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AND NOW" de Dan Mirahorian Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved

Motto: "O cltorie de o mie de leghe, incepe cu un prim pas ( din locul in care v aflai acum).(Lao Zi)/ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (beneath one's feet; from where you are right now)(Lao Tzu) / Un voyage de mille lieues commence toujours par un premier pas ( partir de l'endroit o vous tes maintenant).(Lao-Tseu) / Eine Reise von tausend Meilen beginnt mit einem

einzigen Schritt /Eine Reise von 1000 Meilen beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt/ Auch eine Reise ber 1000 Meilen beginnt mit einem ersten Schritt. ( bei den Fen unten)."( Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, capitolul 64 ).
CITATE SIMILARE DATORATE NEINTELEGERII ACESTEI AFIRMATII Doar cei fara cap incep sa se deplaseze catre destinatie sau sa actioneze, fara sa afle unde se afla Every single journey begins with that first step ! Even the huge ones begin with just one step; pretty much a decision to try! Every single accomplishment does begin with a choice; and that decision to try!

CUPRINS / CONTENT / CONTENU / INHALT / CONTENIDO / CONTENUTO Introducere /Introduction Teme abordate in capitolul 64 / Topics covered in Chapter 64
1. Titlu /Title /Titre /Titel/ Ttulo /Titolo: 2. Variante antice /Ancient Versions / Les versions antiques /Antiguo versiones /Alte Versionen/ Le antiche versioni

3. Traducerea / Translation/Traduction/ bersetzung / Traduccin /Traduzione

3.1. Traducerea convergenta a capitolului 64 / Convergent translation of 64 th chapter / Traduction convergente du chapitre 64e / Konvergente bersetzung vom 64 Kapitel / Traduccin convergente del captulo 64 /Traduzione Convergente Del Capitolo 64

A 01-06 Inlocuieste agitaia cu repausul si trateaz problemele ( tulburrile; maladiile) nainte ca acestea s se agraveze / Treat problems (disorders, diseases) before they escalate/ Traiter les problmes (troubles, maladies) avant qu'ils ne s'aggravent !/ Behandle Probleme, bevor sie entstehen! B 07-12 O cltorie de o mie de leghe, incepe cu primul pas ( din locul in care v aflai acum)./ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (beneath one's feet; from where you are right now) / Un voyage de mille lieues commence toujours par un premier pas ( partir de l'endroit o vous tes maintenant). / Eine Reise von 1000 Meilen beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt ( bei den Fen unten). C 13-16 Fr interferen (aciune), nu exist nici distrugere (esec; reaciune); Fr inere (atasare), nu exist nici pierdere (suferina)/ no Interference, no Destroying; No Holding on, no Losing/ Kein Eingreifen, kein Zerstren; kein Festhalten, kein Verlieren D 17-19 Ancorarea in acum (fara expectatii): Atent (prudent, negrabit) la sfrit, ca la nceput/Cautious at the End as at the Beginning/ Behutsam am Ende wie zu Beginn E 20-22 Dorete non dorina (detasarea de efecte)- Fr dorin, fr cunoatere orizontal (mijlocit), fr aciune mijlocit (intervenie; interferen)/ Desire no desire No Desire, no Erudition, no Interference/ Kein Begehren, keine Gelehrsamkeit, kein Eingreifen

3.2. Traducerea analogic (divergent) / Analogic (divergent) Translation/La traduction analogique (divergente)/ Analogisch (divergent)bersetzung/Traduccin analgica (divergente) /Traduzione analogico (divergente)/the right brain/right-hemisphere is analogic, non-linear, creative, simultaneous and intuitive; 4. Variante de traducere ale acestui capitol in lb. romana, engleza, franceza, italiana, spaniola si germana / Translations versions in Romanian language, in English, French, Italian, Spanish & German / Versions de traduction dans langue roumaine, en anglais, franais, espagnol , italien et en allemand / Versionen bersetzungen in Rumnischer Sprache, in Englisch, Franzsisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, und Deutsch / Versiones de las traducciones en lengua Espaola, en Rumano, Ingls, Francs, Italiano y Alemn /Traduzione versioni in lingua rumena, in inglese, francese, italiano, spagnolo e tedesco Capitolul 64 Propoziia 1 / Chapter 64 Sentence 1 (A 01-04)

Capitolul 64 Propoziia 2 / Chapter Capitolul 64 Propoziia 3 / Chapter Capitolul 64 Propoziia 4 / Chapter Capitolul 64 Propoziia 5 / Chapter Capitolul 64 Propoziia 6 / Chapter

64 Sentence 2 (A 05-06) 64 Sentence 3 (B 07-12) 64 Sentence 4 (C 13-16) 64 Sentence 5 (D 17-19) 64 Sentence 6 (E 20-22)

5. Comentariu / Commentary/ Commentaire /Kommentar/Comentario/Commento 6. Conexiuni / Connections/ Connexions/ Verbindungen/Conexiones/Connessioni 6.1. Fii schimbarea pe care vrei s-o vezi in lume /Be the change you want to see in the world 6.2. Conexiune Yi Jing (Cartea schimbarilor) 6.2. Wei Wu Wei 7. Dictionar / Dictionary/Dictionnaire/ Wrterbuch/Diccionario/Dizionario 8. Bibliografie / Bibliography/ Bibliographie / Bibliografia

INTRODUCERE Acest citat al lui Lao Tzu (atribuit in mod eronat lui Buddha si lui Confucius, pe siturile de socializare) este rezultatul unei traduceri, care nu ne spune nimic nou ( importanta infinitezimalului ), atunci cand ne arata ca orice lucru mare (copac, fluviu, constructie, calatorie, realizare epocala), porneste de la lucruri infime ( samanta, vlastar, parau, pietre, pasi) si se obtine prin adaugarea continua de lucruri mici (picaturi apa, fire de nisip, pasi succesivi ), pentru a ilustra valoarea perseverentei ( continuitatii in actiune) si a preventiei (evitarea unei mari dezordini sau catastrofe, in planul organismului individual ori social). Daca insa adaugam NOUA varianta de traducere, redata in paranteze [ "O cltoria de o mie de mile incepe de sub picioarele cuiva ( din locul in care ne aflam acum)"./ "The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one's feet./ Un voyage de mille lieues commence toujours partir de l'endroit o vous tes maintenant / Eine Reise von tausend Meilen beginnt bei den Fen unten"], atunci ajungem la conceptul de acceptare si la lucrul esential in orice calatorie: cunoasterea pozitiei in care ne aflam acum si aici. Doar noua traducere se afla in conexiune cu celelalte teme abordate in acest capitol. De pilda daca examinam tema A din zona propozitiilor 01-06 (Inlocuieste agitaia cu repausul) si cea din zona D 17-19 : Ancorarea in acum (fara expectatii): "Atent (prudent, negrabit) la sfrit, ca la nceput", vedem insa ca in calatoria la care se refera Lao Tzu este vorba de ancorarea in prezenta constienta, in ceea ce facem acum, fiindca fiecare pas gresit ne poate duce in prapastie, daca nu ne uitam pe unde mergem . Examinand celelalte teme abordate in capitolul 64 descoperim ca nu este vorba despre o deplasare fizica sau despre o actiune (C) , ca intr-un drum obisnuit dintr-o cale orizontala, care poate fi parcursa in spatiu si timp, cu corpul fizic ori mental(D), ci despre o cale paradoxala, verticala, care se detaseaza de periferie (E) pentru a plonja in centru, in noi insine (vedeti si capitolul 47[2]), o cale care conduce la eliberare. Teme abordate in capitolul 64 / Topics covered in Chapter 64 A 01-06 Inlocuieste agitaia cu repausul si trateaz problemele ( tulburrile; maladiile) nainte ca acestea s se agraveze / Treat problems (disorders, diseases) before they escalate/ Traiter les problmes (troubles, maladies) avant qu'ils ne s'aggravent !/ Behandle Probleme, bevor sie entstehen! B 07-12 O cltorie de o mie de leghe, incepe cu primul pas ( din locul in care v aflai acum)./ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (beneath one's feet; from where you are right now) / Un voyage de mille lieues commence

toujours par un premier pas ( partir de l'endroit o vous tes maintenant). / Eine Reise von 1000 Meilen beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt ( bei den Fen unten). C 13-16 Fr interferen (aciune), nu exist nici distrugere (esec; reaciune); Fr inere (atasare), nu exist nici pierdere (suferina)/ no Interference, no Destroying; No Holding on, no Losing/ Kein Eingreifen, kein Zerstren; kein Festhalten, kein Verlieren D 17-19 Ancorarea in acum (fara expectatii): Atent (prudent, negrabit) la sfrit, ca la nceput/Cautious at the End as at the Beginning/ Behutsam am Ende wie zu Beginn E 20-22 Dorete non dorina (detasarea de efecte)- Fr dorin, fr cunoatere orizontal (mijlocit), fr aciune mijlocit (intervenie; interferen)/ Desire no desire - No Desire, no Erudition, no Interference/ Kein Begehren, keine Gelehrsamkeit, kein Eingreifen 1. Titlu / Title /Titre /Titel/ Ttulo /Titolo:
64. Capitolul 64 / Chapter 64 d li sh s zhng Lao Zi / Lao Tzu/ Lao Tseu Tao Te Ching Orice cltorie de o mie de leghe ncepe cu primul pas/ Orice fluviu s-a nscut dintr-un pru uor de stvilit; Titlul chinezesc/Titlul lui /Titlul lui Legge /Titlul lui Goddard/ 64 Shu wi : Fiti atenti la detalii/ Atentie la nesemnificativ / Luati n considerare micul Chinese Title/ Legge's Title/ Susuki's Title/ Goddard's Title/ 64 Guarding the Minute/ Mind the Insignificant/ Consider the Insignificant shu shou cheou R: a veghea; a observa, a ine; pstra; pzi, a apra; a proteja; vedei: 5.44; Titluri date de ali traductori i comentatori : Primii pai catre implinire/ First Steps to Completion/Erste Schritte zur Vollendung (Hilmar Klaus)

2. Variante antice / Ancient Versions / Les versions antiques /Antiguo versiones /Alte Versionen/ Le antiche versioni
Text in lb. chinez 64. Text Wng B transliterat in Pnyn (di4 liu4 shi2 si4 zhang1 )

, qi2 an1 yi4 chi2 ; qi2 wei4 zhao4 yi4 mou2. , qi2 cui4 yi4 pan4 ; qi2 wei1 yi4 san4. , wei2 zhi1 yu2 wei4 you3 , zhi4 zhi1 yu2 wei4 luan4 . , he2 bao4 zhi1 mu4 ,sheng1 yu2 hao2 mo4 ; , jiu3 ceng2 zhi1 tai2 ,qi3 yu2 lei3 tu3. , qian1 li3 zhi1 xing2, shi3 yu2 zu2 xia4 . wei2 zhe3 bai4 zhi1 , zhi2 zhe3 shi1 zhi1 . , shi4 yi3 sheng4 ren2 wu2 wei2 , gu4 wu2 bai4, , wu2 zhi2 , gu4 wu2 shi1 . , min2 zhi1cong2 shi4, chang2 yu2 ji1 cheng2 er2 bai4 zhi1. , shen4 zhong1 ru2 shi3 , ze2 wu2 bai4 shi4. shi4 yi3 sheng4 ren2 yu4 bu4 yu4 , ; bu4 gui4 nan2 de2 zhi1 huo4 ; xue2 bu4 xue2 , fu4 zhong4 ren2 zhi1 suo3 guo4 . , yi3 fu3 wan4 wu4 zhi1 zi4 ran2, er2 bu4 gan3 wei2 .

2. Variante antice/Ancient Versions/ Les versions antiques /Antiguo versiones /Alte Versionen/ Le antiche versioni 2.1. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea lui Wang Bi () (226 249 e.n) : W: 2.2. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea lui Heshang Gong ()(202-157 i.e.n.): 2.3. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Fu Yi ()(555 - 639 e.n.) 2.4. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Ma Wang Tui ( Mwngdu ) din anul 168 i.e.n.. Mawangdui A [versiunea A] A: Mawangdui B[versiunea B] B: 2.5. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Kuo Tian ( Guodian) datat inainte de 300 i.e.n. G: Gudin A14 = 64, [1-7, 9, 12] plus: Gudin C4 = 64, 1018 (also in A1):G: Gudin A6 = 64, 1018 (also in C3):G: , GB: GB: vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note


3.1. Traducerea convergenta a capitolului 64 / Convergent translation of 64 th chapter / Traduction convergente du chapitre 29e / Konvergente bersetzung vom 29 Kapitel / Traduccin convergente del captulo 29 /Traduzione Convergente Del Capitolo 29

A 01-06 Inlocuieste agitaia cu repausul si trateaz problemele ( tulburrile; maladiile) nainte ca acestea s se agraveze / Treat problems (disorders, diseases) before they escalate/ Traiter les problmes (troubles, maladies) avant qu'ils ne s'aggravent !/ Behandle Probleme, bevor sie entstehen! 64.01. , q n y ch, Ceea ce este n repaus [calm; linitit, panic] este uor de de stpnit [ inut in fru, pstrat, guvernat ].

What is peaceful is easy to rule, Was friedlich ist, ist leicht zu lenken, Ce qui est en repos est facile maintenir.

Nota DM : mintea agitat este dificil de condus ( de aici preocuparea pt relaxare, calmare)

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64.02. ; q wi zho y mu; Ceea ce nu este inca manifestat [nflorit; nscut; mplinit; desfcut; prefigurat; ceea ce nu a nceput; ce nu s-a)] este uor de prevenit [ de oprit, ndrumat; deviat, evitat ]. what is not yet foreshadowed, is easy to forestall; was noch nicht vorherbestimmt ist, dem ist leicht zuvorzukommen; Ce qui nest point clos est facile prvenir.
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

64.03. , q cu y pn, Ceea ce este fragil [slab] este uor de spart [ sfrmat; ceea ce nu-i unit, e uor de dezbinat]. what is brittle is easily broken, was sprde ist, leicht zerbrochen, Ce qui est fragile est facile briser.
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64.04. q wi y sn. Ceea ce este mic (mrunt, subire) [ pulbere; fin pulverizat, ceata, nor, fum] este uor de dispersat [de risipit ; de mprtiat; dizolvat; explozia pudrelor]. what is tiny is easily scattered. was winzig ist, leicht aufgelst. Ce qui est menu est facile disperser.
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

64.05. , wi zh y wi yu, De aceea trebuie s acionezi asupra lucrurilor in faza in care nu sunt pe deplin manifestate [ la nivel de izvor, iar nu de fluviu; s prentmpini, in loc s te opui rului manifestat ; s previi ori s stvileti dezordinea (maladia individual ori social) nainte de a se manifesta (de a se instala sau de a nflori)].

Handle things while not yet being there, Behandle etwas, solange es noch nicht da ist, Prvient le mal avant quil ne soit.

Nota DM : Medicina Traditionala Chineza (TCM) este centrata pe prevenie, iar nu pe tratarea maladiilor dupa ce s-au instalat (medicul era platit ca pacientul sa fie sanatos; daca pacientul se imbolnavea, atunci medicul trebuia sa plateasca costul tratamentului )

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64.06. zh zh y wi lun. S faci ordine nainte de a izbucni dezordinea. put them in order while not yet confused. ordne es, solange es noch nicht durcheinander ist. Mets de lordre avant que nclate le dsordre.

vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

B 07-12 O cltorie de o mie de leghe, incepe cu primul pas ( din locul in care v aflai acum)./ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (beneath one's feet; from where you are right now) / Un voyage de mille lieues commence

toujours par un premier pas ( partir de l'endroit o vous tes maintenant). / Eine Reise von 1000 Meilen beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt ( bei den Fen unten).
Nota DM: In parantezele de mai sus este redata o alt traducere din lb. chineza ar putea fi : "O cltoria de o mie de mile incepe de sub picioarele cuiva ( din locul in care ne aflam acum)"./ Another translation from the original Chinese might be "The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one's feet./ Eine Reise von tausend Meilen beginnt bei den Fen unten.

64.07. h bo zh m [Caci orice] arbore pe care [acum] nu-l poi cuprinde cu bratele, [ similar: "orice fluviu imposibil de stvilit" ] An only combined embraceable tree Ein nur vereint umfassbarer Baum Cet arbre qui remplit tes bras
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

64.08. , shng y ho m, S-a nscut dintr-o smnt infim/dintr-un mic vlstar [ similar: "s-a nscut dintrun infim pru"], grew up from a tiny sprout, erwuchs aus einem haarfeinen Sprssling, Est n dun germe infime.
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

64.09. * ji cng zh ti Un turn [edificiu] cu nou etaje ale sale [corpul uman i orice construcie material], a nine-storied tower ein neunstckiger Turm Cette tour avec ses neuf tages vient
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

64.10. , q y li t, S-a construit pornind de la o mn de rn [prin acumularea (ngrmdirea) de materie]. rises from a heap of earth, erhebt sich aus einem Hufchen Erde, De lentassement des mottes de terre.
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64.11. qin l zh xng O mie de li cltorie [ o calatorie de o mie de li ] a thousand-li journey eine tausend li lange Reise Le voyage de mille lieues

vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note Nota DM: In MWD: "un urcus de o suta de stanjeni incepe de sub picioare"; In varianta standard: "un drum de zece mii de li incepe cu un pas"; 1Li=500 metri MWD =Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Ma Wang Tui ( Mwngdu ) din anul 168 i.e.n..

64.12. sh y z xi. Incepe cu primul pas de aici [de jos]

starts from your feet down there. beginnt bei den Fen unten. Commence par un pas.

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C 13-16 Fr interferen (aciune), nu exist nici distrugere (reaciune); Fr inere (atasare), nu exist nici pierdere (suferina)/ no Interference, no Destroying; No Holding on, no Losing/ Kein Eingreifen, kein Zerstren; kein Festhalten, kein Verlieren 64.13. , wi zh bi zh, Cel ce acioneaz ( mijlocit) [asupra unui lucru] il distruge/ cel ce acioneaz ( mijlocit) esueaz/ Cel ce fptuiete [ actioneaz subiectiv] eueaz [ greete], Nota DM: Fraza apare in capitolul 29.05 (vedeti conexiuni) Referire la actiunea

directa, paradoxala, lipsita de reactiuni sau la non-actiune (wu-wei). Capitolul 27: "Un bun cltor nu las urme" / "A good traveler leaves no tracks". Pana la trezire (mutarea in adevaratul nostru centru) actiunile apartin egoului/mintii; perturbm respiraia asupra creia intervenim; experimentul se modific atunci cnd intervenim pt a msura parametrii de stare.

Interfering with something is destroying it, In etwas eingreifen zerstrt es, Qui agit choue.

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64.14. zh zh sh zh. A apuca ceva inseamna a pierde acel lucru /Cel ce se ataeaz [reine; posed] [va] pierde.

grasping something is losing it. etwas ergreifen verliert es. Qui retient perd.

Nota DM: un foton oprit dispare ca foton; retinerea ori apucarea respiraiei duce la pierderea ei; un proces inghetat inseamn ceva mort; un ru oprit devine o balt, in care apa se stric). Fraza apare in capitolul 29.06 (vedeti conexiuni). Aceste doua fraze(6.13-14) apar in capitolul 29(29.05-06) unde se refera la vasul sacru ; aici este a da gres, iar acolo a "strica"; in loc de a tine strans, in sensul de a controla cu strictete, a fi implicat in desfasurarea lucrurilor, s-a mai propus : a insfaca, a apuca strans, a tine

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64.15. ,, sh y shng rn w wi, g w bi, De aceea sfntul [nteleptul] practic aciunea paradoxal [ w wi: nonaciunea; nefaptuirea; aciunea direct (nu interfereaz)] i nu distruge [nu are eecuri; insuccese; nereuite; nu greete i nu sufer (n prezent i viitor)]." Therefore are wise men without interfering hence without destroying, Darum sind weise Menschen ohne Eingreifen, daher ohne Zerstren, Le saint nagit pas et nchoue pas ;
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

64.16. w zh, g w sh. Cel care nu apuca (retine), nu pierde ; fr a apuca, deci, fr a pierde El nu retine nimic i [n consecint nu este expus s piard ceva] nu pierde nimic. without grasping hence without losing. ohne Ergreifen, daher ohne Verlieren.

Il ne retient rien et ne perd donc rien/sans saisir donc sans perdre.

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D 17-19 Ancorarea in acum (fara expectatii): Atent (prudent, negrabit) la sfrit, ca la nceput/Cautious at the End as at the Beginning/ Behutsam am Ende wie zu Beginn 64.17. mn zh cng sh chng y j chng r bi zh. Adesea omul obinuit care fptuiete [ntreprinde o afacere], eueaz [d gre] n momentul reuitei [n ajunul izbnzii; se neac la mal]. People pursuit their affairs often till near completion and yet spoil them. Leute verfolgen ihre Angelegenheiten hufig bis beinah zu Ende und doch verderben sie sie. Souvent un homme qui entreprend une affaire- Echoue juste au moment de russir.
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64.18. shn zhng r sh (Doar) cel ce este atent la sfrit, ca la nceput/ Doar cel ce rmne la fel de prudent [precaut; prevztor; atent; calm; rbdtor; negrbit] la sfrit [cnd termin] ca si la nceput, Be careful at the end like at the beginning, Behutsam am Ende wie zu Beginn, Quiconque demeure aussi prudent au terme quau dbut
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64.19. z w bi sh. Nu eueaz [nu d gre] n momentul reuitei [n ajunul izbnzii; nu se neac la mal]. / Nu va eua n actiunea sa ["graba stric treaba; graba de-a ajunge la succes (fruct) aduce eecul ], thus without spoiling the affairs. so ist nichts zu verderben an den Angelegenheiten. Nchouera pas dans son entreprise.
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E 20-22 Dorete non dorina (detasarea de efecte)- Fr dorin, fr cunoatere orizontal (mijlocit), fr aciune mijlocit (intervenie; interferen)/ Desire no desire - No Desire, no Erudition, no Interference/ Kein Begehren, keine Gelehrsamkeit, kein Eingreifen 64.20. , sh y shng rn y b y b gu nn d zh hu, De aceea: sfntul [nteleptul] dorete non-dorina (detaarea: sa nu aiba dorinte, patimi, atari de fruct; de aceea sfntul se grbete ncet, fptuiete egal, detaat ) i nu preuieste lucrurile dificil de obinut [ lucrurile rare, comorile cutate;nu are motivatiile oamenilor profani (lucrurile din lumea contrariilor)].
Nota DM: sfarsitul frazei 64.20. apare in capitolul 3 (vedeti conexiuni: 3.3. b gu nn d zh hu, Nu pretui (nu supraevalua) ceea ce este greu de dobndit [ posesiunile; averea; luxul ] Not overestimating goods hard to obtain

Therefore: the saint (wise men) desire no desire (to have no desire) and he does not value hard-to-get goods;

Darum: weise Menschen begehren, nichts zu begehren,nicht aber schtzen sie schwer zu erlangende Gter; Ainsi le saint dsire le non-dsir. Il napprcie pas les biens difficiles acqurir.
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64.21. , xu b xu, f zhng rn zh su gu, El nvat [de la cei nenvtati; de la necuvnttoare] s se dezvee [nceteaz s caute n afar (s rtceasc; s cerceteze; s atepte ceva din exterior)] si se ntoarce acolo unde toi oamenii au ratat/ au trecut pe alaturi (Tao). ( se abate de la excesele comune ; se ntoarce de la excesele comune oamenilor; nu merge pe calea pe care au euat ceilalti; se ferete de greelile (viciile, tiparele) pe care toti oamenii le svresc].
Nota DM: Comentariul lui Heshang Gong spune ca "locul pe unde toti au trecut" desemneaza: radacina, esenta din fiecare fiinta, starea copilariei ( fireasca, naturala, "lemnul nelucrat") de la care toti oamenii s-au departat si la care e nevoie sa revenim, ca sa ne regasim. Pentru asta se reduc dorintele, cunoasterea ( se practica dezvatarea) ; vedeti comentariul capitolului 48 [1] bibliografie

He learns unlearning and returns to what all men have missed/ have passed by(Tao); ( he turns away from the common excesses) sie lehren, nicht zu belehren, und kehren dahin, wo alle dort-vorbergingen, Il apprend dsapprendre. Il se dtourne des excs communs
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64.22. y f wn w zh z rn r b gn wi. Si de aceea caut numai s faciliteze [prin calm; nonactiune (Wu-Wei)] evolutia fireasc ctre propria natur a tuturor fpturilor /fiintelor] i nu ndrznete s actioneze asupra lor [dup bunul su plac; subiectiv]. hence they aid all creatures' self-becoming yet do not dare to interfere. so frdern sie aller Wesen Selbst-Werdung, doch keineswegs wagen sie einzugreifen. A tous les hommes. Il facilite la spontanit de tous les tres, Sans oser agir sur eux.
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note Nota DM: sa ajute naturalul ( z rn ) din cele zece mii de fiinte (wn w)

3.2. Traducerea analogic (divergent) / Analogic (divergent) Translation/La traduction analogique (divergente)/ Analogisch (divergent)bersetzung/Traduccin analgica (divergente) /Traduzione analogico (divergente)/the right brain/right-hemisphere is analogic, non-linear, creative, simultaneous and intuitive;

VARIANTE DE TRADUCERE / VARIANTS OF TRANSLATION Capitolul 64 Propoziia 1 / Chapter 64 Sentence 1 Capitolul 64 Propoziia 2 / Chapter 64 Sentence 2 Capitolul 64 Propoziia 3 / Chapter 64 Sentence 3 Capitolul 64 Propoziia 4 / Chapter 64 Sentence 4 Capitolul 64 Propoziia 5 / Chapter 64 Sentence 5 Capitolul 64 Propoziia 6 / Chapter 64 Sentence 6 Capitolul 64 Propoziia 1/ Chapter 64 Sentence 1

64.01. , q n y ch, Ceea ce este n repaus [calm; linitit, panic] este uor de de stpnit [ inut in fru, pstrat, guvernat ]. What is peaceful is easy to rule, Was friedlich ist, ist leicht zu lenken, Ce qui est en repos est facile maintenir.
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64.02. ; q wi zho y mu; Ceea ce nu este inca manifestat [nflorit; nscut; mplinit; desfcut; prefigurat; ceea ce nu a nceput; ce nu s-a)] este uor de prevenit [ de oprit, ndrumat; deviat, evitat ]. what is not yet foreshadowed, is easy to forestall; was noch nicht vorherbestimmt ist, dem ist leicht zuvorzukommen; Ce qui nest point clos est facile prvenir.
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64.03. , q cu y pn, Ceea ce este fragil [slab] este uor de spart [ sfrmat; ceea ce nu-i unit, e uor de dezbinat]. what is brittle is easily broken, was sprde ist, leicht zerbrochen, Ce qui est fragile est facile briser.
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64.04. q wi y sn. Ceea ce este mic (mrunt, subire) [ pulbere; fin pulverizat, ceata, nor, fum] este uor de dispersat [de risipit ; de mprtiat; dizolvat; explozia pudrelor]. what is tiny is easily scattered. was winzig ist, leicht aufgelst. Ce qui est menu est facile disperser.
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RAM: Usor e de pstrat ceea ce st linistit. Usor este s previi ceea ce n-a inceput. Usor este de sfrmat, ceea ce este inc slab. Usor este de imprstiat ceea ce este inc mic. Nota DM: RAM, indica doua traduceri : 1. Lao Tse, "Crarea si virtutea" in 82 de paragrafe Editura Ram, Aninoasa-Gorj,1932; 2. Editia plagiat dup (1) Lao Tze, Tao Te King sau Cartea Crrii Supremului Adevr Ian Hin-Shun/ -: Ceea ce este linistit, poate fi pastrat cu usurinta. Ceea ce n-a manifestat inca semne ale existentei sale, este usor de indrumat. Ceea ce este slab, este usor de dezbinat. Ceea ce este marunt este usor de risipit. / , , . , [ ], . , , . , , . Nota DM: Ian Hin-Shun/ -, indica traducerile in lb. romana si rusa : 1. Ian Hinun , Lao Tzi - Dao De Tzin, a lui, Filosoful antic chinez Lao Tzi i invtura sa; Editura de stat pentru literatura stiintifica,1953, 165 pagini (traducere din lb.rusa) ; 2 - , . - . .-.,1950 Luca Dinu: Daca un lucru sta nemiscat e usor de stapanit ; daca n-a dat inca vreun semn despre el usor se fac planuri; daca este fragil e usor de sfaramat; daca este marunt este usor de imprastiat:

Beck What stays still is easy to hold. Without omens it is easy to plan. The brittle is easy to shatter. The minute is easy to scatter. Blackney A thing that is still easy to hold. Given no omen, it is easy to plan. Soft things are easy to melt. Small particles scatter easily. Bynner Before it move, hold it, Before it go wrong, mould it, Drain off water in winter before it freeze, Before weeds grow, sow them to the breeze, Byrn Things are easier to control while things are quiet. Things are easier to plan far in advance. Things break easier while they are still brittle. Things are easier hid while they are still small. Chan What remains still is easy to hold. What is not yet manifest is easy to plan for. What is brittle is easy to crack. What is minute is easy to scatter. Cleary What is at rest is easy to hold. What has not shown up is easy to take into account. What is frail is easy to break. What is vague is easy to dispel. Crowley It is easy to grasp what is not yet in motion, to withstand what is not yet manifest, to break what is not yet compact, to disperse what is not yet coherent. Hansen It is easy to sustain a situation when it is pacified. It is easy to plan when it doesn't yet show signs of danger. It is easy to dissolve what is crisp; easy to disperse what is minute. LaFargue When sitting still, they are easy to hold down no omens yet, it is easy to plan when fragile, they are easy to break when small, they are easy to scatter. Legge That which is at rest is easily kept hold of; before a thing has given indications of its presence, it is easy to take measures against it; that which is brittle is easily broken; that which is very small is easily dispersed. Lindauer What is peaceful is easily maintained What is not begun is easily planned What is fragile is easily shattered What is tiny is easily scattered. LinYutan That which lies still is easy to hold; That which is not yet manifest is easy to forestall; That which is brittle (like ice) easily melts; That which is minute easily scatters. Mabry What is at rest is easy to maintain. What has not yet happened is easy to plan. That which is fragile is easily shattered That which is tiny is easily scattered. McDonald What remains placid is quite easy to hold. Not determined happenings can be prepared for well in advance. Before there has been an omen it's easy to lay plans. It's easy to forestall some things that don't are or not yet occur. It's quite easy to plan for and prepare well in advance. [But such forestalling is had by thoughts, and thoughts are airy and can be tender and brittle, to say the least.] And what's brittle is easy to crack. What's tender is easily torn. What's brittle like ice is easy to melt. And what's tiny is easy to scatter. Merel What lies still is easy to grasp; What lies far off is easy to anticipate; What is brittle is easy to shatter; What is small is easy to disperse. Mitchell What is rooted is easy to nourish. What is recent is easy to correct. What is brittle is easy to break. What is small is easy to scatter. Muller That which is at rest is easy to grasp. That which has not yet come about is easy to plan for. That which is fragile is easily broken. That which is minute is easily scattered. Red Pine It's easy to rule while it's peaceful it's east to plan before it arrive it's easy to break while it's fragile it's easy to disperse while it's small Ta-Kao What is motionless is easy to hold; What is not yet foreshadowed is easy to form plans for; What is fragile is easy to break; What is minute is easy to disperse. Walker

What has equilibrium is easy to maintain. What hasn't begun is easy to plan. What is fragile is easy to shatter. What is small is easy to scatter. Wayism Wieger Peaceful situations are easily controlled; problems are easily forestalled before they arise; weak things are easily broken; small things are easily dispersed. World Peace and harmony are easy to perpetuate. Situations are easy to deal with before they manifest. The brittle is easily cracked. The small is easy to broadcast. Wu What is at rest is easy to hold. What manifests no omens is easily forestalled. What is fragile is easily shattered. What is small is easily scattered.

Capitolul 64 Propoziia 2/ Chapter 64 Sentence 2 64.05. , wi zh y wi yu, De aceea trebuie s acionezi asupra lucrurilor in faza in care nu sunt pe deplin manifestate [ la nivel de izvor, iar nu de fluviu; s prentmpini, in loc s te opui rului manifestat ; s previi ori s stvileti dezordinea (maladia individual ori social) nainte de a se manifesta (de a se instala sau de a nflori)]. Handle things while not yet being there, Behandle etwas, solange es noch nicht da ist, Prvient le mal avant quil ne soit.
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64.06. zh zh y wi lun. S faci ordine nainte de a izbucni dezordinea. put them in order while not yet confused. ordne es, solange es noch nicht durcheinander ist. Mets de lordre avant que nclate le dsordre.

vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note RAM: Staviliti deci rul [maladia] inainte de a exista [se manifesta], [oprii] dezordinea inainte de a izbucni. Ian Hin-Shun/ -: Actiunea trebuie inceputa cu ceea ce nu este inca. Trebuie sa incepem sa facem ordine, atunci cind nu e inca dezordine; / , . , . Luca Dinu: Faptuieste cand lucrurile n-au luat inca fiinta; si pune-le-n ordine inainte de a fi cuprinse de dezordine.
Beck Handle things before they appear. Organize things before there is confusion. Blackney The time to take care is before it is done. Establish order defore confusion sets in. Bynner You can deal with what has not happened, can foresee Harmful events and not allow them to be. Byrn Prevent problems before they arise. Take action before things get out of hand. Chan Deal with things before they appear. Put things in order before disorder arises. Cleary Do it before it exists; govern it before there's disorder. Crowley Act against things before the become visible; attend to order before disorder arises. Hansen

Deem-act on it in its not-yet-exist phase; order it in its not-yet-disordered phase. LaFargue Work on it when it isn't yet put it in order when it is not yet disordered. Legge Action should be taken before a thing has made its appearance; order should be secured before disorder has begun. Lindauer Acting relates to the not yet present Governing relates to the not yet confused. LinYutan Deal with a thing before it is there; Check disorder before it is rife. Mabry Correct problems before they occur. Intervene before chaos erupts. McDonald [All the same, reach up to] deal with things in their state of not-yet-being; deal with things well before they appear. Just put things well in shape before disorder and confusion. Put all very well in order before disorder, and next go on to check loss or disorder well. Merel Therefore deal with things before they happen; Create order before there is confusion. Mitchell Prevent trouble before it arises. Put things in order before they exist. Muller Handle things before they arise. Manage affairs before they are in a mess. Red Pine act before it exists govern before it rebels Ta-Kao Deal with a thing before it comes into existence; Regulate a thing before it gets into confusion. Walker Deal with things before they arise. Cultivate order before confusion sets in. Wayism Wieger One should take one's measures before something happens, and protect order before disorder bursts out. World Flow in peace and harmony and problems do not manifest. Focus on the oneness of all things and avoid confusion. Wu Tackle things before they have appeared. Cultivate peace and order before confusion and disorder have set in.

Capitolul 64 Propoziia 3/ Chapter 64 Sentence 3 64.07. h bo zh m [Caci orice] arbore pe care [acum] nu-l poi cuprinde cu bratele, [ similar: "orice fluviu imposibil de stvilit" ] An only combined embraceable tree Ein nur vereint umfassbarer Baum Cet arbre qui remplit tes bras
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64.08. , shng y ho m, S-a nscut dintr-o smnt infim/dintr-un mic vlstar [ similar: "s-a nscut dintrun infim pru"], grew up from a tiny sprout, erwuchs aus einem haarfeinen Sprssling, Est n dun germe infime.
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64.09. ji cng zh ti

Un turn [edificiu] cu nou etaje ale sale [corpul uman i orice construcie material], a nine-storied tower ein neunstckiger Turm Cette tour avec ses neuf tages vient
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64.10. , q y li t, S-a construit pornind de la o mn de rn [prin acumularea (ngrmdirea) de materie]. rises from a heap of earth, erhebt sich aus einem Hufchen Erde, De lentassement des mottes de terre.
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64.11. qin l zh xng O mie de li cltorie [ o calatorie de o mie de li ] a thousand-li journey eine tausend li lange Reise Le voyage de mille lieues

vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

64.12. sh y z xi. Incepe cu primul pas de aici [de jos] starts from your feet down there. beginnt bei den Fen unten. Commence par un pas.

vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note RAM: Cel mai mare copac a rsrit dintr-un smbure mic; un turn cu nou caturi s-a inceput [sa inlat] de la un pumn de pmnt; o cltorie de mii de leghe a inceput cu un pas. Ian Hin-Shun/ -: Deoarece un copac mare creste dintr-unul mic, un turn cu noua etaje incepe sa se construiasca dintr-un pumn de pamint, o calatorie de o mie de li incepe cu un singur pas. , , . Luca Dinu: Un copac pe care abia-l cuprinzi in brate, dintr-o mica mladita ia nastere, un turn de noua etaje dintr-o gramada de pamant se ridica , iar un drum de zece mii de li de sub picioare incepe.
Beck A tree as big as a person's embrace grows from a tiny shoot. A tower nine stories high begins with a mound of earth. A journey of a thousand miles begins under one's feet. Blackney Tree trunks around which you can reach with your arms were at first only minuscule sprouts. A ninestoried terrace began with a clod. A thousand-mile journey began with a foot put down. Bynner Thought - as naturally as a seed becomes a tree of arm-wide girth -/ There can rise a nine-tiered tower from a man's handful of earth Or here at your feet a thousand-mile journey have birth, Byrn The tallest tree begins as a tiny sprout. The tallest building starts with one shovel of dirt. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single footstep. Chan A tree as big as a man's embrace grows from a tiny shoot. A tower of nine stories begins with a heap of earth. The journey of a thousand li starts from where one stands.

Cleary The most massive tree grows from a sprout; the highest building rises froma pile of earth; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Crowley The tree which fills the embrace grew from a small shoot; the tower nine-storied rose from a low foundation; the ten day journey began with a single step. Hansen An armful of wood arises from small sprouts; nine story towers start from a pile of earth. A thousand league walk starts with putting the foot down. LaFargue A tree you can barely get your arms around, grows from a tiny shoot a nine-story tower begins as a heap of earth a thousand-mile journey begins under your feet. Legge The tree which fills the arms grew from the tiniest sprout; the tower of nine storeys rose from a (small) heap of earth; the journey of a thousand li commenced with a single step. Lindauer A tree as big as the embrace of a man is born relating to very tiny shoots A nine story tower is raised relating to a pile of earth A journey of a thousand li begins in relating to where you stand. LinYutan A tree with a full span's girth begins from a tiny sprout; A nine-storied terrace begins with a clod of earth. A journey of a thousand li beings at one's feet. Mabry A tree too big around to hug is produced from a tiny sprout. A nine-story tower begins with a mound of dirt. A thousand-mile journey begins with your own two feet. McDonald A tree as big as a man's hug grows from a tiny sprout. A tower nine storeys high begins with a clod of earth. Further, the journey of three hundred miles began with ... the feet. A journey of a thousand li begins right where one stands, even with the very first step. Merel Yet a tree broader than a man can embrace is born of a tiny shoot; A dam greater than a river can overflow starts with a clod of earth; A journey of a thousand miles begins at the spot under one's feet. Mitchell The giant pine tree grows from a tiny sprout. The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet. Muller A thick tree grows from a tiny seed. A tall building arises from a mound of earth. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Red Pine as giant tree grows from the tiniest shoot a great tower rises from a basket of dirt a thousand mile journey begins at your feet Ta-Kao The tree that fills a man's arms arises from a tender shoot; The nine-storeyed tower is raised from a heap of earth; A thousand miles' journey begins from the spot under one's feet. Walker The tallest tree springs from a tiny shoot. The tallest tower is built from a pile of dirt. A journey of a thousand miles begins at your feet. Wayism Wieger A tree which one's arms can barely embrace comes from a shoot as fine as a hair; a nine-storey tower begins with a pile of earth; a long journey begins with a single step. World The greatest tree manifests from an unremarkable shoot. A multilevel building begins with the laying of a single brick. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Wu A tree as big as a man's embrace springs from a tiny sprout. A tower nine stories high begins with a heap of earth. A journey of a thousand leagues starts from where your feet stand.

Capitolul 64 Propoziia 4/ Chapter 64 Sentence 4

64.13. , wi zh bi zh, Cel ce acioneaz ( mijlocit) [asupra unui lucru] il distruge/ cel ce acioneaz ( mijlocit) esueaz/ Cel ce fptuiete [ actioneaz subiectiv] eueaz [ greete], Interfering with something is destroying it, In etwas eingreifen zerstrt es, Qui agit choue.
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64.14. zh zh sh zh. A apuca ceva inseamna a pierde acel lucru /Cel ce se ataeaz [reine; posed] [va] pierde. grasping something is losing it. etwas ergreifen verliert es. Qui retient perd.
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64.15. ,, sh y shng rn w wi, g w bi, De aceea sfntul [nteleptul] practic aciunea paradoxal [ w wi: nonaciunea; nefaptuirea; aciunea direct (nu interfereaz)] i nu distruge [nu are eecuri; insuccese; nereuite; nu greete i nu sufer (n prezent i viitor)]." Therefore are wise men without interfering hence without destroying, Darum sind weise Menschen ohne Eingreifen, daher ohne Zerstren, Le saint nagit pas et nchoue pas ;
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64.16. w zh, g w sh. Cel care nu apuca (retine), nu pierde ; fr a apuca, deci, fr a pierde El nu retine nimic i [n consecint nu este expus s piard ceva] nu pierde nimic. without grasping hence without losing. ohne Ergreifen, daher ohne Verlieren. Il ne retient rien et ne perd donc rien/sans saisir donc sans perdre.
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note RAM: Cel ce lucreaz, va da gres; cel ce ia, va pierde. De aceea inteleptul urmeaz Non-Actiunea si nu se teme de nereusit; nelegndu-se de ceva nu este expus s piard. Ian Hin-Shun/ -: Cine actioneaza, va suferi un esec. Cine poseda ceva, va pierde. Iata de ce omul intelept este inactiv si nu sufera esecuri. El nu are nimic si de aceea nu pierde nimic. / . - . , . . Luca Dinu: Cine faptuieste da gres, iar cine prea strans tine-un lucru il pierde. Prin urmare Inteleptul nu faptuieste si deci nu da gres, nu tine strans si deci nu pierde
Beck To act is to fail. To grab is to lose. Therefore the wise do not act and do not fail. They do not grab and do not lose. Blackney Doing spoils it, grabbing misses it; So the Wise Man refrains from doing and doesn't spoil anything; He grabs at nothing and so never misses. Bynner Quick action bruises, Quick grasping loses. Therefore a sane man's care is not to exert One move that can miss, one move that can hurt. Byrn If you rush into action, you will fail. If you hold on too tight, you will lose your grip. Chan He who takes action fails. He who grasps things loses them. For this reason the sage takes no action and therefore does not fail. He grasps nothing and therefore does not lose anything; Cleary

Those who contrive spoil it; those who cling lose it. Thus sages contrive nothing, and so spoil nothing. They cling to nothing, and so lose noting. Crowley He who acts works harm; he who grasps finds it a slip. The wise man acts not, so works no harm; he does not grasp, and so does not let go. Hansen Those who deem-act wreck it; those who grasp lose it. Using this: Sages lack deeming action, hence they lack wrecking, lack grasping hence lack losing. LaFargue Working ruins, grasping loses. And so the Wise Person: Does not work, so does not ruin does not grasp, so does not lose. Legge He who acts (with an ulterior purpose) does harm; he who takes hold of a thing (in the same way) loses his hold. The sage does not act (so), and therefore does no harm; he does not lay hold (so), and therefore does not lose his bold. Lindauer Those who act are spoiling Those who take hold of are losing Appropriately it happens that sages are absent of action So there is an absence of spoiling Are absent of taking hold of So there is an absence of losing. LinYutan He who acts, spoils; He who grasps, lets slip. Because the Sage does not act, he does not spoil, Because he does not grasp, he does not let slip. Mabry Whoever tries will fail. Whoever clutches, loses. Therefore the Sage, not rying, cannot fail Not clutching, she cannot lose. McDonald Still, he who takes a [visible forestalling] action fails. Who acts, harms; he who grabs, lets slip. And therefore the wise man doesn't act in the open, and so doesn't spoil or harm; yes, he takes seemingly no action and therefore hardly fails. And why is this? It's due to: He who grasps things [often] loses them. He doesn't grasp a lot, he doesn't let slip a lot. Does hardly grab in the open, and so doesn't let slip a lot. He grasps nothing visibly to others, and therefore he doesn't lose much. Whereas people in their handling of affairs often fail when they're about to succeed at their tasks. Such people constantly spoil things when within an ace of completing them. Be as careful at the end as at the start to avert failures at hand. Then there will be no such failures. Heed the end no less than the start, so that your valuable work will not be spoiled and ruined. Merel He who acts, spoils; He who grasps, loses. Mitchell Rushing into action, you fail. Trying to grasp things, you lose them. Forcing a project to completion, you ruin what was almost ripe. Therefore the Master takes action by letting things take their course. Muller Contriving, you are defeated; Grasping, you lose. The sage doesn't contrive, so she isn't beaten. Not grasping, she doesn't lose. Red Pine but to act is to fail to control is to lose therefore the sage doesn't act he thus doesn't fail he doesn't control he thus doesn't lose Ta-Kao Walker Interfere with things, and you'll be defeated by them. Hold on to things, and you'll lose them. The sage doesn't interfere, so he doesn't fail; doesn't hold on, so he doesn't lose. Wayism Wieger Those who make too much of things, spoil their affairs. Those who grip too strongly, end up by letting go. The Sage who does not act, does not spoil any affair. Since he holds on to nothing, nothing escapes him. World He who attempts to control his life becomes confused. Attempt to grasp a thing and it disappears. The sage flows in peace and harmony and so is not confused. She attaches herself to nothing and consequently her vision remains clear. Wu

He who fusses over anything spoils it. He who grasps anything loses it. The Sage fusses over nothing and therefore spoils nothing. He grips at nothing and therefore loses nothing.

Capitolul 64 Propoziia 5/ Chapter 64 Sentence 5 64.17. mn zh cng sh chng y j chng r bi zh. Adesea omul obinuit care fptuiete [ntreprinde o afacere], eueaz [d gre] n momentul reuitei [n ajunul izbnzii; se neac la mal]. People pursuit their affairs often till near completion and yet spoil them. Leute verfolgen ihre Angelegenheiten hufig bis beinah zu Ende und doch verderben sie sie. Souvent un homme qui entreprend une affaire- Echoue juste au moment de russir.
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64.18. shn zhng r sh (Doar) cel ce este atent la sfrit, ca la nceput/ Doar cel ce rmne la fel de prudent [precaut; prevztor; atent; calm; rbdtor; negrbit] la sfrit [cnd termin] ca si la nceput, Be careful at the end like at the beginning, Behutsam am Ende wie zu Beginn, Quiconque demeure aussi prudent au terme quau dbut
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64.19. z w bi sh. Nu eueaz [nu d gre] n momentul reuitei [n ajunul izbnzii; nu se neac la mal]. / Nu va eua n actiunea sa ["graba stric treaba; graba de-a ajunge la succes (fruct) aduce eecul ], thus without spoiling the affairs. so ist nichts zu verderben an den Angelegenheiten. Nchouera pas dans son entreprise.
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note RAM: Omul obisnuit, dimpotriv, d gres in ajunul izbnzii, pentru c nu este tot asa de prevztor la sfrsitul intreprinderii, ca la inceput. Ineleptul, fiind pe deplin detaat, nu urmrete dect lipsa de dorine. Ian Hin-Shun/ -: Cei care, savirsind lucruri, se grabesc sa ajunga la succes, vor esua. Cel care isi termina treaba cu precautie seamana cu cel care era cind a inceput-o; el va izbuti intotdeauna. , , , , . , , , . Luca Dinu: In treburile lor, oamenii adesea aproape de-mplinire dau gres: daca esti atent la sfarsit , la fel ca la-nceput n-ai sa mai dai gres.
Beck In handling things people usually fail when they are about to succeed. Be as careful at the end as at the beginning, and there will be no failure. Blackney People are constantly spoiling a project when it lacks only a step to completion. To avoid making a mess of it, be as careful of the end as you were of the beginning. Bynner Most people who miss, after almost winning, Should have 'known the end from the beginning.' Byrn

Therefore the Master lets things take their course and thus never fails. She doesn't hold on to things and never loses them. By pursing your goals too relentlessly, you let them slip away. If you are as concerned about the outcome as you are about the beginning, then it is hard to do things wrong. Chan A sane man is sane in knowing what things he can spare, In not wishing what most people wish, In not reaching for things that seem rare. Cleary Therefore people's works are always spoiled on the verge of completion. Be as careful of the end as of the beginning, and nothing will be spoiled. Crowley People in their handling of affairs often fail when they are about to succeed. If one remains as careful at the end as he was at the beginning, there will be no failure. Hansen The people in pursuing social affairs take the phase of nearly completed as constant and then wreck it. If you are as careful at the end as in the beginning then you will lack wrecking things. LaFargue Men often ruin their affairs on the eve of success, because they are not as prudent at the end as in the beginning. The wise man wills what others do not will, and values not things rare. He learns what others learn not, and gathers up what they despise. Legge "When the people are engaged in some task, they are always on the point of finishing when they ruin it. Careful at the end just as at the beginning then there will be no ruining of the work. Lindauer The following of people of effort in the entire Relates to perfecting part yet spoiling Following care throughout as if just beginning LinYutan The affairs of men are often spoiled within an ace of completion. By being careful at the end as at the beginning Failure is averted. Mabry When people try, they usually fail just on the brink of success. If one is as cautious at the outset as at the end, One cannot fail. McDonald Therefore the wise man learns to seem unlearned, wants only things that are unwanted. Yes, the wise man publicly desires to have no desire. Merel (But) people in their conduct of affairs are constantly ruining them when they are on the eve of success. If they were careful at the end, as (they should be) at the beginning, they would not so ruin them. Mitchell People often fail on the verge of success; Take care at the end as at the beginning, So that you may avoid failure. Muller When people are carrying out their projects They usually blow it at the end. If you are as careful at the end As you were at the beginning, You won't be disappointed. Red Pine when people pursue a task they always fail near the end care at the end as well as the start means an end to failure Ta-Kao The common people in their business often fail on the verge of succeeding. Take care with the end as you do with the beginning, And you will have no failure. Walker Because projects often come to ruin just before completion, he takes as much care at the end as he did at the beginning, and thereby succeeds. Wayism Wieger When the common people have affairs, they often fail at the moment when they should have succeeded, (nervousness at the beginning of success making them lose propriety and make clumsy mistakes). For success, the circumspection of the beginning should last until the final achievement. World Confused people usually quit just short of success. Therefore, see experiences asthe oneness of life from beginning to end and it will be impossible to fail. Wu

In handling affairs, people often spoil them just at the point of success. With heedfulness in the beginning and patience at the end, nothing will be spoiled.

Capitolul 64 Propoziia 6 / Chapter 64 Sentence 6 64.20. , sh y shng rn y b y b gu nn d zh hu, De aceea: sfntul [nteleptul] dorete non-dorina (detaarea: sa nu aiba dorinte, patimi, atari de fruct; de aceea sfntul se grbete ncet, fptuiete egal, detaat ) i nu preuieste lucrurile dificil de obinut [ lucrurile rare, comorile cutate;m nu are motivatiile oamenilor profani (lucrurile din lumea contrariilor)]. Therefore: the saint (wise men) desire no desire (to have no desire) and he does not value hard-to-get goods; Darum: weise Menschen begehren, nichts zu begehren,nicht aber schtzen sie schwer zu erlangende Gter; Ainsi le saint dsire le non-dsir. Il napprcie pas les biens difficiles acqurir.
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

64.21. , xu b xu, f zhng rn zh su gu, El nvat [de la cei nenvtati; de la necuvnttoare] s se dezvee [nceteaz s caute n afar (s rtceasc; s cerceteze; s atepte ceva din exterior)] si se ntoarce acolo unde toi oamenii au ratat/ au trecut pe alaturi (Tao). ( se abate de la excesele comune ; se ntoarce de la excesele comune oamenilor; nu merge pe calea pe care au euat ceilalti; se ferete de greelile (viciile, tiparele) pe care toti oamenii le svresc]. He learns unlearning and returns to what all men have missed/ have passed by(Tao); ( he turns away from the common excesses) sie lehren, nicht zu belehren, und kehren dahin, wo alle dort-vorbergingen, Il apprend dsapprendre. Il se dtourne des excs communs
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note

64.22. y f wn w zh z rn r b gn wi. Si de aceea caut numai s faciliteze [prin calm; nonactiune (Wu-Wei)] evolutia fireasc ctre propria natur a tuturor fpturilor /fiintelor] i nu ndrznete s actioneze asupra lor [dup bunul su plac; subiectiv]. hence they aid all creatures' self-becoming yet do not dare to interfere. so frdern sie aller Wesen Selbst-Werdung, doch keineswegs wagen sie einzugreifen. A tous les hommes. Il facilite la spontanit de tous les tres, Sans oser agir sur eux.
vedei semnificaia fiecrui caracter in dicionarul situat dup note RAM: Inteleptul nu doreste dect lipsa de dorinte,el dispretuieste bunurile greu de obtinut; se strduieste s nu cerceteze si se fereste de greselile pe care toti oamenii le svrsesc. El nu vrea dect s ajute toate fiintele ca s evolueze dup propria lor fire, si de aceea nu indrzneste s lucreze. Ian Hin-Shun/ -: De aceea, omul intelept nu are patimi, nu pretuieste obiectele care se obtin greu, invata de la cei care au cunostinte si merge pe calea care au mers altii. El urmeaza firea lucrurilor si nu se aventureaza sa actioneze dupa bunul sau plac./ , , , , , . [] . Luca Dinu: Prin urmare Inteleptul doreste sa nu doreasca si pe lucrurile rare nu pune pret. Invata sa nu-nvete si se-ntoarce acolo pe unde toti au trecut .El poate s-ajute cele zece mii de lucruri sa fie ceea ce sunt, dar nu indrazneste sa faptuiasca .( vedeti notele in comentariu).

Beck Therefore the wise desire to have no desires. They do not value rare treasures. They learn what is unknown, returning to what many have missed so that all things may be natural without interference. Blackney So the Wise Man wants the unwanted; he sets no high value on anything because it is hard to get. He studies what others neglect and restores to the world what multitudes have passed by. His object is to restore everything in its natural course, but he dares take no steps to that end. Bynner The cultured might call him heathenish, This man of few words, because his one care Is not to interfere but to let nature renew The sense of direction men undo. Byrn The master seeks no possessions. She learns by unlearning, thus she is able to understand all things. This gives her the ability to help all of creation. Chan Therefore the sage desires to have no desire, He does not value rare treasures. He learns to be unlearned, and returns to what the multitude missed -Tao. Thus he supports all things in their natural state but does not take any action. Cleary Thus sages want to have no wants; they do not value goods hard to get. They learn not learning to recover from people's excesses, thereby to assist the naturalness of all beings, without daring to contrive. Crowley Thus he is in accord with the natural course of events, and he is not overbold in action. Hansen Using this: Sages treat not-desiring as a desire and don't value goods difficult to obtain. Study notstudying and restore what the crowd of humanity has passed by. Use restoring the self-so nature of the ten-thousand natural kinds and don't recklessly deem-act. LaFargue And so the Wise Person: Desires to be desireless does not prize goods hard to come by learns to be unleaned turns back to the place all others have gone on from. So as to help along the naturalness of the thousands of things with out presuming to be a Worker. Legge Therefore the sage desires what (other men) do not desire, and does not prize things difficult to get; he learns what (other men) do not learn, and turns back to what the multitude of men have passed by. Thus he helps the natural development of all things, and does not dare to act (with an ulterior purpose of his own). Lindauer Comes an absence of spoiling effort.Appropriately it happens that sages Desire without desiring Are without treasuring goods difficult to obtain Learn without learning Return to the place where the collective mind passes And come to support the self-nature of the 10000 things Yet without venturing to act. LinYutan Therefore the Sage desires to have no desire, And values not objects difficult to obtain. Learns that which is unlearned, And restores what the multitude have lost. That he may assist in the course of Nature And not presume to interfere. Mabry Therefore the Sage desires nothing so much as to be desireless. She does not value rare and expensive goods. She unlearns what was once taught And helps the people regain what they have lost; To help every being assume its natural way of being, And not dare to force anything. McDonald Therefore the wise man desires no desire - and desires all the same. He doesn't often value rare treasures publicly. He hardly values objects hard to get or find - in public. He says he learns that which is unlearned. He claims he sets no store by products difficult to get, and so teaches things untaught. [It's a trap.] But he also turns all beings back to the very thing they have left behind, so that he can assist in the course of nature somehow. And if so, "the ten thousand creatures" can be restored to their selfsameness, the self-so which is of [some] dao. Yes, he supports all things in some of their natural states. This he does; but hardly presume to interfere all right. He hardly dares to act in the open. So he denies to take any visible action. Merel The sage desires no-desire, Values no-value, Learns no-learning, And returns to the places that people have forgotten; He would help all people to become natural, But then he would not be natural. Mitchell

He remains as calm at the end as at the beginning. He has nothing, thus has nothing to lose. What he desires is non-desire; what he learns is to unlearn. He simply reminds people of who they have always been. He cares about nothing but the Tao. Thus he can care for all things. Muller Therefore the sage desires non-desire, Does not value rare goods, Studies the unlearnable So that she can correct the mistakes of average people And aid all things in manifesting their true nature Without presuming to take the initiative. Red Pine the sage thus seeks what no one seeks he doesn't prize hard to-get-goods he studies what no one studies he turns to what others pass by to help all things be natural he thus dares not act Ta-Kao Walker His only desire is to be free of desire. Fancying nothing, learning not to know, electing not to interfere, he helps all beings become themselves. Wayism Wieger The Sage desires nothing. He does not prize any object because it is rare. He does not attach himself to any system, but instructs himself by the faults of others. In order to co-operate with universal evolution, he does not act, but lets things go. World The sage is indifferent to desire: she does not accumulate possessions, she is unemotional regarding ideas, she focuses people on their oneness, she, by example, illuminates the path to peace and harmony but does not impose her will or foist her views on others. Wu Therefore, the Sage desires to be desireless, Sets no value on rare goods, Learns to unlearn his learning, And induces the masses to return from where they have overpassed. He only helps all creatures to find their own nature, But does not venture to lead them by the nose.

5. Comentariu / Commentary/ Commentaire /Kommentar/Comentario/Commento vedeti Introducerea

6. Conexiuni / Connections/ Connexions/ Verbindungen/Conexiones/Connessioni

6.1. Conexiuni cu alte capitole : 27, 29, 3 Capitolul 27: "Un bun cltor nu las urme" / "A good traveler leaves no tracks" Cel ce tie s mearg bine nu las urme; A good traveler leaves no tracks; Theres deep mystery here. Think about this Cel ce acioneaz (mijlocit) las urme, fiindc finaneaz reaciunile ( aciunile contrare )

Caracteristicile actiunii nemijlocite sau ale actiunii paradoxale Caracteristici paradoxale ale Puterii Perfecte /Paradoxical features of Perfect Power Les Caractristiques paradoxales de la Puissance parfaite/ Caratteristiche paradossale della Perfetta Potenza / Paradoxe Funktionen von Perfekte Kraft Caractersticas paradjicas del Poder Perfecta articol de Mirahorian http://www.scribd.com/doc/137484546/A-good-traveler-leaves-no-tracks

29. Traducerea capitolului 29 din Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) al lui Lao Tzu ( Lao Zi) O noua traducere a capitolului 29 din Tao De Jing /Tao Te Ching de Dan Mirahorian / A new translation of 29th Chapter from Lao Zi/ Lao Tzu/Lao Tseu by Dan Mirahorian Titlu/Title /Titre /Titel/ Ttulo /Titolo: Tin Xi Shn Q Lumea este un "vas spiritual" / The world is a spiritual vessel / Le Monde est un rcipient spirituel / Die Welt ist ein Geistliches Gef /Il mondo un vaso spirituale http://www.scribd.com/doc/117107382/ 29.01. ? jing y q tin xi r wi zh ? dorina de a controla [ de obtine un efect asupra lumii ( s o modeleze, reformeze, cucereasc prin fort] prin actiune (mijlocita) in aceast directie, Growing the wish to have effect on the world, and do you work towards that? Wchst der Wunsch nach Wirkung auf die Welt, und arbeitest du daraufhin? 29.02. w jin q b d y. Eu vad (inteleg, stiu bine ) c asta nu va reui in final (niciodat). I see this won't work, after all. Ich sehe das nicht gelingen letztlich. 29.03. , tin xi shn q, Lumea ( este sau seamn cu) un "vas spiritual" [ care poate fi spart n orice moment; care este imprevizibil], The world a spiritual vessel, Die Welt ein Geistgef, 29.04. ! b k wi y! Pe care nu poti (nu ai voie) s-l modelezi [s-l atingi; s-l modifici], desigur; impossible to interfere, indeed! unmglich, in sie einzugreifen gar! 29.05. , wi zh bi zh, Cel care ( zh) actioneaz ( wi) [modific, ncearc s-l controleze, modeleze, lefuiasc] distruge pe acesta ( bi zh) [ vasul; entitatea spirituala]. (va suferi un eec) The one who ( zh) is acting/ interfering ( wi), is destroying it ( bi zh), In etwas eingreifen zerstrt es, 29.06. zh zh sh zh. Cel ce vrea s-i nsueasc ceva [s apuce, s tin; limitndu-i micarea natural] l va pierde. grasping something is losing it. etwas ergreifen verliert es. 29.11. , sh y shng rn q shn, De aceea omul sfnt /inelept evita extremele [atunci cnd guverneaz imperiul las libertate fiecrei fpturi, dup naturile lor diverse ] Therefore: saint/wise men avoid extremes, Daher: weise Menschen meiden Extreme, 29.12. , q sh, evita extravagantele [ evit orice necumpatare , care ar fi nociv fpturilor (ambitia; orgoliul; impunerea puterii; luxul; risipa ) ]

avoid extravagances, meiden Extravaganzen, 29.13. q ti. evita excesele [ De aceea sfntul [neleptul] consider drept nociv oric e abatere de la Cale (Tao) , fiindca orice abatere de la regula nonactiunii (Wu-Wei) este o necuviint; o lips de respect pentru sine i semeni, ceea ce determin deteriorarea "vasului spiritual"]. avoid excesses. meiden Exzesse. sfarsitul frazei 64.20. apare in capitolul (vedeti conexiuni: 3.3. b gu nn d zh hu, Nu pretui (nu supraevalua) ceea ce este greu de dobndit [ posesiunile; averea; luxul ] Not overestimating goods hard to obtain 6.1. 6.2. Conexiune Yi Jing (Cartea schimbarilor) 6.2. Wei Wu Wei vedeti articolul dedicat Wu Wei: Wei Wu Wei-Stiinta zeilor-Abandonarea luptei si intrarea in starea divina de functionare holografica / Wei Wu Wei-The Science of Gods- Invulnerability and Holographic Operating Mode / Wei Wu Wei-La Science des Dieux http://www.scribd.com/doc/22358059/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/27238503/ http://www.danmirahorian.ro/Wei-Wu-Wei.pdf 7. Dictionar /Dictionary / Dictionnaire/ Wrterbuch /Diccionario / Dizionario

8. Bibliografie / Bibliography/ Bibliographie / Bibliografia 1. Traducerea capitolului 48 din Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) al lui Lao Tzu ( Lao Zi) intitulat: "Calea catre regimul direct de functionare este caracterizata de: Dezvatare (Unlearning), Deprogramare (Deprogramming), Deconditionare (Deconditioning), Uitare (Forgetting)" CALEA INTELEPCIUNII ESTE SA SCAZI ZI DE ZI CUNOASTEREA MIJLOCITA " ( A urma) Calea cunoaterii inseamna sa nvei (sa adaugi) ceva nou in fiecare zi. Calea inelepciunii inseamna sa dai drumul la ceva ( sa scazi cunoasterea mijlocita) in fiecare zi". / "The Way of Knowledge is to learn ( to add ) something new every day. The Way of Wisdom is to let go of ( to subtract ) something every day"./ "La voie de la connaissance est d'apprendre ( ajouter) quelque chose de nouveau chaque jour. La voie de la sagesse est de lcher (enlever) quelque chose chaque jour (Proverb Zen si prima propozitie din Lao Tzu 48) Heraclit 40. L'tendue des connaissances n'enseigne pas avoir l'esprit ; sans quoi elle l'aurait enseign Hsiode et Pythagore, et encore Xnophane et Hcatalos. (??) Yoda- " Trebuie s te dezveti de ce ai nvtat / You must unlearn what you have learned Dezvarea de limitrile care ne-au fost inoculate/ "Unlearning our limitations" "Trebuie s te dezveti de ceea ce ai fost programat s crezi de la nastere. Acel software ( program) nu-ti mai serveste, dac vrei s triesti ntr-o lume n care toate lucrurile sunt posibile "/ "You must unlearn what you have been programmed to believe since birth. That software no longer serves you if you want to live in a world where all things are possible." Jacqueline E. Purcell ADRESA DOCUMENTULUI http://www.scribd.com/doc/119148723/Lao-Tzu-48-Dezvatarea-UnlearningDeprogramarea-Deprogramming-Deconditionarea-Deconditioning 2. Traducerea capitolului 47 din Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) al lui Lao Tzu ( Lao Zi)

Lao Tzu Capitolul 47 Universul holografic; Cerul -un loc inlauntrul tau-Universul Holografic Imparatia lui Dumnezeu este inlauntrul vostru Lao Tzu 47: "Fr s treci pragul usii, se poate cunoaste intreg universul; Fr s privesti pe fereastr, se poate vedea Calea Cerului [poti descoperi principiile ce guverneaz toate lucrurile]/"Without going outside beyond of the door, One can know the whole world; Without looking outside through the windows of senses, One can see the Tao of Heaven". William Blake scria: "sa vezi universul intr-un graunte de nisip si raiul intr-o floare salbatica". (To see a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower; Voir un Monde dans un grain de sable, et un ciel dans une fleur sauvage). http://www.scribd.com/doc/26757605/ http://www.danmirahorian.ro/47Laotzu.pdf


Lao Tzu Translations-A collection of all translations of the Lao-tzu (Lao Tseu) Prescurtari pt. autorul fiecarei variante de traducere a textului lui Lao Tzu Abreviations for the author of each translation variant of the text of Lao Tzu

Add & Lomb [Stephen Addiss and Stanley Lombardo, Title: Lao-Tzu Tao Te Ching, translated, with translator's preface, glossary, and pronunciation guide, with paintings by Stephen Addiss, introduced by Burton Watson; Published: Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Co., 1993 ISBN 0-87220-232-1] Alan [Ralph Alan Dale ,The Tao Te Ching, 81 Verses By Lao Tzu with Introduction and Commentary,2007] Allchin [Allchin, Douglas, Tao Te Ching: Classics of Integrity and the Way,2002] Ames[ Roger T. Ames ,Title: Taodejing : making this life significant : a philosophical translation Published: Beijing: Xueyuan chubanshe, 2004]. Ames& Hall [Roger Ames and David Hall Tao De Ching: A Philosophical Translation, Ballantine, 2003] Ames&Young [Rhett Y. W. Young, Roger T. Ames, Title: Lao Zi( Lao Tzu; Lao Tseu) : text, notes, and comments (by Chen Kuying; translated and adapted by Rhett Y. W. Young, Roger T. Ames), Published: San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, 1977] Anonymous [Dutch - English by Anonymous] Ariane [Ariane Rump in collaboration with Wing-tsit Chan , Title: Commentary on the Lao Tzu (by Wang Pi), Published: Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1979] Armel[Armel Guerne Lao Tseu, Tao T King, Club franais du livre, 1963]. Bahm [Archie J. Bahm,The King by Lao Tzu: Interpreted as Nature and Intelligence by Archie J. Bahm. 1958 ,Fourth printing 1967, Frederick Ungar Publishing Company] Balfour [Balfour, Frederic Henry The Tao T Ching translated by Frederic Henry Balfour Shanghai and London, 1884, Online document 2004] Bodde[Derk Bodde A History of Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 1: The Period of the Philosophers (from the Beginnings to Circa 100 B. C.) by Yu-lan Fung (Author), Derk Bodde (Translator); Princeton University Press,492 pp, 1983; Bodde, Derk, Further remarks on the identification of Lao Tzu: a last reply to Professor Dubs, In: Journal of the American Oriental Society, 64, 1944, 24-27] Beck [Sanderson Beck, English interpolation,1996] Blakney [Raymond B. Blakney, Title: The Way of Life: Tao Te Ching(Wang Bi): The Classic Translation, by Lao Tzu translation; Published: London, New York: Penguin Putnam, 1955, 1983. Mentor Books]

Bullen [David Bullen] Bynner[Bynner, Witter, The Way of Life, According to Lau Tzu.New York: Putnam,1944, Perigee/Penguin, 1972] Byrn [Tormod Kinnes 1997 Kinnes, Tormo[n]d [Byrn]: "Tao De Jing - Tao Te Ching" - Interpolation by Tormod Kinnes, based on the English versions of Lin Yutang, Arthur Waley and Wing-tsit Chan. http://oaks.nvg.org/re3ra3.html] Byrne [Byrne, Patrick Michael,Title: Tao Te Ching: The Way of Virtue, Published: Garden City Park, NY: SquareOne Classics, 1963, Lao-zi: Tao De Jing, Santa Fe, NM: Sun Pub. Co., 1991] Carus [Dr. Paul Carus, Lao-Tze's Tao-Teh-king, Chicago, London: The Open Court Pub. Co. ; K. Paul, Trench, Truebner, 1898; Carus, Paul, and D.T. Suzuki , The Canon of Reason and Virtue: Lao Tzus Tao Teh King. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court Publications, 1913.]. Chalmers [John Chalmers, The Speculations on Metaphysics, Polity and Morality of the Old Philosopher Lau Tsze, Published: London: Trubner, 1868] Chan [Chan, Wing-tsit. The Way of Lao Tzu: A Translation and Study of the Tao-te Ching. Translated, with introductory essays, comments, and notes, by Chan, Wing-tsit, Published: New York: Macillan, Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1963, The Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 62-b21266; Chan, Wing-tsit, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy., Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1963] Chang [Chang Chung-yuan, Tao: A New Way of Thinking, a translation of the Tao Te Ching, with an introduction and commentaries, New York : Harper & Row, 1975; Chang, Chung-yuan. Le Monde du Tao : creativite et taoisme, essai sur la philosophie, la poesie et l'art chinois / Chang Chung-Yuan ; traduit de l'americain par Claude Elsen. - Paris : Stock, 1979 (27-evreux : impr. Herissey). - 217 p. : couv. ill. ; 18 cm. (Stock plus, ISSN 0154-361X).Trad. de : "Creativity and taoism" - ISBN 2-234-01056-X] Chen [Chen, Chao-Hsiu, Tao Te Ching: Lao Tzu's Classic Text in 81 Cards, Boxed Set, translation based on a version from Qing Dynasty, illustrated with art and calligraphy by Chao-Hsiu Chen, Eddison Sadd Editions, Published by Marlowe & Company, New York, 2003; Chao-Hsiu Chen, Tao Te Ching : Le clbre texte taoste prsent sur 81 cartes ,178 pages ,Editeur : Le Courrier du Livre, 2004] Chen E M[Chen, Ellen Marie , The Tao Te Ching: A New Translation with Commentary. New York: Paragon House, 1989; Chen, Ellen Marie, "Tao, Nature, Man, A Study of the Key Ideas in the Tao Te Ching," Dissertation, Philosophy, Ph.D.,Fordham University, 1967] ChengA [ Cheng, Anne, Histoire de la pense chinoise, 657 p., chap. II.7, Le Tao du non-agir dans le Lao Tseu , p. 176 199., Paris, Le Seuil, 1997] ChengF[Franois Cheng, Vide et plein: le langage pictural chinois, ditions du Seuil, Paris, 1979, 1991; Francois Cheng, Vid si plin; Limbajul pictural chinezesc, Ed. Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1983; Franois Cheng Des extraits du livre de F. Cheng, Vide et Plein http://www.lacanchine.com/L_Cheng-vide.html ] ChengHong [David Hong Cheng, On Lao Tzu . Wadsworth. Belmont, 2000, ISBN 0-534-57609-5] ChengLin [Cheng Lin The works of Lao Tzyy : Truth and Nature popularly known as Daw Der Jing appended with chinese texts and the oldest commentaries; Published by the World Book Company,Taipei,Taiwan,China,june,1969] Clatfelder [Jim Clatfelder, The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu , Introduction to the Headless Tao] Chilcott [Chilcott, Tim, Tao De Jing. Lao Tseu - TAO TE CHING Lao Tzu.,Chinese - English tclt.org.uk 2005, pdf, 2005,www.tclt.org.uk/Taode_jing_intro.htm, http://www.tclt.org.uk/Taode_jing.htm] Chou [Chou-Wing Chohan& Bellenteen, Abe (Translators)Tao TE Ching: The Cornerstone of Chinese Culture.Astrolog Publishing House, 2003, 128 p., www.sanmayce.com/, http://home.pages.at/onkellotus/TTK/English_Chohan_TTK.html] Chung [Tsai Chih Chung, Le message de Lao Tseu , La sagesse suprme , Traduction collective ,Collection Philo Bd, Editeur Editions Jouvence , ISBN 2-914395-02-7, 105 pages, 2000] Clatfelter [Headless version Jim Clatfelter, 2000, http://www.geocities.com/~jimclatfelter/jimztao.html] Cleary [Cleary-Thomas Cleary,The Essential Tao: An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang Tzu Translated and Presented by Thomas Cleary. 1991. HarperSanFrancisco ISBN 0-06-250216-6 ; Cleary, Thomas. Istruzioni nellefficacia e nella regola. In: Sesso e longevit. La pratica sessuale taoista come via per il benessere fisico e mentale (Sex, Health, and Long Life, 1994). I Piccoli Libri, Armenia, Milano 1996.Cleary, Thomas. Lessenza del Tao. Tao Te Ching e Chuang-tzu (The essential Tao: an initiation into the heart of Taoism through the authentic Tao Te Ching and the inner teachings of Chuang-tzu, 1991). Piccoli saggi, Oscar Mondadori, Milano, agosto 1994. Thomas Cleary, 1991] Conche [Conche, Marcel ,Tao Te King, trad, et commentaire par Marcel Conche, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2003] Condron [Daniel R. 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English interpolation, 2002, www.rivenrock.com/tao.htm] Dieterich [Dieterich, Wulf, Lao Tseu Taodejing.English & German translations, each character linked to a dictionary (GIF + sealscript characters). http://home.debitel.net/user/wulf.dieterich/index.html] Donohue [Donohue, Estra Brian M.A., Poems of the Universe: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Lulu.com, 2005] Duyvendak[Duyvendak, J.-J.-L., Tao T King, Le Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu, Paris, A. Maisonneuve, 1953 1987; The Book of the Way and Its Virtue translated from the Chinese and Annotated by Duyvendak, J.-J.-L., John Murray. London, 1954; Duyvendak, J. J. L. (a cura di). Tao t ching. Il Libro della V ia e della virt; gli Adelphi, Adelphi (c 1973), Milano, ottobre 1994], Edwin [Edwin Sha, "Tao Te Ching" - Translation with some commentary by Dr. Edwin Sha from the perspective of a Buddhist. July 14, 1996] Eiichi [Eiichi Shimomiss, Lao Tzu: The Tao Te Ching / An English Translation, 1998] Eichi Kimura racle [Jean racle Lao-Tseu, Tao te King, Paris, Albin Michel, 1984]. Erkes [Eduard Erkes,Title: Ho-shang-kung's commentary on Lao-tse ,Published: Ascona, Switzerland: Artibus Asiae, 1950] Ettilio [Andreini, Attilio. Lao Tseu. Genesi del Taodejing. Biblioteca, Einaudi, Torino, agosto 2004] Evola [Evola, Julius, Il libro della Via e della Virt, ed. Dott Gino Carabba Editore, Lanciano, 1923; Carabba Editore, Lanciano, 1947;ed (anastatica) Edizioni Arktos, Carmagnola, 1982; Evola, Julius, Lao Tze, Il libro del principio e della sua azione (Tao-T-Ching), Roma: Nuova presentazione,Casa Editrice Ceschina, Milano,1959; Orizzonti dello spirito, Edizioni Mediterranee, Roma,1972; Ristampe: 1987,1989,1992,1995; 1997; Julius Evola, Taoism: The Magic, the Mysticism, An introduction to a 1959 Italian translation of the Tao-Te-Ching, translated, with an introduction, by Guido Stucco; foreword by Jean Bernachot, Holmes Publishing Group; Edmonds(Washington)1993,1995; Evola, Julius (pseud.). Le Taoisme, presentation de Jean Bernachot ; trad. de l'italien par Jean Bernachot et Philippe Baillet; Ed. Pards, Puiseaux, 53p., 1989] Fex [Aalar Fex, Tao Te King(Wang Bi), 2006 ] Foucquet [Jean-Franois Foucquet (1665-1741)Second complete translation into Latin and French] Fukunaga [Fukunaga Mitsuji] Gauthier [Gauthier, Andre, Tao Te Ching. Chinese English. Images by Penny Downes (in: The Nomad Web Site). http://home.pages.at/onkellotus/TTK/English_Gauthier_TTK.html, ww w.archive.org/ www.nomad.mcmail.com/tao/docs/taote.htm] Gia Fu Feng [Laotse,Tao te king,Translated by Gia Fu Feng] Gia-Fu&Eng [Feng Gia Fu and Jane English, Lao Tsu: Tao Te Ching, A new translation, Published: New York: Vintage, 1972] Gib-Cheng [Gibbs Tam C., Cheng Man-ch'ing, Title: Lao-tzu, my words are very easy to understand : lectures on the Tao Teh Ching (by Zhng Mnqng, Cheng Man-ch'ing; translated from the Chinese by Tam C. Gibbs, Published: Richmond, CA: North Atlantic Books, c1981] Giles [Giles, Lionel. The Sayings of Lao Tzu. London: John Murray, 1905, 1950]. Goddard- Dwight Goddard, Laotzu's Tao and Wu Wei translation Brentano's Publishers. New York, 1919] Golden [Sen Golden & Marisa Presas , Lao Tseu : Taodejing El llibre del Tao i del de Traducci del xins, introducci i comentaris de Golden, Sen i Presas, Marisa,Editor: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, UAB/Publicacions de lAbadia de Montserrat, Barcelona, 2000, Taodejing. El llibre del "Tao" i del "de". Barcelona: Edicions Proa, 2006. (Trans. from chinese to catalan, preface and comments by Sen Golden & Marisa Presas). Gong [Gong, Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Translated by Tienzen (JehTween).International East-West University in Honolulu, Hawaii, http://home.pages.at/onkellotus/TTK/English_Gong_TTK.html www.terebess.hu/english/tao/gong.html, www.archive.org/ www.iewu.edu/Lao1.htm] Gorn-Old [Old, Walter Gorn. The Simple Way, Laotze. London: Philip Wellby, 1904, 1905. 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Heider [John Heider, 1985,] Heidegger [Heidegger Martin, Paul Shih-yi Hsiao translation of eight chapters from the Tao Te Ching,1946 ; see: "A Dialogue on Language (between a Japanese and an Inquirer)." in Heidegger, On the Way to Language, P. D. Hertz, trans. (New York: Harper & Row, 1971). Hereafter OWL.] Henricks 1[Henricks, Robert G. The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (trad., annot. et intro.)] Henricks 2[Henricks, Robert G., Title: Lao-Tzu: Te-Tao Ching: A New Translation Based On The Recently Discovered Mawangdui Texts, Published: New York: Ballantine Books, 1989,] Henricks 3[Henricks, Robert G.,Title: Lao Tzus Tao Te Ching: A Translation of the Startling New Documents Found at Guodian Published: New York: Columbia University Press, 2000] Hin-Shun [Yan Hin(Khin)-shun Lao Tz - Tao De Tzn, a lui Ian Hin-un, Filosoful antic chinez Lao Tz i invttura sa; Editura de stat pentru literatura stiintifica,1953, 165 pagini (traducere din lb.rusa) Yan Hin Shun The Ancient Chinese Philosopher Lao Tse and His Teaching. Publ. Moscow-Leningrad, by AN USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1950, -, . , - ; -, . . .. : , 1950] Hinton [Hinton, David, Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu. Washington, DC: Counterpoint, 2000] Ho [Ho, Lok Sang, The Living Tao:The Art and Way of Living,A Rich & Truthful Life, translation with annotations ,Lingnan University,September 1, 2002 ] Hoff [Benjamin Hoff, The Way to Life, At the Heart of the Tao Te Ching, 1981] Hogan [ Ron Hogan(previously known as Jesse Garon), 2000] Hond [Bram den Hond, Chinese (Mawang Dui)] Houang [Houang, Franois et Pierre Leyris, Lao-Tzeu, La Voie et sa vertu, Tao-t-king, texte chinois prsent et traduit par Franois Houang et Pierre Leyris, Collectio n " Points-Sagesses", n 16, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 181 p.,1949, 1979] Hsuing[Hsuing, Y.T. Lao Tze, Tao Te Ching. Chinese Culture. Vol. 18. Taiwan: China Academy, June, 1977] Huang C. [Huang, Chichung, Tao Te Ching: A Literal Translation, JAIN PUB, 2003] Huang T. [Huang, Tao, Laoism: The Complete Teachings Of Lao Zi( Lao Tzu; Lao Tseu) 312 pp, Publisher:Brumby Holdings, 2001] Hwang [Shi Fu Hwang, Tao Teh Chin: The Taoists' New Library Publisher: Taoism Pub Date Published: 1991 ] Hu [Hu Tse-ling. Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching. Chengtu, Szechuan: Canadian Mission Press, 1936] Hughes [Hughes, Ernest Richard , Tao Te Ching, Chinese Philosophy in Classical Times. London: J.M. Dent, 1942, 1950; Hughes, E. R., Shikantaza, An Introduction to Zen, by Edited and Translated by E. R. Hughes] Inouye [Inouye, Shuten. Laotse, Tao Teh King. Tokoyo: Daitokaku, 1928] Intoppa [Italian interpretation-interpolation by Francesco Intoppa, 2000] Ivanhoe [Philip Ivanhoe The Taodejing of Lao Tseu, Seven Bridges Press, 2002] Jeff [Jeff Rasmussen, Spirit of Tao Te Ching, Nisi Sunyatta, 2000] JiyuRen [Ren Jiyu, He Guanghu, Gao Shining, Song LiTao and Xu Junyao, Title: A Taoist Classic The Book of Lao Tseu . Published: Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1985, 1993. ISBN 7-119-01571-0] Julien [Stanislas Julien, 1842 Julien, Stanislas, Lao Tseu, Tao-Te-King, Le Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu, compos dans le vi. sicle avant l're chrtienne. Paris, Ed.Duprat, Paris, 1842;La traduction franaise de Stanislas Julien s'appuie pour les passages difficiles sur le fameux commentaire de Heshang gong (fin du II-e ap. J.-C.)]. Kaltenmark [Kaltenmark, Max, Lao Tseu et le taosme, Seuil, coll. Matres spirituels , 190 p. Paris,1982] Kim [Ha Poong Kim, Title: Reading Lao Tzu: A Companion to the Tao Te Ching with a New Translation Published: Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris, 2003] Khin-shun[vedeti/see: Hin-Shun]; Kimura [Yasuhiko Genku Kimura, Tky 1959] Kitselman [A.L. Kitselman II. ,Title: Tao de jing (The way of peace) of Lao Tseu, 600 B.C. Published: Palo Alto, CA: The School of Simplicity, c1936] Kiyoashi [Kiyoshi Miki, Tetsuroo Watsuji, Tao Te Ching] Kline [A. S. Kline,Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching(The Book of the Way and its Virtue), 2003] Kromal [Karl Kromal, 2002 Tao Te King(Wang Bi) ] Kunesh [Tom Kunesh ] Kwok [Man-Ho Kwok, Palmer, Ramsay, 1993]

LaFargue[LaFargue, Michael, The Tao of the Tao Te Ching: A Translation and Commentary. Albany: State University of New York Press, Suny, 1992; LaFargue, Michael, Tao and Method. A Reasoned Approach to the Tao TeChing. Albany: State University of New York Press,1994] Lao [Lao Cen. The Way of the Tao: An Interpretation of the Writings of Lao Tzu. La Jolla, CA: Day Press, 1980] Larose [English interpretation by Ray Larose, ~ 2000 http://www.Taozang.com/Taodejing.html] Larre [Claude Larre, Franois Cheng, Tao de Jing : Le Livre de la voie et de la vertu, Lao Zi( Lao Tzu; Lao Tseu), traduit par : et commentaire spirituel de Claude Larre, prface de : Franois Cheng, Descle De Brouwer, Paris, Parution : 14-03-2002; Claude Larre Lao Tseu, Tao Te King. 1984, ISBN 2226021183 (Poche); Claude Larre and Elizabeth Richat de la Vale, Rooted in Spirit, The Heart of Chinese Medicine.Translated by. Sarah Stang. (Barrytown: Station Hill Press, 1995) 190, 91; Claude Larre, Il lib ro della Via e della Virt (Le livre de la Voie et de la Vertu, 1977). Di fronte e attraverso, Jaca Book, Milano, maggio 1993. http://books.google.ro/books?id=Q_dUmISd38YC&pg=PA192&dq=Claude+Larre&lr=&hl=en#v=onepage&q=Claud e%20Larre&f=false] Lau [Lau, D.C., Lao Tzu: Tao Te King, Published: London, New York: Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1963; Tao Te Ching, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1968, 1982 (d. rvise; rev. of earlier edition without Chinese text,); Allan, Sarah (Editor and Introduction), Lao Tzu : Tao Te Ching : Translation of the Ma Wang Tui Manuscripts, translated by D. C. Lau, Alfred A. Knopf, 1994 Edition] Lauer [Conradin Von Lauer] Leary [Timothy Francis Leary Tao Te Ching, 1966, Poets Press] Leebrick [John R. Leebrick Lao Tse, Tao Teh Ching ,Classic of the Way and Its Nature, 1980] Legge[James Legge ,The Tao Teh King or, The Tao and its Characteristics by Lao-Tse; James, Legge. 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Avant-propos, prface et bibliographie par tiemble. Collection : Bibliothque de la Pliade (No 283), 896 pages, Paris, Gallimard ,1980; Liou Kia-hway, Loeuvre complte de Tchouang-tseu. Paris : Gallimard, Connaissance de lOrient , n 28, (1969) 1978 ] Liu Shi [Liu Shicong (Yang Shu'an), Title: Lao Zi( Lao Tzu; Lao Tseu); Published: Beijing, China: Chinese Literature Press, 1997]. Ludd [Ned Ludd, Tao Te Ching] Lynn [Richard John Lynn, Title: The classic of the way and virtue : a new translation of the Tao-te ching of Lao Tseu as interpreted by Wang Bi, Published: New York: Columbia University Press, c1999 ] Mabry [John R. Mabry, PhD] Mair [Victor H. Mair, Tao Te Ching : The Classic Books of Integrity and the Way. New York: Bantam, 1990. ] Ma Kou [Ma Kou, Lao Tseu: Tao Te King Le livre de la voie et de la vertu. Traduit par Ma Kou. Albin Michel, Paris, 1984] Ma Lin [Ma, Lin (2006), Deciphering Heidegger's Connection with the Taodejing, Asian Philosophy. 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McDonald, Tao Te Ching, by Lao-Tzu, complete online text, a translation for the public domain, 1996] McCarroll [Tolbert McCarroll, 1982] Mears [Isabella Mears, Tao Te Ching, London: Theosophical Publishing House, 1916, 1922; Mears, Isabella (1853-1936), Tao Te King, A Tentative Translation from the Chinese, 1916 translation, reset with corrections and revisions by Dr. Mears London: Theosophical Publishing House, 1922, facsimile reprint with introduction and notes by Isabella Mears and with an appended introduction by Paul Tice, available from The Book Tree, 2003] Medhurst [C. Spurgeon Medhurst, 1905] Merel 1 [Peter Merel] Merel 2 [Peter Merel]

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Lanham, NY: University Press of America, 1993.] Moss [Moss Roberts, Chinese (MWD, Guodian), 2001] Muller [Charles Muller,The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu; Translated during the summer of 1991, Revised, July 1997; Yi-Ping Ong, "The World of Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching," Tao Te Ching, translation by Charles Muller, with Introduction and notes by Yi-Ping Ong, pp. xiii-xxxi, Barnes and Noble Books, 2005] Nakamura [Nakamura, Julia V., The Japanese tea ceremony; an interpretation for Occidentals, by Julia V Nakamura; [with combined teachings from Taodejing and Zen Buddhism], Peter Pauper Press, 1965] Ni [Ni Hua-Ching, Title: Complete works of Lao Tzu: Tao teh ching & Hua hu ching, Published: Malibu, CA: Shrine of the Eternal Breath of Tao, 1979] Nol [Franois Nol(1651-1729) - brought to France by Antoine Gaubil (1689-1759) First complete translation of the Taode jing - into Latin] Nyssen [Olivier Nyssen Lao Ts Tao-te-king] Org [Org, Lee Sun Ching. 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Didot, Paris,1938 Traduit en franais et publi pour la premire fois en Europe avec une version latine et le texte chinois en regard, accompagn du commentaire complet de Sie -Ho, d'origine occidentale, et de notes tires de divers autres commentateurs chinois (Paris: Didot 1838); Pauthier G., Lao -tseu, Tao-te-King ( Livre de la Raison Supreme et de la Vertu) traducere si comentariu Pauthier G., in" Chefs-d'oeuvre litteraires de l'Inde, de la Perse, de lEgypte et de la Chine" tome deuxieme :" Chi-King" p.399, Ed.Maisonnewe et C-ie, Paris, 1872]. Qixuan [Qixuan, Liu, Lao Tseu: The Way. 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Rick [Rick Harbaugh, Chinese Characters: A Genealogy and Dictionary, 550 pages , Editeur : Zhongwen.Com ,1998, ISBN-10: 0966075005 http://zhongwen.com/Tao.htm] Roberts [Moss Roberts, Chinese (MWD, Guodian), 2001] RobertsH [Roberts, Holly, Tao Te Ching: the Art and the Journey (Illustrated), Anjeli Press, 2005] Robinet [ Robinet, Isabelle, Lao Tseu et le Tao, Paris, Bayard, 1996; Robinet, Isabelle, Les commentaires du Tao t king jusqu'au Vile sicle,Paris : Collge de France : Institut des hautes tudes chinoises , 1977] Rosenthal [Rosenthal, Stanley (Shi-tien Roshi), The Tao. Cardiff: The author, 1977; IX 1984,The Tao Te Ching. An Introduction by Stan Rosenthal. 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Outil : Convertir un texte chinois en pinyin http: //www.ramou.net/iphp/romaniser.php texte adnotate http: //www.ramou.net/zhCadreActualite.htm dictionare http: //www.ramou.net/di/diTable.htm Zhuang Zi | Ch 01 - Chapitre 1 - Libre Errance http: //cjk.elikozoe.net/index.php?id=zhuangzi-01 http: //www.chinesedic.com/en/to+fast+or+abstain+from+meat,+wine+etc http: //inedia.info/zhongwen/ http: //www.wudangdao.com/TAOISM/yellowbridge/daodejing/daodejingINDEX.htm Zhuang Zi | Ch 01 - Chapitre 1 - Libre Errance http: //cjk.elikozoe.net/index.php?id=zhuangzi-01 http: //www.chinesedic.com/en/to+fast+or+abstain+from+meat,+wine+etc http: //inedia.info/zhongwen/ http: //www.wudangdao.com/TAOISM/yellowbridge/daodejing/daodejingINDEX.htm

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