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Leadership Jazz

By Max De Pree

A leaders voice is the expression of ones beliefs. A Leaders touch demonstrates competence and resolve.
In his 1989 bestseller Leadership is an Art (Doubleday), Max De Pree showed how the leaders tas is less a ri!orous s"ienti#i" dis"ipline and $ore an art o# !enuine hu$an expression% Leadership &a'' ((urren"y Doubleday, 199)) probes this the$e #urther% Art#ul leaders, says De Pree, $ust $aster two pro#ound and di##i"ult "on"epts whi"h business has ne*er dared a" nowled!e but whi"h an art li e +a'' has per#e"ted, *oi"e and tou"h% De Pree ponders -the $ysterious ener!y lyin! i$pounded in the "onne"tion between *oi"e and tou"h% A#ter all, a leaders *oi"e is the expression o# ones belie#s% A leaders tou"h de$onstrates "o$peten"e and resol*e%. /he "onne"tion o# *oi"e and tou"h00rea"hin! out to others00is the ey to leadership as it is to inspired +a''% Leadership, li e +a'', -is a publi" per#or$an"e, dependent on%%% the need #or e*erybody to per#or$ as indi*iduals and as a !roup, the absolute dependen"e o# the leader on $e$bers o# the band%%%. Max De Pree is "hair$an o# the board o# 1er$an Miller, In"%, an inno*ator in the #urniture business #or 23 years and re!ularly in"luded a$on! the top )4 #ir$s on 5ortunes list o# the $ost ad$ired "o$panies in the 6nited 7tates%
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5ollowers "ant a##ord leaders who $a e "asual pro$ises% Leaders put the$sel*es on the line to the people they lead% An enor$ous "has$ separates the pri*ate world, where we o#ten s$ile indul!ently at bro en pro$ises, #ro$ the publi" one, where un ept pro$ises do !reat har$% At no ti$e is the !ap between indi*idual needs and or!ani'ational needs $ore pain#ully ob*ious than in ti$es o# "utba" s or di##i"ult business "onditions% A leaders pro$ises "o$e under "riti"al exa$ination at these ti$es%
A leader who ba" s away #ro$ pro$ises under duress irreparably da$a!es the or!ani'ation and plants the seeds o# suspi"ion a$on! #ollowers% 8ne o# the !reat dan!ers to or!ani'ations arises when a leaders pri*ate and publi" pro$ises "ontradi"t ea"h other% /hen the

expe"tations o# #ollowers are liable to !o beyond the reality deli*ered% At this point, we be!in to 9uestion the leaders inte!rity%

Leaders leaders Leaders leaders stand out #ro$ the rest o# us% 7o$ehow their "ontributions a##e"t lar!e !roups and $o*e or!ani'ations toward so$ethin! better: yet they #un"tion, #or the $ost part, outside o# or!ani'ations%

!"# #!# /he "han!es they brin! are $ore li e leaps than the s$all steps $ost o# us use% /hey thin o# the world in lar!e ter$s0they wor #or institutions or so"ieties or "ultures, not #or indi*iduals% Leaders wor to brin! the spe"ial and "reati*e !i#ts o# these people to bear on the e##orts o# the !roup% 8n"e a leader de"ides to a""ept this de#ine the pro"ess 9ui" ly% ind o# responsibility, we "an

I would "all it a sear"h #or bene#i"ial surprise% /raditional edu"ation does not prepare us #or this% ;e $ust sear"h #or a "reati*e #e"undity, a "o$post heap o# experien"e and ideas, experi$ents and #ailures and su""esses that will brin! about the "han!es and i$pro*e$ents we need% 1ow does a leader approa"h the pro"ess o# "reati*e wor < A leader #irst $a es a personal "o$$it$ent to be hospitable to !i#ted people% A leader prote"ts unusual persons #ro$ the bureau"ra"y and le!alis$ so ens"on"ed in our or!ani'ations% A leader re$ains *ulnerable to real surprise and to true 9uality% I do $ean surprise 00 so$ethin! totally unexpe"ted% I also $ean a new le*el o# 9uality, one that I $i!ht not ha*e "onsidered be#ore% =either o# these thin!s is easy, really !reat ideas sha e up or!ani'ations%

(reati*e wor needs the ethos o# +a''% A leader will pi" the tune, set the te$po, and start the $usi", de#ine a -style.% A#ter that, its up to the band to be dis"iplined and #ree, wild, and restrained000leaders and #ollowers, #o"used and wide0ran!in!, playin! the $usi" #or the audien"e and a""ountable to the re9uire$ents o# the band% &a''0band leaders now how to inte!rate the -*oi"es. in the band without di$inishin! their uni9ueness% /he indi*iduals in the band are expe"ted to play sole and to!ether% Dele$ate% 1ard0dri*in! business $ana!ers are o#ten too suspi"ious to abandon the$sel*es to the "onse9uen"es o# real dele!ation% /hey trap the$sel*es into du$pin! rather than dele!atin!% Dele!ation is one o# the ways #or a leader to "onne"t *oi"e and tou"h% It is a pre"ious way o# enablin! people to parti"ipate, to !row, to rea"h towards their potential% &"# #&# Dele!ation is one way o# dealin! with the in"reasin! "o$plexity in or!ani'ations% It see$s to $e that it is i$possible #or a $odern0day or!ani'ation to rea"h its potential until, throu!h dele!ation, a leader brin!s to bear the di*erse !i#ts o# $any indi*iduals% It see$s to $e that di*ersity "onsists o# our indi*idual !i#ts and that the spe"tru$ o# !i#ts !i*es or!ani'ations stren!th% I also now that e*ery leader has li$itations: no one person "an be all thin!s to the or!ani'ation% Any leader who li$its the or!ani'ation to the talents and ti$e o# the leader seriously handi"aps the !roup% I$ also assu$in! that the pro"ess o# dele!ation, li e $ost o# a leaders wor , depends hea*ily on the 9uality o# our relationships% ;e be"o$e "orporately e##e"ti*e by trustin! that others "an do

so$e thin!s better than we "an% /his is a ris , o# "ourse, in ter$s o# the or!ani'ation, but I see it as a natural and essential ris % As I see it, dele!ation re9uires a #or$ o# dyin!, a separation o# issue #ro$ sel#% ;e $ust surrender or abandon oursel*es to the !i#ts that other people brin! to the !a$e% ;e $ust be"o$e *ulnerable to e*ery persons need to do their best% Dele!ation re9uires that a leader "learly states the "orporate *ision, a *ision to be #ully shared and dis"ussed and s"rutini'ed% 8nly then "an leaders enroll #ollowers in ad*o"a"y% =ote that I belie*e in -a""eptan"e. and not -a!ree$ent.% -In or!ani'ations, e*en i# we dont "o$pletely a!ree, we ha*e to a""ept a broad dire"tion so that we be"o$e ad*o"ates and allow the or!ani'ation to do its +ob% ;hat do dele!ates need< 5irst, they need to now their authority and a""ountability% /hey need to now the who, what, and when o# the pro+e"t, not the how000that is what the dele!ate brin!s% /hey need all the in#or$ation the leader has and the su$ o# a leaders wisdo$ re!ardin! the pro+e"t% /he dele!ate also needs to ha*e "ertain a!ree$ents with a leader% /o!ether they will de#ine reality, establish the *alidity o# the $ission, understand and a""ept the wor to be done% /hey need to state their !oals% /hey need to "o$e to ter$s about the potential #or !rowth and the way to $easure per#or$an"e% Last, but not least, they need to dis"uss #ailure% 1ow should they rea"t i# the pro+e"t #ails< '"# #'# /he dele!ate needs #ro$ the leader a hi!h de!ree o# "larity and a""ess, to be assured o# the leaders ti$e and in*ol*e$ent at "ertain sta!es o# the pro+e"t% It would be hard to o*eresti$ate the i$portan"e o# la*ish "o$$uni"ation throu!hout the pro"ess o# dele!ation%

/he ind o# "o$$uni"ation I$ tal in! about in"ludes "han"es #or the leader and dele!ate to e*aluate how thin!s are !oin!% Leaders "oa"h and "onne"t without assu$in! responsibility or a""ountability, or a share o# the wor % Leaders dele!ate "o$pletely or not at all% ;hat are the "onstraints< A dele!atee is "onstrained to eep the leader in#or$ed, this bene#its both the leader and the dele!atee% It builds their relationship and lets the dele!atee learn #ro$ the leader% Leaders are "onstrained to a""ept the results o# the dele!ation and deal with the$% ;hether the results turn out to be spe"ta"ularly bad or espe"ially su""ess#ul, a leader is responsible #or the dele!atin!% 1onest e*aluation o# the results, a *ital part o# the personal !rowth, $ust #ollow% 5ailure is a natural part o# wor in or!ani'ations, and we should treat it that way% A (uture) 8ne o# the $yths o# $ana!e$ent is that !ood strate!i" plannin! and an appropriate *ision will ensure an institutions #uture% I$ a#raid this si$ply isnt enou!h% 8nly the e##e"ti*e sele"tion, nurture, and assi!n$ent o# senior people will se"ure an institution% ;hen I as $ysel# about the #uture o# an or!ani'ation, this is $y answer, 7enior leaders are the #uture% A real $ystery surrounds hu$an potential and sele"tin! the ri!ht person #or a di##i"ult +ob% 8n one hand, so$eones per#or$an"e o#ten ex"eeds our expe"tations% 8n the other, as a #riend o# $ine says, -1es !ot a !reat pedi!ree, but he dont hunt%. As a way o# "o$posin! *oi"e and tou"h, lets thin about sele"tin! senior people in ter$s o# what leaders owe the "andidate% Leaders owe it to "andidates #or senior positions to as % ;hat is it that you will uni9uely brin! to the or!ani'ation and to this senior position< A leader will be on the loo out #or se*eral thin!s in the answer%

*"# #*# ;hat does the "andidate say about his or her own le*el o# ener!y and willin!ness to ta e ris s< Do the "andidates "o$$ents slow an understandin! o# the "o$panys institutional *alues and "ulture< ;hat does the "andidate say about the "o$peten"e, "ontribution and "o$$it$ent he or she will brin! to your or!ani'ation00both personally and pro#essionally< In inter*iews with senior people, pay attention to pronouns% Listen "are#ully to the "andidates lan!ua!e% Does the -I. eep appearin!< In the "ase o# senior leaders, thats a red #la!% Listen #or the ability to "o$$uni"ate% Listen #or spontaneity% 8n"e I inter*iewed a $an who see$ed to ha*e all the "redentials% In the "ourse o# "on*ersation, he told $e that he had li*ed #or so$e $onths in London, #or years one o# $y #a*orite pla"es% >a!erly, I as ed hi$ to tell $e about London% 1e answered su""in"tly, -Its the $ost "entral lo"ation in >urope i# youre see in! to establish distribution%. =ot a word about history or $useu$s or theater or ar"hite"ture or par s or people% A#ter you sele"t a senior leader, there is one $ore step you $ay want to "onsider% 7enior leaders ha*e di##i"ult +obs to do: we share a hi!h rate o# #ailure% Id su!!est that you brin! it up% As the 9uestions, -I# to!ether you and I #ail, how would you pre#er to deal with it< ;ould you li e to be trans#erred to another position in the "o$pany< ;ould you li e a 9uiet six $onths to sear"h #or a new +ob and then resi!n< ;ould you pre#er to be #ired<. /his ind o# dis"ussion, in $y experien"e, lays the !roundwor #or open and relaxed tal about per#or$an"e% As I*e said, bein! pro$oted to a senior position is a ris y business% (andid tal about #ailure $a es the ris easier to li*e with% Do leaders ha*e a #uture< ?es% @ut is a #uture #illed with ris and un"ertainty% Does your institution ha*e a #uture< I "ertainly hope

so% @ut I$ willin! to !uarantee you that the 9uality o# that #uture depends on the senior people you are sele"tin! in the present%

+"# #+# Attributes of Leadership 1ere is a list o# attributes that $ay help you "oales"e your thin in! about the !ood wor o# leadership% ,nte$rity is the lin"hpin o# leadership% ;here inte!rity is at sta e, beha*ior is the only s"ore thats ept% -ulnerability% Aulnerable leaders trust in the abilities o# other people% /hey allow the people who #ollow the$ to do their best% ?ou "annot buy discernment: you "an #ind it% Dis"ern$ent lies so$ewhere between wisdo$ and +ud!e$ent% A.areness of the human spirit. In a spe"ial way, all the 9ualities o# a !ood leader ste$ #ro$ this% /oura$e in relationships% 5ollowers expe"t a leader to #a"e up to tou!h de"isions% ?oull #ind a sense of humor essential to li*in! with a$bi!uity% ,ntellectual ener$y and curiosity. ;e "annot $a e !ood de"isions unless we a""ept the responsibility #or learnin! #ranti"ally the thin!s that produ"e the$% 0espect for the future1 re$ard for the present1 understandin$ of the past. Leaders $o*e "onstantly ba" the #uture% 8ur per"eption o# ea"h be"o$es "lear and *alid i# we understand the past% Predictability% Leaders $ust be "al"ulable #or"es in or!ani'ations: they are not #ree to #ollow a whi$% Breadth% A *ision o# what an or!ani'ation "an be"o$e has roo$ #or all "ontributions #ro$ all 9uarters% /omfort .ith ambi$uity. 1ealthy or!ani'ations exhibit a de!ree o# "haos% A leader will $a e so$e sense o# it%

2he Lessons of (ollo.in$ ;hile be"o$in! a !ood #ollower is not the only way to be"o$e a !ood leader, it "an be *ery i$portant trainin!% ;hat "an a leader learn by wal in! in the shoes o# a #ollower< 8ne 9ui" ly learns who deli*ers solutions and who lo*es to hand o*er proble$s% 8ne learns to re"o!ni'e the di##i"ulty o# holdin! people a""ountable while !i*in! the$ spa"e to $a e $ista es% And one learns so$eti$es startlin! di##eren"es between the per"eptions o# leaders and the e*eryday realities o# #ollowers% /o be sure, leaders owe a !reat deal to their institutions and their #ollowers% @y the sa$e to en, #ollowers owe a !reat deal to their institutions and their leaders% 3"#

#3# It see$s to $e a leader has the ri!ht to expe"t #ollowers to de*elop a hi!h de!ree o# litera"y about the institution: to ta e responsibility #or a"hie*in! personal !oals: and to be"o$e loyal to the idea behind the institution or business, e*en when unable to a!ree to all the !oals and pro"esses% ;hat should leaders beware o# that inhibits !ood #ollowership< Leaders "an indul!e in "ri$es o# the spirit000"yni"is$, destru"ti*e "riti"is$, personal ani$osity, !ossip00that "reate an at$osphere in whi"h #ollowers "annot sur*i*e, $u"h less per#or$% And leaders who expe"t #ollowers to be $ind readers dont produ"e !ood se"ond #iddlers: leaders "annot depri*e #ollowers o# !ood trainin!, !ood orientation, and a""ess to ne"essary in#or$ation without payin! a pri"e% (ondensed #ro$ -Leadership &a''. by Max De Pree (opy ri!ht 199) by the author Published by Doubleday a di*ision o# @antain Doubleday Dell Publishin! Broup I =ew ?or % =? 1313), 6%7%A% All ri!hts reser*ed%

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