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maslow's hierarchy of needs

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs motivational model

Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of Needs model in 1940-50s U A! and the Hierarchy of Needs theory remains valid today for "nderstandin# h"man motivation! mana#ement trainin#! and personal development$ %ndeed! Maslow&s ideas s"rro"ndin# the Hierarchy of Needs concernin# the responsibility of employers to provide a wor'place environment that enco"ra#es and enables employees to f"lfil their own "ni("e potential )self-act"ali*ation+ are today more relevant than ever$ Abraham Maslow&s boo' Motivation and ,ersonality! p"blished in 1954 )second edition 19-0+ introd"ced the Hierarchy of Needs! and Maslow e.tended his ideas in other wor'! notably his later boo' /oward A ,sycholo#y 0f 1ein#! a si#nificant and relevant commentary! which has been revised in recent times by 2ichard 3owry! who is in his own ri#ht a leadin# academic in the field of motivational psycholo#y$ Abraham Maslow was born in New 4or' in 1905 and died in 19-0! altho"#h vario"s p"blications appear in Maslow&s name in later years$ Maslow&s ,h6 in psycholo#y in 1974 at the University of 8isconsin formed the basis of his motivational research! initially st"dyin# rhes"s mon'eys$ Maslow later moved to New 4or'&s 1roo'lyn 9olle#e$ /he Maslow&s Hierarchy of Needs five-sta#e model below )str"ct"re and terminolo#y - not the precise pyramid dia#ram itself+ is clearly and directly attrib"table to Maslow: later versions of the theory with added motivational sta#es are not so clearly attrib"table to Maslow$ /hese e.tended models have instead been inferred by others from Maslow&s wor'$ pecifically Maslow refers to the needs 9o#nitive! Aesthetic and /ranscendence )s"bse("ently shown as

distinct needs levels in some interpretations of his theory+ as additional aspects of motivation! b"t not as distinct levels in the Hierarchy of Needs$ 8here Maslow&s Hierarchy of Needs is shown with more than five levels these models have been e.tended thro"#h interpretation of Maslow&s wor' by other people$ /hese a"#mented models and dia#rams are shown as the adapted seven and ei#ht-sta#e Hierarchy of Needs pyramid dia#rams and models below$ /here have been very many interpretations of Maslow&s Hierarchy of Needs in the form of pyramid dia#rams$ /he dia#rams on this pa#e are my own interpretations and are not offered as Maslow&s ori#inal wor'$ %nterestin#ly in Maslow&s boo' Motivation and ,ersonality! which first introd"ced the Hierarchy of Needs! there is not a pyramid to be seen$ ;ree Hierarchy of Needs dia#rams in pdf and doc formats similar to the ima#e below are available from this pa#e$

clic' to enlar#e

)N$1$ /he word Act"ali*ation<Act"alisation can be spelt either way$ = is preferred in American >n#lish$ is preferred in U? >n#lish$ 1oth forms are "sed in this pa#e to enable 'eyword searchin# for either spellin# via search en#ines$+

maslow's hierarchy of needs

>ach of "s is motivated by needs$ 0"r most basic needs are inborn! havin# evolved over tens of tho"sands of years$ Abraham Maslow&s Hierarchy of Needs helps to e.plain how these needs motivate "s all$ Maslow&s Hierarchy of Needs states that we m"st satisfy each need in t"rn! startin# with the first! which deals with the most obvio"s needs for s"rvival itself$ 0nly when the lower order needs of physical and emotional well-bein# are satisfied are we concerned with the hi#her order needs of infl"ence and personal development$ 9onversely! if the thin#s that satisfy o"r lower order needs are swept away! we are no lon#er concerned abo"t the maintenance of o"r hi#her order needs$ Maslow&s ori#inal Hierarchy of Needs model was developed between 1947-1954! and first widely p"blished in Motivation and ,ersonality in 1954$ At this time the Hierarchy of Needs model comprised five needs$ /his ori#inal version remains for most people the definitive Hierarchy of Needs$

maslow's hierarchy of needs - free pdf diagram and free doc diagram
1$ Biological and Physiological needs - air! food! drin'! shelter! warmth! se.! sleep! etc$ @$ Safety needs - protection from elements! sec"rity! order! law! limits! stability! etc$ 7$ Belongingness and Love needs - wor' #ro"p! family! affection! relationships! etc$ 4$ steem needs - self-esteem! achievement! mastery! independence! stat"s! dominance! presti#e! mana#erial responsibility! etc$ 5$ Self-Act!ali"ation needs - realisin# personal potential! self-f"lfillment! see'in# personal #rowth and pea' e.periences$ #his is the definitive and original Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs$ 8hile Maslow referred to vario"s additional aspects of motivation! he e.pressed the Hierarchy of Needs in these five clear sta#es$ Here is a ("ic' simple self-test based on the ori#inal Maslow&s 5-level Hierarchy of Needs$ %t&s not a scientific or validated instr"ment - merely a ("ic' indicator! which can be "sed for selfawareness! disc"ssion! etc$

%&'(s adapted hierarchy of needs model) incl!ding cognitive and aesthetic needs - free pdf diagram and free doc diagram
1$ Biological and Physiological needs - air! food! drin'! shelter! warmth! se.! sleep! etc$ @$ Safety needs - protection from elements! sec"rity! order! law! limits! stability! etc$ 7$ Belongingness and Love needs - wor' #ro"p! family! affection! relationships! etc$ 4$ steem needs - self-esteem! achievement! mastery! independence! stat"s! dominance! presti#e! mana#erial responsibility! etc$ 5$ *ognitive needs - 'nowled#e! meanin#! etc$ A$ Aesthetic needs - appreciation and search for bea"ty! balance! form! etc$ -$ Self-Act!ali"ation needs - realisin# personal potential! self-f"lfillment! see'in# personal #rowth and pea' e.periences$ N$1$ Altho"#h Maslow referred to additional aspects of motivation! &9o#nitive& and &Aesthetic&!

he did not incl"de them as levels or sta#es within his own e.pression of the Hierarchy of Needs$

%&&(s adapted hierarchy of needs incl!ding transcendence needs - free diagram and free doc diagram
1$ Biological and Physiological needs - air! food! drin'! shelter! warmth! se.! sleep! etc$ @$ Safety needs - protection from elements! sec"rity! order! law! limits! stability! etc$ 7$ Belongingness and Love needs - wor' #ro"p! family! affection! relationships! etc$ 4$ steem needs - self-esteem! achievement! mastery! independence! stat"s! dominance! presti#e! mana#erial responsibility! etc$ 5$ *ognitive needs - 'nowled#e! meanin#! etc$ A$ Aesthetic needs - appreciation and search for bea"ty! balance! form! etc$ -$ Self-Act!ali"ation needs - realisin# personal potential! self-f"lfillment! see'in# personal #rowth and pea' e.periences$ 5$ #ranscendence needs - helpin# others to achieve self act"ali*ation$

N$1$ Altho"#h Maslow referred to additional aspects of motivation! &9o#nitive&! &Aesthetic&! and &/ranscendence&! he did not incl"de any of these as additional sta#es in the Hierarchy of Needs$ Here is a ("ic' self-test based on the e.tended 5-level Hierarchy of Needs$ 3i'e the 5-level Hierarchy of Needs self-test it is not a scientific or validated instr"ment - merely a ("ic' indicator for helpin# self-awareness! disc"ssion! etc$

what hierarchy of needs model is most valid+

Abraham Maslow created the ori#inal five level Hierarchy of Needs model! and for many this remains entirely ade("ate for its p"rpose$ /he seven and ei#ht level &hierarchy of needs& models are later adaptations by others! based on Maslow&s wor'$ Ar#"ably! the ori#inal fivelevel model incl"des the later additional si.th! seventh and ei#hth )&9o#nitive&! &Aesthetic&! and &/ranscendence&+ levels within the ori#inal & elf-Act"ali*ation& level 5! since each one of the &new& motivators concerns an area of self-development and self-f"lfilment that is rooted in selfact"ali*ation &#rowth&! and is distinctly different to any of the previo"s 1-4 level &deficiency& motivators$ ;or many people! self-act"ali*in# commonly involves each and every one of the newly added drivers$ As s"ch! the ori#inal five-level Hierarchy of Needs model remains a definitive classical representation of h"man motivation: and the later adaptations perhaps serve best to ill"strate aspects of self-act"ali*ation$

Maslow said that needs m"st be satisfied in the #iven order$ Aims and drive always shift to ne.t hi#her order needs$ 3evels 1 to 4 are deficiency motivators: level 5! and by implication A to 5! are #rowth motivators and relatively rarely fo"nd$ /he thwartin# of needs is "s"ally a ca"se of stress! and is partic"larly so at level 4$ >.amples in "seB 4o" can&t motivate someone to achieve their sales tar#et )level 4+ when they&re havin# problems with their marria#e )level 7+$ 4o" can&t e.pect someone to wor' as a team member )level 7+ when they&re havin# their ho"se re-possessed )level @+$

maslow's self-act!ali"ing characteristics

'een sense of reality - aware of real sit"ations - obCective C"d#ement! rather than s"bCective see problems in terms of challen#es and sit"ations re("irin# sol"tions! rather than see problems as personal complaints or e.c"ses need for privacy and comfortable bein# alone reliant on own e.periences and C"d#ement - independent - not reliant on c"lt"re and environment to form opinions and views

not s"sceptible to social press"res - non-conformist democratic! fair and non-discriminatin# - embracin# and enCoyin# all c"lt"res! races and individ"al styles socially compassionate - possessin# h"manity acceptin# others as they are and not tryin# to chan#e people comfortable with oneself - despite any "nconventional tendencies a few close intimate friends rather than many s"rface relationships sense of h"mo"r directed at oneself or the h"man condition! rather than at the e.pense of others spontaneo"s and nat"ral - tr"e to oneself! rather than bein# how others want e.cited and interested in everythin#! even ordinary thin#s creative! inventive and ori#inal see' pea' e.periences that leave a lastin# impression

ee the Maslow interviews 6D6s - especially Maslow and elf-Act"ali*ation to "nderstand the s"bCect more f"lly$ /hese films were made in 19A5 and are helpf"l on several levels! and both wonderf"l teachin# and learnin# aids$ ee also the newer Maslow M,7 tal's series$

/hese materials also help to ill"strate the far-reachin# and visionary nat"re of Maslow&s thin'in#! several decades a#o$ /he above materials are p"blished by Ma"rice 1assett on behalf of the estate of Abraham Maslow$ 1"sinessballs ta'es no commission and recommends them simply beca"se they are wonderf"l materials for all st"dents and followers of Maslow&s very special wor'$

maslow's hierarchy of needs in advertising

/o help with trainin# of Maslow&s theory loo' for Maslow&s Hierarchy of Needs motivators in advertisin#$ /his is a #reat basis for Maslow and motivation trainin# e.ercisesB 1$ Biological and Physiological needs - wife<child-ab"se help-lines! social sec"rity benefits! amaritans! roadside recovery$ @$ Safety needs - home sec"rity prod"cts )alarms! etc+! ho"se an contents ins"rance! life ass"rance! schools$ 7$ Belongingness and Love needs - datin# and match-ma'in# services! chat-lines! cl"bs and membership societies! Macdonalds! &family& themes li'e the old style 0.o stoc' c"be ads$ 4$ steem needs - cosmetics! fast cars! home improvements! f"rnit"re! fashion clothes! drin's! lifestyle prod"cts and services$

5$ Self-Act!ali"ation needs - 0pen University! and that&s abo"t it: little else in mainstream media beca"se only @E of pop"lation are self-act"ali*ers! so they don&t constit"te a very bi# part of the mainstream mar'et$ 4o" can view and download free Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs diagrams! and two free Hierarchy of Needs self-tests! based on the ori#inal Maslow&s five-sta#e model and later adapted ei#ht-sta#e model! ideal for trainin#! presentations and proCect wor'! at the b"sinessballs free online reso"rces section$ ;ree dia#rams incl"deB

,yramid dia#ram based on Maslow&s ori#inal five-level Hierarchy of Needs )1954+$ Adapted seven-level Hierarchy of Needs dia#ram )which seems to have first appeared in the 19-0s - after Maslow&s death+$ Adapted ei#ht-level Hierarchy of Needs dia#ram )appearin# later! seemin#ly 1990s+$

interpreting behavio!r according to maslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslow&s Hierarchy of Needs is an e.cellent model for "nderstandin# h"man motivation! b"t it is a broad concept$ %f yo" are p"**led as to how to relate #iven behavio"r to the Hierarchy it co"ld be that yo"r definition of the behavio"r needs refinin#$ ;or e.ample! &where does &doin#

thin#s for f"n& fit into the modelF /he answer is that it can&t "ntil yo" define &doin# thin#s for f"n& more acc"rately$ 4o"&d need to define more precisely each #iven sit"ation where a person is &doin# thin#s for f"n& in order to analyse motivation accordin# to Maslow&s Hierarchy! since the &f"n& activity motive can potentially be part any of the five ori#inal Maslow needs$ Understandin# whether strivin# to achieve a partic"lar need or aim is &f"n& can provide a helpf"l basis for identifyin# a Maslow driver within a #iven behavio"r! and thereby to assess where a partic"lar behavio"r fits into the modelB

1iolo#ical - health! fitness! ener#isin# mind and body! etc$ afety - order and str"ct"re needs met for e.ample by some heavily or#anised! str"ct"ral activity 1elon#in#ness - team sport! cl"b &family& and relationships >steem - competition! achievement! reco#nition elf-Act"ali*ation drivers - challen#e! new e.periences! love of art! nat"re! etc$

However in order to relate a partic"lar &doin# it for f"n& behavio"r the Hierarchy of Needs we need to consider what ma'es it &f"n& )i$e$! rewardin#+ for the person$ %f a behavio"r is &for f"n&! then consider what ma'es it &f"n& for the person - is the &f"n& rooted in &belon#in#ness&! or is it from &reco#nition&! i$e$! &esteem&$ 0r is the f"n at a deeper level! from the sense of selff"lfilment! i$e$! &self-act"ali*ation&$

Apply this approach to any behavio"r that doesn&t immediately fit the model! and it will help yo" to see where it does fit$ Maslow&s Hierarchy of Needs will be a bl"nt instr"ment if "sed as s"ch$ /he way yo" "se the Hierarchy of Needs determines the s"btlety and sophistication of the model$ ;or e.ampleB the common broad-br"sh interpretation of Maslow&s famo"s theory s"##ests that that once a need is satisfied the person moves onto the ne.t! and to an e.tent this is entirely correct$ However an overly ri#id application of this interpretation will prod"ce a ri#id analysis! and people and motivation are more comple.$ o while it is broadly tr"e that people move "p )or down+ the hierarchy! dependin# what&s happenin# to them in their lives! it is also tr"e that most people&s motivational &set& at any time comprises elements of all of the motivational drivers$ ;or e.ample! self-act!ali"ers )level 5 - ori#inal model+ are mainly foc"sed on selfact!ali"ing b"t are still motivated to eat )level 1+ and socialis

Maslows need hierarchy theory was developed by Maslow, which says that there are actually five stages in every need of the human. 1. Basic needs - The basic ammenities that an individual require for his livingness. 2. ecurity needs - !nce he gets satisfied with his basic needs, he also loo"s for his security. #. social needs - $hen he%she gets a secured life, they start loo"ing for various social aspects li"e interacting with people

and they loo" for a society for them to be supported.

Hierarchy of Needs &. self Maslow,s - esteem - The individuals see"s themselves to be respected and recogni'ed in a society.
(. elf - actuali'ation - This is the final stage where the individual ma"es themselves satisfied with all the needs and attains their ob)ective of life. Self-act!ali"ation personal #rowth and f"lfilment steem needs achievement! stat"s! responsibility! rep"tation Belongingness and Love needs family! affection! relationships! wor' #ro"p! etc$ Safety needs protection! sec"rity! order! law! limits! stability! etc$

1. Maslows Theory ofHierarchy of Needs

Subjective needs affection, acceptance, self- esteem Objective needs - food, shelter, sleep Can be Objective/Physical or Subjective Deficiency would cause a clear negative outcome - deficiency or death

Biological and Physiological needs Something that is necessary for an organism to live a healthy life 2. Needs basic life needs - air! food! drin'! shelter! warmth! se.! sleep! etc$
3. Ten Fundamental Human Needs Protection Idleness affection Creation subsistenc e Understan ding transcend ence Participati on freedom Identity
G desi#n Alan 9hapman @001--! based on

MaslowHs Hierarchy of Needs www$b"sinessballs$com$

Alan 9hapman accepts no

Not to be sold or p"blished$ More free online trainin# reso"rces are at liability$

4. The needs - MeaningNeed Meaning (having things)subsistence food, shelter, workprotection social security, health systems, workaffection friendships, family, relationships with natureunderstanding literature, teachers, policies, educationalparticipation responsibilities, duties, work, rightsleisure games, parties, peace of mindcreation abilities, skills, work, techniquesidentity language, religions, work, customs, values, normsfreedom equal rights

Maslow focused on positive qualities ofpeople (April 1, 1908 June 8, 1970) Predecessors focused on the abnormaland the illOriginal thinkerColumbia UniversityProfessor of Psychology5. Abraham Maslow

On study of exemplary people such as Albert Einstein, etc, rather than mentally crippled or mentally ill Focuses on describing the stages of growth in humans Proposed in his paper A Theory of Human Motivation, in 19436. Maslows Hierarchy of needs

7. The Hierarchal Model Being Need Deficit Needs 8. Physiological Needs 9. Physiological Needs Mostly, literal requirements for human survival If not met, the human body cannot function Metabolic needs air, water, food, rest Clothing, shelter needed by even animals Could be classified as basic animal needs

10. Safety Needs

11. Safety Needs Once physical needs are met, safety needs take over Personal including emotional Health and well-being Financial, job security Safety of property against natural disasters, calamities, wars, etc Law & order

12. Social Needs 13. Social Needs Need to love and be loved Need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance Small groups clubs, office teams, school/college houses Large groups political parties, Sports teams, facebook

14. Esteem Needs 15. Esteem Needs Need to be respected by others and in turn respect them Sense of contribution, to feel self-valued, in profession or hobby Lower - respect of others, the need for status, recognition, fame, prestige, and attention Higher - self-respect, the need for strength, competence, mastery, self-confidence, independence and freedom

16. Self Actualization Needs 17. Self Actualization Needs What a man can be, he must be Intrinsic growth of what is already in a person Growth-motivated rather than deficiency- motivated Cannot normally be reached until other lower order needs are met Rarely happens - < 1% Acceptance of facts, spontaneous, focused on problems outside self, without prejudice

18. Why do I need to know all this Psychobabble?

19. Maslows Theory in Practice in Management Products are formed and placed to satisfy a category of needs in marketing as well as advertising

20. Maslows Theory in Marketing/Advertising PN - wife/child-abuse help-lines, social security benefits, Samaritans, roadside recovery. SN- home security products, insurance, life assurance, schools. EN- cosmetics, fast cars, home improvements, furniture, fashion clothes, drinks, lifestyle products and services.

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