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LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL August 06, 2010 Muhammad Faisol Chowdhury Lecturer Department: School of Business North South University

Subject: Submission of group report Dear Sir, The purpose of this letter, as stated in the subject is the submission of this group report, on the topic Unethical issues faced by the NSU student while they are in campus, as given in class as part of the requirement for the completion of the MGT 351 course. In the process of bringing this report about, the members of team (respective names Stated below), have endeavored to their utmost to maintain the highest of qualities, in terms of writing, information collection and analysis of acquired data. The members have furthermore striven to make this report as comprehensive and relevant to the course as possible and hopefully their efforts have been amply demonstrated in the report.

We would also like to take this opportunity to put forward our most heartfelt thanks for giving this opportunity to create this report and in turn have one the most memorable experiences of our lives. If any assistance is required in the comprehension of this report, please do not hesitate to contact us.


_______________ Sabrita Mawla Safa

______________ Md. Sanzid Ahsan

____________ ______________ Salman Ahmed


Md. Foizul Hossain Md. Iftekhar Alam Page | 1


We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Almighty for blessing us with the patience, the determination and the fortitude to finish what we started. Secondly, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Course Instructor, Muhammad Faisol Chowdhury for his guidance, his ceaseless energy in egging us on in our venture in creating this report and of course his invaluable teaching throughout the BUS101 course. Furthermore we would like to express thankfulness to our friends and to our classmates without whom this reps ort would not have been possible. Their support and their suggestion in creating this report have helped this team tremendously in bringing this struggle to fruition.


We hereby declare that the project work entitled Unethical issues faced by the NSU student while they are in campus submitted to the North South University, is a record of an original work done by us under the guidance of Muhammad Faisol Chowdhury, Faculty Member and senior lecturer of North South University, and this project work has not performed the basis for the award of any Degree or diploma/ associate ship/fellowship and similar project if any. This research paper may not represent the true results because of time constrain and the sample size we took for the research purpose. We hope that it at least represent the approximate results of the true facts. At least we hope we do our best to get the real picture of the subjects of the research. The findings of these results can be use on other research purpose, of course ethically and these results could not be used as fact or prove in any real world case.

_______________ Sabrita Mawla Safa

______________ Md. Sanzid Ahsan

____________ ______________ Salman Ahmed


Md. Foizul Hossain Md. Iftekhar Alam

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Executive summary:

This HRM (Human resource management) project is going to present unethical issues faced by the students of North South University in the universitys premises , the scenario after the incidents occurred and provide suggestions on how HRM can contribute to create an ethical and fair environment for the students. For conducting the survey, we first prepared a questionnaire based on our personal experiences and the records of common unethical happenings of university. Generally, this questionnaire compiled major unethical activities which are faced by the students of North South University, actions taken and role played by the students to resolve the incident, actions taken by the university against the complaint lodged and the impact of the incidents in their lives. There were 30 students who participated in this survey. Among all unethical occurrences, unfair practice at the re-advising procedure, student getting admitted into NSU through means, sexual harassment, biasness of teachers/teachers assistants to certain students, rude behavior by the NSU administration, registrar and office employees, harassment by security guards of NSU, plagiarism, peer pressure, gender discrimination and presence of outsiders in NSU compounds got importance in the questionnaire. Sometimes student and authority took actions against the incidents through the different effective ways and sometimes they did not. After evaluating the survey papers, we came up with some suggestions on how HRM can contribute to create an ethical and fair environment for the students. We have recommended some ways such as creating a competent coupon system for re-advising, restoring faith in the evaluation process, Informal Association to monitor unethical activities and holding awareness seminars and workshops for all, prompt students counseling and creating hotline facility to accept the complain from students which HRM can apply to eliminate unethical happenings from North South University.

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Table of content
Serial Number 0. Item Letter of Transmittal Declaration Acknowledgements Executive Summary Introduction Objective Scope Methodology Limitations Literature Review Data Analysis i. Q.1 Which of these unethical incidents, if any, did you face while you have been in North South University? ii. Q.2 What actions did you take/ role did you play, in order to resolve the incident? iii. Q.3 What actions did the NSU authorities take against the complaint lodged? iv. Q.4 What was the impact of this incident on your life? Page Number 1 2 2 3 5 6 6 6 7 7-9 9-12 10 11 12 12

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0


Findings i. ii. iii. iv.

Q.1 Which of these unethical incidents, if any, did you face while you have been in North South University? Q.2 What actions did you take/ role did you play, in order to resolve the incident? Q.3 What actions did the NSU authorities take against the complaint lodged? Q.4 What was the impact of this incident on your life?

13-14 13 13-14 14 14 15-18 15-16 16-17 17 17-18 18 18


Recommendations i. Create a competent coupon system for re-advising. ii. Restore faith in the evaluation process. iii. Informal Association to monitor unethical activities. iv. Holding Awareness Seminars and Workshops for all. v. Promote student counseling. vi. Create a hotline for student complaints.

10.0 11.0 12.0

Conclusion Reference Appendix

18-19 19 20-21

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1.0 Introduction on Ethics A set of principles of right conduct is ethics. On other words a theory or a system of moral values. A code ethics often focuses on social issues; it may set out general principles about an organization's beliefs on matters such as mission, quality, privacy, or the environment. It may explain proper procedures to determine whether a violation of the code of ethics has occurred and, if so, what alternative should be required. The effectiveness of such codes of ethics depends on the extent to which management supports them with sanctions and rewards. Violations of a private organization's code of ethics usually can subject the violator to the organization's remedies (such as restraint of trade based on moral principles). The code of ethics links to and gives rise to a code of conduct for members. Basically ethics deals with the moral beliefs of the owners of the business or organization towards its stakeholders. In a non-profit organizations there is an ethics manger by HR department. Ethics officers have and continue to play a vital role in ethics for human resource management. Research suggests that successful ethics management depends more on members' perceptions of fairness, ethical leadership at all levels, and the alignment of multiple formal and informal cultural systems to support ethical conduct than it does on formal ethics programmers. HR professionals must play a key role in ethics management using HR systems to invoke fairness and ensure organizational harmony. Typically an ethics officer is responsible for developing an organization's ethics policies, creating communication related to the organization's code, planning ethics training programmers, and overseeing the ethics reporting function. An effective ethics officer knows that it is also critical to operate as part of a team that brings together many different partners: finance, marketing, operations, and especially human resources. This trust is dominant in

drawing on their knowledge and resource in order to infuse ethics throughout the organization as well as the external business environment.

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2.0 Objective The main objective of preparing this report is to ensure an ethical environment and build a good relationship among the students and university employees, and the Institute's objectives should be: To encourage and support the development of professional knowledge and competence and high standards of performance among its members; To promote understanding of all aspects of Human Resources management and development and its contribution to the performance of individuals and organizations. To provide a students perspective and recommendations on all matters affecting its members and the management and development of sound ethical standards. 3.0 Scope The scope for the application of ethical practices in human resource management is huge and varied. In fact human resources are an important form of resource in any business or Non-profit organization. Some of the unethical practices originate and expand in managing human resources. It is the responsibility of managers to create an environment which supports ethical behavior and discourages unethical behavior. Setting ethical goals alone is not enough. The manager should follow the ethical goals in daily life. The managers should pay more attention to what they do than what they say. They should take advantage of opportunities to demonstrate the ethical conduct. 4.0 Methodology This study is heavily dependent on primary data. A survey was conducted in the first week of May 2012, in class to get an idea about what types of unethical incidents students face in North South University. A sample size of 30 was used, of which 18 were male and 12 female. For secondary data books and articles on ethical issues were used.

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5.0 LIMITATIONS OF THIS RESEARCH This research had several limitations; number one being that this research was heavily dependant on data from primary research. Some other limitations were that the time period of study was for one month so it was not possible to cover all the areas and go into the depth of the problem and make analysis as a result. A relatively small sample size has been used. Some amount of error exists in the data filling process because of the following reasons: Influence of others. Misunderstanding of the concept. Hurried filling of the questionnaire. Chances of some biasness could not be eliminated

6.0 Literature Review: (Dessler, 2011) Stated, Ethics refers to the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group; specifically the standards you use to decide what your conduct should be. He also suggested that ethical decision involve two things; first it involves normative judgments which means that something is good or bad right; or wrong better or worse. Second, ethical decisions always involve questions of morality. Morality is societys highest accepted standards of behavior. The issue of business ethics has been abuzz in business schools for the past few decades. Despite business ethics being a hot cake for the B-schools, it is really thought provoking where one sees the corporate scandals done by managers who were trained in top B-schools. The case of Enron and Lehman Brothers can be used as examples.

Ethics are moral guidelines which govern good behavior. So behaving ethically is doing what is morally right. Behaving ethically in business is widely regarded as good business practice. An important distinction to remember is that behaving ethically is not quite the same thing as behaving lawfully:

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Ethics are about what is right and what is wrong Law is about what is lawful and what is unlawful A question might arise in ones mind; how do businesses ensure that its directors, managers and

employees act ethically? A common approach is to implement a code of practice. Ethical codes are increasingly popular particularly with larger businesses and cover areas such as:

Corporate social responsibility Dealings with customers and supply chain Environmental policy & actions Rules for personal and corporate integrity

Much of the recent focus on business ethics has been directed against financial corruption, especially a concern with accounting standards. The scandals involving Enron Corp. and WorldCom are two recent examples. But concern has been raised over a very broad range of issues, for example: Abuse of the worlds physical resources, and the global ecological balance (Esso); Abuse of human rights (Shell/Nigeria); Animal rights (KFC, McDonalds); Aggressive treatment of competitors (Wal-Mart); Exploitative and unscrupulous marketing (Philip Morris) (Klein, 2000). Throughout the world, unethical conducts are threatening the human race by undermining the activities of organizations both public and private. (Radda, 2009) Universities in Bangladesh, particularly North South University is not spared of unethical practices that appear to be threatening NSUs mission and vision of providing quality education for national development. (Radda, 2009) stated, The central purpose of a University in any given society is to offer an atmosphere for learning for the benefit of the

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learner, the society and humanity in general. Hence, a University must strive to identify itself with the local as well as the international needs of society. (Horn, 2009) suggested Universities are in the business of education; most professionals gain their qualifications at universities. Whistle blowing in NSU: Although Grossi (2004) suggests that whistle blowing is not a desirable business practice, conscientious employees may perceive it as the only ethical choice. (Horn, 2009) explained in an example, when academics in Australian Universities have to teach increasingly larger classes without adequate resources, severely impacting on the quality of education, their options are stark: persevere with an increasingly compromised situation; leave and let the problems fester; or speak out to expose the problems. (Horn, 2009) also stated, Many whistleblowers pay a huge price for their exposs. Their careers are often severely damaged, for example by promotion blockage, reprimands, demotion, dismissal, difficulty in gaining a new position, suspicion and shunning by peers, divorce, attempted suicide and bankruptcy. This paper found some strong evidences about unethical practices in North South University and it has also been found that despite facing these type of incidents students choose not to become whistleblowers due apprehension. NSU needs a whistleblower protection act to ensure fair operational practices throughout the campus.

7.0 Data Analysis The Data Analysis process involved evaluating the questionnaires and noting down the feedback, to compile data for drawing up bar charts for each questions asked, to help provide a graphical comparison of student pinions and response.

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i. Q.1 Which of these unethical incidents, if any, did you face while you have been in North South University?

Presence of outsiders

Gender Discrimination

Peer pressure


Harassment by security guards of NSU

Rude behavior by the NSU administration, registrar and office employees

Biasness of teachers

Sexual harassment

Student getting admitted into NSU means.

Unfair practice at the re-advising procedure






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ii. Q.2 What actions did you take/ role did you play, in order to resolve the incident?

I took no action

Spread negative word-of-mouth

Facing/Warning the offenders directly

Asked everyone in the Faculty Review Group in Facebook to be aware of the particular faculty member

Talked to parents

Talked to a senior faculty member

Whistle blowing

Asked for justice through faculty evaluation



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iii. Q.3 What actions did the NSU authorities take against the complaint lodged?

Did nothing Authority reprimianded me Expelled/suspended the student Fired the faculty Warned the student/faculty Called the student/faculty involved 0
iv. Q.4 What was the impact of this incident on your life?




No impact

Became strong and motivated

Became scared if retalliations Became frustrated and did unethical activities Relation with faculty decides grades

Became de-motivated 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

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8.0 Findings i. Findings for Q.1 Which of these unethical incidents, if any, did you face while you have been in North South University? Out of the 30 respondents - 28 marked unfair practices at the re-advising procedure, 8 marked Student getting admitted into NSU means, 1 marked Sexual harassment, 14 marked Biasness of teachers, 18 marked Rude behavior by the NSU administration, registrar and office employees, 4 marked Harassment by security guards of NSU, 6 marked Plagiarism, 6 marked Peer pressure, 4 marked Gender discrimination and 10 marked Presence of outsiders. From the response we can see that over 90% of the respondents have faced or observed malpractices during the re-advising sessions. This is a cause for grave concern as these unethical activities seems to be affecting almost the whole student body. The second most prevalent unethical activity is the misconduct by NSUs administrative department; the department that is supposed to be responsible for clearly communicating and answering any student queeries. Biasness of teachers and faculty members also had a high response rate, as some teachers seem to be giving grades based on non-academic elements. The presence of outsiders in the NSU campus is another activity to cause concern as IUB students have been seen loitering in campus. Other listed unethical activities - Sexual harassment, Harassment by security guards of NSU, Plagiarism, Peer pressure, Gender discrimination were not so frequently faced by the respondents and had a lower response rate. ii. Findings for Q.2 What actions did you take/ role did you play, in order to resolve the incident? Out of the 30 respondents - 9 marked Asked for justice through faculty evaluation, 3 marked Whistle blowing, 6 marked Talked to a senior faculty member, 12 marked Talked to parents, 5 marked Asked everyone in the Faculty Review Group in Facebook to be aware of the particular faculty member , 3 marked Facing/Warning the offenders directly, 10 marked Spread negative word-of-mouth, 14 marked I took no action. Page | 13

Most respondents preferred to turn a blind eye towards the unethical activities they had been facing, and mostly resigned to confiding to their parents in hopes of them filing a complaint to NSU authorities. A third had looked to raise awareness through faculty evaluation and warning their friends through word of mouth and social networking sites, with only 3 respondents willing to file complaints directly to authorities. iii. Findings for Q.3 What actions did the NSU authorities take against the complaint lodged? Out of the 30 respondents 6 marked Called the student/faculty involved, 7 marked Warned the student/faculty, 7 marked Fired the faculty member, 1 marked Expelled/suspended the student, 0 marked Authority reprimanded me, 16 marked Did nothing. Most respondents saw their complaints lead to no actions being taken by authorities; this trend may answer why so students are reluctant to go to authorities to lodge complaints. But there were cases where the guilty parties have been summoned and were warned, suspended, fired (in case of faculty member), and expulsion. It is encouraging to see that those that did lodge complaints were not reprimanded for doing so. iv. Findings for Q.4 What was the impact of this incident on your life? Out of the 30 respondents- 16 marked Became de-motivated, 9 marked Relation with faculty decides grades, 7 marked Became frustrated and did unethical activities, 2 marked Became scared if retaliations, 2 marked Became strong and motivated, 9 marked No impact. Majority of respondents were de-motivated due to unethical activities on campus and the lack of initiative shown by authorities to take any form of action against these activities. Some came to the conclusion of complaints being futile and decided to participate in the unethical activities themselves. The 9 respondents that did mark No Impact were mostly those that decided not to take any action at all.

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9.0 Recommendations: We have done a survey based on our topic that was Unethical incidents that occurred to our classmates while they were in North South University. Undoubtedly, this survey revealed the most pointed unethical issues which occur in universitys premises. Among all unethical occurrences, unfair practice at the readvising procedure, student getting admitted into NSU through means, sexual harassment, biasness of teachers/teachers assistants to certain students, rude behavior by the NSU administration, registrar and office employees, harassment by security guards of NSU, plagiarism, peer pressure, gender discrimination and presence of outsiders in NSU compounds poked the most of the students of North South University at a remarkable rate, but the matter of sorrow is that the result of these unethical activates drew a negative impact in students mind. Even, in some extend, students became de-motivated, frustrated which badly affected in their studies. That is why , to eliminate these unexpected conditions, to hold the legendary reputation of North South University , we have come out with some suggestions that how HRM can contribute to create an ethical and fair environment for the students. i. Create a competent coupon system for re-advising :

In finding part, we have notified about that over 90% of the respondents have faced or observed malpractices during the re-advising sessions. Without delaying more, we have dedicated our whole concentration on finding a solution to this problem and have tried to come up with a new way for the readvising process. It is a competent coupon system for re-advising. Under this system, students who need to do re-advising will get a coupon. Certain conditions apply, which should be strictly maintained, such as: one coupon per student and students id number will be printed in the coupon. Students will be required to type their id into the system to receive coupon. Therefore, HR department has to enrich the HRIS (Human Resource Information System) to ensure the application of competent coupon system. The system should be maintained and monitored by security personnel. Furthermore, a schedule should be provided and the time of re-advising will depend on coupon number. Another important fact is that

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coupon numbers should be carried onto following day and will not be renewed at the start of each day. Moreover, student will not be allowed for re-advising more than two times. If any student tries to access in the re-advising for the third time, he/she will be caught by the system. In this competent coupon system, time management has to be very effective. Authority has to fix the time slot for each students re advising. For example, authorities will take 15 minutes to complete the re-advising procedure for every 5 students. Students who will miss his/her scheduled time will not be allowed for immediate re-advising. He/she has to take another coupon that means he/she will take the last chance of the re-advising. Hopefully, this competent coupon system will minimize the rough situation which students and faculties face during the re-advising moment. At least, students do not have to go to seek help from the faculties who deal with the re-advising or the members of YES club members who take the responsibility to maintain the discipline for the period of the re-advising, so that, they can re-advice many times, can break the queue and without waiting can access in re-advising venue. All of these discrimination and unethical behavior will be under control as re-advising procedure will be done under a proper system. ii. Restore faith in the evaluation process:

Faculty evaluation process is done by students at the last week of each semester. Students are required to evaluate the course and facultys overall performance. Does the faculty follow up to date teaching method? Does he/she invigilate the exam hall strictly or flexibly? Does he/she express biasness towards some students? And does he/she check the exam scripts properly and submit these on relevant time? All of these questions are included in the evaluation sheet. If students properly take participation on teacher evaluation, they can get relief from some unethical activities such as biasness of teacher, not providing the feedback of exams. But students are careless in this issue. There are so many students who are not doing evaluation from last three/four semesters. The main reason for their indifference is because the teacher evaluation is viewed as nothing more than being a prerequisite for getting their final grades, and their evaluation has no real impact on how NSU evaluates faculty members.

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That is why; there should be a system that will not allow the students to do advising if they do not take participation in faculty evaluation. Moreover, faculty evaluation sheet should be more precise. Authority overlooks a considerable issue that is duty and responsibility of teaching assistant. In the evaluation sheet a note should be included that does the faculty monitor his/her TAs duty or responsibility? or does facultys TA deal with unethical activities? We are concern about that issue because there are some teaching assistant of some facultys who give preference to their friends and even his/her siblings friends also in the grading policy. In addition, universitys authority should analyze the completed application of evaluation with due responsibility and within a minimum time, so that they can create an ethical and fair environment for the students and provide visible results for the whole student body to see. iii. Informal Association to monitor unethical activities:

The students of North South University participate in a whole gamut of activities under 14 different clubs. Clubs are run by students and supervised by faculty advisors. So, there is room for another club or association named Ethics Club. This club will pursue unbiased decision making and it will be formed by ethically sound individuals. Like other clubs, this club will be supervised by faculty advisors too. The main motto of this club will be to support the authority to create an ethical environment in the university. Students who will be troubled by unethical conditions in the university, they can share their problems and seek help from this club authority to come out from unexpected environments. iv. Holding Awareness Seminars and Workshops for all:

Under the Ethics Clubs supervision seminars and workshops based on ethical topics can be held to raise awareness among the students, faculties and everyone associated with NSU. It can clarify ethical rights, can teach students how to face ethical dilemmas and highlight NSUs ethical guideline s and code of conduct. Teacher should be made aware of these ethical guidelines as well and how to conduct

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themselves with their students. NSU staff members that are in charge of cleaning and security should also be made to attend these seminars on how to interact with students and faculty members. v. Promote student counseling:

At level #4, in the NSUs Administrative building, we have a counseling office. Unfortunately, most of the students are unaware of its existence in NSU. On the other hand, many are shy and reluctant to meet the counselor. Whether, it can help students to cope with unethical incidents and can provide advice on what to do. Universitys authority can mention about this facility during the orientation program and faculty members also can inform the students about this counseling office in class, so that students can get mental support, get relief from frustration and motivated towards their duty during the critical situation they face in their life. vi. Create a hotline for student complaints

HRM department can create a hotline for students complaints. Students can complain to the HR department directly and this can be done unanimously over the phone. Now the question can arise that if HR department gets blank call then what would be the situations. Yes, blank call will definitely ring in hotlines numbers. Whatever, HR departments only will take actions when they will justify the complaints and come up with result that yes, this unethical activities have been practiced. And they will achieve this competency through the working experience. For example, if any unethical activity really occurred, obviously, they will receive more and more complaints on same issues. However, it is a quite lengthy process, but in the long run; it will be one of the successful steps to provide fair and ethical environment for the students. 10.0 Conclusion According to the guideline, we have surveyed among our classmates and revealed the major unethical incidents faced by students of North South University. After observing the unethical issues,

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evaluating the steps taken by victims, the response from university authorities after the filing of complains of identified unethical activities and noticing the impact of these incidents on students lives, we have recommended some steps which could help eliminate these unethical practices in North South University. This will help ensure an ethically sound environment, if we implement these recommendations such as; creating a competent coupon system for re-advising, restoring faith in the evaluation process, Informal Association to monitor unethical activities and holding awareness seminars and workshops for all. So, implementations of these recommendations have to be done in true sense. In this case, authority of university has to be more forthcoming and active in taking actions eagerly. On the other hand, students also have to create awareness against the unethical issues like cheating in exam hall, plagiarism, sexual harassment and peer pressure among themselves as student life is the proper stage of understanding good or bad and right or wrong things. Overall, we believe that everyones willingness to make an ethical and fair environment will support HRM a lot to put the recommendations into practice for ensuring elimination of unethical activities in North South University. 11.0 Reference:

Dessler, G. (2011). Human Resource Management. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Grossi, G 2004, Do we really need heroes? The Internal Auditor, 61 (1). Horn, M. Whistleblowing experiences: can we really do anything? Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity. New South Wales. Radda, S. I. (2009). UNETHICAL PRACTICES IN THE NIGERIAS UNIVERSITY SYSTEM: PATTERN, CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS. Retrieved 08 04, 2012, from http://www.benafrica.org: http://www.benafrica.org/downloads/Radda,%20Sadiq.pdf http://tutor2u.net/business/strategy/business-ethics-introduction.html
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Human Resource Management (MGT351) Survey on Ethical Dilemmas faced in NSU Gender: _______ Age:______ Semester: ______ Major:______ Home District:______

Q.1 Which of these unethical incidents, if any, did you face while you have been in North South University? Unfair practice at the re-advising procedure. Student getting admitted into NSU means. Sexual harassment Biasness of teachers/teachers assistants to certain students. Rude behavior by the NSU administration, registrar and office employees. Harassment by security guards of NSU. Plagiarism. Peer pressure. Gender Discrimination. Presence of outsiders in NSU compounds. Others ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Q.2 What actions did you take/ role did you play, in order to resolve the incident? Asked for justice through faculty evaluation. Filed complaint against the person to the Dean/Chairperson [Whistle blowing]. Talked to a senior faculty member. Talked to parents regarding the problem. Asked everyone in the Faculty Review Group in Facebook to be aware of the particular faculty member. Facing/Warning the offenders directly. Spread negative word-of-mouth to peers. I took no action. Others ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Q.3 What actions did the NSU authorities take against the complaint lodged?
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Called the student/faculty who were involved in the unethical activities. Warned the student/faculty member. Fired the faculty member Expelled/suspended the student. The authority instead reprimanded for making these types of complaints. Did nothing to resolve this matter. Others ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Q.4 What was the impact of this incident on your life? Became de-motivated and it affected my studies. Came to believe good grades can only be earned through good relations with the faculty. Became frustrated and got involved with the unethical activities myself. I became scared of retaliations as a result of my whistle blowing, and stopped coming to NSU. I became strong and motivated as my complaints were received and acted on. Others ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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