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Eng| sh, 1
Insta| | at on, 2~3~4~5
Unpack|ng and |eve|||ng
LonnecL|ng Lhe e|ecLr|c|Ly and waLer supp||es
1he |rsL wash cyc|e
1echn|ca| daLa
Descr pt on of the wash ng mach ne
and start ng a wash cyc| e, 6~7
LonLro| pane|
lnd|caLor ||ghLs
SLarL|ng a wash cyc|e
Wash cyc|es, 8
1ab|e o wash cyc|es
Persona| sat on, 9
SeLL|ng Lhe LemperaLure
SeLL|ng Lhe sp|n speed
Detergents and | aundry, 10
LeLergenL d|spenser drawer
lrepar|ng Lhe |aundry
CarmenLs reou|r|ng spec|a| care
Load ba|anc|ng sysLem
Precaut ons and t ps, 11
Cenera| saeLy
Lpen|ng Lhe porLho|e door manua||y
Care and ma ntenance, 12
LuLL|ng o Lhe waLer or e|ecLr|c|Ly supp|y
L|ean|ng Lhe wash|ng mach|ne
L|ean|ng Lhe deLergenL d|spenser drawer
Lar|ng or Lhe door and drum o your app||ance
L|ean|ng Lhe pump
Lheck|ng Lhe waLer |n|eL hose
Troub| eshoot ng, 13
Ass stance, 14
WML 520 P{C{A{k
Instructons for use

Leve|||ng your app||ance correcL|y w||| prov|de |L w|Lh
sLab|||Ly and avo|d any v|braL|ons, no|se and sh|L|ng
dur|ng operaL|on l |L |s p|aced on a |LLed or |oose
carpeL, adusL Lhe eeL |n such a way as Lo a||ow
enough room or venL||aL|on beneaLh Lhe wash|ng
E| ectr c and water connect ons
Connectng the water n|et hose
1 lnserL sea| ^ |nLo Lhe
end o Lhe |n|eL hose and
screw Lhe |aLLer onLo a
co|d waLer Lap w|Lh a 3/4
gas Lhreaded mouLh
[s /:_u:,
Leore mak|ng Lhe
connecL|on, a||ow Lhe
waLer Lo run ree|y unL||
|L |s perecL|y c|ear
2 LonnecL Lhe oLher end
o Lhe waLer |n|eL hose Lo
Lhe wash|ng mach|ne,
screw| ng | L onLo Lhe
app| | ances co| d waLer
|n|eL, s|LuaLed on Lhe Lop
r|ghL-hand s|de on Lhe
rear o Lhe app||ance [s
3 Make sure Lhere are no k|nks or bends |n Lhe
1he waLer pressure aL Lhe Lap musL be w|Lh|n Lhe
va|ues |nd|caLed |n Lhe 1echn|ca| deLa||s Lab|e
[Jn 1I n1 pu_,
l Lhe waLer |n|eL hose |s noL |ong enough, conLacL
a spec|a||sL sLore or an auLhor|sed serv|ceman
Lnsure LhaL Lhe supp|y Laps are a||ow|ng waLer
Lhrough L|d Laps may se|ze |n Lhe c|osed pos|L|on
and Lhus prevenL waLer reach|ng Lhe mach|ne
Keep Lh|s |nsLrucL|on manua| |n a sae p|ace or
uLure reerence Shou|d Lhe app||ance be so|d,
Lranserred or moved, make sure Lhe |nsLrucL|on
manua| accompan|es Lhe wash|ng mach|ne Lo |norm
Lhe new owner as Lo |Ls operaL|on and eaLures
Fead Lhese |nsLrucL|ons careu||y Lhey conLa|n
v|La| |normaL|on on |nsLa||aL|on, use and saeLy
Unpack ng and | eve| | ng
Unpack ng
1 Unpack Lhe wash|ng mach|ne
2 Lheck wheLher Lhe wash|ng mach|ne has been
damaged dur|ng LransporL l Lh|s |s Lhe case, do
noL |nsLa|| |L and conLacL your reLa||er
3 Femove Lhe 4
proLecL|ve screws and
Lhe rubber bush w|Lh
Lhe respecL|ve spacer,
s|LuaLed on Lhe rear o
Lhe app||ance [s uIsJ
1I :ns1uIIu1:Jn Iu/I1,
NL1he p|asL|c spacers
may a|| down |ns|de Lhe
mach|ne once Lhe bo|L
has been removed, and w||| noL |nLerere w|Lh Lhe
operaL|on o Lhe mach|ne
4 Lo noL remove exLerna| bar
5 Sea| Lhe gaps us|ng Lhe p|asL|c p|ugs prov|ded
6 Keep a|| Lhe parLs you w||| need Lhem aga|n |
Lhe wash|ng mach|ne needs Lo be moved Lo
anoLher |ocaL|on
lackag|ng maLer|a|s are noL ch||drens Loys
Leve| | ng
/our mach|ne may make a cons|derab|e amounL o
no|se | Lhe Lwo ronL eeL have noL been adusLed
1 lnsLa|| Lhe wash|ng mach|ne on a |aL sLurdy
|oor, w|LhouL resL|ng |L up aga|nsL wa||s, urn|Lure
cab|neLs or oLher
2 l Lhe |oor |s noL
perecL|y |eve|, com-
pensaLe or any
unevenness by
L|ghLen|ng or |oosen|ng
Lhe adusLab|e ronL
eeL [s /:_u:,, Lhe
ang|e o |nc||naL|on,
measured accord|ng Lo
Lhe workLop, musL noL
exceed 2
_ Lhe supp|y vo|Lage |s |nc|uded w|Lh|n Lhe va|ues
|nd|caLed on Lhe 1echn|ca| deLa||s Lab|e
[s pu_ o,,
_ Lhe sockeL |s compaL|b|e w|Lh Lhe wash|ng
mach|nes p|ug l Lh|s |s noL Lhe case, rep|ace
Lhe sockeL or Lhe p|ug
/our app||ance |s now supp||ed w|Lh a 13 amp used
p|ug |L can be p|ugged |nLo a 13 amp sockeL or
|mmed|aLe use Leore us|ng Lhe app||ance p|ease
read Lhe |nsLrucL|ons be|ow
W^FNlNC - 1lS ^llLl^NLL MUS1 LL L^F1LL
LU1 L/ ^ (U^LlllLL LLLL1FlLl^N
HpIu.:n_ 1I /us
When rep|ac|ng a au|Ly use, a 13 amp ^S1^
approved use Lo LS 1362 shou|d a|ways be used,
and Lhe use cover re-|LLed l Lhe use cover |s
|osL, Lhe p|ug musL noL be used unL|| a rep|acemenL
|s obLa|ned
Fep|acemenL use covers
l a rep|acemenL use cover |s |LLed, |L musL be o
Lhe correcL co|our as |nd|caLed by Lhe co|oured
mark|ng or Lhe co|our LhaL |s embossed |n words on
Lhe base o Lhe p|ug Fep|acemenLs can be obLa|ned
d|recL|y rom your nearesL Serv|ce LepoL
H:J.:n_ 1I pIu_
l your app||ance has a non-rew|reab|e mou|ded p|ug
and you shou|d w|sh Lo re-rouLe Lhe ma|ns cab|e
Lhrough parL|L|ons, un|Ls eLc, p|ease ensure LhaL
Lhe p|ug |s rep|aced by a used 13 ampere re-
wearab|e p|ug bear|ng Lhe LSl mark o approva|
Lhe ma|ns cab|e |s w|red d|recL|y |nLo a 13 amp cab|e
ouL|eL, conLro||ed by a sw|Lch, |n comp||ance w|Lh
LS 5?33] wh|ch |s access|b|e w|LhouL mov|ng Lhe
D:spJs:n_ J/ 1I pIu_
Lnsure LhaL beore d|spos|ng o Lhe p|ug |Lse|, you
make Lhe p|ns unusab|e so LhaL |L cannoL be
acc|denLa||y |nserLed |nLo a sockeL
lnsLrucL|ons or connecL|ng cab|e Lo an a|LernaL|ve
lmporLanL Lhe w|res |n Lhe ma|ns |ead are co|oured
|n accordance w|Lh Lhe o||ow|ng code
Sreen 8 Ye| | ow Earth
B| ue Neutra|
Br own L ve
65 - 100 cm
Connectng the dran hose
LonnecL Lhe dra|n
hose, w|LhouL bend|ng
|L, Lo a dra|n|ng ducL or
a wa|| dra|n s|LuaLed
beLween 65 and 100 cm
rom Lhe |oor,
1he dra|n hose may be
connecLed Lo an under-
s|nk Lrap Leore
connecL|ng Lhe dra|n
hose rom Lhe mach|ne
ensure LhaL any b|anks
or removab|e ends have
been Laken o Lhe
l |L |s p|ace over Lhe
edge o a bas|n or s|nk
be sure Lhe ree end
o Lhe hose shou|d noL
be underwaLer
We adv|se aga|nsL Lhe use o hose exLens|ons, |n
case o abso|uLe need, Lhe exLens|on musL have
Lhe same d|ameLer as Lhe or|g|na| hose and musL
noL exceed 150 cm |n |engLh
Lnsure LhaL | Lhe dra|n hose |s pushed |nLo a
sLandp|pe, LhaL Lhe end does noL go down more
Lhan 15cms 6 |nches] l Lhe hose |s pushed down
Loo ar, Lh|s may cause Lhe mach|ne Lo se| -
syphon |e conL|nuous|y empLy as |L |s ||||ng
E|ectrc connecton
Leore p|ugg|ng Lhe app||ance |nLo Lhe ma|ns
sockeL, make sure LhaL
_ Lhe sockeL |s earLhed and |n comp||ance w|Lh
Lhe app||cab|e |aw,
_ Lhe sockeL |s ab|e Lo susLa|n Lhe app||ances
max|mum power |oad |nd|caLed |n Lhe 1echn|ca|
deLa||s Lab|e [s pu_ o,,
^s Lhe co|ours o Lhe w|res |n Lhe |ead may noL
correspond w|Lh Lhe co|oured mark|ngs |denL|yng
Lhe Lerm|na|s |n your p|ug, proceed as o||ows
LonnecL Creen o /e||ow w|re Lo Lerm|na| marked E
or or co|oured Creen or Creen o /e||ow
LonnecL Lrown w|re Lo Lerm|na| marked L or
co|oured Fed
LonnecL L|ue w|re Lo Lerm|na| marked N or co|oured
l a 13 amp p|ug LS 1363] |s used |L musL be |LLed
w|Lh a
13 amp use, e|Lher |n Lhe p|ug or adapLor or aL Lhe
d|sLr|buL|on board
l you are |n any doubL Lhe e|ecLr|ca| supp|y Lo your
mach|ne, consu|L a oua|||ed e|ecLr|c|an beore use
ow Lo connecL an a|LernaL|ve p|ug
1he w|res |n Lh|s ma|ns |ead are co|oured |n
accordance w|Lh Lhe o||ow|ng code
D:spJs:n_ J/ 1I uppI:un.
When d|spos|ng o Lhe app||ance p|ease remove Lhe
p|ug by cuLL|ng Lhe ma|ns cab|e as c|ose as poss|b|e Lo
Lhe p|ug body and d|spose o |L as descr|bed above
1he wash|ng mach|ne shou|d noL be |nsLa||ed |n an
ouLdoor env|ronmenL, noL even when Lhe area |s
she|Lered, because |L may be very dangerous Lo
|eave |L exposed Lo ra|n and LhundersLorms
When Lhe wash|ng mach|ne |s |nsLa||ed, Lhe ma|ns
sockeL musL be w|Lh|n easy reach
Lo noL use exLens|ons or mu|L|p|e sockeLs
1he power supp|y cab|e musL never be benL or
dangerous|y compressed
1he power supp|y cab|e musL on|y be rep|aced by
an auLhor|sed serv|ceman
Warn|ng 1he company den|es a|| ||ab|||Ly | and
when Lhese norms are noL respecLed
The frst wash cyc| e
Lnce Lhe app||ance has been |nsLa||ed, and beore
you use |L or Lhe |rsL L|me, run a wash cyc|e w|Lh
deLergenL and no |aundry, us|ng Lhe wash cyc|e 1
13 ampere fuse
Technca| data
Mode| WML 520 l/C/^/K
w|dLh 595 cm
he|ghL 85 cm
depLh 535 cm
Capacty rom 1 Lo 6 kg
p|ease reer Lo Lhe Lechn|ca| daLa
p|aLe |xed Lo Lhe mach|ne
Water connectons
max|mum pressure 1 Mla 10 bar]
m|n|mum pressure 005 Mla 05 bar]
drum capac|Ly 52 ||Lres
Spn speed up Lo 1200 roLaL|ons per m|nuLe
Energy rated
accordng to
EN 60456
programme 1, LemperaLure 60L,
us|ng a |oad o 6 kg
1h|s app||ance conorms Lo Lhe
o||ow|ng LL L|recL|ves
- 89/336/LLL daLed 03/05/89
L|ecLromagneL|c LompaL|b|||Ly]
and subseouenL mod||caL|ons
- 2002/96/LL
- 2006/95/LL Low vo|Lage]
Descrpton of the washng machne
and startng a wash cyc|e
,AJAHCAJ @E IFAIAH @H=MAH used Lo d| spense
deLergenLs and wash|ng add|L|ves s D1:_n1s
unJ IuunJ:,]
0NJ0FF buLLon sw|Lches Lhe wash|ng mach|ne on
and o
WASP CYCLE knob programmes Lhe wash cyc|es
Lur|ng Lhe wash cyc|e, Lhe knob does noL move
FUNCTI0N buLLons w|Lh |nd|caLor ||ghL used Lo
se|ecL Lhe ava||ab|e uncL|ons 1he |nd|caLor ||ghL
correspond|ng Lo Lhe se|ecLed uncL|on w||| rema|n ||L
SPIN SPEED knob seLs Lhe sp|n speed or exc|ude
Lhe sp|n cyc|e comp|eLe|y s F:sJnuI:su1:Jn]
TEMPEBATUBE knob seLs Lhe LemperaLure or Lhe
co|d wash cyc|e s F:sJnuI:su1:Jn]
WASP CYCLE PB0SBESS |nd|caLor ||ghLs used
Lo mon|Lor Lhe progress o Lhe wash cyc|e
1he |||um|naLed |nd|caLor ||ghL shows wh|ch phase |s
|n progress
D00B L0CkED |nd|caLor ||ghL |nd|caLes wheLher
Lhe door may be opened or noL [s n1 pu_,
STABTJPAUSE buLLon w|Lh |nd|caLor ||ghL sLarLs
or Lemporar||y |nLerrupLs Lhe wash cyc|es
NL 1o pause Lhe wash cyc|e |n progress, press Lh|s
buLLon, Lhe correspond|ng |nd|caLor ||ghL w||| |ash
orange, wh||e Lhe |nd|caLor ||ghL or Lhe currenL
wash cyc|e phase w||| rema|n ||L |n a |xed manner l
Lhe LLLF LLLKLL |nd|caLor ||ghL |s sw|Lched
o, Lhe door may be opened
1o sLarL Lhe wash cyc|e rom Lhe po|nL aL wh|ch |L
was |nLerrupLed, press Lh|s buLLon aga|n
|nd|caLor ||ghLs
buLLons w|Lh
|nd|caLor ||ghLs
0NJ0FF buLLon
|nd|caLor ||ghL
buLLon w|Lh
|nd|caLor ||ghL
Contro| pane|
Ind cator | ghts
1he |nd|caLor ||ghLs prov|de |mporLanL |normaL|on
1h|s |s whaL Lhey can Le|| you
Wash cyc| e phase nd cator | ghts
Lnce Lhe des|red wash cyc|e has been se|ecLed and has
begun, Lhe |nd|caLor ||ghLs sw|Lch on one by one Lo
|nd|caLe wh|ch phase o Lhe cyc|e |s currenL|y |n progress
Funct on buttons and correspond ng
nd cator | ghts
When a uncL|on |s se|ecLed, Lhe correspond|ng
|nd|caLor ||ghL w||| |||um|naLe
l Lhe se|ecLed uncL|on |s noL compaL|b|e w|Lh Lhe
programmed wash cyc|e, Lhe correspond|ng |nd|caLor
||ghL w||| |ash and Lhe uncL|on w||| noL be acL|vaLed
l a uncL|on wh|ch |s |ncompaL|b|e w|Lh anoLher
uncL|on se|ecLed prev|ous|y, on|y Lhe mosL recenL
se|ecL|on w||| rema|n acL|ve
Door | ocked nd cator | ght
l Lh|s |nd|caLor ||ghL |s on, Lhe app||ance door |s |ocked
Lo prevenL |L rom be|ng opened acc|denLa||y, Lo avo|d
any damage, wa|L or Lhe |nd|caLor ||ghL Lo sw|Lch o
beore you open Lhe app||ance door
l Lhe S1^F1/l^USL |nd|caLor ||ghL orange]
|ashes rap|d|y aL Lhe same L|me as Lhe uncL|on
|nd|caLor ||ghL, Lh|s |nd|caLes a prob|em has
occurred s T:JuLIsIJJ1:n_]
Start ng a wash cyc| e
1 Sw|Lch Lhe wash|ng mach|ne on by press|ng Lhe LN/Lll buLLon ^|| |nd|caLor ||ghLs w||| sw|Lch on or a ew
seconds, Lhen Lhey w||| sw|Lch o and Lhe S1^F1/l^USL |nd|caLor ||ghL w||| pu|se
2 Load Lhe |aundry and c|ose Lhe door
3 SeL Lhe W^S L/LLL knob Lo Lhe des|red programme
4 SeL Lhe wash|ng LemperaLure s F:sJnuI:su1:Jn,
5 SeL Lhe sp|n speed [s F:sJnuI:su1:Jn,
6 Measure ouL Lhe deLergenL and wash|ng add|L|ves s D1:_n1s unJ IuunJ:,,
? Se|ecL Lhe des|red uncL|ons
8 SLarL Lhe wash cyc|e by press|ng Lhe S1^F1/l^USL buLLon and Lhe correspond|ng |nd|caLor ||ghL w|||
rema|n ||L |n a |xed manner, |n green
1o cance| Lhe seL wash cyc|e, pause Lhe mach|ne by press|ng Lhe S1^F1/l^USL buLLon and se|ecL a new cyc|e
9 ^L Lhe end o Lhe wash cyc|e Lhe |nd|caLor ||ghL w||| sw|Lch on 1he LLLF LLLKLL |nd|caLor ||ghL w|||
sw|Lch o, |nd|caL|ng LhaL Lhe door may be opened 1ake ouL your |aundry and |eave Lhe app||ance door aar Lo
make sure Lhe drum dr|es comp|eLe|y
Sw|Lch Lhe wash|ng mach|ne o by press|ng Lhe LN/Lll buLLon
lump ouL
Lnd o wash cyc|e
Wash cyc|es

Tab| e of wash cyc| es
Eco Wash cyc|es
1he Lco Lyc|es assure energy sav|ng by e||m|naL|ng Lhe need o heaL|ng waLer and |L's an advanLage boLh Lo your
energy b||| and Lhe env|ronmenL
1hese |nnovaL|ve Lco programmes LoLLon, SynLheL|cs and lasL Wash] are ava||ab|e or var|ous abr|cs and
d|erenL ouanL|Ly o garmenL, Lhey have been des|gned Lo guaranLee a h|gh c|ean|ng acL|on even aL |ow LemperaLu-
re and can be used or ||ghL|y Lo med|um so||ed |oads
Lco Lyc|es g|ve Lhe besL resu|Ls Lhanks Lo an |nLens||ed wash acL|on, waLer opL|m|zaL|on and are carr|ed ouL |n Lhe
same average L|me o a sLandard cyc|e
lor Lhe besL wash|ng resu|Ls w|Lh Lco programmes we recommend Lhe usage o a ||ou|d deLergenL
E.J U,.Is Iu. Ln 1s1J unJ .uI:Ju1J L, un 1:nuI IuLJ:u1J:, [UTTNIHEN, :n 1::s J/ p:/J::un. unJ
Descr|pt|on of the wash cyc|e
Speca| cyc|es
6 Baby cyc|e: heav||y so||ed de||caLe co|ours 40 800 2 1 118 9?
7 Sh|rts 40 600 2 1 69 65
8 L|nger|e cyc|e 30 600 1 1 ?9 ?0
9 Woo|: or woo|, cashmere, eLc 40 600 1,5 1 55 51
10 S||k{Curta|ns: or garmenLs |n s||k and v|scose, ||nger|e 30 0 2 1 55 51
Essenta|s cyc|es
1 Cotton: exLreme|y so||ed wh|Les 90 1200 6 3 126 103
1 Cotton [1]: exLreme|y so||ed wh|Les 60 1200 6 3 148 98
2 Cotton: heav||y so||ed wh|Les and res|sLanL co|ours 60 1200 6 3 122 98
2 Cotton [2]: heav||y so||ed wh|Les and de||caLe co|ours 40 1200 6 3 115 91
3 Co|oured Cottons [3]: ||ghL|y so||ed wh|Les and de||caLe co|ours 40 1200 6 3 85 ?1
4 Synthet|cs: heav||y so||ed res|sLanL co|ours 50 800 2,5 1,5 82 63
Fastwash 60': Lo reresh ||ghL|y so||ed garmenLs ou|ck|y
noL su|Lab|e or woo|, s||k and c|oLhes wh|ch reou|re wash|ng by hand]
60 800 2,5 - 60 -
Eco cyc|es
11 Cotton
1200 6 - 85 -
12 Synthet|cs
800 3 - ?? -
13 Fast Wash
800 3 - 30 -
Parta|s wash cyc|es
A F|nse - 1200 6 3 36 32
B Sp|n - 1200 6 - 16 -
C lump ouL - 0 6 - 2 -
TI :n/J::u1:Jn .Jn1u:nJ :n 1I 1uLI :s :n1nJJ us u _u:J JnI,
For a|| Test Inst|tutes:
1] Test wash cyc|e |n comp||ance w|th regu|at|on EN 60456: set wash cyc|e 1 w|th a temperature of 60C.
2] Long wash cyc|e for cottons: set wash cyc|e 2 w|th a temperature of 40C.
3] Short wash cyc|e for cottons: set wash cyc|e 3 w|th a temperature of 40C.
Sett ng the temperature
1urn Lhe 1LMlLF^1UFL knob Lo seL Lhe wash LemperaLure see TuLI J/ uusI .,.Is]
1he LemperaLure may be |owered, or even seL Lo a co|d wash ]
1he wash|ng mach|ne w||| auLomaL|ca||y prevenL you rom se|ecL|ng a LemperaLure wh|ch |s h|gher Lhan Lhe
max|mum va|ue seL or each wash cyc|e
Sett ng the sp n speed
1urn Lhe SllN SlLLL knob Lo seL Lhe sp|n speed or Lhe se|ecLed wash cyc|e
1he max|mum sp|n speeds ava||ab|e or each wash cyc|e are as o||ows
Wash cyc|es Max|mum sp|n speed
LoLLons 1200 rpm
SynLheL|cs 800 rpm
Woo| 600 rpm
S||k dra|n on|y
1he sp|n speed may be |owered, or Lhe sp|n cyc|e can be exc|uded a|LogeLher by se|ecL|ng Lhe symbo|
1he wash|ng mach|ne w||| auLomaL|ca||y prevenL you rom se|ecL|ng a sp|n speed wh|ch |s h|gher Lhan Lhe
max|mum speed seL or each wash cyc|e
Funct ons
1he var|ous wash uncL|ons ava||ab|e w|Lh Lh|s wash|ng mach|ne w||| he|p Lo ach|eve Lhe des|red resu|Ls, every L|me
1o acL|vaLe Lhe uncL|ons
1 lress Lhe buLLon correspond|ng Lo Lhe des|red uncL|on,
2 Lhe uncL|on |s enab|ed when Lhe correspond|ng |nd|caLor ||ghL |s |||um|naLed
NoLe l Lhe |nd|caLor ||ghL |ashes rap|d|y, Lh|s s|gna|s LhaL Lh|s parL|cu|ar uncL|on may noL be se|ecLed |n
conuncL|on w|Lh Lhe se|ecLed wash cyc|e
Beduced creases
Ly se|ecL|ng Lh|s uncL|on, Lhe wash and sp|n cyc|es w||| be mod||ed |n order Lo reduce Lhe ormaL|on o
creases ^L Lhe end o Lhe cyc|e Lhe wash|ng mach|ne w||| perorm s|ow roLaL|ons o Lhe drum, Lhe FLLULLL
LFL^SLS and S1^F1/l^USL |nd|caLor ||ghLs w||| |ash orange] and Lhe phase w||| rema|n ||L |n a |xed
manner 1o end Lhe cyc|e, press Lhe S1^F1/l^USL buLLon or Lhe FLLULLL LFL^SLS buLLon
lor Lhe S||k 10] and L|nger|e 8] wash cyc|es, Lhe mach|ne w||| end Lhe cyc|e wh||e Lhe |aundry |s soak|ng, Lhe
FLLULLL LFL^SLS and S1^F1/l^USL |nd|caLor ||ghLs w||| |ash orange] and Lhe FlNSL phase w||| rema|n ||L |n
a |xed manner 1o dra|n Lhe waLer so LhaL Lhe |aundry may be removed, press Lhe S1^F1/l^USL buLLon or Lhe
1h|s uncL|on may noL be used |n conuncL|on w|Lh wash cyc|es 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, L, L
M n | oad
1h|s uncL|on |s recommended or when Lhe |oad o |aundry |s eoua| Lo ha|, or |ess Lhan ha|, o Lhe max|mum
recommended |oad [s TuLI J/ uusI .,.Is,
1h|s uncL|on may noL be used |n conuncL|on w|Lh wash cyc|es 5, 11, 12, 13, L, L
Extra r nse
Ly se|ecL|ng Lh|s uncL|on, Lhe e|c|ency o Lhe r|nse |s |ncreased and opL|ma| deLergenL remova| |s
guaranLeed lL |s parL|cu|ar|y useu| or sens|L|ve sk|n
1h|s uncL|on may noL be used |n conuncL|on w|Lh wash cyc|es 13, L, L
Super Wash
Lecause a greaLer ouanL|Ly o waLer |s used |n Lhe |n|L|a| phase o Lhe cyc|e, and because o Lhe |ncreased
cyc|e duraL|on, Lh|s uncL|on oers a h|gh-perormance wash
1h|s uncL|on may noL be used |n conuncL|on w|Lh wash cyc|es 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ^, L, L

Detergents and |aundry
Detergent d spenser drawer
Cood wash|ng resu|Ls a|so depend on Lhe correcL
dose o deLergenL add|ng Loo much deLergenL w|||
noL necessar||y resu|L |n a more e|c|enL wash, and
may |n acL a bu||d up on Lhe |ns|de o your app||ance
and conLr|buLe Lo env|ronmenLa| po||uL|on
Lo noL use hand wash|ng deLergenLs because
Lhese creaLe Loo much oam
Lpen Lhe deLergenL
d|spenser drawer and
pour |n Lhe deLergenL or
wash|ng add|L|ve, as
Lo noL pour deLergenL |nLo Lhe m|dd|e comparLmenL *]
LeLergenL shou|d on|y be poured |nLo Lhe comparLmenL 1
compartment 1: Detergent for the wash
cyc| e [powder or | qu d]
lor besL resu|Ls ||ou|d deLergenL shou|d be poured
|n Lhe d|spenser |mmed|aLe|y beore Lhe sLarL o
Lhe programme
compartment 2: Addtves [fabrc softeners, etc.]
1he abr|c soLener shou|d noL over|ow Lhe gr|d
Prepar ng the | aundry
L|v|de Lhe |aundry accord|ng Lo
- Lhe Lype o abr|c/Lhe symbo| on Lhe |abe|
- Lhe co|ours separaLe co|oured garmenLs rom
LmpLy a|| garmenL pockeLs and check Lhe buLLons
Lo noL exceed Lhe ||sLed va|ues, wh|ch reer Lo
Lhe we|ghL o Lhe |aundry when dry
Lurab|e abr|cs max 6 kg
SynLheL|c abr|cs max 2,5 kg
Le||caLe abr|cs max 2 kg
Woo| max 1,5 kg
Pow much does your |aundry wegh?
1 sheeL 400-500 g
1 p|||ow case 150-200 g
1 Lab|ec|oLh 400-500 g
1 baLhrobe 900-1200 g
1 Lowe| 150-250 g
Sarments requ r ng spec a| care
Baby cyc|e: Lh|s wash cyc|e 6 can be used Lo
remove Lhe so|||ng Lyp|ca||y caused by bab|es, wh||e
ensur|ng LhaL a|| deLergenL |s removed rom
napp|es |n order Lo prevenL Lhe de||caLe sk|n o
bab|es rom suer|ng a||erg|es 1he cyc|e has been
des|gned Lo reduce Lhe amounL o bacLer|a by us|ng
a greaLer ouanL|Ly o waLer and opL|m|s|ng Lhe
eecL o spec|a| d|s|necL|ng add|L|ves added Lo Lhe
^L Lhe end o Lhe wash cyc|e, Lhe mach|ne w||| s|ow|y
roLaLe Lhe drum Lo prevenL Lhe ormaL|on o
creases, Lo end Lhe cyc|e press Lhe S1^F1/l^USL
Shrts: use spec|a| wash cyc|e 7 Lo wash sh|rLs |n
var|ous abr|cs and co|ours
lL guaranLees max|mum care |s Laken o Lhe
garmenLs and m|n|m|ses Lhe ormaL|on o creases
Lngere cyc|e: or undergarmenLs o any co|our,
|n any abr|c Use spec|a| wash cyc|e 8
Woo|: oLpo|nL |s Lhe on|y wash|ng mach|ne
manuacLurer Lo have been awarded Lhe
presL|g|ous Woo|mark l|aL|num Lare endorsemenL
M0508] by Lhe Woo|mark Lompany, wh|ch means
LhaL a|| woo||en garmenLs may be washed |n Lhe
wash|ng mach|ne, even Lhose wh|ch sLaLe "hand
wash on|y on Lhe |abe| Wash cyc|e 9 Lhereore
oers comp|eLe peace o m|nd when wash|ng
woo||en garmenLs |n Lhe wash|ng mach|ne max |oad
1,5 kg] and guaranLees opL|ma| perormance
S|k: use spec|a| wash cyc|e 10 Lo wash a|| s||k
garmenLs We recommend Lhe use o spec|a|
deLergenL wh|ch has been des|gned Lo wash de||ca-
Le c|oLhes
Curtans: o|d curLa|ns and p|ace Lhem |n a p|||ow
case or mesh bag Use wash cyc|e 10
Load ba| anc ng system
Leore every sp|n cyc|e, Lo avo|d excess|ve v|braL|ons
and Lo d|sLr|buLe Lhe |oad |n a un|orm manner, Lhe
drum roLaLes conL|nuous|y aL a speed wh|ch |s s||ghL|y
greaLer Lhan Lhe wash|ng roLaL|on speed l, aLer
severa| aLLempLs, Lhe |oad |s noL ba|anced correcL|y,
Lhe mach|ne sp|ns aL a reduced sp|n speed l Lhe |oad
|s excess|ve|y unba|anced, Lhe wash|ng mach|ne per-
orms Lhe d|sLr|buL|on process |nsLead o sp|nn|ng
1o encourage |mproved |oad d|sLr|buL|on and ba|ance,
we recommend sma|| and |arge garmenLs are m|xed
|n Lhe |oad


Precautons and tps

1h|s wash|ng mach|ne was des|gned and
consLrucLed |n accordance w|Lh |nLernaL|ona|
saeLy regu|aL|ons 1he o||ow|ng |normaL|on |s
prov|ded or saeLy reasons and musL Lhereore be
read careu||y
Senera| safety
1h|s app||ance was des|gned or domesL|c use on|y
1he wash|ng mach|ne musL on|y be used by adu|Ls, |n
accordance w|Lh Lhe |nsLrucL|ons prov|ded |n Lh|s manua|
Lo noL Louch Lhe mach|ne when bareooL or w|Lh
weL or damp hands or eeL
Lo noL pu|| on Lhe power supp|y cab|e when
unp|ugg|ng Lhe app||ance rom Lhe e|ecLr|c|Ly
sockeL o|d Lhe p|ug and pu||
Lo noL open Lhe deLergenL d|spenser drawer
wh||e Lhe mach|ne |s |n operaL|on
Lo noL Louch Lhe dra|ned waLer as |L may reach
exLreme|y h|gh LemperaLures
Never orce Lhe porLho|e door 1h|s cou|d damage
Lhe saeLy |ock mechan|sm des|gned Lo prevenL
acc|denLa| open|ng
l Lhe app||ance breaks down, do noL under any
c|rcumsLances access Lhe |nLerna| mechan|sms
|n an aLLempL Lo repa|r |L yourse|
^|ways keep ch||dren we|| away rom Lhe app||ance
wh||e |L |s operaL|ng
1he door can become ou|Le hoL dur|ng Lhe wash cyc|e
l Lhe app||ance has Lo be moved, work |n a group
o Lwo or Lhree peop|e and hand|e |L w|Lh Lhe
uLmosL care Never Lry Lo do Lh|s a|one, because
Lhe app||ance |s very heavy
Leore |oad|ng |aundry |nLo Lhe wash|ng mach|ne,
make sure Lhe drum |s empLy
D sposa|
L|spos|ng o Lhe packag|ng maLer|a|s observe |oca|
regu|aL|ons so LhaL Lhe packag|ng may be re-used
1he Luropean L|recL|ve 2002/96/LL on WasLe
L|ecLr|ca| and L|ecLron|c Lou|pmenL, reou|res
LhaL o|d househo|d e|ecLr|ca| app||ances musL noL
be d|sposed o |n Lhe norma| unsorLed mun|c|pa|
wasLe sLream L|d app||ances musL be co||ecLed
separaLe|y |n order Lo opL|m|se Lhe recovery and
recyc||ng o Lhe maLer|a|s Lhey conLa|n and reduce
Lhe |mpacL on human hea|Lh and Lhe env|ronmenL
1he crossed ouL "whee|ed b|n" symbo| on Lhe
producL rem|nds you o your ob||gaL|on, LhaL when
you d|spose o Lhe app||ance |L musL be separaLe|y
Lonsumers shou|d conLacL Lhe|r |oca| auLhor|Ly or
reLa||er or |normaL|on concern|ng Lhe correcL
d|sposa| o Lhe|r o|d app||ance
0pen ng the portho| e door manua| | y
|n the event that |t |s not poss|b|e to open the
portho|e door due to a powercut, and |f you w|sh to
remove the |aundry, proceed as fo||ows:
1 remove Lhe p|ug rom
Lhe e|ecLr|ca| sockeL
2 make sure Lhe waLer
|eve| |ns|de Lhe mach|ne |s
|ower Lhan Lhe door
open|ng, | |L |s noL,
remove excess waLer
us|ng Lhe dra|n hose,
co||ecL|ng |L |n a buckeL as
|nd|caLed |n Lhe /:_u:
3 us|ng a screwdr|ver,
remove Lhe cover pane| on
Lhe |ower ronL parL o
Lhe wash|ng mach|ne s
4 pu|| ouLwards us|ng Lhe Lab as |nd|caLed |n Lhe
|gure, unL|| Lhe p|asL|c L|e-rod |s reed rom |Ls
sLop pos|L|on, pu|| downwards and open Lhe door aL
Lhe same L|me
5 repos|L|on Lhe pane|, mak|ng sure Lhe hooks are
secure|y |n p|ace beore you push |L onLo Lhe

Care and mantenance
Cutt ng off the water and
e| ectr c ty supp| es
1urn o Lhe waLer Lap aLer every wash cyc|e
1h|s w||| ||m|L wear on Lhe hydrau||c sysLem |ns|de
Lhe wash|ng mach|ne and he|p Lo prevenL |eaks
Unp|ug Lhe wash|ng mach|ne when c|ean|ng |L and
dur|ng a|| ma|nLenance work
C| ean ng the wash ng mach ne
1he ouLer parLs and rubber componenLs o Lhe
app||ance can be c|eaned us|ng a soL c|oLh soaked
|n |ukewarm soapy waLer Lo noL use so|venLs or
C| ean ng the detergent d spenser
Femove Lhe d|spenser
by ra|s|ng |L and pu|||ng
|L ouL s /:_u:]
Wash |L under runn|ng
waLer, Lh|s operaL|on
shou|d be repeaLed
Carng for the door and drum of
your app| ance
^|ways |eave Lhe porLho|e door aar |n order Lo
prevenL unp|easanL odours rom orm|ng
C| ean ng the pump
1he wash|ng mach|ne |s |LLed w|Lh a se|-c|ean|ng
pump wh|ch does noL reou|re any ma|nLenance
SomeL|mes, sma|| |Lems such as co|ns or buLLons]
may a|| |nLo Lhe pre-chamber wh|ch proLecLs Lhe
pump, s|LuaLed |n |Ls boLLom parL
Make sure Lhe wash cyc|e has |n|shed and unp|ug
Lhe app||ance
1o access Lhe pre-chamber
1 us|ng a screwdr|ver,
remove Lhe cover pane|
on Lhe |ower ronL parL
o Lhe wash|ng mach|ne
s /:_u:],
2 unscrew Lhe ||d by
roLaL|ng |L anL|-
c|ockw|se s /:_u:] a
||LL|e waLer may Lr|ck|e
ouL 1h|s |s perecL|y
3 c|ean Lhe |ns|de Lhorough|y,
4 screw Lhe ||d back on,
5 repos|L|on Lhe pane|, mak|ng sure Lhe hooks are
secure|y |n p|ace beore you push |L onLo Lhe
Check ng the water n| et hose
Lheck Lhe |n|eL hose aL |easL once a year l Lhere
are any cracks, |L shou|d be rep|aced |mmed|aLe|y
dur|ng Lhe wash cyc|es, waLer pressure |s very
sLrong and a cracked hose cou|d eas||y sp||L open
Never use second-hand hoses
/our wash|ng mach|ne cou|d a|| Lo work Leore conLacL|ng Lhe 1echn|ca| ^ss|sLance LenLre
s ~ss:s1un.], make sure LhaL Lhe prob|em cannoL be noL so|ved eas||y us|ng Lhe o||ow|ng ||sL
Prob| em:
The wash ng mach ne does not
sw tch on.
The wash cyc| e does not start.
The wash ng mach ne does not
take n water [the nd cator
| ght for the f rst wash cyc| e
stage f| ashes rap d| y].
The wash ng mach ne
cont nuous| y takes n and
dra ns water.
The wash ng mach ne does not
dra n or sp n.
The wash ng mach ne v brates a
| ot dur ng the sp n cyc| e.
The wash ng mach ne | eaks.
The STABTJPAUSE ndcator |ght
[orange] and the functon
ndcator |ghts f|ash rapd|y.
There s too much foam.
Poss b| e causes J So| ut ons:
1he app||ance |s noL p|ugged |nLo Lhe sockeL u||y, or |s noL mak|ng
1here |s no power |n Lhe house
1he wash|ng mach|ne door |s noL c|osed proper|y
1he LN/Lll buLLon has noL been pressed
1he S1^F1/l^USL buLLon has noL been pressed
1he waLer Lap has noL been opened
1he waLer |n|eL hose |s noL connecLed Lo Lhe Lap
1he hose |s benL
1he waLer Lap has noL been opened
1here |s no waLer supp|y |n Lhe house
1he pressure |s Loo |ow
1he S1^F1/l^USL buLLon has noL been pressed
1he dra|n hose |s noL |LLed aL a he|ghL beLween 65 and 100 cm rom Lhe
|oor [s Ins1uIIu1:Jn,
1he ree end o Lhe hose |s under waLer [s Ins1uIIu1:Jn,
1he wa|| dra|nage sysLem |s noL |LLed w|Lh a breaLher p|pe
l Lhe prob|em pers|sLs even aLer Lhese checks, Lurn o Lhe waLer Lap,
sw|Lch Lhe app||ance o and conLacL Lhe ^ss|sLance Serv|ce l Lhe
dwe|||ng |s on one o Lhe upper |oors o a bu||d|ng, Lhere may be prob|ems
re|aL|ng Lo waLer dra|nage, caus|ng Lhe wash|ng mach|ne Lo ||| w|Lh waLer
and dra|n conL|nuous|y Spec|a| anL|-dra|n|ng va|ves are ava||ab|e |n shops
and he|p Lo avo|d Lh|s |nconven|ence
1he wash cyc|e does noL |nc|ude dra|n|ng some wash cyc|es reou|re Lhe
dra|n phase Lo be sLarLed manua||y
1he FLLULLL LFL^SLS uncL|on has been acL|vaLed 1o comp|eLe Lhe
wash cyc|e, press Lhe S1^F1/l^USL buLLon [F:sJnuI:su1:Jn,
1he dra|n hose |s benL [s Ins1uIIu1:Jn,
1he dra|nage ducL |s c|ogged
1he drum was noL un|ocked correcL|y dur|ng |nsLa||aL|on [s Ins1uIIu1:Jn,
1he wash|ng mach|ne |s noL |eve| [s Ins1uIIu1:Jn,
1he wash|ng mach|ne |s Lrapped beLween cab|neLs and wa||s [s Ins1uIIu1:Jn,
1he waLer |n|eL hose |s noL screwed on proper|y [s Ins1uIIu1:Jn,
1he deLergenL d|spenser drawer |s b|ocked [or c|ean|ng |nsLrucL|ons, s
Uu: unJ :u:n1nun.,
1he dra|n hose |s noL |xed proper|y [s Ins1uIIu1:Jn]
Sw|Lch o Lhe mach|ne and unp|ug |L, wa|L or approx|maLe|y 1 m|nuLe
and Lhen sw|Lch |L back on aga|n
l Lhe prob|em pers|sLs, conLacL Lhe 1echn|ca| ^ss|sLance Serv|ce
1he deLergenL |s noL su|Lab|e or mach|ne wash|ng |L shou|d d|sp|ay Lhe
LexL "or wash|ng mach|nes or "hand and mach|ne wash, or Lhe ||ke]
1oo much deLergenL was used
12 Mcnths Parts and Labcur Cuarantee
/our app||ance has Lhe bene|L o our manuacLurer's guaranLee, wh|ch covers Lhe cosL o
breakdown repa|rs or Lwe|ve monLhs rom Lhe daLe o purchase
1h|s g|ves you Lhe reassurance LhaL |, w|Lh|n LhaL L|me, your app||ance |s proven Lo be deecL|ve
because o e|Lher workmansh|p or maLer|a|s, we w|||, aL our d|screL|on, e|Lher repa|r or rep|ace Lhe
app||ance aL no cosL Lo you
1h|s guaranLee |s subecL Lo Lhe o||ow|ng cond|L|ons
1he app||ance has been |nsLa||ed and operaLed correcL|y and |n accordance w|Lh our
operaL|ng and ma|nLenance |nsLrucL|ons
1he app||ance |s used on|y on Lhe e|ecLr|c|Ly or gas supp|y pr|nLed on Lhe raL|ng p|aLe
1he app||ance has been used or norma| domesL|c purposes on|y
1he app||ance has noL been a|Lered, serv|ced, ma|nLa|ned, d|smanL|ed, or oLherw|se
|nLerered w|Lh by any person noL auLhor|sed by us
^ny repa|r work musL be underLaken by us or our appo|nLed agenL
^ny parLs removed dur|ng repa|r work or any app||ance LhaL |s rep|aced become our properLy
1he app||ance |s used |n Lhe Un|Led K|ngdom or Fepub||c o lre|and
1he guaranLee dces nct ccver:
Lamage resu|L|ng rom LransporLaL|on, |mproper use, neg|ecL or |nLererence or as a resu|L
o |mproper |nsLa||aL|on
Fep|acemenL o any consumab|e |Lem or accessory 1hese |nc|ude buL are noL ||m|Led Lo p|ugs,
cab|es, baLLer|es, ||ghL bu|bs, |uorescenL Lubes and sLarLers, covers and ||Lers
Fep|acemenL o any removab|e parLs made o g|ass or p|asL|c
6 Year Parts Cuarantee
oLpo|nL a|so oers you a ree 5 year parLs guaranLee 1h|s add|L|ona| guaranLee |s cond|L|ona| on
you reg|sLer|ng your app||ance w|Lh us and Lhe parLs be|ng |LLed by one o our auLhor|sed eng|neers
1here w||| be a charge or our eng|neers L|me 1o acL|vaLe Lhe exLra parLs warranLy on your
app||ance, s|mp|y ca|| our reg|sLraL|on ||ne on 0870 6092094 [0I 01 230 0800].
xtended Cuarantees
We oer a se|ecL|on o repa|r proLecL|on p|ans LhaL enab|e you Lo u||y cover yourse| aga|nsL Lhe expense
o repa|r b|||s or Lhe ||e o your po||cy 1o |nd Lhe |dea| p|an or you p|ease ca|| our adv|ce ||ne on
08709 088 088 [0I 01 230 0233].
Pree He|desk Serv|ce
We have a ded|caLed Leam who can prov|de ree adv|ce and ass|sLance w|Lh your app||ance | you
exper|ence any Lechn|ca| d||cu|L|es w|Lh|n Lhe |rsL 90 days o ownersh|p S|mp|y ca|| our oLpo|nL
Serv|ce oL||ne on 08709 066 066 [0I 0818 313 413] or Le|ephone ass|sLance, or, where
necessary, Lo arrange or an eng|neer Lo ca|| l we cannoL reso|ve Lhe Lechn|ca| prob|em we w|||
rep|ace your mach|ne or, | you preer, g|ve you your money back
After Sa|es Serv|ce
Nc cne |s better |aced tc care fcr ycur Hctc|nt a||ance dur|ng the ccurse cf |ts
wcrk|ng ||fe than us - the manufacturer.
ssent|a| Ccntact Infcrmat|cn
Hctc|nt Serv|ce
We are Lhe |argesL serv|ce Leam |n Lurope oer|ng you access Lo 400 sk|||ed Le|ephone adv|sors and
1100 u||y oua|||ed eng|neers on ca|| Lo ensure you rece|ve asL, re||ab|e, |oca| serv|ce
Uk: 08709 066 066
eub||c cf Ire|and: 0818 313 413
www. hctc| ntserv| ce. cc. uk
P|ease ncte: 0ur adv|scrs w||| requ|re the fc||cw|ng |nfcrmat|cn:
Mcde| number:
Ser|a| number:
Parts and Accesscr|es
We supp|y a u|| range o genu|ne rep|acemenL parLs as we|| as accessory producLs LhaL proLecL and
hyg|en|ca||y c|ean your app||ance Lo keep |L |ook|ng good and uncL|on|ng e|c|enL|y LhroughouL |Ls ||e
Uk: 08709 077 077
Bepub|c of Ire|and: 0818 313 413
www. hotpo ntserv ce. co. uk
App|ance Begstraton
We wanL Lo g|ve you add|L|ona| bene|Ls o oLpo|nL ownersh|p 1o acL|vaLe your ree 5 year parLs
guaranLee you musL reg|sLer your app||ance w|Lh us
Uk: 0870 6092094
eub||c cf Ire|and: 01 230 0800
www. hctc| ntserv| ce. cc. uk
Indes|t Ccmany Uk Ltd. Mcr|ey Way, Peterbcrcugh, P2 9JB
lndes|L Lompany Un|L 49 ^|rways lndusLr|a| LsLaLe,Lub||n 1?
ecyc||ng 6 D|scsa| Infcrmat|cn
^s parL o oLpo|nLs conL|nued comm|LmenL Lo he|p|ng Lhe env|ronmenL, oLpo|nL reserves Lhe r|ghL
Lo use oua||Ly, recyc|ed componenLs Lo keep down cusLomer cosLs and m|n|m|se maLer|a| wasLage
l|ease d|spose o packag|ng and o|d app||ances careu||y 1o m|n|m|se Lhe r|sk o |nury Lo ch||dren,
remove Lhe door, p|ug and cuL Lhe ma|ns cab|e o |ush w|Lh Lhe app||ance L|spose o Lhese parLs
separaLe|y Lo ensure LhaL Lhe app||ance can no |onger be p|ugged |nLo a ma|ns sockeL, and Lhe door
cannoL be |ocked shuL
03/2008 - Xerox Bus|ness Serv|ces

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