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AQ A G CSE Med ia Studie s Sing le A war d


Summative Content (Counts towards your final grade):

Coursework (60%):

Unit 2 - Three Assignments (30%):

Length: 500-1000 words depending on the assignment + the completed media
When: Year 10
Description: Each assignment asks you to research, design and develop a different
kind of media –
1. Marketing and Product Design - A study of TV sitcoms and developing
DVD covers for a new sitcom
2. Cross Media Promotion – Developing websites and short TV segments
to promote a new band.
3. Movie Trailers – Developing two minute movie trailers for a specific
Purpose: These assignments teach you both about the media and how it works as well
as giving you the opportunity to learn and practice media production skills.

Unit 4 – Responding to a Media Brief

Length: Suitable to the brief
When: Year 10
Description: An extended project where you use a wide variety of media practices
to develop a range of media products to help promote a specific idea or
Purpose: This assignment really extends your media skills to produce a complete suite
of media products for a particular campaign.

Exams (40%):

1. Short Response Paper (20%)

Length: 1hr 30min
When: End of year 11
Description: Short response questions about media concepts that you have learned
over the two years.
Purpose: This exam is a good measure of what you individually learned about the
media over two years and challenges you to present them in a controlled

2. Prepared Response Paper (20%)

Length: 1hr 30min
When: End of year 11
Description: Pre-released topic that you are able to research and develop your
ideas to be presented in the exam.
Topic: Action Adventure Films
Purpose: This exam is a good measure of what you individually learned about the
media over two years and challenges you to present them in a controlled
Formative Assessment (Will NOT count towards your final
Starter Assignment: Comic Book Designs

Length: 500 Words

When: This term
Description: The first thing you will work on in media, learning about basic media
concepts and terminology while developing your own comic book.

Practice Exam: Media Concepts

Length: 1 hour
When: Just before Easter 2010
Description: A short response exam where you will be asked to demonstrate what
you have learned in media so far in a controlled situation.
Purpose: To give you some practice at answering media questions in an exam
situation so when you do your real one you don’t have a problem.

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