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Blows the lid off UFO secrecy

Earth: An Alien Enterprise is a stunning book that blows the lid off government denial of contact with UFOs. The subtitle says it all: The shocking truth behind the greatest cover-up in human history. Timothy Good has a long history of meticulous investigations, beginning with the classic Above Top Secret, in 1987. His latest work is quite thorough and leaves no doubt about the massive cover-up of alien phenomena a hidden history that seems ready to burst at the seams due to the well documented leaks from qualified sources and undeniable eye-witness accounts. This book adds new cases to his basic argument and fills in gaps from previous UFO reports. The first few chapters seem designed to introduce the new-comer to the wide variety of experiences and the high strangeness that permeates the alien contact arena, including telepathic communications, the different types of aliens, and historic contacts with both individuals and groups. I find his references lend credence to his claims and provide resources for other researchers to follow. I also appreciate how he allows credence for critics and naysayers by admitting to alternative explanations for some of the more eyebrow raising allegations. Nevertheless, the sheer volume, consistency, and comprehensive coverage of first-hand reports leads the reader to conclude that something very strange is going on. The later chapters are a gold-mine for UFO researchers, featuring the history of alien contact with government officials dating back to the Eisenhower administration. Mr. Goods coverage is open minded and includes recent developments into a multitude of interrelated topics, such as ancient astronauts, alien technology sharing, spiritual advancements, remote viewing, cattle mutilations, and infiltration by alien-human hybrids. The only criticism I can come up with is that there are so many cases the book is more like an encyclopedia of alien contact than anything that its easy to become overwhelmed by the number and magnitude of so many studies. At some point you want to scream, What does it all mean, Timothy?! Is there really a secret satellite government perpetuating the cover-up? Is the secrecy about to collapse due to its own weight? Are aliens making an end-run around the information blockade, going directly to groups and individuals? You ARE able to reach some conclusions, but its not because the author presents them on a silver platter, but rather they emerge as the only logical explanation for such well documented reports.

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