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In this session you need to create database for an Employee management system
of an ABC Organization. The details about different tables are given below.
According to that you can proceed further and create tables using Ms_Access.

Create the following tables with the specified Constraints:


First Name - Not Null

Middle initials -
Last name - Not Null
Employee-id - Primary Key
Date of Birth -
Address -
Gender - M or F
Salary - Range of 5000 to 25000
Date of Joining -
Department number - Refers to Department Number of
Department table.

Session 2:


Department name - Not null unique

Department number - Primary Key
Manager -id - Refers to employee-id of employee table
Manager date of joining - Not Null.

Department location

Department number - Refers to Department Number of

Department table.
Department location -
Department number & Department location are combined primary key.

Session 3:


Project Name - Not Null

Project number - Primary key
Project location - Not Null
Department number - Refers to Department Number of
Department table.

Employee-id - Not Null refers to employee-id of
employee table
Project Number - Not Null refers to Project number of Project
Hours - Not Null
Employee-id & Project number are combined primary key.
Session 5:


Employee-id - Refers to employee-id of employee table

Dependent Name -
Gender - M or F
Date of Birth - Not Null
Relationship - Not Null

 Insert 5 set of data for each table.
 To add Manager address in the Department table.
 To rename a field Date of Birth to DOB.
 To delete Manager address from the department table.
 Find the list of projects
 Find the list of the department
 List the dependents of the employee whose employee id is '001'
 Find out the list of employees working on a project.
 Find out all those departments that are located in more than one location.
 List out Male staff alone
 Sort your record based on the Date of joining.
 List out only Projects.
 To see the lowest paid employee in the company, set the sort retrieval to
ascending under salary.
 Set the sort to Descending under Salary.
 To View the employee by seniority in the company, sort the employees in
ascending order.


 To sort records by employee-id.

 To find the record for a person with the first name “Smith”
 To find the record for a person with the last name “ Albin”

 To create a Form
 To create a Report
 To Insert a picture in a report.
 To create a query by design view

Session 6:
Create the following tables with the specified Constraints:


First Name - Not Null

Middle initials -
Last name - Not Null
Student-id - Primary Key
Date of Birth -
Address -
Gender - M or F
Date of Joining -
Department number - Not null

Student-id - Primary key
Department Number - Not Null
M1 - Not Null
Result - Not Null
Grade - Not null


 Insert data in all three tables

 Insert appropriate description associated with each table and the column
(use comment)
 Display the structure of the table.
 Display the comments that your have inserted.
 Get the list of all student names
 Get the list of all result and student -id

Session 7:

Table Name : Books Records

Attribute Name: Accession Number, ISBN Number

Table Name : Books

Attribute Name: ISBN Number, Author , Publisher, Price.

Table Name : Members

Attribute Name: Member Id, Member Name, Maximum Number of books that can
be issued,
Maximum number of days for which book can be issued.

Table Name: Book Issue

Attribute Name : Member Id, Accession Number, Issue Date, Return Date.

 Insert data in all the three table.
 Insert appropriate description associated with each table and the
column(use Comment)
 Get the list of all books.
 Get the list of all members
 Get the accession number of books which are available in the library.
 List of books issued on 01-Jan-2005
 Get the list of all books having price greater than Rs.500.
 Find the number of copies of each book.
 Find the number of copies available of a book of given ISBN number.

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