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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that results in a chronic, systemicinflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues

and organs, but principally attacks flexible (synovial) joints. It can be a disabling and painful condition, which can lead to substantial loss of functioning and mobility if not adequately treated. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease (a disease that occurs when the body is

attacked by its own immune system) which resulted in a prolonged inflammation of the joints. This disease attacks the joints, usually regarding a lot of joints, characterized by inflammation of the synovial membrane and joint structures as well as muscle atrophy and bone thinning. Gejala( symptom) The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis come and go, depending on the degree of tissue inflammation. When body tissues are inflamed, the disease is active. When tissue inflammation subsided / subside, the disease is not active When the disease is active, symptoms can include fatigue, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, muscle aches and joint pain, and stiffness. Muscle and joint stiffness are usually most noticeable during the morning and after periods of inactivity. (Ketika penyakit aktif, gejala-gejala dapat termasuk kelelahan, kehilangan nafsu makan, demam derajat rendah, nyeri-nyeri otot dan sendi, dan kekakuan. Kekakuan otot dan sendi biasanya paling terasa pada pagi hari dan setelah periode-periode ketidakaktifan. gejala-gejala aktif tersebut terjadi setelah mengalami periode-periode ketidakaktifan) active symptoms occurred after experiencing periods of inactivity RA is generally characterized by multiple symptoms that last for at least 6 weeks, namely: Stiffness in and around joints lasting about 30-60 minutes in the morning 3 or more swollen joints at the same time Swelling and pain usually occurs in the joints of the hand Swelling and pain usually occurs with a symmetrical pattern (pain in the same joints on both sides of the body) and generally attacks the wrist joints At a more advanced stage, RA can also mark the presence of rheumatoid nodules, RA umumnya ditandai dengan adanya beberapa gejala yang berlangsung selama minimal 6 minggu, yaitu : Kekakuan pada dan sekitar sendi yang berlangsung sekitar 30-60 menit di pagi hari Bengkak pada 3 atau lebih sendi pada saat yang bersamaan Bengkak dan nyeri umumnya terjadi pada sendi-sendi tangan Bengkak dan nyeri umumnya terjadi dengan pola yang simetris (nyeri pada sendi yang sama di kedua sisi tubuh) dan umumnya menyerang sendi pergelangan tangan Pada tahap yang lebih lanjut, RA dapat tandai juga dengan adanya nodul-nodul rheumatoid,

drugs that help the symptoms of arthritis (joint pain, conclusions, and swelling) includes: * Analgesic anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen * Topical (applied directly to the skin) pain relievers * Corticosteroids, such as prednisone

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