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Positive allergen examination results on Skin Prick Test are divided into three, which are: slight, medium,

great. The mark is said to be 'slight' if the Skin Prick Test result is positive at 1-3 injected allergens. The mark is 'medium' if the Skin Prick Test result is positive at 4-6 injected allergens. The mark is 'great' if the Skin Prick Test result is positive at 7-10 injected allergens. The examination results of Skin Prick Test can be seen in Attachement 3. IL-4 examination results can be seen in Attachement 4. Normal rate of IL-4 examination is 0 65.18 pg/mL (Martin et al, 2006). The research was begun in March 2013 and obtained 36 people with rhinitis allergy who fulfill the sample research criteria, consisted of 10 men and 26 women. In table 1, most patients are female as many as 26 persons (72,2%) and 10 male patients (27.8%). Hanum (1989) on her research in Medan found that from 31 rhinitis allergy patients, female patiens are more than male patients by comparison 1,58 : 1. On a research in New Zealand found that rhinitis is suffered by most women than men (Zainuddin 1999). In table 3. Characteristics of sample data based on tested allergen types, the number of positive samples mostly found in dust allergen which is 13 students (36,1%) and the number of negative samples mostly found on tuna allergen which is 1 student (2.8%). Sumarman (1998) quoted by Kosasih in Bandung (2004) stated that The Skin Prick Test results on different types of inhaled allergens at homes for rhinitis patients, dust mites and house dust are the most common allergens (100%). Cora (2002) on his research in Medan stated that the types of allergens found in people with chronic maxillary sinusitis are mostly house dust (56,09%) and dust mites (48,78%). There is a meaningful correlation between the Skin prick test results with IL-4 towards the ten examined allergens such as house dust, cotton, chicken feathers, shrimps, tuna, chicken egg yolk, chicken egg albumen, peanuts, tea, and chocolates. It means that the more positive results towards an allergen in Skin prick test the more IL-4 will be released as factors that stimulate the development and differentiation of cells B, which will produce IgE and IG4 (Karp et al, 2003), so it can be seen from the number of levels IL-4 in the patient serum. As explained that, Sensitization phase begins with exposure to allergens stuck in the nasal

mucosa with respiratory air. The allergens are captured and split by antigen-presenting cell (APC) such as Langerhans cells, dendritic cells and macrophages into short-chain peptides (Nursanti, 2011). The results of the split will be presented on the surface of APC through the molecules of major hystocompatibility complex II (MHC Class II). The bond between antigen-presenting cell and cell Th 0 (Th naive) through MHC-II and its receptors (TcR-CD4) triggers differentiation of Th2 cells towards Th0 Cells. Some of cytokines such as IL3 IL4, IL5,, IL9, IL10, IL13 and granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF) will be released (Caffrey, 2001) Interleukin 3 (IL3) and IL4 will soon attach to its receptors on the surface of lymphocytes cell B that causes the activation of cell B and produces immunoglobulin E (IgE) which will be released in blood circulation and surrounding tissues. IgE molecules in blood circulation and tissues can attach to its receptors (FcRI) on the surface of mast cells and form a bond of IgE mast cells (Broide, 2010). If the mast cells contain IgE towards the applied allergens, the mast cells will degranulate and realease its mediators including histamine. It will causes a type I immune reaction which is swelling redness on the skin. Positive SPT results indicate that within the patient`s body has generated IgE antibody to suppress specific allergens. It means that specific antigens recognize the antibody (sensitization process has already occurred) (Lumbanraja, 2007). Negative SPT results in this research shows that a process of sensitization has not occurred in patient`s body but it shows the possibility that the sensitized allergens in patient`s body are not those among ten types of allergen used in Skin Prick Test. A. SUGGESTIONS 1. Further research needs to be done by adding the amount of allergen on

Skin Prick Test

2. The research should be done with a wider scope.

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