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1) What is the importance of WLS? a. Diff bet Java & WLS (Roles & Responsibilities) b. Working nvironment c. !pport"nities(!

nsite !ffers# Salar$) %. Job Sec"rit$ &) Roles & Responsibilities' a. (ro"bleshooting b. )erformance *onitoring# ("ning c. Deplo$ing +pplication %. ,nstallation COURSE CONTENTS )+R( ,' - !. R., W & ,/S(+LL+(,!/ 1) 0n%erstan%ing Java1J& a. b. c. %. e. (echnologies

Distrib"te% nvironment Dif. bet. Web & +pp Server +bo"t Servers nvironments 2 Dev# (esting(S,(# 0+()# )re )ro% & )ro% 3ile *anagement in Java

&) ,ntro%"ction to WebLogic Server a. (erminolog$ b. Dif. bet. WLS .ersions(4.5# 16.5 & 11) c. !vervie7 of WLS S$stem +%min 8) ,nstallation 9"i%e a. b. c. %. e. f. g. h. ,nstallation *o%es ,nstallable )ro%"ct :omponents )ro%"ct Distrib"tion )re ,nstallation ,nstalling the Steps )ost ,nstallation 0ninstallation !vervie7 of +%min :onsole

)+R( ,,' - :!/3,90R+(,!/ *+/+9 * /( ;) WL Domains :onfig"ration a. :reating WL Domain b. 0n%erstan%ing Domain :onfig"ration

c. %. e. f. g. h. i. =.

i. Domain :onfig"ration 3iles ii. *anaging :onfig"ration :hanges :onfig"ring nvironment :onfig"ring +%min Server :onfig"ring *anage% Servers :onfig"ring :l"sters :onfig"ring JD<: & J*S Settings 5ten%ing WL Domains 5ten%ing JD<: & J*S Domains 5amples :reating Domains

>) Domains :reation 0sing )ack & 0npack :omman%s a. )ack b. 0npack ?) :reating (emplates b$ "sing the Domain (emplate <"il%er a. :onfig"ring the (emplates b. :reating Domain (emplates b$ 0sing the Domain (emplate <"il%er c. :reating 5tension (emplates b$ 0sing the Domain (emplate <"il%er @) *anaging Server Start"p & Sh"t%o7n a. Starting & Stopping Servers b. Setting "p WLS ,nstance as Win%o7s Service c. +voi%ing & Recovering from Server 3ailover %. 0n%erstan%ing Server Life :$cle A) /o%e *anager +%ministratorBs 9"i%e a. !vervie7 b. /o%e *anager :onfig"ration c. 0sing /o%e *anager 4) :onfig"ring Log 3iles & 3iltering Log *essages a. WebLogic Logging Services b. 3iltering WebLogic Server Log *essages c. S"bscribing to *essages 16) :l"sters a. b. c. %. ,ntro%"ction :omm"nications in a :l"ster :l"ster :onfig"ration Loa% <alancing in a :l"ster

e. f. g. h. i.

3ailover & Replication in a :l"ster Whole Server *igration :l"ster +rchitect"res Setting "p Weblogic :l"sters :l"stering <est )ractices

11) )ro5$ Server :onfig"ration a. ,nstalling & :onfig"ring the Web Server & )l"g-in i. +pache C(() Server )l"g-in 1&) :onfig"ring WebLogic Server JD<: Reso"rces a. :onfig"ring WL JD<: Reso"rces b. :onfig"ring JD<: Data So"rces c. :onfig"ring m"ltiple Data So"rces 18) :onfig"ring WebLogic J*S Reso"rces a. 0n%erstan%ing J*S Reso"rces :onfig"ration 1;) :onfig"ring WL Store & 3ront a. 0n%erstan%ing Store & 3ront b. :onfig"ring Store & 3ront 1>) :onfig"ring WL *essaging <ri%ge a. 0n%erstan%ing *essaging <ri%ge b. :onfig"ring *essaging <ri%ge c. 3+Ds )+R( ,,,' - D )L!E* /(S 1?) Deplo$ment +pplications to WLS a. b. c. %. e. f. g. h. 0n%erstan%ing )reparing +pps & *o%"les for Deplo$ment :onfig"ring of +pps for )ro%"ction nvironment 5port an +pplication for Deplo$ment Weblogic.Deplo$er for +pps Deplo$ment & Weblogic.Deplo$er +"to Deplo$ment Re Deplo$ing *anaging the %eplo$ment

1@) Sec"rit$ a. +"thentication & +"thoriFation b. Single Sign !n )+R( ,.' - (R!0<L SC!!(,/9 & ) R3!R*+/: *!/,(!R,/9 1A) )erformance & ("ning a. b. c. %. e. f. g. )erformance ("ning !S )erformance ("ning J.* )erformance ("ning WLS )erformance ("ning WL )ersistent Store )erformance ("ning D< )erformance ("ning WL J<s )erformance ("ning

14) (ro"bleshooting & *onitoring a. b. c. %. e. &6) S/*) )+R( .' - 0/,G :!**+/DS & WLS( &1) <asic 0/,G :omman%s &&) WLS( & :omman% Reference :l"ster (ro"bleshooting :l"ster *"lticast :onfig"ration (ro"bleshooting *onitoring & *anaging WL JD<: Reso"rces *onitoring & (ro"bleshooting of WL J*S Reso"rces *onitoring & (ro"bleshooting of Store & 3or7ar%

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