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Sparkling Ones

Greetings! Im Stella Seaspirit, lifelong Hedgewitch, professional Source-ress. Power monger, magic wielder, writer, mentor, energycraft strategist and coach. Im passionate about activating and inspiring your Witchiness. Source-ry is your natural state and Im here to help you live it. This manifesto has been created for you who feel the currents of deep magic running through your veins. You hold the Truth in your bones and the memory in your cellular DNA. You who seek a space where you can get to grips with energy-craft and infuse it in your day to day living, directing Creative Power on purpose with purpose.

You are deep magic incarnate.

Your breath is pure energy and charges your physical vessel so your muscles sing. You have touched magic with all your physical human senses you bear witness to it and the beauty brings a flutter to your heart. You are here now to remember who you are so that you can claim your inherent power and lead others through your living example.

You walk your talk and infuse Spirit with matter. You are living Source-ry. You who practise meditation, ritual, leave offerings, perform ceremony and cast spells. Otherworldliness comes naturally to you; spirits, partnering with crystal realms, communing with the animal kingdom, interacting with devas, dragons and unicorns, sailing energy streams, navigating galactic portals, invoking the Ancient Ones, reaching into the astral and shifting between dimensions.

Witchiness in motion.
You walk with the elementals by your side in radiant sunrays and glistening moonbeams, highly respected and loved by all for your magnificent transcendental charms. You alter situations for the better. Powerful protectors guard you day and night, you are wholly supported on your path. Remember who you are. The time is now. Take my hand and step across the threshold.

Are you with me?

Reassemble your vast and ancient wisdom, whether you are just starting out on your personal Witchy path or seek to accelerate your Witchiness.
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My mission is to facilitate the space for you to enthuse the Source-ress within and to ground and centre your magick, so you can create better and experience deeper spiritual connection that is part of your everyday experience.

You are in this world not of it.

A spiritual being mastering a physical experience, bridging Spirit and Matter on this plane. Read the guiding tenets of practical Source-ry as a lifestyle *witch* I have outlined below and make these simple magic-flowing habits stick. The path of Source-ry is forever unwinding and in flux, it is a journey of self-mastery and inner-alignment. Be inspired ~ print the poster version out and affix it to your notice board, mirror or fridge and read it daily! This step alone will cause great shifts in your life. Bear in mind though, this is just an overview of the guiding principles. For more profound yet subtle energy work, please check out my: eCourses: http://tinyurl.com/Witchening One-on-one Services: http://bit.ly/Witchiness Resources on the Blog: http://bit.ly/Sourcery Downloads and Articles page: http://tinyurl.com/gratiis

From my Witchy Heart to yours,

Stella Seaspirit*

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Decide where you direct your energy. Where attention goes

energy flows. What are you fuelling? War or peace. Lack or abundance. Fault or perfection.

instead into who you wish to become now.

Commit to self-acceptance. You

are not broken, there is nothing to fix. Awareness and recalibration, however subtle, cause profound shifts.

Choose your response. In any given

situation you can exercise choice in how you perceive it and thus craft your response to the experience accordingly instead of robotically reacting to it.

Declutter ruthlessly. Your space is

a reflection of your energy. Keep it clear and sparkly to allow for new energy to flow in and around you. Keeping possessions that maintain memories of shame, angst or strife dont serve you well. Similarly, retaining things that no longer resonate with who you are dont either.

Become a truer expression of yourself. As much as you play small

to be accepted by some, there are others searching for your uniqueness. How will they find you? Speak your Truth from your heart. Hiding who you are consumes a lot of energy which could be put to better use elsewhere.

Start fresh. Dont let past

experience dictate your present. Hauling emotional baggage and an complacent victim-mode behaviour around with you only taints all experiences to come. Give birth to your wishes from a fresh energy to experience better.

What if the outcome is even better than you can imagine?

Dont think you can control how things will come to a fore and conclude. Remain fluid to possibilities you are unable to comprehend as yet.

Everything is progress. Thirty-four

seconds, one minute, ten minutes; a series of micro-victories mastered in each moment amass to collapse quantum tidal waves.

Dig deep. What underpins your want? How do you want to feel and
why. Is your heart really in it? Do you still want that same thing or has the root of your desire shifted? If you had it how would you be able to benefit others?

Awareness sets magic in motion.

You cannot incur change when the realisation that change is required is not there! You also cannot perceive magic at work if you arent looking for it.

Ask through action. A spell crafts

a desired outcome. Ritual crafts metaphorical space in your life for transformation a go-go. Uttering a simple silent prayer is just as effective. Follow through on events that transpire, no matter how unrelated they appear.

All is well for you are already whole. When you vibrate at a level
that holds the same vibration as what you want to manifest in your life, it already exists within you and therefore flows your way. So, be happy now, radiate love now, think and behave like a healthy person now, feel abundant before it is and it will be.

Let go. You are not your past.

What is done is done. Let what was fall behind you and step forward
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Witchy Gloss-ary
Witch A Wise One who practices the Craft of deliberate creation by shaping reality through projecting will. A witch brings the intangible realm of Spirit (energy) into Form through inner magic by embracing perceived flaws, exploring both light and dark aspects of Self, creating a vision based on passion and inspiring others to do the same by becoming a living example. Witchify Getting to grips with the depths of energy-craft and infusing it in day to day living, taking inspired action, walking your path even in the event of criticism and being the magic. Witchification The process of learning how to enhance your connection to cosmic rhythm, boost your ability to sail Universal energy streams and preserve a constant sense of Oneness with All That Is. Thus, bringing Witchiness into a way of being for yourself and taking your Witchiness to a new dimension. Witchiness Your potential and ability to create circumstances by connecting with your Source Self. Witchuition Your ability to intermingle your cells with Cosmic Dust giving you prowess in all aspects of magic. Witchery The implementation of Witchification, Witchiness and Witchuition. Essentially, all round Witchy behaviour. Witchy Of or pertaining to Witchiness, Witchery, Witchification and Witchuition insinuated in a most beguiling manner. Witchcraft A way of life practising a heartfelt connection with nature, the elements, cosmic energies and Source Self to manifest purposefully. Source-ry The practise of integrating metaphysical teachings into day-to-day interactions and exercising your ability to act from your innate core Power Centre to craft your energy with purpose on purpose. Spell Casting A symbolic gesture that serves to alter consciousness. Magic/Magick When the universe fills in the gaps, when subconscious processes shift and make way for new realisations, when you utilise primordial forces to enhance your intentions, when you are feeling at one with everything and in a state of flow. The result of Witchiness and Source-ry.
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Listen to the Magick Instigator Audio!

Find a comfortable place where you will be undisturbed for just under ten minutes, seat yourself on a chair and relax. May the magic bless you in ways beyond your wildest imagination.

Inner Smile Spritz
This spritz is ideal to use before meditation, spell work or performing ritual. It is also great for clearing the air in your office, home or before getting creative. It is a light blend of uplifting scents that also invoke the elements for a harmonising effect ~ it brings to light the sparkle in your soul. Spearmint always draws my attention to the Fae realm and I find it stimulating yet soothing at the same time. It will bring information and understanding. Rosemary is a scent I feel that warms the spirit and opens up a clear channel between you and other realms. It facilitates the sending forth of messages from higher planes. Palma Rosa is a fragrance I consider a tonic to the emotional body, it encourages gentleness and self love and holds a safe space for heart reflections to occur. I experience Patchouli as extremely grounding. It is like leaning against a tree face first and inhaling the rich bark and vapours from the fertile soil nourishing its roots which extend into an intricate network deep into the Earth below. It helps transcend boundaries and self-imposed restriction.

*Avoid this blend if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Use in a well ventilated area
with pets. You will need a 100ml glass atomiser bottle as essential oils may react with plastic and become contaminated. Reduce the recipe by half if you can only find a 50ml bottle. Add the following to 50ml vodka/gin/white grape vinegar: 10 10 10 10 drops drops drops drops of of of of Spearmint essential oil (Mentha Spicata) ~ Air Rosemary essential oil (Rosmarinus Officinalis) ~ Fire Palma Rosa essential oil (Cymbopogon Martini)~ Water Patchouli essential oil (Pogostemon Patchouli) ~ Earth

Seal the bottle and shake vigorously. Allow to stand for 48 hours in a dark cupboard. Add 50ml distilled water or spring water (I like to use a Colloidal Silver distilled water solution for an extra dash of magic)

Optional: Plop a piece of cleansed and programmed clear quartz, citrine, amethyst or orange carnelian into the bottle to further amplify the properties. [See my Intro to Crystals download here]
Shake gently. Ideally, you should leave the blend to stand for 4 to 6 weeks in a dark cupboard before using it however; instant spritzing is most certainly acceptable :)

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About Stella Seaspirit

As the moon waxes I weave, shape and create. As the moon wanes I reflect, cut and clear. As the seasons turn I evaluate and appreciate. What I was falls behind me and what I will become rises before me. Cosmic dust is intermingled within my DNA. Original Substance flows around me and through me. I Am Witch.

Have something nice to say?

It means so much to receive your constructive feedback and encouragement! If you have felt nourished in some way by this content please write a sentence or two about how it has affected you, what feelings it invoked in you, how it helped you in any way, I deeply appreciate hearing from you. E-mail: stella@stellaseaspirit.co.za

Where do we go from here?

Subscribe ~ if you received this Source-ry Manifesto from a friend youre missing out on all the other exclusive content! Join us here: http://tinyurl.com/Maginstigator

eCourses: http://tinyurl.com/Witchening One-on-one Services: http://bit.ly/Witchiness Source-ress Survival Kits: http://bit.ly/kenaz

Got Questions?
If you have any questions about activating your Witchiness and unleashing the Witch within please e-mail me: stella@stellaseaspirit.co.za and I will do my best to resolve them for you.

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