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Sales and Positioning of Brand in the U.S.A. Do you want to retail? If so at what level? High End? Mid Tier?

ow end? Suggested Strategy: 10 retail stores across the U.S.A. in key areas based on your Brand Preferred Positioning. Gross Profits of about $1M er store on year !1. "e can access and o en your stores in the follo#ing Malls$Sho ing Pla%as: "estfield & Si'on ( )he Mills* and 'ore. +,'ages of Malls.igh(end /etail Package Sa' le 0o' etitors +"ith 1 i'ages er co' etitor: out front #indo# & interiors & shelf$racks-: .ollister Abercro'bie23itch 4ictoria5s Secret 0arter Budget re6uired: 7$800*000 to $9:0*000 including Store design and setu * Staff* Marketing$Pro'otion of Products;,0,$A)<= Gross Sales Pro>ection 7year !1=: $1M Mediu' )ier Package Sa' le 0o' etitors: +"ith 1 i'ages er co' etitor: out front #indo# & interiors & shelf$racks-: 3ore?er @1 .2M 0hildrenAs Place Budget re6uired: 7100*000 ( B:0*000 including Store design and setu * Staff* Marketing$Pro'otion of Products;,0,$A)<= Gross Sales Pro>ection 7year !1=: $900*000.00 Co# Dnd Package Sa' le 0o' etitors: +"ith 1 i'ages er co' etitor: out front #indo# & interiors & shelf$racks-:

)orrid 7one or t#o 'ore= Budget re6uired: 7100*000 ( $@:0*000 including Store design and setu * Staff* Marketing$Pro'otion of Products; ,0,$A)<= Gross Sales Pro>ection: 7year !1=: $:00*000.00

Do you want to wholesale? How do you want to !osition your !rodu"t? Suggested Strategy: (((((((((((((. "e can "holesale to 'ulti le retailers throughout the U.S.A. such as Mar'aEE 7MarshallAs & )F MaEE= & S orts Authority ( /oss & 0ity )rends & 3allas +i'ages"e osition your sa' les to buyers and ha?e the' #atch a li?estrea' sho# #here your sa' les are #ore 0ity )rends: 1:0 locations across the country. : out of @0 Style selected. 1:0G: styles out of @0 styles. Dach : they are ordering a 'ini'u' of @B units G 1 color G : styles H 1@0 units. 1@0 unitsG1:0 stores H 1I*000 units. ,f the a?erage cost is $1.9: 71:J A)<=. 1I*000G1.9: H $89*:00 #holesale cost out of $@:*000 initial in?est'ent Mar'aEE: 1*9:1 locations across the country. : out of @0 styles selected. 1*9:1G: styles out of @0 styles. Dach : are ordering a 'ini'u' of @B units G1 color G : styles H 1@0 units. 1@0G1*9:1 stores H @10*180 units. ,f the a?erage cost is $1*9: 7K:J A)<=. @10*180G1*9: H $9II*I:0 #holesale cost out of $@:*000 initial in?est'ent 3L/ US: "e charge $8 unit $1*@8@*180 gross & $9II*I:0 H B81*110 710J out for interest H $B@:*M90= S orts Authority: 1MI locations across the country. : out of @0 Style selected. 1MI stores G: styles out of @0 styles. Dach : they are ordering a 'ini'u' of @B units G 1 color G : styles H 1@0 units. 1@0 unitsG1MI stores H @1*980 units. ,f the a?erage cost is $1.9: 71:J A)<=. @1*980G1.9: H $IM*100 #holesale cost out of $@:*000 initial in?est'ent S orts related stores #ill be a roached roducts by Si' ly S orts #hile others stores 7/oss* Mar'aEE* and 0ity )rends= #ill be Si' lys orty and Generic. )he sa'e @0 styles #e #ill gi?e the o tion to ha?e as blanks or as Si' lys orty licensed. )he generic #ill be sold at a chea er rice because no licence fee. 3or you it doesnAt 'ake any difference because the 'anufacturing cost #ould be the sa'e. 0olleges* so e?erything needs to 'eet the standards for ossible ins ections. D' loy'ent* 0ertification* Pa ers* Nuality of Products. DEa' le: )hese nu'bers are ?ery conser?ati?e. A guy sold to 3ore?er@1 7BI0 stores #orld#ide=: 8 Styles* : tea's* and 'ade o ening order $B.:M 7S ring @01@=. ###.si'lys orty.co' Budget re6uired: 7$1:*000 & $@0*000 including Sa' les shi 'ent* Marketing$Pro'otion of Products;,0,$A)<= Models $1*@:0 7$@:0 er 'odel er day= hotoshoot #ith li?estrea'ing co?erage ( $1000 studio location +i'age- & Sa' les Shi 'ent 7B0 units er styles & @0 styles #e are sending the sa' les to buyers that are #atching the strea'ing ?ideo li?e. ,tAs like sending a roducts #hile they ha?e it already in hand. Before the li?e e?ent starts 10 sa' les #ore by 'odels 7@0 M @0 S=* 1: sa' les sent to retailers

'entioned abo?e and other retailers across the 0ountry #ith :0O retail locationsP 1: sa' les #ill go to to 10 sororities association in colleges such Michigan* )eEas* U0CA* CSU Cousiana* Alaba'a* 3lorida*Q throughout the country. ,n?est'ent about $I*000 7but could be less according to real 'anufacturing costs= H $@:*000 = Gross Sales Pro>ection 7year !1=: $@:0*000.00O 3inance the orders 7they ay net(M0= PARMD<) O ,<4DS)MD<) "e #ill finance the orders but Sede has to finance the sa' lesO e?ent 3or us 3actor 710J=* Banks #ho handle the order or ri?ate in?estors 7BJ interests= Based on #hat you said* the 6uickest o ortunity to sell to 'a>or retailors across the country* using Si' lys orty* #ho has <0AA 7<ational 0ollege Athletic Association= nation#ide* M colleges lincesed so far and other 1: o tioned across the country. Lther #ill follo# 6uickly* lus generic styles. Sa' les for hi' ,n?est'ent on first order SedeH sa' les O e?ent ,f you donAt like this idea* #e can get to other o tions but this one is the fastest in ter's sales and rofits. "e could sell directly to the stores but it #ouldnAt be so 'uch 'oney. S orts is the key* all stores are bringing in s ort styles. #e "an !rovide the following servi"es$ +one i'age er ser?iceStore setu /e'ote and in(store ,) su Store design consultation Staff selection Marketing o erations Branding o erations ort

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