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'Saving To Suitors' Common-Law Remedy Districts !ormed in "#$% !or &andling t&e !inancial obligations o! t&e 'nited States could not come into e(istence until a!ter !ormal e()ression o! remedy in t&e 'Saving To Suitors' clause *"#+$, -uoted below and codi!ied at Title .+ '/S/C/0/ 1"222: 3///t&e 'nited States /// wit&in t&eir res)ective districts as well as u)on t&e &ig& seas4 *a, saving to suitors in all cases t&e rig&t o! a common law remedy w&ere t&e common law is com)etent to give it4 and s&all also &ave e(clusive original cogni5ance o! all sei5ures on land ///3 T&e 6irst 7udiciary 0ct4 Se)tember .8 "#+$4 C&a)ter .% )age ##/ T&e Constitution o! t&e 'nited States o! 0merica Revised and 0nnotated - 0nalysis and Inter)retation - "$+.4 0rticle III 1. Cl/ " Diversity o! Citi5ens&i) '/S/ 9overnment :rinting ;!!ice document $$-"< )/ #8"/ *em)&asis added, S0=IN9S T; S'IT;RS CL0'S> de!ined: T&at )rovision in .+ '/S/C/0/ 1 "222*", w&ic& gives t&e '/S/ District Courts original ?urisdiction 3e(clusive o! t&e courts o! t&e state3 o! any civil case o! admiralty or maritime ?urisdiction 3saving to suitors in all cases all ot&er remedies to w&ic& t&ey are ot&erwise entitled/3 T&e 3saving to suitors3 clause o! t&e section o! t&e 7udiciary 0ct im)lementing constitutional )rovision e(tending !ederal ?udicial )owers to cases o! admiralty and maritime ?urisdiction means t&at a suitor asserting an in )ersonam admiralty claim may elect to sue in a 3common law3 state court t&roug& an ordinary civil action and in suc& actions t&e state courts must a))ly t&e same substantive law as would be a))lied &ad t&e suit been instituted in admiralty in a !ederal court/ S&annon v/ City o! 0nc&orage 0las@a 8#+ :/.d +"A +"+/ Blac@Cs Law Dictionary Si(t& >dition *)age "282, S'ITS IN 0DMIR0LTD 0CT de!ined: 6ederal statute giving in?ured )arties t&e rig&t to sue t&e government in admiralty/ 8< '/S/C/0/ 11 #8"-#A./ Donily v/ '/ S/ D/C/;r/ 2+" 6/Su))/ $%"/ See also Sovereign immunity/ 6;R>I9N N0TI;N or ST0T> de!ined: 0 nation totally inde)endent o! t&e 'nited States o! 0merica ./ T&e constitution aut&ori5es congress to regulate commerce wit& 3!oreign nations/3 T&is )&rase does not include an Indian tribe situated wit&in t&e boundaries o! a state and e(ercising t&e )owers o! government and sovereignty/ A :et/ R/ "/ =ide Nation/ 0 Law Dictionary 0da)ted To T&e Constitution and Laws o! t&e 'nited States o! 0merica and o! t&e Several States o! t&e 0merican 'nion by 7o&n Bouvier Revised Si(t& >dition "+A< E&ereas de!ined )ursuant to4 6or )ur)oses o! t&is c&a)terF *a, 0 G!oreign stateH e(ce)t as used in section "<%+ o! t&is title includes a )olitical subdivision o! a !oreign state or an agency or instrumentality o! a !oreign state as de!ined in subsection *b,/ *b, 0n Gagency or instrumentality o! a !oreign stateH means any entityF *", w&ic& is a se)arate legal )erson cor)orate or ot&erwise and *., w&ic& is an organ o! a !oreign state or )olitical subdivision t&ereo! or a ma?ority o! w&ose s&ares or ot&er owners&i) interest is owned by a !oreign state or )olitical subdivision t&ereo! and *2, w&ic& is neit&er a citi5en o! a State o! t&e 'nited States as de!ined in section "22. *c, and *e, o! t&is title nor created under t&e laws o! any t&ird country/ *c, T&e G'nited StatesH includes all territory and waters continental or insular sub?ect to t&e ?urisdiction o! t&e 'nited States/ See: &tt):IIwww/scribd/comIdocI"+$A82++8IStatutes-Re)laced-Eit&International-Law-:ublic-Notice-:ublic-Record DISTRICT ;6 C;L'MBI0 de!ined: T&e name o! a district o! country ten miles s-uare situate between t&e states o! Maryland and =irginia over w&ic& t&e national government &as e(clusive ?urisdiction/ By t&e constitution congress may 3 e(ercise e(clusive ?urisdiction in all cases w&atsoever over suc& district not e(ceeding ten miles s-uare as may by cession o! )articular states and t&e acce)tance o! congress become t&e seat o! government o! t&e 'nited States/3 In )ursuance o! t&is aut&ority t&e states o! Maryland and =irginia ceded to t&e 'nited States a small territory on t&e ban@s o! t&e :otomac and congress by t&e 0ct o! 7uly "< "#$% acce)ted t&e same !or t&e )ermanent seat o! t&e government o! t&e 'nited States/ T&e act )rovides !or t&e removal o! t&e seat o! government !rom t&e city o! :&iladel)&ia to t&e District o! Columbia on t&e !irst Monday o! December "+%%/ It is also )rovided t&at t&e laws o! t&e state wit&in suc& district s&all not be a!!ected by t&e acce)tance until t&e time !i(ed !or t&e removal o! t&e government t&ereto and until congress s&all ot&erwise by law )rovide/ ./ It seems t&at t&e District o! Columbia and t&e territorial districts o! t&e 'nited States are not states wit&in t&e meaning o! t&e constitution and o! t&e ?udiciary act so as to enable a citi5en t&ereo! to sue a citi5en o! one o! t&e states in t&e !ederal courts/ . Cranc& 88A4 " E&eat $"/ 2/ By t&e 0ct o! 7uly "" "+8< congress retroceded t&e county o! 0le(andria )art o! t&e District o! Columbia to t&e state o! =irginia/ 0 Law Dictionary 0da)ted To T&e Constitution and Laws o! t&e 'nited States o! 0merica and o! t&e Several States o! t&e 0merican 'nion by 7o&n Bouvier Revised Si(t& >dition "+A< See: &tt):IIwww/scribd/comIdocI"+A$$"$++ICommon-Law-Trust-District-o!-Columbia-De!ined-:ublic-Notice-:ublicRecord E&ereas de!ined )ursuant to: T&e ""t& 0mendment states GT&e 7udicial )ower o! t&e 'nited States s&all not be construed to e(tend to any suit in law or e-uity commenced or )rosecuted against one o! t&e 'nited States by Citi5ens o! anot&er State or by Citi5ens or Sub?ects o! an 6oreign State/H 0 !oreign entity agent agency or state cannot bring any suit against an 0merican w&o is not a '/S/ Citi5en/

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0 !oreign nation is immune !rom t&e ?urisdiction o! !ederal and state courts/ J.+ '/S/C/ Sec/ "<%"-"<""K Blac@'s Law Dictionary Si(t& >dition *)age "2$<, E&ereas de!ined )ursuant to4 Immunity o! a !oreign state !rom ?urisdiction: Sub?ect to e(isting international agreements to w&ic& t&e 'nited States is a )arty at t&e time o! enactment o! t&is 0ct a !oreign state s&all be immune !rom t&e ?urisdiction o! t&e courts o! t&e 'nited States and o! t&e States e(ce)t as )rovided in sections "<%A to "<%# o! t&is c&a)ter/ E&ereas de!ined )ursuant to: Immunity !rom attac&ment and e(ecution o! )ro)erty o! a !oreign state: Sub?ect to e(isting international agreements to w&ic& t&e 'nited States is a )arty at t&e time o! enactment o! t&is 0ct t&e )ro)erty in t&e 'nited States o! a !oreign state s&all be immune !rom attac&ment arrest and e(ecution e(ce)t as )rovided in sections "<"% and "<"" o! t&is c&a)ter/ See: &tt):IIwww/scribd/comIdocI"$.#+$222ICommon-Law-Trust-Ta(->(em)t-6oreign-Status-:ublic-Notice-:ublicRecord See: &tt):IIwww/scribd/comIdocI"$.A"%"A$I'-S-Inc-De!ines-0ll-Crime-as-Commercial-as-a-Result-o!-t&e-6all-o!t&e-Re)ublic


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