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Lakshmi Sadhanas of great Rishis and Master of Tantra

Lakshmi Sadhanas of great Rishis and Master of Tantra Rishi Vashishtth ;- On a Friday, Placed a Lakshmi Yantra efore Yo!rself and made it consecrated "ith Shreerodaya Mantra# Then he lit fo!r lam$s re$resenting Riddhi %"ealth&, Siddhi %s$irit!al $o"ers&, Sh! h %l!ck& and Laa h %gains&# Then "ith a Sfatik rosary he started to chant the follo"ing Mantra# The Mantra gi'en y Vashishtth is Om (reem )amal Vaasinyei Pratyaksham (reem Phat# For this Sadhana he had a ath at night and sat on a yello" mat facing *ast # +nd as he com$leted ,- ro!nds of the Mantra, .oddess Lakshmi a$$eared and said - / am 'ery m!ch $leased "ith yo!# / shall fore'er less yo!r hermitage "ith "ealth and $ros$erity# Yo! shall ne'er ha'e to face any $a!city, $o'erty or sorro" in yo!r life again# Maharishi P!latsya 0- Lakshmi Sadhana in order to gain "ealth and $ros$erity# Many te1ts contain reference to this Sadhana# (e $laced a Shree Lakshmi Yantra in a co$$er $late and lit a ghee lam$# (e sat on a yello" mat facing 2orth# Then "ith a 3hite (akeek rosary he com$leted -- ro!nds of a Mantra "hich com$elled Lakshmi to a$$ear# This $ro'ed that the Mantra de'ised y the sage "as really di'ine and efficacio!s# The Mantra !sed y the Rishi "as Om (reem (reem (reem )amal Vaasinyei +agachch +agachch (reem (reem (reem 2amah# +fter this many Sadhaks tested the $o"er of this Sadhana and each time it $ro'ed mirac!lo!sly effecti'e# Shankaracharya ;- On any S!nday night take a $late of co$$er or ron4e and smear lack lam$ o'er it# Then "ith a sil'er stra" dra" a $ict!re of .oddess Lakshmi on it# On it $lace an *ish"arya Lakshmi Yantra# Then "ear "hite ro es and sit facing 2orth# Pre$are fo!r lam$s of do!gh and fill them "ith sesame or m!stard oil# Place them on the fo!r corners of the $late# Then "ith a 5oral rosary chant 6- ro!nds of the follo"ing Mantra#

Om (reem (reem Shreem Shreem (reem (reem Phat# On com$letion of the chanting slee$ at that 'ery s$ot# /n the morning yo! might hear the tinkling so!nd of anklets# This shall e a sign of ad'ent of .oddess Lakshmi in yo!r ho!se# There shall then ne'er e any $a!city in yo!r ho!se# / ha'e seen many Yogis of the (imalayas !se this 'ery Sadhana and they ha'e e1$erienced that it is a 'ery "onderf!l Mantra rit!al# Yogi Shi'anand0- /n the night light si1 ghee lam$s and $lace them in a $late# O!tside the $late $lace a Vi7ay Lakshmi Yantra "hich m!st e consecrated and Mantra energised "ith Vi7ay Mantra# Then "ith a Rakta 5handan or 5oral rosary chant the follo"ing Mantra# Om Shreem (reem Shreem Shreem (reem Shreem Phat# 5hant 6- ro!nds of the Mantra in the same night# +ny $erson "ho has e'er tried this Sadhana has e1$erienced that as soon as the Mantra chanting is o'er, .oddess Lakshmi a$$ears in a ea!tif!l form and lesses the indi'id!al "ith "ealth and $ros$erity# This is really a "onderf!l Sadhana# S"amiSachidanand The hermitage of S"ami Sachidanand "as in Tihri .arh"al# /t "as 'ery famo!s and "ell kno"n# (e had $roc!red a 'ery ancient te1t from 2e$al in "hich a 'ery s$ecial Sadhana of .oddess Lakshmi "as gi'en "hich the Yogira7 had s!ccessf!lly accom$lished# This ama4ing Sadhana is contained in his hand"ritten a!to iogra$hy# Many Yogis ha'e gained ama4ingly m!ch thro!gh this Sadhana# /n the night of any 3ednesday ha'e a ath and "ear yello" clothes# Sit on a "orshi$ mat facing 2orth# /n a straight line light ele'en lam$s filled "ith oil# Yo! can !se m!stard, gro!ndn!t or sesame oil# 8efore them $lace a Lakshmi Siddh Yantra "hich sho!ld e energi4ed "ith Vishnn! Mantra# Then "ith a Siddhi rosary chant the follo"ing Mantra# Yo! might hear tinkle of 7e"ellery or ha'e a glim$se of the .oddess !t do not lea'e the chanting in the middle# Om Shreem (reem Shreem +yeim (reem Shreem Phat# Se'eral Yogis of the (imalayas ha'e tried this rit!al and they e1$erienced that it is really a 'ery $o"erf!l Mantra#

--------------------------------------------------Pagla8a a Pagla 8a a is famo!s in the "hole of /ndia and he has donated lakhs of r!$$ees in his life time# Still there seems to e no end to his "ealth# /n his yo!th he had accom$lished a Lakshmi Sadhana "hich is 'ery secret# /t is as follo"s# Fill a clay lam$ "ith ghee and $lace it on yo!r left# Light it# Then "ith a )amalgatta rosary chant ,- ro!nds of the follo"ing Mantra# Om (reem *ish"arya Shreem 9han 9haanyaadhi$atayei +yeim Poornnat'a Lakshmi Siddhhayei 2amah# +t least ,- ro!nds ha'e to e chanted# +fter com$letion of the chanting $lace the lam$ on the floor# /t is said that this rit!al has ne'er failed# /t is the est Sadhana of the (ath Yog and if tried "ith f!ll faith and de'otion it can ne'er fail# 8efore the lam$ the Poornnat'a Lakshmi Yantra has to e $laced# +fter Sadhana tie the Yantra in a yello" cloth and $lace it "here yo! kee$ yo!r cash# /t is "itho!t do! t one of the est Sadhanas# --------------------------------------------------*1$eriences of some Tantriks (ere / am re'ealing some high le'el rit!als of some of the greatest masters of the "orld of Tantra# They ha'e een g!arded secretly for ages, for they are 'ery $o"erf!l and :!ick in $rod!cing res!lts# /t is said that the s!n might "ell fail to rise from the *ast !t these rit!als cannot fail# .orakhnath /n the field of Tantra .!r! .orakhnath is remem ered "ith great res$ect# (e accom$lished a 'ery $o"erf!l Sadhana of .oddess Lakshmi and made his hermitage so $ros$ero!s that no matter ho" m!ch "as s$ent, the "ealth ne'er ran o!t# /t is said that .oddess Lakshmi e'er remained $resent in his hermitage# Many Yogis e'en claimed to ha'e her glim$se there# /n the night of a S!nday $lace a Sh"etaark .an$ati in a $late and smear it "ith 'ermilion# Then "ith a sil'er stra" "rite on the idol -

Shreem (reem Shreem /n the night "ear a 9hoti;Saree and stand facing *ast# Then "ith a Sfatik rosary chant -- ro!nds of the follo"ing Mantra# (reem (reem Lakshmi +agachch +agachch (reem (reem Phat# 9o not sit do"n or slee$ or drink "ater till -- ro!nds are o'er# /f yo! feel tired yo! can stand against a "all# There is no need of any lam$ or incense in this Sadhana# /f yo! "ish yo! can light an oil or ghee lam$# This is an !nfailing rit!al and is 'ery s!ccess oriented# --------------------------------------------------Matsyendranath .!r! Matsyendranath is as famo!s as .orakhnath in the field of Tantra# /t is said that "hen it comes to the highest le'el of Sadhanas .!r! Matsyendranath "as e'en more accom$lished than .!r! .orakhnath# (e had accom$lished a 'ery secret Sadhana related to .oddess Lakshmi "hich / fo!nd in a Ti etan te1t# (a'e a ath and "ear a clean 9hoti# 9on<t "ear any other cloth# Sit on the floor "itho!t any mat facing the 2orth# Place a (eera Shankh efore yo!rself# Then "ith a (akeek rosary chant 6- ro!nds of the follo"ing Mantra# +yeim Yam Ram Shreem Yam Fro!m )reem Phat# This is a $o"erf!l Mantra made of 8ee7 Mantras# /t is really 'ery effecti'e and each Sadhak sho!ld try to make the est !se of it# --------------------------------------------------Tri7ata +ghori +nyone "ho has any interest in the field of Tantra or a kno"ledge in this field is a"are of Tri7ata +ghori# (e is a di'ine and $o"erf!l Master of Tantra# (e $ossesses di'ine $o"ers# +nd $resented here is an ama4ing Lakshmi Sadhana got from him# Place a 9hanesh"ari Yantra and se'en .omti 5hakras efore yo!rself# Light se'en oil lam$s $laced in a $late together# Then "ith a Siddhi rosary chant -- ro!nds of the follo"ing Mantra#

(oom (oom (oom Shreem Shreem Shreem 8ram 8ram 8ram Phat# This is a di'ine and ama4ing Mantra# This is a 'ery $o"erf!l and !nfailing rit!al that e'eryone m!st try on 9ee$a"ali# --------------------------------------------------S"ami 8heira'anand + 'ery im$ortant rit!al related to Lakshmi is famo!s in (imachal Pradesh# (!ndreds of Sadhaks ha'e tried this Sadhana# /n the night $lace a Siyaar Singhi efore yo!rself# Make a mark on it "ith 'ermilion# Make a similar mark on yo!r forehead# Sit on a red mat facing the 2orth# 3ear red clothes for the Sadhana# Light se'en ghee lam$s or an oil lam$# 2e1t chant the follo"ing 8haagyoday Lakshmi Mantra# Om Lakshmi +a adh +a adh Siddhaya Siddhaya Phat# 5hant = ro!nds "ith a Sfatik rosary# +s soon as the Mantra chanting is concl!ded the grace of the .oddess in o tained and the $erson ne'er has to face any $a!city in the f!t!re# This is really a 'ery $o"erf!l and di'ine Mantra# --------------------------------------------------+'dhoot )rityanand /n the +'dhoot class of Sadhanas S"ami )rityanand is "orld famo!s# (e once re'ealed a 'ery im$ortant Lakshmi Sadhana to me# /n any night take a )aam Roo$inni in yo!r hand# Take a clay lam$ filled "ith oil in the same $alm and light it# 3ith the eyes concentrated on the flame chant the follo"ing Mantra "ith a Red 5oral rosary# 5hant -ro!nds of the Mantra# Om Shram Siddhesh"araay Lam Mahaalakshmi Vam Vashyamaanay Phat# +fter the Mantra chanting $lace the )amroo$ Manni in a safe $lace at home# Yo! shall e left ama4ed y the effect of this Sadhana in a fe" days# *'ery Sadhak sho!ld s!rely try this Sadhana# --------------------------------------------------Tantrik (alahalnand

/n the field of Tantra (alahalnand is a 'ery res$ecta le name# +ll his Sadhanas related to Lakshmi are considered 'ery di'ine#/n the night of a T!esday "ear red clothes and stand on a red mat#Make a mark "ith 'ermilion on yo!r forehead# Take Vashikarann Lakshmi Yantra in yo!r left hand and "ith Siddh rosary in the right chant ,- ro!nds of the follo"ing Mantra# +ghor Lakshmi Mam .rihe +agachch Sthaa$ay T!shtay Poornnat'am 9ehi 9ehi Phat# This is really an ama4ing Mantra rit!al "hich a$$ears 'ery sim$le !t is really 'ery $o"erf!l# +ccom$lishing it means gaining the grace of the .oddess# --------------------------------------------------S"ami )e'alyaanand S"ami )e'alyaanand is 'ery famo!s in the region of >ttar )ashi# (e is a Sanyasi "ith 'ery fe" needs !t once "hen challenged he accom$lished this Sadhana "hich is !nfailing# /n the night of a T!esday sit in a secl!ded s$ot and "ear red clothes# Place ten )elans efore yo!rself and light a large oil lam$# Offer 'ermilion on each )elan# 3ith a (akeek rosary chant fi'e ro!nds of the follo"ing Mantra# Om (reem Shreem Shriyei Pha

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