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El nmero de octavas entre dos frecuencias

se establece como

( ). El odo

humano es capaz de detectar cualquier sonido entre 16 Hz y 45000Hz. Cuntas octavas puede distinguir un humano? El nmero de octavas entre dos frecuencias y se establece como ( ). Los delfines

nariz de botella escuchan tonos dentro del rango de frecuencias de 1 a 150 kHz.Cuntas octavas puede distinguir un delfn nariz de botella? El nmero de octavas entre dos frecuencias y se establece como ( ). si una

persona slo percibe entre 20Hz y 20000Hz, y el rango de frecuencia de una persona normal es de 20Hz a 40000Hz, que porcentaje del rango audible ha perdido.

2 log(2x+1)(2x + 4) - log(2x+1)4 = 2 . log-x(x 2 - 9x - 9) = 3

Funciones Seccionadas Problema For instance, let's say that the flat tax is 30% of your income. Some people think that flat tax is unfair for those in or near the poverty level because they are getting taxed at the same rate as those in a higher income bracket. Our income tax is based on a graduated tax calculation. Let's say that the first $15,000 you earn is taxed at a rate of 20%, the next $45,000 you make is taxed at a rate of 25%, and any more money that you make above $45,000 would be taxed at a rate of 35%.

The Mad Hatter is ordering cups from Teacups, Limited, for his tea party. The Teacups, Limited catalog prices cups according to the number of cups ordered. For orders of 20 or fewer cups, the price is $1.40 per cup plus $12 shipping and handling on the order. For orders of more than 20 cups, the price is $1.10 per cup plus $15 shipping and handling. a) Write a function to describe the price of cups. b) How much will it cost the Mad Hatter to order 16 cups? c) If the Mad Hatter wants to spend at most $45, what is the maximum number of cups he can order?

Mary's water bill changes as the amount of water used changes. If Mary uses less than 100 gallons of water the cost is 10 cents a gallon. If Mary uses 100 gallons to 500 gallons the cost is 15 cents a

gallon plus a $20 fee to encourage conservation. If Mary uses over 500 gallons the cost is 20 cents a gallon plus a $50 fee to encourage conservation. Write a piecewise function to represent the cost of water with x representing the amount of water used in gallons and C(x) representing the cost of water in dollars.

During a nine hour snowstorm it snows at a rate of 1 inch per hour for the first two hours,at a rate of 2 inches per hour for the next six hours, and at a rate of 1 inch per hour for thefinal hour.Write a piecewise function that gives the depth of the snow during the snowstorm.

Funciones Exponenciales 2 Ecuaciones Exponencial Funciones Logartmicas 2 Ecuaciones Logartmicas Funciones Trigonomtricas 2 Funciones Trigonomtricas 1 Propiedades Logaritmos/Exponenciales/Trigonomtricas 1 Problema Logaritmos/Exponenciales/Trigonomtricas.

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