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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction (MoPR) Emergency Peace S !!"r# Pr"$ec# (EPSP)
Singha Durbar, athmandu

% &y

'()' Table of Contents

1. OBJECTIVE AND OVERVIEW................................................................................ 1 1.1 Objective of Field Implement tion ! n" l nd Ove#vie$.............................1 %. &ENERA' (RINCI('E) FOR TRAININ& )ERVICE) ...............................................% *. I!('E!ENTATION OF TRAININ& )ERVICE)........................................................+ ,. CRITERIA FOR TRAININ& )ERVICE)....................................................................+. RE./E)T FOR (RO(O)A' 0RF(1.........................................................................2


1.1 Objective of Field I !le entation "an#al and Ove$vie%

The objective of this Manual is to provide operational details for implementation of the Guidelines to Provide Employment/Self Employment Services to Persons Victimized durin the !ourse of "rmed !onflict #$%& 'S (#$)) "*+, by the Ministry of Peace and -econstruction (MoP-+. Emer ency Peace Support Project (EPSP+ in cooperation /ith 0ocal Peace !ommittees and *istrict "dministration 1ffices2 The EPSP /ill oversee the administration and delivery of employment/self employment services to up to a number a reed bet/een MoP- and the 3orld 'an4 for conflict affected persons throu h service providers2 This Manual contains specific principles. criteria. provides sample promotional materials. and outlines for re5uests for proposals that have been a reed /ith 3orld 'an4 and are to be used in implementin the project2 "ny chan es to these procedures /ill be a reed /ith the 3orld 'an42 Employment and Self Employment Services (ESES+ are desi ned to contribute to rehabilitatin conflict affected persons by assistin them to et into the labor force2 They follo/ the rehabilitation support pro ram to conflict affected persons component of the EPSP by providin more lon 6 term employment and trainin opportunities to victims made vulnerable by the conflict2 7n addition. this pro ram /ill contribute to increase overall productivity2 There is evidence that ESES can have a si nificant positive impact if appropriately tar eted and /ell run (e2 2. services are demand driven and delivered by service providers /hich have performance based contracts+2 " variety of services are needed to address three conditions commonly e8perienced by conflict affected persons /ho are tryin to enter the labor mar4et9
. F$ictional &ne

!lo' ent: Some conflict affected persons may have mar4etable s4ills for /hich there is demand. but they need intensive job placement assistance2 These services can have a substantial positive impact on re6employment and have a lo/ unit cost2 These services can include assistance for remote job search2 !lo' ent: Some conflict affected persons lac4 s4ills. or their s4ills are not in demand. and need some re6s4illin to compete and re6enter the labor mar4et2 *ifferent types of trainin s and retrainin . includin on6job6 trainin and/or institutional trainin is needed in these circumstances and can help employment at a moderate unit cost per participant . and fo$ )abo$ : This is a particular problem in areas of hi h unemployment2 Pro rams include small business consultin assistance. incubators. and micro6loans .

b. (t$#ct#$al &ne

c. )ac* of De

This part of the :ield 7mplementation Manual for ESES pro ram covers TRAINING SERVICES to deal /ith the issue of structural unemployment of the conflict affected persons2


+.1 Availabilit' of T$ainin. (e$vices to Dist$icts: Trainin services / o u l d

be available in all ;< conflict affected districts across the five development re ions2 T/elve districts have already been covered in the pilot phase2 The national roll out of the pilot e8ercise /ill be accomplished in t/o phases2 7n first phase thirty6five to forty6 five ne/ districts /ill be selected and the remainin districts /ill be covered in second phase2 Selection of the districts /ould be based on an al orithm a reed /ith the 3orld 'an4 that /ould use the number of conflict affected persons eli ible for rehabilitation services and eo raphical clusterin of the districts as 4ey allocation mechanisms2
+.+ Availabilit' of T$ainin. (e$vices to Individ#als/ Trainin services /ill

be provided to conflict affected persons throu h service providers at the selected districts follo/in eneral procedures defined in the Guidelines to Provide Employment/Self Employment Services to Persons Victimized durin the !ourse of "rmed !onflict #$%& 'S (#$)) "*+, and the *etailed Principles and !riteria in the follo/in para raphs of this Manual a reed /ith the 3orld 'an42 1ne conflict affected person may participate in only one service and trade2 S/he cannot enroll in multiple services and trades and receive multiple allo/ances/stipends2
+.0 Cost of (e$vices Rei

b#$sable to (e$vice -$ovide$s/ 7n eneral. reimbursement to service providers /ill be based on the contracted avera e cost per participant per day. times the number of days participants receivin services2 Service providers are eli ible for payment as follo/s9 (i+ Mobilization Advance: " ma8imum of #$ = of contract amount /ill be paid as mobilization advance upon the submission of the ban4 uarantee by the service provider to the EPSP2 Monthly Payments9 The monthly payments /ill be made upon the client>s receipt of monthly invoices definin the number of beneficiaries served times the a reed unit cost per day per person served less (a+ a prorated amount of the mobilization advance. and (b+ retention amount e5ual to #$= of the service cost2 Final Payment: The final payment /ill include total of retention amounts /hich /ere deducted from each monthly payment2 To be eli ible for this payment the service provider should meet contracted job placement rates (i2e2 percent of participants enterin employment. self6 employment+ /hich shall be verified by the client /ithin three months of the submission by the service provider of employment completion report comprisin job placement status of the participants2 Service providers /ho do not meet contracted job placement rates /ill not be eli ible for further contracts for delivery of similar services in future and /ill not receive the retention amount2 Bonus Payment9 :ive percent bonus /ill be paid to service providers /hich e8ceed contracted job placement rates by #$= (i2e2 if the contracted job placement rate /as ?$=. and the service provider ot ;$=. they /ould et a ?=




+.1 -a$tici!ant Allo%ances/ "ll participants in trainin services shall receive9

(i+ (ii+

" lump sum of @-s2).$$$ to come to the trainin venue and to o bac4 home on completion of trainin A @-s2 B.%$$ per month for lod in and meal e8penses durin the entire service periodA and

(iii+ @-s2 ).?$$ per month for daily transport e8penses to and from the or anization conductin the services2 7f the service period includes in6complete month. monthly allo/ance and transportation e8penses for that period shall be calculated on the pro rata basis of monthly allo/ances and transport e8penses2
+.2 Cont$actin. of (e$vices3 :or the ESES pro ram. the 3orld 'an4 procurement

uidelines /ill be follo/ed2 EPSP /ill publicly solicit -e5uest for Proposals (-:P+ from service providers on certain intervals of time2 The -:P for trainin services /ill be published in t/o phases6 the first phase coverin thirty6five to forty6five districts and the second phase coverin the remainin districts2 7f sufficient number of eli ible and technically successful proposals are not received then additional -:P notice shall be published for each phase2 The duration for -:P submission shall be <$ days2 7t is anticipated that technical evaluations /ill be completed /ithin the ne8t %$ days. and ne otiation and contractin completed /ithin the follo/in <$ days2 This schedule may be shortened. or len thened. by type of services needed dependin on need for additional services2 Service providers meetin pre6defined eli ibility criteria shall only be evaluated for 5uality of their technical proposals2 Evaluation of service provider>s technical proposals /ill be done based on its technical 5uality for a total score of )$$ points2 The minimum score for proposals to be accepted shall be %$2 The service providers /hose technical proposal(s+ meet minimum score /ill be ran4ed based on scores obtained2 The ne otiation /ill be done /ith the top ran4ed service provider2 7f ne otiation is failed then second ran4ed service provider /ill be called for ne otiation and so on2 Co/ever. those service providers /ho do not a ree for financial ne otiation remainin /ithin the unit avera e monthly cost a reed /ith the 3orld 'an4 /ill be rejected2 "ll service providers submittin -:Ps /ill be notified of the results of the evaluation of their proposals2
+.3 -olic' fo$ ,$ievances: The policy for rievances handlin under ESES pro ram

/ill have follo/in t/o thrusts9


Grievance handling mechanism for service provider s: Grievances prior to contract a/ard (i2e2 unsuccessful in technical evaluations+ must be sent by the service provider to the EPSP /ithin ; days of notification of the results of the evaluation2 The EPSP /ill revie/ the rievance of the service provider2 7f a reement is not reached. the service provider can contact the MoP- for further revie/2 Service providers /hich are not successful in the initial rounds of proposals can apply in succeedin -:Ps2 Procedures for rievances after contracts shall be a reed bet/een the EPSP and service provider in the contract a reement2 Grievance handling mechanism for beneficiaries: The EPSP /ill appoint focal person/s for handlin the rievances of beneficiaries /ith provision of toll free


hotline auto lin4ed to MoP->s Mana ement 7nformation System (M7S+2 "ll rievances of the beneficiaries shall be addressed /ithin )? days by MoP-2
+.4 Re!o$tin.3 Service providers are re5uired to report on the status of services to the

client as per the time frame and format mentioned in the contract a reement2
+.5 "ana.e

ent Info$ ation: The EPSP /ill maintain records of all service contracts throu h its M7S2 :inally. the EPSP may en a e an independent contractor to conduct a tracer impact study of participants coverin at least )$= sample size2 information of available services to potential participant. by the sharin of information on services bein provided in selected districts and by allo/in persons from one pro ram district to participate in another pro ram district2 Co/ever. priority shall be iven to the potential beneficiaries of the pro ram district2

+.6 )abo$ "obilit': Mobility is to be encoura ed by providin


The ESES activities /ill be technically mana ed on a day6to6day basis by the EPSP at MoP-2 ESES pro ram section shall be established by MoP- /ithin EPSP2 This pro ram section /ill have technical support unit (TSD+ /ith provision of ?6; full time specialists at central level to provide technical assistance in the areas of pro ram monitorin and evaluation. procurement mana ement. financial mana ement. job placement. small/micro business and mana ement information system2 7n addition. there /ill be &6)$ :ield 'ased -ehabilitation Specialists (:'-S+ stationed at cluster level to supervise. monitor and report the ESES activities2 " !oordination and Monitorin !ommittee headed by the !hief *istrict 1fficer and represented by 0ocal Peace !ommittees (0P!s+ and selected service providers shall coordinate and monitor the trainin services in each district2

O#t$eac7 (t$ate.' and I !le entation -lan: The ESES pro ram /ill carry out comprehensive outreach activities follo/in the outreach strate y approved by the MoP-2 The outreach initiatives /ill have three primary thrusts9 (i+ The potential service providers /ill be ade5uately informed to submit proposals2 The information shall be disseminated throu h publication of -e5uest for Proposal (-:P+ notice in national ne/spaper2 -e ional briefin sessions shall be carried out by EPSP for service providers. usin this :ield 7mplementation Manual. follo/in the announcement of -:P2 :urthermore :'-S shall provide one on one, on6site and/or telephone support to assist service providers interpret the :ield 7mplementation Manual and to develop proposals2 (ii+ The potential beneficiaries shall be informed about available service types. eli ibility criteria for participatin in the trainin services. application process and stipends2 :or this purpose media campai ns and a/areness raisin pro rams /ill be conducted throu h EPSP. 0P!s and *istrict "dministration 1ffices (*"1s+2 (iii+ The service providers shall be made responsible for reachin out to the potential beneficiaries throu h media campai ns and door to door campai ns2


Eval#ation of RF-s: Each proposal /ill be evaluated separately usin the standard technical evaluation forms by three to five persons as provisioned in Public Procurement "ct and -e ulation2 The individual scores of the evaluation committee members shall be avera ed /hich /ill be the final result and proposals meetin minimum technical scores /ill be ne otiated startin /ith the proposal /ith the hi hest technical score and movin do/n the list until9 (i+ sufficient service providers have been selected/ contractedA or (ii+ all funds have been e8hausted2 Beneficia$' (election9 'eneficiaries selected for receipt of services must fall /ithin the cate ories outlined in the Guidelines to Provide Employment/Self Employment Services to Persons Victimized durin the course of "rmed !onflict #$%& 'S (#$)) "*+,2 1ut of total beneficiaries. at least <$= shall be /omen2 The initial prioritization of beneficiaries shall be done as provisioned in the uidelines2 7n case further prioritization is needed. the baseline criteria for selection of beneficiaries /ill be established by the 0P!s/*istrict !oordination and Monitorin !ommittee and selection /ill be done in cooperation /ith service providers2



"onito$in. and Eval#ation: The overall responsibility of monitorin of implementation shall rest on EPSP. The EPSP shall establish M7S coverin major modules (beneficiaries. service providers. contract administration. financial mana ement etc+2 The :'-S under the supervision of pro ram monitorin and evaluation specialist shall be responsible for monitorin 5uality of trainin services includin but not limited to the aspects such as beneficiary selection. venue verification. availability of trainin e5uipments and materials. trainin courses and instructors. attendance of participants. distribution of stipends and verification of employment2 7n addition to re ular monitorin the pro ram monitorin and evaluation specialist/ :'-S shall also conduct unannounced on6 site visits to trainin venues2 The district level !oordination and Monitorin !ommittee and 0P!s shall conduct re ular monitorin of the trainin services focusin on attendance of participants and their level of satisfaction2 The MoP- throu h its re ional monitorin teams headed by joint secretary shall also monitor trainin activities mainly focusin on the level of beneficiary satisfaction2 The MoP- shall develop detail monitorin and evaluation uideline includin processes. roles and responsibilities. necessary formats/chec4lists and the reportin re5uirements for effective monitorin and evaluation of the ESES activities2 Evaluation of the contracted outcomes /ill be accomplished in t/o primary /ays9 (i+ (ii+ Employment completion reports comprisin job placement status of participants at the end of each service to be submitted by service providers9 and " sample follo/6up of #$= of participants /ho successfully completed the trainin by pro ram monitorin and evaluation specialist/:'-S to verify employment completion report submitted by the service provider2 7n addition. the EPSP may contract an independent firm for a 5uasi6e8perimental desi n net impact study of participants /ho have completed the trainin s near the end of the project2


1.1 Eli.ible (e$vices/ Vocational trainin /ith related literacy and life s4ills trainin from three to si8 months in duration2 3hile selectin the trade of the trainin . the service provider shall follo/ the curriculum prepared by !ouncil for Technical Education E Vocational Trainin (!TEVT+. or by other authorized entity or approved curriculum developed by the Service provider2 The service providers are encoura ed to perform s4ills test from @ational S4ill Testin 'oard (@ST'+. particularly for those trades for /hich the !TEVT curricula are follo/ed2 1.+ Job -lace ent Re8#i$e ent: "ll or anizations proposin trainin services must sho/ evidence of demand for trainees throu h rapid mar4et appraisal (-M"+ or other relevant tools and a ree to a ne otiated level of performance (i2e2. job placement rate. self employment. or enrolment in continuin education or trainin in the related field+ of a minimum of ?$ percent for institutional trainin . and ;? percent for employer provided on6job6trainin 2 Service providers are responsible for ensurin that their raduates can et jobs before they submit proposals. and no e8tra fundin /ill be included in contracts for special job placement services as it is considered an inte ral part of and responsibility of the service provider to help trainees find employment2 Service providers should not propose pro rams if they are not sure they can meet contracted performance standards2 1.0 Eli.ible (e$vice -$ovide$s: Private enterprises. private trainin centers. @G1s. and public education and trainin institutions2 7nstitutions must meet the eli ibility criteria and sho/ minimum technical capability for provision of trainin services as specified in the -:P2 Separate -:Ps /ill be issued to and contracts si ned /ith individual service providers. by EPSP. for each trade in each district2 1ne sin le proposal combinin delivery of services in multiple trades and multiple districts /ill not be considered eli ible as this increases ris4. ma4es trac4in of performance difficult. and each trade must be carefully defined and performance standards a reed F these /ill vary bet/een trades and as such simple but separate contracts are re5uired for each trade funded2 This also ma4es procurement easier and 5uic4er2 1.1 Eli.ible Costs3 Trainin and administrative personnel /ith overheads includin on6 site child care if needed. rent and utilities. consumable materials. client transportation. non6 durable oods. depreciation of e5uipment (ma8imum depreciation <$ percent per year+. s4ill testin cost char es by @ST' /here applicable2 Enterprises. /hich are trainin beneficiaries for internal hirin . /ill only receive reimbursement for ;$ percent of total trainin costsA other service providers (e2 2. trainin institutions+. /hich are trainin for the eneral labor mar4et. /ill receive )$$ percent reimbursement of total trainin costs2 :or each participant9 (i+ a lump sum of @-s2 ).$$$ to come to commence the services and to o bac4 home on completion of servicesA (ii+ @-s2 B.%$$ per month for lod in and meal e8penses durin the entire service period. and (iii+ @-s2 ).?$$ per month for daily transport e8penses to and from the or anization conductin the services2

2. RE9&E(T FOR -RO-O(A) :RF-;

The EPSP shall prepare -e5uest :or Proposal (-:P+ and et concurrence from the 3orld 'an4 prior to its issuance2 The -:P shall include the follo/in s9 Section 1: Request for Proposal Notice Section 2: Information to Ser ice Pro i!er"s Section #: Tec$nical Proposal%Stan!ar! &orms Section ': &inancial Proposal%Stan!ar! &orms Section (: Stan!ar! &orm of Contract

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