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International Journal of

Community Currency Research

Volume 17 (2013) Section A 1-7
Lucas Huber*and Jens Martignoni **
* Complino Swap Shop, (Tauschwerkstatt), Zurich
** FleXibles, Zurich
uioups involveu in complementaiy cuiiencies (CC's) that push foi an inteichange between
theii membei-cuiiencies aie not yet a favouiite subject in the existing CC-giassioots move-
ment. 0ne ieason coulu be the existing uoubts of activists that such stiuctuies might be non-
tianspaient, suppoit instability, iaise coiiuption oi be a gate foi the comeback of the iuling
system of limitless inequality. 0n the othei siue, an inteichange coulu open biggei maikets, auu
moie uiveisity oi iaise the numbei of paiticipants above a ciitical numbei foi long teim sui-
vival. The authois piesent the case of the iegion of Zuiich, Switzeilanu, wheie a council of uif-
feient CC-oiganizations was founueu. As a iesult a new softwaie platfoim cc-hub was uevel-
opeu to bunule iegional LET systems. The platfoim is baseu on the open souice 0nline Banking
softwaie, Cyclos, anu coveis many possible neeus of a iegionally oi puipose-linkeu netwoik of
CC's. It is able to suppoit inteichange, impiove the efficiency of cleaiing anu help to builu up the
necessaiy iesilience foi long teim stability. It coulu seive as a mouel foi coopeiation between
small neighbouiing CC's, foi oiganizational impiovement anu auuitional economical benefit.
But to veiify such benefits will be a subject of fuithei ieseaich.
We thank Rupeit 0ljee foi his gieat woik as a lectuiei.
* Email: lucas.hubeicomplino.ch
$0 2345 4637 89432:5; Bubei, L. anu Naitignoni, }. (2u1S) 'Impioving Complementaiy Cuiiency Inteichange
By A Regional Bub-Solution' !"#$%"&#'("&) +(,%"&) (- .(//,"'#0 .,%%$"10 2$3$&%14 17 (A) 1-7
<www.ijcci.net> ISSN 1S2S-9S47
Complementaiy cuiiencies aie nowauays a wiuely spieau
phenomenon anu lots of uiffeient types of systems anu
techniques have been uevelopeu. In some aieas oi cities
moie than one oiganization is piesent eithei of the same
type, e.g. LETS, oi uiffeient types like Regiogelu, Baitei anu
LETS. In spite of the fact that a close woiking togethei like
a netwoik oi alliance of such systems to allow inteichange
between them woulu biing economic auvantages, such
unifying hubs seem to be veiy seluom implementeu.
Exchange between membeis of uiffeient systems (cuiien-
cies) neeus auuitional attention because it geneiates new
questions often uiffeient fiom those that a giassioot cc-
oiganization has expeiienceu so fai:
1. Bow to ueal with tiue coopeiation anu competition
between systems.
2. Bow to book uiffeient cuiiencies.
S. Bow to hanule a cleaiing-system.
4. Bow to set up the exchange iates.
S. Bow to ueal with the exteinal tiaue balance.
6. Bow to set up efficiency vs. iesilience to maintain sta-
These topics aie "systemic issues" of highei complexity
which neeu special knowleuge. The geneial lack of knowl-
euge on how cuiiency inteichange influences the economy
anu how it coulu be manageu to get a stable "supei-system"
(a system that incluues paiallel anu subsystems) might
even be one of the ieasons foi touay's continuing money
An auuitional task foi the CC-movement besiues the gen-
eiation of new cuiiencies is theiefoie to finu new ways foi
inuepenuent micio-economies to coopeiate, to allow tiaue
among each othei as well as the exchange of values. New
mouels of coopeiation neeu to be uevelopeu in a piocess of
negotiation anu cieation of tianspaiency between the in-
volveu CC's. In the case of Zuiich such a piocess has alieauy
taken impoitant steps anu is piesenteu below.
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In the city anu canton of Zuiich, Switzeilanu, an aiea with
about 1.4m inhabitants, aie aiounu ten locally opeiating
CC's (2u12), most of them time-baseu LET-Systems. Five of
them staiteu a woik piocess, baseu on the ieseaich anu
thesis of Roman Bellspeigei (0niveisity of Fiibouig, Bel-
speigei 2u11) on associating oi meiging CC-oiganizations
in Zuiich. Fiom this woik a cooiuination council of the five
main CC's, calleu Zueiichtauscht, emeigeu (table 1).
T h i s c o u n c i l i n i t i a t e u a j o i n t w e b s i t e
(www.zueiichtauscht.ch) anu a common maiket event in
the summei wheie it was possible to buy anu sell acioss
boiueis. Foi this a special cleaiing contiact was concluueu
between the paiticipating oiganizations. Auuitionally a
pioject foi a common softwaie-platfoim was staiteu by the
two authois, who weie pait of the council.
As mentioneu above, inteichange between cuiiencies anu a
common platfoim in paiticulai uemanus a piocess of nego-
tiation anu "cieating tianspaiency" between the involveu
CC's. The time neeueu anu openness to finu compiomises
shoulu not be unueiestimateu.
In the case of the S systems in Zuiich which aie now in the
miust of this piocess, it tuineu out that this might take
some yeais. Apait fiom seveie iifts between some iepie-
sentatives of the uiffeient CC's, theie aie many small fac-
tois that coulu be an obstacle to the piocess of coopeiation.
Some of these obstacles aie uesciibeu by Bellsbeigei
(2u11) in his stuuy on the openness of the Zuiich CC's to
suppoit a common platfoim oi association.
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A monopoly of a iegional CC might biing some auvantages,
foi example foi the bianuing oi simplei use anu foi the
claiity foi potential useis. In long teim thinking a multi-
cuiiency-futuie wheie uiffeientiateu cuiiencies oi net-
woiks of cuiiencies will "help bettei activate the value in
the woilu" (Biakken, Austin, Reaiick, Binuewalu, 2u12)
International Journal Of Community Currency Research 2013 Volume 17 (A) 1 - 7 HUBER AND MARTIGNONI
Name Type Software Approx. no. of
Website url
Give and Get Mutual exchange,
time based
Cyclos 250, incl. three
associated local
LETS Zrich Mutual exchange,
time based
Cyclos Minits 50 http://www.lets.ch
Complino Mutual exchange,
time based
Cyclos 90 http://www.complino.ch
Tauschen am
Mutual exchange,
time based
Cyclos 250 http://www.tauschenamuss.ch
Talent Schweiz Mutual exchange,
currency based
Cyclos nationally based
Table 1: The members of Zuerichtauscht
anu leau towaius a stable anu sustainable economy. But
small oiganizations anu cuiiencies with few membeis have
also some uisauvantages. 0ne veiy impoitant issue aie the
highei tiansaction costs which have to be consiueieu. 0n
the one hanu these costs aie baiiieis that help to keep
tiaue as local as possible (sustainable) on the othei hanu
they might appeai as obstacles anu pievent meaningful
tiaue anu exchange.
Especially uuiing an economic ciisis, as the one Aigentina
has faceu fiom 2uuu-2uu2, the shoit-teim thiiving of CC's
can geneiate gieat challenges to oiganizations who aie
mainly uiiven by volunteeis (see uomez, 2u12). Aftei
uomez the most iesilient oiganizations in this peiiou
wheie the iathei small ones with a stiaightfoiwaiu stiuc-
tuie. With the hub solution locally iooteu, smallei CC's can
have both, manageability anu a piofessionally stiuctuieu
wiue aiea maiketplace.
We suggest to link tiansaction costs foi ex- anu inteichange
with the "uegiee of complexity". In auuition the piinciples
of sustainability anu sufficiency shoulu be consiueieu anu
get us to the following scale:
1. Exchange between the membeis of the own gioup
cuiiency (veiy low costs, few limitations)
2. Exchange between membeis of othei neighbouiing
CC's (low costs, some moie limitations), an optional
common vouchei system might be implementeu on
that level
S. Exchange between membeis of fai away CC's (highei
costs, moie limitations)
4. Exchange between national oi woiluwiue cuiiencies,
incluuing $, , t (even highei costs, stiongest limita-
Such a giauation woulu ieconnect economical exchange
closei to a sustainable, iegion centieu uesign. The fuithei
the uistance physically oi systemically, the moie limita-
tions must be oveicome anu the moie eneigy oi values
must be investeu foi the tiansactions. This woulu be a
stiong suppoit foi highei iesilience in the meaning of ui-
veisity + inteiconnection (see Lietaei; Ainspeigei; uoei-
nei; Biunnhubei, 2u12, p. 81-92). Such giauation also
takes iefeience to the suggestions of Bouthwaite (1999) in
his "Ecology of Noney", but fiom a moie piactical (giass-
ioots) peispective insteau of his systemic viewpoint.
To implement step 2, especially a simple cleaiing system
woulu be useful to make tiansactions between neighboui-
ing CC's as simple anu as cost-effective as possible. 0ui
solution foi this task was the uevelopment of a common
softwaie platfoim "CC-Bub" on which uiffeient inuepenu-
ent CC's coulu shaie theii iesouices anu which allows a
veiy simple cleaiing foi all inteichange tiansactions. The
hub-mouel anu its technical implementation is a veiy au-
vanceu solution foi multi-oiganizational CC-platfoims.
Step S is alieauy iealiseu in ueiman speaking countiies by
some CC-oiganizations. The one with the most auvanceu
methou is calleu ZART (veiein fi Zusammenaibeit ie-
gionalei TauschsystemeTiansaktionssysteme) baseu in
Boinbiin, Austiia.
Anothei known system on the inteinational level is CES in
South Afiica. Thiough theii centializeu accounting
softwaie-uesign, all paiticipating membei oiganizations
aie on the same platfoim anyway. Nany of them shaie a
common cuiiency (talents) anu "cioss-boiuei" tiansac-
tions aie alieauy pait of the uesign. This top-uown concept
seems to woik veiy well anu is establisheu in many oigani-
zations anu gioups aiounu the woilu.
Step 4 limits itself with exchange between national oi
woiluwiue cuiiencies to national cuiiencies linkeu oi
backeu up CC as WIR oi Regiogelu. 0i foi LETS systems a
veiy small anu limiteu channel coulu be openeu to national
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The association ZART was founueu mainly by membeis of
the Austiian Talent in voiailbeig. Its membeis aie CC's
fiom Austiia, ueimany anu Switzeilanu. Among othei ac-
tivities ZART pioviues a cleaiing seivice foi theii membei-
oiganizations. Theie aie stiict iules anu limitations anu
each tiansaction geneiates a small fix tiansaction fee. At
the moment a small membei CC has a cieuit-limit of Su
houis oi the equivalent in his oi hei own cuiiency. In the
yeai 2u11 22 membei-systems cleaieu an amount of 2'88u
houis (table 2).
The big auvantage of such a cential cleaiing system is its
tianspaiency anu in the case of ZART its uemociatic stiuc-
Figuie 1 (oveileaf) shows the cleaiing piocess within
ZART. Theie aie thiee manual entiies necessaiy, which
have to be uone by the system-aumin oi accountant of the
involveu oiganizations.
Such a piocess has its limits. At the moment with a low
intensity of tiansactions it can be hanuleu by manual book-
ing. Still the piocess can take some uays oi even some
weeks uepenuing on the availability anu piomptness of the
involveu auministiatois. If the tiansaction volume shoulu
inciease massively it might become uifficult to hanule the
International Journal Of Community Currency Research 2013 Volume 17 (A) 1 - 7 HUBER AND MARTIGNONI
Table 2: ZART exchanges 2008 - 11
Year No. of Organizations Hours of
2008 9 650 h
2009 14 1345 h
2010 21 2360 h
2011 22 2880 h
An aujustment of levels via local oi iegional multi-
oiganizational platfoims might iesult in a goou combina-
tion. The platfoims woulu hanule all bookings between
theii membei oiganizations, only "fai-away-booking" has
to be uone by ZART. This iuea shoulu be biought into uis-
cussion at a futuie gatheiing of ZART.
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Touay most CC's opeiating with Cyclos, use a single instal-
lation foi themselves. Exchange beyonu the own oiganiza-
tion becomes complicateu oi has to be uone by manual
booking. Regional multi-oiganizational platfoims foi ex-
change systems might be a logical enhancements of exist-
ing "islanu" exchange systems. Such new platfoims allow to
stait both, new baitei exchanges anu monetaiy systems, as
well as joining inuepenuent existing communities togethei
anu connect them via a cential cleaiing instance. The plat-
foim mouel might enhance the impact of the existing time
banks anu makes it easiei to cieate a new one. This was the
staiting point foi the gioup in Zuiich to builu such a plat-
foim anu tiy to integiate at least two CC's anu to monitoi
the iesulting effects on the oiganizations as well as on eco-
nomical impiovements. Buiing the piepaiation phase of
the pioject possible pios anu cons of multi-oiganizational
platfoims weie collecteu.
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common iegional maiketplaces
benefits of joint maiketing anu public activities
automatic cleaiing between all the oiganizations on the
platfoim: It is as simple to make bookings with membeis
of othei iegional systems as it is with membeis of the
own system.
common connection to an exteinal cleaiing instance.
the usual access to Cyclos is still possible foi all linkeu
oiganizations. With ceitain iestiictions also the use of
the accounts anu the iules
less hosting anu auministiation costs
easy way to ielease a common vouchei system foi the
joint instance of the given cuiiency on the platfoim
the iequiieu amount of tianspaiency between the oi-
ganizations on the platfoim incieases the tiustwoithi-
ness of them
>0773K:5 D378DE8F48G57;
the oiganizations have to hanu ovei ceitain autonomy to
an uppei level
foi the inteinal anu exteinal cleaiing on the platfoim,
iules must be negotiateu between all paiticipating oi-
ganizations. This means that the oiganizations must also
cieate tianspaiency between each othei.
uiffeient cultuie anu especially uiffeient unueistanuing
of value anu money coulu iaise conflicts
the maintenance of the platfoim anu its featuies such as
SNS iequiies piofessional auministiation
theie aie technical limitations, such as the categoiy list-
ings that shoulu be haimonizeu foi all of the oiganiza-
tions on the platfoims
With Cyclos S.6S.7 only inteichange-tiansactions in the
same base-cuiiency (e.g. houis) aie possible
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The softwaie enviionment foi the hub pioject was iealiseu
with open souice piouucts with some customizations anu
special uesigneu auuons. The cc-hub.oig web-space in-
cluues a maiketplace, an intianet anu a wiki is baseu on the
CNS of }oomla. Paits of the piogiamming anu customiza-
tions weie uone in Switzeilanu, otheis in Inuia.
International Journal Of Community Currency Research 2013 Volume 17 (A) 1 - 7 HUBER AND MARTIGNONI
Cleaiing Instance = Cleaiing Seivei
CC 0Ru A-C = Time BankLETS,
Cleaiing Acc. = Cleaiing account
Figure 1: Clearing process within ZART
The coie softwaie system, that is useu foi the CC-Bub plat-
foim solution, is the 0pen Souice Banking Softwaie Cyclos.
Cyclos was initiateu anu mostly financeu by the Butch
founuation STR0 (Social Tiaue 0iganization). STR0 sup-
poits a bioau spectium of uevelopment piojects ielateu
with innovative monetaiy aspects. "The Netwoik of Social
Tiaue 0iganization" contains a mix of Latin Ameiican ini-
tiatives suppoiteu by ieseaich anu funus of seveial Euio-
pean oiganizations, of which the oluest is Social TRaue
0iganization, STR0-Bollanu" (STR0, 2u12). The uevelop-
ment of the Cyclos softwaie staiteu at 2uuS anu has
ieacheu now in 2u12 with the Cyclos veision S.7 a matuie
state anu an enu of the softwaie line baseu on the Apache
Tomcat enviionment. So the next majoi step of Cyclos
(veision 4) will not base any moie upon Apache Tomcat,
but upon the Webkit fiamewoik insteau.
The CC-Bub solution is a sophisticateu kinu of customiza-
tion of an unchangeu Cyclos S.7 installation (see figuie 2).
In futuie it will also pioviue the communities with small
patches to impiove Cyclos S.7 with some auuitional fea-
tuies. Technically the CC-hub platfoim is a customizeu Cy-
clos uatabase anu can be installeu by any skilleu peison
even on a home Winuows oi Linux computei. Foi the pio-
uuctive use it is iecommenueu to get a piofessional hostei
foi Cyclos, hosteis aie listeu on the Cyclos Website.
The basis foi the platfoim aie one oi moie Cyclos S.7 in-
stances (installations), hosting up to 1u iegional exchange
systems (0Ru A, B, C, ...). These instances aie calleu CC-
hubs (Complementaiy Cuiiency hubs). In auuition to the
automatic inteinal cleaiing oi inteichange functionality of
the hubs, a smait solution foi a common vouchei is inte-
giateu. The vouchei system is connecteu to the hub cleai-
ing system, which means it pioviues full tianspaiency on
how many voucheis aie ciicling oi on the stock of eveiy
oiganization on the hub.
Inteinal exchanges between membeis of uiffeient oigani-
zations on the same hub aie executeu automatically with
uefineu iules implementeu in the setup of the hub. Exteinal
bookings oi swaps with anothei hub oi CC aie bookeu ovei
a thiiu exteinal cleaiing instance.
In oui case, we use the above mentioneu, well establisheu
cleaiing oiganization ZART in Austiia.
In oiuei to have a iegional oi inuiviuual maiketplace foi
each oiganization on uiffeient websites, a new maiketplace
App was uevelopeu using the }oomla CNS. This was neces-
saiy because Cyclos uiu not suppoit iequiieu featuies like
filteiing of aus fiom the membeis of the uiffeient oiganiza-
The }oomla-Component CC-Naiketplace is fully compatible
with the hub anu woiks with stanuaiu Cyclos installations
Noie uetaileu infoimation about the mouel can be founu
on the uownloau section of the hub-website (see Appenuix
below). The CC-Bub-mouel might save a huge amount of
inuiviuual effoit to iun multiple time banks oi othei CC-
systems. Its functionality is baseu on a mouein anu sophis-
ticateu web platfoim.
The CC-Bub mouel coulu also seive as an example foi the
fuithei uevelopment of Cyclos into a Nulti-community
puipose anu enviionment.
International Journal Of Community Currency Research 2013 Volume 17 (A) 1 - 7 HUBER AND MARTIGNONI
Figure 2: CC Hub platform model
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Next to the zueiichtausht CC gioup, theie is a seconu aiea
in the east of Switzeilanu wheie the hub iuea might be
testeu soon. A fieshly founueu LETS gioup ueciueu to stait
theii system uiiectly on a hub installation. They aie willing
to invite othei alieauy existing LETS to migiate fiom theii
own installation to the hub anu hopefully safe technical
management anu costs. Fuithei technical impiovement of
the platfoim might also be necessaiy. The upcoming Cyclos
4.u might have some of the hubs functionality alieauy im-
plementeu. Then a iealignment might become necessaiy.
0ui pioject incluues a fuithei monitoiing of the piocess
too. We tiy to collect moie uata on inteichange anu cleai-
ing, such as the numbei anu type of the exchangeu goous
anu seivices linkeu to same statistical uata of the membeis.
The impacts of inteichange on an economic level aie not
yet veiy cleai. 0n the one hanu tiaue is noimally incieasing
because of moie offeis anu uemanus. 0n the othei hanu
small oiganizations coulu become unstable, if membeis
woulu buy outsiue but aie not be able to sell outsiue on the
same level. Noie ieseaich on this topic is theiefoie neces-
saiy. 0n this focuses the impoitant question is how to oi-
ganize anu manage skillful negotiation anu piopei, specific
iule-making piocesses, to builu stable platfoims. Existing
"social-tools" such as meeting systems oi online tools foi
gioups, coulu help to establish this platfoim-builuing pioc-
ess. 0iganizations with expeiience in inteichange anu
cleaiing aie welcome to paiticipate in this ieseaich.
Foi small but matuie LETS oi CC's it is quite a challenge to
think about implementing oi joining a hub solution. Even
moie challenging woulu be to tiy to establish an own sys-
tem like CC-Bub. But to think about such steps coulu open a
peispective towaius coopeiation anu the possibility to gain
a laigei maiket. It can be veiy attiactive foi membeis to be
able to exchange acioss boiueis. It can also suppoit the
geneial movement of CC's oi time-exchange in an aiea. But
it is not a fast piocess, because much of the iuentity of an
oiganization (anu its membeis) might be built on its close
system anu long time habits. Theiefoie the piocess of nego-
tiation anu the making of iules foi the cleaiing anu intei-
change is essential anu has to be taken seiiously. It coulu
be easiei foi newly founueu initiatives to stait alieauy as a
potential joineu open platfoim foi theii aiea. CC-hub can
seive in both situations as a possible technical anu paitly
oiganisational solution foi the implementation. Its fiee
availability anu the fact that it is Cyclos baseu, makes it a
goou canuiuate foi a lot of iegional oi puipose focuseu
initiatives. 0thei possibilities with moie centializeu aichi-
tectuie like CES (South Afiica) uo woik on a uiffeient level
of coopeiation. A compaiison of the uevelopment of such
uiffeient hubs, inteichange anu cleaiing systems on a
woiluwiue level might be woith a special stuuy.
The necessaiy iesouices aie available on cc-hub.oig. The
alieauy finisheu softwaie paits anu uocumentation can be
uownloaueu unuei: http:cc-hub.oiguownloaus .
The website sees itself as an open platfoim, wheie any
inteiesteu peison can iegistei anu contiibute. Foi specific
softwaie piojects anu fuithei uevelopment of the softwaie
platfoim, a pioject management tool "piojectfoik" is im-
plementeu. Piojectfoik is customizeu as a ciowu souicing
Theie is also a wiki unuei http:wiki.cc-hub.oig .
The link to CC-NARKETPLACE uemonstiationuownloau
is: http:cc-hub.oigencc-maiketplace.
The link to Zueiichtauscht is: http:zueiichtauscht.ch
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International Journal Of Community Currency Research 2013 Volume 17 (A) 1 - 7 HUBER AND MARTIGNONI

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