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World History Tests!

! Test 1 - Introduction and Chapter 1! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

1. Archaeologists study _____, or objects made by humans.! a) rivers! b) animals! c) artifact! d) oceans! 2. The keeping of animals and the growing of food is known as:! a) systematic agriculture! b) barter ! c) hunter and gathering 3. Skilled workers who made products such as weapons and jewelry.! a) farmers! b) anthropologists! c) artisans! d) priests! 4. Where did early civilization develop?! a) deserts! b) river valleys! c) mountain valleys! d) forests! 5. Who led most governments in early civilization?! a) monarchs! b) warriors! c) artisans! d) nobles! 6. why was writing developed?! a) to describe court life! b) to write poetry!

d) paleolithic agriculture!

c) to keep records!

d) to write songs!

7. a person who studies human life and culture through fossils! a) anthropologists! b) linguist! c) archeologist! d) culturalist! 8. the belief in many gods! a) zoroastrianism! b) monotheism!

c) polytheism! !

d) animism!

9. human-like creature, who walked upright are known as! a) hominids! b) bipeds! c) aborigines! ! d) humanoids! 10. People who move from place to place in search of food.! a) nomads! b) wanderers! c) entrepreneurs! d) herders! 11. a complex culture shared by a large number of people! a) culture! b) civilization! c) community! d) communes! 12. _____ are human, plant or animal remains! a) fragments! b) fossils! c) artifacts! d) rudiments! 13. the period before written records! a) posthistory! b) history! c)prehistory!

d) pashistory!

14.a government in which people hold power directly! a) republic! b) democracy! c) dictatorship! d) monarchy!

Matching - choose either a) Traditional!

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b) Command! c) Market!

d) mixed!

15. when the government makes all the economic decisions! 16. when a society produces what it needs to survive! 17. businesses and industries produce and sell goods for money! 18. individuals and the government share economic decisions! 19. The movement od customs or ideas from one place to another is called ______! a) cultural movement! b) cultural diffusion! c) cultural customization! d) racism! 20. the development of language was important to human society because it allowed people to! a) travel further! b) communicate! c) improve farming! d) hunt animals! 21. a country such as Cuba where a ruler hold power by force is known as a ! a) dictatorship! b) democracy! c) monarchy! d) republic! 22. river valleys were important areas for early civilizations for all of the following reasons EXCEPT! a) fertile soil ! b) water supply! c) trade! d) they were in higher elevations! 23. the term racism can be dened as! a) the idea that the Earth is the center of the universe! b) the goal of making cultures all equal! c) belief that one racial group is superior to another! d) judging other cultures by the standards of ones own culture! 24. the study of people, places, and things and how they relate to each other is called:! a) geography!b) topography! c) anthropology! d) sociology! 25. which of the following is considered the cornerstone of culture! a) social classes! b) religion! c) government!! d) language! 26. latitude is measured north and south of an imaginary like called the! a) prime meridian! b) equator! c) tropic of cancer! d) tropic of capricorn! 27. all of the following are elements of civilization EXCEPT:! a) cities! b) technology! c) written language! d) religion! 28. the ___ is the line of longitude that runs through Greenwich, England! a) equator! b) tropic of cancer! c) prime meridian! d) tropic of cancer! 29. The ___ is sometimes called the old stone age! a) ice age! b) paleolithic age! c) prehistoric age!

d) neolithic age!

30. which of the following is a true statement about early humans?! a) early man could walk! b) early man learned to walk as a result of the development of tools! c) early man walked upright before the use of tools! d) early man !

31. _____ is believed to be the most important development in human history! a) controlling the re!b) creation of bronze weapons c) invention of the wheel d) systematic agriculture!

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32. what was discovered ub a cave in Lascaux, France in 1940?! a) the bones of a wooly mammoth! b) cave paintings! c) the oldest piece of pottery d) the rst wheel! 33. louis and mary leakey discovered the skeleton of a hominid that was ____ years old! a) 10 million! b) 1.8 millions! c) 100 million! d) 8 million! 34. all of the following are true about the Paleolithic Age EXCEPT:! a) learning to control re! b) they were hunter-gatherers! c) it was a society of equals! d) a written language was created! 35. how did early humans adapt in order to survive?! a) followed human migrations ! b) painting cave art! records! 36. which invention made hunting easier for early human?! a) cave art! b) re! c) the spear! d) farming! 37. which neolithic development led to the growth of cities?! a) farming! b) inventing the wheel!c) bronze! d) the discovery of gold! 38. the ranking of people within a society based upon wealth, birth, or occupation is called ones;! a) social class! b) ethnicity! c) dictatorship! d) nuclear family! 39. the type of society in which men dominate is called;! a) patriarchal!! b) matriarchal! ! c) multicultural!

c) lived in isolation!

d) keeping of


40. in 1974, Donald Johanasson discovered the Skeleton of Australopithecus in Etheopia. he named it:! a) aussie! b) lucy! c) david jr ! d) janice!

Vocab:! 1. relative location! 2. migration! 3. extended family! 4. social classes! 5. polytheism! 6. republic! 7. cultural diffusion! 8. ethnocentrism! 9. culture! 10. nuclear family!

written: name 5 themes of geography, explain and give an example of each!

Answer Key!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

c! a! c! s! a! c! a! c! a! a! b! b! c! b! b! a! c! d! b! b! a! d! c! a! d! b! b! c! b! c! d! b! b! d! a! c! a! a! a! b!

Vocab: ! 1. relative location - location in comparison to something well known! 2. migration - movement from one place to another! 3. extended family - several generations living in one household! 4. social classes - rank of people in order of status! 5. polytheism - believe in multiple gods! 6. republic - form of government in there leader is not a king and certain citizens have the right to vote! 7. cultural diffusion - movement ideas from one group to another. this can happen through war or peaceful means. people will adapt or take an idea and change it to t their culture! 8. ethnocentrism - judging other cultures by the standards of your own! 9. culture - the way of life a people follows! 10. nuclear family - a family consisting of a par of adults and their children !

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