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SEM. WEEK THEMES INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS 1 1 LEARNING AREA 1. Living things have basic needs LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.1 Understanding that humans have basic needs LEARNING OUTCOMES (Pupils.) * identify the basic needs of humans * give reasons (hy humans need food) (ater) air and shelter * 'dentify the basic needs of animals * give reasons (hy animals need food) (ater) air and shelter * describe types of shelters for animals + *. Living things undergo life processes 1.+ Understanding that plants have basic needs *.1 .nalysing life processes that humans undergo * identify the basic needs of plants * e/plain that humans breathe * describe (hat inhale is * describe (hat e/hale is * differentiate the air that (e inhale and the air that (e e/hale * state that humans use lungs to breathe * identify the passage of air during breathing * conclude that not all individuals have the same rate of breathing * state that humans e/crete and defecate * state the products of human e/cretion * state the product of human defecation * give reasons (hy humans need to e/crete and defecate * state that humans respond to stimuli * 2ive reasons (hy humans respond to stimuli ! "bserving ! #onclusion ! #ommunicating ! %a&ing 'nference SPS ! "bserving ! %a&ing 'nference ! "bserving SPS / TS / SANV SPS ! "bserving ! #omparing ! $elating ! %a&ing 'nference ! Predicting SPS ! "bserving ! 'nterpreting data ! #lassifying ! Predicting

1.* Understanding that animals have basic needs *


! #onclusion ! #ommunicating ! #omparing and contrasting ! "bserving ! $elating

! 3/perimenting ! %a&ing 'nference ! #omparing






LEARNING OUTCOMES (Pupils.) * state that humans reproduce * predict (hat (ill happen if humans do not reproduce * (hat is thalassemia5 * give e/amples of habits that bring harm to human life processes * state the effects of smo&ing on lungs * e/plain that ta&ing drugs and alcohol can delay a person8s response to stimuli * participate in a campaign to discourage smo&ing) drugs ta&ing and alcohol drin&ing among their peers


** 3/tra ** *.* 6eing a(are that certain behaviour can disturb life processes

! %a&ing 7ypothesis ! "bserving

*.+ .nalysing the life processes that animals undergo 19

* state that animals e/crete * state that animals defecate * give reasons (hy animals need to e/crete and defecate * state that animals breathe * identify the breathing structures for certain animals * state that breathing structures for different types of animals may be different * state that animals reproduce * state that some animals give birth and some lay eggs * classify animals according to the (ay they reproduce * :escribe the life cycles of different animals * conclude that animals may have different the cycles

! "bserving ! %a&ing 'nference ! #lassifying


! "bserving ! #lassifying


! "bserving ! #omparing ! %a&ing #onclusion





LEARNING OBJECTIVES *., Understanding the life processes that plants undergo


LEARNING OUTCOMES (Pupils.) * state that plants respond to stimuli * identify the part of plant that responds to (ater * identify the part of plant that responds to gravity * identify the part of plant that responds to sunlight * identify the part of plant that responds to touch * state that plants reproduce * e/plain (hy plants need to reproduce * predict (hat (ill happen to the (orld if plants do not reproduce * e/plain the various (ays plants reproduce

SPS / TS / SANV ! "bserving ! %a&ing 'nference ! %easuring and using numbers

! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! Predicting


+. .nimals and plants protect themselves

+.1 Understanding that animals have specific characteristics and behaviour to protect themselves from danger


* identify special characteristics of animals that protect them from danger * identify special behaviour of animals that protect them from danger * describe ho( the special characteristics and behaviour of animals help to protect them from danger * identify specific characteristics and behaviour of animals that protect them from very hot or cold (eather * describe ho( specific characteristics and behaviour of animals help to protect them from very hot or cold (eather * recogni<e the need for animals to protect themselves from enemies and e/treme (eather conditions * ma&e a model of an imaginary animal that can survive both e/treme (eather and enemies * give reasons (hy models are built in such (ays

! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! %a&ing 'nference


+.* Understanding that animals have specific characteristics and behaviour to protect themselves from e/treme (eather

! "bserving ! #lassifying ! %easuring ! %a&ing 'nference

+.+ Understanding that animals have specific characteristics and behaviour to enable them to survive 11

! #lassifying ! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! Predicting ! %a&ing 'nference






LEARNING OBJECTIVES +., Understanding that plants have specific characteristics to protect themselves from enemies.

LEARNING OUTCOMES (Pupils.) * identify the specific characteristics of plants that protect them from enemies. * describe ho( the specific characteristics of plants help to protect them from enemies. * give e/amples of plants found in very dry region. * identify specific characteristics of plants that protect them from e/cessive loss of (ater. * describe ho( specific characteristics of plants help them to survive in dry region. * give e/ample of plants found in strong (ind area. * identify specific characteristics of plants that protect them from strong (ind. * describe ho( specific characteristics of plants help them to survive in strong (inds. * state the different (ays to measure length * state the standard unit for length in the metric system * choose the appropriate measuring tools to measure length * measure length using the correct techni=ue * record lengths in standard units * compare a s=uare and a rectangle and guess (hich ob>ect has a bigger area * carry out a test to confirm their guesses * state that area ? length @ (idth * state the standard unit for area in the metric system * calculate the area of a given shape in standard unit

SPS / TS / SANV ! #lassifying ! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! Predicting ! %a&ing 'nference ! %a&ing 7ypothesis

+.; understanding that plants have specific characteristics to protect themselves from dry region and strong (ind.

! #lassifying ! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! Predicting ! %a&ing 'nference



1. %easurement

1.1 Understanding the measurement of length

*1 *

! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! %easuring and using numbers ! %a&ing 'nference ! 'nterpreting data ! #ontrolling variables

1.* Understanding ho( to calculate area


! "bserving ! %easuring and using numbers ! :efining operationally ! #ommunicating





LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.+ Understanding ho( to measure the volume of solid


LEARNING OUTCOMES (Pupils.) * compare a cube and a cuboid and guess (hich one has a bigger volume * carry out a test to confirm their guesses * state that volume ? length @ (idth @ height * state the standard unit for volume of solids in the metric system * calculate the volume of cubes and cuboids based on the measurements ta&en in standard unit * state the different (ays to measure the volume of a li=uid * state the standard unit for volume of li=uids in the metric system * choose the appropriate measuring tools to measure the volume of a li=uid * measure the volume of a li=uid using the correct techni=ue *record the volume measured in standard unit * state tools for measuring mass * state the standard unit for mass in the metric system * measure the mass of an ob>ect using the correct techni=ue * record the measurement using standard unit * identify different (ays to measure time * state that processes that repeat uniformly can be used to measure time * state the standard unit for time in the metric system *identify tools for measuring time * measure time using appropriate tools * record the time measured in standard unit

SPS / TS / SANV ! "bserving ! %easuring and using numbers ! :efining operationally ! #ommunicating

1., Understanding ho( to measure volume of li=uid


! "bserving ! %easuring and using numbers ! :efining operationally ! 'nterpreting data ! #ontrolling variable

1.; Understanding ho( to measure mass *;

! "bserving ! %easuring and using numbers ! :efining operationally ! #ommunicating

1.- Understanding ho( to measure time


! "bserving ! %easuring and using numbers ! :efining operationally ! #ommunicating ! ma&ing 7ypothesis





LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.0 $ealising the importance of using standard units


LEARNING OUTCOMES (Pupils.) * choose and use the appropriate tools to measure the volume of li=uids and masses of the ingredients in a recipe * give reasons for any differences in the dough prepared by pupils using the given recipe * conclude the need for using standard unit * classify ob>ects into groups according to the materials they are made of * identify materials that conduct electricity * 'dentify materials that conduct heat * identify materials that float on (ater * identify materials that absorb (ater * identify materials that can be stretched * identify materials that allo( light to pass through * state (hat a conductor is * state (hat an insulator is * conclude (hat a good conductor of heat is also a good conductor of electricity * classify materials based on their abilities to allo( light to pass through * state (hat a transparent materials * state (hat a translucent materials * state (hat an opa=ue material is * list uses of transparent) translucent and opa=ue materials * suggest (ays to &eep things cold * suggest (ays to &eep things hot * design an effective (ay to &eep things hot or to &eep things cold * list ob>ects and the materials that they are made of * give reasons (hy

SPS / TS / SANV ! "bserving ! %easuring and using numbers ! #ontrolling variable ! ma&ing 'nference


1. Properties of materials

1.1 Understanding the properties of materials


! "bserving ! #lassifying ! Predicting ! #ommunicating ! %a&ing 'nference

1.* applying the &no(ledge of properties of materials in everyday life +1

! "bserving ! #lassifying ! communicating

1.+ Synthesising the &no(ledge about uses of materials based on their properties







particular materials are LEARNING OUTCOMES (Pupils.) used to ma&e an ob>ect * state that materials are chosen to ma&e an ob>ect based on their properties * design an ob>ect for a specific purpose and give reasons (hy certain materials are used to ma&e it * give e/amples of man! made materials * state that man!made materials come from natural materials * give reasons (hy materials need to be conserved * practice reusing) reducing and recycling to conserve materials * differentiate bet(een a rusty ob>ect and non!rusty ob>ect * identify ob>ects that can rust *conclude that ob>ects made from iron can rust * design a fair test to find out (hat factors cause rusting by deciding (hat to change) (hat to observe and (hat to &eep the same * carry out the test and record the observations * state the different (ays to prevent ob>ects from rusting * e/plain ho( these (ays can prevent rusting * e/plain (hy it is necessary to prevent rusting * list the constituents of the Solar System * list the planets in the Solar System in a se=uence * state that planets move around the Sun * state the si<e of the Sun relative to the si<e of the 3arth * state the si<e of the

SPS / TS / SANV ! "bserving ! #lassifying ! communicating ! 'nterpreting data

1.; Understanding that some materials can rust


! "bserving ! #lassifying ! %a&ing 'nference ! #ontrolling variables ! %a&ing 7ypothesis ! :efining operationally

1.- Understanding that rusting can be prevented +,

! #omparing ! #omparing and contrasting ! %a&ing 'nference ! %a&ing 7ypothesis



1. Ahe Solar System

1.1 Understanding the solar system

! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! %a&ing 'nference

1.* Understanding the relative si<e and distance bet(een the 3arth) the %oon and the Sun

! %easuring and using number ! Predicting ! Using space!time






3arth relative to the si<e of LEARNING OUTCOMES (Pupils.) Ahe %oon * state the relative distance from the 3arth to the Sun compared to the relative distance from the 3arth to the %oon * state (hy certain planets are not conducive for living things * predict (hat (ill happen if the 3arth is placed much nearer or farther from the Sun * conclude that the 3arth is the only planet in the Solar System that has living things * state that there are limitations to human8s abilities to do things * identify devices used to overcome human8s limitations * e/plain ho( certain devices are used to overcome human8s limitations * give e/amples of development of technology * recognise the needs to innovate or invent devices for the betterment of man&ind * identify problems they encounter in their daily life * generate ideas to solve the problems identified * design a device to solve the problems identified * demonstrate ho( the device invented can be used to solve the problems identified * state that technology has advantages and disadvantages * conclude that technology can benefit man&ind if used (isely

relationships SPS / TS / SANV

1.+ .ppreciating the perfect placement of the planet 3arth in the Solar System +0

! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! Predicting ! %a&ing 7ypothesis


1. Aechnology

1.1 Understanding the importance of technology in everyday life

! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! Predicting

+1 1.* Understanding the development of technology ! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! Predicting

1.+ Synthesising hoe technology can be used to solve problems

! "bserving ! #ommunicating ! Predicting

+4 1., .nalysing that technology can benefit man&ind if used (isely ! #lassifying

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