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Barack Obama is on track to have the most spectacularly failed presidency since

Woodrow Wilson.

In the modern era, we've seen several failed presidencies--led by Jimmy Carter and
LBJ. Failed presidents have one strong common trait-- they are repudiated, in the
vernacular, spat out. Of course, LBJ wisely took the exit ramp early, avoiding a
shove into oncoming traffic by his own party. Richard Nixon indeed resigned in
disgrace, yet his reputation as a statesman has been partially restored by his
triumphant overture to China.

George Bush Jr didn't fail so much as he was perceived to have been too much of a
patrician while being uncomfortable with his more conservative allies. Yet George
Bush Sr is still perceived as a man of uncommon decency, loyal to the enduring
American character of rugged self-determination, free markets, and generosity.
George W will eventually be treated more kindly by historians as one whose
potential was squashed by his own compromise of conservative principles, in some
ways repeating the mistakes of his father, while ignoring many lessons in
executive leadership he should have learned at Harvard Business School. Of course
George W could never quite overcome being dogged from the outset by half of the
nation convinced he was electorally illegitimate -- thus aiding the resurgence of
the liberal wing of the Democratic Party.

But, Barack Obama is failing. Failing big. Failing fast. And failing everywhere:
foreign policy, domestic initiatives, and most importantly, in forging connections
with the American people. The incomparable Dorothy Rabinowitz in the Wall Street
Journal put her finger on it: He is failing because he has no understanding of
the American people, and may indeed loathe them. Fred Barnes of the Weekly
Standard says he is failing because he has lost control of his message, and is
overexposed. Clarice Feldman of American Thinker produced a dispositive commentary
showing that Obama is failing because fundamentally he is neither smart nor
articulate; his intellectual dishonesty is conspicuous by its audacity and lack of

But, there is something more seriously wrong: How could a new president riding in
on a wave of unprecedented promise and goodwill have forfeited his tenure and
become a lame duck in six months? His poll ratings are in free fall. In generic
balloting, the Republicans have now seized a five point advantage. This truly is
unbelievable. What's going on?

No narrative. Obama doesn't have a narrative. No, not a narrative about himself.
He has a self-narrative, much of it fabricated, cleverly disguised or written by
someone else. But this self-narrative is isolated and doesn't connect with us. He
doesn't have an American narrative that draws upon the rest of us. All successful
presidents have a narrative about the American character that intersects with
their own where they display a command of history and reveal an authenticity at
the core of their personality that resonates in a positive endearing way with the
majority of Americans. We admire those presidents whose narratives not only touch
our own, but who seem stronger, wiser, and smarter than we are. Presidents we
admire are aspirational peers, even those whose politics don't align exactly with
our own: Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Harry Truman, Ike, Reagan.

But not this president. It's not so much that he's a phony, knows nothing about
economics, is historically illiterate, and woefully small minded for the size of
the task-- all contributory of course. It's that he's not one of us. And whatever
he is, his profile is fuzzy and devoid of content, like a cardboard cutout made
from delaminated corrugated paper. Moreover, he doesn't command our respect and is
unable to appeal to our own common sense. His notions of right and wrong are
repugnant and how things work just don't add up. They are not existential. His
descriptions of the world we live in don't make sense and don't correspond with
our experience.

In the meantime, while we've been struggling to take a measurement of this man,
he's dissed just about every one of us--financiers, energy producers, banks,
insurance executives, police officers, doctors, nurses, hospital administrators,
post office workers, and anybody else who has a non-green job. Expect Obama to
lament at his last press conference in 2012: "For those of you I offended, I
apologize. For those of you who were not offended, you just didn't give me enough
time; if only I'd had a second term, I could have offended you too."

Mercifully, the Founders at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 devised a useful

remedy for such a desperate state--staggered terms for both houses of the
legislature and the executive. An equally abominable Congress can get voted out
next year. With a new Congress, there's always hope of legislative gridlock until
we vote for president again two short years after that.

Yes, small presidents do fail, Barack Obama among them. The coyotes howl but the
wagon train keeps rolling along.

Another Failed Presidency

By Geoffrey P. Hunt


Comments on "Another Failed Presidency"

Posted by: Pragmatist

Aug 30, 11:23 PM

Why all the hand wringing the naive, gullible, hysterical, emotional and in the
case of Blacks Racist voters of the USA have elected a completely undocumented
Marxist Mohammedan BOGUS POTUS Barrack,you can call me HUSSEIN now I won, Obama.
So why the surprise when Mohammedans and radical Black communists are crawling out
from under their stones and being given posts where they can do the most damage in
his administration. This is CHANGE that will kill you USA there is no HOPE.

Posted by: JRG3

Aug 31, 12:06 AM

Yes and his will be a spectacular failure! A 4th of July fireworks grande finale
sized failure with a horizon of exploding stars, the smell of sulphur in the air,
and the stirring notes of the 1812 Overture ringing through the air. Crowds will
rise to their feet and applaud. His failure will be memorable. It will be
immortalized in song and poem and prose. His name will become anathema in
politics. His ignominious fall will be so momentous they will put his picture next
to the word failure in the dictionary. Such is what happens with hubris when one's
reach exceeds one's grasp. And he will get plenty of help from Nancy and Harry and
the rabid end of Democratic party. With friends like those..... If it would only
happen soon before he does more damage.
Posted by: tanarg
Aug 31, 12:17 AM

We should have been able to expose him ourselves, with or without the media.

Next time, we'd better get our act together to prevent another monster from
getting in the White House.

I think there's hope, Pragmatist, that his hands can be tied NOW and that he might
even resign. After all, he's going to not know how to handle things from here on

Posted by: nom de guerre

Aug 31, 12:32 AM

"george HW bush (lost) because he was perceived as too patrician"???

why why WHY do media people insist on refusing to mention the *actual* reason ghw
bush (and dole) lost to clinton?? remember ross perot? short talky fella? ran on a
3rd party, split the gop vote? (and spare me, pls, any lectures on how 'democrats
voted for perot too'.) is there some sort of media style-book out there that
insists on ignoring perot in order to make clinton look much more popular than he
actually was? it seems to be (grudgingly) acknowledged by media people that wilson
got elected because roosevelt split the gop vote in 1912. will we have to wait 50
or 60 years before we're allowed to write the truth about papa bush and bubba?

papa bush and dole lost because perot sucked votes away from them. simple as that.

Posted by: AnneH

Aug 31, 12:58 AM

Bush 43 may have had a questionable election in the first go-round, but he was
undoubtedly elected our leader-in-chief the second time, which to me, gives
validity to his first election. To compare the obamanation to LBJ and Carter is
like trying to compare current day Cuba to Germany during the 1930's. Castro only
wants to control his own nation. He is a puppet for other nations who have since
lost control of their own revolutions. Hitler wanted to control the world. His
self-controlled power was lost through his destruction by his own hands.

obama's goal is to eventually destroy America or at the least to bring her to the
socialist level of countries beneath her past strengths. The powers that control
obama (because, let's face it, obama is not the one in control) will continue to
seek destruction of our Constitution with or without obama and his cast of
characters. They use things like accusations of racism or the illusion of
equality, to bring about control of the people. To dumb us down is the main goal
so they eventually seek their ultimate desire of control - financial, physical,
and spiritual.

Keep your cupboards well-stocked, your ammunition and first aid as well. Continue
to read the words of our nation's forefathers. The first knock on your door will
be the census-takers. Answer only the most necessary of questions to fulfill your
duty as citizens. The census takers are paid to narc on you. They are Acorn-
enlisted. They are Step One in control of this nation. After that, they will come
for your cap and trade payments, health insurance installments, then your
computers and guns.
Posted by: higgins1990
Aug 31, 01:17 AM

He does have a narrative, but like you said, it doesn't intersect with most of
ours. Obama's narrative is the liberal post-modern narrative where America is an
evil empire leaving victims in her wake as 'the rich and powerful' exploit and
oppress, that says that people in the mid-west cling to their guns and religion, a
narrative that re-writes history and perverts facts so that Obama can say things
like "we are the people we've been waiting for". It is a narrative of power, a
narrative repeated by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol-Pot, Chavez and every other
tyrant and dictator.

Posted by: Charm

Aug 31, 02:22 AM

The article expresses just about everything I believe about the man. I'm just not
sure if there are enough of us that see it. I hope so. But then what? What is the
damage going to be to us, our country and future generations? Obama and the Dem
leadership are incredibly destructive people. I don't see any evidence that the
citizens of this country matter to them at all. How will we contain the damage
they will try to do? Look at what they have done in 6 months.

Posted by: John Galt

Aug 31, 02:28 AM

Mr. Hunt,

Extremely well written piece exposing Obama for what he is and isn't. Thank you.

To AnneH:
Locked and loaded, ma'am. food, water, ammo. the enemy is in the perimeter.

Posted by: SenatorMark4

Aug 31, 02:32 AM

Although I agree that there are major problems with the Obama administration and I
don't like, at all, the people he's putting in positions of power, any failure
that comes this way gets shared by both parties. The Republicans cannot find
anything they believe in even at this point. It may be easier to sit on the fence
and laugh at the parade of marxist fools walking down American highways in their
yellow Che shirt waving the American flag but the fact is they don't have ANYTHING
to add. America learned from the Republicans that politicians will say anything to
get elected. America has learned from the democrats that they will do anything
once elected. You'd think all these genius ivy league "public" servants would be
able to find at least four (4!) clear policies that could inspire America again.

Posted by: SenatorMark4

Aug 31, 02:32 AM

Posted by: Boris Whorelock

Aug 31, 02:53 AM
Someone should kick McCain in the nuts.


For withstanding torture from communists for 5 years only to hand over the country
to a blatant communist.

All he had to do to stop the destruction of our country was open his mouth during
the early primaries about Obama's communist mentors, political alliances and

He couldn't even open up his mouth to save the country.

Posted by: tc
Aug 31, 03:08 AM

Nicely written, sir.

Begs the question of whether BO is going to continue to be the functionary for his
puppetmasters and have his legacy tarnished for them or choose to someday stand up
and be his own boss simply as a measure to save his own bacon. As of today, he's
50% cooked.

Posted by: cedarhill

Aug 31, 04:03 AM

Mostly, I think, it was his first 10 years of life that formed his distorted
perception of the USA.
Like Obama, I was born overseas of American parent(s). Although I attended grade
school primily in the US, one knows at a very early age that you are somehow
different. Just going to the globe and showing where you were born to your
classmates puts you in a different category. Obama, for him, was born "overseas"
when he started school in Indonesia. His peers would have asked the same questions
and he would have shown them Hawaii (after 1959 a state). His peers would not have
been just curious but very likely branded America to the extent that little old
Barry would have to have gone out of his way to avoid being the "ugly" American.
He may have developed his deceitful character that has been so good to him at that
time, given he's so expertly sincere when telling Obama's (that's lies,
misinformation and deceit to Libs).

As the Jesuits have said, give me the a boy until he's ten and I'll show you the
man. His later years in the Land of the Elite Socialists simply reinforced this to
the point where he views himself as a historic person out to make America conform
to the rest of the world. And thus, he has no real understanding of American
founding principles and uniqueness of individual freedoms. Freedom is just a
talking point to him.

In the end, Barry is just a little Indonesian boy raised reacting as one should
expect as a product of an American-hating society intellectually underpinned
through his exposure to the socialists and American-bashing elite of his secondary
and post-secondary teachers, mentors and religious leaders. He will not change. He
has no basis to compare. He really is trapped in his own mind with no way to
deviate nor motivation to change. He will become increasingly bitter and vile as
time progresses. After all, the USA is the Great Satan, for real, in his mind.
Posted by: CountryBoy
Aug 31, 04:19 AM

Boris Whorelock Wrote:

> Someone should kick McCain in the nuts.
> Why?
> For withstanding torture from communists for 5
> years only to hand over the country to a blatant
> communist.
> All he had to do to stop the destruction of our
> country was open his mouth during the early
> primaries about Obama's communist mentors,
> political alliances and church.
> He couldn't even open up his mouth to save the
> country.

Yes, mostly true, but during the third debate, McCain brought up the issues of the
live infants delivered in the late term abortions, and that Obama voted to deny
the infants any medical care. McCain was kind of tripping over his own words, on
this critical topic, legalized infanticide, but did get it out. Obama of course
replied with a laundry list of outright lies.

At the end of the debate, none of the commentators, not even the "conservatives"
(Brent Hume, William Krystal) even raised the issue, and gave Obama a totally free
pass. But Krystal's face had the expression of the "cat who swallowed the canary".
I really looked like this was a high level edict from the networks to all the
talking heads.

Yes, McCain should have done much better, but he got zero help.

Posted by: grannyb

Aug 31, 04:33 AM

...certainly there is some third world crap hole that is looking for a dictator...
We could let him go for the low, low price of 2 chickens and a goat

Posted by: powhitemale

Aug 31, 04:36 AM

the smartest president the world has ever seen, just doesn't understand why we
don't believe 2+2=5.

Posted by: Leman Russ

Aug 31, 05:13 AM

OK, I will ask the same question now that I asked the Bush haters of before.

You cannot have your cake and eat it to. If you are going to trash the President,
at least be consistent in your feelings. So, please make your decision. Please
choose from the following:

a. President Obama is an evil, marxist, socialist who is the mastermind of an evil

and sinister plan to destroy America from the inside. He is systematic and
calculating in his every move to slowly destroy the fabric of America.

b. President Obama is an idiot and out of his league. He has no leadership

experience and it is finally showing.

c. President Obama is the greatest thing since sliced bread. What the h*** are you
talking about?

Please give yourself the following points for your answer: a. 10 b. 5. c. 0

Please see the answer key for your score:

6-10 points -- You are the right wing equivalent to Oliver Stone. While you may
have some of the message right, you are reading too much into every nuance of the
situation. You are probably waiting for the President to rip off his mask, reveal
himself to be George Soros while complaining "And I would have gotten away with it
if it wasn't for those pesky kids."

1-5 points -- You possess keen insight of the current political situation.
However, continue to monitor in case the President does prove to be an alien.
(Whether that be from Kenya or another planet, we wait to see).

0 points -- You are obviously mentally challenged. Please go back to googling

Brittany Spears and the Jonas Brothers. You are on the wrong site.

Posted by: Richard L. Kent, Esq.

Aug 31, 05:20 AM

the smartest president the world has ever seen, just doesn't understand why we
don't believe 2+2=5.>>

"You Americans are soooo naiiiii-eeeeeve!" 2+2 = 5 for sufficiently large values
of '2'. :-)

And as for the comment that "he's not one of us"? Congratulations. Youve just
handed the Dems another
baseball bat marked "GOPers Are Racists" to hit us over the head with.

Still. I don't despise him because he's black. I despise him because he's RED.

Never forget: There's always a mass grave at the end of the leftist rainbow.
Always. (Ours are found in dumpsters behind our 'reproductive health clinics.')

Posted by: Feklen Keckleberger

Aug 31, 05:38 AM

Leman, if we find ourselves in violent, bloody, civil war in the nearing future,
will you be good enough to come back here and apologize to everyone you've totally
and unnecessarily insulted today? Could you have made your opinion that BEE is the
perfect answer without insult? How irritating.
Posted by: Hk40cal
Aug 31, 05:46 AM

I hate sounding like a shameless promoter of Rush and Mark Levin, BUT, these two,
since 2008 have been screaming from the highest mount.....'this guy HATES
America'.....he has a grudge.....he want's to return the nations wealth back to
its rightful owners.....

I heard Michele Bachmann on Levin's show (last Friday)....She is predicting "Sran-

Fran NaN" is going to use what ever power she has to force Obama'care through the
House.....Congressman Bachmann mentioned to Mark....When the Republican congress
meet with Obama after the inauguration.....These select Republicans saw an insight
into Obama....he said to the Republicans, 'he would rather be a one term President
and get his agenda passed than a two term president and get none of his agenda
across the finish line'.........SCARY!!!!

These talking heads and nim-rods like Frum can talk all the want about him
failing.....This guy doesn't care.....He has his troops on the move......and right
know, all we can do is watch. Any Republicans, like McCain, that follow along with
this guy are making a huge mistake......we have to let the left jump off

We have to recognize that it is full speed ahead damn the nation and it's
people......I am God'Obama........

Golf, Guns and Money

Posted by: Video Savant

Aug 31, 05:47 AM

Everything in this article rings with truth -- except for the 2012 fantasy
sequence where a departing Obama apologizes to those he offended.

Obama doesn't do PERSONAL APOLOGY. Because Obama is never wrong. It simply isn't
possible for him to recognize, never mind admit, such a thing.

Posted by: Leman Russ

Aug 31, 05:47 AM

My apologies now Feklen.

I was just trying to point out that Obama cannot be a mastermind and an idiot at
the same time. Personally, I think he is an experienced organizer and politician
who has no idea what it takes to LEAD and GOVERN. He surrounds himself with Yes
Men (and women) who placate his narcissistic attitude.

It is my opinion that he truly believes he can fix anything based on his charisma
alone. He will fail and fail miserably.

And, please go back and note that I was mocking all three answers. Just trying to
get a little humor here this Monday morning.

Posted by: Ann141

Aug 31, 05:49 AM
I think Mr. Hunt is being generous when he suggests that obama "may" loathe the
American people...is there any doubt?

And we, wanting to be a part of reality, cheerfully return the favor to obama: we
definitely loathe him. More and more every day as he adds to the destructive
narrative spoken against our America by his words and deeds. He really needs to
get out of Our White House.

Lest my intention be misunderstood: the focus in that last phrase is on "Our".

Through recent months, obama has repeatedly referred to the White House as "my
house"; the lovely lawns surrounding it as "my lawn" and the front door as "my
door". He's living in public housing and has apparently forgotten that.

(Now that I've seen it "loath" [in the article] and spelled it "loathe" in my
comment--I'm still not sure which it is. Doesn't the "e" at the end give the "th"
the soft sound?....Oh, well....)

nom de guerre: I agree with your comments about Perot. My memories from that
campaign also include the absolute frustration I felt with Bush, Sr. in the
closing days of the comment when he seemed to consciously refuse to acknowledge
that Clinton was closing in and overtaking him. His perceptions about how to run a
dignified campaign (or something) seemed to put him in a mind frame where he was
unable or unwilling to respond appropriately to developments on the ground. If
that election had been held 10 days earlier, I think Bush/Dole might have won. I
also remember the shallow, shallow thinking of many conservatives (who not so much
called that then) who were voting their pocketbooks because they boxed up their
brains, put them on the shelf and bought into Carville's negative hype about the
1991 economy. Frustrating.

Posted by: Kevin

Aug 31, 05:57 AM

All true, of course.

I enjoyed the last sentence, a homage - I think, to Hunter S. Thompson. Hunter,

why did you leave us in our hour of need?

Posted by: Alene

Aug 31, 05:59 AM

This is the first time I have felt fear since I was born. This guy is the enemy
within. He has zero ability to be honest and transparent. He dose not like America
at all.

Posted by: The Angry Capitalist

Aug 31, 06:05 AM

Never before in the two hundred and thirty three year history of the Republic have
we faced as great a threat to our individual freedoms as that which is Obama. He
has sought not only to co-opt a huge segment of the economic capacity of this
nation through the government seizure of the banking and automotive industry, but
now he and his fellow leaches on the national wealth seek to annex an even larger
segment of the nation’s identity. The proposed government takeover of the health
care system represents a direct threat to the individual sovereignty of each and
every productive member of this Nation. These shackles, once bound may never again
be broken, forever condemning us, the producer, to the same fate as that of the
mindless slave.

Posted by: Birther in OK

Aug 31, 06:07 AM

"Clarice Feldman of American Thinker produced a dispositive commentary showing

that Obama is failing because fundamentally he is neither smart nor articulate;
his intellectual dishonesty is conspicuous by its audacity and lack of shame."

And thank you for reminding us, as if we really need it, but he, Barry S., has
never been the smartest in the room. Only the most gullible. He has taken on so
many contradictory positions and is white to white people and black to black
people, Christian to Christian and Muslim to Muslim, no one knows what he is
talking about. They can only speculate what they think he said and believes, based
on a convoluted ideology and a biography that is mostly fiction. Very sad. A dark
tragic comedy that does not have a good ending.

"The coyotes howl but the wagon train keeps rolling along."

Yes they do, and it reminds me of this, Our heroes have always been cowboys. Not
lilly-liverd pantie-waists such as Barry-Barrack Hussein Sotero-Obama.

Dangerous times.

Posted by: Diana

Aug 31, 06:09 AM

When someone bankrupts a business, another business can come in and take it over
under a new name so that the debt is left to the courts and the previous owners to
sort out. I am beginning to think that there is no remedy for America. Perhaps the
best thing is for states like Texas who are well run states and not financially
bankrupt, who have what they need to be a country in an of themselves, to secede
from this mess unencumbered by debt. The mess is to great and face it, GWBush
helped to make this mess. He paved the way for this extroidinary executive power.
I personally like Bush but he did not protect our liberties from future tyrants
because of the things he put in place domestically, whether on purpose or not,
remains to be seen. I have begun to wonder if he was purposefully carrying on the
vision of his grandfather and father about a NWO.

Posted by: Feklen Keckleberger

Aug 31, 06:10 AM

Thanks, Leman, that is most kind. Perhaps I should get to my coffee a bit sooner,

On a side note, and not to be merely disagreeable: some of us believe stupidity

begets evil, an oddball juxtaposing of stupidly refusing to see the truth that is
God giving way to the calculated evil that is the earthly "wisdom" which brings
catastrophe, as God brings them delusion. Sometimes evil genius and stupidity look
an awful lot alike. But again, thanks for the very kind response.

'Av a lovely dye, mite!!

Posted by: VHG
Aug 31, 06:25 AM

The solution has to be to get the dems out of power in 2010 and Obama out of the
W/H in 2012 never to return! And to make sure he doesn't crawl back to the Senate,
the House or anywhere else, not even the UN! The American voter had better
understand that the old saying, "elections have consequences" is not an old saying
but a scientific fact!

Conservatism is what America is and always was! These unfortunate side trips into
liberalism always seem to create the worst periods in our history!

Posted by: Raf from Florida

Aug 31, 06:32 AM

Obama had a perfect start; he was a failure at birth from failed parents; The
perfect ruse for a Manchurian candidate; the right foil for the perfect time. This
total loser was groomed and handpicked to bring about Armageddon. Honest success
would only have gotten in the way. He is fading fast but he may have enough
momentum to carry him to the finish line. I still find it curious that so few of
my associates and even family members are willing to publicly discuss Obama,
either through fear, embarrassment or both.

Obama is being insulated with czars, unions, Corporate lackeys and “private
armies”, (even the secret service). His controllers believe they can drag his
useless fetid carcass past the finish line with or without the people or their so
called elected representatives. He just has to make it to 2012. After that there
won’t even be a pretense of constitutional government or Christian morals. 2012
will usher in a change paradigm in America, one way or another.

Posted by: scythe

Aug 31, 06:36 AM

Does anyone ever wonder what this man would be doing now if he had grown up and
still lived in Kenya? I ask this question because I still continue to marvel at
the gall he has when he denigrates this country. Only in America could a
lightweight like he have the opportunity to be where he is. And attend the most
prestigious universities. Only in America, because of the goodness of her people,
would someone who is so pathetically shallow and so devious be elected to the
highest office IN THE WORLD. I love the comment by grannyb - it humourously
captures the value of what he might be worth in a Third World Dung Heap. In
America he became our 44th President. In his "heartland" he might be worth two
goats and a couple of chickens. And boy are they coming home to roost. LOL

Posted by: Iago

Aug 31, 06:40 AM

"We" elected a Marxist as president.

Obama is applying Marxist policies to the government of the USA, and is getting
Marxist results. Obama will not be around long enough to destroy the USA in the
sense that the Marxists destroyed the Soviet Union, but we are getting a strong
taste of how bad it could be when totalitarians take over.
Posted by: Sam
Aug 31, 06:40 AM

Again the old question: What would success for Obama look like? Achieving which
set of campaign promises? How many of his voters understood what he said? We had
warning in his speeches if we could listen carefully. I think vengeance is first
and the glory is secondary. He's not almighty intelligent but he's more than a
fine parrot. He may not be highly educated but he is highly trained, largely in
malice. He needs to be mysterious, or everyone would see how hollow he is.
Parasites eat themselves out, self-destruct, if they are removed from their
victims. I think of Paul Robeson, the star of Show Boat (Old Man River) and friend
of Frank Marshall Davis. He had a lot of appeal, much more than Obama. The
coldness wasn't so immediately evident. We'd love to love him, but he was eaten
out with bitterness. We're sorry to see it, but hell will be populated by such.
Joy has been offered and rejected.

Posted by: Julie Mckinley

Aug 31, 06:44 AM

Jeremiah Wright. Bill Ayers. And that "mentor" in Hawaii. The most ironic thing is
that this man would never have been elected were it not for his racial background.

Posted by: almostacowboy77

Aug 31, 06:45 AM

I keep thinking about a short quip I heard in His [sarc] first 100 days. A writer
from the NYT (if you can believe it) aske His Imerial Arogancy if he was a
socialist. Obamugabe replied, "You know, let's take a look at the budget - the
answer would be no." Later, some time after the "interview" had concluded, the
writer's phone rang and was told "the President would like to speak to you".
President O-blivious refered back to the "socialist" question, asking
incredulously if it had been a "serious question".
Now, this brings up many thoughts, among which is, is he so self-absorbed he
doesn't even realize he's a socialist (add "Marxist Communist")?

Posted by: tc
Aug 31, 06:46 AM

Nice call. The fat lady is warming up and his butt has barely warmed the chair in
the oval office.

Strong work.

Posted by: stillsane

Aug 31, 06:46 AM

AnneH Wrote:
> Bush 43 may have had a questionable election in
> the first go-round, but he was undoubtedly elected
> our leader-in-chief the second time, which to me,
> gives validity to his first election. To compare
> the obamanation to LBJ and Carter is like trying
> to compare current day Cuba to Germany during the
> 1930's. Castro only wants to control his own
> nation. He is a puppet for other nations who have
> since lost control of their own revolutions.
> Hitler wanted to control the world. His
> self-controlled power was lost through his
> destruction by his own hands.
> obama's goal is to eventually destroy America or
> at the least to bring her to the socialist level
> of countries beneath her past strengths. The
> powers that control obama (because, let's face it,
> obama is not the one in control) will continue to
> seek destruction of our Constitution with or
> without obama and his cast of characters. They
> use things like accusations of racism or the
> illusion of equality, to bring about control of
> the people. To dumb us down is the main goal so
> they eventually seek their ultimate desire of
> control - financial, physical, and spiritual.
> Keep your cupboards well-stocked, your ammunition
> and first aid as well. Continue to read the words
> of our nation's forefathers. The first knock on
> your door will be the census-takers. Answer only
> the most necessary of questions to fulfill your
> duty as citizens. The census takers are paid to
> narc on you. They are Acorn-enlisted. They are
> Step One in control of this nation. After that,
> they will come for your cap and trade payments,
> health insurance installments, then your computers
> and guns.

AnneH, The only questionable election I have wittnesed in my years was and is
OBAMA'S. The reason the communist party was so pissed when GW Bush was elected the
first time, was that they had ACORN AND SEIU and the rest of the commies ALREADY
stuffing ballot boxes and registering dead people and having ppl voting four times
back then, and when it wasn't enough to throw the election their way they started
hollering fixed election when it was them all along.
I completely agree otherwise.

Posted by: Claude

Aug 31, 06:52 AM

Love the article.

Funny that Wilson was really the first of the progressives in the past century.
Progressive agendas do not fly well in the US. And, they should not.
As for Barack being a single term president, I do not agree. He will get the nod
just as he did the last time. Media swooning over ACORNs dropping from the trees,
all of the jobs his administration has "saved", and how good we all feel about the
magical 47 million new health insurance recipients.

Posted by: Birther in OK

Aug 31, 06:56 AM
To Leman Russ
How many points?

d. President Obama is an evil, marxist, socialist who is an idiot and out of his
league. He has no leadership experience and it is finally showing. And to
Republicans should be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

God bless.

Posted by: JimP

Aug 31, 06:58 AM

Hoorah! How can we all help the Prez to fail even more spectacularly and quickly?

Posted by: richtfan

Aug 31, 07:15 AM

this article is pure genius.

Posted by: Tom M

Aug 31, 07:17 AM

Yes, he is failing and I would say he is nothng more than a failed dictator. He
has never been my president. I have never heard anything from his propagandic
mouth that I can believe in. The hope and change I believe in comes from within my
being and not from some government platitudes. You are very right in that he fails
totally to connect with most Americans. Without his teleprompters he is completely
illiterate and history-deficient. He is a baffoon intent on destruction of a great
and free country. God help us if we let him succeed.

Posted by: Tom M

Aug 31, 07:22 AM

Richard L. Kent, Esq. Wrote:

> powhitemale
> the smartest president the world has ever seen,
> just doesn't understand why we don't believe
> 2+2=5.>>
> "You Americans are soooo naiiiii-eeeeeve!" 2+2 = 5
> for sufficiently large values of '2'. :-)
> And as for the comment that "he's not one of us"?
> Congratulations. Youve just handed the Dems
> another
> baseball bat marked "GOPers Are Racists" to hit us
> over the head with.
> Still. I don't despise him because he's black. I
> despise him because he's RED.
> Never forget: here's always a mass grave at the
> end of the leftist rainbow. Always. (Ours are
> found in dumpsters behind our 'reproductive health
> clinics.')

Why should I care if the Dems and socialists call me a racist? What power have we
granted them to make that determination about us?

Posted by: Warrior

Aug 31, 07:24 AM

To nom de and ann141 . Perot was the villain in that election, however George 41
was very naive and just didn't believe people in America would vote for a person
like Clinton whose conduct was well known. My cousin a very well known Professor
of Economics was called in to help Bush as an Economics advisor. He told me about
10 days before the election Bush would lose. He also informed me if Bush had Dan
Quale's political team he could and probably would have won. The Republicans are
not street fighters. If someone would have walked up to Carville and challenged
him, he would have run like a scalded dog. What was disturbing to me with the
information gap between Quale's team and Bush's team. I can understand between
that level and a much lower level of office thinking when trying to get elected.
There should have been a much better understanding of objectives.

Posted by: Leman Russ

Aug 31, 07:28 AM

Birhter in OK Wrote:

To Leman Russ
How many points?

d. President Obama is an evil, marxist, socialist who is an idiot and out of his
league. He has no leadership experience and it is finally showing. And to
Republicans should be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

God bless.

that would award you 100 points -- have you thought about running for election in

Posted by: Mema the Mobster

Aug 31, 07:44 AM

Brilliant article. I just hope we can undo the wreckage of our free market and
freedom that he as wrought so far. I pray daily for our Country and its citizens
who still believe in hard work, individual freedoms and the Country as we used to
know it. Communists and Marxists are Czars who have no Congressional oversight and
who are advising this President. Most of us knew what was coming with his
election. We have not slept a full night since his election because of concerns
for our Republic.

Get your butts to DC on 9/12 or stir up a march of your own in your home town. Let
people know they are not alone in their disgust for this Congress and
Administration and their fears for our Country.

Watch Glenn Beck. The poor man is doing the hardest work for all of us, trying to
get some sunshine on this festering wound of an Administration.

Pray daily for all of us and our beloved America!

Posted by: cindy

Aug 31, 07:46 AM

AnneH Wrote:

> Keep your cupboards well-stocked, your ammunition

> and first aid as well. Continue to read the words
> of our nation's forefathers. The first knock on
> your door will be the census-takers. Answer only
> the most necessary of questions to fulfill your
> duty as citizens. The census takers are paid to
> narc on you. They are Acorn-enlisted. They are
> Step One in control of this nation. After that,
> they will come for your cap and trade payments,
> health insurance installments, then your computers
> and guns.

I'll be answering how many people in the house, and what race we are. I think a
proper accounting of race is going to be a very important thing, don't you? And
we're keeping well-stocked, including canning our pants off this year. I used to
feel safe that we have a nice little cabin out in the middle of nowhere, until I
was informed that some people from the census bureau were up there this summer
with GPS units making note of the location of even the remotest of remote places.
Gives me the creeps.

Posted by: EnemyoftheState

Aug 31, 07:49 AM

I believe I have a solution to multiple problems. I am an old, disabled veteran.

I'm using health and financial resources, and not contributing as much as obama
would like to taxes. The guidance I get from the white house and the dept of
Veterans Affairs is that it's time to "off" myself for the good of society. The
leave the method of doing so open to me.

Well, I've chosen my method. I'm going to wait until the president and congress
are back in Washington, and then I'm going to go sit on a 20 Kilo-ton nuclear
device (Hiroshima size) on the national mall and blow myself up.

Posted by: pmk

Aug 31, 07:53 AM

(Now that I've seen it "loath" [in the article] and spelled it "loathe" in my
comment--I'm still not sure which it is. Doesn't the "e" at the end give the "th"
the soft sound?....Oh, well....)

"Loath" and "loathe" are two separate words. You used the correct form. The "e" at
the end softens the "th".

"Loath" is an adjective and means "reluctant", as in "I am loath to comment".

"Loathe" means to feel disgust. Barack may indeed loathe us.

nom de guerre,
Don't blame Perot. Blame the people who voted for him. More important, blame Bush
and Dole for not being candidates we could support. How many people supported John
Anderson in 1980? Didn't Carter expect him to siphon off Republican votes from
Reagan? It didn't happen because Reagan gave us a reason to vote for him. I voted
for both Bush and Dole but Perot got me energized before he dropped out the first
time. After that, I wouldn't vote for him under any circumstances. Bush 41 had so
disappointed me that I was ready to vote Democrat in 1992 but I just couldn't
trust Bill Clinton. You assume that all the people who voted for Perot would have
voted for Bush. Some might have but there were probably a lot of Republicans who
would have held their nose and voted for Clinton if Perot hadn't presented them an
alternative. If you want to blame someone for Bush's defeat, how about Pat
Buchanan? He started it with his primary challenge.

Posted by: wargamer

Aug 31, 07:56 AM

Leman Russ Wrote:

> OK, I will ask the same question now that I asked
> the Bush haters of before.
> You cannot have your cake and eat it to. If you
> are going to trash the President, at least be
> consistent in your feelings. So, please make your
> decision. Please choose from the following:
> a. President Obama is an evil, marxist, socialist
> who is the mastermind of an evil and sinister plan
> to destroy America from the inside. He is
> systematic and calculating in his every move to
> slowly destroy the fabric of America.
> b. President Obama is an idiot and out of his
> league. He has no leadership experience and it is
> finally showing.
> c. President Obama is the greatest thing since
> sliced bread. What the h*** are you talking
> about?
> Please give yourself the following points for your
> answer: a. 10 b. 5. c. 0
> Please see the answer key for your score:
> 6-10 points -- You are the right wing equivalent
> to Oliver Stone. While you may have some of the
> message right, you are reading too much into every
> nuance of the situation. You are probably waiting
> for the President to rip off his mask, reveal
> himself to be George Soros while complaining "And
> I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for
> those pesky kids."
> 1-5 points -- You possess keen insight of the
> current political situation. However, continue to
> monitor in case the President does prove to be an
> alien. (Whether that be from Kenya or another
> planet, we wait to see).
> 0 points -- You are obviously mentally challenged.
> Please go back to googling Brittany Spears and the
> Jonas Brothers. You are on the wrong site.

you are missing a few things.

even Clinton swung right to avoid a total failure.
obama is clearly a beleiver in socialism, his own words abotu return the wealth
demonstrate that.
and there are people behind him, using him for destroy the US.
(kinda missed that possibility didn't ya...)

Posted by: Jake

Aug 31, 08:02 AM

So much for the historic moment. That was hardly worth trashing the national mall
on inauguration day. You can see by the way carville has a concerned look on his
face and is shifting his eyes he doesnt think that obama and the saul alinskys
tactics are working as planned and they might have to give back 40years of lying
and cheating.

Posted by: proreason

Aug 31, 08:25 AM

"It's not so much that he's a phony, knows nothing about economics, is
historically illiterate, and woefully small minded for the size of the task-- all
contributory of course. It's that he's not one of us. And whatever he is, his
profile is fuzzy and devoid of content, like a cardboard cutout made from
delaminated corrugated paper. Moreover, he doesn't command our respect and is
unable to appeal to our own common sense. His notions of right and wrong are
repugnant and how things work just don't add up. They are not existential. His
descriptions of the world we live in don't make sense and don't correspond with
our experience."

All perfectly true.

But it still misses the essentially factor.

He has no desire to be one of us.

He wants to rule us and punish us for being who we are.

Posted by: pmk
Aug 31, 08:26 AM

Barack Obama is on track to have the most spectacularly failed presidency since
Woodrow Wilson.

Wilson was another one who got in thanks to a third party challenge, by none other
than Teddy Roosevelt. The GOP was still dominant in national politics but Teddy
couldn't handle being on the outside looking in.
Wilson's presidency is labeled "spectacularly failed" but do the historians see it
that way? He's seen as a hero of the Progressive Movement and progressives are
running the Democratic Party today. The Federal Reserve and womens suffrage came
about on his watch. He's seen as the hero of WWI - Over There! People in both
political parties talk about "making the world safe for democracy". Wilsonian is
not a bad word. Didn't George W. Bush consider his own foreign policy Wilsonian?
Obama probably wishes for something like the Treaty of Versailles. Wilson may have
failed to get it ratified in the Senate but his opponents are blamed for our
failure to join the League of Nations and our refusal to join the League is why it
failed to keep the peace. (At least that's what the historians say.) Wilson won
the Nobel Prize for advancing the concept of the League. It doubtful Obama or his
supporters would see any comparison to the president of Princeton as a failure. To
them, Wilson's failures are the result of sabotage by political enemies. They'll
say the same of themselves. Their ideas won't be wrong. Their concepts will have
no shortcomings. Their enemies will merely sabotage their efforts. They'll be
victims of politics.

Posted by: sandypaul

Aug 31, 08:33 AM

McCain lost because, "Independent Thinkers" voted. Democracy lives.

Posted by: Ninja Mouse

Aug 31, 08:34 AM

LeMan Russ said:

"You cannot have your cake and eat it to. If you are going to trash the President,
at least be consistent in your feelings. So, please make your decision. Please
choose from the following:
a. President Obama is an evil, marxist, socialist who is the mastermind of an evil
and sinister plan to destroy America from the inside. He is systematic and
calculating in his every move to slowly destroy the fabric of America.
b. President Obama is an idiot and out of his league. He has no leadership
experience and it is finally showing.
c. President Obama is the greatest thing since sliced bread. What the h*** are you
talking about?"


You're trying to apply "either-or" static thinking to a dynamic situation.

The undermining of America has been dynamic --- going on for a long time.
Long enough to empower those who seek to fundamentally reshape America.
Long enough to condition those in positions of power to believe that Obama should
be bestowed with opportunities --- along every step of his path to glorious
Obama may have a fairly solid IQ somewhere between 115 and 130. He is no genius,
but he is far from stupid (think Letterman or Olbermann).
Obama has been raised in a milieu that trashes ordinary American values for self
determination and responsibility.
As such, he is not evil, but an evil meme runs most of his thoughts and decisions.
It is true that he has little practical experience for evaluating long term
feedback of the results of implementing his ideas, and his study of history is too
one dimensional to avail a decent substitute.
And so, he has become personification of an evil meme that is contrived for
destroying ("changing") the essence of American values and culture.
As such, whether he is personally evil is not particularly important.
It is the evil that runs him through and through that must be faced down.
Is this really so hard to figure out?

Posted by: Ninja Mouse

Aug 31, 08:44 AM

Richard L. Kent, Esq. said:

"And as for the comment that "he's not one of us"? Congratulations. Youve just
handed the Dems another
baseball bat marked "GOPers Are Racists" to hit us over the head with.
Still. I don't despise him because he's black. I despise him because he's RED. "


Not following your logic.

You're afraid that Collectivists will hit us over the head for calling them
You're saying Obama's Red, but he's still "one of us"?
Depends on your definition of "us."
And whether you believe there is an essential "American" ethos and culture.
BTW: Why should I give a rat's posterior whether Rat Collectivists don't like to
be called Collectivists?


If I say "Potus is Posrot" (Proponent Of Statist Regime Of Totalitarianism), does

that give Dem Marxists another baseball bat?

Posted by: Constitution First

Aug 31, 08:57 AM

Indeed. Most frightening perhaps, is that this nightmare ride is only just begun.

Some of you may be old enough to remember when hitch-hiking was a common and
accepted way to get around when you didn't have your own wheels. One of the worst
scenarios, aside from getting assaulted, was getting picked by a drunk who drove
waaaay to fast.

The panic that is welling up in my stomach today feels just like that; The door
slams shut, the inebriated pilot floors it, doesn't watch the road and it's too
late to bail. The stupid grin of his completes the picture, you can't tell if he
is doing it on purpose, or his is just obvious.

As manufactured crises whiz by like pickets on a fence, I pray to God this

nightmare will end without a wreck
Posted by: Voter X
Aug 31, 09:01 AM

When Obama is voted out of office in 2012, we will then be told that," America
just wasn't ready for a black president".

Posted by: RickG

Aug 31, 09:18 AM

McCain should forever hang his head in shame. He could have stopped Obama if he
had the will to open his mouth and speak very obvious truths.

Posted by: Saltherring

Aug 31, 09:21 AM

Leman Russ,

I agree that: "b. President Obama is an idiot and out of his league. He has no
leadership experience and it is finally showing."

Obama is a nothing more than a teleprompter puppet for the Ayers/Soros Destroy
America Brigade. For the past 50 (or more) years, the left has tireless labored to
dismantle America's public education system, corrupt her universities, compromise
media objectivity, eliminate embedded principles of morality, replace capitalism
with socialism and drive a wedge between American patriots and the indoctrinated,
entitlement-dependent, marginally-educated fools their system has created.
Seemingly few Americans under the age of 40 have any understanding of American
history, civics, Christian heritage or her Constitution. This generation of robots
has been taught by their foreign and Communist masters that America is a nation of
greedy, imperialistic, resource-devouring, racist criminals. They now hate the
United States and all it has stood for, and as such, have willingly elected a
Communist figurehead as President. These youthful fools will soon learn it has
traded America's heritage and freedoms for a few crumbs of government entitlements
and patronage. Enjoy the hearty taste of your seed corn, traitors, for your
masters will soon determine who is worthy to eat and who is not. Hint: It may not
be you.

Posted by: jmc

Aug 31, 09:40 AM

From Messiah to lame duck in six months?

That's got to be a record!

Just hope it stays that way.

Posted by: tanarg

Aug 31, 09:43 AM

Here we are again, taking victory laps around the track, while in reality we are
in grave danger.
I want a PLAN to end this.

Who will lead us?

I cry out to God for help -- and to you.

Where are our true leaders who feel as we do and can help us?

Where are they?

The time to come out is NOW.

Please. I want Obama defeated.

But I will not celebrate until the deed is done.

Premature celebration of his failed presidency does not advance us toward the goal
of seeing him actually fail.

No more rejoicing should occur until we have a plan.

Posted by: George S

Aug 31, 09:44 AM

He's failing because of no narrative? Well, maybe. But I have a different


Suppose instead of Commander-In-Chief he applied for Pilot-In-Command. We think

hey, great idea, 'bout time we had a black pilot. But some who have technical
knowledge warn that his log book is lacking in in-Type experience. No problem, we
say, after all George Bush gave us a rough ride (never mind he recovered control
after a direct hit from an enemy missile) and Captain Obama is promising change -
a smooth, post turbulence flight. We listen to his eloquence as his baritone voice
has the confidence and the seeming experience of a gray-haired, squinty eyed
former fighter pilot. We are in good hands...

Then, we notice something's not right. The plane is taxiing too fast, tires
squealing as it turns. Nah, it's just we need getting used to a different pilot,
is all. But some of us notice something very alarming as the plane takes the
runway - the flaps are still up. Shouts of "deploy flaps or we'll crash" resonate
through the cabin from a few concerned, experienced flyers. Capt. Obama comes on
the radio and assures us that he is not going to repeat the mistakes of the
previous crew, he is going to remake the aircraft. Those fellow passengers who
don't know smugly tell those of us who do to "give the new pilot a chance". But
those who know say you cannot ignore the law of aerodynamics (flaps avoid wing
stall at climb-out speeds), to which Capt. Obama responds with "I won". The
aircraft hurtles down the runway, fishtailing, the nose rotates too high and too
fast, the aircraft struggles to maintain altitude and heading and we feel a
buffeting than signals imminent stall...

... now we are all scared sitless. Everyone finally realizes that the good captain
has no control. But the flight attendants walk down the aisle with plastic smiles
on their faces calling those who are terrified 'Racists'. They assure us that all
is well, even as we pull a hard left (pun intended) 4-g, 60-degree bank and hear
the groaning of fatiguing titanium. It doesn't take a degree in aerodynamic
engineering to know somethings wrong. We look among us to see who is qualified to
fly, to change crew. The flight attendants then brow beat and threaten passengers
not to talk to the other pilots on board; they spread false information and even
resort to nasty rumors about them and even insult their children. Now, the flight
attendants need to protect the commander from being replaced with a competent
hand. They tell the passengers that the pilot inherited an unstable aircraft; the
previous pilot broke all the instruments. When we respond that the aircraft was
flying very well with the previous crew, we are told that we created the mess and
not to do a lot of talkin'.

The plane is in trouble, there is a crisis. Chief Flight Attendant Emmanuel

recognizes the value of Obama's hand on the yoke and tells the Captain not to
squander this opportunity by engaging the autopilot. Instead, we are told that we
would have to give up our money and our freedom to right the ship. Some of us are
scared and are willing to do it - just to, maybe, not crash. Others are oblivious
as to what is going on - they have blind trust in the skipper or are engrossed
with the in-flight movie, Michael Moore's the Wonders of Cuban Aviation.

How will the flight end? Either the passengers will elect an experienced pilot to
take over or Capt. Obama will put the aricraft in an unrecoverable flat spin and,
in full view of all the passengers, don on a parachute and say with his golden
voice as he opens the emergency exit... "Be right back - I'm going for help"

Posted by: Li
Aug 31, 09:50 AM

It is our educational system fail to educate our kids the dangerous of communism
and socialism which kill hundred of millions of people world wide that led to BO's

Posted by: Jaimo

Aug 31, 09:54 AM

stillsane Wrote:
> AnneH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bush 43 may have had a questionable election in
> > the first go-round, but he was undoubtedly
> elected
> > our leader-in-chief the second time, which to
> me,
> > gives validity to his first election. To
> compare
> > the obamanation to LBJ and Carter is like
> trying
> > to compare current day Cuba to Germany during
> the
> > 1930's. Castro only wants to control his own
> > nation. He is a puppet for other nations who
> have
> > since lost control of their own revolutions.
> > Hitler wanted to control the world. His
> > self-controlled power was lost through his
> > destruction by his own hands.
> >
> > obama's goal is to eventually destroy America
> or
> > at the least to bring her to the socialist
> level
> > of countries beneath her past strengths. The
> > powers that control obama (because, let's face
> it,
> > obama is not the one in control) will continue
> to
> > seek destruction of our Constitution with or
> > without obama and his cast of characters. They
> > use things like accusations of racism or the
> > illusion of equality, to bring about control of
> > the people. To dumb us down is the main goal
> so
> > they eventually seek their ultimate desire of
> > control - financial, physical, and spiritual.
> >
> > Keep your cupboards well-stocked, your
> ammunition
> > and first aid as well. Continue to read the
> words
> > of our nation's forefathers. The first knock
> on
> > your door will be the census-takers. Answer
> only
> > the most necessary of questions to fulfill your
> > duty as citizens. The census takers are paid
> to
> > narc on you. They are Acorn-enlisted. They
> are
> > Step One in control of this nation. After
> that,
> > they will come for your cap and trade payments,
> > health insurance installments, then your
> computers
> > and guns.
> AnneH, The only questionable election I have
> wittnesed in my years was and is OBAMA'S. The
> reason the communist party was so pissed when GW
> Bush was elected the first time, was that they had
> ACORN AND SEIU and the rest of the commies ALREADY
> stuffing ballot boxes and registering dead people
> and having ppl voting four times back then, and
> when it wasn't enough to throw the election their
> way they started hollering fixed election when it
> was them all along.
> I completely agree otherwise.

Like either Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham said "you can always tell what Liberals
are up to by what they are accusing Conservatives of".

Posted by: James McPherson

Aug 31, 10:03 AM
Obama's major failings thus far come from continuation/expansion of Bush policies,
and of course it's too early to tell how this will play out. Unless Republicans
comes up with someone (and some policies) far more appealing than what they've
offered so far (and someone with a coherent message of their own), turnout will be
low, the GOP will continue to split, and Obama will be re-elected.

On the predictable side, however, note that it didn't take more than the fifth and
sixth responses to this post to get in Hitler comparisons.

Posted by: Cuffs

Aug 31, 10:11 AM

Now we know what a puppet Obama is and always was.
May the cartel behind him die the same political death that is coming to him.

Posted by: Jon W

Aug 31, 10:14 AM

Think of it this way. How many personal anecdotes does Obama reference regarding
his past?
Unless you lived in Hawaii or Chicago, or attended Harvard and Columbia, you can't
relate to Obama.
He has hidden his past in a fog of secrecy. How can you get to know an invisible
man? Bingo!
The only aspect of Obama that is certain, is his liberal/marxist/communist mentors
and friends.
How wonderful. An invisible man who is a man known mostly, or only by his Leftist
Obama is a man with no discernable substance. At least none he will voluntarily
Absent are stories of friends and colleagues about their struggles to run a money
making business.
As I see it, Obama hasn't earned an honest dime in his life. No, lawyer doesn't
I worked more days during a summer job than Obama has practicing as a lawyer.
He's been the perpetual recipient of other peoples money, through college grants,
charitable boards,
or a salary paid by public taxes while in government. What person, other than Ted
could reach 48 years of age, and not have a real job in the private sector? How?
What percentage of America can identify with this sort of career history.
I'm 49, and haven't stopped working since I was 14. From 14 to 18 years old, I was
a farm hand.
I wasn't paid by a grant, a charity, or tax revenues. Honest work for honest pay.
I've spent most of my life in residential/commercial, and heavy construction. I
have tangible results for my work. Hundreds of houses, a couple dozen shopping
centers, high rises, and a few mega structures to boot.
Out of all those projects, only one, an animal shelter, was paid from charitable
How can any but a slim few, identify with the career arc of Obama?
America elected a slip and fall, flim-flam lawyer to rule over us unedumacated
The reason Obama got elected? His ultimate appeal was to those people, who like
him, owe their existence
to money generated through private charity, or the number one coerced charity,
taxes. Our taxes.
Were we to believe that Obama, with a lifetime dependency on OPM, was going to
possess some insightful information about the independent spirit that made America
the freest greatest nation in the history of man?
After a life spent reaping the inscrutable largess of the State, Obama becomes a
believer in statism.
Wow, didn't see that one coming.

Posted by: Ninja Mouse

Aug 31, 10:16 AM

Re: "McCain should forever hang his head in shame. He could have stopped Obama if
he had the will to open his mouth and speak very obvious truths."

I am troubled that McCain's campaign adviser jumped ship to go to Obama. If he

went to Obama, then it was not just about the money. So why was he with McCain to
begin with? How conservative is McCain, really? Would electing McCain have been
better for the country, or would it only have lured us ever deeper into electing
ever more sell outs to Congress who have not the least connection to the values of
ordinary Americans?

Posted by: Luap

Aug 31, 10:18 AM

I believe we would make a tragic mistake to under estimate the people behind this
man! I do feel that he is the messenger (along with his teleprompter) for others
who are complicit with him on his "remaking" of our country. They are very
dangerous and will stop at nothing, I believe, to force their agenda on America. I
am heartened by the awakening that appears to be going on. Many were ignorant....
but thankfully, they aren't stupid. If we had an honest media in this country,
most people would have never voted for this man, or for most any of his ilk. The
facts are what they are, our media is in the tank, and we are being ruled now by
people who neither appreciate what this country is about, nor care. They intend to
disregard the people..... the mistake that they have long been notorious for. We
haven't seen angry yet..... just wait till some of these policies start to produce
their results. Bottom line, our country has elected the least qualified person
ever, and yes, he will go down in history as one of our greatest mistakes! And
yes, we will pay dearly for the mistake!

Posted by: Typicalwhitewoman

Aug 31, 10:21 AM

Posted by: CountryBoy new

Aug 31, 04:19 AM

Yes, McCain should have done much better, but he got zero help.


All McCain had to do, was "say it like it is"....much like Sarah Palin does, every
time she speaks directly to the people...she's not waiting for any help. It's the
reason we love Dick Cheney....he says it like it is.

McCain's family history is so impressive, that he dishonors the family name, by

his own actions, as a politician. So sad.
The one time I was actually thrilled with McCain, was his performance at
Saddleback church with Rick Warren asking the same questions to both Obama and
McCain. He then immediately reverted to his RINO ways. Why couldn't he just
declare what he was...a tried and true Democrat?

Posted by: matlock

Aug 31, 10:23 AM

How silly to even be talking about the 2012 presidential election. There will be
no "election"! Anyone who thinks this election was an honest one is a fool. And
anyone who thinks we will have the right to vote in the next election is a bigger
fool. The man is a Communist Marxist bent on destroying our country. He is NOT one
of us. He refused to pledge allegiance, he hates guns, Christians, white people,
kisses Saudi princes, has Communist radicals and terrorists for friends and
associates, is allowing Hamas to emigrate to the good old US, and is building his
own civilian army with his ACORN thugs. He is out of his league when it comes to
being a red-blooded American. Even his appointees are tax dodging, low-lifers like
he is. Many of his associates are convicted felons. Of course he is not one of us!
His elementary school enrollment form has his citizenship as Indonesian and his
religion as Muslim. And you want to wait around for another election? Get real!
Get rid of the sorry usurper NOW because there may not be a free tomorrow!

Posted by: Birther in OK

Aug 31, 10:42 AM

Leman Russ

Not me but thee.

Dream team "12, Cheney/Inhofe.


Posted by: entropyorganizer

Aug 31, 10:48 AM

BO is acting as a child. Immature, irresponsible and MEAN!

BO is turning America into the "Lord of the Flies" island -

"The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away."
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 5

"Which is better--to have laws and agree, or to hunt and kill?"

- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 11

Posted by: Jennifer

Aug 31, 10:48 AM

You're too generous in comparing him to Wilson. O's presidency is the worst in
American history. This was known from day one.
Posted by: almostacowboy77
Aug 31, 11:06 AM

sandypaul Wrote:
> McCain lost because, "Independent Thinkers"
> voted. Democracy lives.

I don't know why I laughed when I read this. Can someone explain THAT to me -the
reason why I find that humorous?

"Some are sicker than others".

-Alcoholics Anonymous

Posted by: Loretta in Indiana

Aug 31, 11:09 AM

Hello Almost A Cowboy77:

He put "Independent Thinkers" in quotes.... probably an attempt at sarcasm... at

least that was my take.... I laugh at sarcasm all the time...

Posted by: almostacowboy77

Aug 31, 11:09 AM

Voter X Wrote:
> When Obama is voted out of office in 2012, we will
> then be told that," America just wasn't ready for
> a black president".

Un-uh. It's because we is "racialist".

Pogo didn't say that, but he could have.

Posted by: almostacowboy77

Aug 31, 11:14 AM

George S Wrote:
> He's failing because of no narrative? Well, maybe.
> But I have a different analogy...
> Suppose instead of Commander-In-Chief he applied
> for Pilot-In-Command. [clipped]

Beautiful, George. I love it! :-)

Posted by: Tyler

Aug 31, 11:16 AM

No love lost for obama on this site. I love it. We as conservatives are way more
informed than people who voted for obama. I hope American Thinker does an article
about this topic. I watched John Zieglers film were he interviewed obama voters
and they didn't know crap! Its very dangerous when there are millions of
uninformed citizens. That is probably the biggest threat we face. More so than
terrorism. Obama can do a lot more damage than terrorists and he has. All because
of uninformed people who felt good voting for obama. What a shame. If anyone is
interested there is a wesite called the official i am sorry i voted for obama.com
that has a tally and comment section for people who either voted for obama or hate
obama. You should check it out.

Posted by: Grant from Comfort

Aug 31, 11:23 AM

Don’t get haughty.

The Obama Administration is barely 7 months old, Congress is totally lost to

leftists for at least the next 17 months and the judiciary is complicit. In
addition, Obama has an army of Americans that he deeply understands: inner city
minorities, SEIU members and ACORN radicals.

If you think this POTUS is finished terrorizing free markets and restricting
liberty, you’re delusional.

Posted by: Teddy

Aug 31, 11:44 AM

The saddest part of Obama's imminent failure is that due to his overwhelming
reliance upon his race to gain power, he has effectively barred any black
contender from ever ascending to the presidency in the future.

Posted by: H Hazell

Aug 31, 11:48 AM

...but he is so articulate and brilliant in failure!!!

Posted by: Va.

Aug 31, 12:12 PM

I don't know which I look forward to more.

The fall of Obama or the fall of the cult in Congress that have elected & followed

Posted by: Beth Barnat

Aug 31, 12:32 PM

Tom M Wrote:
> Yes, he is failing and I would say he is nothng
> more than a failed dictator. He has never been my
> president. I have never heard anything from his
> propagandic mouth that I can believe in. The hope
> and change I believe in comes from within my being
> and not from some government platitudes. You are
> very right in that he fails totally to connect
> with most Americans. Without his teleprompters he
> is completely illiterate and history-deficient.
> He is a baffoon intent on destruction of a great
> and free country. God help us if we let him
> succeed.

******* Tom M., you might enjoy this gem that I found from a fellow conservative:
"The Law" by Frederick Bastiat, written in 1848.

Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) was a French economist, statesman, and author. He did
most of his writing during the years just before - and immediately following --
the Revolution of February 1848. This was the period when France was rapidly
turning to complete socialism. As a Deputy to the Legislative Assembly, Mr.
Bastiat was studying and explaining each socialist fallacy as it appeared. And he
explained how socialism must inevitably degenerate into communism. But most of his
countrymen chose to ignore his logic.

It's 25 pages long if you print it out: [www.constitution.org]

Posted by: Beth Barnat

Aug 31, 12:43 PM

Teddy Wrote:
> The saddest part of Obama's imminent failure is
> that due to his overwhelming reliance upon his
> race to gain power, he has effectively barred any
> black contender from ever ascending to the
> presidency in the future.

********** Exactly!! Before the election I was talking to a young Black man who
was really excited about Obama.
I told him that Obama was a Marxist and did not want what was good for America. I
said, "Do you really want him to be the frist Black president? Because if he
becomes president (with no experience, no credentials, no integrity, etc., etc.)
then he will be the last Black president."

Posted by: almostacowboy77

Aug 31, 01:06 PM

Teddy Wrote:
> The saddest part of Obama's imminent failure is
> that due to his overwhelming reliance upon his
> race to gain power, he has effectively barred any
> black contender from ever ascending to the
> presidency in the future.

First,"saddest"? Sad for whom?

Second, I would have said, "black LIBERAL contender".
Third, I'd say, so what? It was that mentality that got us into this mess in the
first place.

Posted by: Devil's Advocate

Aug 31, 01:10 PM

Maybe McCain lost on purpose. Just maybe he did the unthinkable and essentially
forfeited his shot at the White House because he knew what an absolute train wreck
this would be. Think about it... the American people haven't been this shaken up
in decades! He's been around for long enough to watch this great country slowly
slipping down this leftist slope on which we're now tumbling at break-neck speeds.
Though I absolutely hate to say it, maybe it's what needed to happen in order to
put the pendulum swinging back the other way into overdrive.

We're in dangerous territory... and if McCain did indeed lose on purpose, he took
one hell of a gamble with this country's future. But I believe in what this
country was founded on and I believe in our collective strength and I damn sure
believe that if we stand together, we stay informed, and we persevere then we CAN
and we WILL take this bull back by the horns!! This didn't happen overnight. And
the fight to take back this country won't either. But the disaster that is the
Obama administration can certainly give us a good headstart. IF we play our cards
right, we can beat them at their own game of never letting a good crisis go to

The sleeping giant has indeed awoken and has a date with DC on 9/12!!!

Posted by: livermoron

Aug 31, 01:13 PM

SenatorMark4 Wrote:
> Although I agree that there are major problems
> with the Obama administration and I don't like, at
> all, the people he's putting in positions of
> power, any failure that comes this way gets shared
> by both parties. The Republicans cannot find
> anything they believe in even at this point. It
> may be easier to sit on the fence and laugh at the
> parade of marxist fools walking down American
> highways in their yellow Che shirt waving the
> American flag but the fact is they don't have
> ANYTHING to add. America learned from the
> Republicans that politicians will say anything to
> get elected. America has learned from the
> democrats that they will do anything once elected.
> You'd think all these genius ivy league "public"
> servants would be able to find at least four (4!)
> clear policies that could inspire America again.
> Nope.
> Posted by: SenatorMark4
> Aug 31, 02:32 AM

This pox-on-both-their-houses attitude is neither constructive nor accurate. What

were Republicans saying 'just to get elected'? I always thought that the knock on
the GOP is that they do what they say they're going to do. Perhaps Bush pere's
suggestion to 'read his lips'?
While the Republicans have stood aside to allow the Obama Administration all the
more digging room, they have tried to bring forth other proposals - only to be
shot down in committee. Perhaps your lack of knowledge can be attributed to the
Democrats limiting the Republicans franking priveleges? Republicans have stood
fast on tort reform and inter-state insurance, for example. They are also against
government-payer and have supported private insurance changes, including tax-
Your position strikes me as lazy. If you don't agree with those GOP positions,
then fine. But don't pretend they don't exist. As long as you maintain that the
two parties have equivalent positions, then you absolve yourself of any
responsibility for your vote. Or non-vote.
Politicians, to a large degree, are detestable people. I agree with that. Our
democracy is a giant tug-of-war about which direction to take our selves, our
country, and our world. The fact that the hands on the rope are grimy, sweaty, and
foul shouldn't distract us from what is being fought over. Pick a side.

Posted by: powhitemale

Aug 31, 01:23 PM


Posted by: Hans Miller

Aug 31, 01:30 PM

tanarg Wrote:
> Here we are again, taking victory laps around the
> track, while in reality we are in grave danger.
> I want a PLAN to end this.
> Who will lead us?
> I cry out to God for help -- and to you.
> Where are our true leaders who feel as we do and
> can help us?
> Where are they?
> The time to come out is NOW.
> Please. I want Obama defeated.
> But I will not celebrate until the deed is done.
> Premature celebration of his failed presidency
> does not advance us toward the goal of seeing him
> actually fail.
> No more rejoicing should occur until we have a
> plan.

They will identify themselves in September.

Posted by: Ruff

Aug 31, 01:33 PM
higgins1990 Wrote:
> He does have a narrative, but like you said, it
> doesn't intersect with most of ours. Obama's
> narrative is the liberal post-modern narrative
> where America is an evil empire leaving victims in
> her wake as 'the rich and powerful' exploit and
> oppress, that says that people in the mid-west
> cling to their guns and religion, a narrative that
> re-writes history and perverts facts so that
> Obama can say things like "we are the people we've
> been waiting for". It is a narrative of power, a
> narrative repeated by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler,
> Pol-Pot, Chavez and every other tyrant and
> dictator.

Concise and accurate. I agree with you.

Posted by: Pete

Aug 31, 01:41 PM

Leman Russ Wrote:

> OK, I will ask the same question now that I asked
> the Bush haters of before.
> You cannot have your cake and eat it to. If you
> are going to trash the President, at least be
> consistent in your feelings. So, please make your
> decision. Please choose from the following:
> a. President Obama is an evil, marxist, socialist
> who is the mastermind of an evil and sinister plan
> to destroy America from the inside. He is
> systematic and calculating in his every move to
> slowly destroy the fabric of America.
> b. President Obama is an idiot and out of his
> league. He has no leadership experience and it is
> finally showing.
> c. President Obama is the greatest thing since
> sliced bread. What the h*** are you talking
> about?
> Please give yourself the following points for your
> answer: a. 10 b. 5. c. 0
> Please see the answer key for your score:
> 6-10 points -- You are the right wing equivalent
> to Oliver Stone. While you may have some of the
> message right, you are reading too much into every
> nuance of the situation. You are probably waiting
> for the President to rip off his mask, reveal
> himself to be George Soros while complaining "And
> I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for
> those pesky kids."
> 1-5 points -- You possess keen insight of the
> current political situation. However, continue to
> monitor in case the President does prove to be an
> alien. (Whether that be from Kenya or another
> planet, we wait to see).
> 0 points -- You are obviously mentally challenged.
> Please go back to googling Brittany Spears and the
> Jonas Brothers. You are on the wrong site.

Well lets actually look at what facts we DO HAVE about Obama:

1. Part of New Party in Chicago politics. New Party was left of left and followed
Marx. Socialist.
2. Obama has never produced, made, created any bill or run any type of business or
corporation. No experience.
3. Obama HAS managed to tax the poor (tobacco tax), and now is attempting to take
health care rights from the elderly and disadvantaged. Thus, he is taking from the
poor and defenseless. Evil.
4. Change and re-distrubution of wealth, his party platform, includes marxists in
his cabinet and czars. He has attacked and ursurped the major auto manufacturer
(GM), the banks, and Health Care. He gave GM to the Unions and China, and printed
so much money the dollar is in danger. He has divided the country on the
'relevance' of the Constitution and rule of law. By ignorance or deliberate, or
both, this plan clearly endangers America.
5. Many of his cabinet don't pay taxes. Elitist

The above FACTS demonstrate:

1. Evil 2. Socialist 3. Elitist 3. Endangers America 4. Incompetent.

I think we can safely say that Obama could be said to fit into your category A or
B, depending upon intent. The intent thing is up for debate, but you should
reclassify your grading scale to go to 15 (A and B together). Finally, at 15 this
probably represents a well informed, politically interested, Constitutional
patriot, who feels that the country is headed down a dangerous path, rather than a
right wing extremist.

Posted by: Tracy

Aug 31, 02:14 PM

RickG Wrote:
> McCain should forever hang his head in shame. He
> could have stopped Obama if he had the will to
> open his mouth and speak very obvious truths.

You can't blame McCain. While he should have run a tougher campaign and made
issues of Ayers and Wright, we, the people, nominated him. In addition, we, the
people, have to be the ones who expose people like Obama. He didn't just win with
far left voters...he won with people from all over the spectrum.

And while I am ready to take my share of responsibility for this failed president
(although I did NOT vote for him), why are organizations like the MSM still
getting ANY viewers?? Why are we allowing these stations to make any money off the
American people? Somebody is watching them.
This country was formed from the great masses and even now, we must take
responsibility to run these liars out of business, overwhelm them with negative
comments (email them everyday), hold the leaders in the house and senate's feet to
the fire and stop this before it gets worse. And it can get worse.

We must remain outspoken, vigilant, and clear in our message of hatred for this
far left tilt by our government.

While placing the blame on McCain may be soothing for the rest of us, it IS the
rest of us that must accept partial blame for the direction this country is going.

Let's stop it while there is still time.

Posted by: Jennifer

Aug 31, 02:14 PM

RickG - Ditto.

Posted by: Khan Krum

Aug 31, 02:33 PM

almostacowboy77 Wrote:
> George S Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He's failing because of no narrative? Well,
> maybe.
> > But I have a different analogy...
> >
> > Suppose instead of Commander-In-Chief he
> applied
> > for Pilot-In-Command.
> Beautiful, George. I love it! :-)

Yes, brilliant, George S. Analogy is the perfect device when dealing with enigmata
like Doctor Utopia. Great Article, too!!!




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