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How Do Hormones Cause Ovulation?
By Dawn Stacey M.Ed, LMHC, About.com Guide Updated October 19, 2009 About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board Free Contraception Newsletter! Enter email address Discuss in my forum



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Question: H ow D o H ormones C aus e O vulation? A nswer: T o ans wer this ques tion, lets take a quic k look at what is normally going on ins ide the female body eac h month. The Starting Place:

I t all s tarts with the hypothalamus in the brain produc ing gonadotropinreleas ing hormone (G nRH )

Photo 2009 Dawn Stacey

T he G nRH will then trigger the pituitary gland to releas e the follic le s timulating hormone (FSH ) The Follicle Stimulating Hormone: T he FSH then makes the journey to the female's ovaries (via the bloods tream) O nc e it arrives , it initiates the growth of a follic le The Role of the Follicle: When the follic le develops , it generates es trogen A fter about 1 0 days , the es trogen levels reac h high numbers T he es trogen levels peak approximately 1 day before ovulation (typic ally, this is day 1 3 in a s tandard 2 8 day c yc le) T his peak elic its a s urge of luteinizing hormone (L H ) from the pituitary gland. The LH Surge: T his s urge ac ts a c ue to the ovarian follic le A bout 3 6 hours later, a mature egg is releas ed into the fallopian tube T he egg leaves behind the c orpus luteum (the empty follic le) The Corpus Luteum: T he c ells of the c orpus luteum then produc e proges terone and es trogen T ogether, thes e two hormones s timulate the uterine lining to thic ken with blood T his is done to prepare the uterus walls for nurturing a fertilized egg The Shrinking of the Corpus Lut eum: T he c orpus luteum will begin to diminis h T his leaves the uterine lining with no hormonal s upport T he lining will begin to s hed off T he female's monthly period begins

T he low levels of es trogen and proges terone als o s ignal the hypothalamus to s tart the proc es s over again. Back to Main Page: Hormona l B i rth Control Questi ons Related Searches E s trogen L evels L h Surge M ature E gg E mpty Follic le H ormone L h L ow L evels O f E s trogen

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