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Part I Introduction and Review of Relevant Biology

Questions 1. Why is it more difficult for top carnivores to obtain sufficient energy resources than it is for animals lower on the food chain? Because the top carnivores receive the lowest amount of energy due to the 10% rule the animals lower have more energy compared to those at the top. 2. What sorts of genetic changes are more common in smaller populations than large ones? Are these problematic and, if so, how? Genetic Drift which happens when a genetic change is passed forward through the generations but is not expressed as part of the phenotype. But the impact with genetic drift is that the entire genotype is under selective pressure or not. 3. What term or concept is used to describe the population si e of breeding animals !not the total population si e"? What factors discussed above might reduce the number of breeding #aguars below the total number? $. %s it important for people to try to protect endangered species? Yes because if they become extinct not only will that affect our life but the other animals that may depend of this specie. Part II Nature Preserves and Corridors Questions 1. What does island biogeography theory suggest about the ideal design of a nature preserve? !&hin' of a preserve as a habitat island." !o eliminate barriers and within the geographic ranges of endangered species because it might boost their survival through both greater habitat availability and increased genetic diversity. 2. What are some reasons why the number and si e of nature preserves are limited? %n your answer, consider what you 'now about both local and international pressures !social, economic, and political". "oney might be tight and to protect all these animals their will have to be a lot of wor# put into the pro$ect. %nother reason would be sadly people care more about ma#ing money than saving the environment or species so choosing on either allowing a nature preserve to start in a certain area where they want to build a business or houses may cause some problems. 3. What are some e(amples of corridors that already e(ist where you live? &hey may not go

by this name, but still serve the same function. &hin' about areas where typical land use changes. )or e(ample, if you live in a farming community, are there unfarmed areas that could serve as corridors? %f you live in a city, which areas are not built up and could they be corridors?

Part III Experimenting with Corridors Questions 1. *ow and why might animals move between habitat patches? !he habitat patches may not be big enough for them. 2. *ow and why might plants move between habitat patches? !hey may be more adaptable to other areas or animals may carry them from one patch to another. 3. As *addad et al. point out, we often thin' of forests as +good, habitat !ideal for corridors", when they could be a barrier. What sorts of species might *addad and colleagues be studying for which pine forest can serve as a barrier? Gorillas birds pine trees. $. What can you predict about the species *addad and colleagues wanted to study, based on the si e and vegetation of the habitat patches and corridors they used? !hey live within their community because a group of small patches in one area and down to the right there is another group that holds about 10 patches. -. .(amining habitat patches 1$, 1-, and 1/, can you predict the type of comparison *addad and his colleagues would ma'e to determine whether corridors were important to the species studied? 0pecifically, what type of data would you collect, and in which patches, to determine whether corridors had an influence on the species of interest? & would say they are similar to each other or depend on each other since they are so close. !he data & would collect is the growth of each population and see if it was able to reproduce as predicted in the amount of time the corridor had been up. Part IV ethods and Results of the !tudy

Questions 1. 1riefly describe the overall pattern you see in the data. 'lants have moved due to the spread of seedlings. 2. )or which species are the results significant? 'lant species 3. 2oes your answer to Question 32 suggest any patterns among species types? )or e(ample, are plants different from animals or are butterflies different from bees? 2escribe the patterns and try to e(plain them according to the characteristics of the ta(a involved.

'lants spread out due to wind patterns because they had a higher population movement compared to mmal species or insects.

$. *addad and colleagues conclude that +%n our study, we lac' data on population viability and genetic diversity, and our dramatic increases in movement to connected patches strongly suggest, but do not demonstrate, the value of corridors., !a" 2o you thin' this statement !+suggest, but do not demonstrate," is a fair assessment of their study? .(plain your answer. !heir data could not prove the importance of corridors so & would say no. !b" What other data are the researchers suggesting they need to conclusively demonstrate the importance of corridors? 2o you thin' they are right? )or e(ample, does 'nowing the level of genetic variability answer 4uestions about long5term population survival? (esearchers were collecting data for population and biodiversity. & agree that corridors can protect populations of different species which can be monitored to show the importance of corridors. !c" *ow could researchers collect these data? 6ive suggestions for several of the species in their study. )or biodiversity they can collect data by observing the interactions between species and the amount of different species in that area. )or population researchers could use *uadrant studies in each patch. -. 1ased on what you 'now from the *addad et al. study, what would be the effects of a border fence on the population of #aguars mentioned in 7art %? .(plain your thin'ing. 0pecify any additional information you need in order to ma'e sound predictions. !he border fence provided negative impacts to the population of $aguars. !he fence will restrict space for $aguars and increase competition which will lead to a decline and increase in the population number.

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