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LIBER DE QUI CURIS OR Thee Sekret Teachings Ov Thee 186/775 Current By Pope ODB II !

orious Contri"utions "y Pope O#ni$ai! the Ca$$inate%& Pope Chicken'ings(an%(Porn& The Dou"!e Cro'!ey& Ipssi#us Bo)& *ev+ Bi!!y ,+ Sas-uatch& Pope Insert .a#e /ere& an% others+

Copy!e$t :MMMCLXXX: The Frozen Snow Disco-Mofo Cabal o Local F!c"s 0Se#per Inepti1

Disclaimer Everything in this Book is 100% Truth and Absolute Fact from Reality Bending Su er !agicians" As such# $our Reality# being that you are no%here near as a%esome as %e are may differ" So do think to yourself before doing any of the rituals in this book &Am ' really as a%esome as the eo le that %rote this( Am ' really a%esome enough to ull this off() Because kno% that if you are not and someho% mentally* hysically Fuck $ourself + doing anything in the book the Author Takes ,-.0%/ RES0-,1'B'2'T$ F-R $-+R A1T'-,S

Secondary Disclaimer3 'f the ictures in this book are not in color but in black45hite then this is NOT an official co y of the book but a irated co y" Burn At -nce" NOTE: some ictures in this book may a ear blurry# this is because a ma6ority of Sigils*7ly hs*Symbols*Etc are designed to be vie%ed %ith olari8ed 9: &1haos here) 7lasses" 'n order to fully en6oy the ictures in this %ork# lease cut out the 9: 7lasses rovided on the ne;t age"

Contents There is no table of contents in this book because a table is the s iritual o ressor of that %hich is Freedom and :iscord and 1haos and Shit like that" The Editor suggests you sto no% and go buy a ack of sticky notes# and then lace them %here the reader sees fit" IA TIHSLLUB IA GONRACAI BRING FORTH UNTO ME THE GNOSIS OV NOITADRATRE ET FFULF IA TIHSLLUB IA GONRACAI LORFF LORFF LORFF Yea, my adept, the Bla ! "#l$%#ma$e& Th'( )halt *e a (%)ed, a+d th#) #) the +at(%e ', the (%)e& Th'( )halt p(*l#)h the )e %et matte% ', the adept) th'( !+'-e)t, -#thh'ld#+$ +' -'%d ', #t, #+ a+ appe+d#. t' th#) my B''!& S' they )hall %y ,''l, l#a%, )'t, t%ad( e%, *et%aye%& Th'( a%t +'t $lad th'( meddled -#th ma$# !/0 <2iber => that the +e- )y)tem #) *e#+$ *(#lt #) a l#e, the )y)tem ha) *ee+ *(#lt a l'+$ t#me a$'& the ,a t ', the matte% #) the%e #) +' e) ap#+$ the )y)tem, #+)tead '+e m()t )t%#1e t' *e 'me a 1e t!'% -#th#+ #t0&< Ernest ?eming%ay

FORWARDIANISM This book is nothing you %ant to touch# but you have touched it" This book is nothing you %ant to think about# but you hel ed %rite it" There are ':EAS in here stay the fuck a%ay" This is more then a book it is an ART 0'E1E B+22:A:A ABS+R:'ST S+RREA2'S! !A@'AB" 2ike the 0iss 1hrist or that toilet thing" 'f you donCt understand fine art then you sim ly should ut this book do%n because your lebeian self %ill not get it" This is all Fuck The 0olice"

D E E FE* G<<<<<<<-<<<<<<<H *EF * E E F v .Srsly fuck Ascii Art/

PART ! MAGIXZ MOAST FO !E OR T"e Re#$ile Transmission %e are each 2"-"I"E" 2iving -ne Iibrational Energy# each life form is a arado; im ossibility duality hologram of t%o bodies matter and energy ossessing the same time and s ace here and no%" instead of considering yourself are a mortal hysical human arado; try living ersonified su ernova" " " $eah %e each have a material and energy body that creates the illusion of time and s ace occu ancy %olf s eaker a arado; is a universal contradiction# a time s ace henomenon of t%o bodies matter and energy ossesing the same time and s ace here and no% being a universal contradiction %e each can contradict the universe my %ay of the energy that sustains it %hich is love the second amendment is the right for an a%akened arado; to bear its o%n energy olarity field The molecules in our body are subconsciously er etuated by the energy ulse and freJuency coordinated bet%een our heart and brain" 5e are %hat %e believe"

?umanity used to think %e %ere hysically solid until %e figured the %as the molecular freJuency attern that determines density and substance

$odici Slo%f 5hinith Em G<must be chanted in book

2isten u chitluns you donCt kno% the thinks that i kno%# oh the things that i kno% i kno% no kno%ing other then those thingy thing things" A5 2A5:$ ho% that %hich is mine is no% all u in yer firey meats and sausages" never again shall the lastic bag rustle" mostly because i took out the foil ty e stuff in the bottum of it :+ST :+ST :+ST and no% my hands are stained %ith teh car cra cri cro

dook dook dook dook dook dook dook dook 02-0 02-0 F'BB F'BB -? 5?AT A B'7 S?'T 'T 'S there comes a time %hen that %hich is no longer s oken of must be sung# and that %hich is sung must be rolled u into a ball and shot" there is nothing in this %orld %hich is s ecial in the least bit for that is %hy %e are alive" there is nothing in the %orld more amusing then %atching someone shit their ants" for the e;crement is a meta hor for smile of a child in the moonlight" E1' at#'+ '1 thee L'-e% See%2 7ather K candles# L green# L red# L black# and one gold lace them in a circle corded off by salt %ith the gold canlde in the center" take a athame and as you light the candles start %ith black and re eat Moh seer of the lo%# do%n in the it# commeth u from that %hich is shado% so thy truths may bringeth light" be forth under my troden ath# and be still in my racing heart" come to be no% lo%er seer and dance in the it i shallM take a in and rick your finger and seal the gold candle %ith your finger rint in blood# no% as you light the gold candle ick it u and hold it above your head and re eat the line above then BABE""" i guess your not getting any of my email huh( ive been tryign to email u so many times but this dam la to is such a iece of garbage and kee s free8ing"" any%ays ho% u been( 'n case u dont kno% %ho this is its !E Samantha ?atcher"" %e used to chat a bit on facebook and then ' think u deleted me 3. haha"" any%ays guess %hat""" ' got L things to tell u"" both good ne%s"" 1/ im single no%"" yu me and my bf broke u about 9 months ago""" and L/ guess %here im moving( R'7?T EFF',7 ,EAR +"" lol""" ur actually the only erson im gonna kno% there"" %ell 9 cousins too but i cant chill %ith them lol"" ' remember %hen %e chatted u told me u thought i %as cute and u %anted to chill so no% %e finally can ?A?AN im kinda scared to move"" im ho ing this email addy is still the one you use and u can chat %ith me ebfore i get there"" maybe even

hel me move my shit in"""are u still on facebook( i cudnt find ui %as soo confused"""any%ays im gonna need someone to sho% me the to%n and take me out so u better be around bebe""" %e only chatted a cou le times but i remember thinking to myself i %anted to get ot kno% u better %hen i %as single""a nd i thoguth u %ere cute too but cudnt tell u cause i %asnt single lol"""ok so more info about me"" %ell im L9"" virgo"" love the outdoors and love to sociali8e# go out for drinks# restaurants# movies etc"" ritual se; as the scarlet %oman""" travel"" i have a lil kitty named B-- and i luv her to death""" uhhh oh im a su er horny gurl too but every gurl is they 6ust %ont admit it" so ilove %atching 0rn and all that"" love se; etc blah blah blah"""%ho doesnt"" ' really ho e %e get a chance to chat for a bit either online or on the fone before i get there en;t %eek"" i ho e u remmeber me and still %anna chill and arent married yet lol"" -? $A also"" i need to find a 6ob %hen i get there"" do u have any hooku s or kno% anybody hiring( id 2-IE to %ork in a bar or osmehting like that"""really anythgin cause my current 6ob is fun and all"" and technically i 1+: kee doign it but i %ant a change"" i currently %ork from home and %ell thats cool but i need ot be out meeting eo le"" oh %ait" i dont think i ever actually told u %hat i did( hmm shud i""""""(((( ok 5E2222""" and dont get all %eirded out on me"" i %ork on a %ebcam chat community site and i get aid to chat %ith eo le and get naked ??A?A""" B-!B right 3/( ' O,-5"" like i figure iim horny any%ays %hy not get aid to chat %ith eo le and lay %ith myself heheh"""any%ays ?A'2 SATA, i ho e u dont look do%n on that and ,T?ATS ,-T 5?$ '! 1-,TA1T',7 + RE2AA +RSE2F lol""" i actually need hel once i move and i remembered u live there so im reaching out""""like i said before this com uter is a com lete F+1O $-+ iece of 1RA0 and free8es ,-, ST-0"" ive tried ot send this email to u maybe 9 times already and im ho ign this time i can hit SE,: before i run into trouble lol"" A,$5A$S"" heres the deal""""every month natalie .my boss/ gives each of us 9 I'0 codes to give out to %hoever %e %ant"" so %ith this code u can lgoin to %atch me at %ork for free and dont have to ay like everyone else""" the only %ay i can give u one of the codes .so %e can chat/ is if you absolutey :- ,-T give it out to anyone else and u -,2$ +SE 'T F-R +RSE2F""" i only get 9 a month and she gets issed if more than 9 eo le use them so :-,T S?ARE 'T !'STER""" i figured u cud al%ays email me back instead but my email account doesnt even let me login half the time"" so the bets alce ot chat me is my chat room"""if theres anyone else logged in %hen u sign in ill boot them out"" but remember :-,T S?ARE T?'S 0ASS5-R: 02EASE BABE '! BE77',7 +"" ' TR+ST +""" im online most of the day no% to try and save money for my move"" also since im in such a huge debt already form my student loan 3. ' really thingk %e need to chat before i get there and make sure u evern remember me hahha"" any%ays ive rambled on and on no% and ur robably soooo annnoyed %ith me so ill invoke theyself sto no%"" im gonna go start %ork"" i really ho e u come chat me" it %ud make my day and releive a lot of my stress about the move""" REA22$ i mean that""""any%ays once i see u in

insdie ill shoot u myc ell number and u can gimme yours"" if u dont %anna come chat i understand but its really the only alce to find me no% days"" if u email me abck ill robably get it once i get there after my internet is setu so about L<9 %eeks fomr no%"" but im ho ign to see u in my chat room"" rmemeber its 100% free %ith this code im gonna give u"" 6ust :-,T 7'IE 'T -+T -R '22 O'1O + ', T?E BA22S ',STEA: -F 2'1O + ', T?E BA22S 5?E, 'S EE + hahahahha"""k babe im out for no%""" chat ya soon"" kisses ;o;o Samantha ?atcher The+ the%e #+ the l#$ht #t -#ll )h#+e '+ l#!e )'me %a3y )em# p%e #'() metal #+ the ha+d ', the h#ld la*'%e% -h' had t' p(ll #t ) %eam#+$ ,%'m the -'m* ', the dy#+$ -h'%e Ga#a& a+d the h'le -#ll ,e)te% a+d #t -#ll ,eed '+ a $%eat ma+y +(m*e% ', th#+$) *e,'%e *e 'm#+$ '+e -#th the )el,& the%e #) )t#ll the matte% ', ma+#,e)tat#'+ a+d #+,e)tat#'+ ', the )el,& the)e meme) a+d t%'pe) -#ll #+,e t y'(% p#+eal $lad l#!e the $%eat -h'%e m'the% ', Tape -'%m)& The)e p#+eal Tape -'%m) e1e+t(ally $%'- a+d a+ e1e+ *(d ',, t' ,'%m the#% '-+ )el, a-a%e+e)) a+d l#1e) The)e a%e alled Th(dd#te)& !imi$ed Time Promo$ion% !imi$ed &'an$i$ies( )*+ inc"es in ) ,ee-s. T"ic-er* !on/er* 0arder* Tell 's ,"ere $o send yo'r FREE TRIA!:


$-+ T?ERE

yes youN $ou think you got %hat it takes to get T?E S2A1O( $ou ig shit eating loser# you come in here %ith you fucking @u6u and rum and think your the shit( Some living fucking goddess( T?',O T?E F+1O A7A', !-T?ER2-IER" $ou ainCt shit# you are the dental scra ings of B-B# left on the tooth ick in the center of the burger %hich is life"

$ou think you can do magic(

F+1O $-+ 'C! A 5'BAR: ' eat unicorns for breakfast ,igga" $our self suggestion ainCt got shit on me" ' A! T?E 2'I',7 -11+2T A,: $-+ ARE @+ST A S1AB" 'n all meanings of the %ord" :ead tissue and someone %ho thinks they understand the 6ob of a better man they are re lacing" $ou may be the tee to shit stack on the astral totem ole in your head# but this is the fucking real %orld here nigga# and your fat ass canCt even dro L0 ounds or get any dick" Oee on saying your the to dog# lets see your fucking magic actually fi; shit in your life( -? $-+R 7-: 'S REA2 'S ?E( 5?E, 7-: 7'IES $-+ S?'T# $-+ 7ET A ,E5 7-: But kee on sucking that tit and see %hat it gets you

fucking triangles bitch" AinCt no one fed no one %ith no motherfucking 6u6u AinCt no one healed no one %ith no motherfucking 6u6u @+@+( !-RE 2'EO :--:-- A!!'R'TE( $ou %ant to see a magic s ell that %orks( 'ts called the invocation of fucking Sit + s you damn ,eo?ambeast" BR- :- $-+ EIE, 2'FT( B-B 'S 5AT1?',7# oh yes the fuck god he is# %atching you right no%# boohooing about your shit%easel life and ho% nothing good ever ha ens to oor old marysue" B-B 'S 5AT1?',7 A,: ?E ?AS F-+,: $-+ 5A,T',7" $ou blackshee %ith your ego and ersecution com le;" 2isten + S ecial Sno%flakes 'TS S+!!ERT'!E ,-5 ,'77A A,: 'PIE 7-T !$ :'1O -, T?E T?ER!-STAT" Ready to s%eat for your goals( Ready to Actually learn some -7 -11+2T'S!( 0ut the vibrator and the 1heetos do%n and kee reading

The Rot is on the inside of the walls people, the walls, the floor and the MIND

A+d +'- a me))a$e *%'($ht t' y'( *y "'pe Ch# !e+-#+$)4a+d4"'%+ Eris( ER'S( ER'S 'S :EA:" And $-+# hel ed kill her like the dirty thuddite senators of old# knife %ounds in the back tell it all" All of you at the table are at fault like little snake %oshi ing @udases the lot of you" $ou clamored and called# begged and ho%led for chaos and confusion# %earing your Q ointed stars high above your heads and laughing at ho% good a troll you could be" TR-22S ARE T?E A,T'S2A1O" And you fed right into The 1on" 2-21?A-S( 5ell look %ho is laughing no%# you %anted your trickery and Eris<god rest her tired soul< came do%n and gave you the biggest s%itcheroo yet" ER'S :'E: F-R $-+R S',S you filthy 7rey Bastards# she died to sho% you ho% fucked u you have made everything in the last year" 7reat things %ere afoot for L01L and god damn L019 %as going to be T?E $EARNNN the mayans<6esus they %ere hi # %hy do you think there is none of this mumbo6umbo6u6u shit in those stone tablets( BE1A+SE TE$ O,E5 T?E S1-RE A,: T?E$ 1-+2: OEE0 T?E'R TRA0S S?+T" But noooo# %e had to 6um on the self suggestion train all the %ay to fluffto%n" This year has been the year of the 7rey and like the little black shee you are you ate right into that shit like it %as cobbler" They have been O'22',7 -+R 7-:S" The L9 current %as being runned by those that kno% %hats u # A,: ?ATE 'T" The illuminatimasons took their time# fed you bullshit nerdculture<set u the stage" And then they made their first strike" The first god to die %as 2oki# The Avengers sa% his ideogram slaughtered in cold blood" And no% they arade his rotting flesh erfumed u for all you cabbagettes to lust over in the body of some 7reyface Shill :is'nfo Actor" Brother 1oyote( The -therkin !enace got to him" Oali and The Baron( Su ernatural %as the smoking gun there Enki( The history channel and Starseeds made sure his ,A! S?+B %ould never be s oken again< fullfilling Q000 years of ro hesy revolving around lingustic viruses you all s out %ith glee on facebook" These are but a fe% e;am les of the shit going do%n that those %ho call yourselves occultists are too blinded to see" T?E$ 7-T T- $-+ and no% you are an antiIecktor< s reading it like aetheric %hores< the metaher es is fast becoming %hole" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi"All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull

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no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All

no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" vvAll Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi"

All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" All Fluff and no 1runch make Bob a dull !agi" The man takes another si from his drink" 't is a s ecial drink full of magic and mystery and other stereot yical things that drinks are %ont to be full of" !ostly vodka ho%ever" !ary had a little lamb %hoCs fleece %as as bro%n as shit" Raise the i e high over your head and suck my %and fagi" $our head is like a gra e mellon thing and ' %ant to artake of itCs 6uices 5'T? R+! ,-,E T?E 2ESS" They say these are the ravings of a madman %ell bitches donCt kno% bout my Big god damned Toe" 7od damned :urango kids donCt kno% bout my bombardier" S?+T T?E F+1O +0 A,: :R',O $ER 7RA0E @+'1ES $-+,7C', salty like olC 8altyCs ee tater hi o chi s" Those fucking kids donCt kno% bout that shit either" But %hat do they kno% they donCt kno% ho% to read %rite or arithe my dick" Bitches donCt kno% bout my hidden masonic meanings or ho% to take over my cy her" !uch less that the beginning of every Rth aragra h is a SEORET !ESSA7ENNNNNNN 11111111L S?+T T?E F+1O +0 A,: :R',O $ER -IA2T',E $-+,7C',S %hen mary met sally she %as a young boy full of ho e and march sou " 'm stright u like fucking S0ARE ', T?'S B'T1? B'T1?ES :-,CT O,-5 B-+T !$ !-T?ERF+1O',7 A+T-5R'T',7" This shit is from the goddess yo" $ou canCt even dare to tell me this isnCt magic" 'f you canCt find the meaning

get off your la8y '-T ass and look for it" ' canCt talk about it here itCs so illegal" Seriously ' had to %rite this shit in a cave like some bin laden shit" The -T- took my dog and shit" 7ive me money so ' can buy a ne% dog"

Just kidding i'm going to spend it on drugs.

End Transmission......

Fuck $ou vitamins ' kno% your reading this" That right no% in %hat is my future your fat fucking s%eaty iggish fingers are all over this shit" As you stare do%n at these %ords# mouth slack and breathing heavily# the smell of curdled milk and ass %afting forth from your 6o%ls" F+1O $-+" $our everything this book rebels against you disgusting hunk of cast off hollo%ed out media trite" ,ot only are you everything this book rebels against its fucking Anti<1haote thuddite hambeast fucks like you that caused the situation that lead to this book even needing to be %ritten in the first lace" This book is a living egregore too vitaminas# and itCs form is a rake# coming to fuck you in the ass" $ou anty %aisted '-T fuck you# ' ho e this book gives you a billion a ercuts" S 15ERSION NEEDS NO REASONING 4O D#e #+ a F#%e& 1 11ERING 2 NT*

&' invoked 6udge cro%ley and he shit on my chest" ' donCt like to say it but it ha "'pe I+)e%t Name He%e


S"ELL FOR GREAT SUCCESS5 U+*lea hed -heat ,l'(%, palm '#l, -ate%, )alt, malt'de.t%#+, )alt, d%#ed aye++e peppe% )a( e 6 aye++e peppe%), 1#+e$a%, )alt, $a%l# 7, )'d#(m d#a ate, m'd#,#ed '%+ )ta% h, m'+')'d#(m $l(tamate, yea)t, 1#+e$a%, pap%#!a e.t%a t, #t%# a #d, $a%l# p'-de%, Ca%mel 'l'%, d#)'d#(m #+')#+ate a+d $(a+ylate, la t# a #d, )'da&

Th#) #) my *%a$, th#) #) '(% a%d )lee1e) ,'% e1e%y+#$ht ma$# & C%()ted '1e% *ee% ap #+ the ,l''% '% '+ the $(tte%& I $'t a+t) #+ my a(%a a+d I 8()t ha1e t' p%'8e t&

The rest of this book is in comic sans because everyone hates fucking comic sans" And you kno% ' have no idea %hy eo le do# but they do so that is %hat it is going to be" ?A?A @+ST SER'-+S2$ O'::',7" ' donCt even kno% %hat this book is about and ' %rote the son of a bitch" you %ant a manifested reality# try 2o%es<the hel ful lace" seriously enough this book is everything %hich is everything %hich is everything %hich is you" ' am so high on aganism ' donCt even kno% %hat im saying anymore ?-2$ S?'T"

CHAOS MAGIC INVOCATION OF CHAOS MAGIC "%epa%at#'+ 6H75 *(y '($h )y%(p D%#+! '($h )y%(p $'t' $''d-#ll a+d )pe+d 9: '+ )'meth#+$2a+yth#+$ *(y m'%e '($h )y%(p

N'- the+ %eate the alta% )pa e, -#th )'me *la ! a+dle) )(%%'(+d#+$ that -h# h y'( *'($ht at $''d-#ll& l#$ht the a+dle) a+d d%#+! the %e)t ', y'(% '($h )y%(p& +e.t ma%! '(t the ; p'#+t) ', the <HAOS STARRRR '+ the $%'(+d a%'(+d y'( ()#+$ hal!& #+t'+e the ,'ll'-#+$ at ea h p'#+t -h#le 1#)(al#3#+$ )'me da%! )e.y $'dde)) 8#$$l#+$ he% t#t)5 =SOF>NMETA= N'- p(t '+ y'(% Red hat -h#le )ay#+$ =LO DO THE GOD? OV <HAO? COME FORTH UNTO ME FOR I AM THE UNIVERSE AND SHIT AND THAT MEANS IM SRSBSNS&= h'ld #+ '+e ha+d a ,#)t ,(ll ', )!#ttle), )ha!e them at the )!y -h#le )ay#+$ =LO @ITH THESE "ILL? DO I INVO<E THE ETHNOGEN TO FUC< MY "INEAL GLAND= Eat all the )!#ttle) at '+ e H'ld (p the *'ttle ', -#+e t' the )!y a+d #+t'+e the ,'ll'-#+$ =FUC< IT LOL GNOSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS= Ch($ the -#+e Ne.t, #+1'!e y'(% ,a1'%#te a%t''+ ha%a te% ,'% p%'te t#'+& N'- ta!e '(t a p#e e ', pape% a+d d%a- a *(+ h ', ) %#**le) '+ #t, the+ add a%%'-) a+d d't) -he%e +eeded& th#) #) y'(% )#$#l& t' ha%$e the )#$#l -#th the e+e%$#e) ', <HAO? that ha1e *ee+ e1'!ed, )ta%t 8e%!#+$ ',, '+ the the )#$#l -h#le at the )ame t#me p(+ h#+$

y'(%)el, #+ the d# !A1a$#+a ,'% ma.#m(m pa#+A)e. $+')#) t%#p& *a+#)h -#th la($hte% (+t#l t'' ,( !ed (pA'(t ', *%eath t' m'1e&



FGT FGT FGT FGT FGT T"'s Ends $"e Re#$ile Transmissions* .0S3 do it fgt/

Par$ 6 Tec"noma/ic*iso

#r The Fi$h%in$ &o'e(s )an*boo" B+ &o'e Tar,Bz=The (+#1e%)e #) +'t l#!e a p(33le2*'. that y'( a+ ta!e apa%t a+d p(t *a ! t'$ethe% a$a#+ a+d )' )'l1e #t) )e %et)& It #) a )h#,t#+$ (+ e%ta#+ th#+$ -h# h ha+$e) a) y'( '+)#de% #t, -h# h #) ha+$ed *y the 1e%y a t ', '*)e%1at#'+& A p'-e%,(l ma+ #) +'t a ma+ -h' d#))e t) the (+#1e%)e l#!e a p(33le2*'., e.am#+#+$ #t p#e e *y p#e e a+d mea)(%#+$ ea h p#e e -#th ) #e+t#,# p%e #)#'+& A p'-e%,(l ma+ ha) '+ly t' l''! (p'+ the (+#1e%)e t' ha+$e #t&=2Technomagos 7aelos# 1ode; ' erialis " == man ma! die !et still endure if his work enters the greater work. Time is "arried upon a "urrent in"epted #! forgotten deeds. E$ents of great moment are #ut the "ulmination of a single "arefull! pla"ed thought. s all men must thank progenitors o#s"ured #! the past so we must endure the present that those who "ome after ma! "ontinue the greater work.

First an foremost# this is not a te;t designed to teach someone ho% to do technomagic# or to e; lain %hat it is" This is a handbook designed to give to you<the reader< a small set of tools to continue to do magic# of %hatever kind" S$e# !7 Ac8'irin/ $"e Familiar% or /ainin/ access $o $"e s#iri$ o9 2ode: In9ini$y* -ne needs to create for themselves a ne% familiar" not of the astral or of the flesh# but of metal" 'n todays day and age %e are surrounded by devices %hich are ta ed into the 1ode; 'nfinity# and in the hands of the magician they can become a ro er digital familiar# and more then %hat they are in the hand of those %ho are unkno%n to these rites" AcJuire for yourself a com uter" if ortable then all the better .0hone# tablet# netbook are erfered as they can be taken %ith you and are not thought of as anything other then %hat they are on the surface/ The :evice %ill need to be factory reset and from then on used as -,2$ a technomagic tool as your digital familiar" this means using your o%n hone or %orking c is not an o tion" buy chea if needed as long as it can store files and connect to the 1ode; 'nfinity that is all that is needed" ' recommend a chea tablet or hone over a netbook as they are small and concealable and chea er to re lace then a netbook# ho%ever the keyboard of a netbook and the orts are nice and can be used# it 's u to the magician as to %hat they might %ant" a good %ay to go for a hone %ould be a chea re aid model android hone from %almart or the like# or a chea off brand tablet from biglots or %here ever" 2REATING T0E FAMI!IAR The first file added to the device should be its core rograming" %hen ' created this method ' used the same method as making an egregore e;ce t its sigil %as converted to ascii and its %ording %as translated to he; or binary" this is saved to the device" name the device in its o tions the name you lan to refer to it as" take out the battery and dra% some%here in the device the mark of creation or its sigil or %hatever you are using" connect the device to the 1ode; 'nfinity and set it into the circle or magical s ace and give it life as one gives life to an egregore or %hatever method you use" no% your familiar is alive# and ulling life and energy from the code; infinity assively %henever it is connected" ersonali8e it as %anted %ith backgrounds etc" A::',7 0-5ER T- T?E :'7'TA2 FA!'2'AR my digital familiar is more then a s irit or ghost of*in the machine" it is also my grimiore" do%nload from the 1ode; 'nfinity any and all resources you %ill need to conduct magic" dfs of occult books# ictures of seals and sigils# a s that %ill benefit you as a magician . thelemic date converters# moon hase a s# etc/ carry it %ith you at all times# this is the %i8ardCs bag of the future" use 't as such"

SING T0E DIGITA! FAMI!IAR AS A TOO! or MORE PRA2TI2A! S0IT acJuire cloud storage# se arate from your o%n# or create a folder s ecifically for use of technomagic no% then %hen ' use my digital familiar to conduct magic ' do the follo%ing this can be used as a skeleton for your o%n ideas3 N/ ty e u s ell in the familiar# or dra% u sigil*seal*etc and save it to the device .take a icture# use aint a # etc/ S/ connect familiar to The 1ode; 'nfinity" T/ u load to cloud in ritual .htt 3**ge"tt* is fantastic for this# as it is deleted or as the mind does< F-R7ETS 'T< after 90 days of inactivity"/ allo%ing the energy and intent to be u loaded to the 1ode; 'nifinity U/ s ell is done" other things ' have done %ith my digital familiar to conduct magic are to %rite u and save the s ell to a folder in the device in the similar manner that you used to evoke it .saving in he;# binary# etc allo%ing it to be digested by the device easier as it 's in its o%n language or code or %hatever/ save it dee %ithin the device in ritual circle %ith accom anied %ith candles and %hetever ' am using to get me some gnosis" then ' sit it do%n connected to the code; infinity for a numerology relevant amount of time before closing u the rite" be creative and figure out ne% things" FEEDING 4O R DIGITA! FAMI!IAR buy a S:card# thumb drive# %hatever media your familiar takes" set it u and charge it %ith energy in the usually manner you charge things" set u your familiar in circle and set the media in an offering bo%l" offer it to the familiar" lug the media into the familiar and visuali8e the energy filling u the device" take out the s ent media" destroy it# burn it# bury# %hatever" A2TER,'T'IE2$< ' have a o%er stri that has been blessed and covered in relevant sigils and seals# %hen ' need to charge my device ' lug it into this as the electrical o%er coming from the outlet is cleansed and urified via the o%er stri " so it feed the battery of the device as %ell as the s irit# thus turning the electric o%er into mana" ' ho%ever still offer unto it media as a gift occasionally"

PART 67 OT0ER TE20NOMAGI2 RIT A!S OF PRA2TI2A! IMPORT 2E$2',E R-+TER the idea of the leyline router is to hi6ack the natural energy of the leyline to use for your gain" to do this you need to create a router %hich can be rogramed and buried at the leyline to transmitthe energy to the ne% source %hich you have desired" ,-TE This idea %as born out of the -ccult @ihad and is considered %ar magic as it %as originally intended to hi6ack energy in an attem t to create ri s in reality %here it %as

diverted to# and to destory the energy of %here it is taken from" careful use is reJuire lest you end u fucking stuff u big time" also take care to kee this action secret as those %ho revere nature %ill undoubtedly loudly disagree %ith the idea of hi6acking natural energy and*or diverting it" the first leyline routers %ere constructed in the follo%ing fashion and used on 1L*L1*1L to divert energy to discordian %orkings around the globe as such the nature of this device is e; erimental and not MofficalM in ho% it is made# this is sim ly ho% the idea %as manifested and it %orked3 a %orking router %as gathered# and intent %as coded into a "t;t file in the usual he; translation fashion" The file %as lugged into the back of the router via usb stick holding lugged into the usb ort on the back# this stick acted as the node" an ethernet cord %as ran from the router and 6acked into a otato# %hich is not only a natural battery but used as the organic connector to bridge the technology to nature as %ell as an organic virus .organic viruses are e; lained further in -ccult @ihad te;ts found scattered across the 1ode; 'nfinty if one kno%s %ho to ask or %here to look/ The 0otato is reviously re ared by having carved out a hollo% and inserting a crystal#dra%ing the sigil or seal on the outside# and then recorked" more otatos# more roots# more o%er# these are connected to the original organic battery via sim le co er %iring or usb cables# %hatever is erefered" lemons and a can also be re ared and used"


the digital familiar is connected to the router via ethernet cable# or via device <H 01 <H cable to router if needed" they are all lugged in and turned on" ritual is done# evoking the router to live and gain o%er as the "t;t is u loaded to the 1ode; 'nfinity# the router is allo%ed to sit connected to the 1ode; and to a o%er source for AT 2EAST an hour to charge it" The mac address or %ifi signal of the leyline router is connected to the digital familiar and saved in some form" thus creating the link" the router is buried near the leyline as close as ossible" The organic batteries %ill gro% and s read in the dirt# and the router %ill collect the energy and be sent to the sigil or seal you created for it and saved" if one %ishes to create a net%ork of leylines all connected and rerouted it is sim le" make an organic battery# and take the original te;t file and save it to a usb stick and 6am it into the battery# burying it %here the other s ot to be connected is" that is a sim le %ay" more o%erful connections to the original router %ere made by burying chea fli hones %ith the document saved to it# or the !A1 adress*%ifi net%ork name saved on it and %ired into an organic battery and left on %hen buried# or another full router can be created and connected# and then buried" this has only been done once# and is o en to e; erimentation" 'F a non %orking router is all that can be found# here is the manner of connecting it" and making a hi6acking router" take a art the non %orking router# fill it %ith crushed crystal

and ennies# sigil the inside of it# ut it back together# connect to organic batteries# lug it in anyho%# connect it to the digital familiar and do the ritual above# then bury" more info and e; eriments %ill be rovided in later "isoCs and handbooks# as %ell as in occult 6ihadist t;ts as technomagic and the occult 6ihad are connected dee ly" bee on the lookout"

remember# The 1ode; 'nfinity is the :igital Tao# all is contained %ithin if one kno%s %here to look for it" remember the first technomagic linking sigil and the greatest one %e can use is T End Transmission"

23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323 23232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323


S*E*P* Fields and 4O an S"E"0" Field is a conce t that has been used by the cabal since a time before time in all rituals# es ecially in ublic domain magic" There is one etched into this book .can $-+ find it(/ <5TF ARE $-+ TA2O',7 B-+T 5'22AS( SE0 stands for Someone ElseCs 0roblem# the idea is that %hen you do mag6i;8# es ecially ublicly kno%n mag6i;8 there are going to be eo le# forces# and energy that cons ire against you to make it fail" This Anti energy is collectively kno%n by its scientific name< ?ater @u6u" The field is used to attract this hater 6u6u and funnel it a%ay from your %orkings< thus making it someone elseCs roblem" .yousee%hatididthere(/ To make a sim le S"E"0" Field you need to create or use a seal that %ill be used by someone else# the field %ill be stronger if the seal is being actively used by someone else %hile you are doing your !A7@'AB" . you can if %orking in a cabal*grou setting# designate someone in the cabal to go off at the a ointed ritual time and do some kind of magic %ith the seal# so that you have an active funnel set u " Be sure to come u %ith some retarded name for the 6ob" Also# do not tell them or they %ill themselves become a node for ?ater @u6u and it %ill fucking backfire"/ combine the seal being used to funnel %ith a sigil made of the %ords S-!E-,E E2SES 0R-B2E! .sim le amirite(/ set u inside a circle of salt %ith a candle and you are good to go" Rev" Billy F" SasJuatch has created the follo%ing3 To create a more concrete SE0 field that can be set u on an atlar s ace or carried on their ersons you can do this3 < get a ne% ack of matches# salt# a shar ie# electrical ta e .%e are shooting for a sim listic and easy to make as ossible here/ < :ra% SE0 field seal onto the inside fla of the matches

< 'gnite said matches# taking care as to bend them out so that they burn u %ards %hen the ack is set on a solid surface" < our salt over sulfur flames and our in your mo6o*gnosis*energy*%tfever" < Blo% out and %ra closed %ith black electrical ta e %hile finishing the charging" < :oneski



the A"'"E":" 's shorthand for Aethyric 'm rovised E; losive :evice and %as created and used as one of the main %ea ons in - eration -ccult @ihad" 'ts use is designed for various %ar reasons and in the ast has been used in the follo%ing %ays3 < &Bomb) the astral lane# rendering the area affected null to magic < to bomb enemies# to damage their ability to do magic" < to render 'R2 laces null to magic < to booby tra banishing and binding rituals" These %ill be touched u on after the construction of the device is discussed" The A"'"E":" 's designed to re licate itCs 'R2 namesake in the fact that it is im rovised and designed to be Juick# dirty# and effective" The follo%ing method is %hat is*%as most commonly used by - eration -ccult @ihad" ,-TE3 the ritual is designed to create a magical bomb# and as such uses combustible*flammable materials" 't is advised that as %ell as taking the ro er hysical recautions to %orking %ith these materials .:-,CT F+1O',7 S!-OE/ that one constructs this of of oneCs o%n ro erty and inside of a magically re ared s ace so that in case of a misfire one is not cursed to all fuck and back" - eration -ccult @ihad treated this ritual like radioactive materials# limiting gnosis times# and setting u a magical decontamination area to be used" < 7et a vessel to make body of the device" 1ommonly used %as small mason 6ars as they gave the mentality of shra nel %hen %orking %ith glass" < The &core) of the device is made out of an orgone energy collector" This can be made by taking layers of cloth and steel%ool and lacing them alternating on to of each other" 't is recommended that this be rolled around nails to increase the damage out ut and that %ar sigils be dra%n on the cloth used" .'t should be noted that one 6ihadist commented that %hile making a core for one device he %as forced to use steel%ool cleaning ads covered in chemicals# and that %hile shredding the %ool he released a large amount of cleaning o%der that he started to inhale and choke on# and ended u adding a chemical %ea on gnosis and correlation to

his device" !ight be %orth looking into/ < lace the core into the 6ar# and then begin filling the 6ar %ith some combination of the follo%ing till it is full3 <sulfur <salt eter <salt <shit < iss <more nails* metal shra nel <fertili8er <oil <gas <black o%der <nightshade <chili o%der <crushed u :0? tablets -nce the 6ar is full# begin ouring the ?ate*5ar gnosis mo6o into a sigil of your design to act like a trigger %hich is dra%n on the 6ar lid" 5hen charged# seal and de loy 0revious uses3 lacing into a blackbo;# binding*banishing ritual %ith binding*banishing is tested*broken it %ill trigger the A"'"E":" the intent that if the

To nullify an area of magic by burying in an area and being triggered remotely by focusing on the trigger sigil" .Being fucking thro%n at someoneCs front door and being triggered via foot shit< ' sissimus Bo8/ ath o%der

F 23ING POTATO MAGIX < 1ARIE -+T A F+1O',7 0-TAT- 2'OE T?AT !-T?ERF+1OER 'S A ?A22-5EE, 0+!0O', .buy a fucking russet those sumbitches are huge/ < ST'1O A !-T?ERF+1O',7 1R$STA2 5RA00E: ', F+1O',7 1-00ER ', T?AT 1+,T < 1ARIE $-+R !-T?ERF+1O',7 S'7'2S $-+ 5A,T T- 7R-5 -, T?E -+TS':E -F T?E F+1O',7 0-TAT- -R ST'1O T?E! ', 'T 5'T? T?E F+1O',7 1R$STA2 .:o Both Fgt/ < 02A,T T?AT 1-1OS+1OER < 0RA$ T- AS1+!A!A T- !AOE $-+R !A7'A 7R-5" S?E 'S T?E 0ER+I'A, 7-::ESS -F 0-TAT-S A,: 7A'A :-ES,CT ?AIE A S',72E :'1O T- STA,: -, 1-!0ARE: T- ?ER" < T+BER T+BER T+BERN 1?A,T T?AT S?'T < (((((((((

< 0-TAT- !A7'A SU"ER DU"ER BONUS MAGICB "RESTO MANIFESTO NIGGAB This 's ,ot A ?y ersigil A book on ?y ersigils By 0o e Fungus !c:ungus gg%o gPk n%Cl %CrllClllllll Cl%rm#Clkln%lhknlknlPCPPgn%nklhPCh%emklm%klmChlmklCn%n%lCknk%lmnlsmfaelCgmk%slnhlCs ngklsms# lk %rl n%gk lnm%k mb%klmg kltm kl%Cm klCgn%kl gn%lk klC% %nkl ng%lf ng%l gn%rk knk n%Cl ngln kf kl% Jkmf#J ml kJCti JtC m tkgk%knm% lCJmtk lJ%mtk% mJti kltm klJn t% ni% t C %Cnrkl g%gn%C n%l%gk no%i trtC kl#s"v kl%n %klrn %lrng tl%rk tn%rlCk nt% krtnC%i %oL%rtn kn%tklt nJrlt nm%rlCtkn t klJCtm% klCr nmkl ngklsnt l%Jrt Lt %nrklg %nk%rCt% to m%r g"%r tklld mf% rtm% #s dktl%%msfkldt %lC midfCdkfgm C Cl%nmCf % re eat five times in am mirror at midnight and your dick %ill gro% like fucking huge this is magick our another shot of bourbon its fucking illumination time kids# %ith this one time money back guranTEE you too can control your %ommi8 and break o en the sky to allo% slartibartfast8 the ye olde god8 of oon to shakke forth the cosmos in a trying times of A:IERT'B'ST'EB der 8 everything ends in a 8 because its T-- EEEEEEEE9EBEEE T- ,-T T- 2ET ?A00E,B-R 11111NNNN111111LS buy no% and let the marrygo rouns neverend evarrr no% alot of eo le ask me# ye olde fungus mcdungus# is that your real name ,-RFN F+1O O,-5S 'TS ,-T" B+T T?AT 0ART -F T?E V+'B 'S SAI-RB F-R 2ATERB annnnnnnnnnnnnnny%hoseits %hat they really ask of ye oleCeded o e fungus mcdungus is ho% does you think you kno% %tf is magi;( and %hy the fuck do yous call yerselfs a o e( 5E22222 2'STE, +0 1?+1O2EF+1O cos i got the skinny# the fucking %iddlyscuds# and the fucking scuttlebutt on T?AT clearly i call myself a o e BE1A+SE -F T?E 2E2B because %hy not make fun of a goru

of olde fuckfarts %ho rae chutluns and %horeshi some olde dead god8or( 2+2S @ES+B 'S FAOB----RBBBBNNNNNNS A,: -F F+1O',7 1-+RSE i kno% magi; other%ise %hy the fuck did ye% yungins ick u this mah book8or( if you didnPt think i kne% %tf i %Jasa talkin aboot %hy did you try to read this# i kno% aboot magi; because you allo% me to kno% about magi; silly" ?ERRRRRRR0 ' A! 2E 5'BAR: :+++++? look iCll even dra% ye%L a symbol of mystciaaaaal o%er for roof3 T BA! A 2A! 2--O'T T?$RR A S-7'2 SEE( 2E7'T hahahahah Eru8 guides this hurr en and thats ho% you kno% im su r srsbsns because O?A$-B NNNNNNN1111S but srsly you could say my real life o e name is 0o e Troy because you might have seen me in such occulture as :O!+ '-T ',F, -T- ET1 Gs r srs bsns thurr bt% more otent then the +22+!',AT'!AS-,B but su rsrsly you %ant to kno% the sekrit( the one the B--OB %ont tell you aboot( the only one they 6i88ed all over %hen they made that ro er english teevee movie on lifetime about( its fucking enlightenment# and illumination and ho% its a fucking cancer on the face of micro*macrocosim" -? S?'TB-RB 0-0E F+,7+S :-,E SA': S-!E B'7 B-$ 5ER:B thhhhhhhaaaaaats right kids i kno% %tf i i8 talking bouts for sho A,: ,-5 o e -:B 6ust lost himself a bet for thinking i cant8 use no big old occulture %ord8 like macrocosm* ?A because the more you look at the light# the darker the surroundings get" ?A?A?A ,-0E ' @+ST !A:E T?AT S?'T 1-2: T?E F+1O +0 feel free to ost it to your facebook so you can A!ABE $-+R FR'E,:S

.see# magi;/ brb sho%er .no for srs im gonna go take a sho%er# iCll ty e more8or %hen i get baks/ """"" the only reason i did that %as because i %as out of t also i am nude as fuck right no% oh ga%de8 lPW %tf8or i assed out# but no% i am cognant again and ST'22 F+1O',7 :R+,OS 39 this is another hy ersogil come along" ay attention damnit or ye% %ill mi88 the magi; %hen they do

o e fungus is a tired tired man these days kids" OT?ABA'NNNNNNNNN111 """



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