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Proprietary & Confidential DinoTech USA Energy Project Developers

Interim Investment Opportunity

DinoTech USA, a m ltinational project development company see!s" interim or long time e# ity partners$ %or &o r Consideration" DinoTech USA is spearheading an opport nity to f nd and ' ild a m lti(stage energy center near )ogot* Col m'ia+ DinoTechs primary focus is in the Energy Sector, Oil and Gas Mergers and Acquisitions including refineries, pipelines and other related d o w n s t r e a m upstream pro!ects on a Glo"al "asis# DinoTech is led "y $u"y M# %nighton, &resident' an e(ecuti)e with o)er *+ years in M,A and energy in)estments# DinoTech pursues income producing properties with the potential for growth and e(pansion that ma-es economic sense# .n addition to the p r i m a r y focus, consideration is also gi)en to other opportunities, including transportation and refining of the crude# DinoTech pursues properties, which with proper management and utili/ation of the latest technologies, ha)e the means to de)elop an organic program for increasing production while lowering operating costs#

DinoTech has committed f nding for" ,-,.//,///,/// 0T1o )illion Eight 2 ndred 3illion Dollars US4 Capital Partners with whom it has committed funding for de)elopment and owning 0+1 of an initial 2+,+++ "arrel per day crude oil refinery with e(pansion plans after the 2th year near 3ogot4 5olum"ia named 6REFINERIA COLOMBIANA SEBASTOPOL S.A.#
567" 859EST3E5T" DinoTech is see-ing funds to "e used in the final step to complete the close and transfer of funds for this pro!ect# 7hat is lac-ing is to set up the "an-ing infrastructure thru operating account in 3ogota 5olom"ia# This will include legal e(pense, setting up the "an- accounts, retaining international legal representation, and auditors## ,://,/// Twel)e months 9:*; or negotiated length of time <egotiated money interest for term loan, and or, Ten cents 9=#:+ ""l ( 2+,+++ ""ls da; from day one of the refinery starting operations, appro(imately > years## Earned rights to "uy into an equity position during the ne(t three years# 5on)ert to pu"lic shares within the :* month period# C6<<ATE;A<8 ?oan 5ontract or &romissory <ote stipulating the $eturn of .n)estment preference, 56TE" ;8S= 85SU;A5CE )& C6;;EC6< C69E;S T28S <6A5, 78<< )E 3ADE PA;T 6% T2E P;6>ECT C<6S85? D6CU3E5TS+ C6<<ATE;A< &ro!ect $is-s insurance to "e pro)ided "y 5O$$E5O? 9www#correcol#com; will co)er in)estors :++1 for term of in)estment# $is- insurance will also co)er political ris-s# =*,@++,+++,+++ AS 9=*#@3; to "e funded "y Middle East Bunding Group in the AAE Twel)e months 9:*; or negotiated length of time#

A36U5T" TE;3S8 6PT865S %6; ;68"

P;6>ECT 9A<UE" ;ETU;5 6% 859EST3E5T8

DinoTech USA E@ec tive S mmary

DinoTech has signed the contract to finance and de)elop a refinery located near 3ogot4 5olom"ia# &ermissions, renewal of licenses and clearances from the 5olom"ian Ministry of Energy to finance, and to "uild, a 2+,+++ ""l# per day crude oil refinery on **++ acres ha)e "een authori/ed# .t has also "een agreed to grant the necessary licenses to e(port produced products# 7ith proper capitali/ation or e(tension of credit facilities in tranches in the amount of =*#@3 9ASD;, DinoTech can successfully complete the pro!ect in phases leading to successful refining of -nown crude reser)es in the region# :# 7ithin appro(imately C@D2+ months of ta-edown, The &ro!ect is e(pected to ha)e the capacity to refine 2+,+++ "arrels per day# *# 7ithin appro(imately E* months, the &ro!ect can "e e(panded up to :++,+++ "arrels per day refining capa"ility if needed# &rimary Bunding will include8 :; "uild out of refinery *; storage facility, >; &ossi"le other oil and gas Drilling Opportunities# SA<ES %6;ECAST85? 0,USD4" &ay"ac- for the refinery is e(pected in full within the first ED@ years of operations# 858T8A< 3A5A?E3E5T" $u"y M# %nighton will complete the funding of this transaction and will "e the interim 5hairman of the 3oard# Dr# German 5asas wor-ed on this pro!ect for 0 years with the &residents office to change the laws allowing a pri)ate refinery to "e "uilt in 5olom"ia# Dr# 5asas will "e the interim 5hief E(ecuti)e Officer, Antil qualified seasoned management is put in place, he will then replace $u"y %nighton# Mr# Guillermo 3ur"ano has o)er >+ years in the oil industry wor-ing with go)ernments and ma!or oil companies# Fis e(perience e(pands from field operations to refining# Fe has assumed the responsi"ilities of starting this pro!ect as 5hief Operating Officer wor-ing with Dr# 5asas on "ehalf of DinoTech# 5hief Binancial Officer8 7e are currently see-ing a qualified e(perienced seasoned Binancial Officer to assume the responsi"ilities for this pro!ect and all pro!ects we de)elop in 5olom"ia#


,://,/// Pay for final payment for %inancial ;is! ins rance Set p DinoTech holding 'an! acco nt D 'ai" Pay <egal %ees Travel and E@pense to D 'ai Set p a Cimi' %ore@ UAE( A non resident 6ffshore Acco nt in UAE % nds 1ill 'e deposited into, from there UAE ta@es 1ill 'e paid+ <egal e@penses to 'e paid, Attorneys in place+ Set p A Special P rpose 2olding Acco nt 1here'y the f nds transferred from the a'ove acco nt+ Comply 1ith co ntry 'an!ing la1s % nds 1ill 'e transferred for distri' tion to local )ogota 6perating acco nt on a dra1 do1n 'asis++ 7al!ers ?lo'al, attorneys Colom'ian infrastr ct re and operating acco nt 1ill 'e esta'lished 1here'y % nds 1ill 'e sed for local operations 0legal to 'e retained4 Set p entity, comply 1ith local and state r les and reg lations+ )an! Acco nt

A estions sho ld 'e Directed to"

; 'y 3+ =nighton DinoTech Corporation B/C/ <)> Dallas, Te@as D:-BE 6ffice" -CE FG/ DDB: Cell" -CE :-G GEE:

AUD8T6;S8 85TE;5AT865A< ;EP;ESE5T85? ATT6;5E&S ;EP;ESE5T85? ATT6;5E&S %6; D856TEC2 %U5D85? ;EP;ESE5T85? ATT6;5E&S %6; SP9 26<D85? ACC6U5T US 6perations )an!"

&rice 7aterhouse, 3ogota, 5olum"ia

Bul"right and Gawors-i, Fouston, Te(as

3in Sha"i" , Associates 93SA; ??5" Du"ai AAE

7al-ers Glo"al, Du"lin .reland 5ompass 3an-, Dallas Te(as H AS 3an- Operations FS35 .nternational Operations AccountD 3ogota, 5olom"ia .rish 3an- for the Folding Account Garrido , $enhgifo, A"ogados, 3ogota 5olom"ia 9will qualify and contract with &rimary 5ontractors in accordance with pro!ect specifications and $is- .nsurance co)erage# 5orredores 5olom"ianos De Seguros S#A# is pro)iding :++1 risinsurance for financial and political co)erage#


;8S= 85SU;A5CE8

USE 6% %U5DS" DU)A8" <E?A< %EES" T6 P;EPA;E %85A5C8A< C65T;ACTS 78T2 ;8S= 85SU;A5CE %6; S8?585?+ SET UP )A5= %6;EH )A5= ACC6U5T" T;A9E< A5D EHPE5SE ;ETA85 <E?A< T6 C63P<E 78T2 C6U5T;& <A7S SET UP 26<D85? ACC6U5T 8;<A5D 7A<=E;S ?<6)A<, CA&3A5 8S<A5DS, attys SET UP )A5= ACC6U5T %U5DS T6 )E T;A5S%E;;ED 85T6, 6UT 6% DU)A8 )A5= ACC6U5T SET UP 6PE;AT85? C63PA5& A5D )A5= ACC6U5TS 85 )6?6TA C6<63)8A ;ETA85 %U<);8?2T A5D >A76;S=8, 26UST65, TEHAS T6 ;E98E7 C65T;ACT %6; C6<63)8A


DinoTech Corporation, B/C/ <)>, S ite C-//, Dallas Te@as D:-BE Cell" -CE :-G GEE:

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