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Surface to stimulate market development of new state-owned power From the " mixed ownership " to " raise

revenue turned over to the proportion of state-owned assets ," from " classification reform " to " the formation of state-owned capital operating company " under the guidance of the Third Plenary Session of the eighth , the reform of state-owned assets into an unprecedented new phase. Experts believe that 2014 is the first year to deepen the reform of state-owned assets , in a comprehensive market-oriented reforms to stimulate momentum , SOE restructuring and integration of capital markets in 2014 will become a major trend . Third Plenary Session of the eighth put forward new ideas for the reform of state-owned enterprises , since the new task , the SASAC in the deployment of state -owned SOE reform once again increased the horsepower. December 19 , SASAC State Council Information Office held a press conference in determining the positive development of mixed ownership and deepening state-owned assets management system becomes the current and future period of two major state-owned enterprises reform , and detailed answers to hot issues of social concern. December 26 , the newly appointed director Chang in the central SASAC enterprises, local SASAC head meeting of state owned enterprise reform in 2014 made a detailed deployment : First, state-owned enterprises to accurately define a different function, for to promote the reform of state-owned enterprises to adjust and strengthen owned Assets Supervision . Second, actively develop a mixed ownership economy , and actively participated in the introduction of equity investment funds listed state-owned enterprises , restructuring and integration , international mergers and acquisitions, research to develop mixed-ownership companies ESOP conditions and specific operational methods . The third is a reasonable increase in the proportion of market-oriented corporate hiring managers, establish market exit mechanism, explore the establishment of a professional manager system. " 2014 is the first year to deepen the reform of state owned enterprise , the next step of reform , the pressure from the outside is quite large, these pressures will translate into power SOE reform ." Vice president of China Enterprise Reform and Development Research Kum in accept the " securities Daily " interview, said that the spirit of the Third Plenary session of the Conference and the eighth meeting of the SAC passed , the biggest difference compared to the past is to comprehensively promote market-oriented reforms . Among these , separating mixed ownership , classification reform , layered regulatory reform are the focus of the next phase . Lee Kum said that in 2014 the first state-owned enterprises should be classified began , according to the different functional orientation , rapid restructuring of central enterprises to competition category entirely to the market . The second is to gradually transition to the secondary system of tertiary institutions by the pilot. Third, the rapid establishment and improvement of a modern enterprise system, the ESOP can immediately open. Fourth, through the capital market so that

more central enterprises to realize the public , market , globalization, combined with state capital and is conducive to social capital , enhance the vitality of the state-owned enterprises. Investment in the Group 's latest report released recently pointed out that with the assessment criteria and mechanisms for local government change, to accelerate the pace of reform of state around , according to local circumstances have launched reform of state rules, such as Shanghai , Shenzhen, Chongqing , Anhui, Wuxi , Shandong etc. Published reform rules, proposed the introduction of foreign SOE reform process , public funding , to promote equity diversified operations , etc., for some time , the country will lead to an influx of SOE reform . The SOE reform will lead to a major shake the domestic capital market , under the guidance of first-tier cities , asset and equity restructuring of domestic state-owned business background will be the 2014 of M & A market , a beautiful landscape, but due to the larger size of its involved and large number of cases , is also expected to be born in a major merger cases segments . OGEM Solids Control Blog http://chinesesolidscontrol.blogspot.com/ OGEM Solids Control solids control equipment http://www.ogemsolidscontrol.com/

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