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Tanvi Patel World History Final Study Guide 1.

Paleolithic age nomadic life: moved from place to place as clans; hunter and gathered Neolithic age domestic life: lived in a permanent place; farmed and herded 2. A lot about hunting, used same colors 3. Specialized labor is when a person specializes in a certain job. Leads to more trade b/c excel in one thing but need someone else for other things 4. Human-made object such as a tool, weapon, or jewelry 5. Moving from place to place looking for food 6. SPERT is Society, politics, economy, religion, technology, and are aspects of civilizations 7. Technology is anything that makes something easier 8. Democracy rule by the ppl 9. Oligarchy rule by the few powerful ppl 10. Ppl had the direct say in the govt, there were no representatives 11. Iliad the heroic story between the warriors: Greek Achilles and Hector of Troy 12. Pantheon 13. Cultural Diffusion when trades and a large population leads to the spreading of an idea or product from culture to culture. A large population of Italians made Italian food in America very popular. 14. Republic is a form of govt in which power is w. citizens who have the right to vote Empire is a form of govt where there are many countries under the rule of one leader, emperor. Rome went from being a republic to an empire 15. Filial piety respect for parents and ancestors 16. Region - A geographical area with similar characteristics 17. Inflation the increase in prices, decrease in value of money 18. Karma the answer to your actions 19. Hajj the pilgrimage to Mecca for a Muslim 20. Hinduism no one text; Islam Quran; Christianity Bible; Judaism Torah; Buddhism - none 21. Monotheism belief in one god; polytheism believe in many gods 22. Diaspora - Jews having to live outside of Israel (their homeland) 23. Moving permanently to another region. Such as moving to California 24. The House of Wisdom a place to study; translated documents both Islamic and of others, preserved many important writings 25. Throughout history, trade has spread cultures, made life easier because of the spread of technology, helped discover new lands, built relationships and empires, ect 26. Globalization is good b/c provides cheaper goods and more profit Globalization is bad b/c it is unethical and causes lob losses 27. Urbanization-makes society more violent, ruins family life, pollution and bad sanitary 28. Mercantilism economic policy that pushes countries to increase wealth and power by getting more gold and silver and selling more than they bought to get the gold or silver they needed control over lands that had the materials in plenty so it pushed them to want the colonies. 29. Renaissance rebirth in this case, of art and literature 30. Renaissance man A well-rounded man who excelled in many fields 31. Humanism focusing on human achievements and potential

Tanvi Patel 32. Used the astrolabe (used stars to see where they were in relation to the equator) and a magnetic compass from the Chinese) 33. Lower class would have more gaps to fill and more chances 34. While exploring, they came about gold in other areas and could take it back to make their countries wealthier. This became how they measured wealth. 35. Feudalism was based on mutual obligations between a lord and vassal. A lord is someone who has money and land, a vassal is someone who needs fiefs and/or money and offers labor or some kind of service to the lord in exchange for the fief and/or money 36. The inquisition was a section of church which aimed to stop heresy against the church. 37. The crusades were fought by the Muslim Turks and the Byzantines who were helped by the Catholic Church which influenced many knights to go fight in the Holy War. They lasted for 119 years. Starting in 1093 and ending with the childrens crusade in 1212. 38. The English and the French fought over the French throne 39. Distributed knowledge, allows to print hundreds of copies and encouraged people to learn and literacy 40. Knights are mounted warriors. Their training is long, at 7 they are pages (go to live with a noble and learn swordsmanship and chess) at 14 they are squires (become servants to knights) finally at 21 they are dubbed knights. They must fight for their nobles when necessary. In times of peace, they jousted. 41. Charles the Great was great because he reunited E. Europe with W. Europe, encouraged learning and spread Christianity. 42. 9/10 ppl in medieval Europe were peasants 43. Greece democracy gave people the right to vote Rome gave everyone a chance to be represented in society Egypt gave people an organized society that didnt exist until then Mesopotamia created urban life 44. Christianity, Judaism, Islam a. Similarities i. All believe in one god ii. All believe that Abraham and Moses were prophets/messenger iii. All have a holy text bible, quran, torah b. Differences i. Different founders Muhammad, Jesus Christ, Abraham ii. Christians believe Jesus messiah Jews believe messiah still to come Islam believes that Muhammad was messiah iii. Islam believes that Allah is the only god Christians believe that there is one god with 3 forms Jews believe that Yahweh is god 45. As technology got better and better, trade was able to spread and expand. In the time of the Egyptians, most trade occurred near the Nile, but one the Romans created the roads, Europe was able to trade with Asia. Today, the internet makes trade extremely simple b.c you can buy something that is miles away without having to be there in person. 46. The unity of an Empire has a lot to do with the people having something in common and being happy. Take Rome for example, it was successful because all the people had things in common, they liked the Roman lifestyle, all spoke latin and trade made them prosper.

Tanvi Patel When there are large differences between the people, the empire is stressed. Take Muslim Empire for example, the different opinions of the shias, sufis, and sunnis was a large cause of their downfall. 47. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Muslim Empire. Of all these I would like to live during the time of Ancient Egypt. This was a land of cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity. It took parts of the civilizations during its time and incorporated them into theirs. Of all the civilizations we have learned about, Egypt respected women the most. Women were allowed to own land, could decide their marriages, and even granted divorces and 1/3 of property. This was more than even civilizations that followed. 48. When these people migrated, they brought their old culture, technology, bad aspects of life and ideas. This would both help and cause problems. With the technology, life could be easier and the culture can help trade and make their own better. But the bad aspects of life, like the illiterate Germans brings about illiteracy in the middle ages. Also things like un - cleanliness can be adapted causing disease. 49. Rome gave us their government a. republic (ppl vote); Senate, tribunes(house of reps) b. Latin the base of most European languages English, Spanish, Italian, ect c. Aqueducts indoor plumbing 50. House of Wisdom, Hospitals, Algebra. The most important is the House of Wisdom. It translated and preserved important documents of the time. The House of Wisdom, is the reason that we know so much about old civilizations. It was also a place of learning and educated more people which brought about new technology. Hospitals and Algebra were also very important but other civilizations were also aware of these things (Hospitals Egypt; Algebra Indus River Valley) 51. Renaissance Art a. Perspective big in front, small in back; focus on vanishing point and horizon line, depth b. Religious Subjects; realistic style; roman and greek subjects c. Portraits, and human body very big 52. Classical Civilizations civilizations that have a lasting impression over thousands of years and the civilizations that follow. a. Democracy Our government today b. Developed philosophy that is still used today many of Socrates and Platos ideas followed and/or used c. Architecture Used in our current day architecture like Washington DC

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