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A step into Connectivity

Riccardo Nardetto

Every day people follow rules written or unwritten rules of society. As well for devices there are rules, these set of rules are called protocols. hey define a lan!ua!e and a set of rules and procedures that ena"le devices and syste#s to co##unicate.


Different Protocols?
$hat happen if you have different protocol in a sa#e networ%& 'evices with different protocols are li%e hu#ans spea%in! different lan!ua!es, you need a translator. his ( ranslator) is called *A E$A+.


Most Common Protocols?

he ,ost Co##on -rotocols in ./AC are0








3ntroduced in the 450s, ,od"us6 has now "eco#e one of the #ost widely used protocols in 2,7. Carel controllers 8e.!. -C9, ,-:;< are a"le to co##unicate directly usin! the ,od"us6 protocol.

Modbus in Short
Na#e0 '920 Created "y0 7tandard0 $e"0 Architecture0 ype0
Mod8icon< bus 1=50s ,odicon 8today 7chneider Electric< 'efacto http0//www.#od"us.or!/ ,aster/7lave 7erver/Client ,od"us R > ,od"us C-/3-

Modbus Pros
? 9pen ? 7i#ple ? ,ini#u# hardware re@uire#ents ? Easy develop#ent under any operatin! syste# ? $ell %now protocol

Modbus Cons
? 1i#ited functionalities ? 7lave device cannot volunteer infor#ationA it #ust wait to "e as%ed for it ? /endors #ay not i#ple#ent the standard consistently ? /aria"les #appin! re@uired

Carels Modbus Products

-C91000$20 Ethernet serial card

-C9700BCD0 R7BCD serial card


$ith #illions of devices installed all over the world, the 1on$or%s6 syste#, developed "y EC.E19N6, is one of the do#inant solutions in the #ar%et of auto#ation and control in industry, offices, ho#es and transport. 9ur pC9 siste#a series controllers, usin! special serial cards, can "e inte!rated into 1on$or%s6 networ%s. o "eco#e operational, the interface cards #ust "e pro!ra##ed accordin! to the application installed on the controller. he E 10 standard is supported.

LonWorks in Short
Na#e0 '920 Created "y0 7tandard0 $e"0 Architecture0 ype0
Local Operation Networ% 1==0s Echelon Corporation in conFunction with ,otorola AN73/CEA 50=.1 and 3EEE 1B5GH1 http0//www.lon#ar%.or!/ peerHtoHpeer networ% wistedH-air Ca"lin! -owerline ,ains Ei"er 9ptics 81i!ht $ave<

LonWorks Pros
9pen Architecture 3nteropera"ility with other vendors 7N/ I #ethod 8different approach to definin! data o"Fects< Neuron chip provides uni@ue address out of factory
I 7tandard Networ% /aria"le ypes

LonWorks Cons
? (Closed) 7yste#I due to0
-roprietary networ% varia"les -roprietary startHup -roprietary co##issionin! tools

? 1ittle acceptance in certain syste#s 8Eire, 7ecurity, -ower, -1Cs<

* All must be done with Echelon programs

Carels LonWorks Products

-C910000E0 H 19N serial card -C910001E0 H 19N serial card Chiller -rofile


2ACnet is literally a "oo% that defines #ethods that a #anufacturer can use, if it chooses, to #a%e syste#s which can "e interopera"le with other 2ACnet syste#s in various ways. 9wners and specifiers can also use 2ACnet as a tool for specification and to add precision to the specification of interopera"le syste#s. 2ACnet does not replace the need for specifyin! what one wants or needs. 3t si#ply provides so#e standardiJed tools to help ena"le the creation of syste#s that can interoperate.

BACnet in Short
Na#e0 '920 Created "y0 7tandard0 $e"0 Architecture0 ype0
,7/ Buildin! Auto#ation and Contro NETwor%s 1==0s A7.RAE A7.RAE, AN73, and 379 standard protocol http0//www."acnet.or!/ peerHtoHpeer networ%
8,asterHslave/to%en passin!<,

ARCnet, Ethernet, 3-, 1on al%

BACnet Pros
? 9pen Architecture ? Cost effective inte!ration solution to operate with other vendors ? -rotocol 3#ple#entation and Confor#ance 7tate#ent 8-3C7< ? 2ACnet 3nteropera"ility 2uildin! 2loc%s 823227< ? EleKi"le i#ple#entation ? 'ata o"Fects approach ? Encryption

BACnet Cons
Co#pleK Confi!uration tools are proprietary for each vendor 'ata"ase structure not standardiJed -ro!ra##in! tools are re@uired for each vendor

Carels BACnet Products

-C91000$20 Ethernet serial card

-C910002A0 2ACnet ,7/ card

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