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How Abstinence Programs are Written by Dishonest Fools and an Introduction to Sacred Semen
#ovember &(, &%'$ " )orfmanAdam '$ Comments

*ituals are a se+uence of activities that involve gestures, words, and ob,ects designed to direct or force another towards desired goals and interests. -ver time, these beliefs or behaviors become traditions that are passed down b" groups and which carr" s"mbolic meaning or special significance having ta.en their origin in the past. /hese traditions can persist to become beliefs and ma" continue to evolve for thousands of "ears.

0ou .now traditions as rules of thumb, stereot"ping m"ths and1or common sense championed b" the status2+uo. /he" are characteri3ed b" a lac. of awareness, submissive re+uirements towards authorit" and, an unwillingness to adapt to new scientific realities.

When ritual becomes traditions

/he established few will often ta.e shelter within 4traditional norms4, and use fear as a wa" of excluding others if the" don5t fall in line. /his strateg" is more convincing in front of an ignorant than an expert audience. /hese fol.s also profess that a man1woman can be considered above specialists without the need to learn an"thing of substance.

Universal vs. Individual

/he noun 4universe6 contrasts with 4individual4, while the ad,ective 4universal6 contrasts with 4particular.6 *ecent studies indicate the heart contains a complex intrinsic nervous s"stem comprised of multiple ganglia 7clusters of neurons8 that networ. with each other. *esearch has also revealed that the heart communicates information to the brain and throughout the bod" via electromagnetic field interactions. 79cCrat", radle" : /omasino, &%%;8 /he heart5s magnetic component is about <%% times stronger than the brain5s magnetic field and can be detected several feet awa" from the bod". =t was also found that one person5s brain waves can s"nchroni3e to another person5s heart 79cCrat", &%%;8. /here is meaning for each individual but it5s for "ou to discover and #-/ for the universal to choose for "ou. =5ll suggest that individual thoughts are governed b" the heart connection to the +uantum field b" possibilities while universal 4thoughts6 are influenced b" national1local1communit" traditions that too often ignore and1or interfere with one5s rightful pursuit of an individualit". =5ll also suggest that rhetoric is a fallacious description of one5s thoughts and are connected to the +uantum field while universal 4thoughts6 are interference patterns created b" the same +uantum field5s membership. )ialogue is discourse too often avoided concealing one5s real 4thoughts6 for honest and dishonest reasons.

Six degree s o! se"aration

Six degrees of separation is the theor" that ever"one and ever"thing is six or fewer steps awa". =n &%%$ Columbia >niversit" concluded its Small ?orld @ro,ect which used email chains aimed at '( targets over '$ different countr" to eventuall" confirmed the six degrees of separation theor". =n another wor., S"somos researchers that the average distance of ',<%% random twitter users is $.;.

=n a &%%A stud" b" Bure Ces.ovec and !ric Horvit3 examined $% billion instant messaging conversations of &;% million people and found that 9icrosoft 9essenger users were also D degrees apart. =n the end, it seems li.el" that universal inference in the +uantum field in one countr" can result in inference in another.

Abstinence vs. #elibacy

/he words abstinence and celibac" are often used interchangeabl" toda", but are ver" different. Sexual abstinence, also .nown as continence, refers to abstaining from all sexual activit", for some limited period of time whereas celibac" is a state of being both unmarried and sexuall" abstinent.

Abstinence till marriage drives u" a virgins mar$et value

Virginit" is the state of a person who has never engaged in sexual intercourse. /he term virgin originall" onl" referred to sexuall" inexperienced women. #ow it is .nown as the end of innocence, integrit", or purit", and the beginning of the commerciali3ation of the individual. =n some cultures, sexual intercourse with a virgin can be bought. /he Eur5an, hadith and =slamic scholars all mention that virgins will be awarded to 9uslim men in @aradise. A=)S helped build a favorable view of abstinence in modern world but in some parts of Africa, a m"th that sex with a virgin cures H=V1A=)S prevails, and, as such, man" "oung girls are victims of this tradition1belief.

Shame is %&' the answer

Abstinence2onl" sex education is a form of sex education that teaches abstinence from sex till marriage, which has been a foul point in the American educational s"stem. However, the Sexualit" =nformation and !ducation Council of the >nited States 7S=!C>S8 have called abstinence2onl" programs 4fear2based, as the main focus is to instill fear, shame, and guilt.6 /he fear game is one that leads to two paths. -ne of constant alarm, desperation, shame and1or anxiet" and ultimatel" submission and the second is towards anger. oth paths lead to a less productive and mentall" adaptable person. /he emotion of shame is something ver" difficult for a "oung person to manage and that is wh" it is used but for ever" "oung girl who submits to their beliefs man" more find mental traumas.

Conse+uentl", these programs have been ineffective and detrimental. According to recent reports, about $F of Americans wait until marriage to have sex while in highl" religious groups, up to &%F wait until marriage successfull".

'o do in(ustice is more disgrace!ul) guilt and shame

Guilt and shame are two of the most common, difficult, emotions to be dealt with in healing a ma,orit" of traumatic events. /hese two emotions have been combined in this page because the" are intertwined core feelings that eat awa" at a person, constantl" provo.ing @ost2/raumatic Stress )isorder 7@/S)8 s"mptoms. /he current s"stem of guilt is onl" a rhetorical theater to appease an emotional religious audience and does not provide an" ,ustifiable conclusion for a health" outcome. /here is need to establish 4real6 dialogue on a national level to establish the truth with reasoned arguments and scientific in+uir" that see.s balance from extreme the views that religion and sex addicts profess. ?e can no longer accept their rhetorical reasoning that denies +uestions and investigations. Cet5s consider 4thin.ing6 to be a positive emotion that oppose 4pain6 and it is too often misused to re2construct realit" with fallacious rhetoric that creates universal interference in the shared +uantum and allows its members to avoid short2term 4pain6 of facing one5s mista.es. =t5s li.el" not +uestion that we need to see. more pain, as some do, but one5s realit" should not be allowed to be reconstructed to avoid pain.

'raditions "rovide emotional evidence but no "roo! or reasoning #hristianity

=n his earl" writings, @aul the Apostle, described marriage as a social obligation that had the potential of distracting from Christ. Gurthermore, man" earl" Christians lived in the belief that the !nd of the ?orld would soon come upon them, and did little planning for new families and children. )uring the 9iddle Ages, 7c. ;%% H '<%%A)8 sex was a touch" topic and if "ou wanted to be 4right with the Cord6 "ou should see sex as shameful and degrading both outside and within marriage. *eligious leaders described sexual impulses and feelings as uncontrollable b" human will.

/hese leaders 4thoughts6 that their own followers had no control over their 4thoughts.6 #ow, Christians teach that sexual intercourse is meant to ta.e place within the context of marriage and, that sexual abstinence should be the norm outside of it.

Islamic "ers"ective
=slam does not promote celibac"I rather it condemns premarital sex and extramarital sex. =n fact, according to =slam, marriage enables one to attain the highest form of righteousness.

#hina * +a"an s shame societies

=n China, the concept of shame is widel" accepted due to Confucian teachings. 4Cead them with excellence and put them in their place through roles and ritual practices, and in addition to developing a sense of shame, the" will order themselves harmoniousl".6 Confucius And, in Bapanese societ", the primar" method used to secure social control is the threat of ostracism and this ver" much contributes to its shame societ".

,Free S"eech- is %&' an excuse

Shame is li.el" to push America5s next generations even more out of sexual balance. -ne group of Canadian researchers found a relationship between self2esteem and sexual activit". /he" found that students, especiall" girls, who were verball" abused b" teachers or re,ected b" their peers, were more li.el" than other students to engage in sex b" the end of Grade A. !motions are the tools, not who we are, but a child does not .now this. ?e must not allow an"one to submit to another under the pretense of exclusion or shame. ?e must ensure that ever"one respects each other5s free will to pursuit the .nowledge of our own +uestions, passions and the abilit" to ta.e ownership of our li.el" man" honest failures.

Sex ethics are a mess

Sex ethics refers to those aspects of ethics that deal with issues arising from all aspects of sexualit" and human sexual behavior. roadl" spea.ing, sexual ethics relate to universal 4thoughts6 at the religious1local1communit" levels whereas personal standards relating to one5s conduct and choices.

Ancient .reece and /ome

=n Sparta and man" other Gree. cities, failure to marr" was grounds for deprive of citi3enship, and could be prosecuted as a crime. ?hile Cicero stated that *oman law forbade celibac" but he was a .nown rhetorician, a master of the art of deceiving, and therefore we attributed little value to his words. >ltimatel" there are no records of prosecutions, nor is the *oman punishment for refusing to marr". Same2sex behaviors were not perceived as diminishing a *oman5s masculinit", as long as he pla"ed the penetrative or dominating role. @rostitution was legal, public, and widespread. Sexual attitudes and behaviors in ancient *ome are often observed b" *oman art, literature and encr"ption, and to a lesser extent b" archaeological remains such as erotic artifacts and architecture. ?hile it is sometimes assumed *ome in its entiret" was about an 4unlimited sexual license6 this thought contradicts the *oman patriarchal societ" which believed that a 4real man6 was supposed to govern both himself and others well and, should not submit to the use or pleasure of others.

Sacred semen
/he Hindu tradition of rahmachar"a places great emphasis on abstinence as a wa" of harnessing the energ" of bod" and mind towards the goal of spiritual reali3ation. =n males, the semen 7Veer"a8 is considered sacred representing preservation 7except when used for procreation8 and conversion into higher life2energ" 7-,as8 is considered essential for the development of enhanced intellectual and spiritual capacities.

Sexual energy is "ositive

=n uddhist tantra, actual e,aculation is ver" much a taboo, as the main goal of the sexual practice is to use the sexual energ" towards achieving full enlightenment, rather than ordinar" pleasure. Sexual intimac" increases levels of the hormone ox"tocin and raises our sexual energ", also .nown as 4the love hormone6, which helps people bond, build trust and, raise "our cha.ras towards Jundalini.

Jundalini is a latent power in the higher bod". ?hen awa.ened, it pierces through six cha.ras or functional centers and activates them. =f too much energ" goes to reproduce sperm then there is not enough energ" to fuel the rise to the higher bod". uddhist tantra believes that excess loss of sperm causes low immune function, wea. digestion, depression, lassitude and, mental dullness. =f "ou do not master sexual balance, which begins at the base of "our energ" life force, "ou cannot ascend to a higher self. Sexual energ" li.el" contributes to "our heart5s energ" electromagnetic field. 7measured in 9v8

Semen has several mood0altering hormones

An average e,aculation 7$.; mC8 contains trace amounts of man" nutrients such as 3inc, calcium and potassium, as well as vitamin '&. Semen also contains man" proteins with potent antimicrobial activit" against bacteria, fungi and virus. A recent stud" has suggested that semen acts as an antidepressant in women, so that women ph"sicall" exposed to semen are less li.el" to suffer from depression. =f this is true and it is a mood2altering gain for woman, it is loss for men and ris.s of too much gain and too much lose would be the realit". =t is thought that the ps"chological effects of semen are a result of its complex chemical ma.e2up including several mood2altering hormones 7testosterone, oestrogen, follicle2 stimulating hormone, luteini3ing hormone, prolactin and several different prostaglandins8. Some of these have been detected in a women5s blood within hours of exposure to semen.

Sim"licity and awareness to !ind a balanced !uture

?e seem to have it bac.wards. 9en should consider the *oman patriarchal understandings that a 4real man6 is supposed to govern both himself and others 7woman8, and should not submit to the use or pleasure of others. /his is not onl" the woman5s responsibilit" in light of the growing ph"siological evidence. 9en must be aware that semen contains mood altering hormones which are li.el" to negativel" impact moods, clarit", decision ma.ing and balance. =f "ou do not have "our senses under control, "ou venture to do foolish actions which even children will not dare to do. ?oman, on the other hand, are held to ph"siological expectations that do not pass the test of scientific investigations. /here is no evidence to suggest that a woman5s mood can be negativel" affected b" having sex before marriage "et man" universal interference exists

b" parents, religious leaders and governments worldwide to shame or exclude "oung woman for non2compliance. =t is not onl" for woman govern man5s sexual desires. oth sexes will never find true freedom until he1she is allowed to ta.e the narrow path, not a limitless path, free from interference and association to the universals, towards balance, individualit" and personal growth. /here is no structured approach to dealing with his1her sexual desires, one5s life experiences is uni+ue to his1her senses. 4Alwa"s6 and 4never6 should #-/ be part of our vocabular" in dealing with these issues. /here is no mathematical formula to finding one5s balance. =t will be uni+ue to each individual and no one will trul" be able to full" understand another5s perspective. /o master our free will, we must rid ourselves of impulsive actions b" ta.ing recognition of our own thoughts 7men8 and feelings 7woman8 and how we are connected to the hearts and minds +uantum field membership. -ur leaders are not onl" dishonest fools b" ignoring the scientific evidence, but continue to poorl" contribute to the global dialogue that is polluted b" dishonest universal 4thoughts6 and ignores an individuals right to pursuit of his1her individualit". ?hile abstinence is important to maintain reach a higher state of being and should be part of the conversation, it5s a personal choice that -#C0 the individual can choose and should not have an" beginning or end date regulated b" religious or communit" members. /raditions are ,ust a rule of thumb, stereot"pes and1or common sense championed b" the status2+uo because the" are addictive in their own right, re+uire little self2awareness and deemed unchangeable to put "ou in line behind the status2+uo. -ur behaviors need to be reassessed, no matter what the 4traditions6 have been and should to be open to new realities that scientific .nowledge provides. 4/oda"5s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and the" wander off through e+uation after e+uation, and eventuall" build a structure which has no relation to realit". 6 K #i.ola /esla Adam )orfman H !ditorial chief

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