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Statement of Purpose I have been fascinated with electronics for the longest time.

Growing up, I watched my father, an electronics and instrumentation engineer, build microcontroller based stepper motor drives, frequency & voltage monitors and regulators in our lab at home. He taught me the underlying principles of electronics and guided me to build basic electronic circuits. I got acquainted with electronic devices like ICs, transistors, capacitors and started making electronic circuits. I was allured by the theory of operation of electronic circuits and developed a deep penchant towards it. uring my high school, I attempted to build a line!following robot using analog motor controllers" I was soon disappointed with the lack of its precision in following a straight line. #y father helped me to program $IC %&'() microcontroller, which improved the precision and allowed the robot to efficiently follow a straight line. I was captivated by the fact that the microcontroller is packed with thousands of transistors and yet it is smaller than quarter inches in dimensions. I reali*ed the importance +,-I technologies in fabrication of these devices. -ince then I set an aim to become a +,-I engineer. I have always been a firm believer that a strong educational background is an ideal platform for a successful career. I did .achelors in /lectronics and communication engineering in an esteemed university 0123. 2he electronics background I have, helped me in comprehending my classes and I en4oyed e5perimenting in the lab. I spent most of my time in library, kept myself acquainted with the latest technologies and research topics in the areas of chip technology. uring the first year of graduation I presented a seminar in a state level symposium on 1anotechnology!'abrication of 1ano! evices. 2his presentation details the rudiments of 1anotechnology. $resentation was well appreciated by audience and 4ury. uring second year of graduation, we built circuits for all the communication systems e5plained by professor in the class. .y doing so, I gained practical knowledge and I felt confident in taking communication course e5aminations and topped in the class. I was recommended by my professor to additional training on broadcast systems at 6ll India 7adio -tation 86I79, where I got hands!on e5perience in operating ):: #H* digital communications systems. ,ater, I utili*ed this knowledge to build a prototype of ;<pportunity!#ars e5ploration rover=, as a hobby pro4ect. >hile developing this pro4ect I used a high frequency .02s and analog C#<- IC C1??@& for high gain and efficient conditioning of data from the sensors. I was enthralled by studying the intricate designs of IC for low power design and high frequency of operation. uring the third year of under graduation, I got an opportunity to learn about +,-I technologies deeply as we have igital circuits and +,-I courses in the curriculum. I learned design process of +,-I technology, Hardware escriptive ,anguages and testing procedures. I perused all the te5tbooks and references

before my even coursework started and drew the stick diagrams and layouts of all the logic gates and flip!flops in C#<-, 1#<- and $#<- technologies. In the lab I developed the gates, flip flops, shifters and a clock generator in the +/7I,<G and verified the timing diagrams well ahead. <bserving hard work and interest in me, professor encouraged me to study the comple5 C#<- design pro4ects for better comprehension on the practical aspects of floor planning and design verification. I learned the importance of low power design of devices and, I was intrigued by tug of war between lower power design and frequency of operation while designing lower power circuits. I have decided to pursue research towards low power +,-I design field. 6s final year pro4ect I developed a robot for surveillance and scouting. I used 62(@CA% microcontroller with bi!directional communication systems and it has temperature sensor and gas sensor 2G- (%:. 2he robot can scout places deemed dangerous to man like coalmines. 2he sensors on board send the signal for the possible potential treat for human being. 2his pro4ect gave insight knowledge of sensors in industrial electronics. I maintained my grades equally well in every semester and stood in top A in college by securing a distinction. .esides my academics, I acted as president for student club named B$3,-/C in the college, which has ob4ectives of social service, conducting study groups and qui**es in the college. >orking along with committee I developed good communication and organi*ing skills which helped me to tackle hard situations in my life. eveloping electronic circuits during my childhood made me passionate about /lectrical /ngineering, and learning about fabrication of electronic devices increased my curiosity in +,-I technologies. 6fter I have seen the potential of 1anotechnology and 1ano!devices in the modern world, I have dedicated my career towards +,-I. Handling lab in $aul 7a4 /ngineering College has provided me with a platform to learn and research in the field I have chosen. 2he courses that your university offers are the core sub4ects of my interest. 2he state of art +,-I lab and interdisciplinary research work lured me to apply for your university. It will be a great opportunity to attend <ld ominion 3niversity to obtain an #.- in /lectrical /ngineering and acquire a deeper knowledge on advanced +,-I technologies to achieve my goal.

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