked dryly, picking up a spinach puff. $ugar laughed. I take it youll pass. &hats okay. /nce .inky starts reco##ending you to #ore of his uddies, youll have #ore usiness than you can handle. %ows it going, y the way) Its going okay. I# #aking so#e progress ut this really needs a tea# of auditors since there are at least three su *ects to investigate. %es paying #e a undle to look through all these invoices, ank state#ents and reKuisition reKuests, ut I havent found anything conclusive yet. Dont worry a out the #oney, honey. .inky told #e he doesnt care how #uch it costs to find the truth. 5asy for .inky to say0he had plenty of dough. &he truth is, it could e al#ost anyone0 ;harlie, several upper"#anage#ent guys, pro a ly even so#e people I have no idea a out. Keeley it into her puff and rushed pastry cru# s off her green ;hicago 8niversity sweatshirt. +s soon as she ca#e ho#e fro# work, she had taken off her unco#forta le clothes and i##ediately changed into sweats and fuJJy socks. ;hercheJ la fe##e,thats what I always say, $ugar stated. What) Keeley had studied $panish in school, not Brench. It #eans L:ook for the wo#an. 7ou and I oth know we ladies are severely underesti#ated y the #asculine se(. 7a think) .ut I havent even found if thefts are occurring. Its worse than looking for a needle in a haystack0there #ay e a needle, or there #ay not e, or the needle is in the haystack near the cow arn instead of in the field. $ugar eyed her with a#use#ent. 2y goodness, I cant even i#agine where all these far# #etaphors are popping up fro#. &he oven ti#er eeped and Keeley gladly hopped up to get the #inipiJJas. %er friend would return tothat su *ect, she was sure. Is that a new poster, Keel) $ugar stood and wandered over to the wall. 7ep, Keeley called fro# the kitchen. Its 2ikhail .aryshnikov, the ,ussian allet dancer, pro a ly the est #ale dancer in the world. %es dancing&he -utcracker there. $he shoved the piJJas off the piJJa stone onto a platter to *oin the other snacks.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html $ugar gave her a wicked glance over her #argarita glass. Is that the na#e of the allet or his tights) $ugar1 Keeley couldnt help giggling. I# serious, she protested. 7ou think our dancing outfits are so#ething) &hat guys package is wrapped tighter than a gift under the ;hrist#as tree. Id give anything to dance with hi#. Whydont you dance any#ore, Keeley) I dont #ean at the clu , I #ean real dancing. :essons, tights, recitals, the whole thing. +re you kidding, $ugar) %ave you ever seen a si("foot"tall allerina) I# taller than all these guys and weigh #ore than the# to oot. $hed loved her allet lessons until shed grown too tall and too usty for her instructors liking. &hen 2ada#e :ud#illa had suggested she *oin the high school po#"po# sKuad, crushing her classical dance hopes. /ld ag. 7ou ever hear of #odern dance, 2iss $#arty"3ants) &he guys dont have to heft you around. %ell, in so#e of those troupes you could pro a ly lift the #en and call it cutting"edge choreography. $ugar lew on a #inipiJJa to cool it. 2ay e so#e other ti#e, $ugar. Ive got a lot on #y plate. Keeley de#onstrated that y loading her plate with treats. %er spande( skirts could take it. 7ou #ust e very usy, Keeley, $ugar said slyly. I tried to call you over the weekend to see if you wanted to go out, ut all I got was your voice #ail. Were you working on .inkys pro*ect) 7ep. With Dane Weiss. 7ep. Workinglong andhard) 3ounding away at the sheets) /ops, I #ean spreadsheets. $ugar tucked her foot under her and sat on the futon. $ugar Keeleys face heated. %er friend whooped in laughter. $o youdid take #y advice regarding the ig, rawny 2r. Weiss. &ell #e, Keeley, is he rawny everywhere) /h, #y !od1 Keeley sKuealed, pressing her glass to her cheeks. Well)

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7es, she #uttered. $he tried to frown at $ugars peals of laughter ut a ig, cheesy grin spread over her face. .ut dont you dare say anything to anyone. 5specially his sister. %oney1 $ugar gave her a shocked look. When it co#es to #en, I a# the soul of discretion. +nd esides, .ridget really does not want to know a thing a out her rothers se( life. +ccording to her, hes a strictly te#porary #an, flying in for a rief layover and flying out, so to speak. /h. Keeley fought ack unreasona le disappoint#ent. $he had known that fro# the first, after all. /n the other hand, you have hi# stuck here in ;hicago for as long as the audit takes, so take advantage of hi#. Which egs the Kuestion0why a# I here tonight and not the #agnificent Dane) Keeley stretched her legs and crossed her ankles. %e went to :ondon 2onday afternoon and wont e ho#e until $aturday. /h, I see. &he puJJle pieces fall into place. $ugar nodded knowingly. What pieces) &onight, I a# the platonic eKuivalent of a ooty call, she announced grandly. + ooty call) Keeley sputtered into her cran erry #artini. .oyfriend out of town) ;all $ugar for co#pany. I have een reduced to the infa#ous ackup plan. $he shook her head in #ock sadness, her eyes twinkling. I prefer to think of it as a girls night in. Keeley poured her another drink. 5at, drink and e #errywithout #en. /h, yeah, youre real #erry without Dane, $ugar scoffed. Why on earth is the #an in :ondon anyway) %e should have offered to take you. .inky wouldnt have #inded you guys taking a couple days off during the audit. &he old guys a ro#antic at heart. ;harlie sent Dane to 5ngland, and I couldnt go ecause I dont have a passport. $ugar pursed her lips. &hat ;harlie loves to wreck every odys fun. %e has a cow every ti#e .inky takes #e out on the town. 3ro a ly needs to get laid. 7ou offering) %es not ad"looking. Keeley figured it was ti#e for $ugar to get a little teasing ack. -o way1 %es so uptight he pro a ly sKueaks when he thrusts. +lthough I do like un uttoning a uttoned"up #an. $ugar lapsed into a rief reverie while Keeley watched her speculatively.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html %er friend shook her head and snapped out of it. .ut we were talking a outyou. Why do you think I changed the su *ect) Keeley retorted. 5nough a out that. I# thinking of painting the kitchen a really retro aKua. What does Dane think a out that) $ugar ate another #iniKuiche. +nd what does he think of 2r. -utcracker over there) Keeley shrugged. %e doesnt think anything a out either of the#. %es never een here. $ugars eyes widened. -ot even when he picks you up or drops you off) -ope. 3arkings een a real pro le# lately, so I hop in or out. -o ig deal. We were *ust, you know,together for a few days efore he left. 7ou havent invited hi# in ecause of lack of parking) $ugar crinkled her nose. :ook, I can understand eing cautious with a guy when youre firsttogether, as it were, ut Danes a real straight arrow. I re#e# er hi# fro# when he used to drive .inky to the clu s, and he was always respectful to the girls, actually kept his hands to hi#self. Bine. +ccording to $ugars previous de riefing, he had worked for .inky as a driver< odyguard< a ysitter while he went to school, ut she still didnt want to think a out Dane in the strip clu s. %ave you told hi#, you know) $ugar #ade a road gesture. %ow you got through school) Keeley set down her puff, suddenly not hungry. -o. %e knows I worked in a ar"type place ut I #ade it see# like I was a ookkeeper or waitress or so#ething like that. -ot Kuite the whole truth. I dontneed to tell hi# the truth, the whole truth and nothing ut the truth, $ugar. I# not under oath with hi#. Must ecause $ugar en*oyed a life in the spotlight, didnt #ean Keeley did. !ive #e a reak. I slept with the guy for the first ti#e last Briday. Ill tell hi# I used to e a stripper when you tell #e your real first na#e. $ugar was like ,u#plestiltskin in that regard, horrified to tell anyone her real na#e. /kay, okay, no reason to get snippy. I *ust dont want you to get sand agged if so#eone fro# .ingha# .rothers recogniJes you with your old wig. $o#e of those guys are real aficionados and #ight re#e# er you and your whipped"crea# act. 8gh. I pro a ly helped destroy a good part of the oJone layer with all those aerosol cans. %er *oke helped lighten the #ood and they oth laughed. $ugar helped herself to another #argarita fro# the purple glass pitcher. +nd for heavens sake, apply for a rush"*o passport. If Dane asks you on another trip,go. + #an like hi# is easy

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html pickings, you know. 7ou got hi# all se(ed up and now hes cut off. %i#) What a out #e) Keeley cried indignantly. I didnt have se( for a whole eighteen #onths previously and nowI# cut off1 It was true. $hed een twitchy, irrita le and lying awake at night for lack of hi#. $orry, sweetie. Despite what I #ay do onstage, the whole girl thing doesnt do it for #e at all. 7oure on your own, if you know what I #ean. I do, Keeley replied sourly. +nd for the record, I wasnt propositioning you. 8nlike $ugar, shed never even done girl stuff onstage. !ood1 $ugar tipped ack her drink and s#acked her lips. &hings get so co#plicated when se( co#es into the picture, dont they) Keeley stuffed a puff into her #outh and nodded in agree#ent. +int that the truth.

K55:57 W+-D5,5D &%,/8!%the office Wednesday #orning during the ten oclock reak as she sipped her #ug of coffee. %er #eandering was actually purposeful as she was ai#ing toward the accounting depart#ent. &eddys tip had een a good starting point, ut there were at least three .o s in accounting. &he 3.I. o viously needed a last na#e, not wanting to track down all the .o s in ;hicago who had an aunt die so#ewhere in the world so#eti#e in the past year or so. 5ven .inky didnt have enough #oney to pay for an investigator like that. Keeley had never een to accounting efore, ut it #atched what shed seen in other ig co#panies0rows of cu icles in the center with #anage#ents offices on the peri#eter. $he strolled up and down the aisles, trying to spot na#eplates. Mohn, 2ark, .ill, ;urt, De ie0wow, an actual fe#ale na#e, Meff, Dirk0 et he thought he was all that and a ag of chips, .o 0 ingo. .o wasnt in his cu icle. Keeley tried to see if there were any recent vacation photos featuring hi# on a cruise. %ey, there, a #ale voice said ehind her. Keeley turned. %ey. It was one of the #ore tenacious losers who had crowded around her desk for several days after her arrival at .ingha# .rothers. ;herry, right) &he dark"haired guy leaned casually on the cu icle wall. ,ight, u## $he couldnt re#e# er his na#e.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Dirk. %e pointed at the cu icle ne(t to .o s. -ice to see you again. What rings you to our neck of the woods) I# here to see .o . %is e(pression was priceless. .o ) &his .o ) %e pointed into the cu icle. 2ay e. If hes the .o who *ust got ack fro# a 5uropean cruise. /h. &hats .o 3etrocelli. %e sits over in the far corner. %e gestured toward the ack of the depart#ent. $he nodded sy#pathetically. I heard his aunt *ust died. Dirk shrugged. $o#ething like that. I guess she wanted hi# to see the old country and left hi# #oney for a cruise to Italy. $ounded plausi le, and thank goodness his last na#e wasnt $#ith or Mones. 3etrocelli would e #uch easier to track. $o how do you take your coffee) Dirk the Drip used his inane Kuestion as an e(cuse to give her the once"over with his eyes. Keeley didnt know whether to laugh or chuck the contents over hi#. I take #y coffee strong, thanks. Dirk got the hint. ,ight. !otta get ack to work. %e went into his cu icle and stared intently at the screen. $he strolled off toward .o s cu icle. &his .o was #issing as well, ut his desk held pay dirt. + photo of a #iddle"aged guy and fa#ily in front of the ,o#an ;olosseu# plus a funeral 2ass card tacked up in loving #e#ory of Brancesca 2aria 3etrocelli De :uca. ;an I help you) Keeley spun around. .o 3etrocelli) 7es) %e was a #ore serious version of his vacation picture, slightly alding with a spare tire, ut with war# rown eyes. I# ;herry $#ith, 2r. Weisss assistant. $he e(a#ined hi# for flinching or other signs of guilt. %is e(pression was cal#. /h, yes, I #et hi# his first week. Does he need anything) -o, I heard you *ust got ack fro# Italy and was wondering if you would reco##end the

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html co#pany you went with. %is face lit up. + solutely. We had a wonderful ti#e. &hanks to #y dear aunts legacy, we had the chance. %e chattered a out ,o#e and Blorence, even going as far as to write down the cruise lines na#e and his travel agents phone nu# er. Well, thanks a lot, .o . I appreciate it. %e waved off her thanks. 5veryone should see Italy efore they die. 7oull never e the sa#e. Keeley s#iled. 2ay e she could take :acey for a college graduation present in a few years. $he left accounting, reviewing the new infor#ation she could pass on to the 3.I. %ed e sure to check it out thoroughly, ut if .o 3etrocelli was lying, Keeley was a natural redhead.

W5:;/25 &/;hicagos /%are International +irport. 3lease check for all your possessions. &he local ti#e is nineteen hundred hours or DN@@ p.#. &hank you for flying with us, and we look forward to serving you again. &he ca in attendant clicked off the seat elt sign and Dane gra ed for his cell phone, his ig fingertips fu# ling over the keys in his eagerness to call Keeley. &hey had e"#ailed usiness files ack and forth the past several days, ut had oth stayed away fro# any personal conversation y tacit agree#ent. %e wasnt Kuite sure why. 2ay e her feelings had cooled and she didnt know how to gracefully du#p hi#. %e hoped not. In his case, his desire for her had grown, ut he didnt want to see# pathetic, panting long"distance after a wo#an hed only een involved with for a few days. Keeley answered on the first ring, *ust as Dane had hoped. %ello) Its #e, a y. %e had to raise his voice to e heard over the other transatlantic passengers gathering their gear. Dane. %er voice softened and tre# led a tiny it. Where are you) /%are airport, concourse 2. Will you #eet #e at #y place) Dane, I# already here. ;o#e ho#e to #e as soon as you can. $he hung up. %o#e to Keeley. Where he always wanted to go. &he thought stopped hi# as suddenly as if it were a suitcase falling onto his head. %e had een drea#ing a out co#ing ho#e to her the whole past week in 5ngland. .eing without her had #ade :ondon see# like the #ost oring urg in rural +#erica. /ne .ritish passenger coughed politely ehind hi#, and Dane snapped out of his stupor. &he sooner he deplaned, the sooner hed e with Keeley and get all this sappy, longing"type stuff out

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html of his syste#. ;aught up in his thoughts, he stu# led over the uneven walkway. ;areful, sir. &he steward caught his el ow. 7ou dont want to fall. -o, I dont, Dane agreed. Ball on the concourseor fall for Keeley.

K55:57 %8-! 83her cell phone and fought the urge to *u#p in glee. Dane had arrived and called her *ust as he said he would. $he had let herself in to his fancy condo an hour earlier after checking his flight status online. $he had een too antsy to do any #ore work, so shed taken a long, hot ath in the whirlpool tu , anticipating his return. +s the spicy"scented u les caressed her ody, shed een te#pted to take the edge off her desire, ut decided to wait for Dane. $he rushed her hair and applied so#e glittery scented lotion, lighting several #atching scented candles in Danes edroo#. $he turned off the crystal chandelier and the flickering candlelight #ade the roo# coJy and war# instead of rilliant and sharp. /nce her lotion had soaked in, she shucked off her ro e and cli# ed naked into Danes ed. &he sheets were chilly on her skin and she shivered, partly fro# nerves. $hed never waited naked for a #an in his ed efore. 2ostly ecause she had never wanted to for anyone else. .ut she found herself doing things ecause of Dane that she hadnt anticipated. 2ay e $ugar was right, and Keeley should e(plain her ackground to hi#. &hat way, if he got upset a out it, shed only have spent a week or so as his lover. -o har#, no foul. 7eah, right. :ikethat would help. &he front door opened with a thud. Keeley) his aritone voice called. Where are you) ,ight here, Dane. $he clutched his heavy golden silk edding to her are reasts as his footsteps thudded through the condo. %e stopped in the doorway in his tan cash#ere coat, his lond hair adora ly #ussed y the spring winds, a grin spreading over his face. 7ouare here. %e shrugged his e(pensive coat to the floor and egan undressing. What are you wearing) $o#e glittery lotion and a s#ile. $he grinned at hi#. 2y favorites. %e un uttoned his ru#pled lue shirt and kicked his shoes off. Did you #iss #e, Keeley) Were you gone) she asked with #ock surprise.

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Was I gone) %e stopped un uckling his elt and shook his head in dis elief. 7oure gonna get it now. I et you counted the #inutes until I got ack, didnt you) -o. $he shook her head. $he hadnt counted the #inutes0#ore like the hours. %e shoved down his pants and o(ers and stalked toward the ed, powerfully erect. $he was Kuivering in anticipation as he yanked the covers off and practically drooled over her naked ody. /h, Keeley, how did I ever leave you) %e turned north and shook his fist in the air. ;urse you, ;harlie .ingha#, you cruel astard, you1 Keeley urst out laughing while Dane pulled a condo# fro# his nightstand. $he already had three tucked under her pillow. I distinctly re#e# er leaving you unfulfilled. %e sheathed hi#self. Ive spent the whole week thinking how to #ake it up to you. $itting in #eetings with stuffy 5nglish usinesspeople wondering what se(y outfit you were wearing to work and i#agining how Kuickly I could take you out of it. :ooks like you eat #e to the punch. %e ent and kissed her on the #outh. Keeley sighed in pleasure and wrapped her ar#s around his neck. %e Kuickly eased her to a se#i"reclining position on the #ountain of pillows and positioned hi#self etween her thighs. 7ou are so eautiful. I oughta have #y head e(a#ined for going away. $he hooked her legs around his calves. Dont go away again. I #ean, not for a while anyway, she hastily corrected. I pro#ise. %e guided hi#self to her folds and eased into her. 7oure already wet. Were you thinking a out #e) %e pressed in farther. 2ay e. $he closed her eyes in liss. %e stopped. 2ay e) .a y, give #e a reak. Ive een frightening the good citiJens of :ondon with #y inappropriate hard"ons for the past week and all you can give #e is a L#ay e) $he opened her eyes and giggled. 7ou werenot walking around :ondon with a hard"on. /nly due to #y iron will. -ow I# not going to #ove an inch until you tell #e you were thinking a out #e all week, too. &hat hit too close to the #ark. $hed een a #ope since he was gone. 7es, I thought of you. =uite a lot. I guess Ill take LKuite a lot as the right answer. %e #oved in her again. $he dug her fingers into his shoulders. 2ore than Kuite a lot, she whispered. +ll the ti#e.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html ,eally, he purred. +t night) %e rushed her clit with his ig finger. Did you do this to yourself, Keeley) Did you think of #e and touch yourself) $he uried her face into his chest and nodded. 2ore than once, in fact. Did you i#agine #e hot and hard inside of you like this) %is erotic" ook"narrator tone was ack as he dug deep, pressing her into the pillows. 7es. !ood. .ecause I i#agined you hot and wet a ove #e, your pretty pink lips gasping as I played with your tits. %e ent and kissed her nipple, flicking the tip with his tongue. 7ou #ade #e so craJy right efore I left. I couldnt stop thinking of you. %e sounded al#ost angry as he sped his thrusts. 2e, either. Keeley ground her hips into hi# and it his earlo e, #aking hi# gasp in pleasure. +ll I did was calculate what ti#e it was in :ondon and wonder what you were doing. 7ou etter co#e with #e ne(t ti#e. %e rolled to his ack, taking her with hi#. $he i##ediately #oved on hi# as he played with her reasts, *ust like hed fantasiJed. %is thu# s rushed over her nipples and she clenched his cock. Ill co#e with you all the ti#e, she pro#ised. %e stroked her ass and sKueeJed while his other hand found her clit. ,ide #e, a y. Keeley s#iled and cupped her reasts, teasing and pulling at her nipples until they were as hard and thro ing as Danes cock deep inside her. $he reached ehind her and sKueeJed his alls the way he liked it. %is fingers dug into her hips and his face tightened. /h, yeah, honey. %e plucked at her clit until her pussy tightened around hi#. /h, Dane $he raced her free hand on his road chest as she writhed on top of hi#, her orgas# pounding through her as the pent"up se(ual frustration of the past week roke free. $he al#ost cried fro# the relief of having hi# ack with her, ack inside her. Ducking her head, she hid her face fro# hi#, suddenly aware of her vulnera ility to hi#. -ot *ust physically, ut e#otionally, too. $he #ust have inadvertently tightened her grip on hi# ecause he ca#e with a groan, his alls lifting and pulsing under her hand. $e(y Keeley, dont stop. I need you so ad. &he words were al#ost dragged fro# hi# unwillingly. $he rode hi# until he was gasping for #ercy and collapsed onto hi#. &he perfu#e of the candles and their love#aking filled the air. %e kissed the top of her head. 2ay e I should go away #ore often.

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Keeley gave a little laugh, and rested her head on his chest. +s she listened to the steady thu#p of his heart, an unfa#iliar content#ent ca#e over her, settling her usually keyed up #ind. $he wrapped her ar#s around hi# and closed her eyes. Dane was ho#e with her where he elonged. E@ D+-5 $&+,5D I-&/his freeJer trying to decide what to eat for dinner. It was his first evening on his own since he got ho#e fro# :ondon a couple of days ago. Keeley was speaking a out security of financial accounts at a wo#en"in" usiness networking dinner, so he was o viously not invited. Keeley had everything under control at work, eli#inating one of their suspects0so#e poor sch#uck in accounting whod actually een on the up"and"up. !lenn, the #an who was #entoring Dane, was still on their list of possi ilities, and that #ade Dane uneasy. Dane was a straightforward kind of guy, and he found it difficult to not *ust co#e out and ask !lenn a out any #oney trou les. Dane dug out a froJen pasta entr'e and popped it in the #icrowave, dru##ing his fingers on the granite countertop as it heated. %e tasted it when it was done and gri#aced. &he gooey sauce had spilled onto everything and, like #ost people, Dane didnt care for to#ato"flavored spiced apples. $o not only did he have to eat a crappy dinner, he had to eat it alone. %e #uttered a curse and chucked the unappetiJing #eal in the trash. %e was looking for the piJJa delivery #enu when his cell phone rang. 2ay e Keeley had gotten out of her #eeting early. %e checked the caller ID. -o such luck. %ey, he answered. :ovely to talk to you, too, Dane, his sister .ridget retorted. $orry, .ridge. I was in the #iddle of so#ething. &hats okay. ,e#e# er #y telling you I was going to Wisconsin to work on #y wedding plans with 2o#) 8h"huh. %ed forgotten, actually. $o she sent #e ack with so#e stuff for you. ;an I drop if off now) %e sighed. $ure, why not. Ill tell the door#an to send you up. $he laughed. When we were growing up on the far#, did you ever think youd have a door#an) +re you kidding) I thought a door#an was the guy who held the door for the cows as they #oved in and out of the #ilking parlor. %e checked his watch. When will you e here)

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html !ive #e half an hour. $ee you then. Dane hung up and called the piJJa place and the door#an to let hi# know a out oth his piJJa and his sister. +s he walked into the living roo# to flip channels, he wondered what Keeley was doing. %e checked his watch. 3ro a ly eating dinner or drinking one of those fruity #artinis she favored. &ipping ack her head as she drank, her pretty rown waves of hair rushing her shoulders Dane shook his own head in disgust. 2ooning over his girlfriend when hed *ust seen her a couple hours ago. !irlfriend) %e al#ost walked into a #ar le colu#n in his living roo#. Why had that word popped into his head) Whatwas Keeley to hi#) %is analytical #ind finally kicked into gear. Keeley was +, his coworker, ., his partner in fighting financial cri#e, ;, the wo#an he #ade love to on a regular asis, D, the wo#an he couldnt stop thinking a out, 5, the wo#an he drea#ed a outwow. &hat was a girlfriend, all right. Well. Dane dropped heavily onto the ig leather couch. %e had a girlfriend. It had een years since hed considered any wo#an that. -ot since college at least. + ig cheesy grin cracked his face and he knew he #ust look like a real sap. %e was still s#iling when the piJJa arrived and then his sister a few #inutes later. $he greeted hi# with a hug and pulled ack KuiJJically, her wavy lond hair pulled into a clip, her cheeks pink fro# the perpetual lake reeJe. &hey rese# led each other #ore than their rother ;olin, who was dark"haired. 7ou certainly look #ore cheerful than you sounded efore. Do I) %e frowned theatrically. &his etter) /h, you. $he handed hi# a #ediu#"siJe card oard o( and slugged hi# in the ar#. Bro# 2o#. -ot that you deserve it or anything. &hanks. Want so#e piJJa) %e walked into the kitchen and set the o( on the island. $ounds good. $he followed, tossing her leather *acket on the couch, where it pro#ptly slid to the floor. ,ats. 7oud think Id e used to these couches y now. I# always sliding off +da#s. 8gh, I dont need to know that. Dane dished up several slices of piJJa and poured his sister a glass of the diet root eer she preferred. %e got hi#self a real eer and popped the cap. $he dusted off her *acket and set it on an upholstered chair. Mealous you dont have any ody to slide off your own couch) %is eer went down the wrong way and he choked for a few seconds while his sister pounded on

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html his ack a little too enthusiastically. /kay, okay, I# good. %e raised his hands in self"defense. Dane %er ert Weiss. With that calculating e(pression on her face, .ridget looked uncannily like their #other. 7oudo have a couch"slider. =uick work. 7ouve only een in ;hicago for a few weeks. + couch"slider, .ridge) %e ai#ed for a casual laugh. &hats a new one on #e. -ever #ind. I want to know as little as possi le a out your se( life. Ditto, in a ig way. Dane sat at the #odern glass kitchen ta le. .ad enough I get +da# #ooning over your upco#ing wedding plans. Who do I look like, 2iss 2anners) -ot even close. .ridge eyed his gray sweatpants and red 8niversity of Wisconsin sweatshirt and sighed, ut *oined hi# at the ta le anyway. +t least you clean up nice. 7oull look good in that wedding tu(, if they can find one in your siJe. &hanks. %e passed a plate of piJJa to her and she dug in. &hey ate in easy silence until .ridget let out a loud urp. Dane laughed. !ood one, 2iss 2anners. $tupid root eer. .ut she was s#iling. &hats one advantage of designing #y own wedding dress. I can allow for a couple slices of piJJa here and there. I look forward to seeing your dress. +da# had wondered ad nausea# a out her wedding dress. Dane #ostly nodded and thought a out Keeley during his friends #onologues. .ridget snickered. 7ou ig liar. &he only thing youll notice a out it is that its long and white. .usted. %e tipped ack in his chair and grinned at her. $he looked around his kitchen. 7ou know, this is nice, Dane. %aving dinner together like we did when we were kids. -o fancy occasion, *ust piJJa and root eer. 7eah, it is nice. Dane thought ack, and he could count on one hand the nu# er of ti#es he and .ridget had even seen each other over the past couple of years. .ridget would like hanging out with Keeley, too. %e vaulted his chair upright, uneasy at the thought of the# #eeting. Dessert) $ure. %e could feel her gaJe on hi# as he ru##aged in the freeJer for gour#et chocolate ice crea# ars. Keeleys favorite. %e shut the door with a touch too #uch fir#ness and handed a ar to his sister.

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7ou okay, Dane) $he it into the ice crea# and swallowed. 7u#"oh. 7ou see# out of sorts, edgy. $o#ething on your #ind) -ot so#ething, so#eone. Ive got a lot on #y plate with #y new *o . Its a ig change for #e. .ridget licked her dessert and nodded. ;ontroller"in"training for an institution like .ingha# .rothers, and at your age) 7oure playing in the ig leagues now. $he laughed. 2o#s ecstatic youre actually living in one place for longer than a week. $he wants you to settle down and produce several lond grand"kids for her. %e winced. !reat. I thought that was ;olins *o . +nd yours. 7oure the one getting #arried, not #e. I# *ust the #essenger, uddy. $he tossed the are stick on her plate. .ut B7I, ring your own date to #y wedding unless you want an endless strea# of local #aidens throwing the#selves at you. $well. I cant elieve you dont have anyone in #ind. -ot even the girl whos sliding off your couch) Drop it, .ridge. I see. $he eyed hi# speculatively. 2y weddings only a couple #onths away, and you dont have to leave ;hicago thanks to your new *o . !et cracking and surely so#e ody will take pity on you. %e decided to get so#e of his own ack for that pity crack. I et $ugar would e glad to set #e up with one of her friends fro# work. &heyre all eager to #eet young, successful professional #en. $he pursed her lips and lowered her eye rows. Dane, if you co#e to #y wedding with a stripper What) &heyre good enough for you as clients, ut not socially) .ridge looked off to the side. -o, I #ean, they are #y friends, and $ugar is co#ing to the wedding. I guess you can go with her if you need to. /h, can I) &hanks, sis. %e cleared their places and put the leftovers in the fridge. $he stood and gave hi# a hug. %e returned her e# race awkwardly. %ed never een #uch of a huggy guy. %is a y sister reached on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. $orry for turning into .rideJilla for a #inute. Dane, you ring whoever #akes you happy.

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&hanks. %e s#iled down at her. +s soon as I find her, youll know.:iar, a nagging voice called.7ou already have found her . .ridget patted his shoulder and went to the o( shed rought. .efore I forget, 2o# sent a set of crochet"topped kitchen towels for your new place. $he lifted a white lacy undle. Dane knew theyd e wrecked within a week if he ever dared use the#. + *ar of ho#e"canned ,ainier cherries and a ho#e#ade cherry pie. $he set the *ar and pie plate on the counter. + ig grin spread over his face. %e knew a certain lady with a weakness for cherry pie. 2o# says to eat the pie this weekend efore it gets stale, .ridget warned hi#. Dont worry, Ill get good use out of it, he pro#ised. $he gave hi# a curious look, ut Dane *ust s#iled.

&%5 -56& D+7,Keeley looked up fro# her co#puter screen and rolled her shoulders. &he wo#en"in" usiness get"together had een fun, ut she had found herself wondering what Dane would think a out this co##ent or if he would laugh at that *oke. 3ro a ly no for the *okes, since #ost of the# were a out #en, and #en in finance in particular. Keeley could have shared so#e really racy stories ut her accounting acKuaintances didnt know a out her previous career. +nd neither did Dane. $he had een sitting way too long and was starting to get restless ifthat thought drifted across her #ind. Dane sat across the ig glass dining ta le, his stare intent on his own paperwork. $he pulled off her co#puter glasses and eyed hi# up and down. 2an, was he handso#e in only his navy terry cloth ro e and cotton knit o(er riefs. $he took the opportunity to drink hi# in. %is sun"streaked lond hair and lue eyes, as right as the spring sky. %is di#ples were hidden for the #o#ent, ut his lips were s#ooth and sculpted as a statue. .ut she knew etter than anyone how #uch of a flesh"and" lood #an he was. %er gaJe trailed fro# his wide shoulders to his #uscled chest. %e stopped a sent#indedly to scratch his heavy thigh, and her heart pounded. -ow, she en*oyed auditing as #uch as the ne(t accountant, ut even the est had to take a reak. $he stretched her hands over her head to let her coral"pink silk ro e fall open a it to show her lace"tri##ed ivory cotton ca#isole top. %is gaJe was instantly on her, especially the skin of her reasts and elly revealed y her stretch. %ow was your cherry pie, a y) %e gestured at the sticky plate in front of her.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Delicious. Ive never had ho#e#ade cherry pie efore and it was wonderful. $hed practically licked the plate clean. 2y #o# does #ake good pie, right fro# the cherry orchard at the far#. 7ou want another piece) 2ay e later. $he gave a theatrical yawn. .ut I# #ore ored than hungry right now. +ll those nu# ers. $he gave a #ock pout. %e grinned at her. I cant i#agine where I got the idea you liked nu# ers. +ll work and no play, you know. $he stood and circled around to hi#. 2akes Keeley kinda, you know %e tugged her to sit on his lap. &urned on) he whispered into her ear. If you want #e to take care of your pro le#, all you have to do is ask. +nd it was true. In the past two weeks since theyd started sleeping together, hed een insatia le for her. %ed #adeher insatia le forhi#. +nd that hadnt ever happened efore. Despite all her e(perience at erotic pretense, the real thing had only happened with Dane. $hed always danced with her e#otions shut off for her own protection, ut what if she danced for so#eone she cared a out) $he hopped off his lap and #oved away fro# hi#. :ets play a ga#e, Dane. What kind of ga#e) %is di#ples deepened in anticipation. %er heart sped up. :ets pretend youre at one of those clu s and I# a dancer. It was as close as she could co#e to ad#itting her past. What kind of clu ) %e lifted an eye row. /ne of those clu s where wo#en dance for #en and get the# all aroused. 7ou dont have to dance for #e to do that, Keeley. I think of you and I get aroused, he ad#itted with a Kuick s#ile. .ut if you wanted to put those se(y red shoes on and en*oy yourself y dancing, I wouldnt #ind watching. +rousal #ade her #otions shaky as she found the red shoes tossed in a corner and strapped the# on. !ot so#e #usic) %e picked up a re#ote control and turned on his stereo. $he giggled at the first tune. L:ove in an 5levator) %e gri#aced in e# arrass#ent. Ive had that tune in #y head for the past week or so. I cant i#agine why. $hed danced to it #ore ti#es than she could count, ut this was the first

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html ti#e that #attered. %er hips swayed, her ro e slipping off one shoulder and then the other efore falling off co#pletely. $he e(pertly kicked it away and stood in her undies and racy shoes. Mudging fro# the rapt e(pression on Danes face, he found her ca#isole and oy"cut panties *ust as se(y as ;herrys over"the"top getups. %er nipples hardened under the thin cotton and she hugged her ar#s under her reasts, plu#ping the# up. %er reath ca#e faster as she did several turns across the #ar le floor. Dane had shifted slightly, his erection o vious under his riefs. $he slowly lifted the he# of her top, revealing the otto# curves of her reasts and her utton"hard nipples efore tossing that gar#ent aside as well. $he was inventing new #oves as she went along, her feelings for Dane u ling to the surface and inspiring her. $he licked her finger and circled her nipple, feeling it swell even #ore. $he tossed her head ack in real arousal, cupping and sKueeJing her reasts until they flushed with lood. %e groaned in response. $he turned her ack to Dane and ent over slightly, resting her hands on her thighs. &he #usic changed to :ove $hack and she was glad Dane couldnt see her grin. +l#ost like old ti#es, ut shed never en*oyed a dance as #uch as this one. $he gyrated her otto# at Dane, knowing full well how that #ove would drive hi# nuts. %e was always gra ing her ass at the office when no one was looking and had her ride hi# like a cowgirl so he could caress her there. /h, a y, yeah, he called hoarsely. Work it, honey. %e hadnt seen anything yet. $he hooked her thu# s under the elastic and shi##ied her da#p panties down, teasing hi# with a gli#pse of each cheek efore stripping entirely. +t the strip clu , shed always left her !"string on, ut Dane was in for a world pre#iere. Dancing strong, they called it, when a dancer went totally are. 7ou had to e strong to forgo even the pretense of clothing. &otally naked e(cept for her shoes, she widened her stance and gra ed an ankle in each hand. $he ent over all the way and en*oyed the stunned e(pression on Danes upside"down"appearing face. %e had Kuite the view, and she knew he could tell how aroused she was. Must when I thought I knew how eautiful you were, you still surprise #e. $he felt her face heat, hoping he would think it was gravity pulling the lood there. $he straightened slowly and took a second to catch her reath, disco# o ulated and diJJy. ;o#e here, a y. $he sashayed over to hi#, her alance and confidence returning. 7ou like what you see)

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html /h, very #uch. Wanna sit on #y lap, honey) Mudging fro# his erection, Keeley knew what kind of sitting he had in #ind. %e stroked the curve of her ass, stopping to tickle the hollow of her knee. I# sorry, youre not allowed to touch the dancers. What if its one dancer who is #aking #e really hot) -o, you cannot, sir. Keeley spun away. If you cant follow the rules, Ill have to call security. $he strutted over to a load" earing #ar le pillar and slung a leg around it. It was too wide to do so#e of the #ore interesting pole tricks, ut she ru ed her aching nipples over the cold, s#ooth stone and shuddered in real desire. Keeley. $he pretended to ignore hi#, caressing the pillar as if it were his hard ody. +fter a few seconds, Dane cleared his throat. $he looked over to find a sly s#ile on his face as he ran his hand down his chest, elow his navel, stopping at his waist and. %e wouldnt, would he) %e would. %e pulled the front of his riefs down. %is ig hand cupped his ig cock, and he sighed in relief as he stroked its length. + rush of answering #oisture da#pened Keeleys thighs. %e never touched hi#self in front of her efore, not really needing to. $he found it incredi ly erotic as he worked the pole of flesh as she worked her pole, his nipples tightening in the #at of golden hair. %is gaJe never left hers, even as his left hand cupped and sKueeJed his heavy alls. Keeley could practically feel their weight fro# where she sKuir#ed. -ow, sir, yourereally not allowed to do that here. ;onsider it a co#pli#ent to your dancing skills. %is shaft grew darker and darker with lood, and he finally roke eye contact when he tossed ack his head and groaned. %e was going to call her luff and #ake hi#self co#e. $he let go of the colu#n and walked shakily over to hi#. +re you feeling all right) 7oure all flushed. 5specially his cock. %e slowed his pace ut didnt stop. I# fine. &heres no law a out fantasiJing a out eautiful dancers, is there) $he spun his swivel chair to the side and dropped to her knees. 3lacing her hands on his thighs, she gaJed at hi# with her #ost seductive e(pression. Were trained to aid our custo#ers if they are in distress. $he rushed her lips over the tip of his penis. +re you in distress, sir) she asked huskily. /h, e(tre#e distress. I think I #ay die if you dont help #e. %e threaded his fingers through her hair and guided her to his erection. 7oure #y only hope. Keeley settled her #outh around his cock and Dane groaned. %e tasted slightly of soap and fully

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html of #an, clean and salty. $he lapped and sucked at its head, s#iling as it swelled. $he tongued the slit, loving the little #oan he #ade as #ore fluid leaked. ,ela(ing her throat, she took in as #uch of the shaft as she could and cupped the rest in her hand. $he #i#icked his previous #astur ation, o ing her head with her sucks and working his alls in the pal# of her hand. Beeling the# tighten under her fingers, she knew he couldnt take #uch #ore. %e had already een close to the edge when she started. %e confir#ed her suspicions when he groaned her na#e. $top, I# gonna $he shook her head and kept going. %e grasped riefly at her shoulders ut fell ack in the chair when she scraped the sensitive underside of his cock with her teeth. /h, yeah, a y,dont stop. %is powerful thighs tensed and Kuivered under her as the pressure uilt. Keeley gave hi# one last powerful suck and he lasted into her #outh, crying her na#e, her real na#e, never ;herrys. $he kept at hi# through his long orgas#, only stopping when he caught her and eased her away. $he wiped her #outh and stared greedily at his drained cock, its *erking and pulsing creating answering sensations in her pussy. +l#ost su consciously, she crept her hand down her elly right a ove her strip of hair. Dane opened his eyes and caught her wrist efore she could relieve the ache. 2y poor Keeley. !ot yourself all worked up. %e stood and swung her into his ar#s. 7oure not going to take care of it that easily. %e strode through the apart#ent and set her at the side of his ed while he yanked off the coverings. :ie down. If I catch you touching yourself, Ill tie you to the edposts. -ot othering to see if she o eyed, he left the roo#. $hould she go along with the ga#e) It had Kuickly spiraled past anything shed i#agined, ut either way she played it, shed e a winner. $he lay down in his ig king"siJe ed, the sheets cool against her skin. $he a sent#indedly ru ed an itchy spot on her collar one. ;aught you. Dane stood with a dinner tray in the doorway. I was itchy1 she protested, not sure a out eing tied up. /kay, he said grudgingly. .esides, if I tie you up, I #ight not e a le to do so#e of the things I have planned. When did you plan any of this) Keeley gestured at the tray, which looked like it held the leftover fruit pie and so#ething covered with a napkin. &he only ti#e I# not planning wild se(ual ga#es with you is when I# actually doing wild se(ual things with you. %e set down the tray. -o, scratch that. I think of other ways to #ake

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html love to you when I# inside you, wondering how youd like #e to end you over #y desk, or wondering if youd like #y tongue in your pussy. Keeley inhaled a shocked reath at his words. %e s#iled at her in satisfaction. &hat last one) 7eah, I thought so. %e swiped a fingerful of cherry pie filling and s#eared it on her nipples, which eaded even further. /oh, Dane, thats cold1 $he started to rise to her el ows ut he shook his head. 7oure so hot, youll war# it in no ti#e. %e continued to paint her reasts and elly with the filling, drawing erotic swirls on her. %e finally set a cherry in her elly utton and tugged her so her otto# was on the foot of the ed. /pen your legs for #e and close your eyes, a y. $he did as he wanted, hoping he would paint her there, too. Instead, so#ething round and hard rushed her clit. %er eyes flew open. Dane) %e grinned at her and held up a s#all yellow fruit touched with red. ,ainier cherries. &he crea# of the crop, the sweetest of the sweet. .ut not as sweet as you. %e licked the cherry, his lue eyes never leaving hers. 7our *uices taste #uch etter. + rush of war#th ran to her pussy, and her hips rocked. %e s#iled at her response. I have so#ething youll like, #y sweet Keeley. $he gasped as he pushed the cold fruit inside her. What are you doing) Billing you. %e pushed one after another into her. $he inadvertently clenched around his fingers, the cherries shifting and ru ing her inside as she #oaned. &hats it. :et the cherries tease you as I eat the rest of you. %e ent over her reasts and licked the filling fro# one nipple, tugging the tip until it swelled in his #outh. Keeley ran her fingers through his short lond hair, holding hi# close to her. Dragging his tongue across her, he ate her other reast clean. 5very tug of his #outh and flick of his tongue spun ri ons of e(cite#ent through her cherry"filled pussy, the fir# roundness of the cherries tor#enting her. &oo #uch, Dane. %e shook his head, his reath hot and sweet on her e(Kuisitely sensitiJed skin. -o acking out now. If you like these, Ill uy you a set of the #etal alls. %e knelt on the floor etween her legs and ate the cherry fro# her elly utton, his #outh dipping and sucking on the indentation. Ill put the# inside you at the office and #ake you sit at your desk. 5very ti#e you shift, youll want to co#e. .ut if you leave the# there all #orning, Ill take pity on you and fuck you at lunch. Dane rushed his finger over her clit. .ent over the sink with your reasts are. %e stopped to pinch her nipples, still sticky fro# his #outh. +nd your ass tipped up to #y cock, as I pull out the #etal alls and fill you with #e. %e lifted one leg and kissed and ni led all the way fro# her ankle strap to ehind her knee and hooked it over his road shoulder. %e did the sa#e to the other leg. Keeley saw hi# kneeling

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html etween her thighs, s#iling at her, her se(y red shoes #aking the sensual scene even #ore erotic. It was as if she had een dancing for a private client and had eco#e so aroused she let hi# #ake love to her. Keeley groaned as he finally did what she was desperate for and put his #outh on her pussy. %e tongued her clit as if it were a cherry itself, stroking and playing with it. %is hands stroked her thighs and otto#. %e dipped into her passage and sucked out a cherry, chewing it with his strong white teeth. Delicious. %e repeated that several ti#es, reaching in with his fingers and teasing her as he pulled out the fruits. Keeley writhed as the pressure in her vagina constantly shifted. /ne #ore, a y, tucked deep in your pussy. %e teased it out. &aste yourself. %e held the cherry etween his teeth and ent to her #outh. $he hesitated for a second, ut he rushed it across her lips. $he took a ite, her *uices #i(ing salty with the sweet. %e ate the rest of the cherry and kissed her hard, the scent of her on his lips incredi ly arousing. %e pulled away and Kuickly pulled on a ru er. ,oll over. $he co#plied eagerly. &he #issing pressure of the cherries had left her aching and inco#plete. Dane #oved ehind her and pushed her onto her el ows so she was tipped up to hi#, wide and are. When you ent over in the living roo# to show #e your sweet ass, I knew I had to take you like this. %urry, Dane. $he was already Kuivering in anticipation. %e glided into her with one s#ooth stroke and she groaned. &oo deep) he asked an(iously. -o, perfect. + solutely perfect, he agreed and egan sliding in and out of her. %e reached around and stroked her clit and she contracted around his cock, crying his na#e. &here, a little one to take the edge off, a y. -ow you can en*oy the ig one. $he shuddered into a gold"lace pillow and tried to ease herself off hi#. &oo #uch, she groaned. $he wasnt used to the vulnera ility of that position. %e held her tight. -ever too #uch. -ot with #e. %e curved over her and nipped her shoulder. Ill take you places youve never een. Ill play with your tits and pussy during the day and fuck you during the night. 7oull wake up co#ing with #e inside you and eg #e not to stop. 2ore, #ore, she chanted, his words entrancing her and cal#ing her apprehension. %e

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html co#plied eagerly and pounded into her until her world constricted to his ig hot ody wrapped around her and inside her. 2y sweet dancer, so se(y. 7ou drive #e craJy. %e roke off into a groan and worked oth her reasts with one hand. ;o#e now, Keeley. %e sKueeJed her nipples with his strong fingers and pinched her clit hard. $he ucked on hi# as he #ilked her orgas#, his cock *olting her as his alls ounced on her ass. &i#e slowed as she screa#ed her ecstasy into the pillow. %e pulled her upright so she sat on his lap. Dance on #e, a y. !ive #e the est lap dance ever. $he was too wrung"out to #ove well ut that didnt #atter to hi#. $he linked her ar#s ehind his neck and encouraged hi# to fondle her as shed never let a clu client do. &ouch #e, Dane. %e groaned and it her neck, his hands roa#ing fro# her tits to her pussy, *ust like hed pro#ised. .eautiful Keeley. %is thrusts Kuickened, his reath hot on her skin. -ever saw a dancer like you efore. 5ven etter than #y drea#s. 2ake #e co#e, a y. $he cla#ped down hard on his cock and ground her ass into hi#. %e grunted and tensed, ellowing her na#e as his cock erupted in the ne(t instant. $he rode hi# hard, wanting to wring out his every last drop. %e finally panted to a halt and eased onto the #attress, pulling her into his ar#s. $he snuggled into his chest, content and happy. %e sighed in satisfaction. /h, Keeley, you would have #ade a fortune as a dancer. $he gave a hidden s#ile. &hank you. +ctually, shehad earned a ton of #oney, even without any full"contact stuff. &oo ad her ;3+ degree had cost a fortune, ut without it, she wouldnt have #et Dane. :ying in his ar#s, she knew it had een worth it. EE /K+7, K55:57,if you think thisll help, Ill give it a go. Dane crossed his ar#s over his chest and leaned on the edge of the desk. $he stood in front of the desk and held her pal#s up, several rightly colored racelets sliding down her forear#s. I know you like !lenn and hes een one of .inkys est guys, ut we still dont have any #ore infor#ation on his wife threatening to divorce hi# ecause of his #oney pro le#s. I tried talking to his assistant, ut she either doesnt know or wont say anything. Would you say anything a out #e if your replace#ent ca#e chatting you up) %e already knew the answer. Keeley was fiercely loyal.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html 7ou know I wouldnt. %er green eyes softened #o#entarily ut then she gave hi# a wry s#ile. !lenns e(pecting you, so no #ore stalling. Ill go over ;harlies newest list of transactions while youre gone. Dane straightened and sighed. 7es, #aa#. %e rushed her shoulder as he passed her, always eager to steal a touch however he could. %e found !lenn in his office. Dane, co#e in. %ave a seat. !lenn gestured to the co#forta le chair across fro# hi#. &hanks. I wanted to ask you Dane trailed off. +sk hi# what) If his wife had filed for divorce yet) If hed declared ankruptcy) If hed e# eJJled #oney) !lenn cocked his head. +sk #e what) &i#e to try again. I wanted to get so#e feed ack fro# you on how I# doing in #y orientation. .inky #entioned you were eager to start your retire#ent. %e felt ad that !lenn wouldnt e starting his retire#ent as soon as the older #an had planned. %uh. +t Danes lifted eye row, !lenn ela orated, 7oure doing fine. Its only that Ive got too #uch on #y plate to look forward to retire#ent right now. ,eally) Dane assu#ed what he hoped was a politely interested e(pression, kind of like a shrink or pastor. -ow that so#eone was listening, !lenn opened the floodgates. 2y #other has lived with #y wife and #e since she fell at her ho#e several #onths ago. $hes eighty and what you #ight call a real pistol. Dane #entally translated that as a cranky old road. 2o# and #y wife have never gotten along well, and well, you could say theres a it of tension at ho#e. I see. Dane nodded encouragingly. &wo wo#en, one house. 5(actly1 &he older #an heaved a sigh. $o I found a really nice assisted"living senior apart#ent0a real four"star place. .ut in order to get the entrance fee, #y #others house has to sell, and this real estate #arket has een on the slow side. .y the ti#e we fi(ed up the old place, wed #issed the est of the #arket, so I# hoping we can sell it this spring. &alk a out #otive. +nd if you dont have the entrance fee) We lose the apart#ent and go ack to the otto# of the waiting list. Dane winched. ,ough. 7oure telling #e. 2y #other called the elder a use hotline *ust last week ecause #y wife didnt uy readed #oJJarella cheese sticks at the store. 2o# has high cholesterol, you see, !lenn finished apologetically.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html +nd your other invest#ents) Dane pro ed delicately. !lenn snorted. I have one kid in #ed school, one in law school, and one finishing at ;hicago 8niversity. :ets *ust say #y cash is a it tapped out. &he two #en heaved #atching sighs0!lenns o viously as he thought of difficult #others and tuition ills and Danes as he thought of how !lenn had #otive, #eans and opportunity. %e sincerely hoped it wasnt the current controller, ut #ay e hed cracked under fa#ily pressure. &hat was often the worst kind.

K55:57 8-:/;K5Dthe door to her apart#ent, *uggling her overnight ag and laptop case full of audit files. $taying over at Danes was fun ut definitely not restful, and she was fighting off a it of a spring cold. %ed een understanding a out her need to stay at her place for a day or two and catch up on things. It wasnt so #uch that she was dying to dust and go grocery shopping, ut she needed a it of a reather fro# Danes distracting, se(y presence. +ll he had to do was look at her and she wanted to take off her clothes. Keeley) + fa#iliar voice called fro# the living roo#. Keeley set down her things and hurried round the corner. :acey) %er younger sister sat on her futon eating the a solute last chocolate ice crea# ar, ut she was so glad to see her that she didnt even #ind. What are you doing here) :acey unfolded herself fro# the futon and gave her sister a ig hug. I have a couple days efore I leave for northern Wisconsin. 2y group is helping reha ho#es for people in need. 7our landlady let #e in after I showed her #y drivers license. $he didnt think there was #uch fa#ily rese# lance. Well, 2a#a was a rolling stone. &he sisters shared a knowing laugh. +lthough their eyes were a si#ilar haJel"green, :acey had her fathers +frican features and coloring. 2o# is talking a out #oving west with her new guy. $ays they can get seasonal work at a ig resort. Work during the su##er and drink and s#oke cigarettes all winter. +nd fight. :acey shrugged. Does she ever call you) -ope. -ow that youre out of there, I have no reason to stay in touch. %er #other hadnt e(actly engendered loving #e#ories. I like your hair, though. Keeley changed the su *ect and played with her sisters coffee"colored fluff of twisty curls held ack y a lack patent"leather head and. Did you get tired of raids) 7eah, too high"#aintenance. :ace gave her an odd look. Whats with your hair)

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Keeley reached up to her head and realiJed she was still wearing her wig, and worst of all, the stripper clothes. $hed never told :acey a out her stripping career and didnt intend to start now. &his) Its a long story. $he tugged off the wig and dragged pins out of her real hair. :acey watched her with a *aundiced eye. &hats not really helping. Keeleys shoulders slu#ped. $he #ust look like 2edusa with snaky"looking hair sticking out all over. :acey patted her shoulder. 7ou look like youve had a long day, and there #ust e a good reason for you to dress like a hoochie #a#a. %oochie #a#a) Keeley sputtered with laughter. .elieve #e, sis, after growing up the way we did, I a# an e(pert on hoochie clothes. $he gave her sister what she thought was a stern look, ut :acey laughed. /h, well, she couldnt protect her forever, and the life theyd had growing up was a Kuick way to urst anyones u le. &his is a huge secret, ut I# working as a i# o secretary to do a covert audit at a large financial co#pany. 8ndercover accountant work0how cool is that) :acey finally looked i#pressed with her ig sisters career choice. -ow all you need is so#e way"se(y sidekick and youre all set. Keeley gave her a weak s#ile and changed the su *ect. :et #e hop into the shower and put on so#e sweatpants. I swear, all this spande( is #aking #e feel like a sausage a out to pop open on the grill. 2##. :acey ru ed her flat nineteen"year"old sto#ach. -o spande( needed for her. I could go for a ;hicago"style dog a out now. $ounds good. Well go for dinner at the hot"dog stand. /verco#e with happiness at the une(pected visit, she pulled :acey into a hug. I# glad youre here. 2e, too. :acey hugged her ack. +nd you know I have to check on you0#ake sure youre not getting into trou le, she teased. ;heck on #e) 5(cuse #e, little #iss, ut I a# ten years older than you and dont need any checking on. Keeley gave :acey her est haughty look, ut wasnt surprised when her sister rolled her eyes. 5very ody needs so#eone to check on the#. 5specially when they dont think they need any ody. %uh) Keeley hadnt Kuite followed all those pronouns.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html /h, go take your shower. :acey shooed her down the hall, and Keeley was only too glad to co#ply. If shed understood her sister right, :acey was saying Keeley needed so#e ody, and Keeley wasnt sure she liked that idea. -eeding so#e ody was fine as long as they were willing to e needed, ut Dane was only a te#porary need"ee.

D+-5 B/8-D %I2$5:Bstanding in front of Keeleys apart#ent Briday night. $he had looked so tired, he wanted to check on her and #ake sure she was okay. -o wonder she was getting sick. :ong days at work and long nights in ed didnt add up to #uch rest. %e hadnt e(pected anyone ut Keeley to answer the door when he knocked, so the young girl answering the door surprised hi#. 8#, hi. I# looking for Keeley. Does she live here) 8h"huh. $he narrowed her green eyes at hi#, her full lips pressed into a line as she eye alled his navy" lue silk utton"down shirt and khakis. +nd who #ight you e) Dane introduced hi#self and e(plained that they were working together on a pro*ect. &hat didnt see# to i#press her, so he told her the rest of it. Keeley and I are also seeing each other. ,eally) %er eyes widened. Bigures, she never #entioned anythingthat girl is so tight" lipped. I# :acey, Keeleys sister. %old on. $he left hi# at the door and dashed along the hall. Keeleys sister) Keeley had never #entioned a sister efore, not once. %ed lathered all a out his fa#ily, his childhood, ut shed never said a word a out hers. Dane sighed and stepped inside the apart#ent, now that he knew he had the right place. 2ay e :acey lived here and thats why Keeley had never invited hi# over. %e certainly didnt want to set a ad e(a#ple for anyone. %e turned the corner and his eyes widened. %ed een e(pecting tan, rown and crea#, the colors Keeley had worn as an accountant. .ut this living roo# was pure ;herry, right and old and cheerful. &he futon had a right red cover with a wide purple otto#an in front. 8nder it all was a shaggy white area rug with definite possi ilities for rolling around naked on it, like a earskin rug. %e dragged his #ind away fro# that and e(a#ined the walls. &hey were covered in art posters of dancers0the Degas allerina, one of those ,ussian"looking allet guys leaping around and the cancan dancers y &oulouse":autrec. Dane thought her ;herry persona was all an act for the sake of their audit, ut #ay e itwas Keeley deep down. &his was not the living roo# of a eige"wearing accountant. Who was Keeley, anyway) %ere we are1 her sister trilled cheerfully as she shoved Keeley along in front of her.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Keeley looked adora le in a plain lack &"shirt and #idcalf lack e(ercise pants, her wet hair in ropes on her shoulders. $hed taken off her fake eyelashes and all of her #akeup, and he noticed again how eautiful her skin was, clear and s#ooth as a peach. +nd how pretty her lips were, even though they were now pressed together in annoyance ecause hed dropped in without calling. Dane, I thought we were going to take a couple days off. I was in the neigh orhood) %e looked at her sheepishly. $he put her hands on her hips. /h, yeah) What rings you to 8krainian 4illage) I had a taste for 8krainian food) :ike he had any idea what that consisted of. 7ou know, du#plings, sausages :acey urst into giggles. Keel, cut the poor #an a reak. Dane gave Keeley his est s#ile and she visi ly softened. &hank you, di#ples. %ed never thought they were #uch of anything until Keeley had stuck her tongue in the#. If you want to kiss hi# hello or so#ething, I can turn #y ack, :acey offered, not Kuite sarcastically, ut close. -ot necessary, Dane answered. &he sisters looked disappointed, Keeley hiding her disappoint#ent #ore Kuickly. Dane pulled her into his ar#s, needing to end for once since she was in are feet. %e kissed her thoroughly ut sweetly, his lips #oving over hers. $he stood stiffly for a second, ut rela(ed into his e# race and wrapped her ar#s around his neck. $he responded eagerly to hi#, her reath co#ing faster, and he was eginning to respond a little too eagerly than was appropriate for her sister watching. %e finished with a single peck and lifted his head. :acey stood there wide"eyed. Wow, that was so#e kiss. Were you out of the country or so#ething) When was the last ti#e you saw each other) Dane #ade a ig show of checking his watch. Bive oclock. :acey glanced at the clock on the end ta le. It was si("thirty. Da"yu#, she said, #uch i#pressed. Keeley uried her face in his shoulder in e# arrass#ent and Dane dropped a kiss on her wet hair to hide his own face, not wanting to ad#it to hi#self that ninety #inutes without Keeley had see#ed a week.

/%, 27!/D, why didnt you tell #e you had such a hottie panting after you) :acey flopped ackward on the old lanket Dane had earlier tossed onto the grass under so#e trees. 7ou have

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html your very own se(y sidekick and you never told #e1 $hhh1 Keeley #ade sure Dane wasnt returning fro# the concession stand yet with their dinner. %e had invited oth of the# to a lakefront concert at 2illenniu# 3ark. Keeley had een reluctant to go without her ;herry getup ut Dane and :acey insisted, Dane pointing out the e(tre#ely s#all possi ility of anyone fro# .ingha# .rothers attending a popular rock concert. :acey s#iled. Dont worry, itll take hi# a while longer. 5veryone in the city is here. +nd I dont see why you wanted #e to co#e with. %ello1 &wos co#pany, threes a crowd. Keeley couldnt ad#it she needed a chaperone to keep herself fro# #aking a fool of herself over Dane. 7oure only in town for two days and I want to spend ti#e with you as well. /h"kay, she gru# led ut cheered right up. Dont worry, you can have hi# all to yourself again since I# leaving for Wisconsin 2onday. Whos going to Wisconsin) Dane was ack, carefully alancing a #ountain of food. :acey leaped up and helped hi# with it, divvying the goodies. I# going to Wisconsin to reha ho#es for the disadvantaged, :acey told hi# proudly. /utside !reen .ay. If we get a chance, well go for a oat ride and #ay e have a fish oil. Wonderful1 2y ho#e state. &hey ea#ed at each other, and Keeley felt a it left out. Dane handed :acey his drink and pulled out a usiness card and pen. 2y parents dont live too far away. %eres their contact infor#ation if you need anything. %e scri led on the card and handed it to :acey. $he tried handing it ack. -o, thats not necessary0they dont even know #e. %e shrugged. 5veryone in Wisconsin is friendly0its a state law. Ill call the# later and let the# know you #ight get in touch. /h, well, thanks. :acey tucked the card into her wallet and started on her hot dog. Keeley put her hand on his forear# and he s#iled at her, covering her hand with his. &hank you, Dane. $he took a ite of her *uicy eef sandwich. -o pro le#. I always have a couple local contact nu# ers when I travel. In fact, when were done here in ;hicago, Ill pro a ly e working in 5urope for a while. &he eef turned to card oard in her #outh. $hed known they didnt have a per#anent thing going on, ut it still hurt to hear it. /h, right. 5urope. :acey #ust have only heard the last it of their conversation thanks to the ands war#ing up, ecause all she said was. 5urope) ;ool. Keeleys never een to 5urope efore, ut shes dying to go. %ave you seen all her posters) $he wants to see those paintings in 3aris and go to a real

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html ,ussian"style allet. Keeley was glad it was getting dark ecause her face #ust have een red. /nce the audit was finished, Dane wouldnt want her to go to 5urope with hi#. Keeley had een so sure of it that she hadnt othered applying for a passport. Dane said, 7our sister pro a ly cant leave all her clients to go to 5urope right now. Its difficult to take a vacation when you run your own usiness. /h, sure. :acey wiped off her hands. %ey, I# gonna #ove closer so I can hear the and etter. $he *u#ped up and left Keeley alone with Dane. Keeley cleared her throat. I didnt tell :acey a out your inviting #e to :ondon. I# glad you didnt. We should set a good e(a#ple for her. $he s#iled. %er little sister had een e(posed to #ore ad e(a#ples than Dane could i#agine. Its nice of you to think of that. $he and I have pretty #uch #anaged on our own, so she hasnt #et a lot of decent #en. Well, I# glad you have so#eone looking out foryou. %e gave an e# arrassed chuckle. I didnt know that you wanted to travel so adly. +nd all the dance posters. I guess Ive een doing #ost of the talking and not learning anything a out you. 7ou dont say #uch a out yourself. Keeley started to protest his assess#ent and then realiJed he was pro a ly right. %er childhood hadnt een anything to rag a out, living with a clueless #other who dragged #en ho#e in a futile atte#pt to #ake herself feel etter. +nd then dancing at the :ove $hack, where the custo#ers didnt give a rats ass a out what or who the dancers were. &he girls could have een ro ots for all they cared, e(cept #anage#ent would have cared if so#eone threw a drink at a ro ot. +t least the dancers couldnt short out and electrocute so#eone. 7oure right, she said painfully. I guess I never thought anyone would e interested. %er #other had certainly not encouraged open co##unication a out deep personal feelings. I# interested. &ell#e. With his ack resting against the tree, Dane pulled her onto his lap, and Keeley told hi#. &he darkness #ade it easier to spill her guts, as she confessed a out living in the trailer park with a iracial a y sister who got teased terri ly and cooking #ac and cheese in the #icrowave and sitting terrified and alone on the couch until their #o# ca#e ho#e fro# the convenience store after her shift there ended at CN@@ a.#. %e ru ed her tears away with his ig thu# ut didnt say anything until she told hi# a out fighting off her #o#s oyfriends as a teenager and paying for :aceys karate classes to get her lack elt so she would e strong and not vulnera le. &hen he #uttered a string of o scenities ai#ed at those #en who would have har#ed her. +h,

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Keeley. 7ou tell #e who they are, and Ill drive there and eat the crap out of the#. What) %e was deadly serious. Ill call #y rothers ;olin and +da#, and the three of us will drive to $hit urg, $outhern Illinois, and teach the# that real #en dont #ess with little girls. /h, Dane. &hats the nicest thing anyones ever offered to do for #e. &hen you havent een around the right people, sweetheart. %e kissed her forehead. I suppose I havent. &hat *o I had, the one that helped put #e through school $he took a deep reath, ready to e(plain the origins of her .ingha# .rothers wardro e. Keeley1 Dane1 :acey urst ack into their inti#ate dark cocoon, stopping when she saw Keeley sitting on his lap. /h, sorry, sis. I ran into so#e of #y friends fro# the reha trip and they have an e(tra ticket for a #idnight cruise of :ake 2ichigan. Do you #ind if I go) Ive never een on the lake efore. I dont know, :acey. 7oure not fa#iliar with the city and you #ight have a hard ti#e finding a ca , she fretted. :acey put her hands on her hips. I# not a a y any#ore, and I do have that lack elt in karate you paid for. !i##e a reak. Dane intervened efore Keeley could give her sister a #uch"needed attitude ad*ust#ent. %ey, how a out you #eet your sister and #e at #y place) Its not too far fro# here and every ca ie in the city knows the uilding. 7ou and Keeley can have #y guest roo# for the night. :acey gave Keeley what #ight have looked like a s#irk in etter light. &hat okay, ig sis) Bine. &hey were ganging up on her anyway. Dane #oved her off his lap and gave :acey his address and what looked like a twenty for ca fare. :ace gave her a cheery wave and trotted off to #eet her friends. Must then, the and started with a screech0the electric guitars as well as the lead singer. +fter a few seconds, Keeley #ostly tuned it out, so#ething shed learned to do at the clu . Danes e(pression grew #ore and #ore pained until she couldnt help laughing. -ot en*oying this) %e shook his head. -o, and youre talking to a guy who grew up on heavy"#etal ands. &hese guys are *ust rust. &heyre the front and. &heyll do a set efore the #ain attraction. If youre still not feeling good, we could go to #y place and watch a #ovie, he offered, o viously hoping to escape the awful #usic.

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2y sister could co#e ho#e anyti#e, she warned hi#. %e helped her to her feet and stood. Keel, Ive had a long week, too. We wont do anything youd e e# arrassed for your sister to walk in on. I accidentally dropped in on #y sister and her fianc' once, and %e shuddered. -ot so#ething I care to repeat. 3oor Dane, she cooed, taking his hand. %opefully Ive helped you put that out of your #ind. %e raised their interlaced fingers to his #outh and kissed the#. 7ou have indeed.

K55:57 B:I335D /-Danes enor#ous flat"screen television. 7ou practically needed an electronic engineering degree to run the thing, ut she #anaged to find so#e good channels. Dane, the new Ma#es .ond #ovie is playing on pay"per"view. Ive only seen the trailer0do you want to watch it) %e was in the kitchen fi(ing so#e snacks and called, .ond, huh) !ood choice. .ond it is. Keeley wandered ack into the ultra"#odern kitchen and leaned on the chilly granite countertop. Do you need any help) 2aking #icrowave popcorn) %e slanted a grin at her while pulling out the fancy sliding pantry shelves. 7ou are looking at the king of #icrowave popcorn. What else is there to eat when youre alone in a hotel roo# watching any #ovie you can find) %e popped a ag in and pressed a couple uttons. $ounds lonely, she co##ented without thinking. %e shrugged, his wide shoulders to her as he filled a couple glasses with ice. :ike she was one to talk. $he was used to loneliness. %er dad had left efore she was orn, her #o# had een per#anently checked out #entally, and the only person she could count on was her little :acey. -ot so little any#ore, though, with her own college education and right future ahead of her. :acey would leave her, and it was right for her to do that. Keeley would e the #a#a ird kicking her a y out of the nest so she could try her wings and soar. $he sighed hard enough to ruffle Danes hair across the roo#. %e turned to her. %ey, whats up) &hat sounded sad. Must thinking a out :acey going off on her own. &o Wisconsin) Dont worry, its pretty ta#e there. &hats why I left. %e laughed.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html -o, I #ean in general. We have our own lives now and she doesnt need #e any#ore. %e frowned. /f course she still needs you. 2ay e not for a a ysitter, ut shell always need you. 2y rother and sister and I all need each other and I dou t that will change. 7ou sure) + solutely. +nd when :aceys not around, you #ust have Kuite an active social life. $he shrugged. I have the worlds largest collection of single"serving froJen dinners. +side fro# a client lunch or dinner with $ugar, its #e and the #icrowave for co#pany. -ow I have a hard ti#e elieving that, Keeley. %e #oved closer to her and rushed a strand of hair away fro# her face. +re all the #en in ;hicago lithering idiots) Do none of the# see how eautiful you are) What a nice person you are) &hats sweet of you, ut Ive een too usy with school and starting #y accounting practice. %e cupped her chin and tilted her face up to his. &heir loss is #y gain. %e ent and kissed her, softly, sweetly. $he returned his kiss, ut all the ti#e knowing he would soon e off to 5urope or wherever and his kisses would only e a #e#ory. $o#e of her a# ivalence #ust have co#e through in her response ecause he roke off the kiss. Whats wrong) he whispered against her lips. $he pulled away. 8#, nothing. I think the popcorns starting to urn. It wasnt. What) %e crossed to the #icrowave in two ig strides and shut it off, checking the popcorn. -o, I think were good. What do you want to drink) !lad for so#ething to do, Keeley opened the stainless"steel fridge. -othing #uch in there ut chip dip and several ottles of eer. Is that a !er#an i#port) Ive never heard of it. Wisconsin i#port, he called. &he rewerys not too far fro# where I grew up. ;ool. $he shifted the ottles to see the different varieties and stifled a laugh. &he pale eer had an interesting na#e. $he gra ed two ottles and closed the fridge. What did you find) %e ca#e toward her with a ig owl of popcorn. $he wiggled the ottles at hi#. &his eer is called L%oney Weiss. $ounds sweet and tasty to #e. :ike you, 2r. Weiss. %e started to flush. 7eah, u#, they only #ake that in spring and su##er. LWeiss is the !er#an word for Lwhite, ecause its a pale ale.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html +re you #y honey, Weiss) -ow the tips of his ears reddened, ut he set the owl on the counter. 3ut down the eer ottles, #y sweet Keeley. When she waved the# teasingly, he plucked the# fro# her hands and set the# on the ta le. Do youwant #e to e your honey) %e yanked her close, pinning her wrists ehind her with one strong hand. %e ni led her neck, #aking her arch her pelvis against hi#. $weet and sticky all over you) 7es, she #oaned. .ut #y sister $hell e on the lake until #idnight and the door#an will call first anyway. Ill go get so#ething fro# the athroo#. $he took a deep reath. -o, Dane. I# on irth control and tested. $he didnt want hi# to go anywhere. Were oth okay, right) I# healthy, and I havent een with anyone in a while. %e it her ear. &hat, co# ined with how da#n se(y you are, al#ost #ade #y alls fall off until you let #e #ake love to you. %er eyes flew open. 2ake love) %e was pro a ly trying to e ro#antic. %is other hand slipped under her shirt, unerringly finding her nipple. Ill do whatever you want, Keeley. 7ou know that. 7ouve got #e twisted up in knots. When youre near #e, I cant keep #y hands off you. %e teased and pinched her nipple. When were apart, I wonder if youre thinking a out #e, too. %e shuddered in desire. &he thought of #aking love to you, eingin you without any arrierId do anything for that. Keeley was a out to co#e *ust fro# his se(y words. -ow, Dane. :ets #ake love0 her tongue stu# led across the unfa#iliar words 0without anything etween us. %e let go of her and stripped off his clothes until he stood naked and aroused, raw and earthy in the kitchens glea#ing sterility. $he followed his e(a#ple, the sight of his work"hardened #uscles captivating her as usual. %e sat on a chair and spread his thighs, his cock pointing up invitingly. %er pussy clenched, wanting to accept that hard, hot invitation. $he walked over to Dane, her #outh suddenly dry with nerves. &hirsty) $he tipped so#e eer into his #outh and drank so#e herself, ending over so her reasts swayed near his face. &he eer was light and tasted of honey. 2##, sweet. Dane swallowed a #outhful and took the ottle fro# her. -ot as sweet as you. Instead of taking another drink, he poured the icy eer over her reasts. Keeley gasped, her nipples peaking instantly. $he had seen that done with other girls at the clu ut had not allowed it herself. .ut

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html there was so#ething ele#entally lascivious a out having a se(y #an eco#e drunk off her ody as well as eer. %e eagerly lifted his head and licked the rivulets, lapping drops off the tight uds. Keeley gra ed on to his shoulders, catching her reath as he took another #outhful of eer. Instead of swallowing it, though, he took a #outhful of her. &he cold car onation fiJJed on her sensitive nipple, #aking her sKueal. Dane chuckled in the ack of his throat, swallowed and repeated it with her other nipple, sending hot strea#s of desire to her pussy. $he arched her spine, giving hi# eager access as he #ade love to her reasts, pouring and sipping the eer over her until the ottle was e#pty. $etting it on the countertop with a clink, he ran oth hands over her ody as if he couldnt get enough of touching her. I swear, if the girl on the eer ad looked like you, I would have drunk too #uch to ever get through school. ;old eer licked off a hot wo#an. %e spread her thighs and dove into her liKuid center, teasing and playing with her clit until her legs weakened. %e slipped a finger inside her, rotating it slowly. $he groaned and shuddered a it when he caught her !"spot. 7oure ready for #e, Keeley. ;o#e get #e. $he positioned herself over hi# with each foot on either side of the chair and sank are inch y delicious are inch until they fit like a key and lock. &hey groaned, his cock *erking in ti#e to her own pulsations. 7oure so hot, they oth said in unison, and laughed. Without the condo#, she couldreally feel hi#, the fat head indenting sharply to the thick shaft, silky s#ooth and slick with oth their *uices. $weet Keeley. %is fingers dug into her thighs. +ll for #e, only for #e. &ight and wet. !onna die if you dont #ove on #e. $he used her strong thighs to lever herself up and down his pole, gasping every ti#e she hit otto#. %is alls were tight and war# on her ass, and she was spread wide open. Dane #oved his hands around fro# her reasts and cupped her ass. %e spread her even wider, playing with the cleft and dipping lower. $he stopped for a second at the unfa#iliar caress, ut he coa(ed her on. ,ela(, youll like it. &rust #e. $he did trust hi#, so she put her pleasure in his hands and #oved even faster, plucking at her clit at the sa#e ti#e. %e tensed under her as she rushed his cock with her nail. %e swirled his finger in her #oisture and gently teased her otto# opening. Keeley #oaned at the une(pectedly sharp feeling. 5ncouraged, he penetrated her there, too.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html /h, Dane. $he was swa#ped with lust e(tending fro# her clit all the way ack. $he was spread wide open and should have felt vulnera le, ut not with hi#. 7ou like it) he rasped. $he nodded, her head tossing ack and forth. I love it. I love ad girls. /nly a ad girl would let #e do this, dance naked for #e, let #e suck eer off her tits. +re you #y ad girl, Keeley) I a#, I# a really ad girl, she cried, caught up with the dou le penetration of his are flesh. %e swelled even farther inside her, his fingers #oving in rhyth# with her. %e uried his face etween her reasts, not saying anything for once, *ust #aking several lusty groans. :ightning shot fro# her clit all the way to her ass. /h1 ;all #ehoney when you co#e, he groaned. I wanna hear you talk for once. %e sucked her nipple hard into his #outh and she roke apart on top of hi#, her pussy sKueeJing on every inch of his long, are cock. %oney, honey, #y sweet honey Dane, oh1 %e trapped her onto his cock and finger as she chanted his na#e over and over. %e kissed her open, gasping #outh, ru ing his tongue along hers. &ake #y honey, a y. %e sla##ed up and *etted into her, his hot seed athing and overflowing her as she cried out at the unfa#iliar sensation. %e gave one last roar and slu#ped onto the kitchen chair. $he fell onto his chest and stuck. &hey were a #ess, covered in eer, sweat and se( *uices. Keeley kissed the racing pulse at the ase of his throat and laughed. &hats how to en*oy a Wisconsin %oney Weiss. %e sighed in satisfaction. &hats how to en*oy #y honey, Keeley. E? K55:57 ,5;:I-5Dagainst Dane on his huge leather couch. &hey were oth showered and fully dressed in anticipation of :aceys return and had polished off a second owl of popcorn. Keeley was in a #ellow #ood now and hadnt wanted to watch the tension"packed Ma#es .ond flick. $he was idly flipping channels instead. /h, look, Dane.!.I. .lues is playing. Ive seen practically every 5lvis #ovie ever #ade. Dane looked up riefly at the &4 and returned to nuJJling her neck. /h, yeah. &his is the one set in !er#any. 5lvis egan to sing Wooden %eart, one of his #ore popular songs that #i(ed !er#an and 5nglish. %##. %e actually doesnt have a ad accent. Ive always thought that was a du# title. + wooden heart) $ounds like a carved knickknack youd find in one of those gift shops with all the cuckoo clocks.

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7ou havent seen !er#an knickknacks til youve co#e to Wisconsin. .esides, I think the girl in the #ovie is eing wooden, or cold to hi#, or so#ething. -ot like you. %e slipped his hand under her shirt to caress her elly, ut for once, Keeley wasnt paying attention to his touch. + wooden heart. $he so#eti#es felt she was cut off fro# people, a it cold. /h, sure, she had loved her #other once upon a ti#e, ut her negligence and indifference had pretty #uch killed any affection. :acey, though. $he loved :acey with all her heart and always had. .ut sisters aside, shed never loved a #an, never een in love. $he sy#pathiJed with the girl in the #ovie. +fter all, a wooden heart was not easily roken. When 5lvis ca#e to the !er#an refrain, Dane started singing along in a pleasing aritone voice. 5lvis stopped, ut Dane continued, singing a couple #ore verses softly into her ear. Keeley could understand a few words fro# its si#ilarity to 5nglish, ut #issed al#ost all of it. Dane, I didnt know you could sing like that. %e shrugged, his ears turning pink. 2y #o#s #other was orn in !er#any and #y dads side of the fa#ily was $wiss, so our fa#ily were regular #e# ers of the local !er#an heritage clu . $o you speak it) %e nodded. What do the words say) &he first verse 5lvis sings is a out how he has to leave his girl to go find his fortune ut hell co#e ack again for her. +nd what were the verses you sang) /h, #ore of the sa#e. %e turned ack to the &4, settling her etween his thighs. :ets see what 5lvis is going to do now. 3ro a ly dance and sing0surprise, surprise. -ow she was intrigued. &ell #e what you sang to #e. I told you0#ore of the sa#e. &ell #e. $he rolled over to face hi#. /r Ill tickle it out of you. !o ahead. %e spread his ar#s wide. -ot gonna work. /h, yeah) $he did her est, tickling his neck and sides, even under the ar#s of his &"shirt. %e s#iled s#ugly at her, ut it was o vious she wasnt othering hi# at all. Why arent you ticklish) %e finally laughed. I have a rother, a sister and a out seventeen cousins. I learned real Kuick to not e ticklish.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html /h. %ow a out you, Keeley) Do you have any deep, dark secrets I can tickle out of you) %e crept his fingers up her ri s, #aking her giggle. -ope. +re ya sure) %e increased the pressure and speed, running his hands all over her ody. $he laughed so hard she lost her reath, una le to tell hi# anything. In a last"ditch effort to get away, she rolled off the couch onto the rug. %e followed, catching his weight on his ar#s efore he landed on her. 7ou okay, sweetheart) I didnt #ean for you to do that. I# fine. $he s#iled at hi#, eager to drop the su *ect of deep, dark secrets. 7oure #ore than fine. %e settled his ody over hers. /ur tickling #atch does have its advantages. %e ent his head to kiss her, ut the condo uJJer rang. /h, Dane, its pro a ly #y sister. $he gave hi# a Kuick hug and he stood and helped her to her feet. %e went over to the interco# and the door#an announced they had a 2iss :acey Davis co#e to visit and should he send her up. :acey #ust have taken the receiver away fro# the door#an ecause her cheerful voice rang out. !et dressed, yall, cuJ I# co#ing1 Keeley pressed her hands against her urning cheeks and Dane roared with laughter. !et your utt up here and stop e# arrassing your sister0shes red as a eet. Weare dressed, you little snot1 Keeley called. :acey laughed uproariously and hung up. !ood thing she didnt get here earlier, huh) Dane wiggled his lond rows suggestively, starting another lush for her. $top it1 $he swatted hi# in the ar#, her hand ouncing har#lessly off his icep. 7oure as ad as she is. /h, co#e on, Keeley. %e caught her hand and kissed it. Were *ust kidding you ecause we love you. %e went to open the door for her sister, leaving Keeley shell"shocked in the #iddle of the lu(urious foyer. %ad Dane even realiJed what he said) Did it even #ean anything) +fter all, he had lu#ped hi#self in with her sister in the whole love ver . %e ushered her sister in as an honored guest, chatting with her and giving her the grand tour. Keeley followed ehind the#, watching Danes indulgent e(pression as s#all"town :acey goggled over his condo. %e actually liked her sister and wasnt #aking nice with her to please Keeley.

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Must then, Dane gave Keeley a s#ile of such sweetness that her own wooden heart cracked right down the #iddle. +ll of a sudden, :acey wasnt the only person Keeley loved. -ow there was a second. Dane Weiss. +nd Keeley *ust knew she would wind up with so#e very painful splinters.

K55:57 ;+25 /8&fro# her apart#ent kitchen where shed een packing so#e nonperisha le snacks for :acey to eat while on the reha *o site. %eres so#e of those chewy granola ars, so#e trail #i(, yellow and red apples, raisins and cheese crackers. !ood grief, Keel, I# re#odeling houses, not cli# ing 2ount 5verest. .ut thanks. 7oure welco#e. -ow heres so#e #oney for that fish oil or oat ride you were talking a out. Keeley tucked a few twenties and fifties into a Jipper pocket on her sisters ackpack. :acey saw one of the fifties and her eyes widened. I dont want to take all your #oney on you. 8nless Dane gave it to you) -o, this is#y #oney, not his. I# not taking any #oney fro# Dane. I# #aking a undle on this consulting *o and I dont need any #an to give #e anything. /kay, geeJ, sorry. :acey held up her hands in placation. %er e(pression turned sly. $o does that #ean youre only using hi# for se() :acey Mo Davis1 7ou are the #ost, the a solutely #ost outrageous girl Keeley sputtered to a stop while :acey fell onto the futon laughing. :ook at you lush. I didnt think anything #ade you lush0and now a #an does) 2ust e so#e hot lovin going on. Keeley sKuawked in protest. We only started seeing each other a few weeks ago. %onestly, :acey, I dont know how you get these ideas. %er sister rolled her eyes. /h, I dont know0cuJ he looks at you like he *ust walked out of the $ahara and youre an ice crea# sundae) %e does not. Does to. Does not. Does to, does to, does to, and you know it, cuJ you look at hi# the sa#e way.

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Keeley assu#ed a haughty e(pression. I# sure I dont know what youre talking a out. I had so hoped that once you started college, you would grow in wisdo#0 $he roke off into a shriek as :acey tickled her around the waist. 7oure full of #ore ull than Danes fa#ilys far#. Dont lie to #e0are you in luuuuve) Keeley stiffened. $top. %er serious tone #ade :aceys eyes widen. /h, #y !od0youare in love1 Does he know that) I# sure he loves you, too. 7ouve never een in love efore. Wow, are you gonna #ove in together) /r even get #arried) :acey, please. Keeley sat cross"legged on the flokati rug. Dane and I, well, things are co#plicated. Were in the #iddle of that tricky audit and after that, he wants to leave for 5urope to do so#e work over there. $he gave what had to e a weak s#ile at :acey, whose e(pression was growing stor#ier and stor#ier as she listened. +nyway, I have #y clients to keep #e usy, and of course you. 7oure #y top priority. .ullshit1 :acey e(ploded. 7our du# "ass clients) %avent they ever heard of e"#ail and file attach#ents) +nd #e) I live three hundred #iles away and eat, sleep and reathe college. I love you #ore than any ody, sis, ut I will not let you use #e as an e(cuse for wi#ping out on this great thing you have with Dane. I a# not using you as an e(cuse1 &he accusation stung. :acey pursed her lips ut didnt say anything. +# I) %er sister nodded. I# not #eaning to. -ow that you know, cut it out. &ell the #an how you feel. :acey shook her curly head. If I had such a hot, nice, sweet guy panting after #e, Id e all over hi# like white on rice. 7ou would, would you) +nd has a guy like that co#e along for you) Keeley hoped not. :acey still had three years of college to go. -ope, not yet. $he laughed. +nd you can et Ill e the pickiest chick you ever #et. -o second"stringers for #e. +nd Danes the starting Kuarter ack, Keeley said drea#ily. :acey giggled. %es uilt #ore like an offensive lines#an, sugar, ut to each her own. -ow, go tackle that #an and ring hi# to his knees.

K55:57 $&,/D5through the office first thing 2onday #orning. $hed *ust finished looking over !lenns accounts and he looked clean. +ccording to the 3.I.s report and Danes latest chat with the older #an, his #others house had sold and she was safely ensconced in her new

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html apart#ent. Dane said !lenn was practically giddy with relief. Keeley, on the other hand, wasnt giddy a out her upco#ing #eeting. 2rs. %o son had e" #ailed her Briday to set up a #eeting to help ;herry learn #ore a out the .ingha# .rothers corporate culture. 2ore like take her to task for her clothing and rather o vious affair with her oss. Keeley couldnt have picked a etter pair of shoes for her little tRte"S"tRte with ;harlies e(ecutive assistant. &he four"inch clear :ucite heels actually had little e# edded colored lights that flashed with every step. &hey were tacky even for a stripper, unthinka le for an environ#ent such as this one. Which was pro a ly why +#anda %o son had een insistent on seeing her. ;harlie .ingha# had pro a ly ordered the older lady to talk so#e sense into her a out what was appropriate and what wasnt. Keeley had no intention of changing her look ut wanted the chance to snoop a out what ;harlie was up to. Keeley knocked on the door*a# and entered 2rs. %o sons open office. %iya, 2rs. %. %owre ya doin) If shed had gu# she would have cracked it. 2rs. %. looked up fro# her co#puter and visi ly lanched. Keeley didnt la#e her and had actually avoided looking in the #irror that #orning herself. &oday she was wearing a leopard" print skirt along with a gold la#' top that would have see#ed cheesy on a EID@s disco dancer. &he skirt was longer than her usual .ingha# .rothers attire ut had a slit in the ack going up into outer space. 2iss$#ith. 2rs. %o son was looking at her skirt as if it were a real leopard a out to pounce on her. $he shook herself and recovered slightly. 3lease, sit. If you can, in that skirt, she #uttered. Keeley perked up her ears and sat. + sarcastic side, huh) /h, please, call #e ;herry. 5veryone does. Bine. ;herry. Keeley looked at a few fra#ed photos of old ladies on 2rs. %o sons desk while she waited for her to offer her first na#e in return, ut decided shed e waiting forever. What did you want to see #e a out) she asked, purposely dangling her Kuestion. ;herry, 2r. .ingha# asked #e to talk to you a out your work attire. Which 2r. .ingha#) ;harlie) ;ant e .inky, ecause I ran into the old sweetie yesterday and he told #e how I rightened up the place. 2rs. %o sons #outh disappeared into a thin line, either at her calling theT er " osses y their first na#es or at .inkys well"known penchant for d'class' da#es such as herself. &he elder

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html 2r. .ingha# doesnt co#e to the office regularly, so perhaps he is not acKuainted with what we consider usiness wear. +h. Keeley nodded and tried to look stupid. I havent een wearing pants or *eans or anything casual like that. 2rs. %o son raised an eye row and tried a different tack. Did you work for 2r. Weiss efore co#ing here) I know he #ade a special reKuest to ring you a oard. %##, nosy now) 2utual friends introduced us, I was looking for a *o and he hired #e. Did you for#erly work in the entertain#ent field, dear) 7ou have Kuite the theatrical flair. &hank you. Keeley s#iled, not answering her Kuestion, which was hitting too close to the #ark. &he older lady pursed her lips. 2r. Weiss has een going through the accounts. %as he #entioned why) Keeley shrugged ut wondered a out her asking. I guess thats part of his *o . I dont know too #uch a out this finance stuff. Its not like I# an accountant or anything. $he couldnt resist that inside *oke. /h, I think you know plenty a out #oney. %er thin lips tightened even further. What) %ad she lown her cover already) Dane was not going to e happy. .ut how) &he only thing I know a out #oney is that having #ore is etter than having less. 2rs. %o son nodded s#ugly. I could tell. 7ou can always tell, with girls like you. /uch. Whaddya #ean, girls like #e) Keeley let so#e of her own anger spill into her voice. &his old troll was why Keeley didnt go around telling people how shed worked her way through school. Its ad for office #orale when e#ployees are over"fa#iliar with their e#ployers. :ives can e ruined for #uch less. Keeley thought this was a it over"the"top ut was intrigued. What do you #ean) 2rs. %o son stared at her. Ba#ilies torn apart, children hurt. .ut Dane isnt #arried, and he doesnt have any children. Was the older lady atty) &hats what youre ai#ing for, isnt it) Dane Weiss will never #arry you, you know. &hey never do.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html 2rs. %o son, I# not interested in #arrying Dane. &hat wasnt Kuite true. $he had thought a out it a couple ti#es, the way you thought a out eing an astronaut or winning the lottery. $he gave an unladylike snort, o viously seeing through Keeley. ,ight. Dont listen to #e. 7ou can screw your oss si( ways to $unday and see how far it gets you. If I were you, Id keep #y r'su#' updated. /nce hes tired of you, youre history. $he pointedly turned ack to her co#puter. Keeley linked in surprise and let herself out. &hat it of friendly advice had een a out the #ostunfriendly advice shed ever received, and shed had plenty of work confrontations at the strip clu . 2rs. %o son had an a( to grind so#ewhere in her past. %ad she slept with a oss and had the roof fall in on her head) $he turned the corner into her own office and found *ust the person to ask. .inky .ingha# sat across fro# Dane, oth #en standing when she ca#e in. Dane introduced the# in a low voice, using her real na#e. &he private investigator had co#e through that #orning and swept for surveillance, installing a few counter#easures of his own. %ave we ever #et, #y dear) 7ou see# terri ly fa#iliar. .inky eyed her avidly, her outlandish outfit like acon in front of a dog. Keeley plastered a s#ile on her face. .inky very well could have seen her act at the :ove $hack. !ood thing she wasnt naked with a can of whipped crea#, or he would have pegged her for sure. Weve never #et, although $ugar speaks very highly of you. %er atte#pt at distraction worked. %is wrinkly face lit up at the #ention of her. +h, $ugar. %e lapsed into a reverie, o viously replaying his #ental highlights fil#, of $ugar only, she hoped. Dane eckoned her to his side. Whats up) he whispered. 7ouve got that scowl that tells #e youre thinking hard a out so#ething. I dont scowl, she whispered ack. 7eah, you do. %e ran a finger etween her rows. ,ight here, it gets all furrowed. Burrowed) $he felt for herself. 8gh, he #eant wrinkled. Its a far# word. $o tell #e what youre thinking. I need to know #ore a out 2rs. %o son, she said under her reath. What do you know a out her) $hes een ;harlies secretary forever, even worked for his dad. .ut I dont know #uch #ore than that. 7oull have to ask .inky. 2r. .ingha#. $he ent over to get his attention, and parts of her did the *o . $he snapped her

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html fingers in front of her reasts and pointed to her face. Dane coughed to cover a laugh, ut Keeley continued, 2r. .ingha#, I need to know #ore a out 2rs. %o son. &hat really got his attention. 2rs. %o son) Why) Did he sound cagey, or was it *ust her) $he looked over at Dane, who wore a puJJled e(pression. Does she have any reason to want to hurt this co#pany) Dane snorted. %er) ;o#e on, Keeley. $he ignored hi#. &ell #e, 2r. .ingha#. $he was pretty angry underneath her pri# facade. .inky sighed, his shoulders slu#ping. I cant think its possi le, ut yes. $he sat ne(t to hi#. !o on. +#anda %o son worked for #y son ;harles +ndrew the Bifth, who# we called =uint. =uint was a wonderful oy. &he older #an stared off into space and swallowed hard ut continued, Wonderful, ut reckless. ,eckless in his sports0he would ride the wildest horse, ski the tallest #ountain, swi# the roughest seas. +fter ;harlie was orn, I egged hi# to ease up. %e had nothing to prove. %e turned to s#ile at Keeley. If he were a young #an today, he would e one of those professional Le(tre#e athletes and not have a thing to do with .ingha# .rothers. .ut that wasnt how it worked thirty years ago. I told =uint to co#e on oard or I would cut off his #oney. Keeley nodded. %ard to e a slacker rich oy without any dough. 3oor slackers didnt have #uch fun. $o =uint #oped around the offices until he hired +#anda. +fter that, he was happy here, productive, and going ho#e to his wife, Mulia, and ;harlie at night. +nd if he chose to take his secretary on usiness trips, who were we to o *ect) &a("deducti le, too, Keeley #ur#ured. =uint sounded like a real *erk. Dane caught her eye and shook his head. $he su sided grudgingly, letting .inky finish the story to which they all could guess the ending. =uint ca#e to #e a out a year later and told #e he was going to leave his wife for +#anda. We fought terri ly, especially since #y own secretary had overhead +#anda ragging a out how #uch #oney she would have once she #arried =uint. +pparently +#anda had developed a taste for the *et"set life thanks to #y son. Binally he agreed to wait si( #onths to try to work things out with Mulia for ;harlies sake. I suppose you could say I won, ut I# not so sure. I had +#anda transferred into the accounting depart#ent to get her away fro# hi#.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Keeley whipped her head around, #eeting Danes surprised look. +ccounting, huh) =uint took his fa#ily to $witJerland for ;hrist#as, and .inky sighed. %e hit a patch of ice on the lack dia#ond run and went headfirst into a tree. Killed instantly. Keeley winced and patted .inkys hand. I# so sorry. %e grasped her fingers, nothing ut sincerity shining fro# his eyes. It was a long ti#e ago, #y dear. Ive had decades to co#e to ter#s with it. $ure he had. -o ody ever got over losing a kid. .inky, I# sorry, too, Danes voice ru# led across the desk. Keeley was turning the possi ilities over in her #ind. $o she was transferred away fro# her #arried lover, who returned to his fa#ily and had a tragic accident efore she could win hi# ack, there y losing hi# forever. &he #en stared at her, o viously not considering the situation fro# a fe#ale point of view. Keeley al#ost felt sorry for the foolish girl +#anda %o son had een to pin =uint .ingha# as her #eal ticket out of the typing pool. +l#ost sorry, ut not Kuite. 5ven so, shes *ust a secretary. $he wouldnt have the foggiest idea how to steal fro# the co#panys trust funds. $he turned on Dane. :ike I#*ust a secretary) Ive found so #any gaps in the safeguards, I could take a illion dollars and e in .raJil efore you even linked. .inky looked nervously at Dane. $he sighed. -o, I a# not going to steal your #oney and eco#e a fugitive, .inky. .ut donot underesti#ate her ecause shes an older wo#an. $he is a wo#an who lost forever the #an she loved ecause ofyou, .inky. $he pointed at hi#. What etter way to have her revenge than to wreck your co#pany and put your grandson in *ail)

;%+,:I5.I-!%+2poked his head out of his office. %is e(ecutive assistant was whispering into her cell phone, her ack turned to hi#. 7es, I already told you the na#e. I dont care if you think its fake or not0*ust find out a out her. !et ack to #e +$+3. $he flipped the phone shut and #uttered a word that Kuite frankly shocked hi#. %e cleared his throat. 2rs. %o son) $he spun to face hi#, the unusually harsh lines of her face settling into a cheerful e(pression. 7es, 2r. .ingha#)

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Well, yes. 8#, how did your chat with 2r. Weisss assistant go) +h, yes, ;herry. %er nostrils flared, as if shed s#elled so#ething ad. I tried #y est, ut she insists on eing totally inappropriate for our office. 7ou #ay have to de#and that 2r. Weiss replace her. ;harlie successfully choked down his laughter. %i# de#and anything of Dane) -o, thanks, he liked having all his li# s attached. ,egretfully, ;herry was a condition of 2r. Weisss e#ploy#ent arrange#ent with #y grandfather. 2r. Weiss is Kuite attached to her, so unless so#ething egregious co#es up, I# afraid ;herry stays on. $o#ething egregious) / viously if she were caught e# eJJling fro# the client accounts, we could fire her, although I dont elieve she has enough rains to steal a o( of paper clips. ;harlie laughed at the idea of the redheaded i# o e# eJJling anything, ut his assistant didnt see the hu#or. /h, well. &hat was nothing new.

D/ 7/8 ,5+::7 &%I-K2rs. %o sons the thief) Dane sank into his desk chair after walking a shaken .inky to his li#o. Keeley was sorry to e the earer of ad news, ut .inky was a ig oy and knew the high stakes they were playing for. + strong possi ility. .o fro# accounting is clean, and so is !lenn. $hes een here long enough to learn everything, she has an accounting ackground, and she has the #otive. Well see. Do you want ;harlie to e the ad guy) .ecause I dont think he is, despite so#e of his cash transactions recently. I hate the guys guts, ut .inky doesnt deserve the disgrace. %e shrugged. If he is guilty, Ill do #y est to protect .inky fro# the fallout. Bair enough. Keeley held her felt"tip poised a ove the yellow legal pad. $o whats the co##on deno#inator of all the account holders) Dane flipped through the pages shed printed for hi#. &heyre all at least .inkys age, if not older. What else) &heyve all een clients of .ingha# .rothers for thirty years or #ore.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html /kay. Keeley wrote oth of those on her pad. Does .inky know the# personally) 2ost of the#, as far as I know. &hey all would have een heavy hitters on the elite social scene thirty or forty years ago. .inkys one of the last thats still active in society. I can tell. Keeley clicked fro# one clients file to another on her laptop with her other hand. +side fro# .inky, the rest of the# have ho#e health care. &his one has five thousand a #onth to +dult %o#e ;are of ;hicago, this one has five thousand a #onth to +dult %o#e ;are of ;hicago. Danes lue eyes widened with surprise. $o does this one0only here, for fifty"five hundred. &o +dult %o#e ;are of ;hicago) %e nodded. 7ou look through the papers0Ill check the co#puter files. $he had the software tally the health"care e(pense category, re#oving the o vious doctors office visits and hospital stays. &he co#puter popped up a total a#ount that #ade her whistle. $he scrolled though the payees. Dane, +dult %o#e ;are of ;hicago supposedly takes care of all ut three of these clients. $upposedly) %e lifted a row. I# not sure whos actually using ho#e health care. ;an you call .inky) %e nodded, his face set in an e(pression shed never seen, taut and fierce, as if he were going hunting. $he shivered, hoping she never saw it directed at her. %e #ade the call, running over the list of na#es with .inky, his e(pression growing even gri##er. +fter hanging up, he passed her a piece of paper. &hese and these0 he pointed at several na#es 0are living in assisted"living apart#ents or nursing ho#es. &hese other ones have a solutely no need for ho#e health care, and in fact four are on an around"the"world cruise and have not een in ;hicago for the past si( #onths. Ill check who re#ains on the list. $he Kuickly found two sets of pay#ents0one to +dult %o#e ;are of ;hicago and a second to different ho#e"care agencies for varying a#ounts0 pro a ly the legiti#ate e(pense. $he stared at Dane. +dult %o#e ;are of ;hicago0its the only co##on deno#inator. 5ach client is eing illed etween fifty and seventy"five thousand dollars a year for likely none(istent services. +nd with the siJes of the trust funds, they wouldnt even Kuestion it. &he trust ad#inistrator would authoriJe the #oney0after all, old people have e(pensive health"care ills. Keeley did a Kuick calculation. Dane, if we assu#e all those pay#ents are fraudulent, the total a#ount adds up to etween one"point"five and two #illion dollars a year.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html /h, #y !od. Dane looked stricken. &hat #uch) %ow long has this een going on) Keeley wanted to go co#fort hi# ut forced herself to search ackward for the start of the +dult %o#e ;are pay#ents. &hree years ago. Bive #illion dollars total. It #ade her sto#ach flip to say it. !ive or take a couple hundred thousand. !ive or take a couple hundred thousand) Dane groaned. &hree years ago is when .inky and the oard appointed ;harlie ;B/. &hat stupid, greedy astard1 %e knew what this would do to .inky if he got caught. %ow could he) %ow could he) Keeley echoed. $he *u#ped to her feet, una le to look any longer at the #issing #illion"dollar"plus figure on her co#puter screen. %er tacky heels sank into the plush carpet as she paced. 7eah, Dane,how could he) It doesnt #ake sense. %ow could he get on oard and start e# eJJling right away) %e would have had to plan this all #onths in advance for the ghost payrolling. Is he the type of guy who can do that) $ure, Keeley, he #ay e a creep, ut hes s#art, knows his way around finance. What does he know a out ho#e health) %as .inky ever needed it) %e shook his head. -o, not even after his heart attack. %is regular household help was enough. $o hes never cared for anyone elderly, never paid the ills for the#. Why would he think of ho#e health care) I dont know, Keeley1 Dane threw his hands up in frustration. .ecause hes a *ackass who wants to screw over his grandfather, his grandfathers co#pany and his grandfathers friends. &hen hes not the only one. Dont forget 2rs. %o son, the scorned #istress of =uint .ingha#, the one who# .inky sent toaccounting to get her away fro# his poor, doo#ed son) $he stopped and ent to Dane, resting her hands on the ta le. $he pro a ly cared for an elderly relative and saw how easy it would e to steal that kind of #oney. +fter all, the pay#ents are s#all, regular and reasona le. !et enough victi#s, and they add up. $he slapped the ta le. -ow Ill et you anything its her. ;all your 3.I. and get hi# on her. 7ou et #e anything) %e looked at her skeptically. $he pointed at her co#puter screen. I et you five #illion dollars. %e finally s#iled. 7oure on. .ut if you lose, I# holding you to your et. %e cupped her neck and gave her a Kuick kiss. +t five dollars a kiss. + #illion kisses) &hatll take forever, she half"heartedly protested. Dane winked at her and flipped open his phone. Bine with #e.

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Keeley linked in shock and fled across the roo# to her laptop, wondering what in the world he #eant.

%57, D+-5,whats with the goofy s#ile) +da# slugged Danes shoulder as he found hi# in the neigh orhood tavern they oth en*oyed. Dane looked up fro# where hed een grinning at his ottle of eer. -othing. It would take torture to #ake hi# ad#it to a uddy that his Keeley was sweet as honey and twice as delicious. +da# dropped into the stool ne(t to hi#. Well, it cant e ase all ecause the .rewers have dropped nine straight, and it cant e the 3ackers ecause its off"season for foot all. $o it #ust e a wo"#annn. %e dragged out the last word teasingly as if they were still in school. -ope. 8nfortunately, Dane felt the lush creeping up his neck and ears. %is friend guffawed. :ook at you. ,ed as a eet. .ite #e. It was a weak co#e ack, and they oth knew it. 7ou dont need #e for that0sounds like youve already found so#eone. +da# signaled to the artender for a eer as well. ;o#e on, spill. Did you #eet her at .ingha# .rothers) I didnt think they hired anyone under the age of si(ty. $ince the .ingha# audit was still confidential, Dane fudged the truth a it. I didnt #eet her at work. $ugar introduced us. +da#s eyes widened. $hes $ugars friend) Does she dance at Briskys, too) +da# ackpedaled at Danes frown. -ot that theres anything wrong with that. I #ean, look at where your sister got her start. -ot stripping, I #ean. .ut #aking stripper clothesIll drink #y eer now and shut up. &hank you, Dane snapped. Keeleys not a stripper, shes an accountant. $ugars accountant. /kay, sorry, Dane. %e wrinkled his lack rows. $ugars accountant) I think she #ight know .ridget. 2ay e. Dane shrugged, still not eager to trot Keeley out for his sisters approval. %e was a private kind of guy and esides, he and Keeley were *ust having so#e fun while their pro*ect lasted. Well, if you and she are still together in +ugust, you can ring her ho#e to Wisconsin for our wedding.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Dane flinched, and +da# hooted. .oy, now youre white as a sheet. /kay, I can understand if shes not the type of girl you ring ho#e to 2o##a. .elieve #e, Ive een in that oat. -ot that you can tell your sister that, though. Its not that. Keeleys great. $hes s#art, nice, eautiful. $he even gives #ost of her #oney to her younger sister to help put her through college. 2o# and Dad would love her. $o whats the pro le#) &hatis the pro le#. &heyd start planning#y wedding for ne(t su##er. +ll of us #arried and settled down. $tuck forever in one place. +da# drank his eer and stared ahead thoughtfully. Dane wished hed never roached the su *ect. Binally +da# roke the silence. Would that e so terri le) What) Danes eyes widened. 2arry Keeley) +re you nuts) 7ouve got weddings on the rain again. I guess if you loved her, it wouldnt e nuts. :ove) Who said anything a out love) 7ourethe guy sitting in a ar with a sappy look on your face. When will you see her ne(t) $even"forty"five tonight, Dane responded pro#ptly and glared at +da# when he laughed. +nd how #any #inutes until then) +nother seventy"five #inutes. /h, can it. I#not in love with her. +da# watched hi# for a #inute and shrugged. :oves the thing, ro. Without it, we are clanging gongs. %e stood and patted Danes shoulder. I have to go #eet .ridget. &ake care. &hanks a lot, uddy1 Dane called after hi# sarcastically. +nd you can stop #isKuoting your wedding $cripture readings to #e, too1 Must then a #etallic crash ca#e fro# the ars kitchen. Dane flinched again.!ong.

D+-5 B:I335D &%,/8!%the packet of papers his 3.I. had couriered over regarding the investigation into +dult %o#e ;are of ;hicago and its possi le owner, +#anda %o son. %e pressed his lips together as the evidence #ounted and pushed the interco# utton on his desk. ;herry, can you co#e in here) .e right there, she said riskly.

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Dane had no idea how Keeley did it all0a co#plicated secret audit plus enough of her e(ecutive assistant duties to not raise any eye rows. $he was a#aJing. $he appeared in the door and his #outh grew dry. &oday she was wearing a hot pink top that should have clashed with her wig, ut didnt. %er lack skirt ended several inches a ove thepiUce de r'sistance, a pair of thigh"high lack leather oots with skinny heels that #ade her look like a pirate Kueen. .ooty indeed. +hoy0I #ean, oh, hi, co#e on in and close the door. $he gave hi# a peculiar look at his ver al slip ut did as he asked. Whats up, Dane) -othing she should take care of at the office. &he investigator had these dropped off. &ake a look. %e passed her the packet. $he flipped through the papers and laughed triu#phantly. Itold you it was her. &he #ysterious cash transfers, living eyond her #eans. +nd did you see the na#e on the usiness license for that phony ho#e health"care agency) $he loathes .inky and his grandson and this is the est way she can screw the# over. When can we take the evidence to .inky) -ot for a couple of days. %e has a oard #eeting in :ondon, so he flew over there last night. I have the 3.I. and his staff tailing +#anda in case she tries to leave town. ,ats1 +ll that work, and now we have to wait. $he stood and paced across his office. $hes een ripping off the clients for two years, so I guess two days wont #ake a huge difference. %e s#iled at her. $he was so s#art. 7ou called it right0I guess you win our et. .et) $he re#e# ered and started to lush. /h. Bive #illion dollars. /r a #illion kisses, he #ur#ured, en*oying how her lush covered her lovely reasts. 7oull have to take an I/8 for now. /nce I start, I wouldnt want to stop. %er hot green gaJe #et his and fell to the glea#ing wood e(panse of his desk, and he groaned, his cock hardening at the #ental i#age of her flat on her ack, oots wrapped around his waist as he pounded into her. %e tried not to whi#per. /h, Keeley, dont look at #e like that. I# not #ade of stone. + sly s#ile spread over her face. ;are to #ake a et on that) %e shook his head ruefully. -o. 7ou know Id lose right now. ;o#e on, talk to #e a out spreadsheets or so#ething nu#erical. I have a #eeting with ;harlie in five #inutes and I dont want to scare the poor guy. %ed e *ealous ecause he doesnt #easure up.

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/kay, thats helping. Keeley eckoned hi# closer. I learned where ;harlie .ingha#s cash has een going for the past several #onths. Where) &he devilish e(pression on her face clued hi# in that it was pro a ly a good story. &hat #oney is going for the care and raising of ;harles +ndrew .ingha# the $eventh. Danes *aw dropped. ;harlie has a son) +pparently hes a out seven #onths old. %is #other is, or rather used to e, a feature dancer at %ot to &rot !entle#ens ;lu in :ouisville, Kentucky. $he traced ;harlie through the .ingha# .rothers We site and the oy passed a D-+ test. %is #other is a stripper) Dane roared with laughter. +fter all the grief ;harlies given .inky over the years, he gets stuck with a stripper for the #other of the .ingha# heir. Keeley gave hi# a sour look. %e ackpedaled, knowing her affection for $ugar. -ot that shes a ad person or anything. $he could have gone to the papers, so she #ust hold her sons well" eing first, like any good #other. Keeleys e(pression lightened, so he knew hed said the right thing. +re you usy after work today) &he sight of her footwear re#inded hi#0he wanted to play pirate with her. $he shook her head, and he couldnt #iss the glea# in her eyes. 2y place. $even oclock. Wear those oots and prepare to e oarded.

K55:57 D,+!!5Dherself into the office two days later. :acey had co#e ack to ;hicago late $unday and had kept her awake telling the stories of her Wisconsin adventures. :ucky :acey could sleep til noon if she wanted, ut ;herry the secretary had to drag her utt in at eight. /h, great, the crowd of losers was flocking around her desk again. &hey hadnt een around since Dane had #arked his territory, so to speak. &hey turned and grinned when they saw her, ut didnt #ove. 5(cuse #e. %i, ;herry. Dirk fro# accounting s#irked. We thought you were a sweet cherry, ut #ay e youre a tart. &he other #en sniggered. What) $o#ething had gone wrong. Dane, where was Dane)

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Dirk continued, $o#e ody left this naughty photo in the #ens roo# this #orning, and we were a#aJed to see it was you. %e randished a full"color poster, and the office swirled diJJily around Keeley. It was an old pu licity photo fro# the :ove $hack that she had allowed the# to take efore she wised up to the ga#es so#e #en played. ;herry &arte, the :ove $hacks newest sensation, the lettering read. &he photo had her in her red wig, whipped crea# sprayed on her reasts and !"string and two #araschino cherries perched over where her nipples would e. Da##it, she thought shed gotten rid all of those photos. %is sidekick started singing, .oo#" a"dah oo#, a"da oo#. &he #en laughed and #ade cracks a out her ody and wondered aloud what she looked like under the whipped crea#. !et lost1 $he hated how her voice shrilled, ut she hadnt even felt this e(posed dancing #ostly naked at a strip ar. What the hells going on here) Danes aritone ellowed through the office. Keeley sagged with relief as Dane ca#e striding toward her. 2ost of the hangers"on slunk away, ut the ringleader randished the poster. :ook, Weiss, youve got your very own stripper. 7ou lucky dog, I et she sure knows her #oves when she goes0 $hut up and give #e that poster. I# not going to ask you again. Dirk acked away, waving it in front of Danes face. Why) 7ou already know what she looks like under whipped crea#. Dane reddened with rage ut his voice was still low and steady. Bine. Keep it. Its as close as youll ever get to a real wo#an anyway. Dirk dropped the poster and punched wildly at Dane, who easily locked it and laid into Dirk with a fist of his own. &he re#aining #en dispersed Kuickly at the sight of the *erks lip pouring lood. Weith, you thon"of"a" itch1 Dirk lisped. !et your ass out of here or the ne(t ones to your nose. Dane randished his clenched hand, the streaks of lood a savage contrast to his fine cotton cuffs and gold cuff links, and Dirk left the office. Keeley approached Dane cautiously, as he was staring at the poster on her desk. Dane, are you all right) %e shook his head and snorted without looking at her. Dane) $weetheart) $he had never called hi# y any endear#ents in the office efore.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Why are you asking #e if I# all right) %e straightened and spun toward her. 7oure the one who was under attack. 7oure all right, arent you) %is #uscles fle(ed and unched under his suit *acket. 7es. Must a little scared. + little) Keeley, they were co#pletely out of line. $he couldnt stand that poisonous poster. $o what) I# used to it. $ee) $he pointed to her old photo. &hat really is you) %is face sagged. I thought it #ight e one of those co#puter"altered things posted to stir up trou le. Its stirring up trou le all right, ut its real. &hat was #e a out seven years ago. ,e#e# er that place I worked to put #yself through school) It was the :ove $hack strip clu , and I was their top act. 2iss ;herry &arte. Whipped crea#, #araschinos, the whole it. I danced naked for #en, took their #oney, and was glad to do it. What) +fter all the grief you got with your #o#s pervert oyfriends) %ow could you do that) 2y ter#s1 $he sta ed a thu# into her reast" one, ignoring the ache uilding underneath. 2y rules. If I didnt want to give so#e scu# ag a lap dance, I didnt. If I didnt want to do achelor parties, I didnt. +nd dont tell #e youve never een a custo#er ecause Iknow you have. Dane winced guiltily. &he phone on her desk rang, and he answered. ;harlie .ingha#s angry voice lared. Dane listened for a few seconds and cut hi# off. :ook, .ingha#, Ive already punched one guy today, so usting you in the chops wont #ake any difference to #e and Ill derive intense pleasure fro# it. Ill take care of it if you shut up and hang up. Dane sla##ed the phone. Keeley didnt need to ask what that was a out. 7ourpostersare everywhere in the office0all the athroo#s, copy roo#s, lunchroo#s. &heres no way you can stay here today. Ill take you down in the freight elevator and you can take the rest of the day off. .inky wont e ack until to#orrow. %is #eeting ran over. %is tone was cool and i#personal. %er shoulders sagged. $o #uch for Dane. %e couldnt handle the fact shed een a stripper. -o, dont other taking #e in the freight elevator. Ill walk out the front door. I #ay have taken off #y clothes for #oney, ut I still have #y pride.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html K55:57 W+$ +.:5to keep her co#posure all the way ho#e and up the stairs into her apart#ent. $he tiptoed past :aceys sleeping for# on the futon and #ade it into her edroo# efore gli#psing herself in the pier #irror. BlooJy red hair, spidery"looking fake eyelashes and clothes that would #ake a whore lush. $he yanked off the wig and eyelashes, chucking the# across the roo#. %er strappy red heels, Danes favorites, followed shortly. Dane. $he flung herself on the ed and urst into tears. What did a girl fro# a trailer park e(pect) Wine and roses) 2ore like eer and dandelions. %ey, hey, whats wrong) :acey stood ehind her in the doorway, ru +re you hurt) Did you get fired) ing sleep fro# her eyes.

Keeley could only shake her head and weep into her unco#forting co#forter. :acey shook her head in dis#ay and sat ne(t to her, gently re#oving her hair pins and ru ing her scalp. &alk to #e, sis. Is it Dane) /h, it was Dane, all right. $he had a fresh wave of tears. Its Dane, its #e, its everything. $he was sick of deceiving Dane, sick of deceiving her loyal sister, sick of deceiving herself that she was actually going to e so#eone so#eday. &hat she would actually e valued for herself as a whole person, not *ust her ody. &ell #e. :acey flipped her onto her ack with a #artial arts #ove. -ow. :acey, I# not who you think I a#, she egan painfully. Ive done things I# not necessarily proud of. :acey sat on her heels and sighed. /h, Keeley. +re you eating yourself up over your e(otic" dancing *o ) Keeley propped herself on her el ows and gaped at her. What) %ow long have you known) + out five years now. :acey shifted to a cross"legged position on the ed, a sy#pathetic e(pression on her face. ,e#e# er when I was starting high school and you ca#e to visit) 7ou still had that old clunker of a car and the ackseat was a #ess. 7ou offered #e five ucks to clean it and I found a flyer fro# that place in the city, that clu . &he :ove $hack) :acey nodded and Keeley shifted onto one el ow and groaned. I wondered why you would have so#ething like that in your car, so I checked it online. &hey had a picture on the We site0I recogniJed you despite your wig and, u#, outfit. Keeley started to cry again, realiJing it pro a ly had een the sa#e raunchy pu licity photo that was currently #aking the rounds at .ingha# .rothers. 7ou were the one person in the world who I never wanted to find out. Dane had een the second. .ut you never said a word. %er sister pulled her into a hug. 7ou didnt see# any different to #e, so I figured you were okay with it.

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Keeley rela(ed into her sisters e# race, putting her thoughts into words for the first ti#e. Iwas okay with it, e(cept for not eing honest a out it with you. I got a *o as a cocktail waitress at a regular ar. /ne of #y friends worked at the :ove $hack and convinced #e to apply. /nce I learned how #uch #oney she #ade, I auditioned and never looked ack. 2akes sense, Keel. ;hicago is pricey. +nd all #y #oney was going for ooks and tuition at the city college. $he sighed into :aceys shoulder. I had een living in a neigh orhood even worse than the trailer park, :acey. &hats why I never wanted you to co#e visit #e. /h, Keeley. %er sister stroked her hair. 7ou should have stopped sending #oney ho#e to #e for karate. I would have understood. -o, :acey. Keeley pushed away fro# her sister and peered into her green eyes, al#ost a #atch for Keeleys own. 7ou needed those self"defense classes. I didnt trust 2o# not to keep ringing losers around who #ight have othered you, like they did #e. :acey gave her a wicked s#ile. /ne did try to other #e, as you put it. I gave hi# a knife"hand chop to the throat and he passed out on the floor. Keeley gasped, ut :acey *ust laughed. I called IEE, and the cops arrested hi# and took hi# to the hospital0so#ething a out a fractured laryn(. +fter that, 2o#s social life took a definite downturn. $ee#s all the local perverts have their own grapevine. $he patted Keeleys hand. $o all your karate #oney was well worthwhile. Keeley stared at her, aghast. 7ou never told #e any of that1 %ow could you keep #e in the dark) :ike you did, sis) Keeley finally laughed. &ouch',sis. -o #ore secrets etween us. +nd no #ore secrets etween you and Dane. :acey gave her a stern look. &hats why youre crying, isnt it) 7ou kept the e(otic dancing a secret and he was all shocked and you pro a ly got all angry with hi# and now youre all upset ecause you think youve lost hi# forever. Keeley needed a second to follow that sentence ut had to agree with it. &he look on his face. :ike he has any right to *udge #e. %es pro a ly spent #ore ti#e in strip clu s than I have. $he riefly e(plained the unpleasant events of the #orning. :acey wrinkled her row. $o you two never actually had the chance to discuss anything) %e hustled #e out the door like so#e one"night stand the #orning after.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html $ounds like all hell was reaking loose and he wanted to get you clear of it, :acey stated. +nd wouldntyou e shocked if he told you hed worked his way through school dancing naked for achelorette parties) Keeley stared agape at her. &he i#age of Dane in a leopard"print !"string eing screa#ed at y drunken rides was too #uch for her, and she urst into giggles. $ee) :acey poked her in the side. ;ut the guy so#e slack. +fter all, youre in love with hi#. -o, I# not. Keeley frowned. %ow could I e in love with a #an who cant accept #e for who I a#) :acey shoved her so she fell on the #attress. %ows he supposed to accept you for who you are) 7ou never showed hi# who you are, you idiot1 %onestly1 $he rolled her eyes. %ed never een here to your apart#ent, he had no idea you were dying to travel and see allet perfor#ances, and you hadnt worked up the guts to tell hi# a out ;herry &arte. Bace it, Keel. 7ou wi#ped out. Keeley slu#ped onto the edge of the ed. Dane tried to dig deeper, to find the real #e, ut youre right0I chickened out. Is Dane worth opening yourself up or was he *ust uttering #e up to get on your good side) -o, hes always like that0calls his #o# every week and is est #an at his sisters wedding this su##er. Keeley sniffled. %e rought #e ho#e#ade cherry pie and ru ed #y feet after a long day in those awful shoes. 3opped popcorn for #e, let #e hog the ed $he stopped, her eyes wide. $hed let that one out of the ag. :acey *ust giggled. I kinda figured you had #ore going on than good"night kisses. Keeley felt her face heat. Do what I say, not what I do. %er sister waggled a finger at Keeley. &henyou do whatI say and talk to the #an. Its ti#e for you to are your soul now, not your ody.

I& W+$ + !,I2 !,/83that #et in the .ingha# .rothers conference roo# the ne(t day. Dane was heartsick that hed screwed up things royally with Keeley and inadvertently e(posed her to ridicule y letting her #asKuerade continue. %e looked around the ta le and saw .inkys haggard face and ;harlies worried one. &he only thing that ;harlie knew was there had een a #a*or accounting discrepancy. &he corporate counsels and private investigator wore serious e(pressions. 2rs. %o son was

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html there as well, ostensi ly to take notes, ut she looked as if nothing in the world othered her. Keeley was not there. %ed left a #essage a out the #eeting on her voice #ail, ut she hadnt returned his call. %e couldnt wait any longer for her. Why dont we get started) &he door opened and Keeley entered. -ot ;herry, and not the uttoned"up eige Keeley hed first #et. &oday she wore a well"tailored yet classy navy" lue usiness pantsuit with a white louse underneath, along with fashiona le ut sensi le lue heels. $orry I# late. I got stuck in traffic. Dane suppressed an inappropriate grin. !entle#en, this is Keeley Davis. $o#e of you #ay have already #et her. ;harlie and 2rs. %o son looked at her lankly. Keeley s#iled. %iya, 2rs. %o son. %owre ya doing) Dane rela(ed a it in his chair. With Keeley there, he could pull this off. Keeley saw Dane settle ack and take charge of the decidedly frosty at#osphere. %is lue stare lasered through the older wo#an.!o get her , she silently cheered. Dane fired the opening salvo. 2rs. %o son, we know a out you and the special group of trust funds. 2e) 2r. .ingha#s grandfather entrusted the# to hi# to care for since they elong to his elderly friends. Why) Is so#ething wrong) %er faded eyes widened inKuisitively. .inky and ;harlie shuffled uneasily, sending accusatory looks their way. +#anda %o son was good, Keeley had to ad#it. &he role of loyal e(ecutive assistant fit her perfectly, e(cept for the calculating glea# hidden deep in her eyes. Keeley dou ted if the #en could see it. 2en al#ost always #issed that. .ut not Dane, apparently. %e viewed ;harlies assistant with the sa#e cool e(pression and didnt waver. %e gestured to Keeley, who was sitting ne(t to hi#. +nd youhave #et Keeley Davis. $hes the forensic accountant .inky hired to audit the trust funds. + forensic accountant) 2rs. %o sons row wrinkled politely. I dont elieve Ive had the pleasure. 7ou pro a ly wouldnt recogniJe #e without #y red wig and #iniskirt, Keeley infor#ed her. ;herry) + crafty e(pression ca#e over her face. 7oure right. &he last I saw of you was in that poster, when you were wearing nothing ut so#e whipped crea# and a s#ile. &hat was nothing ut a photo #anipulation designed to e# arrass her, Dane inter*ected.

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Keeley rested her hand on his forear#. -o, Dane. -o #ore lies. -ot fro# #e, and certainly not fro# her. $he gave the older wo#an a hard stare. &hat photos real, as you #ust have known when you dug it up to e# arrass #e. I was a poor trailer park kid who paid #y way through school as an e(otic dancer. &he .ingha# #en yelped, .inky in delight and ;harlie in dis#ay. $o you ad#it it. 2rs. %o son gave her a twisted s#ile. /f course. Keeley narrowed her eyes and threw down the gauntlet. I earned #y #oney honestly, not stealing it fro# .inkys long"standing friends. ;harlie looked etween the two wo#en. $tealing fro# friends) ;an so#eone tell #e whats going on) .inky sighed. $o#ething was rotten in the state of Den#ark, as the .ard said, so I rought Dane and Keeley in to discover if the young prince was the thief. ;harlie olted to his feet, his chair tipping ackward. 2e) %e thunked a thu# into his chest. 7ou thoughtI would steal fro# our clients) I# no godda#n thief1 .inky looked at hi# pleadingly. 3lease, ;harlie. I so hoped it wasnt you. .ut all the suspicious accounts were directly under your ailiwick. .ecause you specifically gave the# to #e1 +ll your old cronies and their widows to look after. I knew they were i#portant to you, so I #ade sure 2rs. %o son herekept an eye on the#. %is anger deflated. /h, #y !od. Did I set the fo( to guard the henhouse) I# sure I dont know what youre talking a out, the older wo#an said pri#ly, ut Keeley detected a crack in her facade and rought out the pry ar. +dult %o#e ;are of ;hicago, Keeley announced and saw a s#all flinch. $he passed copies of her audit results to .inky and ;harlie. 7ou should have done your ho#ework etter, +#anda, she said, purposely using the wo#ans first na#e to psychologically level the playing field. +ccording to 2r. .ingha# here, several of his friends are either too well or too sick to reKuire ho#e health care. $o there was no legiti#ate reason for the# to #ake pay#ents to your ghost payrolling co#pany. +#anda scoffed. /ooh, a ghost payrolling co#pany. %ow unusual here in ;hicago, ut you cant tie #e to anything.I was too careful, her e(pression s#irked. +ctually, yes we can, Dane chi#ed in. +s part of your e#ployee agree#ent with .ingha# .rothers, and according to federal regulations, as well, the co#pany has a right to conduct periodic ackground checks. 2aking sure people arent funneling #oney where it shouldnt e funneled. %e pulled out another sheaf of papers. /ur investigator found several large regular

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html transfers into your personal account. $o) $he shrugged. I inherited so#e #oney fro# #y #other when she died a few years ago. Keeley shook her head. -o, the only thing you got fro# your #other was the idea on how to ilk .ingha# .rothers using a ho#e health"care sca#. 7ou saw how #uch cash people were willing to pay to stay in their ho#es and took despica le advantage of that. +d#it it, +#anda. +d#it you stole the #oney. .inky stared at her. 3ay ack our clients and I wont prosecute you. $orry, .inky. $he shrugged. 5ven if I had stolen five #illion dollars, where do you think it would e) 8nder #y ed) +ny decent e# eJJler would have opened offshore accounts for this very purpose. Danes eyes narrowed and a cold s#ile crept across his face. %ow did you know it was five #illion dollars, +#anda) -o ody #entioned that a#ount, and you havent looked at the papers we gave the .ingha#s. What) &he crack widened, thanks to Danes sharpness. Didnt you say it was five #illion) -o. Keeley shook her head. !ive up. 7ouve lost. &he older wo#an pursed her lips and laughed with a nasty hysterical edge. Dont you think I already know that) I lost thirty years ago. Dont0 .inky said, casting a nervous look at ;harlie. Dont what) Dont tell your grandson the truth) $he whipped around to Keeley. :ook what you started, you little tart. +ll this truth"telling. $he shuddered theatrically. !od for id, precious little ;harles .ingha# the $i(th should know the truth a out his grandfather. +nd father. Whata out #y father) %e passed away thirty years ago. !randfather, whats she talking a out) ;harlie de#anded. .inky spread his hands helplessly, his face sagging. ;harlie, I# so sorry. I never wanted you to know. +#anda and your father, well ;harlie snapped his head around to the wo#an hed thought had een loyal to hi#. 7ou and #y father) 7ou had an affair, didnt you) -o, it was #ore than an affair0I loved hi#1 Keeley rolled her eyes. :oved the .ingha# illions #ore likely, according to .inkys for#er secretary.

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+#anda clasped her hands to her louse. =uint and I were soul #ates. I fulfilled hi# in a way your #other never could. ;harlie sla##ed a fist onto the conference ta le, #aking the papers rattle. 7ou leave #y #other out of it1 $he ignored his out urst and continued, $he was wrapped up in you, you little astard, so your father turned to#e. We were planning our new life together when he was tragically killed. $he gave a dra#atic so . .inky looked shell"shocked and ;harlie was a out to pop a lood vessel. Keeley stepped into the reach. -o, thats not true. =uint du#ped you. :eft you. Kicked you to the cur . +nd for what) 2oney. &he .ingha# #oney. .inky here wanted his grandson to have an intact fa#ily, so he threatened to cut off =uints party" oy funds. =uint never loved you enough to epoor. +#andas face cru#pled and she uried it in her hands. .ut utI cant elieve that she would wait all these years for pay ack. ;harlie dropped into a chair. Do you have any real proof) Dane silently slid a piece of paper over to hi#, a sy#pathetic look on his face. ;harlie read the paper, his e(pression slu#ping into lines of anguish. &he usiness license to +dult %o#e ;are of ;hicago, he said dully. 2andy =uinton, proprietor. %e stared at the older wo#an. 2y father wouldnt give you his na#e, so you stole that, too. =uint always called #e 2andy. +#anda coolly stared at hi#. .ingha# .rothers owes #e, and you would have kept on paying if it werent for this slut with #ore oo s than rains. Dane growled deep in his throat. Keeley stood and leaned over the ta le to +#anda, their faces inches apart. Birst of all, a wo#an who had an adulterous affair is in no position to throw stones. +nd second, I #ay have nice reasts, ut I have even etter rains. 2ore than enough to catchyou.

K55:57 $:I335D /8&while .inky, Dane and the lawyers were discussing the repercussions to the co#pany. $he desperately wanted to talk to Dane, ut now wasnt the ti#e. $he took the elevator to the lo y and was pushing her way through the revolving doors when she heard Dane call her na#e. Keeley, wait1 %e ran after her. Dane. %er heart thu#ped. $he hadnt planned this, she wasnt ready for hi# despite her rave

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html talk with :acey. Dont they need you upstairs) %e shook his head. 7ou and I have done our part. &he rest is up to .inky and the legal staff. $he looked along noisy, usy :a$alle $treet, heart of the financial district and where shed always wanted to e. .ut :a$alle $treet was no place for laying her heart are. Do you want to go for a drink) %e shook his head. Ive had enough of eing trapped inside. :ets catch a ca to the lakefront for so#e fresh air. $he agreed. 2ay e the natural eauty would oost her courage. Dane hailed a ta(i and soon they were walking along :ake 2ichigan. %e tipped his handso#e face up to the clear lue sky. +h, #uch etter. $o#eti#es I wonder why I picked a career that keeps #e inside #ost of the ti#e. Whydid you pick usiness consulting, Dane) $he shed her suit *acket in the hot 2ay sun, and Dane gallantly carried it for her. I love the puJJle of it, he e(plained. Biguring out what, or who, should go where. What to do with a co#pany. %e laughed. 3lus, #y fa#ily would tell you I# too ullheaded to easily work for anyone else. %ow a out you) I love order. $he put her words together carefully, knowing they would reveal so#ething a out her shed never shared efore. I guess ecause I grew up in chaos. +nd I was a cha#pion couch"diver. +ny change that fell etween the cushions went into #y piggy ank and I even had an old check ook register to add every coin. +n accountant in the #aking. Dane glanced at her. $o what happens when so#ething co#es along to overturn your sense of order) :ike a certain gorgeous Wisconsin financial consultant) $he wanted to take his hand ut was unsure how he would react. $he decided to talk usiness instead. It was always safer. &hat #eeting this afternoon was certainly chaotic. Do you think .inky will prosecute her) Keeley asked. 2##, I dou t it. %ell pro a ly pay ack the accounts hi#self. Keeley gaped at hi# and laughed. I guess five #illions a drop in the ucket for hi#. &he lake reeJe tossed her hair, her real hair, and she was glad for its coolness on her scalp. $he wouldnt throw away her wig, ut would e perfectly happy to keep it in the closet for a long ti#e. + s#all price to pay for peace of #ind. %e doesnt want all the sordid details a out =uint to co#e out, for ;harlies sake. +nd for the co#panys sake, Keeley re#inded hi#. If word got out, the clients #ight panic.

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&hat, too, Dane agreed. .inky offered #e the controller position on a per#anent asis. I told hi# Id think a out it. $he gri#aced. Why would you want to work there) Its stuck in the EIF@s and you cant think ;harlie .ingha# will e any happier to work with you after what he learned today. Dane #oved off the wide concrete path and pulled her to a tree"shaded ench, away fro# #arauding icyclists and Joned"out *oggers. %e rested his el ow on the enchs ar#. I# considering taking the *o so I can stay here in ;hicago. %er heart flipped in her chest ut she forced herself to cal#ly ask, Why) &o e near your sister and her fianc') -o, Keeley. %e took a deep reath. $o I can e nearyou. 2e) she whispered, shocked despite all her hopes. 7es, you. -ow that hed said it, he rela(ed his shoulders and took her hand. What do you say to that) %e tugged her close. $he pressed her face into his war# chest and inhaled his wonderfully fa#iliar scent. Keeley, sweetheart) %e held her face, his lue eyes a dead #atch for the horiJon. What do you think) Do you want #e around) Bor how long) %ow long do you want #e) %e kissed her gently. 7ou have to know I dont think less of you for your dancing gigs. !od knows I dropped at least enough #oney in those places to pay for so#e girls te(t ooks. $he giggled at his *oke ut grew serious. Dane, the look on your face when you saw the poster, though. Keeley, Id walked in to see a #o of #en hassling you and that scared #e. I al#ost tore the# apart and then I saw a photo of you wearing whipped crea# and two #araschinos. 2y #ental state was not the est at that point. +ll I could think a out was #aking sure you were so#ewhere safe, and that wasnt .ingha# .rothers. &hats what :acey said, she ad#itted. $he told #e to cut you so#e slack. %e grinned. 7our sisters one s#art cookie. .ut how could she not e) 7ou raised her, didnt you) 3retty #uch, she ad#itted. We had each other, and that was enough.

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.ut now shes grown, and you need #ore, dont you, Keeley) 7ou need #e. +nd I need you. %e swallowed hard. Its #ore than need, a y. I love you. /h, Dane. &o her e# arrass#ent, tears filled her eyes, lurring his features into a watery silhouette. $he swiped at the #oisture. Darn it, why a# I always crying around you) I never cry this #uch. 7ou are always safe with #e, Keeley. &hats why. $he was safe, so she took a deep reath and gathered her soggy courage. I love you, too, Dane. 5ver since the coffee shop, its een uilding with every thoughtful gesture you #ade, every ti#e you loved #e. I *ust didnt ad#it it ecause I didnt want to need anyone. %e covered her face in passionate kisses, leaving the# oth reathless and aroused. %e plunged his fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head. 7ouve haunted #y drea#s since we #et, and I wake up to find reality even etter. I cant stand to e away fro# you, Keeley. $he grinned at hi#. &hen for goodness sake, dont take .inkys *o . If you still want to travel, I want to go with you. 2y clients can e"#ail #e their accounting files, and Ill co#e ack for ta( season. ,eally) 7ou want to travel with #e) Dane, Ive only een to two states0Illinois and 2issouri. -ot even Wisconsin) he gasped in #ock horror. -ot even Wisconsin. Well fi( that ecause I want to take you ho#e to #eet #y fa#ily. %e nuJJled her ear and whispered, I thought we could announce our engage#ent. $he pulled ack in shock, e(a#ining his e(pression for any hint of *oking. %e was as serious as shed ever seen hi#, and he nodded. 2arry #e, Keeley. I want your sister to walk you down the aisle while #y rothers stand with #e. I want every ody to see how right we are together. &heywere right together. /nly one condition. %e held hi#self very still, waiting for her answer. What) 7ou a solutely have to let #e give you so#e dance lessons for our wedding reception. /therwise it will look like I# dancing around you like youre a strip clu pole olted to the floor. %e threw ack his head and laughed. .a y, you can use #e for your pole anyti#e.

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$he laughed and laughed in delight, feeling as if she were floating a#ong the tops of the trees ut still fir#ly with Dane. %e was her rock, #ore solid than the oulders lining the shore and #ore powerful than the waves crashing the each. I love you, Dane Weiss, ut you never did tell #e your #iddle na#e. I# not sure I can #arry a #an without knowing his #iddle na#e. Keeley %e gri#aced. ;o#e on, you know Ill see it on the #arriage license. $he tickled hi# in the ri s. %er ert, he #uttered. 2y grandfathers na#e. %er ert) $he stifled a s#ile. I love you, Dane %er ert Weiss. Borever. +nd I love you, too, KeeleyWhats your #iddle na#e) he prodded. $he sighed. :oretta. :oretta) %e it his lip ut those cute di#ples showed his a#use#ent. Is that a fa#ily na#e) If you #ust know, #y #other is a country #usic fan and I was na#ed after :oretta :ynn. I# *ust grateful #y full na#e isnt :oretta :ynn Davis. Ill never #ention it again as long as you never call #e %er ert. Deal. $he sealed it with a kiss. ,e#e# er our et) 7ou owe #e a #illion kisses, she teased hi#. Well, then, I guess I etter get started. .ut they were grinning too #uch to kiss and rested their foreheads against each other, their love as soothing as the cool lake reeJe and as co#forting as the war# sun a ove the#. 5pilogue %+4I-! + !//D &I25)Dane called to Keeley as she whirled y in his fathers ar#s at .ridgets wedding reception. Keeley nodded and laughed, her eyes sparkling. .o Weiss was the undisputed local polka king and had eagerly offered to show a trained dancer like Keeley the steps. $he, of course, had picked the# up easy as pie and had i#pressed his fa#ily with #uch #ore than her dance skills. Despite the hard work leading to .ridgets wedding in their Wisconsin ho#etown, every single #e# er of his fa#ily had taken the ti#e to pull hi# aside at so#e point to co#pli#ent Keeley. /f course, .ridget, ;olin and +da# had een sure to point out he in no way deserved her, ut that was okay. %e knew that already. .ridget stood on the edge of the dance floor laughing with her new hus and, not #inding in the

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html least Keeley was getting all the attention. Keeley had *oined a #odern dance troupe, and while so#e perfor#ances were a it avant"garde for Danes tastes, he could tell she en*oyed herself i##ensely, and that was good enough for hi#. &he polka and wheeJed to a finish and Danes dad returned Keeley. &hanks for letting #e dance with your girl, son. %e patted her shoulder. 7oure as good as those professional allroo# dancers on &4 that Danes #o# likes to watch. Ill ask the and to play another polka later on so I can dance with little :acey. $hell look forward to it. $he s#iled at Danes dad, o viously pleased her sister had found easy acceptance. &he andleader caught Danes eye and nodded. ;o#e on, honey. %e took her hand and pulled her over to a Kuiet corner. &he and started playing his special reKuest that had cost hi# a couple of twenties slipped to the leader. %e would have paid #uch #ore if necessary. :isten, Dane1 $he clutched his hand. &heyre playing LWooden %eart. &he ands singer egan singing an 5nglish translation of the original folk song that Dane had given hi# and Keeleys eyes widened as she understood the words for the first ti#e. Dane, is that right) 7ou were singing the sa#e thing in !er#an) %ow you would always co#e ack to #e and youd always e true to #e) 7es. Dane knew what the third verse would say. :isten to this part. %er eyes filled. LIn a year, when the grapes are ripe on the vine, #y ride youll e and then its yours I will e. Dane, you sang this to #e the night I fell in love with you. When you cracked #y wooden heart. +nd you cracked #ine. %e dropped to one knee and popped open the ring o( hed secretly carried fro# ;hicago. .e #y ride efore the year ends, Keeley.:ie er $chatJ, i lei dir treu. 2y sweetheart, I stay true to you. $he gasped and covered her #outh. /h, Dane, Ill stay true to you always. $he pulled the ring out of its lack velvet lining. Its lovely. .ut you told #e wed go ring"shopping after .ridgets wedding was over. I couldnt wait any longer, he confessed as he slipped it on her finger. Its a cognac"colored dia#ond with white dia#onds around it in a gold and. +t least thats what the *eweler said. I picked it ecause the stone is war# and eautiful0like you. Keeley pulled hi# to his feet and threw her ar#s around his neck. I love you, Dane Weiss. +nd I love you, Keeley Davis. %e kissed her in giddy relief, only noticing the #usic had stopped when he heard a giggle ehind hi#.

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ABC Amber LIT Converter http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html I think it worked, 2o#, his sister stage"whispered. Dane groaned. $o #uch for privacy. Keeley let go of hi# as if he were suddenly electrified. We, u#, we *ust, u# she trailed off, hanging ack in e# arrass#ent. I gave Keeley her engage#ent ring, he finished and ducked as she was engulfed in a #o of fe#ale relatives. :acey was first to hug and sKueal ut his seKuin"clad #o# was a close second. /h, Dane, two #ore daughters for #e1 &wo) %e was #o#entarily confused. Keeley and :acey, of course. $he hugged the# oth with her cushiony, co#forting ar#s. Welco#e to the Weiss fa#ily, girls. 7oull have to call #e 2o# now. &he tears flowed freely after that and even Dane linked a couple e(tra ti#es. $o#ething in your eye) +da# had sidled ne(t to hi#. $hut up. %e slugged +da#s shoulder, and his new rother"in"law slugged hi# ack. I told you, ro. :oves the thing. +da# ad#ired his new wife, and Dane ad#ired Keeley as she tossed ack her head and laughed with sheer *oy. $he #et his gaJe and lew hi# a kiss. +ll Danes hopes, drea#s and longings were wrapped up in that eautiful, wonderful, se(y wo#an, and he knew she would #ake all of the# co#e true. 7ou know, +da#, for once youre right. :oveis the thing. I$.-N IDH"E"A?GH"EDH?"C $56 .7 &%5 -82.5,$ ;opyright V ?@@H y 2arie Donovan. +ll rights reserved. 5(cept for use in any review, the reproduction or utiliJation of this work in whole or in part in any for# y any electronic, #echanical or other #eans, now known or hereafter invented, including (erography, photocopying and recording, or in any infor#ation storage or retrieval syste#, is for idden without the written per#ission of the pu lisher, %arleKuin 5nterprises :i#ited, ??F Duncan 2ill ,oad, Don 2ills, /ntario 2C. CKI, ;anada. &his is a work of fiction. -a#es, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the authors i#agination or are used fictitiously, and any rese# lance to actual persons, living or dead, usiness esta lish#ents, events or locales is entirely coincidental. &his edition pu lished y arrange#ent with %arleKuin .ooks $.+.

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