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Certified Mail Article Number: Illinois Corporation Practice of Law Prohibition Act Public Notice/Public Record This Act

may be cited as the Illinois Corporation Practice of Law Prohibition Act !"ource: P A #$%&'() * +hereas defined pursuant to, "ec & It shall be unlawful for a corporation to practice law or appear as an attorney at law for any reason in any court in this state or before any -udicial body. or to ma/e it a business to practice as an attorney at law for any person in any said courts or to hold itself out to the public as bein0 entitled to practice law or to render or furnish le0al ser1ices or ad1ice or to furnish attorneys or counsel or to render le0al ser1ices of any /ind in actions or proceedin0s of any nature or in any other way or manner to assume to be entitled to practice law. or to assume. use and ad1ertise the title of lawyers or attorney. attorney at law. or e2ui1alent terms in any lan0ua0e in such manner as to con1ey the impression that it is entitled to practice law. or to furnish le0al ad1ice. furnish attorneys or counsel. or to ad1ertise that either alone or to0ether with. or by or throu0h. any person. whether a duly and re0ularly admitted attorney at law or not. it has. owns. conducts or maintains a law office or an office for the practice of law or for furnishin0 le0al ad1ice. ser1ices or counsel !"ource: Laws &3&4. p '53 * +hereas defined pursuant to, "ec ( It shall be unlawful for any corporation to solicit by itself or by or throu0h its officer. a0ent or employee. any claim or demand for the purpose of brin0in0 an action at law thereon. or for furnishin0 le0al ad1ice. ser1ices or counsel. to a person sued or about to be sued in any action or proceedin0. or a0ainst whom an action or proceedin0 has been or is about to be brou0ht or who may be affected by any action or proceedin0 which has been or may be instituted in any court or before any -udicial body or for the purpose of so representin0 any person as attorney or counsel in securin0 or attemptin0 to secure any ci1il remedy !"ource: Laws &3&4. p '53 * +hereas defined pursuant to, "ec ' Any corporation 1iolatin0 the pro1isions of this Act shall be 0uilty of a petty offense. and shall be fined not to e6ceed 7855. and e1ery officer. trustee. director. a0ent or employee of such corporation who directly or indirectly en0a0es in any of the acts herein prohibited or assists such corporation to do any such prohibited act or acts is 0uilty of a petty offense !"ource: P A 44% ('#5 * +hereas defined pursuant to, "ec ) The fact that any such officer. trustee. a0ent or employee shall be a duly and re0ularly admitted attorney at law shall not be held to permit or allow any such corporation to do the acts prohibited herein. nor shall such fact constitute a defense upon the trial of any of the persons mentioned herein for a 1iolation of the pro1isions of this act !"ource: Laws &3&4. p '53 * +hereas defined pursuant to, "ec 8 Nothin0 contained in this act shall prohibit a corporation from employin0 an attorney or attorneys in and about its own immediate affairs or in any liti0ation to which it is or may be a party. or in any liti0ation in which any corporation may be interested by reason of the issuance of any policy or underta/in0 of insurance. 0uarantee or indemnity. nor shall it apply to associations or0ani9ed for bene1olent or charitable purposes or for assistin0 persons without means in the pursuit of any ci1il remedy or the presentation of a defense in courts of law. nor shall it apply to duly or0ani9ed corporations lawfully en0a0ed in the mercantile or collection business or to corporations or0ani9ed not for pecuniary profit Nothin0 herein contained shall be construed to pre1ent a corporation from furnishin0 to any person. lawfully en0a0ed in the practice of the law. such information or such clerical ser1ices in and about his professional wor/ as. e6cept for the pro1isions of this act. may be lawful. pro1ided. that at all times the lawyer recei1in0 such information or such ser1ices shall maintain full professional and direct responsibility to his clients for the information and ser1ices so recei1ed :ut no corporation shall be permitted to render any ser1ices which cannot lawfully be rendered by a person not admitted to practice law in this state nor to solicit directly or indirectly professional employment for a lawyer Nothin0 contained in this Act shall be construed to prohibit a corporation from prosecutin0 as plaintiff or defendin0 as defendant any small claims proceedin0 in any court of this "tate throu0h any officer. director. mana0er. department mana0er or super1isor of the corporation as authori9ed by "ection (%)&$ of the Code

Certified Mail Article Number: of Ci1il Procedure !"ource: P A #'%353 * PR;<=""I;NAL C;RP;RATI;N defined: Corporation In most states such may be or0ani9ed by those renderin0 personal ser1ices to public of a type which re2uires a license or other le0al authori9ation and which prior to such statutory authori9ation could not be performed by a corporation Includes. but is not limited to. public accountants. certified public accountants. chiropractors. osteopaths. physicians. sur0eons. dentists. podiatrists. chiropodists. architects. 1eterinarians. optometrists. and attorneys at law Ta6 benefits are one of se1eral reasons for professional incorporation Incorporation does not alter professional responsibility or pri1ile0e nor does it insulate principal from malpractice liability M;N=>=? C;RP;RATI;N" defined: are. properly spea/in0. those dealin0 in money or in the business of recei1in0 deposits. loanin0 money. and e6chan0e, but in a wider sense the term is applied to all business corporations ha1in0 a money capital and employin0 it in the conduct of their business P@:LIC%"=RAIC= C;RP;RATI;N" defined: Those whose operations ser1e the needs of the 0eneral public or conduce to the comfort and con1enience of an entire community. such as public transportation. 0as. water. and electric li0ht companies The business of such companies is said to be Baffected with a public interest.B and for that reason they are sub-ect to le0islati1e re0ulation and control to a 0reater e6tent than corporations not of this character "ee also Cuasi public corporation. below C@A"I C;RP;RATI;N defined: A term applied to those bodies. or municipal societies. which. thou0h not 1ested with the 0eneral powers of corporations. are yet reco0ni9ed. by statutes or immemorial usa0e. as persons. or a00re0ate corporations. with precise duties. which may be enforced. and pri1ile0es. which may be maintained. by suits at law BCuasi corporationB is a phrase used to desi0nate bodies which possess a limited number of corporate powers. and which are low down in the scale or 0rade of corporate e6istence. and is 0enerally applied to a body which e6ercises certain functions of a corporate character. but which has not been created a corporation by any statute. 0eneral or special There is a well%defined and mar/ed distinction between municipal corporations proper and political or 2uasi corporations Cities. towns. and 1illa0es are municipal corporations proper. while counties. townships. school districts. road districts. and the li/e are 2uasi corporations public corporation. below C@A"I P@:LIC C;RP;RATI;N defined: This term is sometimes applied to corporations which are not strictly public. in the sense of bein0 or0ani9ed for 0o1ernmental purposes. but whose operations contribute to the comfort. con1enience. or welfare of the 0eneral public. such as tele0raph and telephone companies. 0as. water. and electric li0ht companies. and irri0ation companies More commonly and more correctly styled Bpublic%ser1ice corporations B There is a lar0e class of pri1ate corporations. which on account of special franchises conferred on them owe a duty to the public. which they may be compelled to perform This class of corporations is /nown as public ser1ice corporations. and in le0al phraseolo0y as B2uasi public corporations.B or corporations affected with a public interest A B2uasi public corporationB may be said to be a pri1ate corporation which has 0i1en to it certain powers of a public nature. such. for instance. as the power of eminent domain. in order to enable it to dischar0e its duties for the public benefit. in which respect it differs from an ordinary pri1ate corporation. the powers of which are 0i1en and e6ercised for the e6clusi1e ad1anta0e of its stoc/holders The term is also applied to corporations of that class sometimes called B2uasi municipal corporations.B such as school districts. irri0ation districts. township. etc :lac/Ds Law ?ictionary "i6th =dition !pa0e ')(* =E=MPT" defined: Persons who are not bound by law. but e6cused from the performance of duties imposed upon others :lac/Ds Law ?ictionary "i6th =dition !pa0e 84(* http://nesaranews blo0spot com/(5&'/5$/this%act%may%be%cited%as%illinois html

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