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East Central Europe: Revolution and Reform Pol 342

Fall 2013 M-W 10-11:30 Le ture Room 2 ML!

Professor Anna Grzymala-Busse University of Michigan $e%artment of Political &cience Course "es ription

email: abusse@umich.edu ffice !ours: M "-# 'eiser (enter) *rd +loor ,,

-ast (entral -uro%e is the site of enormous %olitical transformations in -uro%e: 'orld 'ar ,,) over four decades of authoritarian communist rule) the s%ectacular colla%se of these communist regimes in ./0/) and 1hat follo1ed: the brea2-u% of countries) bloody conflict) democratic consolidation and -U membershi%. 3o e4%lain and understand these develo%ments) this course e4amines the history and %olitics of the region) 1hich com%rises Poland) the (zech 5e%ublic) &lova2ia) and !ungary) 1ith references to Bulgaria) 5omania) and the former 6ugoslavia. 'e 1ill first e4amine the era of state socialism7the communist ascendancy) &talinist rule) and the conflicts that eru%ted as a result. 'e 1ill then focus on the reasons behind the colla%se of the communist regimes) and the %rocesses of democratic transition) economic reform) and the ma8or dilemmas they create. Course Re#uirements: .. (lass Partici%ation 9.:;<. All students are e4%ected to 2ee% u% 1ith the readings) attend lectures) and %artici%ate in discussions. ". Mid-term 9"=;<: the mid-term e4am 1ill cover the material from the first half of the course. ,t 1ill consist of several identification >uestions) and a short essay. *. Pa%er 9*:;<: =-0 %%. %a%er analyzing a %articular %uzzle of the region?s %olitics. #. +inal 9*=;<: the final 1ill cover material from the entire course. ,t 1ill consist of several short identification >uestions) and essay >uestions.


$tudents %it& "isa'ilities: Please contact me directly as soon as %ossible so 1e can ma2e the a%%ro%riate arrangements. 3he ffice of &ervices for &tudents 1ith $isabilities 9&&$< is located in G@@# !aven !all 9A@*-*:::<. htt%:BBssd.umich.eduB ( ademi )nte*rit+: 3he standards of academic integrity can be found on the C&A 1eb%age: htt%:BB111.lsa.umich.eduBacademicintegrityB. Please be advised that %lagiarism or cheating 1ill not be tolerated. Readin*s: 3he follo1ing boo2s are available for %urchase) and are available on reserve at &ha%iro: Anna Grzymala-Busse) Rebuilding Leviathan) (ambridge) "::A. Dose%h 5othschild and Eancy 'ingfield) Return to Diversity) 4ford) "::0. Gale &to2es) The Walls Came Tumbling Down) 4ford) ":.". F&tarred readings are available via e-8ournals: htt%:BB111.lib.umich.eduBe8ournalsB All remaining readings are on (3 C& Le tures: Wee, 1: &e%t #: (ourse 3hemes and re>uirements Wee, 2: )ntrodu tion &e%t /: 'orld 'ar ,, and its -ffects &e%t ..: (ommunist 3a2eovers Readings: &nyder) 3imothy. Bloodlands. Ee1 6or2: Basic Boo2s) vii-":. 5othschild and 'ingfield) Return to Diversity, @.-/.. Wee, 3: -&e Communist -a,eover &e%t .@: &talinism &e%t .0: 3he 3ha1 Readings: 5othschild and 'ingfield) Return to Diversity, @.-/.. &cho%flin) George. Politics in Eastern Europe) .//*: A=-.:*. Wee, 4: -&e (ftermat& of $talinism &e%t "*: Buda%est ./=@) &e%t "=: Prague &%ring of ./@0 Readings:

-2iert) Grzegorz. tate !gainst ociety) G,ntroduction)H Princeton) PUP) .//@: .@#. Wee, .: -&e Re'ellious $o iet+ &e%t *:: &olidarity and its re%ercussions ct ": 3he ./0:s: the $ecade of +ailure Readings: !. 5enner. ! "istory o# C$echoslova%ia since &'(). Condon: 5outledge) ./0/: #/-.:.. 5. Caba) The Roots o# olidarity* Princeton: PUP) .//.: .=-0*. 3.G. Ash) The Polish Revolution+ olidarity. Ee1 6or2: Iintage Boo2s) ./0=: "@"-*:#. Wee, /: -&e Re*imes in Crisis ct A: 3he 5ound 3ables ct /: 3he 5evolutions Readings: &to2es) The Walls Came Tumbling Down: .=A-./*. Jenney) Padraic. ! Carnival o# Revolution, Princeton University Press: A=-/:. Wee, 0: 1 t 14: Fall !rea, 1 t 1/: Midterm Wee, 2: -&e Re*imes Collapse ct ".: ./0/ and choosing a ne1 regime ct "*: 3he +irst $emocratic Governments Readings: 5othschild and 'ingfield) Return to Diversity, .0.-":/ F Kielon2a) Dan. GEe1 ,nstitutions in the ld -ast Bloc)H ,ournal o# Democracy) .//#: 0A-.:#. Wee, 3: E onomi -ransformations ct "0: Mar2et 5eforms ct *:: Privatization Readings: &to2es) The Walls Came Tumbling Down: "@A-"//.

renstein) Mitchell. -ut o# the Red, UM Press) "::.: .-"#) /@-."0. Grzymala-Busse) Anna. Rebuilding Leviathan, (UP "::A: .=/-.0.. Wee, 10: Representation and Contestation Eov #: GPolitical Parties) Priests) and (olonelsHL Eov @: 3he 5eturn of the (ommunistsL Readings: Dasie1icz) Jrzysztof. G&tructures of 5e%resentation)H in Developments in East European Politics) D. 'hite) D. Batt) and P. Ce1is) eds) .//*: ."#-.#@. Mair) Peter. Party ystem Change+ !pproaches and .nterpretations* 4ford: (larendon Press) .//A: .A=-./0. Grzymala-Busse) Anna. Redeeming the Communist Past, (UP) "::": .-.0) "@="0#. Wee, 11: Et&ni it+4 5ationalism4 and t&eir Politi al 6ses7 Eov ..: -thnic Mobilization and Eationalism Eov .*: 3he Brea2u% of 6ugoslavia and (zechoslova2ia Readings: Ja%lan) 5obert. Bal%an /hosts) .//*: *-A@. F Iu8acic) Iel82o. G,nstitutional rigins of (ontem%orary &erbian Eationalism)H East European Constitutional Review) =) #) .//@. Bunce) Ialerie. ubversive .nstitutions, (UP) .///: AA-."@. Wee, 12: )nternational (spe ts Eov .0: 3he 'ars of 6ugoslav &uccession Eov ":: 3he -uro%ean Union and EA3 Readings: 'ood1ard) &usan. Bal%an Tragedy) Broo2ings ,nstitution) .//=: ""*-"A". Iachudova) Milada) Europe 0ndivided) 4ford) "::=: 0.-.*0. Dacoby) 'ade) The Enlargement o# The European 0nion and 1!T-) (ambridge "::#: .=#-.A0.

Wee, 13: -&e Pat&olo*ies of Reform7 Eov "=: (om%etition and the &tate Eov "A: (orru%tion and ,nformal ,nstitutions Readings: A. Grzymala-Busse) Rebuilding Leviathan: .-"0) 0.-.=0. FJ. $arden) MBlac2mail as a 3ool of &tate $omination: U2raine under Juchma)M East European Constitutional Review .:. A. Cedeneva. Blat+ Russia2s Economy o# 3avors) (ambridge) (UP) .//0: .A=".#. Wee, 14: "emo ra + and its "is ontents $ec ": 3he Po%ulist 5esurgenceL $ec #: 3he Cegacies of (ommunism Readings: FMudde) (as. G-4treme 5ight Parties in -astern -uro%e)H Patterns o# Pre4udice) *#) .) ":::: =-"A. Do1itt) Jen. G3he Ceninist Cegacy)H in Eastern Europe in Revolution) ed. ,. Banac. ,thaca: (ornell University Press) .//": ":A-""#. Wee, 1.: -&eoreti al Perspe tives and t&e Future of t&e Re*ion $ec /: 3he broader %ost-communist conte4t $ec ..: 5evie1 for +inal Readings: G. $iPalma) G'hy $emocracy can 'or2 in -astern -uro%e)H in /lobal Resurgence o# Democracy) eds. C. $iamond and M. Plattner. Baltimore) Dohns !o%2ins University Press) .//*: "=A-"@A.

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