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nea|th 2
I|re 1
keact|v|ty 1
Mater|a| Safety Data Sheet
Sect|on I-Genera| Informat|on
ulsLrlbuLed by: klng 8esearch, lnc 24 nour Lmergency 1e|ephone Number:
7023 W. Marcla 8d.
Mllwaukee Wl 33223
Veo||a Lnv|ronmenta| Serv|ces Inc.
1elephone for lnformaLlon: (414) 977-1449

uaLe repared: 10/23/12
uaLe rlnLed: 10/23/12
repared by: CA ueparLmenL

Sect|on II- nazardous Ingred|ents]Ident|ty Informat|on
CAS# nazardous CSnA
Cther L|m|ts
by We|ght
*lsopropyl alcohol 67-63-0 ?es 400 ppm 400 ppm 400 ppm nA
ulmeLhyl benzyl
ammonlum chlorlde
68424-83-1 ?es n/L n/L n/L nA
*Sodlum nlLrlLe 7632-00-0 ?es n/L n/L n/L nA
*SAkA 1|t|e III Sect|on 313 keportab|e

Sect|on III hys|ca|]Chem|ca| Character|st|cs
8o|||ng o|nt: 100 C Spec|f|c Grav|ty Q2SC: 0.990-1.020
Vapor ressure (mm ng) n/A Me|t|ng o|nt: noL Appllcable
Vapor Dens|ty (A|r = 1) n/A Lvaporat|on kate
(8uty| Acetate = 1)
noL Appllcable
So|ub|||ty |n Water: CompleLe Vo|at||es by Vo|ume noL Appllcable


Appearance and Cdor: uark blue llquld wlLh
pleasanL odor.

Sect|on IV- I|re and Lxp|os|on nazard Data
I|ash o|nt: 92 l, Small scale
Closed Cup AS1M u3278/u3828

Lxt|ngu|sh|ng Med|a: MeLhods sulLable for Lhe surroundlng flre such as Carbon dloxlde, WaLer, ury Chemlcal
Spec|a| I|re I|ght rocedures: non needed
Unusua| I|re and Lxp|os|on nazards: n/A

Sect|on V- Stab|||ty and keact|v|ty Data
Stab|||ty: SLable nazardous Decompos|t|on roducts: none
nazardous o|ymer|zat|on: Wlll noL occur Incompat|b|||t|es: n/A

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Cond|t|ons to Avo|d: LxLreme LemperaLures
Sect|on VI nea|th nazard Data
koutes of Lntry:
*Skln ConLacL * Lye ConLacL *lngesLlon *lnhalaLlon
Carc|nogen|c|ty: NC lngredlenLs llsLed as carclnogens by Lhe n1 (naLlonal 1oxlcology rogram) or Lhe lA8C
(lnLernaLlonal Agency for 8esearch on Cancer) or regulaLed by CSPA.
nea|th nazards: lrrlLaLlng Lo skln and eyes.
S|gns and Symptoms of Lxposure:
Lyes: 8urnlng sensaLlon, waLerlng, or redness.
Sk|n: lrrlLaLlon may occur ln rare lnsLances.
Inha|at|on: rolonged lnhalaLlon exposure may cause nausea, dlzzlness or dlsorlenLaLlon.
Med|ca| Cond|t|ons Genera||y Aggravated by Lxposure: none known

Sect|on VII- I|rst A|d Measures
Lmergency and I|rst A|d rocedures
Inha|at|on: 8emove Lo fresh alr.
Ingest|on: urlnk 1-2 glasses of waLer. lf sympLoms perslsL, seek medlcal aLLenLlon. uo noL lnduce vomlLlng
wlLhouL medlcal advlce. robable mucosal damage may conLralndlcaLe Lhe use of gasLrlc lavage. lngesLlon
of large quanLlLles (greaLer Lhan 30 ml) can cause clrculaLory shock. Seek lmmedlaLe medlcal aLLenLlon.
Sk|n Contact: Wash llberally wlLh soap and waLer. lf on cloLhes, wash before reuse.
Lye Contact: llush wlLh waLer for 13-20 mlnuLes.

Sect|on VIII- recaut|ons for Safe nand||ng and Use
nand||ng: Avold lngesLlon and eye conLacL.
Storage: kLL Cu1 Cl 8LACP Cl CPlLu8Ln.

Sect|on Ik- Acc|denta| ke|ease Measures
Sp|||s: Sma|| Sp|||s- (|ess than 1 ga||on) May be washed down a draln wlLh loLs of waLer or cleaned up and
dlsposed of lnLo a sanlLary sewer sysLem. Large Sp|||s- (greater than 1 ga||on) Absorb wlLh an lnerL maLerlal and
Lake Lo an approprlaLe wasLe dlsposal faclllLy.
D|sposa| Cons|derat|ons: 1hls producL ls noL consldered a 8C8A Pazardous WasLe as ldenLlfled ln lederal
8egulaLlons 40 Cl8 261. ulspose of producL by uslng ln accordance wlLh label dlrecLlons or ln compllance wlLh
local, sLaLe, and federal laws and regulaLlons (conLacL local or sLaLe envlronmenLal agency for speclflc rules).

Sect|on k-Contro| Measures and ersona| rotect|on
Vent||at|on and kesp|ratory rotect|on: Ceneral venLllaLlon ls normally adequaLe.
Lng|neer|ng Contro|s: Mechan|ca| (Genera|): normally sufflclenL.
Loca| Lxhaust: noL normally needed.
Sk|n rotect|on: 8ubber Cloves
Lye rotect|on: use SafeLy Classes when splashlng lnLo Lhe eyes ls posslble.
Work]nyg|ene ract|ces: A rubber or lmpervlous apron ls recommended when handllng quanLlLles greaLer Lhan 1

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Sect|on kI-1ransportat|on Informat|on
kCLk SnIING NAML : llammable llquld n.o.s. (lsopropyl alcohol)
UN NUM8Lk: 1993
ACkING GkCU: lll
nC1 uC1 8LCuLA1Lu unuL8 nC8MAL ACkAClnC CCnllCu8A1lCnS. LxLM1 unuL8 1PL ACuLCuS ALCCPCL
LxLM1lCn Cl 49 Cl8 173.130.

1he lnformaLlon hereln ls presenLed ln good falLh and belleved Lo be accuraLe as of Lhe effecLlve daLe shown above. Powever, no warranLy, expressed or
lmplled ls glven. lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe user Lo comply wlLh all lederal, SLaLe and Local laws and regulaLlons.

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