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HON 301

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John Tofik Karam, Ph.D. Monday/Wednesday 1:00 Monday/Wednesday !:"0 '$hmitt ($ademi$ Center )'(C*, +, .."/"!+/&1"+ 0karam!1de-a%l.ed%

I. INTRODUCTION Tra$ing their origins to $o%ntries in the Middle ,ast and 2orth (fri$a, (ra3s ha4e migrated to the (meri$as sin$e the late nineteenth $ent%ry. 5e3anese make %- nearly half of them. 'yrians, Palestinians, and others re-resent signifi$ant n%m3ers as 6ell. #3ser4ant of 7slam, Christianity, J%daism, and other faiths, immigrants and des$endants maintain an array of religio%s $ongregations. They are mer$hants and C,#8s as 6ell as -oliti$ally identify from the 5eft to the 9ight. :ro%nded in $%lt%ral st%dies and history, this $o%rse e;-lores (ra3 identity and e;-erien$e a$ross the (meri$as from the late nineteenth to the early t6enty/first $ent%ry. With a fo$%s on (rgentina, <ra=il, Me;i$o, and the >.'., the $o%rse addresses ho6 (ra3 identity -oliti$s are $ross$%t 3y $lass, gender, ra$e, and religion, as 6ell as the 6ays that 5atin and 2orth (meri$ans of (ra3 origin ha4e 3een $onstr%$ted thro%gh orientalism, m%lti$%lt%ralism, and neoli3eralism. We 6ill a--roa$h the Middle ,astern -resen$e not 0%st as a so$ial fa$t, 3%t also as a no4el angle thro%gh 6hi$h to e;-lore key hemis-heri$ dynami$s and the 6ays that Middle ,asterners engaged, re-rod%$ed, and disr%-ted them. (s historian ,dm%ndo #8:orman on$e -ondered, ?(m@ri$aA 6as not ?dis$o4eredA 3%t rather ?in4ented.A This $o%rse 6ill 3ring st%dents to interrogate the 4i$issit%des of that in4ention thro%gh the Middle ,astern -resen$e. II. REQUIRED READINGS (3%/Ja3er, Diana. !00" )1BB"*. Arabian Jazz: A Novel. 2e6 Cork: W.W. 2orton. Dandal, 2athalie. !01!. Poet in Andaluca. Pitts3%rgh: >ni4ersity of Pitts3%rgh Press. 1

'hohat, ,lla and ,4elyn (ls%ltany, eds. !01". Between the Middle East and the Americas: The Cultural Politics o !ias"ora. (nn (r3or: >ni4ersity of Mi$higan Press. 72 (DD7T7#2, yo% m%st do6nload other readings from the D!5 6e3site, htt-s://d!l.de-a%l.ed%/ The readings are listed %nder ?Co%rse '$hed%le and 9eading (ssignmentsA in this sylla3%s. III. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING 1. Class (ttendan$e )10 -er$ent of final grade*. 't%dents shall $ome to $lass 6ith the readings done. TWO absences are er!"##e$ %&r $&c#&r's a &"n#!en#s( s"c)ness( *&r)( &r &#+er reas&ns. More than t6o a3sen$es 6ill de$rease this -ortion of yo%r grade in the follo6ing manner: " %ne;$%sed a3sen$esEE.EEE...E....EEEEEEEEEEEE ma;im%m grade C & %ne;$%sed a3sen$esEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEma;im%m grade F + %ne;$%sed a3sen$esEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... ma;im%m grade 0 9e-eated lateness and r%de 3eha4iors )i.e. te;ting or fa$e3ook -er%sing* 6ill lo6er this -ortion of yo%r grade. 7f yo% miss $lass, yo% are res-onsi3le for o3taining all of the information from yo%r $lassmates and, if ne$essary, from me. !. 9es-onse Pa-ers )&0 -er$ent of final grade*. #2 ,G,9C W,D2,'D(C, yo% shall hand in a TCP,D t6o/-age -a-er a3o%t that 6eek8s readings )from 3oth days*. Co% 6ill 6rite a3o%t a theme that $%ts a$ross the readings a$$ording to the s-e$ifi$ 6eek. The list of readings and H%estions are -ro4ided in -art 7G ?Co%rse '$hed%le and 9eading (ssignments.A C#> M>'T <, 'P,C7F7C (2D D79,CT5C ,2:(:, W7TD '#M, )not all* #F TD, 9,(D72:' F9#M <#TD C5('',' D>972: TD(T :7G,2 W,,K. Dere are t6o H%estions that yo% sho%ld 3e a3le to dis$%ss after $om-leting the readings: / What is a signifi$ant theme raised a$ross the readingsI / What are $om-arati4e or $ontrasti4e -oints 3et6een the readingsI 7 6ill e4al%ate yo%r res-onse -a-ers 6ith a min%s sign for 3elo6 a4erage 6ork ) *, a $he$k for good 6ork ) J *, or a -l%s for e;$ellent 6ork ) K *.

". Final -a-er )&0 -er$ent of final grade*. Co% shall hand in a ten/-age final -a-er that 3%ilds on a theme or H%estion in this $o%rse. 7t m%st in$l%de at least three s$holarly arti$les or 3ooks not listed in this sylla3%s. 't%dents m%st $hoose their o6n to-i$ that is related to (ra3s in the (meri$as. Whate4er yo% de$ide on, the final -a-er m%st in$l%de: a. three or more so%r$es that are listed in this sylla3%s 3. at least three 'CD#5(95C arti$les or 3ooks 2#T 57'T,D in this sylla3%s )internet sites and ne6s arti$les are 2#T a$$e-ta3le as s$holarly so%r$es* $. D,'C97PT7#2 and (2(5C'7' of those so%r$es in a $ogent arg%ment Final Pa-erEEEEEEEEEEE..EEEEEE.EEEEEEE D%e Monday, Mar$h 1. &. (3stra$t and (nnotated <i3liogra-hy for Final Pa-er )10 -er$ent of final grade*. Co% shall hand in a "00 6ord a3stra$t and annotated 3i3liogra-hy of yo%r final -a-er. 7t m%st state the main -oint of yo%r -a-er and s%mmari=e yo%r to-i$. The annotated 3i3liogra-hy m%st re4ie6 at least three arti$les and/or 3ooks )2#T 57'T,D 72 TD7' 'C55(<>'* related to yo%r to-i$. (3stra$t and (22#T(T,D 3i3liogra-hyEEEEEEEEEE D%e Wednesday, Fe3r%ary 1! L 5ate Work Poli$y L For e4ery day that any assignment is late, it shall 3e graded do6n one f%ll grade )one day, K to J, or ( to <, and for t6o days, J to /, or < to C, and so on*. #n the fifth day of tardiness, the 6ork shall 3e 6orth =ero -oints. L Plagiarism Poli$y L ($$ording to the DePa%l 't%dent Dand3ook, #Pla$iarism is a serious orm o academic dishonest% involvin$ the "resentation o the wor& o another as one's own. Pla$iarism includes but is not limited to the ollowin$: The direct co"%in$ o an% source( such as written and verbal material( com"uter iles( audio dis&s( video "ro$rams or musical scores( whether "ublished or un"ublished( in whole or in "art( without "ro"er ac&nowled$ement that it is someone else's. Co"%in$ o an% source in whole or in "art with onl% minor chan$es in wordin$ or s%nta) even with ac&nowled$ement. *ubmittin$ as one's own wor& a re"ort( e)amination "a"er( com"uter ile( lab re"ort or other assi$nment( which has been "re"ared b% someone else+The "ara"hrasin$ o another's wor& or ideas without "ro"er ac&nowled$ement., I% ,&- c&!!"# .a/"ar"s!( ,&- *".. rece"0e an a-#&!a#"c 1 "n #+"s c&-rse an$ a %&r!a. /r"e0ance *".. be %".e$ *"#+ #+e Aca$e!"c In#e/r"#, B&ar$.

9,M>79,M,2T' (2D :9(D72: '>MM(97N,D Class -arti$i-ation Weekly T6o Page 9es-onse Pa-ers (3stra$t and (nnotated <i3liogra-hy for Final Pa-er Final Ten/Page Pa-er Total: I2. COURSE SCHEDU3E AND READING ASSIGNMENTS Week #ne Con$e-t%ali=ing these (ra3 (meri$as Main H%estions: What is ?(meri$aIA Do6 do $om-arati4e and hemis-heri$ st%dies of the Middle ,astern -resen$e hel- %s rethink the $on4entional notion of ?(meri$aIA 1. M&n$a,( 4an-ar, 5 6 C-rr"c-.ar an$ T+e!a#"c In#r&$-c#"&n 2. We$nes$a,( 4an-ar, 7 6 8T+e M"$$.e Eas#ern 9resence: "n #+"s He!"s +ere / Feli-e FernPnde=/(rmesto, ?(meri$asI (meri$aIA The Americas. D!5 / ,lla 'hohat and ,4elyn (ls%ltany, ?The C%lt%ral Politi$s of Qthe Middle ,ast8 in the (meri$as: (n 7ntrod%$tion,A Between the Middle East and the Americas, --. "/&1 Week T6o #rientalism and its Dis$ontents Main H%estions: Do6 does 'aid define and $ritiH%e #rientalismI Do6 does 'hohat rethink 'aid8s $ritiH%e of #rientalismI Do6 do Dassan and <erman attend to the res-e$ti4e 6ays that a >.'. (meri$an of Middle ,astern origins and the mah-ar -ositioned themsel4es in relation to #rientalismI 3. M&n$a,( 4an-ar, 13 6 T+e Cr"#";-e &% Or"en#a."s! / ,d6ard 'aid, ?7ntrod%$tionA from .rientalism. D!5 / ,lla 'hohat, ?The 'e-hardi/Moorish (tlanti$: <et6een #rientalism and #$$identalism,A Between the Middle East and the Americas, --. &!/R! / 7n $lass, s$reening of "+/min%te do$%mentary inter4ie6, Edward *aid on .rientalism 4. We$nes$a,( 4an-ar, 1< 6 M"/ran# In#e..ec#-a.s an$ Or"en#a."s! / WaSl Dassan, ?The 9ise of (ra3/(meri$an 5iterat%re: #rientalism and C%lt%ral Translation in the Work of (meen 9ihani.A D!5 / 9o3in #stle, ?The 5iterat%re of the Mah-ar.A D!5 10O &0O 10O &0O 100O

/ Ja$o3 <erman, ?Mah-ar 5ega$ies: ( 9einter-retation,A Between the Middle East and the Americas, --. R+/.B Week Three >nthinking ,%ro$entrism Main H%estions: Do6 do 'tam and 'hohat seek to ?%nthink ,%ro$entrismA and ?m%lti$%lt%rali=eA the field of $%lt%ral st%diesI 7n 6hat 6ays does their -ers-e$ti4e relate to ,l (ttar, (lfaro/Gel$am-, Ci4antos, and :alindo8s a--roa$h to (ra3s in 5atin (meri$a or (ra3/5atin (meri$an relationsI <. M&n$a,( 4an-ar, 20 6 T+e 9&."#"cs &% Re resen#"n/ 8T-rc&s: / 9o3ert 'tam and ,lla 'hohat, 7ntrod%$tion to /nthin&in$ Eurocentrism. D!5 / 9o3ert 'tam and ,lla 'hohat, Cha-ter Fi4e, ?'tereoty-e, 9ealism, and the 'tr%ggle #4er 9e-resentation,A in /nthin&in$ Eurocentrism. D!5 / De3a ,l (ttar, ?Turco"hobia or Turco"hilia: Politi$s of 9e-resenting (ra3s in 5atin (meri$a,A Between the Middle East and the Americas, --. !+!/!R" 5. We$nes$a,( 4an-ar, 22 6 Arabs "n 3a#"n A!er"ca( 3a#"n A!er"ca "n #+e Arab W&r.$ / Theresa (lfaro/Gel$am-, ?From ?BaisanosA to <illionaires: 5o$ating (ra3s in Me;i$o,A Between the Middle East and the Americas, --. BR/10. / Christina Ci4antos, ?(li <la <la8s Do%3le/,dged '6ord: (rgentine President Carlos Menem and the 2egotiation of 7dentity,A Between the Middle East and the Americas, --. 10T/1!B / (le0andro :alindo, ?The (--roa$h of Three 5atin (meri$an Co%ntries to the (ra3 :%lf: (rgentina, Me;i$o, and Gene=%ela.A D!5 Week Fo%r 7nterrogating the ?M%lti$%lt%ralA 2ation Main H%estions: Do6 does (nderson theori=e the ?nationIA Do6 does Takaki imagine the >.'. nation as ?m%lti$%lt%ralIA Where do (ra3s fit into a ?m%lti$%lt%ralA >.'. nation, a$$ording to (ls%ltany and (3%/Ja3erI Do6 does (3%/Ja3er seek to rearti$%late this dilemmaI =. M&n$a,( 4an-ar, 2= 6 T+e Na#"&n as I!a/"ne$ C&!!-n"#, / <enedi$t (nderson, ,;$er-t from 0ma$ined Communities. D!5 / 9onald Takaki, ,;$er-t from A !i erent Mirror. D!5 / ,4elyn (ls%ltany, ?From (ra3 Terrorists to Patrioti$ (ra3 (meri$ans: 9e-resentational 'trategies in Post/B/11 TG Dramas,A Between the Middle East and the Americas, --. 1+"/1.+ 7. We$nes$a,( 4an-ar, 2> 6 Re resen#a#"&na. D".e!!as "n Arabian Jazz 5

/ (li$e ,4ans, ?Dalf and Dalf: ( Profile of Diana (3% Ja3er.A D!5 / Diana (3%/Ja3er, Arabian Jazz, --. 1 1"1 Week Fi4e The Politi$s of :ender Main H%estions: Do6 has (3%/Ja3er re-resented (ra3 6omen and men in terms of memory, silen$e, and str%ggleI Do6 is Arabian Jazz em-o6ering )and/or not* for (ra3 (meri$an 6omenI >. M&n$a,( 1ebr-ar, 3 6 Gen$er"n/ Me!&r,( Gen$er"n/ 9&."#"cs / Diana (3%/Ja3er, Arabian Jazz, --. 1"1 !.1 / Dind ,l/Da00 and 'irUne Dar3, ?'traddling the Personal and the Politi$al: :endered Memory in Diana (3%/Ja3er8s Arabian Jazz.A D!5 10. We$nes$a,( 1ebr-ar, < 6 Unres&.0e$ S#r-//.es / Diana (3%/Ja3er, Arabian Jazz, --. !.! ".& / 7n $lass, 1+/min%te s$reening of Jamil Kho%ry and 'ilk 9oad 9ising8s ?The <alan$ing (ra3A Week 'i; 9a$e and 9a$ial 7deologies Main H%estions: Do6 ha4e ra$e and ra$e mi;t%re 3een histori$ally $onstr%$ted in 5atin (meri$a and the Cari33eanI What are some of the similar and distin$t 6ays that (ra3s, and s-e$ifi$ally Palestinians, ha4e 3een ra$ially $ategori=ed 3y themsel4es and others a$ross the (meri$asI 11. M&n$a,( 1ebr-ar, 10 6 T+e I$eas &% Race an$ 8M"?#-re: / Peter Wade, ?The Meaning of 9a$e.A D!5 / John Tofik Karam, ?Turcos in the Mi;: Corr%-ting (ra3s in <ra=il8s 9a$ial Demo$ra$y,A Between the Middle East and the Americas, --. T0/B+ 12. We$nes$a,( 1ebr-ar, 12 6 8B&rn 9a.es#"n"an( B&rn B.ac)@: / 2athalie Dandal, ?Dro-s of '%heir Dammad: ( Talk 6ith a Palestinian Poet <orn <la$kA D!5 / ,;$er-t from '%heir Dammad8s Born Palestinian( Born Blac&. D!5 D-eA Abs#rac# an$ Ann&#a#e$ B"b."&/ra +, )2o 9es-onse Pa-er needed this 6eek* / 7n $lass, "0/min%te do$%mentary film, *o% Palestino, de #sama Mashoo )takes -la$e in C%3a* Week 'e4en 9eframing Palestinianness Main H%estions: Do6 is Palestine in4oked 3y >.'./Me;i$an 3order theoristsI (re the -oems of 2athalie Dandal, a -oet of Palestinian origin, a3o%t a 6

?longing for homelandA and 6hy do they in4oke ?andal%$VaIA 7s there a larger -oint shared 3y these distin$t narrati4es of PalestiniannessI 13. M&n$a,( 1ebr-ar, 1= 6 T+e&r"B"n/ 9a.es#"ne %r&! #+e U.S.C Me?"can B&r$er.an$ / Da4id 5loyd and 5a%ra P%lido, ?7n the 5ong 'hado6 of the 'ettler.A D!5 / Jos@ 7. F%st@, ?Containing <ordered Q#thers8 in 5a Frontera and :a=a.A D!5 / Martha Ganessa 'aldV4ar, ?From Me;i$o to Palestine: (n #$$%-ation of Kno6ledge, a Mestiza-e of Methods.A D!5 14. We$nes$a,( 1ebr-ar, 1> 6 A 3&n/"n/ %&r H&!e.an$@ / 2athalie Dandal, Poet in Andaluca. 9,(D 72 ,2T79,TC Week ,ight 9eligio%s Differen$e Main H%estions: Do6 are (ra3s religio%sly ?-l%ralIA What are the similarities and differen$es 3et6een M%slim identity formation in <ra=il and the >.'., as $an 3e seen in the 6orks of Pinto and 2a3erI What are the stakes of st%dying (ra3 Christians and (ra3 Je6s as 6ellI 1<. M&n$a,( 1ebr-ar, 24 6 T+e 9&."#"cs &% M-s."! an$ C+r"s#"an Arabness / Pa%lo :a3riel Dil% da 9o$ha Pinto, ?(ra3 ,thni$ity and Dias-ori$ 7slam E in <ra=il.A D!5 / 2adine 2a3er, ?M%slim First, (ra3 'e$ond.A D!5 / Matthe6 'tiffler, ?#rthodo;, (ra3, (meri$an: The Fle;i3ility of Christian (ra3ness in Detroit.A D!5 15. We$nes$a,( 1ebr-ar, 25 6 9-##"n/ Arab 4e*s &n #+e Ma / ,4elyn (ls%ltany, ?(ra3 Je6s and M%lti$%lt%ral Feminism, (n 7nter4ie6 6ith ,lla 'hohat.A D!5 / ,lla 'hohat, ?9efle$tions 3y an (ra3 Je6.A D!5 / ,4elyn Dean/#lmsted, ?*hamis( 1alebis and *ha-atos: 5a3els and the Dynami$s of 'yrian Je6ishness in Me;i$o City.A D!5 / 7n $lass, 1+/min%te s$reening of do$%mentary, ?The #ther (ra3sA 3y Wafaa8 (l/2atheema Week 2ine 2eoli3eral 5ogi$s Main H%estions: What is neoli3eralismI What are its effe$ts on ethni$ and ra$ial identity formationsI Do6 are Dale8s tho%ghts on ?neoli3eral m%lti$%lt%ralismA related to Karam8s fo$%s on (ra3 <ra=ilian identity in neoli3eral timesI

1=. M&n$a,( Marc+ 3 6 H&* $&es Ne&."bera."s! C-.#"0a#e C-.#-ra. I$en#"#"es@ / Charles Dale, ?Does M%lti$%lt%ralism Mena$eI: :o4ernan$e, C%lt%ral 9ights and the Politi$s of 7denitity in :%atemala.A D!5 / John Tofik Karam, Another Arabes2ue. P-. 1 1B. D!5 17. We$nes$a,( Marc+ < 6 E? &r#a#"&n as I$"&!( Ne&."bera."s! as C-.#-re / Da4id Dar4ey, ,;$er-t from A Brie 1istor% o Neoliberalism. D!5 / John Tofik Karam, Another Arabes2ue. P-. !" &+. D!5 Week Ten Cons%ming ,thni$ity and Dias-ora Main H%estions: Do6 has (ra3ness 3een $ommodified )made into a -rod%$t that is 3o%ght and sold* in <ra=il, the >.'., and 3eyondI Do6 ha4e (ra3s themsel4es 3e$ome a $ons%mer ni$heI What does this tell %s a3o%t the -la$e of $ons%m-tion in dias-ora and homelandI 1>. M&n$a,( Marc+ 10 6 E#+n"c A r& r"a#"&n an$ ReCa / John Tofik Karam, Another Arabes2ue. P-. 1!1 1&". D!5 r& r"a#"&n

20. We$nes$a,( Marc+ 12 6 D"as &ra as C&ns-!er N"c+e / John Tofik Karam, Another Arabes2ue. P-. 1&& 1.+. D!5 / 7n $lass, !0/min%te do$%mentary, 3i$s rom 4ebanon: A 4ebanese5Brazilian Journe% to the 1omeland 1INA3 9A9ER MUST BE 93ACED IN MD MAI3BOE IN THE 3ATIN AMERICAN F 3ATINO STUDIES O11ICE GSAC <ACHH BD 12A00 9M( MONDAD( MARCH 1=TH

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