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IE Universidad*/ IE University* 50
* Denominación en trámite /Pending official approval


An international university for the 21st century

IE Institución de Educación proyecto estamos creando un nuevo modelo

Superior, presentó el pasado universitario, donde los profesores y los cono-
jueves 10 de abril IE Uni- cimientos fluyan entre los diferentes progra-
versidad*, un nuevo modelo de universidad mas académicos, tanto dentro del campus de
internacional que quiere convertirse en la Segovia como en el entorno digital. Nuestra
mejor universidad privada del Sur de Europa. apuesta camina hacia ese modelo”, indica Íñi-
IE Universidad* cuenta con un claro enfoque guez de Onzoño.
internacional e integrará la formación en ges-

tión empresarial y el espíritu humanista en
todos los programas. IE Universidad* ofrecerá ollowing the acquisition of a
a partir del curso 2008-2009 títulos de grado y Spanish university by the IE
postgrado en inglés y castellano, y combinará Higher Education group in January
formación presencial y online. of 2007, the rollout of IE University has
Santiago Íñiguez de Onzoño ha sido nom- now officially commenced. The University
brado nuevo rector de la Universidad, cargo project has been conceived to provide
que compatibilizará con su actual posición an academically rigorous but innovative
como decano de IE Business School. “El trata- approach to undergraduate and post graduate
do de Bolonia ha creado por fin los ‘Estados education, initially focused on disciplines that
Unidos de Europa’ en materia de educación. include architecture, humanities and liberal
IE Universidad* va a ser un jugador clave en arts and communication. The institution
este nuevo mapa educativo internacional”, will be developed around the core values of
asegura Santiago Íñiguez de Onzoño, quien an international outlook, innovation at the
afirma que Segovia va a convertirse en “el heart of learning, and the utilization of new
Oxford continental”, ya que la Universidad technologies, imbuing students with
alcanzará un 80% de alumnos extranjeros an entrepreneurial mindset and a
en un plazo de 2 años. “Con este ambicioso humanitarian spirit. Santiago Íñiguez

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Gestión empresarial y espíritu humanista Why a new model? methodologies which bring together online
IE Universidad* representa la extensión del The processes of globalization have created and presential formats, the University
modelo educativo internacional de IE a la for- pressures and opportunities that require aims to shape a new model of knowledge
mación de grado y postgrado que promueve innovative resolutions and solutions. With dissemination. The focus is on a more
un espacio único de formación universitaria an ever increasing demand from both open and collaborative style of learning and
en Europa. IE Universidad* promoverá la in- business and society for committed, socially knowledge creation. Through the historic
vestigación y la enseñanza multidisciplinar aware, change agents the University will buildings of Segovia and the cutting edge
e integrada, orientada siempre hacia el mer- help participants to understand the changing online campus, the University has been
cado. La formación en gestión empresarial y demands of the world around them. Housed designed to work within a wider social
el espíritu humanista -que forman parte de la in the 12th century Monastery of Santa agenda, seeking to actively participate in
“marca IE”- se integrarán en todos los títulos Cruz la Real, IE University fuses traditional and shape major global debates. There will
de IE Universidad*. De este modo, graduados academic disciplines with the highly be a single faculty for the entire institution.
de distintas diplomaturas, licenciaturas o in- innovative approaches to management Faculty for the University and the Business
genierías contarán con una visión empresa- developed at IE Business School. This will School will operate in an interdisciplinary,
rial, emprendedora y humanística, más allá de provide young scholars with the opportunity cross departmental manner, promoting new
su especialización académica. to develop their thinking in a highly models for research and teaching
international environment, working in “We are looking to build a continental
cross-cultural, diverse teams, to find Oxford, characterized by academic rigor and
solutions to the complex questions of the quality, whilst remaining focused on solving
21st century. the issues we see around us today and in
With the expected increase in the number the future. With this ambitious project we
of students seeking higher education are seeking to create a new university model,
programs outside their home countries where the professors and knowledge flow
following the standardization of education amongst the different disciplines, programs
systems throughout Europe as part of and mediums. We will give our students
the Bologna accord, IE University will a global vision, creating enterprising,
be positioned to provide a high quality innovative professionals with a strong
international offering. The aim is to have sense of social awareness. We have felt the
80% of students drawn from outside Spain demand for this already from companies and
within two years. individuals, but feel that we can take a more
active role in the key discussions in society”
How does it function? commented Santiago Iñiguez, Rector of IE
Utilizing multi-disciplinary learning University.

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IE Universidad*/ IE University* 52
* Denominación en trámite /Pending official approval

Títulos de grado y postgrado nacionales e internacionales. El campus prin-

El próximo curso 2008-2009 IE Universidad* cipal de la Universidad se encuentra en el
impartirá títulos de grado en Arquitectura y antiguo convento de Santa Cruz la Real de
Comunicación –que contarán con nuevos Segovia, un edificio declarado monumento
programas académicos-, Periodismo, Psico- histórico en 1931. El campus se encuentra
logía, Ingeniería de Edificación, Ingeniería ubicado en un punto estratégico, a pocos mi-
Técnica de Telecomunicaciones, Historia del nutos del centro de Segovia y a media hora de
Arte y Turismo. Y dentro de la cartera de post- Madrid en AVE.
grados, se impartirá un Master en Gestión de
la Seguridad, Master en Gestión de la Comu-
nicación en Redes Sociales y Master en Dise-
ño del Espacio de Trabajo. Estos programas
complementarán la oferta educativa actual de
la Universidad. What programs will be offered?
The programs offered by the University
Claustro integrado have all been designed to comply with the
IE Universidad* cuenta el primer claustro in- regulations set out in the Bologna Accord.
tegrado de una universidad, una estructura Initial programs will include Bachelor degrees
diferencial que supera las tradicionales divi- in Communication and Architecture. For
siones departamentales y la parcialización del the 2009 academic year Bachelor degrees
conocimiento. El claustro promoverá la inves- in Organizational Psychology, Business
tigación y la enseñanza multidisciplinar con Administration, Business and Law, Law, Law
un carácter innovador y orientado siempre and International Relations. There will also be
hacia el mercado. a number of Masters programs in the areas of
architecture, communication, psychology, law
Un convento del siglo XII and humanities. Modules in Management and
IE Universidad* cuenta con 1.400 alumnos y the Humanities will form a core element of all
un claustro único integrado por 190 expertos the degree programs at IE University.

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IE es una institución internacional dedicada y formación a ejecutivos –desde el área de

a la formación de la elite empresarial con en- Executive Education–. La plataforma de anti-
foque global, carácter emprendedor y espíritu guos alumnos de IE está presente en más de
humanista. IE cuenta con un claustro integrado 100 países. IE promueve la investigación y la
por más de 500 profesores que, actualmente, enseñanza multidisciplinar e integrada, orien-
imparten clases a alumnos de 75 países en ti- tada siempre hacia el mercado, con meto do-
tulaciones universitarias –a través de IE Uni- logías innovadoras de aprendizaje combinado,
versidad–, programas master, de doctorado online y presencial.

Senior Management Team will be key members of the Senior

Santiago Íñiguez, the highly respected management team.
Dean of IE Business School will be taking
up the position of Rector of IE University. IE Higher Education
His tenure as Dean at IE has been marked IE University is a standalone entity within
by the school achieving global recognition the IE Higher Education group. The group
for its Management programs, positioning is comprised of IE University, IE Business
the school as one of Europe’s top business School, and IE Executive Education. Each
schools. His aim is to leverage the of the entities operates separately although
methodologies and capabilities developed the faculty is centralized for the group. The
at the Business School to help create a new President of the group is Diego Alcázar,
model for higher education in Europe. A founder of IE Business School.
number of other Respected academics
from IE Business School will take up a
number of key positions; Vice-Rector of Nueva web /New web
Faculty, Salvador Carmona, Vice-Rector Para más información/ For further information:
of Research, Gayle Allard and Vice-Rector www.ie.edu
of Administration, Juan Luís Martínez www.ie.edu/universidad

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