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Common Law Community Training Manual

Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: The Common Law and its Courts A Community Training Manual Issued by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State !russels" What is assembling is the first court in history to bring judgment against the Vatican and the Crown of England as institutions. But our Court also signals the dawn of a new notion of justice: one defined by the people themselves, and especially by the historic victims of church and state, to bring about not only a judgment on their persecutors, but a new political and spiritual arrangement to undo the systems responsible for intergenerational crimes against humanity # from the founding Charter of The International Common Law Court of $ustice% Se&tember '% ()'(

Introduction *istory was made on +ebruary ''% ()',% when the first Catholic -o&e in history resigned from his office during &eacetime in order to a.oid arrest for &rotecting and aiding child ra&ing &riests/ !arely two wee0s later% the same -o&e !enedict% $ose&h Rat1inger% was found guilty by the International Common Law Court of $ustice for Crimes against *umanity % including child traffic0ing/ And the Arrest 2arrant that he had antici&ated% and which &ro.o0ed his resignation% was issued against him on +ebruary (3/ E.ading 4ustice inside the 5atican% Rat1inger is &resently an international fugiti.e from the law 6 and a li.ing e7am&le of the &ower of Common Law courts to successfully &rosecute so#called 8heads of state9/ The lawful .erdict of the International Common Law Court of $ustice was a 8shot heard around the world9% and has s&awned efforts in twenty one countries to establish similar &o&ular courts of 4ustice to reclaim the law from the wealthy and their com&liant go.ernments/ see www/itccs/org" This Manual &ro.ides instruction and training to those of you who ha.e mo.ed from words to actions/ 2e s&ea0 to those who not only recogni1e the &ermanent war being waged against humanity by a global cor&orate tyranny% but who are acti.ely engaged in dismantling that murderous system at its source so that 4ustice can be made real in a reclaimed world/ :ou are &art of a growing mo.ement to create a new% liberated society within the shell of the old by first allowing the law to act for all &eo&le and not a cli;ue of 4udicial

s&ecialists and their friends/ That new society is emerging through e.ery act of courage and integrity by we who 0now what is at sta0e% and that is% our children and the future of our s&ecies/ Why we are Taking Action: Freeing Ourselves by !an is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains." That fact has altered little o.er the centuries/ !ut the chains of o&&ression o.er much of our s&ecies ha.e been forged through the wea&ons of .iolence and ignorance% and they can be undone/ Long before any rulers held sway o.er humanity% men and women established customs and laws among themsel.es to ensure their &eace and liberties as free% self# go.erning &eo&le/ They did so from an inherent recognition of a Natural Law of E;uality or <i.ine Law whereby no one has any right to dominate or rule o.er others% to sei1e more of creation than another% or to own any &art of a world gi.en e;ually to all &eo&le/ It is the <i.ine -rinci&le of Creation that e.ery child born is endowed with unalienable liberties that no authority% law% go.ernment or religion can diminish or abolish/ Any &ower that attem&ts to do so is tyrannical and illegitimate% e.en if it o&erates according to its own laws 6 for such tyranny is a denial of the natural order and an attac0 u&on di.inity and humanity/ Two great &rinci&les summari1e this Natural Law: '/ All things e!ist and are held in common/ !y the state of nature% no one has any more of a claim to the earth than another% as noted by a founder of modern law% Thomas *obbes: 8I demonstrate in the first &lace% that in the natural state of men which state we may &ro&erly call the state of nature" all men ha.e e;ual right unto all things9 Le.iathan% '=3'" (/ The Law does harm to no"one/ #ctus $egis %emini &acit 'njuriam" Arising from the Ten Commandments and >od?s law to do no harm to one?s neighbour% this &rinci&le forms the basis of modern law/ $ohn Stuart Mill articulated this &rinci&le in (n )iberty where he argued that% 8The only &ur&ose for which &ower can be rightfully e7ercised o.er any member of a ci.ili1ed community% against his will% is to &re.ent harm to others/9 '@=A" An e;ui.alent idea was earlier stated in +rance?s <eclaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citi1en of 'B@A as% 8Liberty consists in the freedom to do e.erything which in4ures no one elseC hence the e7ercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits e7ce&t those which assure to the other members of the society the en4oyment of the same rights/ These limits can only be determined by law/9 emembering the True Law

This Natural Law e7ists to maintain the natural &eace and e;uity between &eo&le and is their shield and &rotector against un4ust rule% rather than a force o.er them/ 2ithin the ancient traditions of tribal communities% es&ecially in the Anglo#Sa7on world% this Law e.ol.ed into what became 0nown as the Customary or Common Law% or the Law of the Land/ It has strong echoes in the customs of indigenous nations all o.er the world/ *ere is a basic summary of the nature of True or Common Law .ersus arbitrary law/ #atural Liberty and the $asis o% Common Law Courts: First &rinci'les '/ E.ery man% woman and child is born and is by nature free% e;ual and so.ereign% and &ossesses an inherent 0nowledge of what is true and right/ Accordingly% no#one can be subordinated to another or to any e7ternal authority% since e.ery &erson?s inherent wisdom and liberty ma0es them com&lete and sufficient creations in themsel.es% within a wider community of e;uals/ (/ This &ersonal so.ereignty is a reflection of the wider Natural Law% whereby all life by nature is indi.isible and &laced in common for the sur.i.al and ha&&iness of all/ In any 4ust society% this commonality endows all &eo&le with the unalienable right to establish among themsel.es their own go.ernance% and defend themsel.es against any tyranny or .iolence% including that inflicted by e7ternal authorities/ Any authority that rules un4ustly and arbitrarily% without the free and uncoerced consent of the &eo&le% has lost its right to rule and can be lawfully o.erthrown/ *njust government is not government but tyranny" 6 -lato ,/ This Natural Law gi.es rise to customary Common Law whose &ur&ose is to &rotect the inherent liberties and so.ereignty of men and women in a community by maintaining e;uity and &eace among them/ The Common Law deri.es its authority from the &eo&le themsel.es% and from the ca&acity of the &eo&le to 0now what is 4ust and to 4udge right and wrong for themsel.es/ This ca&acity is e7&ressed in a 4ury system of twel.e freely chosen &eo&le who are the ultimate 4udge and authority under Common Law and its courts/ D/ *istorically% Common Law arose in England after the ''th century Norman Con;uest as a bulwar0 in defense of the &eo&le against the arbitrary rule of self# a&&ointed elites% es&ecially monarchs and &o&es/ The authority of these elites was deri.ed unnaturally% from warfare% .iolent con;uest and the theft of the earth% rather than from the consent of the community and its basis% the di.ine law of &eace and e;uality/ This elite rule arose most strongly in the Roman Em&ire and its descendent% the Church of Rome% under whose beliefs 8god9 is a dominator and con;ueror 8domine8"% and all &eo&le are 8sub4ects9 of the -o&e/ 3/ Such a con;uest#based rule of &a&al and 0ingly elites ga.e rise to a legal system 0nown as Ci.il or Roman Law% and the belief that men and women are not endowed with the ca&acity for self#rule and wisdom/ All law and authority is therefore deri.ed e7ternally% from statutes de.ised and im&osed by a ruler% whether a &o&e% a monarch or a go.ernment/ This system de.elo&ed from Aristotelian &hiloso&hy and Roman &ro&erty law in which creation is di.ided and human beings are treated as chattels and the &ossessions of others% and are thereby de.oid of inherent liberties/ The

&eo&le are thus in e.ery sense ensla.ed% cut off from the world gi.en freely and in common to all/ This sla.e system ran0s and categori1es all &eo&le% and grants restricted 8freedoms9 freithoms% or sla.e &ri.ileges" that are defined and limited through statutes issued by rulers/ =/ Common and Ci.il Roman" Law are therefore fundamentally o&&osed and are at war with each other/ They cannot be reconciled% since they arise from two com&letely different notions of humanity and 4ustice: Common Law 0nows life as a free gift gi.en e;ually to all% while under Ci.il Law% life is a conditional &ri.ilege% and humanity is a managed sla.e &o&ulace/ Accordingly% go.ernments o&erate in &ractice according to Ci.il statute" law and denigrate or ignore Common Law altogether through the rule of unaccountable 4udge#dominated courts/ B/ The most e7treme form of elite#based Ci.ilERoman Law is what is called -a&al or Canon Law% which defines the Church of Rome as the only legitimate authority on earth to which all other laws% &eo&le and go.ernments are subordinate/ Canon law is self#go.erning and com&letely unaccountable to anything but itself/ !ehind its front of Christian rhetoric% Roman Catholicism is a neo#&agan cult based u&on the late ,rd century Roman Em&eror#worshi& system 0nown as Sol In.ictus% in which one so.ereign entitled 8>od and Master9 +eus et +ominus" rules hea.en and earth: s&ecifically% the -o&e/ This tyrannical cult has not sur&risingly caused more warfare% genocide% con;uest and murder than any &ower in human history% and continues to constitute the single greatest threat to Common Law and human liberty/ @/ The Church of Rome was the first and is the oldest cor&oration on our &lanet: a legal entity designed for the &rotection of tyrants% which nullifies the indi.idual liability and res&onsibility of the elites for any crime or con;uest they &er&etrate/ +rom Rome and the 5atican Incor&orated has s&read the contagion that now threatens to destroy our &lanet and our li.es% as unaccountable cor&orate oligarchy e.erywhere sub.erts liberty and the health of our &lanet by subordinating all of life to &rofit and &ower/ A/ At this .ery moment of cor&orate con;uest and its sub4ugation of humanity% a counter#mo.ement is arising to reassert the di.ine &ur&ose and its o&eration through the Common Law% and to restore the earth and humanity to their natural being as a common body/ This mo.ement is foretold !iblically and in &ro&hecy as the time when all &eo&le are returned to their natural e;uality% de.oid of all di.isions% &ri.ileges and o&&ression% in order li.e in harmony with creation and one another/ ')/ This restoration of humanity is a di.ine &ur&ose% and begins by acti.ely dis# establishing all e7isting authority and institutions deri.ed from Roman ci.il law% and re&lacing them with a new go.ernance under Common Law 4urisdiction/ The creation of that new Natural Law authority among a liberated humanity is the fundamental &ur&ose of the Common Law Courts/ (ow )o We *se the Common Law+ The truth is that throughout e.eryday life% &eo&le e.erywhere use and rely on Common Law to li.e and wor0 together/ It is sim&ly the inherent way that &eo&le conduct their affairs together/ Li0en it to the roots that bind together human communities by unconditionally u&holding the life% dignity and wellbeing of e.ery

man% woman and child/ These roots are es&ecially necessary and foundational in the face of tyrannical &owers that see0 to sub.ert such natural freedom/ The Common Law?s firm hori1ontal guarantees of mutual res&ect and &rotection are a &ermanent threat to the efforts by arbitrary rulers to harness men and women into the unnatural and .ertical arrangement 0nown as the State/ That is why e.ery go.ernment and religion see0s to annul the Common Law with their own authority and statutes% in order to reduce free &eo&les e.erywhere to the status of regimented% obedient ta7 &aying wage sla.es who ser.e a ruling cli;ue/ To e7tend our e.eryday reign of Common Law into all areas of life means to challenge the arbitrary rule of those cli;ues% and of all State le.el regimes/ !ut the .ery fact that it is the Law of we% the .ast ma4ority of humanity% means that it only needs to be consistently &racticed by enough of us for arbitrary authority and dangers to crumble/ 2e use the Common Law by sim&ly em&loying and relying on it% in all s&heres of life/ And that means% first% by establishing functioning Common Law Courts with absolute and ultimate 4urisdiction o.er e.ery as&ect of our li.es and communities/ Matters be%ore a Common Law Court Traditionally% law in the Euro&ean tradition falls into two general categories: ci.il and criminal law/ The former deals with dis&utes between indi.iduals 6 often called 8Tort9 offenses 6 or issues of negligence which cause harm/ Criminal law deals with acts of intentional harm to indi.iduals but which% in a larger sense% are offences against all &eo&le because they somehow threaten the community/ Arising as a defense against absolutism and state or church tyranny% the Common Law traditionally has dealt with Criminal Law matters that 8crown9 or 8canon law9 courts refuse either to address% or do so in a restricted manner% including murder% ra&e% warfare and other crimes against the community/ !ut ci.il matters of &ersonal dis&utes may also be brought into a Common Law Court% which after all claims uni.ersal 4urisdiction o.er all legal matters within a community/ Indeed% because Common Law is rooted in the 4ury system% what better forum can there be for the settling of ci.il matters between indi.iduals than a trial before one?s own neighborsF +or our &ur&oses% howe.er% the ma4or focus of litigation before our Common Law Courts will be on Criminal Law and matters in.ol.ing serious threats or crimes made against &eo&le% animals% communities% and the en.ironment/ As in any lawful system% the burden of &roof in any such litigation brought before the Common Law Court will be on the &laintiffs 6 those bringing the lawsuit 6 and normal Rules of E.idence will a&&ly/ +or e7am&le% allegations against a &arty cannot be made in court without there being a basis in &ro.able facts% such as &rimary documentation that is certified by an inde&endent &arty% or by &roducing eyewitnesses to the alleged crime/

Another crucial Rule of E.idence is the inadmissibility of hearsay e.idence% as in 8No% I wasn?t there% but I heard about what ha&&ened9/ This is an es&ecially rele.ant rule when it comes to the commission of serious crimes% such as murder% genocide or ra&e/ In short% any allegation must be bac0ed u& with &ro.able facts% and must be made by one who was a direct &artici&ant in or an eyewitness to the e.ent/ +or our &ur&oses% it must be noted that in the case of es&ecially monstrous% cor&orate crimes committed by go.ernments or other &owers% such as wars of aggression% genocide or human traffic0ing% normal rules of e.idence are less stringently a&&lied/ This is because of a realistic understanding that crimes committed by entire societies or regimes are of a different nature than crimes by isolated indi.iduals/ A different set of norms regarding intent and &ro.able e.idence a&&lies/ In the words of the chief American &rosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials in 'AD=% Robert $ac0son% 8No regime that see0s the e7termination of entire grou&s of &eo&le generally retains written &roof of their intent to commit this crime/ Considering the murderous nature of their regime% there is no need% since such e7termination is not considered a crime/ Ne.ertheless% e.en such a system see0s to fog and dissimulate the e.idence% es&ecially during wartime G The &roof of crimes against humanity generally lies not in documents but in the witness of sur.i.ors% in mass gra.es% and in the implied proof of the intent to commit these crimes contained in the everyday and institutionali,ed laws, attitudes and norms of the murderous regime. 9 our em&hasis" Im&lied intent is a legal conce&t es&ecially rele.ant and s&ecific to litigation in.ol.ing genocidal regimes% including go.ernments and churches whose world .iew and laws consider other grou&s to be unworthy of life or e;ual rights% such as the grou&s that were tried and sentenced in the first case of the International Common Law Court of $ustice concerning the genocide of indigenous &eo&les in Canada by church and state/ www/itccs/org" Laws such as the Indian Act of Canada% which im&ose a different set of laws on a racially targeted grou&% or the Roman Catholic 8canon law9 called Crimen -ollicitationas% which condones and facilitates the concealment of child ra&e within the church% indicate a clear im&lied intent to commit and abet criminal acts/ That is% it is unnecessary to &ro.e the indi.idual intent to harm children by Catholic &riests% since under their own self#go.erning rules called 8canon law9% e.ery &riest is systematically re;uired to harm children by aiding those who do so if he is to retain his 4ob and ordination/ The collective guilt of these clergy as a whole is im&lied and clear% 4ust as it was concerning all of the ser.ants of the Na1i regime/ Thus% while normal due &rocess re;uires that the &rosecution &ro.e that the accused committed an act and did so with deliberate intent% such an intent may also be assumed to e7ist by the larger conte7t of a crime% es&ecially when that crime is &er&etrated by entire organi1ations or regimes/

Ascertaining the truth is always laborious% but ultimately the &rocess is best guaranteed by a body of 4urors than single ad4udicators/ Common law 4uries% and not indi.idual 4udges% are in.ariably a better guarantee against the abuse of Rules of E.idence and 4ust &rocedure in a courtroom/ Self#go.erning 4udges are notoriously &rone to corru&tion and &olitical mani&ulation% and when a&&ointed by the .ery go.ernments under criminal in.estigation% are ob.iously unsuited to the tas0 of rendering a fair 4udgment/ In fact% under legal &rocedure% such state#a&&ointed 4udges ha.e no 4urisdictional com&etence to rule on the criminality and guilt of their em&loyers/ $udges routinely wai.e 4ust &rocedure and rules of e.idence% and are authori1ed to do so by statute law/ In Canada% 8crown9 a&&ointed 4udges e.en ha.e the &ower to alter or destroy court records% silence one &arty in a dis&ute% and ignore due &rocess altogetherH The whole &oint of establishing a 4ury#run Common Law Court is to &re.ent such a mani&ulation of the law and 4ustice by unaccountable &arties or .ested interests/ It is not accidental that a +ounding +ather of the American Re&ublic% $ohn *ancoc0% declared in 'BBB% 'f we have not Courts that are established and maintained by the .eople, rather than by bribable /udges, then we will have no $epublic 0 (ur Constitution and our %ation will rise or fall according to the independence of our Courts." ,stablishing and Maintaining Common Law Courts The Common Law?s +irst -rinci&les establish its general legitimacy and lawfulness/ This .alid system gi.es rise to Courts with the &ower to &rotect the &eo&le as a whole by &rosecuting and indicting any &ersons and institutions that threaten the community/ The mandate to establish such Courts is deri.ed from the so.ereignty of the &eo&le as a whole% and not from any &articular &olitical system or go.ernment/ Common Law Courts are therefore universal% not constricted by customary borders or laws% and are 4urisdictionally com&etent to ad4udicate any issue or grie.ance/ Common Law Courts are not sub4ect to and do not recogni1e any other legal or moral authority% immunity or &ri.ilege% li0e those routinely claimed by heads of churches and states/ En4oying uni.ersal 4urisdiction because of its rootedness in the Natural Law% Common Law Courts can be established in any country or community% and not only within nations with a s&ecifically common law legal tradition% such as England% Canada and America/ Common Law Courts are established when any number of men and women come together to 4udge a matter of concern to them and to their community/ Thus% such Courts are in.ariably and naturally lin0ed to &olitical mo.ements% 8town hall gatherings9 and Tribunals of Conscience that unite citi1ens and gi.e direct .oice to their concerns and demands/ The Court is thereby the e7&ression of that .oice/

The Court itself is established by the direct will and .ote of the &eo&le as a whole% who elect Citi1en $ury of at least twel.e &eo&le% a Citi1en -rosecutor to conduct the case on behalf of the &eo&le% a &residing Ad4udicator whose 4ob is strictly ad.isory% and a Sheriff and grou& of -eace Ifficers to enforce the summonses% warrants and .erdicts of the Court/ Additionally% the community may a&&oint local magistrates .ersed in the law 0nown as $ustices of the -eace $-?s"% who traditionally ha.e the &ower to summon 4uries and issue warrants/ The $- may also initiate the formation of a Common Law court/ All of the &artici&ants in a Common Law Court must &resent their own case in all of the Court &roceedings% since to allow another to 8re#&resent9 them would constitute a surrender of their natural rights and so.ereignty/ This a&&lies both to the &laintiffs and the defendants in.ol.ed in any matter before the Court/ There are% accordingly% no &rofessional lawyers or &ermanent &residing 4udges in a Common Law Court system/ There is no restriction on the &ower of a Common Law Court to access any &erson% &lace or thing% nor any limitation on the duration or rights of the Court/ The Court and its Magistrate can issue -ublic Summonses that are binding on any &erson or institution% and enforceable by the Court Sheriff% who has an unrestricted right to detain any &erson named in the Summons and bring them into Court/ The final .erdict of the Common Law Court $ury is final and not sub4ect to a&&eal% sim&ly because a reasonable and non#coerced grou& of citi1ens can come to the truth of any matter on the basis of the e.idence alone% &ossessed as they are of an inherent 0nowledge of right and wrong/ The truth is not mutable/ A defendant is either innocent or guiltyC the truth is not sub4ect to re.ision or reconsideration% since then it is not true/ *owe.er% if it can be &ro.en beyond any doubt that the Court?s .erdict was made unlawfully% was unduly influenced% or occurred on the basis of incom&lete or faulty e.idence% a Common Law Magistrate can re#o&en and re#try the case with the normal $ury and Court officers/ In the same way% the sentence of the Court is also final% and is enforced not only by the Court Sheriff but by all citi1ens/ +or the Common Law arises from and is the direct res&onsibility of all &eo&le% as are all of its &rocedures/ The .erdict really is a declaration of the &eo&le that they will go.ern themsel.es according to their own democratic law and decisions/ There is no restriction on the &ower of a Citi1en $ury to im&ose a sentence on any &erson% grou& or institution/ The Court Ad4udicator or Magistrate has no &ower to alter% influence or direct the original .erdict or sentence of the $ury 6 sim&ly to ad.ise the $ury on legal &rocedure and &oints of law/ +inally% u&on issuing its final .erdict and sentence% the Common Law Court 4ury is automatically concluded and its members are released from their duty/ No Court is

maintained without the conscious consent and &artici&ation of the &eo&le themsel.es/ Again% there is no &rofessional% &ermanent caste of either lawyers or 4udges in a Common Law Court system% but rather elected and tem&orary Court officers/ Legal &rocedure and Court &rotocol Common Law% being deri.ed from Natural $ustice% bases its legal &rocedures on the centrality of +ue .rocess: the three#fold right of anyone to be notified of the charges being brought against him% to see the e.idence in such a suit% and to be tried and 4udged before his own &eers/ No legitimate trial can &roceed nor can a con.iction be rendered if the accused has not been gi.en these rights% and afforded the chance to freely defend himself in a court of law/ Such rights are based on these fundamental doctrines of the Common Law: '/ It is &resumed that the accused is innocent% not guiltyC (/ The burden of &roof of the accused?s guilt rests not u&on the defendant but the &laintiff% who must con.ince a 4ury of the guilt of the accused beyond any reasonable doubt% and ,/ The accused cannot be detained without due &rocess but must a&&ear &rom&tly before a Court% according to the &rinci&le of 1abeas Corpus Latin for 8&roduce the body9"/ !oth sides in a dis&ute are gi.en e;ual time to file their statements and e.idence% ma0e motions to the Court% and res&ond to arguments/ !ut to a.oid 8.e7atious litigation9 designed to sim&ly harass or disru&t an ad.ersary 6 which can drag out and im&ede 4ustice and due &rocess itself 6 the Court normally sets a strict time limit on &re#trial &roceedings% after which the trial must commence/ The &re#trial &eriod is designed to allow both sides the o&&ortunity to &resent their e.idence and arguments to one another in order to see0 a settlement &rior to a Court a&&earance/ This &resentation is usually referred to as 8E7amination for <isco.ery9 or Voir +ire 8to see and to say9"% where either &arty can demand any rele.ant e.idence or document from the other/ If E7amination does not &roduce a settlement of differences% then the Court is con.ened and a trial begins/ The general &rocedures and &rotocols of a Common Law Court are summari1ed in the following outline% which must be followed by anyone see0ing to accuse and try other &arties/ -te' One . Com'iling the Case

A Statement of Claim must be &roduced by those bringing a case% 0nown as the -laintiffs/ Their Statement sets out in &oint form the basic facts of the dis&ute% the wrong being alleged% and the relief or remedy being sought/ Ne7t% the -laintiff?s Statement of Claim must be accom&anied by su&&orting e.idence: documents and testimonies &ro.ing their case beyond any reasonable doubt/ This e.idence must be duly sworn by those not &arty to the dis&ute in the form of witnessed statementsC and it must consist of the original documents themsel.es% and not co&ies/ As well% anyone whose testimony is used in this body of e.idence must be willing to come into Court to testify and affirm their own statement/ -te' Two . -eeking the Claim o% ight emedy o% a Common Law Court: Filing a #otice o%

After gathering his case% a -laintiff must then see0 the aid of a Common Law Court and its officers/ Such a Court can be brought into being by &ublishing a Notice of Claim of Right see #ppendi2 B, Court +ocuments""% which is a &ublic declaration calling for the assistance of the community in the asserting of the -laintiff?s right under Natural $ustice to ha.e his case heard through the Common Law% by way of a 4ury of his neighbors and &eers/ Such a Notice can be &ublished in local news&a&ers or sim&ly notari1ed and &osted in a &rominent &ublic location% li0e a town hall or library/ -te' Three . Forming a Common Law Court 2ithin (D hours of the issuing of such a Notice of Claim of Right% any twel.e citi1ens of a community can constitute themsel.es as a Common Law Court and its 4ury% and must then a&&oint the following Court Ifficers from their ran0s: # a Court Ad4udicator% to ad.ise and o.ersee the Court # a .ublic or Citi,en .rosecutor to conduct the caseC this &erson is normally the -laintiff himself or someone he authori1es to ad.ise but not re&resent him # a +efense Counsel to ad.ise but not re&resent the accused # a Court -heriff% either elected from the community or delegated from among e7isting &eace officers # Bailiffs, a Court $egistrar and a Court $eporter It is assumed that &eo&le with 0nowledge of the Common Law and legal &rocedure will act in these ca&acities/ And% as mentioned% a Common Law Magistrate or $ustice of the -eace may also initiate this formation of a Common Law Court/ -te' Four . -wearing in and Convening the /ury and Court O%%icers: Oaths o% O%%ice

J&on the a&&ointment of these Court Ifficers% the Ad4udicator a $ustice of the -eace or a com&arable Magistrate" will formally con.ene the Court by ta0ing and administering the following Iath of Common Law Court Iffice to all of the Court officers: ' 3name4 will faithfully perform my duties as an officer of this Common )aw Court according to the principles of %atural /ustice and +ue .rocess, acting at all times with integrity, honesty and lawfulness. ' recogni,e that if ' fail to consistently abide by this (ath ' can and will be removed from my (ffice. ' ma5e this public (ath freely, without coercion or ulterior motive, and without any mental reservation. After ta0ing this oath% the $ury members% Court Counselors% Sheriffs% !ailiffs and Re&orter will then con.ene and recei.e instructions from the Ad4udicator concerning the case/ The Ad4udicator is not a &residing $udge or Magistrate but an ad.isor to the Court% and has no &ower to influence% direct or halt the actions or the decisions of the $ury or other Court officers% e7ce&t in the case of a gross miscarriage of 4ustice or negligence on the &art of other Court officers/ Thus% the Court is self#regulating and de&endent on the mutual res&ect and go.ernance of all the Court officers and the $ury/ -te' Five . &re"Trial Con%erence The Ad4udicator brings together both &arties in a &re#trial conference in an attem&t to settle the case &rior to a trial/ If a settlement is not achie.ed% both &arties must then engage in a mandatory E7amination of <isco.ery% in which the e.idence and counter#e.idence and statements of both sides will be &resented/ After a &eriod of not more than one wee0% this &re#trial conference will conclude and the trial will commence/ -te' -i! . Issuing o% &ublic -ummonses No &erson or agency may be lawfully summoned into Common Law Court without first recei.ing a com&lete set of charges being brought against them and a formal %otice to #ppear, or Writ of .ublic -ummons/ Such a Summons outlines the e7act time% date and address when and where the trial will commence/ The -ublic Summons is a&&lied for by the -laintiff through the Court Registrar/ The Summons will be issued under the signature of the Court Ad4udicator and deli.ered to the <efendant by the Court Sheriff within (D hours of its filing in the Court Registry by the -laintiff/ The Sheriff must &ersonally ser.e the <efendant% or &ost the Summons in a &ublic &lace and record the &osting if the <efendant a.oids ser.ice/ The <efendant has se.en days to a&&ear in Court from the date of ser.ice/ -te' -even . The Trial Commences: O'ening Arguments After an introduction by the Ad4udicator% the trial commences with o&ening arguments by first the -laintiff or -rosecutor% and then the <efendant/ The Ad4udicator and both Counselors will then ha.e the chance to ;uestion either &arties for clarification% and to ma0e motions to the Court if it is a&&arent that the &roceedings can be e7&edited/

#ote: Ste& Se.en can still occur e.en if one side% usually the <efendant% is not &resent in Court and refuses to &artici&ate/ Such a trial% being conducted 8in absentia9% remains a legitimate legal &rocedure once the <efendant is gi.en e.ery o&&ortunity to a&&ear and res&ond to the charges and e.idence against him/ An 'n absentia trial will commence with the -laintiff &resenting his o&ening argument followed by his central case/ The Court#a&&ointed <efense Counsel will then be gi.en the chance to argue on behalf of the absent <efendant% if that is the wish of the latter/ It is often the case that a non#res&onse or non#a&&earance by the <efendant can result in the Ad4udicator ad.ising the $ury to declare a .erdict in fa.or of the -laintiff% on the grounds that the <efendant has tacitly agreed with the case against himself by not dis&uting the e.idence or charges% and by ma0ing no attem&t to a&&ear and defend his own good name in &ublic/ -te' ,ight . The Main &roceedings Assuming the &roceedings are not being conducted in absentia and the <efendant is &resent% the main &roceedings of the trial then commence with the -laintiff?s &resentation of the details of his e.idence and argument against the <efendant% who can then res&ond/ The -laintiff may be assisted by the Citi1en -rosecutor/ After his &resentation% the -laintiff is then cross#e7amined by the <efendant or his ad.ising Counsel/ +ollowing cross#e7amination% the <efendant &resents his case% with or without his ad.ising Counselor% and in turn is cross#e7amined by the -laintiff or the Citi1en -rosecutor/ -te' #ine . Closing -ummaries and Arguments to the /ury and %inal advice by the Ad0udicator After the main &roceedings% the Ad4udicator has the chance to further ;uestion both &arties in order to gi.e final ad.ice to the $ury/ The -laintiff and then the <efendant then ha.e the right to gi.e their closing summary and argument to the Court/ The Ad4udicator closes with any final comments to the $ury/ -te' Ten . The /ury retires to deliberate The Court is held in recess while the twel.e citi1en 4ury members retire to come to a unanimous .erdict and a sentence% based on their a&&raisal of all the e.idence/ There is no time restriction on their deliberations% and during that time% they are not allowed contact with anyone sa.e the Court !ailiff% who is their guard and escort/ The $ury?s .erdict and sentence must be consensual% non#coerced% and unanimous/ -te' ,leven . The /ury issues its unanimous verdict and sentence The Court is recon.ened after the $ury has come to a .erdict/ If the 4urors are not in com&lete unanimity concerning the .erdict% the defendant is automatically declared to be innocent/ The $ury s&o0esman% chosen from among them by a .ote% announces

the .erdict to the Court% and based on that .erdict% the final sentence is also declared by the $ury/ -te' Twelve . The Court ad0ourns and the -entence is en%orced +ollowing the announcement of the 5erdict and Sentence% the Ad4udicator either frees the <efendant or affirms and authori1es the decision of the $ury in the name of the community and its Court% and instructs the Sheriff to enforce that sentence/ The Ad4udicator then dismisses the $ury and formally concludes the trial &roceedings% and the Court is concluded/ The entire record of the Court &roceedings is a &ublic document% accessible to anyone% and can in no way be withheld% altered or com&romised by the Ad4udicator or any other &arty/ A #ote on Common Law ,n%orcement: It is understood that e.ery able bodied citi1en is obligated and em&owered by Natural Law to assist the Court Sheriff and his <e&uties in enforcing the sentence of the Court% including by ensuring the im&risonment of the guilty% the monitoring of his associates and the &ublic sei1ure of the assets and &ro&erty of the guilty and his agents% if such is the sentence of the Court/ This collecti.e law enforcement is re;uired in the interest of &ublic safety% es&ecially when the guilty &arty is an entire institution or head officers of that body/ A #ote on A''ealing Common Law Court )ecisions : Jnder the doctrine of Natural Law% in which e.ery man and woman is born with an inherent gras& of right and wrong and of 4ustice% it is understood that a 4ury of twel.e citi1ens% when gi.en the com&lete e.idence and facts of a case% will arri.e at a 4ust and &ro&er .erdict/ The truth of that .erdict must stand and is not sub4ect to re#e.aluation or dis&ute% e7ce&t in the case of a gross dereliction of duty or non#consideration of e.idence/ Therefore% the .erdicts of Common Law Court 4uries are not sub4ect to a&&eal or re.ision% since the truth is not mutable or reformable/ This solidity of a .erdict is also re;uired by the Common Law doctrine and custom of Stare <ecisis% meaning 8the decision stands9% whereby the &recedent decisions of &re.ious Court .erdicts ha.e binding authority/ 2ithout Stare <ecisis% the law is sub4ect to the whims and &olitical interference of rulers and des&ots/ In the words of !lac0?s Law <ictionary% The doctrine of stare decisis states that legal decisions are binding and shall not be re.ersed/ 8The decision stands/9 That is% once a court has entered its 4udgment u&on an issue% it shall not re.erse itself/ 6his is in fact the foundation of legality in the common law system 7 and is one of the principal differences between common and civil law. our em&hasis" 1erdicts2 ,n%orcement2 and Convicting ulers and Institutions

E.ery legal system o&erates according to its own world.iew and essential &ur&ose/ In the case of Ci.il or statute law% the contending interests of indi.iduals waging war with one another in a courtroom define the &rocess and aims of the Court/ This system ser.es whoe.er has the money or influence to &resent the most con.incing

case% usually before a single magistrate who is &art of a self#go.erning and unaccountable 4udicial cli;ue/ The law% under this elite#deri.ed system% is a &ri.ate wea&on to wield against another &erson or grou& o.er commercial interests% not an a.enue of 4ustice for all or of the common good/ In the Common Law% contrarily% the Court is defined not by contending indi.idual interests% but by the needs of the community as a whole% and by 4ustice as defined by those who ha.e suffered from the lac0 of it/ A bedroc0 of collecti.e morality sha&es how the Common Law o&erates% according to a sim&le issue: Will this legal decision and precedent best serve the community as a whole, and those within it who are the most vulnerable or who have suffered or been victimi,ed, or who may be8 Men and women ha.e a natural tendency to resol.e their differences and mediate dis&utes among themsel.es% when non#coerced and left to themsel.es to a&&ly their own natural sense of right and wrong/ <es&ite this% the State has under threat of force .iolently conditioned &eo&le to automatically deny their own 4udgment and defer to e7ternal authorities whene.er they are in dis&ute or they see0 4ustice/ And so a long 8relearning of freedom9 is needed for Common Law to become a functional &art of human life once again/ +ortunately% we ha.e found that the .ery act of &ublicly declaring and establishing the su&remacy of the -eo&le and their Common Law has s&ar0ed that &rocess of relearning freedom in the hearts and minds of growing numbers of &eo&le/ S&ar0ed% but not secured/ +or the greatest im&ediment to the efficacy of Common Law courts lies in the fears and doubts that sei1e citi1ens when they are &resented with the &ower to be the law% and not ha.e the law be done to them/ 8Ta0ing the law into your own hands9% we ha.e been taught wrongfully is a .iolation of ci.il order and tantamount to 8anarchy9/ In reality% for citi1ens to 4udge legal matters for themsel.es is the highest ci.ic .irtue and the cornerstone of true democracy% according to the Athenian law ma0er Solon/ The latter e.en belie.ed that citi1ens should be fined or re&rimanded for shrin0ing from a &ublic contro.ersy or from their inborn ca&acity to be lawgi.ers/ At the heart of that &ersonal res&onsibility for the law is the ca&acity of citi1ens to 4udge a lawsuit for themsel.es as sworn 4urors% and im&ose a .erdict and sentence in such a suit/ The 4ury system has always been the &urest e7&ression of the Common Law and its ca&acity to em&ower the &eo&le themsel.es to defend traditional liberties and ascertain the truth of a matter/ To render a fair and reasonable .erdict% anyone sim&ly needs to 0now all the facts and the e.idence% and consider it all soberly% without threats% influence or coercion/ The more &eo&le who gather to determine the truth of a matter% the more li0ely they will come to a 4ust and truthful .erdict/ It tends to be the case that indi.idual bias or &re4udice% which is always &resent and undeniable within a 4ury% becomes through the 4ury &rocess counterbalanced and absorbed into a broader collecti.e truth im&osed by the natural reason and fairness among 4ury members/

,n%orcement The big and thorny issue% of course% is not whether men and women can come to a Court .erdict% but rather% how their decision can be enforced% and effecti.e in their community/ This is es&ecially an issue when the .erdict is im&osed against heads of church or state% or e.en entire institutions% as in the +ebruary (3% ()', .erdict of the International Common Law Court of $ustice ICLC$" concerning >enocide in Canada/ www/itccs/org" To use that case as an e7am&le% the moral weight of the .erdict was clearly the strongest wea&on in the arsenal of the Court% and created the conditions for the enforcement of the .erdict against the thirty officials of church and state named in the indictment/ +or one thing% the +ebruary (3 .erdict 6 which sentenced all the defendants to &ublic banishment% twenty fi.e years in &rison and the loss of all &ro&erty and assets 6 directly hel&ed de&ose not only -o&e !enedict% $ose&h Rat1inger% but the most &owerful Catholic Cardinal in Rome: the 5atican Secretary of State Tarcisio !ertone% who also resigned while in office after the ICLC$ .erdict was &ronounced/ Rat1inger and !ertone 0now about international law% e.en if others don?t/ They understand that the .erdict of the ICLC$ carries a recogni1ed legitimacy under the Law of Nations and the &ublic right to form Tribunals of Conscience when go.ernments and courts refuse to address a matter/ And the 5atican also 0nows that the ICLC$ .erdict can be entered into other nation?s courts and used for the issuing of arrest warrants against &ro.en war criminals li0e church officers/ And so the resignation of these ostensibly 8untouchable9 church leaders in the s&ring of ()', is sim&le &roof of the &ower of inde&endent% common law court .erdicts/ A court .erdict% after all% is a binding order carrying with it the full force of the law% and whoe.er ignores or sub.erts such a .erdict% and the Court?s orders arising from it% is guilty of an indictable crime/ In the A&&endi7 to this Manual% we ha.e re&rinted all of the Court documents related to that first ICLC$ case of >enocide in Canada/ The Court Irder and Arrest 2arrant dated March 3% ()',% can be acted on by any sworn agent of the ICLC$ or whoe.er such an Agent a&&oints/ Any citi1en% in short% can assist in the arrest of $ose&h Rat1inger% Tarcisio !ertone and the twenty eight other officials of church and state found guilty of Crimes against *umanity by the ICLC$/ Such enforcement of the law by citi1ens themsel.es is generally recogni1ed in most countries% under the &recedent 0nown generically as 8the Right of Citi1ens? Arrest9/ In Canada% for e7am&le% under a law 0nown as the Citi,ens #rrest and -elf9defence #ct ()'("% citi1ens can detain anyone who either commits a crime or is e.en sus&ected of ha.ing done so% or who &oses a threat to their own or others? safety: li0e% for our &ur&oses% a child ra&ing &riest/ This &ower of Citi1ens Arrest has in fact been broadened under this new Canadian law% from what it was &re.iously/ see : http:::laws9lois.justice.gc.ca:eng:annualstatutes:;<=;>?:&ull6e2t.html "

In theory% then% the enforcement of Common Law Court .erdicts by any citi1en is not only &erfectly legitimate and lawful% but is guaranteed e.en under the laws of countries dominated by Ci.il% statute law/ !ut &ower% as we 0now% is not only about laws and theory% but ultimately in.ol.es na0ed force: the ca&acity of one grou& to im&ose its will u&on another/ *ugh >rotius% a si7teenth century &ioneer of international law% said that legal &rinci&les ac;uired &ower only when bac0ed by cannon fire/ So besides its legal and moral weight% what 8cannons9 will bac0 u& and enforce the .erdicts of our Common Law courtsF Es&ecially when the fire &ower of those we are sentencing and arresting is a&&arently so much greater than oursF Another great &ioneer% the Chinese general Sun T1u% wrote millennia ago that in any conflict% &ower is not ultimately what you ha.e materially but rather &sychologicallyC and the su&erior fire&ower of a much bigger enemy can always be negated with the right% unforeseen maneu.ers/ We@ve reprinted forty of -un 6,u@s most relevant teachings in #ppendi2 C"/ Those rulers indicted by the ICLC$ are men and women garbed by the illusory robes of their offices% and they are guarded by other men and women who% li0e the rulers themsel.es% are moti.ated &rimarily by fear/ That fear is their greatest wea0ness% and can be easily e7&loited by e.en a small grou& of &eo&le% as anyone who has occu&ied a Roman Catholic church learns .ery ;uic0ly/ The fact that laws guard the rich and the &owerful is not as im&ortant as the reality that any functional law rests u&on its moral and &olitical legitimacy/ Ince such legitimacy is wea0ened or gone% the laws and hard &hysical &ower of a state or church begin to crumble/ Ince &ublic confidence in a ruler wanes% internal di.isions a&&ear in the ruling hierarchy% and usually a 8&alace cou&9 occurs and the regime falls/ 2e are witnessing &recisely such de.elo&ments and such a colla&se of legitimacy within the Roman Catholic church today% in the manner of e.ents &rior to the de&osing of any dictatorshi&/ And so the short answer to the ;uestion% how do we enforce our .erdicts in the face of the &ower of the enemy% is sim&ly% we do as Sun T1u teaches% and stri0e at the wea0est% not the strongest% &art of that enemy/ The wea0 &oint of any institution% es&ecially a church% is its &ublic image and its source of money/ Threaten either% and the entire institution must res&ond to the smallest of enemies/ 2e ha.e &ro.en that in &ractice/ And the .ery fact of our smallness gi.es us a freedom and fle7ibility to stri0e at such big targets when and how we li0e: a &ower that is denied to big institutions/ A Common Law Court .erdict li0e the one of +ebruary (3 is a wedge between the credibility of an institution li0e the 5atican and the rest of the world/ Clearly% by stri0ing at that credibility 6 a wea0 lin0 in the church?s chain 6 we are maneu.ering around the ob.ious strong &oints of that o&&onent and hitting them where they ha.e no defense: the fact that as an organi1ation% they officially &rotect and aid child ra&ists and human traffic0ing/ And it was &recisely by doing such a strategic

maneu.er that on August D% ()',% the 5atican was declared a Transnational Criminal Irgani1ation under international law/ www/itccs/org% August ," As such a criminal body% the 5atican can now be legally disestablished% its officers arrested% and its &ro&erty and wealth sei1ed% not sim&ly under Common Law but according to the Law of Nations/ see 6he *nited %ations Convention against 6ransnational (rgani,ed Crime, %ovember ;<<<, articles A, B and =;: http:::www.unodc.org:unodc:treaties:C6(C:C&ullte2t " So while it isn?t normally &ossible to immediately detain heads of states or cor&orations after a sentence is &assed against them% such an arrest does follow naturally as their credibility and &rotection diminishes/ Their o.ert &ower tends to crumble as the law and &ublic condemnation wor0s around their strong defenses and undermines them% li0e water flowing around a wall or a roc0/ The &oint of any Common Law Court .erdict% after all% is not to target or im&rison mere indi.iduals% but to sto& any threat to the hel&less and to the community: to arrest such threats so they do not threats/ reoccur% &rimarily by ending the institutional source of those And our chief means to do so is the moral weight of our e.idence and .erdicts combined with the ca&acity of many &eo&le to enforce those .erdicts/ Common Law -heri%%s and &eace O%%icers That brings us to a 0ey as&ect of the Court: its &olice arm% without which it cannot function/ The tradition of Common Law sheriffs is an old one in the English s&ea0ing world: men or women a&&ointed from the local community to detain those harming others% bring them into town or 8shire9 courts for 4udgement% and enforce that court?s sentence/ In the Jnited States% that tradition is still ali.e and embodied in locally elected sheriffs who are granted considerable &ower within their communities/ The role of the Common Law Court Sheriff is fourfold: to &ro.ide security for the Court% to deli.er Court Summonses and Irders to A&&ear% to detain and &hysically deli.er to Court those summoned who e.ade a Court Irder% and finally% to enforce the final sentence of the Court% including by 4ailing and monitoring the guilty/ The Sheriff does not &erform these duties alone% but with de&uties and other agents he a&&oints to assist him/ Such a 8&osse9 is another &e4orati.e term that actually refers to an im&ortant traditional custom of mobili1ing all the able bodied men in a community to sto& anyone who has committed a crime/ The word 8&osse9 comes from a Latin term 8&ro toto &osse suo9 meaning 8to do the utmost in one?s &ower9/ According to one writer% #ll persons who were the victims of a crime in #nglo9-a2on England were e2pected to raise their hue and cry" and apprehend the criminalD and upon hearing their cry, every able9bodied man in the community was e2pected to do the utmost in his power" 3pro toto posse suo4 to chase and apprehend the accused as a posse". - 1215: The Year of Magna Carta by J. Danziger et al (2003)

The custom of electing community &eace officers li0e sheriffs% in other words% arose from the belief that e.eryone in a community had the obligation to &olice and &rotect themsel.es and their children/ The Court Sheriff is thereby the ser.ant of the &eo&le% ta0en from among them% answerable to and recallable by them% and not an e7ternal force o.er them/ -art of the &ower of such a Sheriff is that he can de&uti1e anyone to assist him% including other police officers and agents of the very institutions being named and tried in Common )aw courts. This is an es'ecially im'ortant action and tactic during this2 the early stages o% the develo'ment o% our local Common Law courts2 since it uses the very strength o% the system we are o''osing against itsel%3 To gi.e an e7am&le% if a Common Law Court Summons or Arrest 2arrant is to be deli.ered against a church or go.ernment official% the Court Sheriff will first deli.er a co&y of it to the local% e7isting &olice agency along with a <e&uti1ing Notice &lacing those &olice under the 4urisdiction of the Common Law/ -ee Court )ocuments2 A''endi! $"/ As such% the &olice are then obligated to assist the Sheriff and must ta0e the same Iath of Common Law Iffice as the Sheriff/ If those issued such a Notice deny or dis&ute it or refuse to ta0e the Iath% they are then ordered to stand down from their &osition and to not interfere with the Sheriff in his duties/ If they agree with the Notice% either directly or through their silence or non# interference% such &olice agencies are tacitly abiding by the Common Law action% and the normal &rotection around criminals in high office is suddenly nullified/ Such a remar0able encounter is in effect an enormous tug of war between two contending legal systems: a battle of wills% &layed out in full &ublic .iew as an enormous 8teaching moment9/ (ur aim is to create and encourage such a creative confrontation and moral conflict at every level of official society. This is the bigger and crucial &oint of that &articular confrontation between Court Sheriffs and Ci.il law &olicemen% which must always be .isible and tele.ised to the world as it occurs: that it is a chance for the &eo&le to learn directly that those &olicemen and soldiers who &ro.ide the muscle for the system are not e7em&t from the authority of Common Law% and must ultimately ma5e a choice concerning who and what they serve/ The moral and &ro&aganda .alue of &ublicly &osing such a ;uestion is inestimable/ In those occasions when this tactic has been tested in Canada and elsewhere% the results ha.e always been the same: the &olice bac0 off and do not interfere/ Time and again% neither the RCM- nor the 5ancou.er &olice ha.e interfered with &rotestors who &eacefully occu&ied Catholic or -rotestant churches res&onsible for the death of Indian children/ In one occasion% a senior &olice sergeant e.en stated that if the church had committed such crimes and were ser.ed with a Court Irder% he?d be duty bound to enforce such an Irder and hel& arrest those res&onsibleH Again% ;uoting Sun T1u% to defeat an enemy one must 0now themC and such 0nowledge can only be gained through constant contact/ .rovo5e them to learn their

responses. .ric5 them to test their strength and wea5ness. +o not outfight them but outthin5 them.9 Common Law &eace officers return &ower to the &eo&le by ma0ing them their own &olice authorities/ In so doing% they challenge the .ery basis of the status ;uo and its elite#based rule% by undermining those unaccountable 8armed bodies of men9 who constitute the final and ultimate &ower of the State/ The Common Law% in short% is a seed of fundamental social and &olitical transformation% not sim&ly a wea&on of self#defence for the o&&ressed/ On Citi4ens5 Arrests The right and necessity of citi1ens to detain sus&ected or actual criminals has long been recogni1ed under both ci.il and common law/ +or e7am&le% as mentioned% under a recent law in Canada% The Citi1ens? Arrest and Self <efense Act ()'("% the right of citi1ens to &erform arrests and detain sus&ects on their own has been broadened to include not only &eo&le caught endangering the community or harming others% but anyone sus&ected of crimes% including 0nown offenders/ Jnder the same common law custom of &ro toto &osse suo see abo.e" that em&owers any grou& of adults to unite and sto& those causing harm% the right of Citi1ens? Arrest is not restricted or negated by a higher authority because of the recognition that any man or woman has the com&etence and obligation to see and directly halt wrongdoing in their community/ The &rocedure for &erforming a Citi1ens? Arrest is as follows: '/ Ine must first either witness a crime% or recogni1e a sus&ected criminal or 0nown offender% or e.en ha.e a reasonable sus&icion that such &ersons &ose a danger to others/ Such a sus&icion must be based on &robable cause and not sim&ly a 8feeling9 or &re4udice about someone/ (/ Ine must then inform the sus&ect or offender that he or she is being &laced under Citi1ens? Arrest under the right of Necessity to <efend% which obligates the arrester to detain the sus&ect or offender/ The arrester must state who they are and why they are e7ercising the &ower of arrest by stating the cause of action/ ,/ The offender or sus&ect must then be detained and held for trial in a common law court% if they turn out to ha.e committed a crime or &ose a danger to others/ The amount of force used in the arrest must be a reasonable res&onse to the sus&ect?s beha.ior/ Citi1ens can normally hand o.er those they ha.e detained to an authori1ed Common Law &eace officer or a Sheriff of the court/ The arresters must be willing to a&&ear in court and gi.e sworn testimony concerning their actions/

The crucial im&ortance of the &ower of Citi1ens? Arrest is that it trains and em&owers citi1ens to ta0e res&onsibility for &olicing their communities and for the law itself/ It mo.es democracy from theory to action/ $roader Conse6uences o% the Common Law Court: A World made #ew Iur first real ste& towards inde&endence from England was the establishment of our own Re&ublican courts% right under the nose of the !rits/ 2e set u& a different legal system of our traditional !rehon laws% e.en while under military occu&ation/ And we had to defend that system in arms/ So you can say that once we started li.ing under our own laws% e.erything else had to follow% right u& to becoming a new nation/ 9 /oe !ac'nnes, $epublican veteran of the 'rish Civil War 3=?EF interview4 +or what you call the Law is but a club of the rich o.er the lowest of men% sanctifying the con;uest of the earth by a few and ma0ing their theft the way of things/ !ut o.er and abo.e these &itiful statutes of yours that enclose the common land and reduce us to &o.erty to ma0e you fat stands the Law of Creation% which renders 4udgement on rich and &oor ali0e% ma0ing them one/ +or freedom is the man who will thus turn the world u&side down% therefore no wonder he has enemies 9 Gerrard Winstanley, 6he 6rue )evellers@ -tandard, -urrey, England, =BF? +or the &eo&le themsel.es to sit in 4udgment of historically 8untouchable9 rulers li0e &o&es and heads of state% and to render an enforceable .erdict on their crimes% is a re.olutionary act/ And such a re.olution has begun% with the +ebruary (3% ()', .erdict of the International Common Law Court of $ustice/ 2e cannot shrin0 from or deny the &rofound conse;uences of ta0ing such a necessary historic ste&/ Rather% we must recogni1e that the new 4udicial system in our hands is in fact a doorway to a transformed world% in which the land and its wealth and society as a whole is reclaimed by all &eo&le% and brought into harmony with Natural $ustice through a great social le.elling/ Many traditions and &ro&hecies foresee such a time as now as a 4udgment u&on the corru&tion and in4ustice of the human world/ !iblically% such a moment was 0nown as the $ubilee% when all human laws and di.isions are abolished% and society% li0e nature during a fallow year% is allowed to rest from warfare% corru&tion and in4ustice/ In truth% we recogni1e this historic moment not only as a condemnation of what has been% but &rimarily as a transformation into what is coming to be: a rein.enting of humanity according to the sim&le &rinci&le that no law or authority shall e.er again cause anyone to rule% harm or dominate others/ The aim of Common Law is to re#establish direct relations of mutual aid among &eo&le by &lacing 4ustice and the law within their reach again/ And that de.olution of &ower will simultaneously disestablish all hierarchical institutions of state% business and church which control and mediate human life as a &ower o.er &eo&le/ A &rocess so &rofound and re.olutionary can only be enacted from the grassroots% by many &eo&le who ha.e relearned freedom and use it to ta0e action in their own communities to go.ern themsel.es as their own 4udge% 4ury and &olice/ In the basis of this good renewed soil% a great har.est will one day arise in the form of new and

local Re&ublics of E;uals% in harmony with itself and all Creation/ The Common Law is a catalyst and a means towards achie.ing this &olitical and s&iritual end/ +or now% as we struggle to gi.e birth to the Courts that are li0e a great &low brea0ing o&en the dead soil of the status ;uo% we must ne.er forget that much of what we ha.e been taught will betray us% for we ha.e been raised as sla.es to thin0 and o&erate under laws that ser.e the few/ E.erything must be rethought and retried according to the two great -rinci&les of Natural Law: #ll things are placed in common for the good of allD and therefore, the law shall cause harm to no9one. Iur &rinci&les are firm% but our methods and tactics are su&&le/ 2e must audaciously try e.er new ways to e7&ose% indict and sto& the criminal institutions and cor&orations that are 0illing our &lanet% our children and our sacred liberties/ And together% we must learn from e.ery mista0e and defeat% and generali1e the .ictories and wisdom we gain into clear &recedent% throughout this long redem&ti.e struggle that will s&an many lifetimes/ The conscience born into us is our lam& during this 4ourney and our best instructor% as is our great heritage of Natural Law and Reason% &assed down to us so that a free and inde&endent humanity may ne.er &erish from the earth/ Armed with this truth% this 0nowledge and this sacred &ur&ose% go forth and ta0e actionH :ou ha.e a world to win bac0/ GGGGGGGG The Law is the &ublic conscience/ And the Common Law is but common reason/ 9 -ir Edward Co5e, =B;; A''endi! A3 -ources and esources !ou.ier?s Law <ictionary% by $ohn !ou.ier% '@3=" Legal Ma7ims% by !room and !ou.ier% '@3=" A <ictionary of Law% by 2illiam C/ Anderson% '@A," !lac0?s Law <ictionary% by *enry Cam&ell !lac0% ,rd% Dth% 3th% and =th Editions% 'A,,#'AA)" Ma7ims of Law% by Charles A/ 2eisman% 'AA)" See also I/ 2/ *olmes% The Common Law '@@'C new ed/% ed/ by M/ <e2olfe *owe% 'A=,% re&r/ 'A=@"C T/ +/ -luc0nett% Concise *istory of the Common Law 3th ed/ 'A3="C */ -otter% *istorical Introduction to English Law and Its Institutions Dth ed/ 'A3@"C A/ R/ *ogue% Irigins of the Common Law 'A=="C R/ C/ .an Caenegem% The !irth of the English Common Law 'AB,"C $/ */ !a0er% The Legal -rofession and the Common Law 'A@="C R/ L/ Abel and -/ S/ C/ Lewis% ed/% The Common Law 2orld 'A@@"/ +urther &ublications of as&ects of the International Common Law Court of $ustice and its &rocedures and &rinci&les will be forthcoming% issued by the ICLC$ Legal Ad.isory !oard/ $3 ,!am'les o% Common Law Court )ocuments

'/ Notice of Claim of Right 6 To be &ublicly issued in order to con.ene a local Common Law Court &*$LIC #OTIC, OF CLAIM OF I7(T

Issued by KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK on KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK in the community of KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK/ I% KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK% gi.e &ublic notice of my &ersonal claim of right and of lawful e7cuse to con.ene and establish a common law court under my liberty as a flesh and blood man or womanC and I do hereby call u&on the su&&ort of all com&etent men and women to assist me in this lawful right/ I further gi.e &ublic notice of my &ersonal claim of right and of lawful e7cuse to con.ene and establish as &art of such a court a 4ury of my &eers% consisting of twel.e men or women% to 4udge a matter affecting the wellbeing% rights and safety of myself and my community% that matter being the following: <escri&tion of issue% statement of claim and &arties named" I further gi.e &ublic notice that the said 4ury of my &eers claims the 4urisdictional com&etence to 4udge this matter and issue a sentence and .erdict within the said common law court established to render such a 4udgement% based u&on &ro.en and irrefutable e.idence &resented within its court/ I hereby &ublicly call u&on and re;uest the su&&ort of my community to establish this common law court and its 4ury of twel.e men or women% to be sworn to act in such a ca&acity for the duration of the court &roceedings% according to Natural Law and the rules of e.idence and due &rocess/ I ma0e this &ublic claim of right freely% without coercion or ulterior moti.e% in the interest of 4ustice and the &ublic welfare/ KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Claimant KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK witness" KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK <ate (/ <e&uti1ing Notice issued by Court Sheriffs to other &eace officers #OTIC, A#) WA A#T TO ),&*TI8,

I--*,) *#), T(, A*T(O IT9 OF T(, -(, IFF5- OFFIC, OF T(, COMMO# LAW CO* T OF /*-TIC, A#) T(, /* I-)ICTIO# OF #AT* AL LAW A#) T(, LAW OF #ATIO#To all -eace Ifficers and Law or Statute Enforcement Ifficials: This -ublic Notice is issued to you as a lawful warrant by the Common Law Court of $ustice% &lacing you under the 4urisdiction of the Court and Natural $ustice% and de&uti1ing you as its officers/ J&on your ta0ing the a&&ended Iath of Common Law Court Iffice below"% you are em&owered to act as the lawful agents and &rotectors of the Court and its &roceedings% and to ser.e and enforce its writs% warrants% summonses and court orders on any and all &ersons and cor&orations named by the Court/ If you choose not to ta0e this Iath of Iffice% you are com&elled and ordered by the Court and by Natural Law to refrain from interfering with the actions of other Ifficers so de&uti1ed and em&owered to act for the Court/ If you resist% disru&t or im&ede the actions of the Court or its Ifficers you can and will be charged with criminal assault and obstruction of 4ustice/ Issued on KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK in the Community of KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK by the following Legal Agent or Sworn -eace Ifficer or Sheriff of the Common Law Court of $ustice: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK signed" stam& of the Court" Oath o% Common Law Court O%%ice To be issued to any sworn agent of the Court or to all &ersons or law enforcement officers de&uti1ed by the Court or its Sheriffs I% KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK% being of sound mind and clear conscience% do hereby swear that I will faithfully and 4ustly e7ecute the office of an agent of the Common Law Court of $ustice according to the best of my abilities/ I understand that if I fail in my duties or betray the trust and res&onsibilities of my office I will forfeit my right to this &osition and can be dismissed/ I ta0e this solemn oath freely% without coercion% reser.ation or ulterior moti.e% according to my conscience as a free man or woman% and as a citi1en under the authority and 4urisdiction of the Common Law/

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK signed KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK date court stam& ,/ <ocuments in the first case of The International Common Law Court of $ustice% <oc0et No/ )((3',#))'% In the matter of The -eo&le ./ $ose&h Rat1inger% Eli1abeth 2indsor et al/ >enocide in Canada" See attached hard co&y documents and at www/itccs/org" C3 -trategy and Tactics: Forty :ey Lessons %rom -un T4u '/ Ine s0illed in battle summons others and is not summoned by them/ (/ Ine s0illed at mo.ing an enemy +orms and the enemy must followC Iffers and the enemy must ta0e/ ,/ +orm the ground of battle before engaging an enemy% on terms fa.ourable to you/ Then sha&e the ground to decei.e the enemy% with actions that fit the enemy?s own mind and action/ Thus you form .ictory before battle by standing on the ground of no defeat/ D/ 5ictory is not achie.ed by the &hysical destruction of an enemy but by their demorali1ation% which is accom&lished by maneu.er/ <o not re&eat successful maneu.ers with the same enemy or they will reco.er and ada&t to your tactics/ 3/ 2ar is only a means to a &olitical end% not an end in itself/ =/ Lnowing the enemy and 0nowing yourself: in e.ery battle% no danger/ Not 0nowing the enemy and 0nowing yourself: one defeat for e.ery .ictory/ Not 0nowing the enemy and not 0nowing yourself: In e.ery battle% certain defeat/ B/ <efend and one is insufficient/ Attac0 and one has a sur&lus/ @/ The .ictorious army is first .ictorious and then does battle/ The defeated army first does battle and after that see0s .ictory/ A/ It is the nature of warfare that swiftness rules/ E.erything will be won with swift action at the right moment% or lost without it/ ')/ Inly fight an enemy if a &osition is criticalC only mo.e if there is something to gain/

''/ <o not res&ond to the ground your enemy has &re&ared for you% but instead% sha&e their ground/ Then they ha.e no alternati.e but to be led by you% as if it was their own idea/ This is s0ill/ '(/ *ide the time of battle from an enemy% and ma0e what he lo.es and defends your first ob4ecti.e/ 2hen near% manifest farC when able% manifest inability% so as to confuse him/ ',/ Let your &lans be as dar0 as night% then stri0e li0e a thunderbolt with utter sur&rise/ -rior to such a sur&rise attac0% feign wea0ness and offer the enemy a truce% to lull his defenses/ The une7&ected attac0 always negates the su&erior strength of an enemy/ 'D/ If I do not wish to do battle% I mar0 a line on the earth to defend it% and the enemy cannot do battle with me/ I misdirect him/ '3/ Res&ond to aggression by creating s&ace% so as to control the actions of the aggressor/ Resist and you swell the attac0er/ Create room for the aggressor and he will dissi&ate/ '=/ 2hen I am few and the enemy is many% I can use the few to stri0e the many because those whom I battle are restricted/ 'B/ Jse order to await chaos/ Jse stillness to await clamor/ At the right moment% not acting is the most s0illful action/ This is ordering the heart#mind/ '@/ It is not necessary to e7ercise your strength/ Instead% rest in your sufficiency/ 'A/ E.ery sage commander acts from his own ground of strength% which is formed solely by the com&leteness of his being/ *e acce&ts his nature and remains himself% which brings the &ower to discern clearly/ The clarity and the will of the commander forms the ground of his entire armyC and clarity comes from an honest and a humble heart/ ()/ The commander must ne.er issue ambiguous orders/ ('/ The .ictorious commander does not win .ictory by con;uering an o&&onent but by creating the larger .iew that includes both sides/ Iutthin0% do not outfight% your enemy/ ((/ Always carefully discern the enemy?s &ur&ose/ True 0nowledge of the enemy comes from acti.e contact/ -ro.o0e them to re.eal themsel.es% assessing their nature and res&onses/ -ric0 them and 0now their mo.ements/ -robe them and 0now their strength and deficiencies/ (,/ An enemy can be subdued without battle once you understand the relationshi&s and combination of things that constitutes its &ower/ This s0ill of understanding e7ceeds one hundred .ictories in battle/

(D/ -ower is found not in solid things but in the constant flow of relationshi&s% which are ne.er still/ The &ower of a s;uirrel to cross a ri.er on a log lies neither in the s;uirrel nor the log% but in their momentary combination/ That combination is its &ower/ (3/ To em&loy the s0ill of understanding an enemy?s &ower% one must be formless% li0e water/ The water mo.es from high to lowC your army?s mo.ements are determined fluidly% according to the state of your enemy/ Thus is your &ower not fi7ed% and it is without &ermanent form% to reflect and ca&ture the &ower of your enemy/ (=/ Ne.er reinforce error or a defeat% but let your understanding mo.e fluidly with each new e7&erience/ There is ne.er a final or definiti.e outcome to the army that mo.es li0e water/ (B/ !eing without &ermanent form and fluid in your mo.ements and tactics% you com&el your enemy to defend against you at e.ery &oint/ *e is thereby dissi&ated and wea0ened% and 0e&t ignorant of your &ur&ose while forced to re.eal his condition to you/ (@/ !y this means of formlessness% you can form the strongest enemy to the ground you ha.e chosen for it% on the terms of your .ictory/ !ut without fore0nowledge of the ground itself% none of this is &ossible/ (A/ *ostile ground heightens your focus/ Cut off from home su&&ort% you ta0e nourishment from the enemy/ Such su&&ly lines cannot be se.ered/ Jse the threat surrounding you to stay united and sustain your army/ ,)/ -lace your soldiers where they cannot lea.e/ +acing death% they find their true strength and cannot be routed/ 2hen they cannot lea.e% they stand firm and fight/ ,'/ E7treme situations cause your troo&s to res&ond from &rofound sources of inner &ower/ Training and commands cannot accom&lish this/ <ire circumstances automatically e.o0e it% unsought yet attained/ The right relationshi&s unleash enormous &ower greater than the indi.idual &arts/ ,(/ If an enemy occu&ies high ground% do not engage himC if he attac0s from high ground% do not o&&ose him/ ,,/ If a mightier enemy &auses though en4oying an ad.antage% they are tired/ If di.isions a&&ear in their ran0s% they are frightened/ If their commander re&eatedly s&ea0s soothing reassurances to his army% he has lost his &ower/ Many &unishments indicate &anic/ Many bribes and rewards means the enemy is see0ing retreat/ ,D/ !ind your own army to you with deeds/ <o not command them with words/ ,3/ Engage an enemy with what they e7&ect% so that what you allow them to see confirms their own &ro4ections/ This settles them into &redictable &atterns of res&onse% distracting them from your actions while you wait calmly for the

e7traordinary moment: that which they cannot antici&ate or &re&are for/ Jse the e7traordinary to win .ictory/ ,=/ !e in this manner in.isible and unfathomable to your enemy/ To be thus without form% first be so orthodo7 that nothing remains to gi.e you away/ Then be so e7traordinary that no#one can &redict your action or &ur&ose/ ,B/ Thus% in battle% use a direct attac0 to engage% and an indirect attac0 to win/ ,@/ Ride the inade;uacies of your enemy/ >o by un&redicted ways/ Attac0 where your enemy has not ta0en &recautions and a.oid where they ha.e/ ,A/ <o not confront the enemy in their strength% but at the &oints of their wea0ness/ Sei1e something the enemy holds dear/ Their strength is then rendered uselessC they must sto& to listen and res&ond/ Li0ewise% whate.er you lo.e ma0es you .ulnerable/ -re&are yourself to relin;uish it/ D)/ !eing thus &re&ared and awaiting the un&re&ared is .ictory/ Thus it is said% 85ictory can be 0nown/ It cannot be made9/ In summary: 6 Lnow your enemy and 0now yourself 6 Subdue the enemy without fighting 6 A.oid what is strong/ Attac0 what is wea0/ These three great -rinci&les are tied together li0e braided strands of hair/ GGGGGGG There is but one law for all% namely that law which go.erns all law% the Law of our Creator% the law of humanity% 4ustice and e;uity/ That is the law of Nature and of Nations/ 6 Edmund !ur0e% 'B@) +or hard co&ies of this Common Law Court Manual% write to itccscentralMgmail/com/ <onations for these co&ies can be through the ITCCS &ay&al system at www/itccs/org/ Co&yright for this Manual is held by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State in !russels/ -ermission is granted to re&roduce% use and ;uote from this Manual in whole or in &art for strictly non#commercial &ur&oses/ Co&yright MITCCS()',

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